James E. Benson, Michael J. Yaeger, Jane Christopher-Hennings, Kelly Lager, Kyoung-Jin Yoon

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J Vet Diagn Invest 14:8–14 (2002)

A comparison of virus isolation, immunohistochemistry, fetal

serology, and reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction
assay for the identification of porcine reproductive and
respiratory syndrome virus transplacental infection in the fetus
James E. Benson, Michael J. Yaeger, Jane Christopher-Hennings, Kelly Lager, Kyoung-Jin Yoon

Abstract. Virus isolation (VI), immunohistochemistry (IHC), fetal serology, and reverse-transcription poly-
merase chain reaction assay (RT-PCR) were performed on samples from 107 fetuses comprising 10 litters taken
from sows experimentally infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). In
addition to comparing the relative sensitivity and specificity of each test, RT-PCR was evaluated with respect
to the relative suitability of thoracic fluids and tissues as samples, the effects of autolysis, and the effects of
pooling of fetal specimens. VI, IHC, and fetal serology identified PRRSV infection in 48.6%, 23.4%, and 14.9%
of 107 fetuses, respectively, and identified at least 1 infected fetus in 10, 10, and 5 of 10 litters, respectively.
In utero death with autolysis reduced the test efficacy of all 3 methods. Fetal thoracic fluid and tissues were
equally suitable for RT-PCR detection of PRRSV. Pooling fetal tissues or fluids from VI-positive animals with
comparable material from negative controls had no detrimental effect on RT-PCR results when evaluated at
dilutions of 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, and 1:8. The results of RT-PCR testing were positive in 100%, 94.4%, and 83.3% of
VI-positive specimens allowed to autolyze at 4, 21, or 37 C, respectively, for 24, 48, and 96 hours. Compared
with the other testing modalities, RT-PCR appeared to be impacted the least by the adverse effects of autolysis.

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus to identify PRRSV antigen in numerous tissues.9,10 Fetal se-
(PRRSV) is a major cause of reproductive failure in swine. rology has been examined in a variety of abortion diseases,
The disease is characterized by late-term abortion and the albeit with mixed results.1,3,8,11,14,18,19,22 Because PRRSV in-
birth of a mixture of weak and stillborn pigs and dead, au- fection typically causes late gestation reproductive failure,
tolyzed fetuses.17 Porcine reproductive and respiratory syn- there is the potential for aborted or stillborn fetuses to de-
drome (PRRS) can be difficult to diagnose because fetuses velop a detectable immune response. RT-PCR has been used
are the most common specimen submitted to diagnostic lab- for the detection of PRRSV nucleic acids in serum and tis-
oratories in abortion cases, and there are no consistent gross sues.6,7,20 Because successful application of RT-PCR tech-
or microscopic lesions of this syndrome in fetuses.17 Devel- niques relies on the presence of genetic material rather than
opment of practical techniques for assessing the PRRSV sta- infectious virus, RT-PCR can be used to detect inactivated
tus of fetuses would greatly improve the ability of diagnos- or incomplete virions. In addition, the amplification proper-
ticians to identify PRRSV-induced abortion and allow pro- ties of RT-PCR allow detection of very low concentrations
ducers and veterinarians to more efficiently manage repro- of the target material.
ductive losses. In this study, VI, fetal serology, IHC, and RT-PCR tech-
Although PRRSV can be readily isolated from the serum niques were compared for their ability to detect transplacen-
or tissues of presuckled, congenitally infected piglets, in tal PRRSV infection in fetuses derived from sows experi-
utero autolysis rapidly inactivates the virus and interferes mentally infected with PRRSV during late gestation. In ad-
with isolation from aborted transplacentally infected fetus- dition, the effect on RT-PCR of fetal autolysis and pooling
es.12,21 Consequently, virus isolation (VI) for PRRSV from of tissues and serum or thoracic fluids from multiple fetuses
fetuses submitted from field cases of abortion has been ex- and the relative suitability of thoracic fluids and tissues for
tremely disappointing. Other potential techniques for the di- RT-PCR were evaluated.
agnosis of transplacental PRRSV infection include immu-
nohistochemistry (IHC), fetal serology, and the reverse-tran- Materials and methods
scription polymerase chain reaction assay (RT-PCR). Im- Experimental animals
munohistochemical techniques have been used extensively As part of a related study,2 naturally mated pregnant sows
were obtained from a herd deemed free of PRRSV based on
From the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory, Iowa State Univer-
clinical and serologic history. Sows were seronegative for
sity, Ames, IA 50011 (Benson, Yaeger, Yoon), the Department of
Veterinary Science, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD PRRSV at purchase and following 2 wk in isolation. Ten
57007 (Christopher-Hennings), and the National Animal Disease randomly selected animals were exposed to PRRSV on or
Center, United States Department of Agriculture, Ames, IA 50201 about day 90 of gestation by intramuscular injection of
(Lager). PRRSV strain NADC-8. Similar sows challenged with a
Received for publication December 14, 2000. sham inoculum served as controls. All animals were eutha-
Comparison of PRRS diagnostics 9

nized at 21 days postinoculation (DPI) (approximately day conjugated with fluorescein isothiocyanate, were incubated
111 of gestation) and necropsied. Serum was collected to 30–45 min, and were examined by fluorescent microscopy.
assess for seroconversion in exposed animals. Fetuses were Test monolayers were compared with negative and positive
collected from each sow at necropsy. Fetuses were deemed controls; positive status was based on the presence of typical
live if they had an umbilical pulse or heartbeat. Fetuses iden- foci of fluorescence.
tified as dead included autolyzed fetuses and fetuses that
appeared fresh but lacked a heartbeat or umbilical pulse. Immunohistochemistry
Serum or thoracic fluid from live and dead fetuses, respec- Immunohistochemical staining of fetal lung, thymus, liver,
tively, and tissues (brain, lung, cardiac muscle, liver, spleen, spleen, and umbilical cord was performed as previously de-
tonsil, placenta, umbilical cord, aorta, thymus, and medias- scribed9 using a modified automated procedure. Tissues were
tinal lymph nodes) were collected and held at ⫺70 C pend- fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin and routinely pro-
ing testing. Similar tissues were routinely fixed in 10% neu- cessed in an automated tissue processor to produce paraffin
tral buffered formalin. Fetal specimens from sham-chal- blocks. Three-micrometer-thick sections were mounted on
lenged sows served as laboratory test controls. poly-L-lysine–coated glass slides, deparaffinized with 2
changes of xylene, and rehydrated through graded alchohol
Challenge virus baths to distilled water. Endogenous peroxidase was re-
The NADC-8 PRRSV strain was prepared as previously moved by 3% hydrogen peroxide and digestion with 0.05%
described.14 The virus was isolated from serum of a weak- protease. Slides were prepared in an automated immunohis-
born pig on MARC-145 cells. The cell culture was frozen tochemical processor utilizing primary monoclonal antibody
and thawed, and the virus was passed 2 more times. Third- ascites fluids containing antibodies SDOW-17a and SR-30a
passage virus was titrated and diluted with serum-free min- diluted 1:1,000 in Tris-PBS followed by biotinylated goat
imal essential medium (MEM) to prepare challenge virus anti-mouse linking antibody, peroxidase-conjugated strep-
inoculum. A virus-free control sham inoculum was prepared tavidin, and 3,3⬘-diaminobenzidine tetrahydrochloride.
in a similar fashion from MARC-145 cells. Slides were counterstained with hematoxylin.
Virus isolation RT-PCR
Virus isolation with fetal serum or thoracic fluid was per- Individual fetuses. Pooled tissue samples (lung, liver,
formed as previously described.13–15 Cultured cells of the brain, spleen, umbilical cord) from each fetus were placed
MARC-145 cell line were propagated in Eagle MEM sup- in a separate sterile whirl-pak bag. Two milliliters of sterile
plemented with 10% fetal calf serum and gentamycin sulfate Hanks buffer per gram of fetal tissue composite was added,
(0.05 mg/ml). Two hundred microliters of the appropriate and the tissues were homogenized for 120 sec in a stomach-
sample was added to the nutrient medium (1 ml) of a con- er. One milliliter of the resulting homogenate was drawn off
fluent monolayer of MARC-145 cells and incubated at 37 C with a separate sterile pipet and held at ⫺70 C until tested
in a humid atmosphere of 5% CO2. Cell cultures were ex- by RT-PCR.
amined daily for 7 days for cytopathic effect. Culture me- Effect of pooling. Tissue homogenate and thoracic fluid
dium (0.2 ml) from the inoculated wells was used to inoc- from each of 6 VI/RT-PCR–positive fetuses were pooled
ulate a second passage when primary isolation was unsuc- with similarly processed tissue homogenate or thoracic fluid
cessful. Lack of cytopathic effect in these cultures was in- from VI/RT-PCR–negative control fetuses at dilution ratios
terpreted as a negative test. of 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, and 1:8, and the resulting pooled specimens
were tested by RT-PCR.
Fetal serology Effect of fetal autolysis. Pooled tissues (brain, liver,
Samples of fetal serum or thoracic fluid from live or dead spleen, lung, umbilical cord) from 9 PRRSV VI-positive fe-
fetuses, respectively, were tested for PRRSV antibodies by tuses were divided evenly into 4 aliquots on individual
indirect fluorescent antibody (IFA) test as previously de- weighing boats with a separate sterile scalpel blade under a
scribed.23 MARC-145 cells were propagated and seeded onto laminar flow hood, placed in separate whirl-pak bags, and
8-chamber slides. Cell cultures were incubated in Eagle incubated for 0, 24, 48, or 96 hr to mimic postmortem de-
MEM with 10% fetal bovine serum plus 0.25 ␮g/ml ampho- composition. Groups A, B, and C, each consisting of sam-
tericin-B and 50 ␮g/ml gentamicin in a humidified chamber ples from 3 fetuses, were stored at 4 C, 21 C, and 37 C,
at 37 C and with 5% CO2 until 70–80% monolayering was respectively. After incubation, 1 ml of free tissue fluid was
acheived (about 34 hr). Strain NADC-8 PRRSV-infected cul- drawn off each sample with a separate sterile pipet to mimic
ture medium containing sufficient virus to produce 15–20 thoracic fluid. Gloves were changed between samples. Sam-
plaque-forming units was added to each chamber, and the ples incubated at 37 C were processed first because these
cultures were incubated for 24–36 hr. Culture medium was samples were the most likely to be negative. Two milliliters
removed, and the monolayers were fixed in 80% aqueous of sterile Hanks buffer per gram of fetal tissue was added
acetone for 10 min and stored at ⫺80 C until used. Serum to the remaining tissue, and the tissues were homogenized
samples were diluted 1:20 in phosphate-buffered saline for 120 sec. One milliliter of tissue homogenate from each
(PBS), 50 ␮l of diluted serum was placed in each chamber, sample was drawn off with a separate sterile pipet. Each of
and the slides were incubated for 30–45 min at 37 C. Slides the resulting 63 tissue homogenate and thoracic fluid sam-
were washed with successive changes of PBS followed by ples was held at ⫺70 C until tested by RT-PCR.
distilled water, were coated with 50 ␮l goat anti-swine IgG Comparison of tissue and thoracic fluid RT-PCR. Tho-
10 Benson et al.

racic fluid from 20 fetuses whose tissue homogenates were Virus isolation
positive by VI/RT-PCR and from 9 fetuses whose tissue ho-
Fifty-two of 107 fetuses (48.6%) were positive by
mogenates were negative by VI/RT-PCR were assessed, and
VI, including 4 of 34 dead fetuses (11.8%) and 48 of
the tissue and fluid results were compared.
RT-PCR procedure. Samples of tissue and fetal fluids
73 live fetuses (65.7%). Of the 52 VI-positive fetuses,
were analyzed by RT-PCR as previously described.5,6 Sterile 48 (92.3%) were deemed alive at the time of sow nec-
gloves were worn routinely throughout the procedures and ropsy. At least 1 VI-positive fetus was identified in
repeatedly changed as appropriate. Tissue samples were ho- each litter.
mogenized in 2 ml Hanks balanced salt solution per gram
of tissue. Five hundred microliters of serum, thoracic fluid,
or tissue homogenate was added to an equal volume of lysis Twenty-five of 107 fetuses (23.4%) were positive
buffer consisting of 4 M guanidinium thiocyanate, 25 mM by IHC. Thymus, liver, spleen, lung, and umbilical
sodium citrate (pH 7), 0.5% sarcosyl, and 0.1 M 2-mercap- cord were positive in 25, 16, 15, 8, and 5 specimens,
toethanol. Five hundred microliters of the lysed product was respectively. Thymus was the only tissue to be positive
then added to an equal volume of phenol chloroform–isoa- in all IHC-positive fetuses. All of the 25 IHC-positive
myl alchohol, vortexed, and centrifuged at 10,000 ⫻ g for 5 fetuses were identified as positive by VI. Twenty-four
min. Extraction with phenol chloroform–isoamyl alchohol of 25 IHC-positive fetuses (96%) were deemed alive
was repeated, and the upper phase was transferred to 500 ␮l at the time of sow necropsy. All litters had at least 1
chloroform–isoamyl alchohol and centrifuged. One-third
IHC-positive fetus. The sensitivity of IHC compared
volume of 2 M sodium acetate (pH 4) and 2 volumes of cold
95% ethanol were added to the sample, and the sample was
with VI was 48.1% and 100% on a per fetus and per
frozen at ⫺70 C for 1 hr. The sample was centrifuged at litter basis, respectively, when all 5 tissues were as-
16,000 ⫻ g, washed twice in 70% ethanol, resuspended in sessed. Specificity compared with VI was 100%.
30 ␮l sterile distilled water,b and held at ⫺70 C. Fetal serology
Outer and nested primers were derived from open reading
frame 7 of the PRRSV strain VR-2332 genome. The outer Sixteen of 107 (14.9%) fetuses were positive by fe-
sense and antisense primers included nucleotides 2763–2785 tal serology. All 16 were positive by VI, and only 3
(5⬘-TCGTGTTGGGTGGCAGAAAAGC-3⬘) and nucleo- were positive by IHC. Fifteen of 16 (93.8%) were
tides 3247–3225 (5⬘-GCCATTCACCACACATTCTTCC- alive at sow necropsy. Five of 10 (50%) litters had at
3⬘), respectively. The nested sense and antisense primers in- least 1 serologically positive fetus. The sensitivity of
cluded nucleotides 2885–2907 (5⬘-CCAGATGCTGGGT- fetal serology compared with VI was 30.8% and 50%
AAGATCATC-3⬘) and nucleotides 3121–3099 (5⬘-CAGT- on a per fetus and per litter basis, respectively. Spec-
GTAACTTATCCTCCTGA-3⬘), respectively. ificity compared with VI was 100%.
A commercially available RT-PCR systemc was utilized
for reverse transcription and outer and nested RT-PCR re- RT-PCR
actions. The outer and nested reactions consisted of 40 and Individual samples. Of the 94 samples evaluated,
30 cycles, respectively. Denaturing, annealing, and extension 88 (93.6%) were RT-PCR positive. Forty-seven sam-
temperatures and times were 95 C for 25 sec, 58 C for 5
ples were VI/RT-PCR positive, 4 samples were VI
sec, and 74 C for 25 sec, respectively. A 484-base pair (bp)
positive/RT-PCR negative, 41 samples were RT-PCR
outer and 236-bp nested product were visualized on a 1%
agarose geld containig 0.5 ␮g ethidium bromide/ml of aga-
positive/VI negative, and 2 samples were VI/RT-PCR
rose. The gel was subsequently photographed under ultra- negative. Of the samples that were RT-PCR positive
violet illumination. This RT-PCR assay could detect as few and VI negative, 28 (68.3%) came from pigs that were
as 10 virions/ml.6 dead in utero.
Pooled samples. Forty-eight samples were tested,
Results representing 6 VI/RT-PCR–positive tissue homoge-
nates and 6 VI/RT-PCR–positive thoracic fluids, each
All exposed females seroconverted by 21 DPI. A pooled at 1:1, 1:2, 1:4, and 1:8 with similar specimens
total of 107 fetuses from 10 litters were evaluated for from negative control animals that were VI/RT-PCR
evidence of PRRSV infection by VI, IHC, and fetal negative. All 48 pooled samples were positive by RT-
serology. Tissues from 94 of these fetuses were also PCR.
evaluated by RT-PCR. Of the 107 total, 34 (31.8%) Autolyzed samples. All tissue and thoracic fluid
were dead and 73 (68.2%) were deemed alive at the samples from VI-positive fetuses were RT-PCR posi-
time of necropsy at 21 DPI. Results are tabulated in tive at time 0 and at each postincubation time period,
Table 1 (data from fetuses negative by VI, IHC, and with the exception of 2 tissue samples (21 C/48 hours
fetal serology not shown). Specimens from 50 fetuses and 37 C/48 hours) and 2 thoracic fluid samples (37
derived from 4 control litters were negative by all C/24 and 48 hours) (Table 2). Of 54 incubated sam-
methods. ples, 50 (92.6%) were positive. Eighteen of 18 (100%)
Comparison of PRRS diagnostics 11

Table 1. Results of virus isolation (VI), immunohistochemistry (IHC), fetal serology, and reverse-transcription polymerase chain
reaction (RT-PCR) testing of fetuses from sows infected with porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus. Fetuses with all negative
values for VI, IHC, and serology not shown.

Sow no. Pig no. Live/dead VI (positive tissue*) Serology RT-PCR

10 1 live pos thy neg pos

2 live pos sp, thy, li neg pos
3 live pos neg neg neg
4 live pos neg neg pos
6 live pos neg neg pos
11 12 live pos spl, thy, li, lu neg not tested
12 2 live pos spl, thy, li neg pos
5 live pos spl, thy neg pos
6 live pos neg pos pos
7 live pos neg pos pos
8 live pos neg pos pos
9 live pos neg pos pos
10 live pos neg pos pos
14 1 live pos spl, thy, li, lu neg pos
2 live pos spl, thy, li, lu neg pos
3 dead pos spl, thy, li, lu umb neg pos
5 live pos spl, thy, li, lu neg pos
7 live pos neg neg neg
8 live pos neg neg pos
9 live pos neg neg pos
15 1 live pos neg neg neg
4 dead pos neg pos pos
7 live pos neg pos pos
8 live pos neg pos pos
9 live pos neg pos pos
10 live pos thy, lu, umb pos pos
16 1 live pos thy neg pos
2 live pos spl, thy, li, umb pos pos
3 live pos neg pos pos
4 live pos thy, li neg pos
5 live pos spl, thy, li, lu neg pos
6 live pos spl, thy, li, lu, umb neg pos
7 live pos neg neg pos
17 2 live pos thy, li neg pos
3 dead pos neg neg pos
4 live pos thy, li neg pos
18 2 live pos spl, thy, li, umb pos pos
3 live pos spl, thy, li neg pos
4 dead pos neg neg pos
8 live pos thy neg pos
10 live pos neg pos pos
11 live pos neg pos pos
12 live pos thy neg pos
19 8 live pos neg pos neg
10 live pos thy neg pos
12 live pos spl, thy neg pos
13 live pos neg neg pos
20 1 live pos neg neg pos
2 live pos neg neg pos
5 live pos thy neg pos
8 live pos neg neg pos
9 live pos spl, thy, li neg pos
* thy ⫽ thymus; li ⫽ liver; lu ⫽ lung; spl ⫽ spleen; umb ⫽ umbilical cord.
12 Benson et al.

Table 2. Results of reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis of fetal pig tissue and thoracic fluid positive for
porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus following autolysis at various temperatures.

Tissue Fluid
sample (⬚C) 24 hr 48 hr 96 hr 24 hr 48 hr 96 hr

A 4 pos pos pos pos pos pos

B 4 pos pos pos pos pos pos
C 4 pos pos pos pos pos pos
D 21 pos neg pos pos pos pos
E 21 pos pos pos pos pos pos
F 21 pos pos pos pos pos pos
G 37 pos neg pos pos pos pos
H 37 pos pos pos neg pos pos
I 37 pos pos pos pos pos neg

samples held at typical refrigerator temperature (4 C, quite specific; titers were detected only in VI-positive
group A), 17 of 18 (94.4%) at room temperature (21 fetuses. However, fetal serology detected only 16
C, group B), and 15 of 18 (83.3%) at normal body (30.8%) of 52 VI-positive fetuses, and 1 or more IFA-
temperature (37 C, group C) remained positive (Table positive fetuses were detected in only 5 of 10 (50%)
2). infected litters. Even if the entire litter is evaluated,
Comparison of tissue and thoracic fluid RT-PCR. fetal serology appears to be of limited value. In this
All 20 thoracic fluid samples from fetuses whose tissue experimental model, fetal samples were collected at 21
homogenates were positive by VI/RT-PCR were also DPI; in field cases utilizing full-term weakborn, pre-
RT-PCR positive. All 9 thoracic fluid samples from suckled piglets, the duration of intrauterine exposure
fetuses whose tissue homogenates were negative by may be longer, resulting in a higher percentage of pos-
VI/RT-PCR were negative. If the 27 pairs of samples itive animals. Application of serologic testing could be
from the autolysis study are included, RT-PCR results enhanced by the use of an IgM-rather than an IgG-
for tissue and thoracic fluid were in agreement in 43 based test because IgM levels rise before IgG levels.
of the 47 (91%) sets of samples. Two samples in the Immunohistochemistry was more sensitive than fe-
autolysis study tissue pools were positive while the tal serology under the conditions of this study. When
thoracic fluid was negative, and 2 samples of thoracic thymus, liver, spleen, lung, and umbilicus from each
fluid were positive while the tissue pools were nega- fetus were assessed on a single IHC slide, PRRSV
tive. antigen was detected in 1 or more tissues of 25 fetuses.
Overall, IHC detected PRRSV in 23.4% of fetuses and
Discussion 48.1% of VI-positive animals. IHC detected PRRSV
The sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic tests are antigen in at least 1 fetus in all VI-positive litters. In
generally based on a ‘‘gold standard.’’ Unfortunately, fetuses in which PRRSV antigen was detected in 1 or
there is currently no recognized gold standard for the more tissues, positive cells were identified in 100% of
detection of PRRSV in transplacentally infected fetus- the thymuses, 64% of the livers, 60% of the spleens,
es. In live pigs, swine bioassay may be the most sen- 32% of the lungs, and 20% of the umbilical cords.
sitive test for the detection of PRRSV. However, this These results indicate that tissue selection may have a
standard may not be applicable to aborted fetuses be- dramatic impact on the sensitivity of PRRSV IHC.
cause of the complications of in utero death and fetal However, these results might not be relevant to all
autolysis. In the present study, VI was used as the strains of PRRSV. In a report involving a limited num-
standard against which the other tests were evaluated. ber (13) of naturally infected fetuses, IHC demonstrat-
It was predicted that fetal serology would detect a ed PRRSV in fetal spleen, lung and liver, and thymus
large percentage of PRRSV-infected fetuses because in 7, 5, and 4 fetuses, respectively.4
sows were inoculated when fetuses were immunocom- The results of this study emphasize the potential im-
petent and the majority of fetuses were collected at 21 pact of autolysis on the detection of PRRSV in fetuses.
DPI. Antibody has been demonstrated in fetal serum The adverse effect of autolysis on VI results has been
under similar experimental circumstances.14 The IFA well documented.12,21 Of the 107 fetuses evaluated, 34
test was chosen in this trial to allow use of the chal- (31.8%) were dead and 73 (68.2%) were alive at the
lenge virus as the cell culture inoculum. The IFA tests time of sow necropsy. Four of the dead fetuses
to detect IgG specific for PRRSV antigen were posi- (11.8%) were VI positive, and 48 of the live fetuses
tive in only 14.9% of the fetuses. The IFA tests were (65.7%) were VI positive. Of the 52 VI-positive fe-
Comparison of PRRS diagnostics 13

tuses, 48 (92.3%) were alive at the time of necropsy animals remained negative. But considering the sen-
at 21 DPI. These results are in agreement with those sitivity of RT-PCR and the facilities available for nec-
of other studies in which VI rates in PRRSV-positive ropsy, the possibility of cross-contamination of fetuses
tissues decreased to 47% and 7% after 24 and 72 hours within a litter does exist, and thus the results of this
of storage at 25 C, respectively.21 Similarly stored se- study should be interpreted with caution.
rum was less affected in that study.
Fifteen of 16 (93.8%) serologically positive fetuses Sources and manufacturers
were alive at the time of sow necropsy. Autolysis has a. Rural Technologies, Brookings, SD.
been observed to negatively influence fetal serology in b. Gibco BRL, Grand Island, NY.
c. GeneAmp RT/PCR kit, Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA.
other abortion-related diseases.16 However, considering d. SeaKem, FMC Bioproducts, Rockland, MA.
the dynamics of fetal infection and immune response,
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