CSL 331 Algorithms
CSL 331 Algorithms
CSL 331 Algorithms
Write a program for First Come First Serve Scheduling
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Enter the number of processors.
Step 3: Enter the processes name, arrival time and burst time.
Step 4: Make the waiting time of the first process as the arrival of the first process.
Step 5: Calculate the waiting time of each process ie burst time – arrival time.
Step 6: Calculate the turnaround time of each process ie waiting time + burst time
Step7: Calculate average waiting time by adding waiting time of each process and divide by the
total number of processes and also display it.
Step 8: Calculate the average turnaround time and display it.
Step 9: Call function display ()
Step 10: Stop.
display ( )
Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Display the process name.
Step 3: Display waiting time under their respective processes.
Step 4: Repeat step 2 and 3 for all processes.
Step 5: Stop.
Write a program for Shortest Job First Scheduling
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Enter the number of processors.
Step 3: Enter the processes name, and burst time.
Step 4: Sort processes in ascending order of the burst time, if they arrive within the
burst time of the previous processes
Step 5: Calculate the average turnaround time and display it.
Step 6: Call function display ( ).
Step 7: Stop.
display ( )
Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Display the process name.
Step 3: Display waiting time under their respective processes.
Step 4: Repeat step 2 and 3 for all processes.
Step 5: Stop
Write a program to perform priority scheduling
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Enter the number of processors.
Step 3: Enter the processes name, priority and burst time.
Step 4: Sort processes in ascending order of the priority.
Step 5: Calculate and display the average waiting time and turnaround time.
Step 7: Call function display()
Step 10: Stop.
display ( )
Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Display the process name.
Step 3: Display waiting time under their respective processes.
Step 4: Repeat step 2 and 3 for all processes.
Step 5: Stop.
Write a program to perform Round Robin scheduling
Step 1: Start
Step 2: Enter the number of processors.
Step 3: Enter the time slice.
Step 4: If burst time < time slice, then execute process completely, go to step 7
Step 5: Execute the process upto the time slice and save the remaining burst time and
start the next process.
Step 6: Calculate and display the average waiting time and turnaround time.
Step 7: Call function display()
Step 8: Stop.
display ( )
Step 1: Start.
Step 2: Display the process name.
Step 3: Display waiting time under their respective processes.
Step 4: Repeat step 2 and 3 for all processes.
Step 5: Stop
Write a program to implement the bankers algorithm for deadlock avoidance.
Step 1: Start the program.
Step 2: Get the values of resources and processes.
Step 3: Get the avail value.
Step 4: After allocation find the need value.
Step 5: Check whether its possible to allocate.
Step 6: If it is possible then the system is in safe state.
Step 7: Else system is not in safety state.
Step 8: If the new request comes then check that the system is in safety.
Step 9: If not if we allow the request.
Step 10: Stop the program.
Safety Algorithm:
Step 1: Work and Finish be the vector of length m and n respectively, Work=Available and
Finish[i] =False.
Step 2: Find an i such that both
Finish[i] =False
If no such I exists go to step 4.
Step 3: work=work+Allocation, Finish[i] =True;
Step 4: if Finish[1]=True for all I, then the system is in safe state.
Resource request algorithm:
Let Request i be request vector for the process Pi, If request i=[j]=k, then process Pi wants k
instances of resource type Rj.
Step 1: if Request<=Need I go to step 2. Otherwise raise an error condition.
Step 2: if Request<=Available go to step 3. Otherwise Pi must since the resources are
Step 3: Have the system pretend to have allocated the requested resources to process Pi by
modifying the state as follows;
Available=Available-Request I;
Allocation I =Allocation +Request I;
Need i=Need i-Request I;
Write a program to implement FIFO page replacement algorithm.
Step 1. Start to traverse the pages.
• Step 2. If the memory holds fewer pages, then the capacity else goes to step 5.
• Step 3. Push pages in the queue one at a time until the queue reaches its maximum capacity
or all page requests are fulfilled.
• Step 4. If the current page is present in the memory, do nothing.
• Step 5. Else, pop the topmost page from the queue as it was inserted first.
• Step 6. Replace the topmost page with the current page from the string.
• Step 7. Increment the page faults.
• Step 8. Stop
b) LRU
Write a program to implement LRU page replacement algorithm.
Step-1 : Initialize count as 0.
Step-2 : Create a vector / array of size equal to memory capacity.
Create a map to store frequency of pages
Step-3 : Traverse elements of pages[]
Step-4 : In each traversal:
if(element is present in memory):
remove the element and push the element at the end
increase its frequency
if(memory is full)
remove the first element and decrease frequency of 1st element
Increment count
push the element at the end and increase its frequency
Compare frequency with other pages starting from the 2nd last page
Sort the pages based on their frequency and time at which they arrive
if frequency is same, then, the page arriving first must be placed first