This document is a logistics invoice from SpotOn Logistics Pvt Ltd for transporting a shipment. It provides details of the sender and receiver such as their names, addresses, GST numbers. It also includes shipment details like number of packages, actual and charged weight, freight charges including basic freight, VTC/FTC charges. The document states the terms and conditions are on the reverse and the information provided is true.
This document is a logistics invoice from SpotOn Logistics Pvt Ltd for transporting a shipment. It provides details of the sender and receiver such as their names, addresses, GST numbers. It also includes shipment details like number of packages, actual and charged weight, freight charges including basic freight, VTC/FTC charges. The document states the terms and conditions are on the reverse and the information provided is true.
This document is a logistics invoice from SpotOn Logistics Pvt Ltd for transporting a shipment. It provides details of the sender and receiver such as their names, addresses, GST numbers. It also includes shipment details like number of packages, actual and charged weight, freight charges including basic freight, VTC/FTC charges. The document states the terms and conditions are on the reverse and the information provided is true.
This document is a logistics invoice from SpotOn Logistics Pvt Ltd for transporting a shipment. It provides details of the sender and receiver such as their names, addresses, GST numbers. It also includes shipment details like number of packages, actual and charged weight, freight charges including basic freight, VTC/FTC charges. The document states the terms and conditions are on the reverse and the information provided is true.
526749615 Neg. O ormerly Startrek Logistics Pvt Ltd) : Thanavan, 23/ 24, Infantry PAN : AAQCS5845Q Road, Bangalore - 560 001 4Z SENDER's NAME & ADDRESs SpotoN DATE BKG TIME Jro Copy SENDER Cust. Code PRODUCT ROAD EXPRESSBKG ING BR NAME BKG BR CD. ----- -urol------ --doro---i-- Cust. Name Floor No. DLY BR NAME DLY BR CODE Ref/ Inv. No. After Cut-off Time DC ACKN ODA LOC.NAME Add. SPL. SERVICES SHIPMENT DETAILS SHIPMENT DIMENSION (in Cms.) STATE/UT: FTL No of Pcs. Dimensions No. Of Pkgs. W/H City: Pin code VTC/FTC Actual Weight Tel. No.: (Kg) GST No. DACC/DC PPWK RECEIVED Modvat Permit Validity date Charged Weight Invoice RECEIVER'S NAME &ADDRE (Kg) Total Cust. Code PO/STN AMT to be collected 1 Permit FREIGHT CHARGES AMOUNT(In ) Cust. Name Declaration Connote Charge VTC |Ref/Inv. No. * * * * MODVAT Basic Freight FTC Add. BOOKING MODE OTHERS FOV LIABILITY Cash Credit ODA Charges STATE/UT: FTC FOC Pin code: ; Owners Risk FTC Charges City: -----------q- Carrier's Risk VALUE OF CARGO Tel. No. VTC/ DACC Charges GST No. DC Ack Charges DETAILS OF FREIGHT RECEIPT Permit Validity date Modvat Start NoO. End No. Handling Charges CASH CHa D Misc. Charges AMOUNT IN WORDS SUB TOTAL GST 526749615 GRAND TOTAL Thereby agree to the terms & Conditions set forth on the reverse of this sender's copy ot thiS non.negoadieCONNOTE' & warrant that the information contained on thisQONNOTE is true & correct. RECEIVER'S REMARKS: Channel Partner's Code RECEIVER'S NAME: Sign & Starmp TIME OF DELIVERY: H H M M Channel Partner's Signature Sign. & Stamp of Sender DATE OF DELIVERY: CONTACT US AT 1800200 1414 Sender's COpy E-ma il: Mobile/Ph No. REGISTRATION DETAIL LOG ON TO FOR GST AG ddce note Shows That nroX approx FIwuruL7us'described Frie r u r L u u s and that all particulars are true anC Delivery n Declare That This