Sap Jam Admin Guide

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SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Document Version: 1.0 – 2021-05-21

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

© 2021 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.



1 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
1.1 About SAP Jam Collaboration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.2 Other documentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11
1.3 SAP Jam Collaboration security and compliance FAQ. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Personal data and privacy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.4 SAP Jam integrated with SuccessFactors Platform. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
1.5 Administrator types access. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
1.6 View your SAP Jam service general information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26
1.7 Area Overview page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.8 Initial administrator tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
1.9 Single sign-on and deep linking. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
1.10 Custom domains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31
1.11 Zip files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

2 Users. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.1 About user types. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
2.2 Users and member lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
User privileges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42
Access the trash of a group member to restore a deleted group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Create and manage member lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Create and manage dynamic member lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Assign users to a group via a member list. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Imported member lists. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50
2.3 About User Management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
2.4 About notification emails. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
2.5 Overview of external user administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55
2.6 External user management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
2.7 Alias Accounts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
2.8 Identity Authentication and Identity Provisioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
2.9 SCIM Provisioning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62

3 Administrative Areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.1 Area setup overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
3.2 Configure administrative areas. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
3.3 Area membership. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
3.4 Switcher for home pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
3.5 Customize the area home page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

2 PUBLIC Content
3.6 Page content administrators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.7 Area dashboard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.8 Group templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
3.9 Widgets for company and area home pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Catalog search widget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Name widget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Notification widget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Recent items widget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Recommendation widget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Rotating banner widget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81
3.10 Company and area branding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

4 Branding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
4.1 Configure the Branding and Support options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
Best practices for custom headers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Custom Header Tutorial. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
4.2 Default SAP Jam color branding. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
4.3 SAP Jam mobile app. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4.4 Configure Email Templates options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
4.5 QR Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.6 Text replacement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
4.7 Setting a Custom Favicon. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117

5 Product Setup. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

5.1 Configure SAP Jam Collaboration Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
5.2 Customize the home page. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Persistent site navigation and links. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .134
Announcement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
Row settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Auto-save. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
Mirrored content. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
5.3 Custom Profile administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
5.4 Configure Kudos options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
5.5 Configure the Quick Tour. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5.6 Hashtags administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
5.7 Knowledge base. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5.8 Groups management. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
5.9 Group templates administration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
5.10 Content templates. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
5.11 Third party analytics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161
5.12 Site administration tasks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162

6 Integrations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Content PUBLIC 3
6.1 Integrations overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
6.2 Integrate business records. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166
Develop a new or custom business records integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .173
Integrate SAP CRM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
Integrate SAP ECC (SD). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184
Integrate SAP Cloud for Customer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
Integrate SAP SuccessFactors Learning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
Configure a business record filter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Configure a business record sort order. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Configure access to business records in SAP Jam Collaboration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
6.3 Access and Authorization overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Add a Trusted Certificate Authority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Add an OAuth Client. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Add a SAML Trusted IDP. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Configure SAP Jam Collaboration as a SAML Local Identity Provider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
6.4 Integrate an SAP S/4HANA application. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220
SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Professional Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
6.5 Integrate document repositories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Integrate SharePoint 2010 or 2013. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .237
Federate SAP Jam Collaboration search results into SharePoint searches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 241
Integrate Alfresco One 4.2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Integrate SAP Extended ECM by OpenText. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
Integrate Office 365 SharePoint Sites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253
Integrate SAP Document Center. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 258
Integrate Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262
Integrate Google Drive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
Troubleshoot CMIS Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265
Access document repositories in SAP Jam Collaboration groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
Access Office 365 Online Sites. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
6.6 OpenSocial Gadgets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
6.7 Integrate SAP Jam with gamification vendors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Badgeville. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Bunchball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
6.8 Mentoring and coaching groups. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
6.9 Use the Widget Builders. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
Use the Feed Widget Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
Use the Recommendations Widget Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .292
Use the Share Widget Builder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 295
6.10 Use the SAP Jam Collaboration API. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
6.11 Configure Global Assignment in Employee Central. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
6.12 Configure a SAML Local Service Provider. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

4 PUBLIC Content
6.13 Push notifications for webhooks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .306
6.14 Zapier to SAP Jam Integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
6.15 Microsoft® Skype for Business® integration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 308

7 Compliance and Security. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310

7.1 Configure External User Terms of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 310
7.2 Configure a Custom Terms of Service. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311
7.3 Configure Content Administration options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312
7.4 Configure Compliance monitoring. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317
7.5 Configure Security options. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320

8 Mobile. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323
8.1 Configure the SAP Jam mobile app. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .323

9 Analytics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
9.1 Administrator reports. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328
Activity summary by month or week. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330
Company settings changes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Company user detail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Compliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .333
Content views by week or month. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Contribution by object by week or month. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335
Engagement. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Expertise. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Group activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Group administrators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .340
Group member activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Group template activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Kudos detail. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Questions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Mobile activation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
SAP Jam mobile activation detailed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Search summary by week or month. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .348
Terms of service compliance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .349
Top disk usage per group or per user. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Top disk usage per group per message thread. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
User contribution activity. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
User contribution by week or month. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354
User page views by week or month. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
9.2 Dashboard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
Login activity example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 360

10 Extensions Catalog. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .362

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Content PUBLIC 5
10.1 Add extensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .362

11 Get Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364

11.1 Request support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .364

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

6 PUBLIC Content
1 Overview

1.1 About SAP Jam Collaboration

SAP Jam Collaboration is an enterprise social networking solution that allows you to bring your employees,
partners, and customers together with the documents and application data necessary to enable effective,
collaborative problem solving and decision making. These activities are organized in a structured form that
provides intuitive access to content and discussions, while encouraging the pursuit of business-critical
objectives, and while following established processes through SAP Jam "work patterns".

SAP Jam provides features such as the ability to create wikis and blogs, discussions on ideas, questions, and
issues, and share images, videos, and documents—with document versioning—as well as providing tools to
create and assign tasks, schedule meetings and calendar events, run polls, chat, and view and discuss data
from external business-critical applications. These activities are organized within public or private groups that
are internal to your organization or external to include customers and partners, and which can be based on
templates designed to address specific issues, key business objectives, or services.

System Requirements for SAP Jam web application

SAP Jam is a cloud-based offering that requires a connection to the Internet and a supported web browser.
Working with SAP Jam requires the following:

Internet browser

Browser Version Notes

Microsoft Internet Explorer 11

 Note
Please note that SAP Jam Collaboration will no longer sup­
port Internet Explorer as of November 2021!

Support for IE 8, 9, and 10 was dropped as of March 4, 2016. In­

ternet Explorer 9 and 10 are no longer supported because Micro­
soft ended support for these browsers on January 12, 2016.

Microsoft Edge latest

Mozilla Firefox latest

Safari latest

Google Chrome latest Version 42 and later are not supported for Microsoft Skype for
Business integration with Microsoft Office, nor for audio and
video recording

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 7
Microsoft Office integrations

 Note

In addition to this admin guide, please refer to the support or product information web pages for Microsoft
Office. Make note of any end of mainstream or extended support dates for various versions. SAP Jam
integrations can only work so far as a third party product is supported.

Google Chrome configuration and third-party cookies

By default, Google Chrome allows third-party cookies. If your IT department chooses to block third-party
cookies, you'll need to configure Google Chrome to allow third-party cookies from the SuccessFactors and SAP
Jam domains.

To allow third-party cookies

1. Open the Google Chrome browser and type the following in the address bar: chrome://settings/content/

 Note

The toggle for Block third-party cookies will be set to enabled.

2. Scroll to the Allow section.

3. Click Add and enter the SuccessFactors (*, *, *,
*, or * and SAP Jam (* or * domains used by your SuccessFactors
and SAP Jam company instances.

Allow third party cookies

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

8 PUBLIC Overview
Browser configurations

Configuration Requirements

Cache size ● 250 MB.

● SAP Jam is a Web 2.0 application that uses caching heavily for static content. Do
not clear your organization's web proxy cache as this will significantly impact per­
● Newer web pages must be enabled.

HTTP 1.1 and JavaScript ● Enable.

Browser session cookies (non-per­ ● Enable for authentication purposes.


Pop-up windows ● Allow for SAP Jam domains.

Oracle Java Runtime Environment ● 1.7 or higher is required for recording audio and video.

Video encoding ● Videos are encoded at two levels: standard definition (480p) and high definition

Network bandwidth ● speeds of 300-400 Kbit/s

 Note

There are additional requirements for the learning management system package (LMS), for the virtual
learning classroom, and for the SuccessFactors HCM suite. Please check with your SAP Jam representative
to ensure your users' equipment meets these requirements if you purchase either of these packages.

System Requirements for SAP Jam mobile application

 Note

SAP Jam tests a subset of the most popular devices. The list of supported devices for Android, along with
any other restrictions or requirements, is reviewed and updated as needed with each release.

Mobile app and mobile web support

OS Requirements

SAP Jam mobile app for iOS ● iPhone or iPad running iOS 10.x or later

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 9
OS Requirements

SAP Jam mobile web for iOS ● Safari (iOS 10.x or later)

 Note
Due to reduced screen size not all SAP Jam features are available via
a mobile browser.

SAP Jam mobile app for Android ● Device running Android 5.x or later

SAP Jam mobile web for Android ● Chrome (version 56.x or later)

 Note
Due to reduced screen size not all SAP Jam features are available via
a mobile browser.

Supported MDM/EMM solutions (for app ● SAP Mobile Secure

access restriction) ● AirWatch
● MobileIron

Security and clickjacking prevention

When using one of the supported browsers listed in this topic to access SAP Jam, malicious attempts at user
interface redressing known as "clickjacking" will be prevented. Unsupported browsers may not benefit from
this security feature.

Exceptions to consider:

● If you have a custom integration with SAP Jam, please note that you may no longer be able to embed SAP
Jam on your own website except through officially supported embed widgets (e.g., home feed widget).
● If a third-party website includes a hyperlink to SAP Jam content from within an embedded frame, that link
will not work unless it you open it in a new browser tab or window.

In all other cases, hyperlinks from third-party websites to SAP Jam will continue to work as expected.

SAP Jam editions

Depending on your edition of SAP Jam, different features are available. The document that describes all
features available in SAP Jam, regardless of the edition in which the features are contained, can be found at: .

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

10 PUBLIC Overview
1.2 Other documentation

For integrated desktop features requiring some configuration and step by step instructions for setup and use,
SAP provides the following documentation conveniently available on the SAP Jam Collaboration help portal.

To enable any client applications, please submit a request to the SAP Jam Support team.

SAP Jam Collaboration integrated desktop feature guides

I want to learn more about... Please see... Description

the desktop client for file synchroniza­ File Sync Client Reference Guide Procedures on how you can synchron­
tion ize selected content from SAP Jam to
your local file system, and from your lo­
cal file system back to SAP Jam.

edit and synchronize my changes from SAP Jam Application Launcher for Mi­ System requirements and procedures
my desktop applications directly into crosoft® Windows® Reference Guide for installation and use of the SAP Jam
SAP Jam application launcher.

using enterprise social networks such SAP Jam Activity Hub for Microsoft® Procedures for setup and steps on how
as IBM Connections and Yammer while Windows® Reference Guide to view third party collaborative tool
working with SAP Jam feeds in one location without having to
log in to view multiple applications at

working with the SAP Jam feed in Mi­ SAP Jam for Microsoft Office integra­ System requirements and procedures
crosoft Office applications tion Reference Guide for installation and use of the SAP Jam
ribbon in applications such as Microsoft
Excel and Word.

publishing content of Microsoft Office SAP Jam add-in for Microsoft® Office System requirements and procedures
Outlook e-mail back to SAP Jam groups Outlook® Administration Guide and Re­ for installation and use of the SAP Jam
lease Notes plug-in to enable the SAP Jam ribbon in

1.3 SAP Jam Collaboration security and compliance FAQ

This topic contains the answers to frequently asked questions, along with noteworthy information regarding
security and compliance in SAP Jam Collaboration. Please also refer to the following topic, Personal data and
privacy [page 13], to learn more about the functionalities that can help to comply with data privacy standards.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 11
Frequently Asked Questions

Can documents opened in SAP Jam Collaboration be stored locally and then be accessed after a user's
access has been revoked?

The behavior for this varies by platform:

● For SAP Jam mobile on Android, iOS, and Blackberry, there is no local caching. However, it is possible to
download and open documents that a given user has access to on the device, and this data could
potentially be stored in a non-encrypted way. For example, a user could open a PowerPoint document and
save it to an iOS device via Apple Keynote to modify the document.
● For the SAP Jam web application, whether accessed from a mobile device or from a laptop or desktop
standard web browser interface, document image previews are cached locally as images. Also, a document
can be downloaded from the web application and saved to disk if the user has permission to do so.

It is possible to set a specific document, or set of documents, inside SAP Jam to be "Read Only", which
disallows any download of the original source document, and only allows a user to view the image previews in
the mobile and web applications.

It is also possible to set device restrictions on both the mobile and desktop devices to disallow caching of any
type and to forbid downloads. This is achieved by leveraging the OEM OS provider's capabilities to restrict
access to the local disk, and is dependent on the local OS. For example, device policies could be loaded on an
iOS-based device to prevent local download of any content, or installation of unapproved applications such as
Apple Keynote.

Can a person who has left the company still access SAP Jam or any SAP Jam resources from his or her
personal device?

No, once access to SAP Jam is removed, the mobile or web application stops responding to the user's requests

When a person leaves the company, can their personal information still be accessed in SAP Jam?

When a person leaves your company, their SAP Jam account is flagged as being that of an "alumni user". This
change replaces their name with "Alumni" and retains their contributed content and comments. SAP Jam
provides two options to restrict viewing access to an alumni's information, allowing compliance with the
privacy requirements in SAP Jam's customers' jurisdictions. These options are:

● Show profile pages for alumni: If deselected, this option allows SAP Jam administrators to block access
to, and the visibility of, the alumni user's profile page.
● Clear profile info for alumni: If selected, this option allows SAP Jam administrators to remove alumni
users' images, office location information, and personal contact information from SAP Jam, although their
manager and job title information is retained.

Is it possible to identify which device has performed a specific action in SAP Jam by IP address or by
International Mobile Station Equipment Identity (IMEI)?

Yes, but this information is currently restricted to SAP Customer Support administrators. Customers must
open a service request to gain access to the detailed logs.

In case of a legal prosecution, can we retrieve the contents posted by the concerned user or group? If so,
how and under what circumstances?

SAP Jam supports an in-product user interface for privileged company administrators to download all contents
from within a given group as a single .zip file. This includes all conversations, forum posts, comments,
document contents, etc., in a machine-readable format suitable for a legal hold.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

12 PUBLIC Overview
Is there a connector or other access between SAP Jam and HP Autonomy Consolidated Archive (ACA)?

We have not evaluated HP ACA to determine if it supports SAP Jam; however, there is an SAP Jam API that
provides access to:

● Audit log information on all document uploads and downloads

● Usage reporting logs that provide information on how often a document has been used, if ever
● Usage reporting logs that provide information on when a document or set of documents was last updated
● The ability to download individual documents in their original format (PPT, Word, Excel)
● The ability to download all group content as .zip file
● The ability to delete any content inside SAP Jam

These capabilities could be leveraged in conjunction with archiving policies to fulfill company data retention
policies. Please see the SAP Jam Developer Guide on the SAP Help Portal, for
documentation of the APIs.

Can the data deleted from the trash bin be reinstated by an experienced computer user?

SAP Jam has a built-in trash bin that helps to eliminate the possibility of inadvertently deleted content. Both
users and company administrators can retrieve items from the trash bin if a recovery is warranted. In the event
that a file or piece of content is permanently removed from the trash bin, it cannot be recovered by anyone,
including very experienced computer users.

1.3.1 Personal data and privacy

To comply with EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) requirements that are in effect as of May 25,
2018, SAP Jam Collaboration provides the following functionalities to help adhere to data privacy standards.

Consent and personal data collection: Company Terms of Service and Group
Terms of Use

Users may be required to accept a company's custom Terms of Service and custom external user Terms of
Service before they are permitted to access SAP Jam Collaboration. When they accept the custom Terms of
Service, the acceptance details - including the time stamp of when they accepted the terms, and the version of
the accepted Terms of Service - are logged in a compliance report. Company administrators can view and
specify the date range for the "Terms of Service" report.

Before SAP Jam users join a group, they may be required to accept the group's Terms of Use in order to
participate in the group's specific workflows and information sharing. When they accept a group's Terms of
Use, the acceptance details - including the time stamp of when they accepted the terms, and the version of the
accepted Terms of Use - are logged in a compliance report. Group administrators can view and specify the date
range for the "Terms of Use" report.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 13
External or restricted access user profile

Until an external or restricted access user has accepted a group invite and the group's Terms of Use, their
profile will not be visible to or accessible by non-administrator group members. Only group administrators can
have profile access and engage an external or restricted access user in group activities before they have
officially joined the group.

Logged changes for personal data

Any profile changes made by a user within SAP Jam Collaboration are logged within its product audit logs. Data
changes to the core profile data that is synchronized into SAP Jam Collaboration from SAP SuccessFactors
platform or Identity Provisioning service are logged by those systems respectively.

To obtain the logs for these changes, you can contact SAP Support .

Sensitive personal data

When profile information is synchronized from SAP SuccessFactors to SAP Jam Collaboration, the information
is limited to basic personal information that is useful for those using SAP Jam, and does not contain sensitive
personal information. Please refer to the SAP Jam integrated with SuccessFactors Platform topic for more
information on the fields synchronized from SAP SuccessFactors to SAP Jam Collaboration,

Personal data erasure: Alumni profile page access

When an employee leaves the company, in the SAP Jam Admin console Product Setup Features page,
as the company administrator, you have two options to restrict viewing access to their information, now as an

● Show profile pages for alumni: If deselected to not show profile pages, this option allows the
administrator to block access to, and the visibility of, the user's alumni profile page. Their profile
contributions (for example, wiki pages, photos, any content they have created and uploaded to their profile,
or content that they are tagged in) are then no longer available for others to reference.
● Clear profile info for alumni: If selected, this option allows the administrator to remove the user's avatar
images, office location information, and personal contact information from SAP Jam, although the user's
manager and job title information is retained. Their profile contributions for example, wiki pages, photos, or
any content they have created and uploaded to their profile) are still available for others to reference.

When either option is enabled, their alumni personal information is removed from SAP Jam's underlying
database tables. All posts, uploads and activity performed by them is now attributed to the text string, 'Alumni'
or its corresponding localized strings in languages other than English.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

14 PUBLIC Overview
Personal data erasure: External user account deletion

When an external user is finished using SAP Jam and no longer require their account, from their Account
Settings they can click Delete My Account which permanently removes their User ID and prevents reactivation
of their account. For any work associated with their ID (for example, comments, content items), their name will
be replaced with the label "Alumni".

If an external user chooses not to accept the custom Terms of Service, they can click Delete My Account on the
Terms of Service dialog to log out and delete their account. This account cannot be recovered.

Retention period

If the "Clear profile info for alumni" option is enabled, the retention period for alumni data is 30 days. The
retention period for requests by external users to be forgotten when they click on Delete My Account from the
terms of service page or their account settings page is 0 days.

Profile data disclosure

Under Account Settings Profile Data Disclosure , a user can view a list of their personal data stored in SAP
Jam. Disclosure details satisfy the compliance requirements for national and regional data privacy standards.
Personal data from SuccessFactors Platform or SCIM (for example, e-mail addresses, phone numbers, location
addresses) can also display on this page.

1.4 SAP Jam integrated with SuccessFactors Platform

When SAP Jam Collaboration instances are integrated with SuccessFactors Platform, user access to SAP Jam
is granted by the company administrator through SuccessFactors platform administration settings using role-
based permissions (RBP).

The default configuration for this integration provides all users configured with access through SuccessFactors
platform with access to SAP Jam. However, a company administrator can override this default configuration
and choose which roles, users, or groups of users receive access to SAP Jam. Single sign-on (SSO) is also
available with this integration.

Request SAP Jam integration with SuccessFactors Platform

SAP Professional Services configures your SAP Jam instance integrated with SuccessFactors Platform during
provisioning, but if this is not done, you can request the integration by creating a support ticket in the Support
Portal. To do this, access the SAP Support Portal and click Report an Incident. In your report, include the
following information:

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 15
● Request Summary: SAP Jam Integration Request [Customer Organization Name]
● Product: SAP Jam
● Category: Configuration Change Request

In the Request Details, make sure to include the following information:

SuccessFactors Platform instance information

Field Details

ENVIRONMENT Select your environ­

ment from the list of
available environments
below this table.

COMPANY ID Company Id as it ap­

pears in Provisioning.

 Note
ID is case-sensi­

COMPANY NAME Company Name as it

appears in Provision­

SAP JAM PRODUCT Basic (Included with

SuccessFactors Plat­
form only), Advanced
(For SuccessFactors
Platform bundles
only), Advanced Plus,

ADMIN ACCOUNT NAME First / Last name of

the Admin account
that will be used to
sync the Employee
data from SuccessFac­
tors Platform to SAP
Jam. The account
must have a minimum
of full Employee Export

 Note
If this user is deac­
tivated in Success­
Factors Platform,
the sync will fail.
We recommend
using a System
Admin account,
not a personal Ad­
min account.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

16 PUBLIC Overview
Field Details


Username for above
Admin Account. This
username is needed
for the API calls be­
tween SAP Jam and
SuccessFactors Plat­

 Note
If this user is deac­
tivated in Success­
Factors Platform,
the sync will fail.
We recommend
using a System
Admin account,
not a personal Ad­
min account. User
name is case sen­

TEST OR PROD INSTANCE Select if this is a test or

production instance.
For production instan­
ces, specify if this in­
stance is Live.

Data Center URLs

The following is the list of data centers from which the SuccessFactors Platform and the SAP Jam
environments are available:

SuccessFactors Platform and SAP Jam data centers

Old SAP Jam (Prod. & Pre­
name New name Location SuccessFactors Platform (Production & Preview) view)

DC2 Amster­ Amster­ https:// https://

(AMS2 dam1 /HC dam, NL,
) M EU

DC4 Chan­ Chandler, https:// https://

dler1 /HC AZ, US

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 17
Old SAP Jam (Prod. & Pre­
name New name Location SuccessFactors Platform (Production & Preview) view)

DC8 Ash­ Ashburn, https:// https://

burn1 /HC VA, US

DC10 Sydney1 / Sydney, https:// https://


DC12 Rot1 /HCM St. Leon- https:// https://

Rot, DE,

DC15 Shang­ Shanghai, https://

hai1 /HCM CN

DC16 Biere SAP Biere, DE, https://


DC17 Toronto1 / Toronto, https://


DC18 Moscow1 / Moscow, https://


DC19 Sao Sao Paulo, https://

Paulo1/HC BRA

DC22 Dubai/HC Dubai, uae https:// https://


DC23 Riyadh/H Riyadh, SA https://


DC42 Ashburn2/ Ashburn, https://


DC44 Singa­ Singapore, https:// https://

(As of pore1/HC SGP
March M

Note: Services shown in cells with yellow backgrounds provide production environments only.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

18 PUBLIC Overview
Automatic user provisioning

SAP Jam gets its user information from SuccessFactors Platform via a data transfer. The following table
explains how SAP Jam employee profile attributes get mapped from SuccessFactors Platform.

 Note

If you are creating dynamic member lists, any custom fields can only be viewed by SAP Jam company
administrators who are also SuccessFactors Platform administrators.

 Note

Please refer to the Custom Profile administration [page 140] topic for more details and a full list of SAP Jam
fields that are configurable under the Custom Profile.

SuccessFactors Platform to SAP Jam user attribute mappings

SAP Jam Collaboration at­
tribute SF Foundation import attribute Notes

Address Line 1 ADDR1

Address Line 2 ADDR2

Business Phone BIZ_PHONE

City CITY Used by Dynamic

Member List fea­

Country / Region COUNTRY Used by Dynamic

Member List fea­

Department DEPARTMENT Used by Dynamic

Member List fea­

Division DIVISION Used by Dynamic

Member List fea­

Direct Report Auto-computed

from all users with
Manager = current




Jobcode JOBCODE Used by Dynamic

Member List fea­

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 19
SAP Jam Collaboration at­
tribute SF Foundation import attribute Notes

Job Title TITLE Real-time sync:

The data sync of
this field is done in
near-real time.

Locale DEFAULT_LOCALE Real-time sync:

The data sync of
this field is done in
near-real time, al­
lowing immediate
language switch­
ing in the UI.

Location LOCATION Used by Dynamic

Member List fea­


First Name FIRSTNAME Real-time sync:

The data sync of
this field is done in
near-real time.

Last Name LASTNAME Real-time sync:

The data sync of
this field is done in
near-real time.



Start Date HIREDATE Used by Dynamic

Member List fea­

State STATE Used by Dynamic

Member List fea­



Timezone TIMEZONE Real-time sync:

The data sync of
this field is done in
near-real time.

UserId USERID Auto-generated by

Platform; for inter­
nal system use.


SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

20 PUBLIC Overview
SAP Jam Collaboration at­
tribute SF Foundation import attribute Notes

Zip Code ZIP Used by Dynamic

Member List fea­

Custom Fields 1-15 CUSTOM01 - CUSTOM15 Used by Dynamic

Member List fea­

 Note
To ensure your
with data pri­
vacy regula­
tions, please
ensure that
sensitive per­
sonal data is
not stored in
any profile
fields. Sensi­
tive personal
data is infor­
mation on ra­
cial or ethnic
origin, political
opinions, reli­
gious or philo­
sophical be­
liefs, trade-un­
ion member­
ship, health or
sexual orienta­
tion, bank ac­
count and
credit card
data, genetic
data and bio­
metric data
for the pur­
pose of
uniquely iden­
tifying a natu­
ral person.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 21
Profile field settings and synchronization

From the SAP Jam Admin console Integrations SuccessFactors Foundation page, you can select which
SuccessFactors employee profile attributes to exclude from user profile synchronization and searches in SAP
Jam. Changes you make here will take effect upon the next synchronization.

To exclude fields from synchronization

1. Go to SAP Jam Admin console Integrations SuccessFactors Foundation to view the Profile Field
Settings page.
2. Select the checkboxes beside the fields you want to exclude.
3. Scroll down to the bottom of the fields list and click Save changes.

Supported Languages

User type access to company features

Language SuccessFactors SAP Jam Language SuccessFactors SAP Jam

English (US) Yes Yes Arabic Yes Yes

Bulgarian Yes Yes Chinese (Simplified) Yes Yes

Chinese (Traditional) Yes Yes Croatian Yes Yes

Czech Yes Yes Danish Yes Yes

Dutch (Netherlands) Yes Yes English (UK) Yes Yes

Finnish Yes Yes French (Canadian) Yes Yes

French (France) Yes Yes German (Germany) Yes Yes

German (Swiss) Yes Yes Greek (Greece) Yes Yes

Hebrew Yes Yes Hindi Yes Yes

Hungarian Yes Yes Indonesian Yes Yes

Italian Yes Yes Japanese Yes Yes

Korean Yes Yes Malaysian Yes Yes

Norwegian (Bokmål) Yes Yes Polish Yes Yes

Portuguese (Brazil) Yes Yes Portuguese (Portugal) Yes Yes

Romanian Yes Yes Russian Yes Yes

Serbian (Serbia) Yes Yes Slovak Yes Yes

Slovenian Yes Yes Spanish (Mexico) Yes No

Spanish (Spain) Yes Yes Swedish Yes Yes

Thai Yes Yes Turkish Yes Yes

Ukrainian Yes Yes Vietnamese Yes Yes

Welsh Yes Yes

Note: Language selection is configured in SuccessFactors Platform.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

22 PUBLIC Overview
1.5 Administrator types access

SAP Jam Collaboration administration is performed in the Admin console by three types of administrators:
support administrators, area administrators, and company administrators.

To access the Admin console

1. As an SAP Jam company administrator, area administrator, or support administrator click the Cog icon at
the top of any SAP Jam page to view a menu of actions.

The cog icon menu

2. Select Admin from the menu.
If you don't have support administrator, area administrator, or company administrator privileges, this
option does not appear in the menu.

SAP Jam administrator types

There are five administrator types:

1. Group administrators are users that have created a group or who have been invited to be a group
administrator. Group administrators have special privileges within the groups that they administer, but
those privileges do not extend beyond those groups, so they are not relevant to the subjects discussed in
this guide and their privileges do not include those shown in the following table. The capabilities of group
administrators are fully documented in the SAP Jam Collaboration Group Administration Guide.
2. Support administrators can access a subset of the functionality available to a Company Administrator.
With this role, Company Administrators can lessen their workload by giving Support Administrators access
to many duties of SAP Jam administration. This also protects the stability of the SAP Jam service by
limiting access to features that can have great impact on the functionality of the service to a smaller group
of people who, though their focus on SAP Jam, become more knowledgeable about the effect of
configuration changes.
3. Area administrators can manage areas, a designated space for subject matter experts to manage content
and collaborate within their line of business. They can manage area membership and access a subset of
the functionality available to a company administrator.
4. Page content administrators can be subject matter experts for an area or company. They can manage the
content and design [page 73] of custom home pages. This responsibility can be delegated to these
experts by company administrators who do not have time to manage various home pages or the domain
knowledge to manage specific content that is otherwise well known to others.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 23
5. Company administrators can access the full range of capabilities within the Admin console. This role
allows you the most tools to change the look, feel, and functions of the SAP Jam service to suit the needs
of your organization.

The privileges granted to the last three of these different administrator types are shown in the following tables.

Administrator types' access to SAP Jam administration features

The following table shows the access privileges of support, area, and company administrators in the SAP Jam
Admin console.

Administrator type access to Admin console pages

Admin console pages Administrator Types

Support Area Company

Change Admin Area: This option requires that a company administrator first configure
areas to be controlled by area administrators in the Configure administrative areas [page
65] page. Once this is done, the defined administrative areas will be available from this
drop-down menu. Area administrators will only have access to the areas to which they
have been given administrative access and to the Admin console options listed in the rest
of this table. Also the scope of the operations that they perform will be limited to only the
selected administrative area.

Area Overview: Area Overview page [page 28].

General: View your SAP Jam service general information [page 26].

Users pages Administrator Types

Support Area Company

Users & Member Lists: Users and member lists [page 42].

External user: External user management [page 56].

SCIM Provisioning: SCIM Provisioning [page 62].

Alias Accounts: Alias Accounts [page 58].

Administrative Areas page Administrator Types

Support Area Company

Administrative Areas: Configure administrative areas [page 65].

Branding pages Administrator Types

Support Area Company

Branding and Support: Configure the Branding and Support options [page 86]. Optional

Email Templates: Configure Email Templates options [page 113].

Integrations pages Administrator Types

Support Area Company

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

24 PUBLIC Overview
External Applications: This page covers two main types of application that can be inte­ Optional
grated in SAP Jam: business records and document repositories, each of which is docu­
mented in separate sections:

● Business Records: For information on integrating data from other business-critical

applications—such as SAP CRM, SAP ECC (SD), SAP Cloud for Customer, and Suc­
cessFactors Learning—into SAP Jam, see Integrate business records [page 166]. If
you plan on developing a new or custom business records integration, see the Exter­
nal Applications section in the SAP Jam Developer Guide.
● Document Repositories: For information on integrating document repositories—
such as SharePoint 2010 or 2013, SAP Extended ECM by OpenText, Alfresco One 4.2,
Office 365 SharePoint Online Sites, SAP Document Center, and Box—into SAP Jam,
see Integrate document repositories [page 233].

OAuth Clients: Add an OAuth Client [page 214]. Optional

OpenSocial Gadgets: OpenSocial Gadgets [page 268]. If you plan on developing your Optional
own OpenSocial gadget, see the OpenSocial Gadgets section in the SAP Jam Collabora­
tion Developer Guide.

Widget Builders: Use the Widget Builders [page 286].

SAML Trusted IDPs: Add a SAML Trusted IDP [page 215].

SAML Local Identity Provider: Configure SAP Jam Collaboration as a SAML Local Iden­ Optional
tity Provider [page 219].

Gamification: Integrate SAP Jam with gamification vendors [page 278].

OpenSearch Clients: Federate SAP Jam Collaboration search results into SharePoint
searches [page 241].

SAML Local Service Provider: Configure a SAML Local Service Provider [page 305].

Employee Central: Configure Global Assignment in Employee Central [page 298]. Optional

Product Setup pages Administrator Types

Support Area Company

Features: Configure SAP Jam Collaboration Features [page 119].

Custom Home Page: Customize the home page [page 126]. Optional

Custom Profile: Custom Profile administration [page 140].

Kudos: Configure Kudos options [page 145].

Quick Tour: Configure the Quick Tour [page 146].

Hashtags: Hashtags administration [page 148].

Groups Management: Groups management [page 151].

Group Templates: Group templates administration [page 153]. Optional

 Note
This section is also available in the SAP Jam Collaboration Group Administration
Guide, where it can be viewed in context with other group administration concepts
and procedures.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 25
Content Templates: Content templates [page 158].

Compliance & Security pages Administrator Types

Support Area Company

External User Terms of Service: Configure External User Terms of Service [page 310].

Custom Terms of Service: Configure a Custom Terms of Service [page 311].

Content Administration: Configure Content Administration options [page 312].

Compliance: Configure Compliance monitoring [page 317].

Security: Configure Security options [page 320].

Mobile page Administrator Types

Support Area Company

SAP Jam Mobile app: Configure the SAP Jam mobile app [page 323].

Analytics pages Administrator Types

Support Area Company

Reports: Administrator reports [page 328]. Optional

Dashboard: Dashboard [page 355]. Optional

Extensions Catalog page Administrator Types

Support Area Company

Extensions Catalog

1.6 View your SAP Jam service general information

The General information page shows some general information about your SAP Jam service.

To view your SAP Jam service general information

1. As a company or support administrator, go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Overview from the
navigation sidebar.

 Note

If this is done as an area administrator, the Area Overview [page 28] page displays.

2. The following information is shown:

○ Host: The domain name of the SAP Jam server group that your instance of SAP Jam runs on. The
domain name uses the form, where jam# is the word "jam" followed by a one or
two-digit number that indicates the specific data center.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

26 PUBLIC Overview
○ Revision: The particular revision of the SAP Jam software load that your instance of the SAP Jam
service is running.
○ Product Version: The package of features and capabilities that are available in your instance of the
SAP Jam service.
○ Product Instance name: This is the name set in the Branding page of the Admin console.
○ Integrated Company Name: [For integrated companies only] The name of your company as set in
SuccessFactors Platform.
○ Storage Usage: The horizontal bar indicator shows the percentage of the purchased storage space
used, as well as numeric values for the total amount of cloud storage that your company has
purchased, and the amount of that storage used in both percentage and gigabyte (GB) values.

 Note

Notifications are sent to company administrators when storage use reaches 80% and 100% of
their allocation. If you receive an "80% usage" notification, you should free up storage by deleting
old content or contact your SAP Jam Support representative to purchase more storage space. If
you receive a "100% usage" notification, your users will no longer be able to upload content.
Repeated notifications, which are not configurable and cannot be disabled, will be sent every
Wednesday until the situation is resolved. If your company has purchased additional storage space,
an email notification will be sent when you have only 90% available storage space rather then

○ External User Licenses Purchased: The number of external user accounts that your SAP Jam service
will support according to your contract.
○ External User Licenses Used: The number of external user accounts that your SAP Jam service is
currently using.

 Note

An email notification is sent to company administrators when there are only 20 external user
accounts available.

Product news and updates

As a company administrator, you can opt in to receive SAP Jam product news and updates. If there is more
than one company administrator for your organization, they will also be subscribed or unsubscribed based on
your selection.

To subscribe all company administrators to receive product news and updates

1. Click the toggle beside Subscribe company admins to receive product news and updates to enable it.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 27
1.7 Area Overview page

The Overview page for area administrators provides a set of links to the major operations that an area
administrator can perform in their administrative areas.

To view the overview page

1. As an area administrator, go to the SAP Jam Admin console, choose your area from the drop-down menu if
available and select Area Overview from the left sidebar.

 Note

If this is done as a company administrator, the General [page 26] page displays.

2. The following options are shown, each of which is linked to the corresponding page in the Admin console:
○ Group Templates: Click to view the Group Templates [page 153] section.
○ External Applications: Click to view the External Applications [page 164] section.
○ OpenSocial Gadgets: Click to view the OpenSocial Gadgets [page 268] section.
○ Extensions Marketplace: Click to view the Extensions Marketplace [page 362] section.

1.8 Initial administrator tasks

Some of the key tasks that you should complete include:

Task list

Task Description and reference

Determine who can create groups See the last option in the User Management section in Configure SAP
Jam Collaboration Features [page 119]

Create member lists To apply profile-based dynamic member lists, see “Create and manage
member lists” in the SAP Jam Group Administration Guide.

Apply your organization's branding to SAP Jam To set up SAP Jam with your organization's branding see Configure the
Branding and Support options [page 86].

Set up a support group using the Help and Sup­ One of the most effective tools in on-boarding your users is to create an
port template SAP Jam Support group based on the Help and Support Template. To
do this, see “Groups, group templates, and subgroups”, in the SAP Jam
Group Administration Guide.

Set up internal and external Terms of Service See:

● Configure a Custom Terms of Service [page 311].

● Configure External User Terms of Service [page 310].

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

28 PUBLIC Overview
Task Description and reference

Set up custom help To set up custom help, you can specify a URL to the help location of ei­
ther a group or another online source. To do this, see the last section,
Help Settings, in Configure the Branding and Support options [page

Set your SAP Jam support contact email ad­ Go to the bottom of the Configure the Branding and Support options
dress [page 86] page.

Generate company-wide reports For reports on user adoption of SAP Jam, and reports on users' behav­
ior in SAP Jam, see Administrator reports [page 328]. Note that there
are also reports available to Group Administrators: see “Run group re­
ports” in the SAP Jam Group Administration Guide.

On-boarding Users Encourage your users to fill out all the information requested in the
Quick Tour: fill out their profile, add their expertise, and install the SAP
Jam mobile app on their mobile devices.

1.9 Single sign-on and deep linking

Deep linking occurs when a hypertext link points to a page on a web site other than its home page that involves
some navigation into the structure of the web site.

For SAP Jam Collaboration, deep linking is dependent on the single sign-on (SSO) configuration, which is
typically done by Professional Services upon implementation. This can be, for example, a standard SAML 2.0-
based single log on. If SSO is configured correctly, most SAP Jam URLs should take the user directly to the
indicated SAP Jam page after a series of redirects from SAP Jam to the company IDP and back to SAP Jam.

SAP Jam handling of deep linking

In normal SAP Jam usage, a user logs in and SAP Jam sets a cookie in the user's browser that indicates which
company the user belongs to. When a user clicks on a deep link such as
groups/wall/0Hm4gyKS4qegqd2qkkl8Xf, SAP Jam looks for that cookie, but it might not be found if:

● The user is new to SAP Jam and hasn't logged in before.

● The user's browser configuration is set to delete all cookies on shut down.
● The user has manually deleted the required cookie or all cookies from their browser.

So, when a user clicks a deep link for a page within SAP Jam, it looks for the cookie that identifies which
company a user belongs to. One of two things happen:

1. If SAP Jam finds the cookie, it will know which company the user belongs to and it will forward the user to
their company-specific SSO page.
2. If SAP Jam cannot find the cookie, it will do one of two things:

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 29
○ SAP Jam will determine which company the content belongs to by analyzing the URL. There are two
possible actions:
1. If the URL is to a private internal group, SAP Jam forwards the user to that company's SSO page.
2. If the URL is to an external group, a challenge is encountered because internal users (company
employees) and external users (guest members) are authenticated in different SSO log-in pages.
To deal with this, SAP Jam presents a screen to the user, asking them if they are an employee of
the company or if they are a guest:
1. If they answer that they are an employee, they are forwarded to the employees' SSO log on
2. If they answer that they are a guest, they are forwarded to the guests' SSO log on page.
○ If SAP Jam finds one of the very few URLs that it cannot determine what company the user belongs to,
such as happens if the link is to a user's home page (which is always something like https://, then there needs to have been extra information added to the
URL to allow deep linking to work properly even in such a situation. For example:
○ https://[]/c/[]
status where:
○ [] is your associated data center.
companyId=[CompanyID_here]&idp=[SuccessFactors_data_center_here] where:
○ # is your associated SAP Jam data center.
○ [CompanyID_here] is your SuccessFactors Company ID
○ [SuccessFactors_data_center_here] is your SuccessFactors Data Center URL (

Once the user successfully authenticates against the corporate SSO they are#& SuccessFactors Platform
feature that is generally set up by Professional Servicesidp=[SuccessFactors at the time of implementation.
data center]

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

30 PUBLIC Overview
1.10 Custom domains

An SAP Jam Collaboration tenant may have a “Custom domain” defined, which gives them a unique domain
name to access SAP Jam.


Companies with a custom domain defined will still have their tenant deployed in one of the production data
centers, however the URL to access the tenant will use the customer’s custom domain instead of the generic
data center domain name as shown below:

Old URL ( New URL (

DC2 Amsterdam Netherlands https://

DC4 Chandler USA https://

DC8 Ashburn USA https:// https://
DC10 Sydney Australia https:// For example:
DC12 Rot Germany https:// ● https:// example.sapjam.c
DC15 Shanghai China https:// ● https://
DC17 Toronto Canada https:// om

DC18 Moscow Russia https://

DC19 Sao Paulo Brazil https://

Who will handle the change

The change itself will be scheduled and handled by SAP, but there are some parts that only you are capable of

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 31
Change preparation

1. Precisely identify all the tenants that need to be changed, as well as exactly what the new custom domain
for each should be. SAP recommends that customers with a preview and production tenant change both to
use custom domains (which must be different, e.g. “example” and “example-preview”) to make it easier to
be logged into both tenants at the same time for testing purposes.
2. Once a tenant is changed to use a custom domain, the tenant cannot be accessed by the previous generic
data center domain name based URL. API calls to SAP Jam with the old URL will fail with a 401 error, and
any web browser attempt to access SAP Jam from the old URL will redirect to the new one if the tenant is
identifiable from the URL or cookie.
3. If a tenant is currently using a custom subdomain (e.g. and it is
changed to be a fully custom domain (e.g., the previous custom
subdomain will be removed from the DNS system entirely. It will not resolve, and any attempt to use it will
result in a “404” error from the web browser.
4. Given the consequences of this change, the customer may want to notify employees and users before the
change about it, as well as to provide information on some of the topics mentioned below.
5. For the purposes of validating, it is very useful to have the contact information for an employee from the
customer’s company. Ideally, they would be available to validate the success of the change immediately
when the tenant has been changed to ensure all users will be able to access the site successfully and core
workflows for the customer work.
6. During the change, your source SAP Jam tenant will be unavailable for use. This process usually takes up to
an hour for DNS changes to propagate through the Internet, and (if you choose to migrate company data)
several hours but can be more or less time based on the amount of data in your tenant. After the switch is
complete, the migrated tenant will be useable, with some consequences as described in this document.
7. Typically, the customer is also using Identity Authentication and Identity Provisioning or SuccessFactors
foundation as the identity management and authentication provider for SAP Jam. This will need to be
configured to reflect the new URL for the tenant.
8. If you plan to use a fully custom domain then either disable External Group Creation or make arrangements
to use IAS Managed External Users [page 33].

Custom Domain Types

1. Custom Subdomain: A domain name that starts with the customer’s chosen name, and ends with
“”, such as SAP manages the SSL certificate and DNS
entries for custom subdomains.
2. Fully Custom Domain: A domain name managed entirely by the customer, such as https:// Using a fully custom domain requires more technical expertise, because the
customer is responsible for creating the DNS entry and for obtaining (and renewing) the SSL certificate.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

32 PUBLIC Overview
Custom Subdomain Name Restrictions

The custom subdomain name must:

● be no more than 63 characters long

● start with a letter
● end with a letter or a digit
● contain only letters, digits, or a dash

In addition to these rules, custom domain names may be rejected at SAP’s discretion because they conflict
with names already selected by other customers, or they may conflict with names needed for SAP Jam
operations, or for any other reason.

Fully Custom Domain Restrictions

The SAP Jam collaboration tenant must have its own hostname which resolves to an SAP Jam collaboration
DNS name. For example, is allowed, but is
not possible.

The name must also be in a domain that the customer has control over. In the DNS system, the name must
resolve to “custom-“ followed by the generic data center domain. For example, a customer in DC17 must
ensure that the DNS entry for the fully custom domain is a CNAME record referring to “custom-”

You must also:

● supply an SSL certificate and private key for the requested fully custom domain name
● keep track of when this SSL certificate will expire
● upload a new certificate via the SAP Jam administration interface before this SSL certificate expires.

If the SSL certificate expires before it is replaced, any users trying to access the SAP Jam tenant will see an
“expired certificate” error in their browser, and be unable to continue.

Fully Custom Domain Limitations on External Users

If the SAP Jam collaboration tenant has external users (also known as “Extranet”), they will not be able to log
into the tenant with a fully custom domain. In order to use the External User feature with a fully custom
domain, the tenant must be using the “IAS Managed Extranet” feature (which requires the SAP Jam Customer
Service and outbound program management team to configure). This will not work for tenants using
SuccessFactors authentication without non-standard configuration by the SAP Identity Service team, which
must be coordinated through the SAP Jam program management team.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 33
Effect on URLs

After the change, any URLs that refer to the old generic data center domain will need to be updated to refer to
the new data center.

URLs you can choose to have automatically updated by the migration process are in the following SAP Jam
textual content:

● wikis
● blogs
● comments
● forum discussions
● ideas or questions

URLs in all other textual content will not automatically update with the migration process. This includes textual
content that may be uploaded to SAP Jam such as:

● Microsoft Word documents

● PDFs
● PowerPoint presentations
● external links
● existing email messages
● web browser bookmarks

If you choose to automatically update the links in textual content, that will require the migration process to take
longer, and may delay the process as it requires scheduling the migration with the SAP Jam operations team. If
you choose to not update these links automatically SAP Jam will automatically redirect to the new URL when
following these links. However there are cases where this redirection cannot be done seamlessly, and your
users may be unable to use those links.

It is recommended that you assess the impact of what links need updating, and how to communicate this
information to your SAP Jam users.
Example 1 – Custom Subdomain ( ->

● Tenant: DC8 Ashburn (

● Old Data Center URL: (Before migration) Link to a group overview page in your company intranet
● New Custom Subdomain URL: (After migration) Manually update the link in the company intranet to

Example 2 – Custom Domain ( ->

● Tenant: DC8 Ashburn (

● Old Data Center URL: (Before migration) Link to a group overview page in your company intranet
● New Custom Domain URL: (After migration) Manually update the link in the company intranet to

Note that in both examples the path part of the URL /groups/about_page/7fBjwieUYyo88d14EzrNZf is
unchanged. Only the root of the URL is changed:

● jam8 is changed to example

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

34 PUBLIC Overview
Effect on Email Addresses

After the change, email that SAP Jam sends to your users (e.g. notification emails) will remain generic and
continue to be from because of DKIM and SPF requirements. Additionally, email to SAP
Jam (status document updates via email functions) will continue to be sent to an email address at the old data
center domain as shown below:

Example 1 – ( ->


SAP Jam tenant will be disabled during the change

Once your tenant migration is scheduled, SAP Jam will be unavailable during the change. Once it is completed,
and the necessary configuration changes have been applied on the identity provider (Identity Athentication and
Identity Provisioning or SuccessFactors foundation), the customer will be able to use their newly migrated

Effect on SAP Jam mobile users

After the migration, SAP Jam mobile users will need to deactivate their account within the mobile application
and re-register to the new custom domain. They will need to use the most recent version of the SAP Jam
mobile app to access custom domains. The SAP SuccessFactors mobile app does not support SAP Jam
custom domains, and will not work after switching to a custom domain.

Effect on external users

External users who log in via the SAP ID service access SAP Jam via a landing page will need to use the new
custom subdomain or custom domain URLs:

Example 1 – Custom Subdomain ( ->

● Old Data Center Landing Page:

● New Custom Subdomain Landing Page:

Example 2 – Custom Domain ( ->

● Old Data Center Landing Page:

● New Custom Domain Landing Page:

As these users are not employees, you may want to notify them via an email of the new login URL.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 35
Effect on external users in fully custom domains

External users in fully custom domains will be affected as described in Fully Custom Domain Limitations on
External Users [page 33].

Effect on integrations

Integrations that make calls to SAP Jam via a URL need to be updated to point to the new migrated location.
For example, those under “Integrations > OAuth Clients” as well created via “Integrations > Widget Builder”.

Integrations that validate the source URL of SAP Jam may need updating to accept the new URL. For example,
if a SAML assertion is sent from SAP Jam to an integration X, and X is expecting that it comes from https://, it will reject an assertion from

SAP itself will be able to update or provide information to the customer on how to update integrations between
SAP products, such as SAP Jam, SuccessFactors foundation, SuccessFactors Learning Management System
(LMS), SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer, and SAP Document Center. However, if an integration is with a third
party then the customer themselves will need to update. For example, Microsoft Office365 will need an update
on the Office365 side integration configuration to indicate the new SAP Jam location.

In some cases, such as Microsoft Office365 and Google Drive integrations, users will need to re-authenticate in
these external systems after the migration. This is a security measure enforced by those products.

Migration Process

Once you have decided to switch to a custom domain, the steps to follow are:

1. Contact your SAP Jam customer support representative to request the custom domain. They will discuss
the process and schedule the migration. Ensure customer support is aware of all the systems integrated
with your SAP Jam tenant, and that there is a plan for updating the integrations. Customer support will be
able to update some SAP integrations, but you may need to update any custom integrations you have.
2. For a fully custom domain:
1. create the SSL certificate and the required DNS entry.
2. give the SSL certificate and private key to SAP Jam customer support, who will install it. The private
key must not be encrypted or password protected.
3. Before the scheduled date, inform your users that the URL used to access SAP Jam will change.
4. At the scheduled date, SAP Jam customer support and operations staff will switch your tenant to use the
custom domain, and (if requested) update the URLs in your SAP Jam tenant. They will also update any
integrations (such as with Identity Authorization and Identity Provisioning Service, or SuccessFactors) as
planned in the initial discussion.
5. Update any custom integrations that remain.
6. Test all integrations to ensure they correctly use the new domain name

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

36 PUBLIC Overview
1.11 Zip files

Frequently asked question: Can zip files be used as a back up or form of archive?

Answer: Yes, with the following caveats. A zip file is:

● Not meant to be manually edited. Manual editing a zip file may cause errors upon import.
● Can use a format that changes over time. There is no guarantee that an older version of a zip file can be
imported into a newer version of the product. Backwards compatibility is not guaranteed.
● Is not encrypted or password-protected. It is the responsibility of the administrator or owner to secure its
content and share it with authorized users only.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Overview PUBLIC 37
2 Users

2.1 About user types

User account creation and management is done via SuccessFactors Platform or Identity Authentication.

Contact your SAP Jam representative if you require assistance to add or update the list of your users or the
information about them.

User types

There are three types of user privileges:

1. External users are the most restricted. They are guests of your organization, given access to only the
specific private external groups to which they have been invited, their home page, and user profile. They
are allowed only limited information on, or interactions with, other users. They can only access the content
within the groups to which they have been invited. Also, they require a different, lower-cost license type
than internal users.
2. Restricted access users, are partially restricted users. They have feature and security permissions that
limit their access to only the SAP Jam groups to which they have been invited, and to the content and
people that are in those groups. This is a special case user configuration that is only enabled by making a
special request to your support representative. On request, this user type is provisioned by SAP Jam
Support. These users are managed in the SuccessFactors Platform, and they are identified to SAP Jam by
having one of the SuccessFactors Platform custom profile fields of user information flagged.

 Note

When the SuccessFactors Platform custom field that indicates a "restricted access user" is set, SAP
Jam will recognize and treat the user as such. However, this setting has no effect on the behavior of
other SuccessFactors applications or services, so your organization's administrators must configure
equivalent restrictions in SuccessFactors Platform to restrict the access of your "restricted access

3. Full access users typically include all of the employees in your company. They typically have access to all
enabled features except those that are limited to the members of a specific group or that require external
accounts to view, as is the case with integrated business records from external applications.

The privileges granted to these different user types are shown in the following tables.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

38 PUBLIC Users
User types features access

User type access to company features

External Restricted ac­ Full access
Company features users cess users users

Customizable company homepage

User type access to area features

External Restricted ac­ Full access
Area features users cess users users

View area home page you are assigned to

User type access to groups and subgroups features

External Restricted ac­ Full access
Groups and subgroups features users cess users users

My Groups and Recent Group Activity

Recommendation tiles, post to group wall

Group content moderation

Group administrator

SuccessFactors homepage tiles

Invite to a group must be group


Overview page designer must be group


Can create groups, can search for groups

Automatically follow business records when you create a group or fea­

ture a business record

Use custom group templates to create groups

User type access to content and forums features

External Restricted ac­ Full access
Content and forums features users cess users users

Can create folders

Use hashtags in content commenting, including images or videos

Forums: ideas, questions and answers

Forums: discussions Yes, in group Yes, in group con­

context text

Wiki pages, blog posts, blog post @mentions, documents, images, vid­ Yes, in group Yes, in group con­
eos, polls, and links context text

Tagging people in photos

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Users PUBLIC 39
User type access to users features
External Restricted ac­ Full access
Users features users cess users users

Bookmarks, content history, user API access

Note: API access can be limited by other factors.

Upload profile photo, edit profile (basic and contact), status post editing

Post group status via email

Ability to add expertise tags

Ability to show or hide expertise tags recommended by SAP Jam and

other users, or tags you yourself have added to your profile

Ability to view others' expertise tags Limited 1

Ability to see and endorse other users' expertise tags Yes, in group con­

See who endorsed you in notifications Limited 2

See who endorsed others on their profiles Limited 2

First-time login wizard

View other users' profiles Limited 3

Edit profile (office), post status, team usage, member integrations Limited 4 Limited 4

1. Limited to view the expertise of other members of a group or groups that the limited access user is a
member of.

2. If a full access user endorses a "restricted access user", but doesn't share a group with that user, their
endorsement will appear anonymous to the "restricted access user". The "restricted access user's" notification
will indicate that they received an endorsement on an expertise tag, but it won't indicate who gave the

3. Restricted access users can only see the profiles of other users who are members of the groups that they are
also members of.

4. "Yes" for the title, "No" for the first name and last name of external users managed by the SAP ID service.

User type access to emails, feeds, and notifications features

External Restricted ac­ Full access
Emails, feeds, and notifications features users cess users users

Email notification subscriptions

Email to update

Mark as abuse/spam

Feed and feed filters Yes * Yes * Yes *

New notifications alerts

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

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External Restricted ac­ Full access
Emails, feeds, and notifications features users cess users users

Share feed item Yes, in group Yes, in group con­

context text


* Users can generally "like" any visible feed entry, except for those users that do not belong to group that the
feed entry originates from, or for users who are from a different company.

User type access to tools and utilities features

External Restricted ac­ Full access
Tools and utilities features users cess users users

Agenda, timeline, pro/con, ranking, decisions, mentoring

Calendar events, tasks Yes, in group Yes, in group con­

context text

Search Yes, in group Yes, in group con­

context text


User type access to integration features

External Restricted ac­ Full access
Integration features users cess users users

View integrated business records from external systems Limited 1 Based on ex­
ternal ac­

View integrated CMIS document repository, Business Records


1. Restricted access users can see data from external applications for which they have valid accounts and view

Mobile access
External Restricted ac­ Full access
Mobile access users cess users users

SAP Jam mobile web

SAP Jam mobile app

SAP SuccessFactors mobile app

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2.2 Users and member lists

This section covers the various tasks that you can work with in the SAP Jam Collaboration Admin console
Users pages for Membership and Member Lists.

● On the Membership page, you can configure User privileges [page 42]:
○ Grant administrator privileges to a user [page 42]
○ Remove administrator privileges from a user [page 42]
You can also access the trash of members to restore deleted groups.
● On the Member Lists page, you can Create and manage member lists [page 44]:
○ Create a member list [page 45]
○ Assign users to a group via a member list [page 48]
● On the Dynamic Member Lists tab of the Member Lists page, you can Create and manage dynamic
member lists [page 47]:
○ Create a dynamic member list [page 47]
○ Assign users to a group via a member list [page 48]

2.2.1 User privileges

This section describes how you can grant administrator privileges to users, remove administrator status from
users, and disable a user account.

Grant administrator privileges

To assign administrator privileges to a user

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console, select Users Membership from the left side navigation.
2. In the row for the user that you want to give administrator status to, click Action Edit .
3. Under the Basic Profile Information section, from the Administrator Type dropdown menu, select Company
Administrator or Support Administrator option, and then click Save changes.

Remove administrator privileges

To remove administrator privileges from a user

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console, select Users Membership from the left side navigation.
2. Go to the row for the user that you want to remove administrator privileges from, and click Action
Edit .
3. Under the Basic Profile Information section, from the Administrator Type dropdown menu, select User from
the Administrator Type dropdown menu, and then click Save changes.

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Show alumni profile information

Under User Management, as a company administrator, you can choose to show alumni profiles by selecting the
Show profile pages for alumni option. Users can then search for and view alumni profile pages.

Permanently remove alumni profile information (personal data erasure)

To permanently remove all profile information (for example, first name, last name, email address, office
location information, etc.) for an alumni SAP Jam account or never used account (as in, user was invited
to use SAP Jam but never logged in)

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console, select Users Membership from the left side navigation.
2. On the Users tab, go to the row for the alumni user whose profile information you want to remove, and then
click Action Clear Profile . The alumni profile no longer appears in search results. For accounts that
were never used, the invitation to join SAP Jam is revoked.

 Note

As a company administrator, you can delete the alumni user's content and feed items independently of the
profile information. Revoke application access

As a company administrator, when you need to remove application access from a user (for example, due to off-
boarding of an employee or contractor, reported lost or stolen device) you can revoke authorized applications
from their user account.

To revoke application access

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin Console Users Membership page.

2. Go to the user account row and select Actions Edit .
3. Click Revoke All Applications under the Authorized Applications section.

2.2.2 Access the trash of a group member to restore a

deleted group

If a group administrator deleted a group by accident, or if it turns out that a recently deleted group is needed
again, company administrators and support administrators can restore the group from the group
administrator's trash.

 Note

Company administrators and support administrators have to be enabled for Content Administration. If
Content Administration is not enabled for the administrators, they can't access the trash folders of the

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group members to restore deleted groups. For information about how to enable Content Administration,
see Configure Content Administration options [page 312].

 Note

You can restore a group only if the group hasn't been purged yet. You can't restore groups that have been
purged from the trash.

To restore a deleted group from a user's trash folder:

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console, select Users Membership from the left side navigation.
2. Go to the row for the user that has deleted the group, and click Action Access Trash .

 Note

In the user's trash folder, you can see only deleted groups, but no other deleted content.

3. In the trash folder of the user, select the group that you want to restore, and click Restore Items.

2.2.3 Create and manage member lists

Rather than invite individual users to a group, you can save time and use published member lists.

In medium to large sized organizations, where you may not know all of the individuals in a department,
geographical location, or who's working on a particular project, member lists allow you to invite lists of
members created by others. Member lists can be created by adding users individually, adding other existing
member lists, pasting a list of comma-separated email addresses, or importing a CSV file of comma-separated
email addresses.

Area administrators can also view, create, and edit member lists so that area members can use them for group
invites. On the Membership [page 68] page, they can also manage area membership by adding individual
users and performing the following actions for each member:

● Make Area Admin

● Make Area Page Content Admin
● Remove From Area
● Remove Area Admin
● Remove Area Page Content Admin

 Note

● Groups that contain member lists cannot be moved to subgroups.

● Groups members who were added via a list cannot choose to leave a group, however they can unfollow
the group feed as an alternative.
● For the August 2018 release, the Users and Member Lists page from the menu navigation has been
reorganized into two new pages, Membership and Member Lists. This reorganization makes it easier
especially for area administrators to add users and manage membership for their areas.
● For the August 2018 release, the following changes appear in the Member Lists table:
○ Created in: Shows the name of the area or indicates company level for where the member list was

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○ Status: Shows the publishing status for the member list. It can be Pending (not ready to use),
unavailable due to errors, or Published and available to use.
○ Membership: Indicates whether the member list is used for area membership.

 Note

The "Availability" column was removed for this release. The simplified "Status" column provides
more relevant and helpful information in its place.

○ Actions dropdown: You can select Add to Area Membership to add everyone in the member list to
the area selected in the Change Admin Area dropdown menu.

On the Member Lists page, you can create, edit, publish, or delete member lists.

Create a member list

To create a member list

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Users Member Lists from the left side navigation.
2. On the Member Lists tab, click Create New Member List.
3. In the Create New Member List tab, enter a meaningful name for the member list and then click OK.
4. In the Add People to the Member List text box, create your member list by using one of the following
○ Enter the person's name or email address. When you see the name in the dropdown auto-completion
list, click their information to add them.
○ Paste a comma-separated list of email addresses into the text box, and press Enter.
○ Enter the name of another member list into the Add People to the Member List text box, and press
○ Click Import CSV to import a comma-separated list of email addresses for members. Use your
browser's upload feature to find and select the file on your hard drive. When the file is uploaded and
processed, the listed users are added.

 Note

If you add an unknown email address, it displays in the Errors tab. You can save a Member List that has
errors, but you cannot publish it until you have edited and corrected the unrecognized email addresses.

5. To edit or remove users from your Member List, hover over a row of member information under Members
or Errors and click Remove, Undo, or Edit (only available in the Errors tab).
6. Select Private Member List if the list should only be accessed from the auto complete dropdown list by
company or support administrators. If not selected, it remains a public member list that is available for
anyone in the company to use. Private and public member lists are differentiated with an icon that
precedes the name of the member list.
7. Click Publish if you are satisfied with the collection of members in the list, there are no errors, and you want
to make the member list available for use.
All users are moved into the Published Members tab.
8. Optionally, click Save to retain a list that you are not ready to make available for use.
The member lists shown in the catalog displays a status of:

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Pending: While the member list is processing, the Status of the list is "Pending". Beside the member
names, the message "To be added" displays in the Status column. When the member list has completed
processing, provided there are no errors, the Status of the member list displays as "Published".
or Error.
You can edit, delete, and view the usage (a list of areas and groups where the member list is used) for each
one. Member lists with an Error status allow you to discard changes. For areas, you can add member lists to
the area membership.
On the Edit Member List page, you can:
○ add or remove people
○ publish
○ delete
○ discard changes.
○ select the Add member list to area toggle: Conveniently add a member list to the membership of an
area by selecting this option.
Since changes to a member list are automatically saved as you edit, the Save button is no longer
required. Click Publish to finalize your changes to the member list and begin the publishing process.

Profile-based dynamic member lists

When profile changes occur that impacts a member list based on a particular profile rule (e.g., a specific job
location serves as the membership rule, and a member no longer belongs to that location; someone new has
joined the same job location), the updated member list includes or excludes members per the rule. Groups that
use the member list will automatically update to reflect the change in members (e.g., per the previous example,
the member who no longer has the same job location is removed from the group).

 Note

Automatic updates for larger member lists may take more time to propagate back to groups that use the
member list.

To create a profile-based dynamic member list

1. Go to User Member Lists .

2. Click New Dynamic Member List on the Dynamic Member Lists tab.
3. In the dialog box, enter a name and description for the member list.
4. On the Rules tab, click the text box to select from a list of profile field options on the Dynamic Member List
Rules dialog box. Options include SCIM profile fields.
5. Select a profile field and then select or enter a condition for that field. If you want to remove it, click the
Trash icon.
6. You can select another option or click Done. The new rule displays in the Rules text box.
7. Click the Preview tab to preview the list of members based on the rule.
8. Click Publish to publish the new dynamic member list.

On the Dynamic Member Lists page, the published member list appears. It is now ready to be used within an

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Search and sort member lists

Use the Filter by Name field to search for a specific member list. You can also sort through member lists by
name, last modified date, and where it was created by clicking on the column header. When there are several
lists, a Show More button appears for you to click and view more member lists.

View member list usage

You can view where the member list is being used, by name of area, group, folder name, and other member
lists. This is especially helpful when deciding whether or not to modify or delete a member list.

Member Lists view usage

Related Information

Assign users to a group via a member list [page 48]

2.2.4 Create and manage dynamic member lists

You can use dynamic member lists to create a rules-based list that updates whenever there are changes for
those members who fit the selected rules. For example, creating a dynamic member list that includes the
members of several departments can change over time as people join and leave those departments.

Create a dynamic member list

To create a dynamic member list

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Users Member Lists from the left side navigation.

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2. Select the Dynamic Member Lists tab and click New Dynamic Member List.
3. Fill in the "Name" field and, optionally, the description.
4. Click the "Rules" box. The "Dynamic Member List Rules" dialog box displays.
5. Select criteria for which you want to select members for the list. Once selected, the criteria displays as a
button with a text box beside it.
6. Click the text box to select the department that you want to include. Your selection appears in the text box.
You can remove it by clicking the "x".
Optionally, you can click in the text box again to select another department. You can also click Select an
option to select additional criteria for your selection.

The Dynamic Member List dialog box showing selected criteria and options
7. Once you have set the criteria and options that you want, click Done.
8. Click Publish once its ready for use.
The Dynamic Member Lists shown in the catalog displays a Status of either Complete or Pending (if no
criteria for member selection has been set).
For any dynamic member list in the catalog, there are always two possible options in the Action drop-down
menu: Edit or Delete

Related Information

Assign users to a group via a member list [page 48]

2.2.5 Assign users to a group via a member list

Once member lists have been published they are available to be used to assign large numbers of users to a
group all at one time. Click the Required Member Lists tab on the Invite page, and then type the name of the
member list in the Add Required Member Lists to this group text box.

If you assign a member list to a group, all users on the member list are assigned to this group. If you have set
up a a user agreement (terms of use) for the group the users have to accept the terms of use before they can
access the group. Assigned members do not have the option to leave the group. You can use this feature, for

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example, for groups that are designed to broadcast required information to specific parts of your organization,
such as departments or specialist groups.

 Note

Both manually created Member Lists and Dynamic Member Lists are available by using this method.

Using member lists in invitations

 Note

Under the members list for a group, group administrators can filter by alumni users only, click Select All to
select multiple alumni users and then click Remove Alumni to bulk remove those users from the member

 Note

If a required member list is changed after you saved the assignment, for example if users are deleted or
added to the member list by the company administrator, this also updates their workspace membership,
this means the members are removed from or assigned to the workspace.

Enable silent assignments

If you do not want that a notification is send to each user on a required member list that you assign to a group,
you can enable silent assignments in the group settings:

1. In the group, click Group Admin > Edit Group. The Edit Group page appears, defaulting to the General tab.
2. On the General tab, select the option Enable Silent Assignments.
3. Click Save changes when you are done.

If you enable silent assignments, the users on the required member lists receive no bell notifications, feed
entries, and e-mail notifications informing them about their assignment to the group. If you have configured
terms of use for the group, the users still have to accept the terms of use before they can start working in the

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2.2.6 Imported member lists

For SAP Jam customers who use SAP Cloud Identity as their identity provider and SAP Identity Provisioning
System (IPS) to provision users into SAP Jam, externally defined groups can be imported as SAP Jam member
lists using the SCIM protocol.

By using the groups feature in SAP Identity Provisioning System (IPS) external groups can be imported from
any external system that is supported by IPS as a source system. This can include systems such as LDAP,
Active Directory, or SAP Cloud Identity itself. These external groups become SAP Jam member lists and can be
used to define the membership of SAP Jam groups. SAP Jam supports both flat lists of users in a member list
and nested member lists where multiple members lists are used as the source of other member lists.

Once imported into SAP Jam, company administers can make the member lists available for use by the whole
company or they can be marked as private so only company administrators can access the member lists.

2.3 About User Management

Learn how to manage and deactivate users.

SAP Jam does not provide user management capabilities. Instead, every SAP Jam instance depends on either
of the following systems for user management:

● HXM Core (SuccessFactors Platform / “BizX”)

● SAP Identity Service

You can deactivate users in the following ways, depending on the system in use:

● HXM Core (SuccessFactors Platform / “BizX”)

○ Change the User status value from active to inactive. Typically, user updates are done using CSV
file uploads (Employee Import).
○ Or, remove the SAP Jam access permission for that user in RBP (Role Base Permission), while keeping
the status active.
● SAP Identity Service
○ In the Identity Authentication Service user data, change the user's status from active to inactive
○ Or, if Identity Provisioning Service (IPS) is being used for user provisioning, use it’s deletion capabilities
to deactivate unwanted profiles from SAP Jam, without having to make them inactive in Identity
Authentication Service.

After deactivating users via any of the above methods, they become alumni users in SAP Jam.

 Note

External users can be deactivated in SAP Jam Administration where you set them to inactive. Another
option is for these users to deactivate themselves as a self-service, which turns them into alumni users, and
this status cannot be reverted.

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2.4 About notification emails

The SAP Jam notification emails that a user receives are determined by the settings in four configuration
pages: three that are available to company administrators, and one that is available to users via their account

To set whether email notifications are used in your company

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Compliance and Security Security from the left side
2. In the E-Mail Settings section, select the Allow <your_company> Jam to send members content via e-mail to
enable email notifications; clear this option to disable email notifications.

To set whether your company's users can receive daily email alerts and
active task reminders

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Product Setup Features from the left side navigation.

Enable daily alert emails and active task reminders

2. From the Feature Management section, select the Send daily alert emails to all members option to allow
users to receive the notification emails listed in the Daily Emails section of their Account Settings Email
Settings page.
Disabling this option will prevent users from receiving daily alert emails regardless of any options that they
may have checked in the Daily Emails section of their Account Settings Email Settings page.
3. In the Feature Management section, select the Send active task reminder to all members option to allow
users to receive email reminders of their uncompleted tasks.
Disabling this option prevents users from receiving active task reminders regardless of whether they have
checked the Active Tasks Reminder option in the Daily Emails section of their Account Settings Email
Settings page.
4. Click Save changes at the bottom of the page.

To prevent a particular user from receiving email notifications

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console select Users Membership from the left side navigation.
2. In the table of users, in the row for the user that you want to give administrator status to, click edit.
The user's profile page appears.

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3. In the Email Settings section, select the Stop all emails option for All and click Save changes.

Disable a specific user's email notifications

The default for this option is Enable Emails. Setting the All option to stop all notification emails for the
selected user.

Users will receive Daily Email notifications only if the following five conditions are true:

1. The Allow <your_company> Jam to send members content via e-mail option is selected in the E-Mail
Settings section of the Compliance and Security Security page.
2. The Send daily alert emails to all members option in Product Setup Features page is selected.
3. In the user's Email Settings section, accessed from the Users Membership page by clicking Edit in
the row for their account, the default value is Enable Emails.
4. At least one of the Daily Emails options in the user's Email Settings page is selected.
5. There is content in the category of the daily summary options that are enabled. If there is no content, no
daily summary is sent.

 Note

If a user has never saved changes in the Email Settings page, then the settings displayed might not
accurately reflect the options in use.

User notification emails

The following table lists the notification emails that can be sent to users.

User notification emails

Title Description

High Priority Emails

Direct Messages Sent when a group member enters an @mention ("@User Name") specifically to you.

Direct Messages to All Followers Sent when a group member enters an @@notify to all members of a group of which you
are a member.

Private messages Sent when an SAP Jam user sends you a private message by clicking on the envelope
icon in the top menu bar of any SAP Jam page and clicking New Message.

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Title Description

High Priority Emails

Notifications New Notifications for you or involving you. This setting controls approximately a dozen
different notification emails. Examples are you have a new follower, and you’ve been
@mentioned from a content item.

 Note
Administrators should select this option. They will have some additional notifica-
tion emails sent to them if this option is selected: see the next section,
Administrator notification emails for details.

Photo tagging Sent when another user has tagged you in a video posted in one of your groups.

Video tagging Sent when another user has tagged you in a video posted in one of your groups.

Error Emails on 3rd party integra­ When integrations you’ve set up (for example, with Google Docs) are no longer working
tions correctly.

External Applications When a group you’re in that is integrated with an external system generates a notifica-
tion email that the records in that external system have been created, modified, or de­

Tasks When a task has been assigned to you, or a task already assigned to you has been up­

Wall posts When someone has posted something on your wall.

Medium Priority Emails

 Note
Due to infrequent activity, please note that the following email notifications will no
longer be sent in an upcoming product release.

Feed Comments and Likes A colleague has commented on or liked a feed post you’ve made.

Wiki edit to a page you created A colleague has edited a wiki you created.

Wiki edit only when you were the A colleague has edited a wiki for which you were the previous editor.
last editor

Daily Emails

Clicks on my content Links that I've posted that other's have clicked.

Reminder for old notifications Inbox notifications older than one day.

Results for tracked items Any new results for saved search terms.

Yesterday's headlines Up to 20 feed events from my follows feed, created by other users, yesterday.

Yesterday's top 5 links Up to 5 most popular links people clicked on yesterday.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

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Title Description

High Priority Emails

Active Tasks Reminder Reminder of uncompleted Tasks that are assigned to you.

 Note
Due to infrequent activity, please note that the "Active Tasks Reminder" email noti­
fication will no longer be sent in an upcoming product release.

Administrator notification emails

The following table lists the notification emails that can be sent to SAP Jam administrators.

Administrator notification emails

Title Description

Admin Browser Authentication If the Require email authentication for new browsers option has been selected in the
Request Compliance and Security Security page, this notification email is sent on the de­
tection of a browser being used to access SAP Jam for the first time.

Content pending approval If Content Administration is enabled and a user submits content, this notification re­
quests that the administrator approve the content. For an administrator to receive this
notification email, he or she must have checked Notifications in their Account
Settings Email Settings page.

Content inappropriate Notifies company administrators that an SAP Jam user has marked some content as
inappropriate. If this occurs, the content is removed, a "marked as inappropriate" mes­
sage displays, and the content is listed in the Compliance and Security Content
Administration section's Items Pending Review panel. This will only occur if you have
enabled content administration and the number of reports that the content is inappro­
priate have exceeded the configured threshold. An administrator must review the con­
tent, and either click Delete if you agree that it is inappropriate, or click Restore if you
find the content to be acceptable.

Content inappropriate rejection Notifies the users who reported content as being inappropriate if that content is
deemed to be acceptable and is restored by a company administrator. This notification
email is not received by administrators, but it does report on an administrator action.

Compliance item flagged Notifies company administrators that a comment or private message contains words
that are listed in the profanity or compliance dictionaries as configured in the
Compliance and Security Compliance section.

Company Storage Space is al­ Notifies company administrators when storage used hits 80% of their allocation. If you
most full receive an "80% usage" notification, you should either free up storage by deleting old
content or contact your SAP Jam sales representative to purchase more storage space.
Repeated notifications will be sent every Wednesday until the situation is resolved.
These notifications are not configurable and cannot be turned off except by taking ac­
tion to resolve the situation. If your company has purchased additional storage space,
an email notification will be sent when you have only 90% available storage space
rather than 80%.

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Title Description

Company Storage Space IS full Notifies company administrators when storage used hits 100% of their allocation. If you
receive a "100% usage" notification, your users will no longer be able to upload content,
so acting to resolve the problem becomes vital. Repeated notifications will be sent ev­
ery Wednesday until the situation is resolved. These notifications are not configurable
and cannot be turned off except by taking action to resolve the situation.

Extranal User Licenses are mostly Notifies company administrators when there are only 20 external user licenses remain­
used ing.

Admin Report succeeded Notifies the administrator who requested a report that the report generation has com­
pleted successfully.

Admin Report ready for download Notifies the administrator who requested a report that the report is ready to be down­

Admin Report failed Notifies the administrator who requested a report that the report failed to generate.

2.5 Overview of external user administration

External user administration involves the configuration and management of external users and the SAP Jam
features that affect those external users' experience of SAP Jam. This section provides an overview of the
various locations and procedures that relate to external user administration.

The default number of licensed external users is 100, although your organization can buy more at any time. To
find out how many external user licenses your organization has purchased, and how many external user
licenses are currently being used, please View your SAP Jam service general information [page 26].

You can do the things described in the following sections to manage your external users and their experience of
SAP Jam.

Manage external user domains

To make external logins more secure, you can set either an allowlist or a blocklist of email domains from which
external users can log in to SAP Jam. For information, see the "Domain Management" section in External user
management [page 56].

Manage external users

You can view a list of current and invited external users, see their status as external users, and Disable, Block,
or Enable their access individually. For information, see the "External users management" section of External
user management [page 56].

Set the External User Log-On Introductory Text

When users are invited to External Groups, they receive a link to the External User login page. The login page,
are presents external users with an introductory message. You can set the text of this message and the
language or languages that it, or they, will be displayed in. For information, see step 6 in the procedure
Configure the Branding and Support options [page 86].

Set the log-on background image and the help page for external users

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

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You can set the background image shown in the login page for external users, and you can set whether they can
view a custom help page. For information, see step 7 in the procedure Configure the Branding and Support
options [page 86].

Set a customized Terms of Service agreement for your external users

You can set whether external users will be shown a "Terms of Service" agreement when they log in for the first
time, and you can set the text of the terms of service agreement. For information, see the procedure Configure
External User Terms of Service [page 310].

Invite external users to an external group

To have external users access your organization's SAP Jam service, you can send them invitations to join one of
your organization's external groups. For information on how to do this, see the procedure "Invite external
participants to a group" in the "Users and groups" section of the SAP Jam Collaboration Group Administration

2.6 External user management

To make external logins more secure, you can set either an allowlist or a blocklist of the email domains from
which external users can or cannot log in to your company's instance of SAP Jam.

Domain Management

To configure external user settings

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Users External User from the left navigation sidebar to
view general information on your SAP Jam service.
2. In the Domain Management section, click the radio button for the type of list that you want to use.
○ Select Use a blocklist if you want users from all email domains to be able to connect, except those that
you add to the text box. This is a less secure option, but it usually requires less work to maintain.
○ Select Use an allowlist if you want users to be able to connect only if they have email addresses with
domains that match those that you add to the text box. This is a more secure option, but it requires
that you make changes whenever your organization collaborates with different external companies or
3. In the text box, enter an email domain, or a space-separated list of email domains, that you want to add to
your allowlist or blocklist.
4. Click Save changes to enable the options that you have set.
The email domains that you added are shown as a catalog in table format between the text box and Save
changes button.
5. Optionally, to remove a domain entry, select the checkbox beside the domain entry in the Remove from
[Allow/Block]list column of the domains catalog that you want to remove, and click Save changes.
The domain entry is removed from the domains catalog.

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External users management

You can view a list of current and invited external users, see their status as external users, and Disable, Block,
or Enable their access individually.

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Users External from the left navigation sidebar to view
general information on your SAP Jam service.
2. In the External Users section, click the Show drop-down menu, and select the type of users that you want to
The options are All, Active, Unaccepted Invites, Blocked External User, Disabled, External Company - All,
External Company - Active, and External Company - Unaccepted Invites. Note that the drop-down menu
options show the number of users of each type in parentheses.
The External Users catalog refreshes after a few seconds and displays the category of users that you
3. To change a user's access:
○ To disable an "External" user, select the checkbox beside their Email entry and click Disable Users.
○ To block an "External Companies" user, select the checkbox beside their Email entry and click Block
○ To enable an "Disabled" user, select the checkbox beside their Email entry and click Enable Users.
4. Optionally, click the "edit" link in the status column for any user.
The user's Edit Profile page displays, where you can edit and save their profile information.
5. Optionally, click the "Review Usage" link in the status column for any user.
The Content Administration page displays, with the Audit Usage tab activated, where you can view the
user's activities in SAP Jam.

SuccessFactors prehire accounts

For newly hired employees who have not yet started with the organization, prehire accounts can be provisioned
for them so that they do not have full access to the company until day one of their employment. This means
that they won't be able to view names of other employees, create groups, post to the feeds, and various other
actions reserved only for employees who have already started working for the organization. Prehires
participation is limited to external groups.

In the SAP Jam Admin console under Users > External > SuccessFactors tab, the prehire's user account is

On day one of a new hire's employment, their prehire’s account can be converted to a full access SAP Jam user
account. This allows the new hire to keep their existing content and group memberships intact even though
those developments were prior to day one of their employment. To enable this feature, as a company
administrator, you must submit an incident to the SAP Jam Support team to designate a specific custom
property (CUSTOM01 through CUSTOM15) from the SuccessFactors employeedataset that determines
whether someone is a prehire in your company. This step must be done prior to creating the prehire user
account in SuccessFactors. You can then set the custom property value, on a user basis, to determine their
current role, and convert them to a full access SAP Jam user account when necessary. A value of "Y" means the
prehire won't be able to view names of other employees, create groups, post to the feeds, and various other
actions reserved only for employees who have already started working for the organization.

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 Note

Please contact the SAP Jam Support team to request use of the same label in the SuccessFactors
employee data set.

Use of SAP Jam to support prehires does not require the use of SuccessFactors Onboarding. However, if you
also deploy Onboarding and wish to grant a prehire access to the module, it is recommended you designate the
same custom property for determining user status which is shared by both Onboarding and SAP Jam. For more
information, please see the SuccessFactors Onboarding documentation.

2.7 Alias Accounts

Company administrators can now create up to 100 alias user (role-based or mailbox) accounts where one or
more SAP Jam users can be assigned to use the alias user account in a formal capacity on behalf of their
organization. An alias user account enables employees to easily identify a point of contact for specific
interaction. For example, for new hire employees of a large, global organization, it is easier to contact a user
named "HR Helpdesk" with HR related questions than it is to find out the name of the exact person.

Alias users can also be used as a system user (for example, program, bot) to work with other applications. In
many SAP applications, this type of user is referred to as a technical user.

For more information on alias account configuration, please refer to the Developer guide topic,Webhooks -
Alias Users.

Create an alias account

To create an alias account

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and choose Users Alias Accounts .
2. Click New Alias Account. Complete the following steps for the Basic Profile section:
○ Below the automatically generated Alias User ID, enter the Alias Account Name. This name will be
visible and used for interaction.
○ Enter some text to describe the purpose of the alias in the Description text box.
○ Click Save changes to save the basic profile information. You can return to this section later to enter
more information after you save information in the other sections of this account configuration.
3. Complete the following steps for the Users section:
○ In the Add users to alias account text field, enter the name of each user that you want to add to the
alias account. If you want to remove any of these users, then click Remove beside their name in the
Users list.
○ Click Save changes to save the users information.
4. Complete the following steps for the API Access section and when the alias user is defined as a system
user (e.g., bot):
○ Click Add OAuth2 Access Token.
○ From the drop-down list, select the OAuth client and then click OK. The token information will update
and display in this section, along with the name of the OAuth client.

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5. Complete the following steps for the Email Settings section:
○ From the dropdown list, you can choose to enable or stop all email notifications.
○ Click Save changes to save the email settings.
6. Complete the following steps for the Org Chart section:
○ Enter the name of the Manager for the user(s) of the alias account, or select the I have no manager
○ Enter the names of the Direct Reports for the user(s) of the alias account, or select the I have no direct
reports option.
○ Enter the names of the Assistants for the user(s) of the alias account, or select the I have no assistant
○ Click Save changes to save the organizational chart information.
7. Complete the following steps for the Contact Information section:
○ Click Add an email to enter a home, work, or other email address.
○ Click Add a phone to enter a home, work, mobile, fax or other phone number.
○ Click Add an IM to enter a preferred messaging account (for example, Google Talk).
○ Enter any Mobile or LinkedIn information.
○ Click Save changes to save the contact information.

Once a user is assigned to an alias user account, they will be able to go the the gear icon above the global menu
bar and select their alias user account, under the Switch User section of the menu. A banner appears above the
Search field to indicate that the user is "Currently acting as an Alias User". Alias users can create groups and
design group pages with their group administrator privileges.

Edit an alias account

To edit an alias account

1. On the Alias Accounts page, beside the alias account that you want to modify, choose Action Edit .
2. Edit the basic profile, users, API access, email settings, and contact information.
3. Click Save changes to save the profile changes.

Delete an alias account

To delete an alias account

1. On the Alias Accounts page, beside the alias account that you want to delete, choose Action Delete .
2. Click Confirm on the delete confirmation message to remove the alias account.

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2.8 Identity Authentication and Identity Provisioning

As of the September 2017 release, new customers whose SAP Jam tenant is connected to the Identity
Authentication of SAP BTP will also receive a tenant of Identity Provisioning.

Identity Authentication and Identity Provisioning will be the identity provider and user provisioning systems for
SAP Jam Collaboration. These systems will be pre-integrated as follows:

● Identity Authentication provides user authentication to SAP Jam.

● Identity Provisioning provisions new users defined in Identity Authentication to SAP Jam.
Identity Provisioning provides significant improvements over the user provisioning feature for SAP Jam
that was previously available in the Identity Authentication service. SAP Jam, Identity Authentication, and
Identity Provisioning service each come pre-configured and ready for administrators.

Updates and Enhancements

Please note the following benefits:

● Automation and management of full end-to-end life cycle of SAP Jam users is easier and more robust.
● Complex user provisioning scenarios like partial provisioning, where specific groups of users are
provisioned to SAP Jam instead of the entire user base of Identity Authentication, are now possible.
● Updates to users in Identity Authentication will no longer be provisioned in real-time but can be scheduled
to update at a time that suits your business requirements.
● Users can now be provisioned directly to SAP Jam from multiple source systems instead of provisioned to
Identity Authentication first.
● By default, more Identity Authentication user attributes are now provisioned to SAP Jam.

Access SAP Jam Collaboration system with Identity Authentication and

Identity Provisioning

To access SAP Jam Collaboration with Identity Authentication and Identity Provisioning

1. After you receive an activation email for your Identity Authentication system, click the activation link in that
email to activate your administration user for Identity Authentication. You must activate your Identity
Authentication administrative user before you can access SAP Jam.
2. From the Identity Authentication console, launch and log on to SAP Jam Collaboration. This creates your
first company administrator user in SAP Jam Collaboration.
3. Identity Provisioning is the service that can provision your users to SAP Jam Collaboration and keep
managing them. After purchasing SAP Jam Collaboration, you will receive two e-mails, which provide links
to the Identity Provisioning UI. Each link contains a subaccount specifically created for your provisioning
scenarios. Use one of them for testing purposes, and the other one – for productive configurations and
jobs. If you activate the Identity Provisioning, you’ll become the first Identity Provisioning administrator for
the relevant subaccount.

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 Note

By default, Identity Provisioning is configured to immediately read all Identity Authentication users and
provision them to SAP Jam. If you want to change this behavior, go to the Identity Provisioning user
interface and adjust the frequency of the jobs, and the groups of users to be provisioned to SAP Jam.
For more information, see: Purchase the Identity Provisioning (Bundles)

Identity Provisioning Default Configuration

Identity Provisioning configurations consist of Source and Target systems and Transformations. In the default
scenario pre-packaged with SAP Jam, the source system will be configured as Identity Authentication, and the
target system will be configured as SAP Jam. The SAP Jam target system will have a transformation associated
with it. This maps the SCIM attributes in Identity Authentication to specific SCIM attributes in SAP Jam.

Typically, no further changes to the transformations are required by you, the administrator. A job is scheduled
to run every 15 minutes to move users and user attribute changes from Identity Authentication to SAP Jam. For
more information on the target system set up, please see the SAP Jam (target) topic in the Identity
Provisioning Service document.

With this default scenario, every new user in Identity Authentication will be provisioned to SAP Jam.

Administrator Action Items

Administrators should configure how new users will be added to Identity Authentication so they can eventually
be provisioned to SAP Jam.

 Note

It is possible to change the source system to something other than Identity Authentication. If changed,
please be aware that SAP Jam still uses Identity Authentication for authentication. Users must still be able
to login to Identity Authentication to access SAP Jam even if the source user system is not Identity

Administrator permissions for SAP Jam

To provide additional users administration rights, go to the SAP Jam Admin console, and choose Users
Membership .

Administration permissions for Identity Provisioning

To provide additional users administration rights forIdentity Provisioning, go to the Identity Provisioning
console and then

1. Select the Authentication section and click +Add.

2. In the User ID field, enter the ID of the new user (e.g., i-, d-, s-, p-user).
3. From the CONFIGURE AUTHORIZATIONS section, set the Manage Identity Provisioning option to ON.
4. You can also set the Manage On-Premise Connections option to ON. This allows the new user to configure
connections from on-premise systems to your consumable account.

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Repeat the steps above for each additional user you want to authorize.

Related Information

Access the Identity Provisioning (Bundles)

Manage Authorizations (Bundles)
Access Audit Logs (Bundles)

2.9 SCIM Provisioning

If the Users SCIM Provisioning page appears in your Admin console menu, then your user identity,
authentication, authorization, and single sign-on (SSO) capabilities are supplied by an SCIM-compliant identity
management system. SAP's SCIM offering is Identity Authentication, which is the likely identity management
system that you are using and explained further in this section.

If you are using a third-party SCIM-compliant identity management system, please refer to their
documentation for details on its use.

 Note

You should not make any changes to the form on this page, as it is configured by SAP Jam Collaboration
Support to manage user identity services in the manner requested by your community. If you do want to
make changes, please contact your representative.

Although changes should not be made in the Users SCIM Provisioning page, Identity Authentication does
offer its own web-based administrator console in which your user identity features can be managed.

If your community's instance has been configured to use Identity Authentication, you will receive an email with
a link to the Identity Authentication administrator console. Click that link to open the Identity Authentication
administrator console in your web browser.

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The Identity Authentication administrator console

The following procedures are performed in the Identity Authentication administrator console.

Add users to your Identity Authentication manager

● Add a single user via the Identity Authentication administrator console's interface
● Add multiple users by importing a CSV file
● Create users programmatically via API

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Remove users from your Identity Authentication manager

● Delete users via the administration console

● Delete users programmatically via API

Give a user administrator privileges

● Add Administrators via the administration console

Access SAP Jam Collaboration from the Identity Authentication

administrator console

1. Access your community's Identity Authentication manager, and in the Applications & Resources section,
click Applications.
2. From the left sidebar, click SAP Jam Collaboration.
3. Just below the title of the application on the main pane of the page, click Home URL and select Visit from
the context menu.
SAP Jam Collaboration displays in a new tab.

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3 Administrative Areas

3.1 Area setup overview

From start to finish, setup of an area requires the completion of tasks by a company and area administrator.
Page content administrators may also be involved with area home page design.

Area setup tasks

The following is a task list you can use to help you set up an area. The order in which you complete the tasks is
meant to be a guideline. Your organization may have different requirements are processes to follow which can
affect some of the ordering.

Suggested order for area setup tasks

Task Task to be completed by

1. Create and manage an administrative area [page 65] Company administrator

2. Add user and assign area administrator privileges [page 68] Company administrator

3. Add user and assign page content administrator [page 73] privi­ Company or area administrator

4. Manage area home page [page 70] Area administrator

5. Design and publish area home pages [page 76] Area or page content administrator

6. Add non-administrator members to an area [page 68] Company or area administrator

3.2 Configure administrative areas

An area is a designated space for subject matter experts to manage content and collaborate within their line of
business. Users who are designated area administrators have a small but significant subset of company
administrator capabilities. Area admins relieve some responsibility from overloaded company administrators
typically working in a single department (for example, IT) while allowing area members more control over their
deployment and configuration of SAP Jam.

On the Administrative Areas page, company administrators can create areas within your organization's SAP
Jam instance. Company and area administrators can manage area membership from the area's Users tab on
the Users and Member Lists page in the SAP Jam Admin console.

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Create an administrative area

To create an administrative area

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Administrative Areas. A catalog listing any previously
configured administrative areas displays.
2. Click New Area near the top of the page.
3. Type a meaningful name in the Name text box.
4. Choose what the area administrators are allowed to configure based on their business needs and
expertise. The sections you select displays in tiles on the admin area landing page in the SAP Jam Admin
○ Integrations: Set up integrations for external systems
○ Product Setup: (for custom home page and group templates)
○ Analytics: Run reports on groups in their areas and view area-specific administrator dashboards
○ External Group Creation: Enable area administrators with the ability to override the company-wide
setting for external group creation and external user invites. Users can then create external groups and
invite external users to the area.
○ Group Creation: Override the company settings to allow users to create their own groups.

External Group Creation and Group Creation checkboxes enabled on Area overview when options are selected
○ Branding: Configure area branding (branding colors, font, name, logo, and footer only; mobile, e-mail
notifications, support or help settings, and external user settings are not included).
5. Click Create to create the new administrative area. The administrative area that you just added is listed in
the catalog.

Use the Change Admin Area selector

Administrative areas are available from the Change Admin Area dropdown menu at the top of the Admin
console's left side navigation. Refresh the page in your browser to view the latest added areas. The Change

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Admin Area dropdown menu only shows the areas that an area administrator has access to. Area
administrators only have access to limited options in the Admin console, and the scope of the operations that
they perform is limited to only the selected administrative area.

Company administrators have access to both the entire company and to the full list of administrative areas
configured for your instance of SAP Jam. If a company administrator selects an administrative area from the
Change Admin Area dropdown menu, the Admin console section is limited to those available to an area
administrator, and those options apply to only the selected administrative area. A company administrator can
return to the full menu of Admin console options by selecting "Company" from the Change Admin Area
dropdown menu. The scope of the operations is changed back to your organization's entire SAP Jam instance.

Edit an administrative area

To modify an already configured administrative area

1. In the Administrative Areas page, click Action in the row for the administrative area that you want to modify.
2. Select Edit from the dropdown menu.
3. Make the necessary changes to the Name or allowed configurations (for example, Integrations, Product
Setup, Analytics, and Branding).
4. Click Update to save your changes.

Manage an administrative area

To perform administrative operations on an existing administrative area

1. From the Administrative Areas page, select Action in the row for the administrative area that you want to
2. Select Go To Area. The Area Overview page displays. You can select Company in the Change Admin Area
selector to return to the company administrator view of the Admin console.

Manage tab sequence of area home page

When you click Home on the global menu bar, the custom company home pages are shown first from left to
right. Any area home pages then display after the company home pages, also from left to right.

 Note

Non administrative users who belong to multiple areas no longer require an area switcher to switch
between area home pages. All area home pages can be accessed from the menu tabs where they display
from left to right.

From the Administrative Areas page, you can change the area home page tab sequence by clicking and
dragging any administrative area from top to bottom within the list to set the preferred tab order. Area home
pages display in the default sequence of left to right, from oldest to most recently created area.

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 Note

Only the number of main level published pages for each administrative area displays in the Number of
Pages column.

Delete an administrative area

To delete an existing administrative area

1. In the Administrative Areas page, click the Action button in the row for the administrative area that you
want to delete.
2. Select Delete from the dropdown menu. A confirmation dialog box displays.
3. Click Cancel to return to the Administrative Areas catalog without deleting the administrative area, or click
Delete to remove the administrative area.

3.3 Area membership

After an area is created, a company administrator can assign one or more administrators for the area. While
the company administrator can add other users to the area, the assigned area administrators can also manage
this task.

Add member and assign area administrator privilege

As a company administrator, you can designate one or more users as area administrators.

To add a member and then assign area administrator privilege

1. In the SAP Jam Admin console, choose the area from the Change Admin Area dropdown menu.
2. Go to the Users Membership page.
3. Click Add Users.
4. On the Add Users tab, enter the user name or e-mail address of the user you want to add to the area.
5. Click Add to automatically them as an area member. The list of users on the Users tab refreshes to include
the person you added.
6. On the row with their name, click the Action dropdown menu and choose Make Area Admin. The page
updates with their newly assigned admin type.

 Note

You can remove the area administrator privilege from a user by choosing Remove Area Admin in the
Action dropdown menu.

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Add members individually or through a member list

You can automatically add members to an area by adding individual users or public member lists created for
the company, or public or private member lists created for your area.

To add individual members to an area

1. In the SAP Jam Admin console, choose the area from the Change Admin Area dropdown menu.
2. Go to the Users Membership page.
3. Click Add Users.
4. Enter the user name or e-mail address of the users you want to add to the area.
5. Click Add to automatically them as area members. The list of users on the Membership page refreshes to
include everyone you added.

 Note

You can remove area users and administrators from your area by choosing Remove From Area in the
Action dropdown menu on the Membership page.

To add a member list to an area

1. In the SAP Jam Admin console, choose the area from the Change Admin Area dropdown menu.
2. Go to the Users Member Lists page.
3. In the Actions dropdown menu for the member list you want to add, choose Add to Area Membership.

Sort and filter for area users list

On the Membership page, you can choose one of the following from the dropdown to sort through the lists of

● All Members
● Admins
● Members
● Member Lists

You can also refine the list of Users by entering part or all of their name in the Filter by name text box.

3.4 Switcher for home pages

Area administrators for multiple areas can click a home page switcher icon located above the Page Settings
wand to switch between area home page views.

The home page switcher lets you quickly choose a home page to view and edit. You can:

● select a tab representing one of these user types: full access, restricted access, or external.
● for that user type, select either Company or a specific area.

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3.5 Customize the area home page

An area home page can be managed by an area administrator. Using page designer widgets, the layout of the
home page can be designed by an area or page content administrator. Once published, area members can view
area home pages.

As an area or page content administrator, you can create, upload, and manage content for your area home
page in a dedicated area repository.

 Note

After an area administrator upgrades their area home pages with the February 2018 release enhancements
for areas, an area home page no longer has a separate header and body section. The content previously
created under the header section no longer displays. However, content previously created under the body
section continues to display.

Enable, create, and edit the area home page

To enable and create the area home page

1. In the SAP Jam Admin console, choose the area from the Change Admin Area dropdown menu.
2. Choose Product Setup Home Page Management . The area repository displays.
3. Click Manage Home Page. The area home page displays in view mode.
4. On the Page Settings wand, click the Pencil icon for Edit mode. The area home page is ready for editing.

 Note

For steps on configuring mobile settings and using preview mode when designing pages for optimal
viewing on mobile devices, please refer to the Mobile settings and preview topic in the SAP Jam Group
Administration Guide.

 Note

When you click the Pencil icon from the Page Settings wand, your view switches to Edit mode for the
area home page you are currently viewing. If you want to edit a different page, you must return to view
mode and select that page first before switching to Edit mode.

5. On the Page Settings wand, the Home Page Content icon allows area and page content administrators to
go directly to the area repository for content management. When clicked, the icon turns blue. You can click
it again to return to the View mode for the home page.

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Page Settings wand with home page content icon

About the area home page repository and existing widget content references

As an area administrator, you can upload, edit, delete, and rename images and files in an area repository
dedicated for the specific area home page that you manage. System feed events are not generated for this
activity. Feed events are generated when an area member comments on content items available on the area
home page.

 Note

● Due to the elimination of area groups as of the February 2018 release, for any widgets on the area home
page that reference an area group, area and page content administrators must move or copy the
content from the area group to the new area home page content repository. Next, they must update the
widgets' content location references to the content managed in the new area repository.
● In a future release, area home page widgets will not support area group references.

Design the area home page

To design the area home page

1. Add and remove widgets from the body section as required for your area. For more information on how to
design pages with widgets, refer to the SAP Jam Collaboration Group Administration Guide. Exceptions to
widgets for use only with area and custom home pages is in the Widgets for area and company home pages
only [page 76] topic.
2. As you design the page, note that you have access to the following actions:

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○ Cancel: Exit the page designer without saving changes to the home page.
○ Save Draft: Save the page design without setting it as your area's home page.
○ Delete Draft: This action only appears if you have saved a draft home page and you have elected to
edit it again. Click to delete the draft version.
○ Publish: Save the page design and use it as your area's home page. The read-only header section that
is managed by the company administrator is also included when you publish the area home page.

Reference content from area repository or public group

When designing the area home page, you may want to add images, multimedia, slides, or other content that
already exists in SAP Jam. Depending on the widget, you can choose existing content from the area repository
or from a public group.

To select existing SAP Jam content for a slideshow

1. After you add the slideshow widget to the body section, click Click here to choose a slideshow from this
2. Browse through the area repository and choose the slide presentation.

To select existing SAP Jam content for a multimedia file

1. After you select the multimedia widget, click Choose existing multimedia.
2. Browse through the area repository and choose the multimedia file.

To select existing SAP Jam content for a document or other file

1. After you select the content widget, click Select under "Home page and public group content."
2. If you want to choose content that's available via the area repository, then leave the default Home Page
Content checkbox selected and browse to the area repository folder.
3. To select content available in public group folders, clear the Home Page Content checkbox, select a group
from the dropdown list, and then browse for the group content folder.

To select existing SAP Jam content for an image

1. After you add the image widget, click click here to choose an image from home page content.
2. Browse through the area repository and select an image.

Copy and move files

As an area administrator, you can copy or move all files from one area home page to another area home page or
group that you can access. As a company administrator, you can also copy or move all files to a company home

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Rearrange tabs

As an area administrator, in the Rearrange Tabs dialog, you can click and drag to move a first level menu tab to
a second level menu tab, or from second to first, for custom area home pages. You can also move a second level
menu tab to the second level of another area tab.

Rearrange page tabs for area home pages

3.6 Page content administrators

Page content administrators can be subject matter experts for an area or company. They can manage the
content and design of custom home pages. This responsibility can be delegated to these experts by company
administrators who do not have time to manage various home pages or the domain knowledge to manage
specific content that is otherwise well known to others.

Individual pages of an area home page or company home page can be managed by users assigned with the new
page content administrator privilege. By default, as a company administrator or area administrator, you are
already a page content administrator for your respective home page. The Choose Page Content Admin Access
menu item that appears in the Action dropdown therefore does not display for users who are company or area

Page content administrator features access

The following tables includes some of the features that can be accessed by page content administrators.

Examples of area and company level page administrator activities

Feature Activity Company level Area level

Content Annotate videos Yes Yes

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Feature Activity Company level Area level

Copy, move, download, delete, restore, purge, tag, revert to origi­ Yes Yes
nal, filter, and sort home page content

Work with single content item view actions. Yes Yes

Manage blog posts by another user. Yes Yes

Manage content translations. Yes Yes

Manage content that was moved to Trash. Yes Yes

View hidden wiki pages. Yes Yes

Tabs View, create, edit, rearrange tabs or subtabs Yes Yes

Add new area tabs N/A Yes

Page design Create, publish, and maintain all content in home page repository Yes Yes

Assign page content administrator privilege (company level)

To assign company level page content administrator privilege to a user

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console, choose the company level from the Change Admin Area dropdown
2. Go to the Users Users and Member Lists page.
3. Go to the user row and select Action Choose Page Content Admin Access .
4. On the Choose Page Content Admin Access dialog, assign any or all of the following home page level
access: company level Full Access, Restricted Access, and External. You can make changes to this selection
at any time.

Assign page content administrator privilege (area level)

To assign area level page content administrator privilege to a user

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console, choose the area from the Change Admin Area dropdown menu.
2. Go to the Users Users and Member Lists page.
3. Go to the user row and select Action Make Area Page Content Admin .

Once a user is assigned page content administrator privileges, they are notified with a bell notification.

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Remove page content administrator privileges

To remove page content administrator privilege from a user

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console, go to the Users Users and Member Lists page.
2. For an area level page content administrator, go to the user row and select Action Remove Area
Page Content Admin .
3. For company level page content administrator, go to the user row and select Action Choose Page
Content Admin Access and clear all checkboxes.

3.7 Area dashboard

The dashboard provides a visual display of user engagement statistics over a time frame of the previous four

For more information on what displays on a dashboard, see Dashboard [page 355]

To view the dashboard for an area

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console, on the Change Admin Area drop-down menu, select the area.
2. Select Analytics Dashboard
3. The dashboard loads with statistics and graphs for login activity and groups. For the login activity and
groups sections, you can change the time frame from 4 weeks to the last 3, 6, or 12 months.

3.8 Group templates

Group templates contain a pre-defined layout of widgets and content that make it simpler for groups to create
their own group pages.

For more information on creating group templates, see Group templates administration [page 153].

Manage group templates

To manage group templates for your area

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console, choose your area from the Change Admin Area dropdown menu.
2. Select Product Setup Group Templates .
3. On the Group Template page, you can click the toggles to enable or disable group templates that are listed
on the Administrative Area Templates tab or the Company templates tab.
4. To make a copy of an existing template for the purposes of customizing a new group template, from the
Actions dropdown menu, select Copy.

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3.9 Widgets for company and area home pages

Widgets are containers for a variety of content types such as video, feeds, and photos. When you add a widget,
you are specifying that a section, whether for group overview pages, custom company home pages, or custom
area home pages, contain some particular content.

For more information on how to design pages with widgets, refer to the Widgets topic in the Group
Administration Guide. It includes a list of widgets that can be used for group overview pages, company home
pages and area home pages.

For information on how to include Badgeville gamification on your custom home page, please see the
Leaderboard widget [page 281] topic.

The widgets explained in this section are available specifically for area and company custom home pages.

Social metric tracking

To help identify popular home page items by their level of participation or engagement, the number of views,
likes and replies display within the Content, Rotating Banner, and video and audio content of Multimedia
widgets. The author and last updated information, and number of views, likes, and replies now display within
the Slideshow widget for home pages.

3.9.1 Catalog search widget

Company and area administrators can add a new catalog search widget to the company or area home page
that allows company and area users to enter keywords to search SAP SuccessFactors Learning curricula,
learning items, and scheduled offerings. The search results appear in a new Catalog window.

Catalog search widget (for SAP SuccessFactors Learning)

To include a catalog search widget

1. In edit mode for the custom area home page, click the Catalog search widget icon to open the widget dialog

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2. In the Widget Title field, enter a meaningful name for the widget that will make sense to your users.
3. In the Hint Text field, provide some text that will help the user when they enter search criteria.
4. On the Background Image box, you can include an image by using drag and drop, clicking the first link to
upload an image, or clicking the second link to select an existing image stored in the home page content

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Example: Catalog search widget in page designer view
5. Click OK to save the widget.

When you click and drag the bottom edge of an image widget to resize it, a guideline appears to help you align
the edge with another image-based widget (e.g., image widget for group over view pages and catalog search
and rotating banner widgets for custom home pages) on the same row. As you drag the guideline, it will
automatically snap to the bottom edge alignment matching the other widget.

Embedded images

Images can be embedded within image, rotating banner, and catalog search widgets. Those images are
"bundled" as part of the group overview or custom home page and cannot be searched or browsed for

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Content repository images

When your image, rotating banner, or catalog search widget uses an image that already exists in the content
repository, and you update that image by uploading a new version, the image is also automatically updated in
those widgets.

3.9.2 Name widget

A "Name" tile provides your users with a space that displays their avatar, name, position, and a link to edit their

Name widget

To include a name widget

1. In edit mode for the custom area or company home page, click the Name widget icon. The name tile will
automatically insert on the page.

3.9.3 Notification widget

A "Notification Summary" tile provides your users with a list of all the notifications they have for request, social
updates, informational updates, invitations, and tasks.

Notification widget

To include a notification widget

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1. In edit mode for the custom area or company home page, click the Notification widget icon. The
notification summary tile will automatically insert on the page.

3.9.4 Recent items widget

A "Recent items" tile provides your users with access to a list of recently visited groups or recently viewed

Recent items widget

To include a recent items widget

1. In edit mode for the custom area or company home page, click the Recent items widget icon to open the
widget dialog box.

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2. From the Type drop down, choose to display one of the following:
○ Recently Visited
○ Recently Viewed
3. Click OK to save the widget.

3.9.5 Recommendation widget

A "Recommended" tile provides your users with quick links for further engagement with people, content, or

Recommendation widget

To include a recommendation widget

1. In edit mode for the custom area or company home page, click the Recommendation widget icon to open
the widget dialog box.

2. From the Type drop down, choose to display one of the following:
○ Recommended Content
○ People to Follow: can include a list of people with shared connections or groups
○ Groups to Join
3. Click OK to save the widget.

3.9.6 Rotating banner widget

Company and area administrators can add a carousel-style rotating banner widget to the home page. These
widgets can be used to display important information or headlines in a visually prominent way with up to 10
slides contained in a single banner that automatically rotates through the image sequence every few seconds.
Company and area users can click "next" and "previous" to move through the slides, or let the slides in the
banner automatically advance to the next one in the sequence.

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 Note

As of the May 2018 release, the rotating banner widget is also available for group overview pages. Please
refer to the SAP Jam Collaboration Group Administrator Guide for more information.

Rotating banner widget

To include a rotating banner widget

1. In edit mode for the custom area or company home page, click the Rotating banner widget icon to open the
widget dialog box.

2. With the first slide selected, include an image by using drag and drop, clicking the first link to upload an
image, or clicking the second link to select an existing image stored in the home page content folders. Once
you include an image, you can zoom in or zoom out using the image scale bar, click and drag the image
within the box, and you can click the Center/Scale to Fit button on the top right side to center or scale the
image. The minimum height is 270 pixels and the maximum is 500 pixels. The width size for a
○ 4 column-wide banner is 1180 pixels
○ 3 column-wide banner is 883 pixels
○ 2 column-wide banner is 585 pixels
○ 1 column-wide banner is 288 pixels

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 Note

○ When added, images are automatically cropped and resized. You can then manually scale each
image. As you resize the height for one image, the other slides in the banner will also apply the new
image height dimension.
○ For mobile devices and responsive view, the rotating banner widget behaves similar to the image
widget where images are scaled to fit the width of the device, preserving the aspect ratio, and
without cropping. Any titles or description are also scaled to fit the device width, and truncated
where necessary to fit the underlying image.

Example: Scale to fit

 Note

We recommend that all images used for a rotating banner widget have the same image dimension
(height and width). For example, avoid mixing extremely wide and tall images as that will result in
undesirable auto zooming and cropping. Multiple heights and whitespace are not permitted.

3. In the Link content to section, enter a URL hyperlink that will open when the image is clicked, or choose
existing content from the home page repository. When you choose existing content, the title of that file will
automatically fill the Title field.
4. In the Title field, you can keep it blank, enter new text, or accept the default text based on the previous
5. In the Description field, enter some text to describe or accompany the Title. The description will display
directly below the title.
6. Choose where you want to place the text:
○ Bottom Left
○ Bottom Right
○ Top Left
○ Top Right
7. On the left side of the panel, click + Slide to add a new slide and repeat the previous steps. The sequential
order of slides can be re-arranged using click and drag for each slide.

 Note

If you want to delete a slide from the banner rotation, click the x beside the slide on the left.

When you click and drag the bottom edge of an image widget to resize it, a guideline appears to help you align
the edge with another image-based widget (e.g., image widget for group over view pages and catalog search

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and rotating banner widgets for custom home pages) on the same row. As you drag the guideline, it will
automatically snap to the bottom edge alignment matching the other widget.

In area and custom home page view, an indicator displays to let you know which slide you are viewing in a
series. When you click a slide, the link to existing content will open in a dialog box, or a new browser tab for
external SAP Jam content.

3.10 Company and area branding

Company and area administrators can customize their respective home pages with branding to help users
visually identify the space they are working with.

 Note

If company branding has not yet been configured or applied, then SAP Jam branding displays. If area
branding has not yet been configured or applied, but company branding has been configured and applied,
then company branding displays.

The following table lists the branding that a user will see depending on their company and area assignments,
and which page they are viewing.


Single specific area assign­

Viewing actions Company only assignment ment Multiple areas assignment

Viewing company home page Company branding Company branding Company branding

Viewing area home page not applicable Area branding Area branding

Viewing all other pages (for Company branding Area branding Company branding
example, profiles, group lists,
search results, etc.)


Company only assignment: A new hire may not yet be assigned to any specific areas, but they are set up as
company users. When they view the company home page, browse for groups, and search for content, they will
see company branding.

Single area assignment: When the employee joins a Sales department, they are added to the Sales area. When
they view the Sales area home page, participate in Sales or non-Sales groups, or search for content, they will
see Sales branding.

Multiple areas assignment: When the employee expands their role to work for the Service department, they
are additionally added to the Service area. When they open the Sales home page or participate in Sales groups,

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they will see the Sales branding. If they open the Service home page or participate in Service groups, they will
see the Service branding. All other pages in SAP Jam will display company branding.

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4 Branding

4.1 Configure the Branding and Support options

There are many options available for customizing this application to align with company and area branding.

To configure style and support options for the SAP Jam web application

1. Go to the Admin console and select Branding Web from the left navigation menu.
2. Click the Company tab to brand for company users, or click the External tab for external users.

 Note

The Name field displays the name of your company as it was set in SuccessFactors Platform
Provisioning. You cannot edit this text. It does not appear anywhere in the SAP Jam Collaboration user

3. On the Branding and Support page, you can set the options in the following table.

 Note

○ Each color attribute contains a color picker so administrators can choose a color rather than
manually entering the hexadecimal value. After making color changes, ensure that elements
remain visible within the application.
○ For each section, click the information icon to see which parts of the application are affected by the

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Branding Designer Tips Pictogram

Branding and Support Options

Section Attribute Special Notes

SuccessFactors [This feature is only available for companies that are integrated
Product name with SuccessFactors Platform [page 15].] The name given to the
SuccessFactors Platform product in various places in the user in­

Enable SuccessFac­ [This feature is only available for companies that are integrated
tors Theming with SuccessFactors Platform [page 15].] You must have the Suc­
cessFactors Platform user interface, version 12 or higher, installed
for this option to appear and be selectable. Enables UI themes set
in SuccessFactors Platform to be applied to SAP Jam pages.

 Note
Enabling SuccessFactors theming disables the following fea­
tures in the top bar: Search field, the bell (notifications) icon,
the Tasks icon, and the Messages icon.

Product Instance The name that users see in various places in the SAP Jam user in­
name terface.

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Section Attribute Special Notes

Global Navigation Bar Default text color The former sections "Global navigation default" and "Global naviga­
tion on hover" have been combined and renamed as Global Naviga­
tion Bar.

Hover text color

Default background

Hover background

Keyline and Overview Default text color

Default background

Keyline and tab color Keyline color also applies to the vertical line that appears next to
unread feed items.

Font type The font applies to home page menu titles, group overview menu
titles, and widget titles. Choose from up to 30 standard fonts or up­
load your own custom font. Acceptable custom font file types in­
clude .woff. Please ensure you have the proper license to the cus­
tom fonts before you upload. Click Reset to default font for stand­
ard fonts.

Left Hand Navigation Default text color The former sections "Left hand navigation default" and "Left hand
navigation selected" have been combined and renamed to Left
Hand Navigation.

Hover text color

Selected text color

Hover background

Selected background

Widgets on Overview Header text color The former section "Widgets on Overview and Homepage" has
been separated into two sections: "Widgets on Overview" and
"Widgets on Home Page".

Header background

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Section Attribute Special Notes

Font size The minimum allowed font size is 12px and the maximum is 40px. If
you enter a value outside of those ranges (for example, 11px, 50px),
the values will be automatically adjusted to the nearest minimum
or maximum pixel values allowed.

Font type The font applies to home page menu titles, group overview menu
titles, and widget titles. Choose from up to 30 standard fonts or up­
load your own custom font. Acceptable custom font file types in­
clude .woff. Please ensure you have the proper license to the cus­
tom fonts before you upload. Click Reset to default font for stand­
ard fonts.

Widgets on Home Page Header text color The former section "Widgets on Overview and Homepage" has
been separated into two sections: "Widgets on Overview" and
"Widgets on Home Page".

Header background

Font size The minimum allowed font size is 12px and the maximum is 40px. If
you enter a value outside of those ranges (for example, 11px, 50px),
the values will be automatically adjusted to the nearest minimum
or maximum pixel values allowed.

Font type The font applies to home page menu titles, group overview menu
titles, and widget titles. Choose from up to 30 standard fonts or up­
load your own custom font. Acceptable custom font file types in­
clude .woff. Please ensure you have the proper license to the cus­
tom fonts before you upload. Click Reset to default font for stand­
ard fonts.

Side panels Default text color

Hover text color

Default background

Hover background

Hyperlink color

Primary Button Default text color

Default background

New Feed Update Default text color

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Section Attribute Special Notes

Default background

 Note

Company administrators can reset their instance of SAP Jam to the default branding by clicking Reset

4. You can click Browse to select a new logo from your local drive that you want to upload and use. A
thumbnail image of the logo will display as a preview. This logo will appear in various places in the
application. The image will be resized to 64 x 32 pixels. You can also delete the logo by clicking the X beside
the thumbnail.
5. In the Custom Header section, you can include or remove any of the variables within HTML tags listed in
the following table. For the site header, you can also add, remove, rearrange, and edit the HTML, CSS, and
Javascript in the global navigation tags now contained in the customizable header code. Global navigation
tags include the following menus: Home, Groups, Business Records, Knowledge Base. If a user does not
have access to a given menu, they will not see it on the global navigation.

 Note

Please review Best practices for Custom Headers [page 92] before you begin your customization.

Custom Header tags

Tag Description

<jam-search></jam-search> Provides filtered search functionality. A dropdown filter beside the search box
helps users refine their search.

<jam-profile></jam-profile> Displays the current user's profile avatar, access to user profile page, let's
user set online presence and enable browser notifications.

<jam-tasks></jam-tasks> Represents the clipboard icon used to access a user's tasks. Number of as­
signed or overdue tasks for current user.

<jam-notification></jam-notification> Represents the bell icon used to access a notifications list. Shows the num­
ber of unread notifications for current user.

<jam-messaging></jam-messaging> Represents the conversation icon used to access messages. Shows the num­
ber of unread messages for current user.

<jam-settings></jam-settings> Represents the cog icon used to access account settings, the Admin console
(only for company and area admins), and to log out.

<jam-help></jam-help> Represents the Help icon used to access help pages and a getting started

<jam-string></jam-string> For content that has already been translated in one or more languages for
the custom header for company, area, and external home pages.

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Tag Description

<jam-instance-name></jam-instance- Displays the product instance name.


<jam-company-logo></jam-company- Displays the company logo image.


Site Header tags

Tag Description

<jam-navigation></jam-navigation> Global navigation bar. This element accepts nested HTML and navigation ele­
ments. The tags below must be used inside <jam navigation>

<jam-home></jam-home> Link to the company home page.

<jam-groups></jam-groups> Opens the Group dropdown menu.

<jam-knowledge-base></jam-knowl­ Link to Knowledge Base articles page.


<jam-integrations></jam-integra­ Link to Integrations page.


<jam-recommendations></jam-rec­ Link to the Recommendations page.


<jam-bookmarks></jam-bookmarks> Link to the Bookmarks page.

<jam-calendar></jam-calendar> Link to the Events page.

<jam-nav-item></jam-nav-item> Add custom links to the navigation bar.

6. In the Custom Footer section, you can set a Custom Footer that will appear on most pages of the
You can replace the footer displayed throughout the application with any HTML content entered in this text
box. Again, you are responsible for the impact of any such changes upon the appearance of your product
7. In the Email Settings section of the Branding and Support page, you can choose to:
○ Include the current company logo in the email header
○ Include the SAP Jam logo in the email footer
These settings will affect the email notifications sent by SAP Jam.
8. In the Help Settings section, you can set the following options:
○ Display on-line help in Settings drop-down menu or via global help icon: The default if this option is
selected is to present a link to the SAP Jam Support Center group.
○ Enable a custom help page This option allows you to have the help links that are enabled in the
preceding option to link to an online help URL of your choice. This URL must be set in the Help Page
URL text box below this option.
9. In the External User Log-On Introductory Text section, you can set the language(s) displayed for the
introductory message. When users are invited to External Groups, they receive a link to the external user
landing page. When they log in to that page, external users are presented with an introductory message.
To set the language that the introductory message for external users will be displayed in
1. Select the Enable custom introductory text checkbox. A dialog box displays.

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2. Select the language in which you want the introductory message for external users to be shown from
the dropdown menu, and click OK. The dialog box closes and the selected language appears below the
3. Add the message that you want to present to external users in the text box to the right of that language
Optionally, click Add Another Language below the first language to display the message in multiple
languages. The message you enter in the text box should be in the added language(s).
4. The first language selected will be the default language. If you want one of the added languages to be
the default, click the cog icon beside it and select Set as Default from the context menu.
10. In the External User Log-On Background Image section, you can set the following options:
○ Use custom background image: This option enables the use of a custom background image for
external users.
○ Background image should be tiled: This option tiles the selected background image, allowing you to
use a small, low-bandwidth image for the background image for external users.
○ Browse (or Choose File): Click this button to find an image on your local drive and upload it to be used
as the background image for pages that appear to external users.
○ Enable a custom help page: If the Enable help links in user's drop-down menu and page footer
option is enabled in the Help Settings section described above, then enabling this option allows you to
set a different custom help page for external users.
○ Help Page URL: Enter the publicly accessible URL in this text box for the custom help page that you
want external users to be able to access.
11. In the Support Contact section, you can set the SAP Jam support contact email address.
This contact information appears in the following situations:
○ If a user's account has been disabled and they try to log in, a message advises them to contact their
administrator and they are shown a link to this email address.
○ If a user encounters a SAML authentication error, a message advises them to contact their
administrator and they are shown a link to this email address.
○ If a user attempts to sign in to SAP Jam in response to an invitation that was sent out when the
product instance was configured without integration with SuccessFactors Platform, but it has since
been integrated, the user will be shown a message advising them to contact their administrator and
they are shown a link to this email address.
12. When you have all of the Branding and Support settings as you want them, click on Save changes to apply
your settings.

Different user interface labeling schemes are available for organizations that are not enterprise corporations
(for example educational institutions and municipalities). To configure the application with customized
terminology, contact your customer support representative or SAP Jam site administrator. The labeling
changes that are affected are:

● Default, company scheme: Company/Employee/Manager

● Alternate, organization scheme: Organization/Member/Supervisor
● Alternate, institution scheme: Institution/Person/Supervisor

4.1.1 Best practices for custom headers

As a company administrator, you can add, edit, delete, and rearrange various images, text, links, and content
within the SAP Jam header to align with your company's existing styles. You can add SAP Jam content that's

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

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relevant to your organization, (for example, additional profile info, personal kudos, away alerts, etc.) or
dynamic, external content (such as stock info, weather info, company news, etc.) A custom header also allows
you to include action links and buttons that provide services specifically for your organization's employees.


An example of best practices can be found in our custom header tutorial [page 95].

Best practices

Some considerations to note as you prepare to customize:

Custom Header considerations

Best practices

1. Choose the header type ● Select the SuccessFactors-themed header or SAP Jam header.
○ If you choose SAP Jam header, you can additionally customize it by providing it your
own HTML, css and javascript.
○ If you choose the SuccessFactors-themed header, you can customize it using the
Theme Manager in SuccessFactors Admin Center.
● The default custom header HTML works the same as the standard header, including the
ability to detect the viewing device and dynamically show or hide <jam-menu>.

2. HTML/CSS ● Enable the custom header by writing your own HTML/CSS.

 Note
Ensure active content is vetted to not have security vulnerabilities and to be legally ac­
ceptable to the company. Be careful when copying and pasting content.

3. Enable JavaScript ● If the custom header contains JavaScript functionalities, you must enable support for
JavaScript by clicking the Enable JavaScript and all HTML elements for custom header op­
tion. This helps to further align with your company's intranet appearance. For example, you
can change the menu bar that appears below the global navigation and filtered search by
adding other menu items with icons, add dynamic content like stock prices, etc.

4. Menu navigation ● (Optional) Hide the SAP Jam standard menu navigation (Home, Groups, Knowledge Base,
Recommendations, Bookmarks, and Calendar menu items) and implement custom menu
navigation as part of the header.

 Note
For smaller browser window viewing, the menu for global navigation, settings, and re­
cently accessed items appears to the far left of the browser window.

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Best practices

5. Responsiveness ● Ensure links to all standard SAP Jam pages (for example, Home, Groups, Knowledge Base,
etc.) and custom pages are accessible on small viewing devices

6. Predefined HTML tags ● Use SAP Jam predefined HTML tags [page 86] in the custom header to support standard
SAP Jam functionalities.
● Closing tags are required (for example, <jam-search></jam-search>)
● A maximum of one instance for each tag may be included in the header.

 Note
Tags do not support inline attributes. Example: <jam-companylogo style="width:

Things to consider when writing code for the custom header to prevent disruption from regular

● Avoid the inclusion of scripts and external resources that would block or slow down the overall
● Ensure you add a prefix to all the IDs and class names for elements in the header.
● You can avoid conflicts with code on the SAP Jam site by not:
○ Using or interacting with globals variables and functions in JavaScript.
○ Using undocumented internal JavaScript functions.
○ Adding CSS or Javascript that affects elements within <jam-*> tags or outside of the header tag.
○ Adding CSS or JavaScript to customize to SAP Jam HTML, CSS, JavaScript.

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4.1.2 Custom Header Tutorial

In this tutorial we will create an SAP Jam Custom Header which will provide a multilingual, branded experience
for your users.

Complete the following steps:

1. Go to the Admin console and select Branding Web from the left navigation menu.
2. Select Enable custom header
3. Select Enable JavaScript and all HTML elements for custom header
4. Select Show custom home page navigation menus
5. Copy and paste the following code snippet into the Please enter customized header in HTML field.

Copyright 2014, SAP AG
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
# Introduction
This sample is a custom header that provides an interactive branded
multilingual experience for SAP Jam Collaboration. It uses HTML, CSS,
Bootstrap, custom Javascript libraries, and a stock-ticker gadget to
accomplish this. The stock-ticker gadget also uses a third-party library that
gets stock-ticker data from a third-party service (Alpha Vantage - https://
Use of the Alpha Vantage library and service is subject to applicable terms
and conditions set out by Alpha Vantage. SAP does not make any
representations or warranties respecting the Alpha Vantage library and
service and SAP is not liable to you or any third party in respect of any use
of the Alpha Vantage library and service.

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To use this sample simply:
* Copy and paste this into the custom header of your SAP Jam Collaboration
* Follow the in-line documentation in the sample.
* Use the Custom Header reference documentation located here:
* Configure the Branding and Support options -
* Best practices for custom headers -
# Custom Header Sample Documentation
## Setup the Custom Header:
* Login to SAP Jam Collaboration as a company admin.
* Click on the "cog icon" and select "Admin" > "Branding" > "Web". The
"Branding and Support" screen appears.
* Select the "Enable custom header" checkbox. The "Enable Javascript"
checkbox appears.
* Select the “Enable JavaScript” checkbox.
* Note: If “Enable JavaScript” is unchecked, SAP Jam Collaboration will
remove all Javascript tags and html
element attributes from the custom header code.
* Deselect the "Show standard navigation menus" checkbox if you do not want
to use SAP Jam Collaboration's header menus.
* Replace href links pointing to "#link_to_..." with URLs in your SAP Jam
Collaboration instance.
## Set up the Stock Gadget (optional):
* Go to the documentation at the bottom of translated_custom_header.html
## Tips:
* Avoid the inclusion of scripts and external resources that would block or
slow down overall performance.
* You can avoid code conflicts with your SAP Jam Collaboration instance by
* using or interacting with SAP Jam Collaboration Javascript global
variables and functions.
* invoking undocumented internal JavaScript functions.
* adding CSS or Javascript that:
* affects elements within <jam-*> tags.
* affects elements outside of the header tag.
* Ensure you add a prefix to all the IDs and class names for elements in the
* Note: All names are prefixed with "header-sample-" in this code sample.
## Add multilingual support to your custom header:
* Description: Text that is substituted with translations based on user's
* How it works: Text in the detected langauge is obtained from the custom
header JSON object by matching the key specified in the <jam-string> custom
header html tag with the key in the custom header JSON object. If the
language cannot be matched, then the "default-language" key is used.
* Usage:
* div tag: `<jam-string key="{key}"></jam-string>`
* placeholder: `<input placeholder=jam-string:{key}></input>`
* Example 1 - Create a multilingual dropdownMenuButton for "Welcome" in
English, German, and Chinese:
* key: "welcome"
* div tag: `<jam-string key="welcome"></jam-string>`
* Multilingual text:
* English = "Welcome"
* German = "Herzlich willkommen"
* Chinese (Simplified) = "欢迎"
* Language Codes and languages:
* en = English
* de = German
* zh-CN = Chinese (Simplified)
* Example 2 - Create multilingual placholder text for an input box in
English, German, and Chinese:
* key: "find_everything"
* placeholder: `<input id="header-sample-search" placeholder="jam-
string:find_everything" />`
* Multilingual text:

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* English = "Find Everything..."
* German = "Finde alles ..."
* Chinese (Simplified) = "找到一切..."
* Language Codes and languages:
* en = English
* de = German
* zh-CN = Chinese (Simplified)
### Example 1 - multilingual dropdownMenuButton
<div class="header-sample-dropdown">
<div class="header-sample-dropdown-toggle" data-header-sample-
toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" style="font-
weight: bold">
<jam-string key="welcome"></jam-string>
<img src="/sample/custom_header/icon-caret-down.png" />
### Example 2 - multilingual placeholder
<div class="header-sample-hidden-xs" style="flex: 3; position: relative;
margin: 0 10px;">
<a id="header-sample-search-icon" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"
href="javascript:void(0);" data-type="search">
<img src="/sample/custom_header/icon-search.png" />
<input id="header-sample-search" placeholder="jam-string:find_everything" />
### Example 1 and 2 - custom header JSON object
"en": {
"welcome": "Welcome",
"find_everything": "Find Everything..."
"de": {
"welcome": "Herzlich willkommen",
"find_everything": "Finde alles ..."
"zh-CN": {
"welcome": "欢迎",
"find_everything": "找到一切..."
"default-language": "en"
# Reference
## Custom header JSON object
The custom header JSON object (custom_header_translation.json) is structured
as follows:
"{language_1}": {
"{key_1}": "{value}",
"{key_2}": "{value}"
"{language_2}": {
"{key_1}": "{value}",
"{key_2}": "{value}"
"{language_2}": {
"{key_1}": "{value}",
"{key_2}": "{value}"
"default-language": "en"

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Branding PUBLIC 97
## Languages and Language Codes
Add new languages by modifying the custom header JSON object with the
following language codes:
| Language | Language Code |
| ------------------------------------- | ------------- |
| Arabic | ar-SA |
| English (US) | en |
| Bulgarian | bg-BG |
| Catalan | ca-ES |
| Chinese (Simplified) | zh-CN |
| Chinese (Traditional) | zh-TW |
| Croatian | hr-HR |
| Czech | cs-CZ |
| Danish | da |
| Dutch (Netherlands) | nl |
| English (UK) | en-GB |
| Finnish | fi-FI |
| French (Canadian) | fr-CA |
| French (France) | fr |
| German (Germany) | de |
| German (Swiss) | de-CH |
| Greek (Greece) | el-GR |
| Hebrew | he-IL |
| Hindi | hi |
| Hungarian | hu |
| Indonesian | id |
| Italian | it |
| Japanese | ja |
| Korean | ko |
| Malaysian | ms |
| Norwegian (Bokmål) | nb-NO |
| Polish | pl |
| Portuguese (Brazil) | pt-BR |
| Portuguese (Portugal) | pt-PT |
| Romanian | ro |
| Russian | ru |
| Serbian (Serbia) | sr-RS |
| Slovak | sk-SK |
| Slovenian | sl-SI |
| Spanish (Mexico) | es-MX |
| Spanish (Spain) | es |
| Swedish | sv-SE |
| Thai | th |
| Turkish | tr-TR |
| Ukrainian | uk-UA |
| Vietnamese | vi-VN |
| Welsh | cy-GB |
<link href=""
.header-sample-dropdown {
position: relative;
.header-sample-dropdown-toggle {
cursor: pointer;
.header-sample-dropdown-menu {
display: none;
position: absolute;
list-style: none;
float: left;
top: 100%;
left: 0;
z-index: 1010;
min-width: 160px;

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

98 PUBLIC Branding
padding: 5px 0;
margin: 2px 0 0;
border-radius: 0;
background-color: #fff;
border: 1px solid rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0,0,0,0.2);
right: auto;
.open .header-sample-dropdown-menu {
display: block;
.header-sample-dropdown-item, a.header-sample-dropdown-item {
display: block;
cursor: pointer;
white-space: nowrap;
line-height: 20px;
padding: 3px 20px;
color: #333;
clear: both;
#header-sample-main, #header-sample-menu {
box-sizing: border-box;
width: 100%;
#header-sample-main {
border-top: 4px solid #20AAB2;
background: url( no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
height: 163px;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
#header-sample-main {
height: auto;
#header-sample-top {
padding-top: 8px;
padding-left: 10px;
text-align: left;
float: left;
@media (min-width: 766px) {
#header-sample-top {
padding-top: 10px;
padding-bottom: 10px;
text-align: center;
.header-sample-brand-name, a.header-sample-brand-name {
display: inline-block;
font-size: 48px;
font-weight: bold;
font-style: italic;
color: #20AAB2;
vertical-align: middle;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.header-sample-brand-name, a.header-sample-brand-name {
font-size: 28px;
.header-sample-action-menu {
width: 124px;
height: 31px;
line-height: 31px;
border-radius: 100px;
background-color: #3f5161;
border: solid 1px #3f5161;

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Branding PUBLIC 99
font-family: Quicksand;
font-weight: bold;
display: inline-block;
text-align: center;
color: white;
margin-left: 20px;
vertical-align: middle;
.header-sample-action-menu ul li a:hover {
background: #3f5161;
#header-sample-bottom {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: stretch;
line-height: 49px;
.header-sample-stock-gadget {
width: 210px;
height: 49px;
border-radius: 100px;
background-color: #fcfcfc;
box-shadow: 0 1px 2px 0 rgba(190, 190, 190, 0.5);
text-align: center;
.header-sample-stock-gadget > * {
vertical-align: middle;
line-height: 23px;
.header-sample-stock-gadget-symbol {
width: 34px;
height: 14px;
font-family: Helvetica;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: left;
color: #8b8b8b;
margin: 10px;
.header-sample-stock-gadget-trend {
width: 18px;
height: 19px;
font-size: 18px;
text-align: left;
margin-right: 5px;
.header-sample-stock-gadget-percent {
width: 59px;
height: 24px;
font-family: Helvetica;
font-size: 20px;
font-weight: bold;
text-align: left;
margin-right: 5px;
.header-sample-stock-gadget-value {
width: 37px;
height: 14px;
font-family: Helvetica;
font-size: 12px;
text-align: left;
.header-sample-stock-gadget.stock-value-up .header-sample-stock-gadget-trend,
.header-sample-stock-gadget.stock-value-up .header-sample-stock-gadget-
.header-sample-stock-gadget.stock-value-up .header-sample-stock-gadget-value {
color: #60af0a;

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

100 PUBLIC Branding
.header-sample-stock-gadget.stock-value-down .header-sample-stock-gadget-
.header-sample-stock-gadget.stock-value-down .header-sample-stock-gadget-
.header-sample-stock-gadget.stock-value-down .header-sample-stock-gadget-
value {
color: #CD7476;
#header-sample-search {
width: 100%;
height: 49px;
background-color: #ffffff;
border: solid 1px #3f5161;
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: 0 10px 0 40px;
#header-sample-search-icon {
position: absolute;
left: 16px;
top: 2px;
#header-sample-jam-gadgets {
white-space: nowrap;
#header-sample-jam-gadgets .header-sample-jam-gadget {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
white-space: nowrap;
cursor: pointer;
margin-right: 23px;
#header-sample-menu {
background-color: #3f5161;
height: 40px;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
#header-sample-menu {
height: 38px;
#header-sample-menu ul.header-sample-menus-container {
display: inline-block;
height: 100%;
font-size: 0;
flex: 1;
white-space: nowrap;
#header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: top;
font-size: 14px;
height: 100%;
#header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item .header-sample-dropdown {
height: 100%;
box-sizing: border-box;
#header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item .header-sample-
dropdown:hover, #header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item .header-, #header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item >
a:hover, #header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item .header-sample-
menu-item:hover {
background: #3f5161;
#header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item .header-sample-dropdown-
toggle, #header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item > a, #header-sample-
menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item .header-sample-menu-item {

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Branding PUBLIC 101
height: 100%;
padding: 12px 15px;
box-sizing: border-box;
font-size: 14px;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
#header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item .header-sample-dropdown-
toggle, #header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item > a, #header-sample-
menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item .header-sample-menu-item {
padding: 10px;
#header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item .header-sample-dropdown-
toggle, #header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item > a, #header-sample-
menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item .header-sample-menu-item {
color: white;
#header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item.header-sample-menu-item > a
display: inline-block;
#header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item .header-sample-dropdown-
menu {
margin-top: 0;
background: #3f5161;
border: none;
box-shadow: none;
#header-sample-menu ul li.header-sample-menu-item .header-sample-dropdown-
item {
color: white;
padding: 8px 20px;
font-size: 14px;
#header-sample-main ul li .header-sample-dropdown-item:hover, #header-sample-
main ul.header-sample-dropdown-menu li > a:hover {
background: #3f5161;
color: white;
#header-sample-main .header-sample-action-menu ul.header-sample-dropdown-menu
border-radius: 8px;
#header-sample-groups-container {
line-height: 3;
.header-sample-responsive-container {
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
padding-left: 5px;
padding-right: 5px;
width: auto;
.custom-header-sample-popover {
color: #333;
border-radius: 0;
position: absolute;
z-index: 1010;
width: 236px;
padding: 1px;
background-color: #fff;
background-clip: padding-box;
border: 1px solid #ccc;
border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
border-radius: 6px;
box-shadow: 0 5px 10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
white-space: normal;

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

102 PUBLIC Branding
.custom-header-sample-popover.bottom {
margin-top: 10px;
.custom-header-sample-fade {
opacity: 0;
transition: opacity 0.15s linear;
} {
opacity: 1;
.custom-header-sample-popover .arrow {
border-width: 11px;
position: absolute;
display: block;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-color: transparent;
border-style: solid;
cursor: pointer;
.custom-header-sample-popover.bottom .arrow {
margin-left: -11px;
border-top-width: 0;
border-bottom-color: #999;
border-bottom-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25);
top: -11px;
.custom-header-sample-popover .arrow:after {
position: absolute;
display: block;
width: 0;
height: 0;
border-color: transparent;
border-style: solid;
border-width: 10px;
content: "";
.custom-header-sample-popover.bottom .arrow:after {
margin-right: -10px;
top: 1px;
margin-left: -10px;
border-top-width: 0;
border-bottom-color: #fff;
.custom-header-sample-popover-title {
margin: 0;
padding: 8px 14px;
font-size: 14px;
font-weight: normal;
line-height: 18px;
background-color: #f7f7f7;
border-bottom: 1px solid #ebebeb;
border-radius: 5px 5px 0 0;
border-radius: 0;
.custom-header-sample-popover-content {
padding: 9px 14px;
@media (min-width: 768px) {
.header-sample-responsive-container {
width: 730px;
@media (min-width: 992px) {
.header-sample-responsive-container {
width: 950px;

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Branding PUBLIC 103
@media (min-width: 1235px) {
.header-sample-responsive-container {
width: 1190px;
@media (max-width: 767px) {
.header-sample-hidden-xs {
display: none !important;
<div id="header-sample-main">
<!--<div id="header-global-jam-navigation-top2">
<!--<div id="header-global-jam-navigation-top3" class="header-sample-
<div id="header-sample-top">
<a href="/home" class="header-sample-brand-name">ACE CORP</a>
<span class="header-sample-action-menu header-sample-hidden-xs">
<div class="header-sample-dropdown">
<div class="header-sample-dropdown-toggle" data-header-sample-
toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<jam-string key="i_want_to"></jam-string>
<ul class="header-sample-dropdown-menu" aria-
labelledby="dropdownMenuButton" style="text-align:left;">
<li><a class="header-sample-dropdown-item" href="/blogs/new"><jam-
string key="create_a_blog"></jam-string></a></li>
<li><a class="header-sample-dropdown-item"
href="#link_to_group_add_question_page"><jam-string key="ask_a_question"></
<li><a class="header-sample-dropdown-item" href="/documents/new?
action_type=upload"><jam-string key="share_a_document"></jam-string></a></li>
<div id="header-sample-bottom" class="header-sample-responsive-container">
<div class="header-sample-hidden-xs" style="flex: 1;">
<div class="header-sample-stock-gadget">
<span class="header-sample-stock-gadget-symbol">ACEC</span>
<span class="header-sample-stock-gadget-trend"></span>
<span class="header-sample-stock-gadget-percent"></span>
<span class="header-sample-stock-gadget-value">N/A</span>
<div class="header-sample-hidden-xs" style="flex: 3; position: relative;
margin: 0 10px;">
<a id="header-sample-search-icon" aria-hidden="true" tabindex="-1"
href="javascript:void(0);" data-type="search">
<img src="/sample/custom_header/icon-search.png" />
<input id="header-sample-search" placeholder="jam-
string:find_everything" />

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

104 PUBLIC Branding
<div style="flex: 1; text-align: right; line-height: 26px; padding: 10px
<ul id="header-sample-jam-gadgets" role="navigation">
<li class="header-sample-jam-gadget"><jam-notification></jam-
<li class="header-sample-jam-gadget"><jam-messaging></jam-
<li class="header-sample-jam-gadget"><jam-settings></jam-
<li class="header-sample-jam-gadget"><jam-help></jam-help></li>
<!-- Wrap the entire div hierarchy for the menu with <jam-navigation tags> -->
<div id="header-sample-menu">
<div class="header-sample-responsive-container" style="height: 100%;
display: flex; flex-direction: row; align-items: stretch;">
<ul class="header-sample-menus-container">
<li class="header-sample-menu-item">
<div class="header-sample-dropdown">
<div class="header-sample-dropdown-toggle" data-header-sample-
toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" style="font-
weight: bold">
<jam-string key="welcome"></jam-string> <img src="/sample/
custom_header/icon-caret-down.png" />
<div class="header-sample-dropdown-menu" aria-
<a class="header-sample-dropdown-item"
href="#link_to_homepage_tab"><jam-string key="history"></jam-string></a>
<a class="header-sample-dropdown-item"
href="#link_to_homepage_tab"><jam-string key="mission"></jam-string></a>
<a class="header-sample-dropdown-item"
href="#link_to_homepage_tab"><jam-string key="who_we_are"></jam-string></a>
<li class="header-sample-menu-item">
<div class="header-sample-dropdown">
<div class="header-sample-dropdown-toggle" data-header-sample-
toggle="dropdown" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false">
<jam-string key="employee_services"></jam-string> <img src="/
sample/custom_header/icon-caret-down.png" />
<div class="header-sample-dropdown-menu" aria-
<a class="header-sample-dropdown-item"
href="#link_to_knowledge_base_category_filter"><jam-string key="career"></jam-
<a class="header-sample-dropdown-item"
<a class="header-sample-dropdown-item"
href="#link_to_knowledge_base_category_filter"><jam-string key="benefits"></
<a class="header-sample-dropdown-item"
<!-- Get jam-navigation jam-groups into the custom menu -->
<li id="header-sample-groups-container" class="header-sample-menu-
<!-- Add <jam-groups> global navigation tag -->

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Branding PUBLIC 105
<ul class="header-sample-hidden-xs header-sample-menus-container"
style="text-align: center;">
<li class="header-sample-menu-item">
<a class="header-sample-menu-item"
<div><img src="/sample/custom_header/icon-customer.png" /> <jam-
string key="customers"></jam-string></div>
<li class="header-sample-menu-item">
<a class="header-sample-menu-item"
<div><img src="/sample/custom_header/icon-suppliers.png" />
<jam-string key="suppliers"></jam-string></div>
<li class="header-sample-menu-item">
<a class="header-sample-menu-item"
<div><img src="/sample/custom_header/icon-learning.png" /> <jam-
string key="learning"></jam-string></div>
<ul class="header-sample-hidden-xs header-sample-menus-container"
style="text-align: right;">
<li class="header-sample-menu-item"><button class="header-sample-
menu-item header-sample-popover-toggle" data-header-sample-toggle="popover"
data-container="body" data-placement="bottom" data-trigger="focus"
<img src="/sample/custom_header/icon-contact.png" />
<li class="header-sample-menu-item"><button class="header-sample-
menu-item header-sample-popover-toggle" data-header-sample-toggle="popover"
data-container="body" data-placement="bottom" data-trigger="focus"
data-title="Office Location"
data-content="1234 Ace Ave.">
<img src="/sample/custom_header/icon-location.png" />
<li class="header-sample-menu-item"><button class="header-sample-
menu-item header-sample-popover-toggle" data-header-sample-toggle="popover"
data-container="body" data-placement="bottom" data-trigger="focus"
<img src="/sample/custom_header/icon-email.png" />
You can add your own jQuery library locally or remotely as shown below.
- Note: Do not replace the SAP Jam Collaboration jQuery library.
<script src="
You can add your own custom Bootstrap library locally or remotely as shown
- Note: Make sure the event namespaces do not collide with SAP Jam
Collaboration's library.
<script src="/sample/custom_header/customized-bootstrap.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

106 PUBLIC Branding
// Enclose all variables needed globally in the following global variable.
var headerSampleGlobals = {};
(function() {
// Namespace our own jQuery library and release SAP Jam Collaboration's
jQuery library back to the global namespace.
headerSampleGlobals.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true);
headerSampleGlobals.jQuery(function() {
function (ev) {
if (ev.keyCode === 13) {
window.location = "" +
headerSampleGlobals.jQuery('#header-sample-menu .header-sample-popover-
Stock Gadget Sample Documentation

* This sample demonstrates how you can use a third-party Javascript library
to add extra functionality
to your custom header.
- We will create a stock-ticker gadget in your custom header by using a
third-party library that gets stock-ticker data from a third-party service
(Alpha Vantage -
Set up the Stock Gadget:
* Uncomment the Stock Gadget sample code.
* Create a private key with the third-party service (Alpha Vantage -
Tips - Make sure that your scripts:
* do not create namespace collisions with existing SAP Jam Collaboration
* do not rely on SAP Jam Collaboration libraries and functions.
* do not change SAP Jam Collaboration libraries and functions.
* are self contained.
* are encapsulated.
<!-- BEGIN Sample stock gadget code
<script type="text/javascript" src="/sample/custom_header/stocks.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var key = 'privateKeyPlaceholder'; // **** replace 'privateKeyPlaceholder
with private key from Alpha Vantage at
#api-key ****
new headerSampleGlobals.Stocks(key)
symbol: 'stockTickerPlaceholder', // **** replace
'stockTickerPlaceholder' with stock ticker symbol, eg. ETR:SAP
interval: 'daily',
amount: 1
.then(function (data) {
var delta = data[0].close - data[0].open;
var deltaVal = Math.round(delta * 100) / 100;
var deltaPct = Math.round((delta / data[0].open) * 100 * 100) / 100 +
if (delta > 0) {

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Branding PUBLIC 107
trend').prepend('<img src="/sample/custom_header/icon-arrow-up.png" />');
} else {
trend').prepend('<img src="/sample/custom_header/icon-arrow-down.png" />');
value').html('<img src="/sample/custom_header/3-Dots-small.gif" />');

END stock gadget code -->

6. Copy and paste the following code snippet into the Please enter any translations for custom header in JSON

"en": {
"i_want_to": "+ I want to...",
"create_a_blog": "Create a blog",
"ask_a_question": "Ask a question",
"share_a_document": "Share a document",
"welcome": "Welcome",
"history": "History",
"mission": "Mission",
"who_we_are": "Who We Are",
"employee_services": "Employee Services",
"career": "Career",
"compensation": "Compensation",
"benefits": "Benefits",
"travel_and_expense": "Travel and Expense",
"groups": "Groups",
"customers": "Customers",
"suppliers": "Suppliers",
"learning": "Learning",
"find_everything": "Find Everything..."
"de": {
"i_want_to": "+ Ich möchte..",
"create_a_blog": "Erstelle einen Blog",
"ask_a_question": "Stelle eine Frage",
"share_a_document": "ein Dokument teilen",
"welcome": "Herzlich willkommen",
"history": "Geschichte",
"mission": "Mission",
"who_we_are": "Wer wir sind",
"employee_services": "Mitarbeiterdienste",
"career": "Werdegang",
"compensation": "Vergütung",
"benefits": "Leistungen",
"travel_and_expense": "Reise und Kosten",
"groups": "Gruppen",
"customers": "Kunden",
"suppliers": "Lieferanten",
"learning": "Lernen",
"find_everything": "Finde alles ..."
"zh-CN": {
"i_want_to": "+ 我想要...",
"create_a_blog": "创建一个博客",
"ask_a_question": "问一个问题",
"share_a_document": "共享文档",

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

108 PUBLIC Branding
"welcome": "欢迎",
"history": "历史",
"mission": "任务",
"who_we_are": "我们是谁",
"employee_services": "员工服务",
"career": "事业",
"compensation": "薪酬",
"benefits": "福利",
"travel_and_expense": "旅行和费用",
"groups": "群组",
"customers": "顾客",
"suppliers": "供应商",
"learning": "学习",
"find_everything": "找到一切..."
"default-language": "en"

7. Copy and paste the following color hex code into Global Navigation Bar Default background color and
Global Navigation Bar Hover background color


8. Click Save changes. The page will reload with your new custom header.

Congratulations! You have created a customized UX using your custom header. For more information about
how the sample works, please refer to the in-line documentation within the first code snippet.

Revert Custom Header back to defaults

Delete all the HTML from the text box. This will reset the customized HTML back to the original. If you want to
switch back and forth between your custom HTML and the original, clear the Enable custom header checkbox
and then click Save to view the standard SAP Jam header. To switch back to your custom HTML, reselect
Enable custom header and click Save.

4.2 Default SAP Jam color branding

The following tables list the default SAP Jam colors that are in effect based on when a company was created.

 Note

If a company was created prior to the August 2017 release with partial color branding and the remaining
color values left as SAP Jam defaults, any areas created before or after the August 2017 release will inherit
the same SAP Jam default colors as the company, if left unchanged.

As a company or area administrator, you may need to re-brand colors to align with your company's brand
changes. In some cases, your organization may have a preference for the default colors values provided in SAP
Jam prior to your customizations. The tables in this topic list the default color values for SAP Jam should you
need to reference or re-apply them at any time.

When you choose to reset colors on the Branding and Support > Web page, the colors will default to the new
default colors listed in the second table. Those changes will only be applied when you click Save changes.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Branding PUBLIC 109
Web application default hexadecimal color values for existing companies created before the August 2017 release

Section Attribute Hexadecimal color value

Global Navigation Bar Default text color #ffffff

Hover text color #ffffff

Default background color #666666

Hover background color #00679e

Keyline and Overview Tabs Keyline and tab color #0086d4

Left Hand Navigation Default text color #333333

Hover text color #333333

Selected text color #ffffff

Hover background color #e5e5e5

Selected background color #007cc0

Widgets on Overview Header text color #4b4b4b

Header background color #efefef

Widgets on Homepage Header text color #4b4b4b

Header background color #ffffff

Side panels Default text color #333333

Hover text color #333333

Default background color #eeeeee

Hover background color #e5e5e5

Hyperlink color #00679e

Primary Button Default text color #ffffff

Default background color #009ed3

New Feed Update Default text color #555555

Default background color #d2eaf7

Web application default hexadecimal color values for new companies created during or after the August 2017 release

Section Attribute Hexadecimal color value

Global Navigation Bar Default text color #ffffff

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Section Attribute Hexadecimal color value

Hover text color #ffffff

Default background color #427cac

Hover background color #3f5161

Keyline and Overview Tabs Keyline and tab color #0086d4

Left Hand Navigation Default text color #333333

Hover text color #333333

Selected text color #ffffff

Hover background color #e5e5e5

Selected background color #5496cd

Widgets on Overview Header text color #4b4b4b

Header background color #e7ecf0

Widgets on Homepage Header text color #4b4b4b

Header background color #ffffff

Side panels Default text color #333333

Hover text color #333333

Default background color #eeeeee

Hover background color #e5e5e5

Hyperlink color #0070b1

Primary Button Default text color #ffffff

Default background color #5496cd

New Feed Update Default text color #333333

Default background color #d1e0ee

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4.3 SAP Jam mobile app

Like the SAP Jam web app, you can also customize the key accent colors for the SAP Jam mobile app.

Brand the SAP Jam mobile app

To brand your company's SAP Jam mobile app experience with custom colors

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Branding Mobile from the left navigation menu.
2. Customize the following:
○ Main banner: Banner displays at the top of the screen.
○ Main banner font color: Font for text used within the banner section.
○ Accent color: Accent lines.
○ Link color: Clickable links.
○ Company banner: Select a branded image for company banner.

 Note

Logos must have dimensions with width and height less than or equal to 1080 x 324 pixels.

○ Launch widget icon (Android only): The icon that a user can tap to open the mobile app on Android.
The product instance name displays below the icon. Icon must be 512 x 512 pixels.

 Note

The Launch widget icon is not the same as the app icon; users will not see the launch widget icon in
their Android App Drawer. Instead, if the SAP Jam Launcher Widget is added to their Android home
screens, they will see the specified custom icon.

3. Click Save changes.

Reset colors

If you wish to reset the branding to the original SAP Jam default colors, click Reset colors. The colors will reset
to the following SAP Jam mobile app defaults:

● Main banner: #427cac

● Main banner font color: #ffffff
● Accent color: #427cac
● Link color: #0070b1

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4.4 Configure Email Templates options
The Email Templates page allows you to alter the style of email notifications sent from your SAP Jam
Collaboration instance to SAP Jam users. If preferred, you can set separate email templates for internal and
external recipients. You can edit and save email template changes without affecting the appearance of your
current emails, allowing you to preview those changes, and publish them only when your email template
changes are satisfactory.

Modify email templates

When sending emails, SAP Jam creates a multipart message (per
rfc1341/7_2_Multipart.html) that contains two versions of the same email: an HTML version and a plain text
version. When a user opens an SAP Jam email, their browser or email client application shows the HTML
version if it supports HTML emails, or the plain text version.

To make sure all users can view your changes, you must provide both HTML and plain text messages for some
of the fields.

For the HTML version, the following can be used:

● Email Background Style: Some Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) rules

● Page Background Style: Some Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) rules
● Page Header HTML: HTML elements
● Page Footer HTML: HTML elements
● Footer HTML: HTML elements

Any text provided here is shown to users with email clients that do not support HTML emails. For the plain text

● Page Header Plain Text

● Page Footer Plain Text
● Footer Plain Text

To edit email templates

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Branding Email Templates from the left side

The Email Templates page (disabled)

2. Select the Enable custom email template checkbox to activate this feature and to enable you to make email
template changes.

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A panel displays with a pair of tabs and a preview image of the email layout, with two edit boxes.

The Email Templates page (enabled)

3. Click (Edit) beside Background & Page in the preview image of the email, and make your changes to the
style settings for the Background & Page Design.
You can set any of the following CSS properties for either the Email Background Style or the Page
Background Style:
○ background-color
○ border
○ border-color
○ border-width
○ box-shadow
4. As you click through each section (page header, page footer, and footer) specify the language and enter the
translated text for that section:
○ Click (Edit) beside Page Header in the preview image of the email, and make your changes in the Page
Header HTML or the Page Header Plain Text edit boxes.
○ Similarly, click (Edit) beside Page Footer and Footer in the preview image.
If any field for the header and footer does not have a translation available for a language, the
corresponding value for the "Unspecified" language is used. For example, if "Page Footer HTML" is left
blank for Deutsch, the value of "Page Footer HTML" in the Unspecified locale is used.
5. When you have the email template changes set as you want, click Update to save them. This does not
change the look of your SAP Jam system's emails until you click Publish.

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To preview your email template changes

1. To preview your changes, ensure that you have saved them by clicking Update.
2. Once your changes have been saved, click Preview. A Send Email Template dialog box displays.
3. In the text box, enter the email addresses of those who should preview the revisions. Multiple email
addresses can be entered by entering them in a comma-separated list.
4. Click Send. Emails are sent to the specified recipients using your email template revisions.

To revert your email template changes

Once you save the changes that you have made to an email template by clicking Update, a notification panel
appears between the Enable custom email template option and the template editing tabs, advising you that
"The template is saved, but is not yet published".

Click Revert to Published Version if you decide to roll back your saved changes. The changes will be reverted,
and the published email template settings are restored.

Publish your email template changes

Once you have reviewed your template changes, and you are ready to use them, click Publish, either below the
template editing tabs, or above them.

Configure a different email template for external users

To set a different email template for external users

1. Click on the External tab, and deselect the Same settings used for Internal Email Template checkbox. A
preview image of the email layout and editable text boxes appears in the tab, like those in the Internal tab.
2. Make the changes that you want, just as you did for the Internal template.
3. Save, preview, and publish the changes, just as you did for the Internal template.
4. If you decide to return to using the same email template for email to both internal and external users,
select the Same settings used for Internal Email Template checkbox. The preview image of the email layout
and the editable text boxes disappears in the tab, like those in the Internal tab.

 Note

You must click Publish to enable this change back to using the same template for emails from SAP Jam
to internal and external users.

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To disable the use of email templates

If you decide that you no longer want to use customized email templates, clear the Enable custom email
template checkbox.

The preview image of the email layout and the editable text boxes disappears from the page.

 Note

You must click Update to save this change.

4.5 QR Codes

The SAP Jam QR Code scanner supports SAP Jam specific QR codes or any other QR codes encoding a valid
web URL. You can customize the SAP Jam QR code that's shared and used to join groups.

Brand the QR Codes

To brand your company QR Codes with custom colors

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Branding QR Codes from the left navigation menu.
2. Customize the following:
○ Foreground color: Choose a color that can be easily distinguished from the background.
○ Background color: Choose a color that can be easily distinguished from the foreground.
○ Logo: Click choose file to select a logo from your local machine.

○  Note

Logos must fit square size dimensions and have width and height less than or equal to 200 pixels.

3. Click Save changes.

4.6 Text replacement

You can customize your company's instance of SAP Jam by changing any text, labels, menus, and messages
that display on a standard web browser or mobile web browser.

These customizations must be submitted to the SAP Jam Support team for processing. For example, you
can change all instances of the term "Kudo" that appear on profile pages, feed upates, action buttons, and
other places in the user interface to "Recognition", which is more suitable for and understood by your users. If
your request is on the list of pre-approved text, it will be fulfilled. Otherwise, it will be reviewed by the product
team first and fulfilled upon approval.

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Example of string customization - "Kudos" changed to "Recognition"

Customization text can include translations in the official languages currently supported in SAP Jam. For
example, you can change "Send a Kudo" to "Send a Recognition", and manually translate the new text into
multiple languages for your users. Please submit a service ticket to SAP Support and provide details on
which text and in what languages you would like to change.

4.7 Setting a Custom Favicon

You can change the default SAP Jam favicon to a custom one by adding JavaScript code to the custom header.


● You have selected the following Custom Header options:

○ Enable Custom Header
○ Enable JavaScript and all HTML elements for custom header
● The custom favicon image is available via a public URL


1. In the Admin section, navigate to Branding Web .

2. Add the following JavaScript code to the top of the custom header window:

 Sample Code

$("link[rel*='icon']").attr("href", "FAVICON_URL");

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 Note

Replace FAVICON_URL with the public URL of the custom favicon.

For example:

3. Save.

The custom favicon should now appear in the SAP Jam tab. For example:

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5 Product Setup

5.1 Configure SAP Jam Collaboration Features

The Product Setup Features page allows you to enable or disable many features and options.

To configure which features are available to company users

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Product Setup Features from the left side navigation.
2. Select any of the following:

Compliance options

Option Description

Enable Compliance Monitor Monitors the content posted to SAP Jam and flag items that contain terms that
are listed in the Compliance Dictionary. See Configure Compliance monitoring
[page 317] for details on managing this feature. Enabling the alert does not scan
content retroactively, only from the date the alert is enabled. Disabling the alert
permits users to post content to SAP Jam without flagging Compliance Diction­
ary violations. If content has already been scanned prior to disabling, flagged

items remain listed in the Compliance and Security Compliance Pending

Flagged Items table.

Enable Profanity Monitor Monitors the content posted to SAP Jam and flag items that contain terms that
are listed in the Profanity Dictionary. See Configure Compliance monitoring [page
317] for details on managing this feature. Enabling the alert does not scan con­
tent retroactively, only from the date the alert is enabled. Disabling the alert per­
mits users to post profanities to SAP Jam without flagging Profanity Dictionary
violations. If content has already been scanned prior to disabling, flagged items

remain listed in the Compliance and Security Compliance Pending

Flagged Items table.

Enable Unscannable Filter Flags all items where content cannot be scanned (for example: images, videos,
zip files). The attributes of these files such as filename, title and description are
scanned by Compliance and Profanity filters. This filter does not scan content ret­
roactively; it scans from the date this filter is enabled.

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User Management options

Options Description

Enable users to edit their profile  Note

This feature is only available for companies that are not integrated with Suc­
cessFactors Platform [page 15].

Disable this option to prevent users from making changes to their user profiles.
Disabling this option is desirable if your organization imports user profile infor­
mation from a source external to SAP Jam.

Show Profile Photos User profile photos will appear beside users' posts in forums and feeds, as well as
several other locations. Deselect this option to turn off the display of user profile

Allow Users to Upload a Custom Disable this option to prevent users from uploading their own user profile photos.
Profile Photo For example, your organization may already import user profile photos from a
source external to SAP Jam. This option is automatically disabled if Show Profile
Photos is also disabled.

 Note
Regardless of whether profile photos are synchronized from SAP Success­
Factors Employee Central, if this option is enabled, any profile photos up­
loaded by the user will be shown instead. If the user has not uploaded a pro­
file photo, the default avatar image will display.

Show Profile Job Titles Job titles display in users' profiles for each user who has a job title.

Enable users to create their own If disabled, only SAP Jam administrators can create groups.

Enable Delegated Admins control Area administrators can grant users the ability to create groups even if the pre­
to override the company setting ceding option is disabled.

Enable Company wide content Enable this option for your company so that users can post and create content
creation from their profile and throughout the application, or disable it to restrict posts
and content creation to remain within groups only.

 Note
If this option is disabled, and a user is following another user, while they will
no longer see home page feed updates regarding that user's posts and con­
tent creation outside of a group context, they will be able to see other activi­
ties (for example, kudos given to that user by another user, profile updates).

Set default for group email notifi- Choose from immediate, daily, weekly, or none. This setting can be overridden by
cations users in their email notification preferences.

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Options Description

Show profile pages for alumni Alumni users are users who have left your organization. This option allows you to
control whether alumni user profile pages are available and viewable.

Clear profile info for alumni For those who have left your organization, select this option to remove the per­
sonal information and image of users from SAP Jam. Alumni users' office location
information is removed, but their manager and job title information is retained.

Feature Management options

Options Description

Enable API Allows SAP Jam integration with the SAP Jam Mobile app, SharePoint, and Suc­
cessFactors Learning.

Enable File Sharing Users can upload files to SAP Jam.

Enable Feed Share Adds a Share button to feed entries, allowing users to share updates with a speci­
fied group or with the entire company.

Enable Content Rating Users can rate content that has been uploaded to SAP Jam.

Enable External Group Creation Allows creation of private groups that are intended for, and accessible to, users
who are not located within your organization's network. Options include Yes, No,
or Delegate to an area administrator.

Wikis Users can create wiki pages in SAP Jam.

Enable SAP Jam application Enables users to open, edit, and save Microsoft Office documents in SAP Jam as
launcher if they were on their local file system when they click on the application launcher
button for the file in the SAP Jam Content section. This allows them to edit the
file without having to download it to edit it and upload it after saving.

Persistent Navigation Bar Create custom site navigation that links to groups, group content, and external
pages without writing any code in the custom header. These tabs display on all
pages throughout SAP Jam, below the global menu bar.

Set all group navigation style to Applies a group header style navigation to all existing and new groups. Group ad­
header mins will not have the option to choose sidebar style navigation. If disabled,
group admins can choose between the sidebar or header style group navigation
for their groups.

Enhanced widget styling and Allows all home page and group overview widgets to display with better usage of
page layout option available screen space, improved carousel and gallery layouts, a bolded and
larger font size, and the removal of some user avatars.

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Options Description

Messages (formerly named Private Control the availability of messaging between the users in your organization. As
Messages) of the August 2017 release, this feature has been enhanced for multiple recipient
participation (up to 30 people) including those who do not have company provi­
sioned emails. If Private Messages was disabled prior to the August 2017 release,
it will remain disabled for Messages. If it was enabled, any private messages that
were not deleted will still be available for viewing within Messages.

You can enable push notifications for messages to mobile devices by selecting
the option "Push message content to mobile devices". When configured, the text
notification of the message, along with the full body of the message, is sent.
When disabled, the push notification is sent with the text update only (for exam­
ple, "Carla Smith mentioned you in the Acecorp Social message thread"). Ena­
bles company users to designate staff or colleagues who can compose messag­
ing, blog posts, and other content for them as ghostwriters.

For a list of markdown syntax supported with messages, please refer to the Sup­
ported Markdown topic in the SAP Jam Developer Guide.

Designate Blog Post Author Allow a user to designate another user to create blog posts on their behalf. Al­
though the other person can edit and publish the blog post, the name of the user
who selected the designate is shown as the content creator.

Knowledge Base Enables knowledge base authors to create knowledge base articles as part of Em­
ployee Support for their groups. Articles can be accessed via the global menu bar.
A group level setting for knowledge base articles can be enabled or disabled for
specific groups. When enabled by the group administrator, Knowledge Base ap­
pears on the left side navigation. This feature is enabled by default at the com­
pany and group level.

The Company-wide knowledge base option below this feature allows SAP Jam
users to see all knowledge base articles from all groups that they are members of
by accessing the company Knowledge Base from the global menu bar. If disabled,
the Knowledge Base cannot be accessed from the global menu bar.

By default, the knowledge base feature is enabled for a group when the company
setting for the knowledge base feature is enabled. Group administrators can ena­
ble or disable the availability of the knowledge base feature for their group when
editing the group settings.

Recommendation Tiles Display recommendation tiles in the Feed Updates section of a group.

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Options Description

Videos/Audios Allows users to upload or create videos using screen capture or their webcam.
Video and audio files are uploaded and encoded for use within SAP Jam.

 Note
The creation of videos using non-WebRTC technology is not supported.

 Note
To enable watermarks on videos, or append video snippets before and after
an uploaded video, please contact your SAP Jam site administrator.

Include Private Group Details SAP Jam administrators can view private group names in reporting and Compli­
ance features and run reports on a specific private group.

Enable integrations Users can synchronize news feeds from other services.

 Note
In order to set up integrations, users need to have an account with each ex­
ternal service.

Show Recruitment Data (non-in­ Display hire date information in users' profile pages.
tegrated)/Hire Date (integrated)
in member profile

Show business records feeds in Display business record feed about user actions, such as comments, on the pro­
member profile file pages of the users.The business record feed on a user's profile pages displays
only the actions that this user has made for business records that she or he fol­

To prevent that business record feed is displayed on the users' profile pages,
clear this check box.

Send daily alert emails to all SAP Jam sends users content and updates via email.

Send active task reminder to all SAP Jam sends active tasks reminders to all members.

Allow User Level Reporting SAP Jam users can view and run group reports. When you disable this option,
content item owners can no longer view a list of unique viewers and downloaders
for their document. The Group Members List group report will not be available.

 Note
The number of page views and downloads still displays, but is no longer a
clickable hyperlink.

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Options Description

Restrict access to Company Ad­ This option depends on the Allow User Level Reporting option being selected. If
mins only you select this option, only company administrators will be able to run and view
group reports, and view a list of unique viewers for all group content items.

Enable Gamification Allows integration with gamification vendors.

Microsoft® Skype for Business® Microsoft® Skype for Business® opens when users click on Message at the bot­
integration tom of any user hover card.

Enable Employee Central Time Enables Employee Central Time Off bookings to display within SAP Jam.
Off integration

Enable away alerts by default for Select this option to allow Employee Central Time Off to display away alerts for
new time offs users on time off when other users search for or enter a user's name who has set
their Employee Central Time Off.

 Note
The preceding two options require that you have performed the Employee
Central Time Off integration as documented in the following documents,
which are located in the SuccessFactors Employee Central section of the
SAP Help Portal:
○ Time Off and Employee Central Payroll Integration Guide
○ Metadata Framework (MDF) Implementation Guide, Chapter 10 MDF
Security Using Role-Based Permissions, sections 10.1 and 10.2. Note
that you may need to modify rules for the EmployeeTime object (see
"Adding Rules", section 3.3.4).

Hide contact information for ex­ Hide information on other external users when a user is logged in as an external
ternal users user.

Enable search appliance integra­ Allows integration with your company's search appliance. Select the search appli­
tion ance authorization mechanism from the OAuth client for search appliance
integration drop-down menu. This menu is populated from the Admin > OAuth
Clients [page 214] page.

Enable document download via When enabled, the Content Delivery Network outside the SAP data center will
CDN cache documents to boost downloads speeds and video streaming performance.
Globally distributed customers with offices distantly located from their SAP Jam
Collaboration tenant data center host experience significant performance im­

Enable Webcam/Screen Recorder With this option selected, when you choose to share a video via a feed update,
using WebRTC technology (Goo­ you can click on an information icon that displays whether the compatibility
gle Chrome and Mozilla Firefox checklists have been met for recording a screen capture or recording with your
only) webcam. Webcam recording is supported only on Google Chrome and Mozilla
Firefox internet browsers. Screen recording is supported only on Google Chrome
(without audio) and Mozilla Firefox internet browsers.

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124 PUBLIC Product Setup
Options Description

Preview PDF documents using Allow inline viewing of PDFs in a browser. If features (such as Print) are not ena­
PDF viewer bled with inline viewing, PDFs can be downloaded with the option Open or Save in
a PDF viewer.

 Note
The Comment on highlighted area annotation feature is not available with in­
line PDF viewing.

Content Syndication Enable the Content Syndication option to give all SAP Jam group administrators
the capability to allow content syndication of their group's knowledge base arti­
cles (and any attachments) to groups in SAP Jam Communities.

Feature Tours Allows pop-up feature tours to serve as an in-application help system that pro­
vides quick instructional text on specific features. Can be disabled or re-enabled
by the user under their Account Settings.

Allow renaming of the external Allows group administrators to change the default name for any of their group's
document integration name external document integrations. If you do not enable this option, the default
name will remain consistent throughout the application and cannot be changed
by any group admin. When added or updated, the documentation integration
names are also reflected in the group navigation and content navigation bread­
crumb links.

Enable repository configuration Allows group administrators to create custom labels for document integrations
at the group level for Microsoft used by their groups. By default, this option is not enabled.
Office 365

Deprecated Feature:
○ Wiki Page - Compare Versions
○ With the default set to disabled, the Compare Versions action will not display in the Versions dialog
for a wiki.

3. When you have the feature availability and feature behavior options set to your satisfaction, click Save

User configured features

Online presence and browser notifications can be set by the user via their profile avatar located to the right of
the search bar above the global menu bar. When they click their avatar, they will be able to enable or disable
browser notifications and set their presence to appear online (with green dot indicator) or appear offline.
Further instructions for this user-configured setting are described in the SAP Jam Collaboration User Guide.

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5.2 Customize the home page

Home pages are a way to better inform your users of company-wide information, announcements, and much
more.You can create separate custom home page layouts for full access, restricted access, and external users.
For full access users and external guests, you can also customize branding.

Anatomy of a home page

 Note

As of the February 2018 release, a company home page no longer has a separate header and body section.
The content previously created under the two sections has been combined and now displays as a single

While home page design is similar to using the page designer to customize group overview pages, there are
some notable differences:

● Custom home pages provides a layout of up to six columns rather than the three columns of group
overview pages. The width available for multi-column widgets should include the width for each column
plus the gutters that have been spanned. When choosing a widget in page designer, you will see which
widgets may not be optimal in size for a given column layout.
● For example, when using an image widget, keep the following recommended width sizes in mind for an up
to four column span to ensure highest viewing quality:
○ image spanning width of one column: 288 pixels
○ image spanning width of two columns: 585 pixels
○ image spanning width of three columns: 883 pixels
○ image spanning width of four columns: 1180 pixels
● For an up to six column span, when using an image widget, consider the following for highest viewing
○ image spanning width of one column: 188 pixels
○ image spanning width of two columns: 386 pixels
○ image spanning width of three columns: 585 pixels
○ image spanning width of four columns: 783 pixels
○ image spanning width of five columns: 981 pixels
○ image spanning width of six columns: 1180 pixels
● The custom home page feed widget displays the company feed, not a group feed.
● The custom home page people widget displays selected members only.
● The custom home page action widget contains a smaller list of actions (add a blog post or wiki page, create
a poll, feed and email settings, and access trash).
● Persistent site navigation [page 134] can be added to the header to help users easily find their way back to
specific pages, links to content, groups, or external pages from any any page in SAP Jam.
● An announcement [page 135] can be added to the top of the home page in its own section. Designed with
one or more widgets it can be used to communicate important news or events that must be shared

 Note

When you have multiple widgets in a row with applied background settings, as you configure the mobile
settings for a home page, you can select Show in Mobile so that those widgets appear when viewed on

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

126 PUBLIC Product Setup
mobile devices. However, the Pin to Top setting is disabled for rows with background styles. For steps
on configuring mobile settings and using preview mode when designing pages for optimal viewing on
mobile devices, please refer to the Mobile settings and preview topic in the SAP Jam Group
Administration Guide.

To create a custom home page

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Product Setup Home Page Management from the left
side navigation.
2. Select the Full Access Users tab to design pages for your company users, or the External Users tab to
design pages for external visitors who log in to SAP Jam.

 Note

The external users home page can be enabled or disabled. If disabled, a default home page displays.

3. To design the layout of your custom home page, click Manage Home Page.
The page layout displays. When you click the Edit icon from the Page Settings wand, your view will switch to
Edit mode for the home page you are currently viewing. For instructions on using the page designer, see
chapter 3, Page designer, of the SAP Jam Group Administration Guide. See also the topics under Widgets
for company and area home pages only [page 76] for more details.

 Note

**This option now deprecated as of the February 2019 release**You can enable the alignment of
widgets by row when selecting the Optimize Page Layout option. The widgets with the smaller height
dimensions in a row will automatically expand to align with the widget with the largest height
dimension. The optimize layout options do not apply when trying to align widgets in a row containing
feed and image widgets, namely because of their specific and typically larger height requirements.

 Note

You can show or hide the white background colour and one pixel border around each widget by setting
the Show Widgets as Tiles toggle while in edit mode on the custom home page.

 Note

○ When you click and drag the bottom edge of an image widget to resize it, a new guideline appears
to help you align the edge with another widget on the same row. As you drag the guideline, it will
automatically snap to the bottom edge alignment matching the other widget.
○ The feed widget can display the home feed or company feed.

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A sample custom home page, page designer view

While in the page designer, beside the page title text box at the top, there are buttons on the right side that
allow you to:
○ Publish: Save the page design and use it as your organization's home page.
○ Preview in mobile: View the page in a responsive web setting to simulate the single column layout
mobile experience. You can also choose the order in which to display pinned widgets in a single column
layout applicable for mobile devices or accept an optimized default order. Use the up and down arrows
that appear when you hover your cursor near the top of any widget in preview mode to move them.
○ Save Draft: Save the page design without setting it as your organization's home page.
○ Delete Draft: This button only appears if you have saved a draft home page and you have elected to
edit it again. Click this button to delete the draft version.
○ Cancel: Exit the page designer without saving changes.
4. Once you have created the layout of your home page, you are returned to the Product Setup Custom
Home Page creation page in which you can make further modifications. Click the breadcrumb to navigate
within the custom home page repository for your company or area.
1. Click Upload File to upload content.
2. Click Create to create blog posts, wikis, decision-making tools, planning tools, videos, folders, and add
extensions (if an extension has been integrated with SAP Jam).
3. You can copy, move, tag, edit, download, and delete items that have been created or uploaded on the
Homepage Customization section.

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4. If the custom home page feature is turned off, then to turn it back on again return to the Product
Setup Custom Home Page , click Manage Home Page, click the edit icon on the right side (the pencil
icon), and then click Publish.

Export and Import Custom Home Pages

You can export and import home pages between tenants.

This enables copying content created in a test environment to a production environment. In addition, this
facilitates migrating content from one data center to another. Files are in .zip file format.

To export a home page from one environment (test, for example) and import it into another environment
(production, for example), both environments must have the same edition of SAP Jam, or the target
environment (production, in this example) must have a higher edition than the source environment (test, in this

 Note

Before you import content, be sure to:

● Back up any content you may need for future use.

● Check that the user account permissions match between source and destination tenants.

Import and Export of a Home Page

When you import a home page and its content, the following information displays on the Import tab:

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● Imported file name and home page names
● Date and time of the import
● Status (for example: In progress, Import Completed)

When you import or export a community home page and its content between tenants, you can expect the
following to be included when copied:

Location Content type, configuration, or tab

Content repository ● Folders

● Blog posts
● Documents (for example: .txt, .docx, .xlsx files)
● Links
● Images
● Polls (without voting results)
● Videos (mp4 files only)
● Wiki pages
● Tags
● Ranking
● Decision
● Timeline

Pages ● Home page tabs

● Sub tabs
● Page settings
● Row settings

Widgets ● Settings
● Title translations

 Note

Historical versions, drafts, and items that are already in the trash are not exported or imported.

Multiple level menu navigation

A company administrator can create and manage a two-level menu hierarchy - a top menu tab with sub menus
- which is available for full access users. To create a multiple menu experience, for each top menu, one or more
sub menus can be added.

When in edit mode, you can click the Rearrange icon to open the Rearrange Tabs dialog. There, you can click
and drag to move a first level tab to a second level tab, or from second to first, for custom home and area
pages. You can also move a second level tab to the second level of another tab.

Rearrange tabs

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130 PUBLIC Product Setup
Revert to an earlier version

As a company administrator, you can revert to a previous version of a custom home page for the company by
clicking the Version History icon from the Page Settings bar and selecting the version you wish to revert back to.
When reverting the header, the change is applied to all home pages, including area home pages. As an area
administrator, you can revert to a previous version of a custom home page for the area.

Translate pages

When you create or edit a custom home page and supply text, the text is considered untranslated. To support
organizations with employees who understand multiple languages, you can provide translations for image
captions, menu tabs, text widgets, and widget titles in one or more languages supported by SAP Jam.

 Note

On the custom home page, click Translate on the actions wand, and then select your preferred language
from the Language drop-down on the following page. All existing home pages prior to the May 2017 release
will continue to display untranslated text.

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Translate action on the custom home page

Select the preferred language for translation

To translate a text widget, enter the translated text directly into the text box. To translate a menu tab, enter the
translated text into the page title text box.

If a translation is unavailable, the non-translated locale that was used when creating or editing the page
displays. All image captions, menu tabs, text widgets, and widget titles must use the same language per
instance of translation. For example, if you want to view or translate from English to French, German, and
Spanish, you can only select one language at a time. If an item is not translated, for example, the title of a
widget, you can click Translate beside the title to edit it and manually enter your translation.

Similar to saving a custom home page as draft, you can also save translations as a draft. Draft translations are
not visible to end users. As an administrator, you can view draft translations or published translations. You can
resume editing a draft, delete a draft, or publish a draft. Each time you publish a translation, a new version of
the custom home page is created in the version history.

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Copy pages

You can copy a home page or a group overview page, to use as a starting point for building other content pages.
You can copy a home page or a group overview page either as a draft, which you need to tweak as necessary
before publishing, or as a published page. You can copy a home page to an external tab or to an admin area.

Home page content repository

On the Page Settings wand, there is a Home Page Content icon that allows you as a company administrator or
page content administrator to conveniently access the home page content repository. When you want to switch
back to the home page, you can click the same icon.

Post publicly visible comments

When maintaining your intranet pages on the SAP Jam Admin console Product Setup Home Page
Management , you will see a Users can post publicly visible comments on company content option which
allows full and restricted access users to comment on, like, tag or rate documents, videos, and images that are
uploaded and displayed on the company custom home page. Comments are publicly visible and searchable by
everyone in the company. You can also create polls for everyone to participate in on the company home page.
Applicable for web, mobile, and API. By default, this option is enabled but you can toggle it to disable.

 Note

When this option is selected, it does not apply to the following:

● content that's uploaded or posted to public groups and displayed on the home page.
● content posted on area home pages.
● business records that are highlighted and displayed on the home page.

Restricted access

On the SAP Jam Admin console > Home Page Management section, company administrators will now see two
tabs designated for home page content based on permissions:

● Full Access Users: Any content uploaded or created via this tab will appear on the custom home page to
users with full access only (e.g., full-time employees of a company).
● Restricted Access Users: Any content uploaded or created via this tab will appear on the custom home
page to users with restricted access only (e.g., part-time or contract employees).

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Delete home page and content items

As an area or company administrator, if you delete a custom home page or content such as documents and
images in the home page repository, the deleted content is now moved into a Trash folder. There are separate
Trash tabs for company, area, full access, and restricted access pages.

Main page and sub tabs: If you delete a main page tab with sub tabs, only the main page tab appears in the
Trash. If a sub tab is deleted and then restored, if the main page tab still exists then the sub tab will be restored
under the main page tab. If the main page tab no longer exists, the sub tab will be restored as a main page tab.
From Trash, you can restore or purge the deleted page tabs.

5.2.1 Persistent site navigation and links

When branding the custom header for your custom home page, you can create a custom site navigation that
includes links to specific content, group overview pages, or external web pages.

To make this navigation display throughout all pages in SAP Jam, from the Admin console Product Setup
Features page, you can enable the Persistent Navigation Bar option under the Feature Management section.
When navigating to different pages, the custom site navigation then displays on every page to help users find
their way throughout your company's instance of SAP Jam.

Site Navigation with links

To add tabs that with links to specific content, groups, or external pages

1. Go to the edit mode for the custom home page.

2. On the site navigation bar, click the + icon.
3. Enter a the name of the content, group, or external page you want to link to in the Tab Name field.
4. Select the Link to existing content or external pages option.
5. Enter a valid URL for the link.
6. Click Create. Your new tab is added to the site navigation bar.
The background color (default background color) and font color (default text color) for the tab can be
customized under the Keyline and Overview Tabs section of the Branding Web page.
If you want to delete a tab, provide a translation, or rename and edit the URL, click the Rearrange/Manage
Tabs icon beside the +. Select the dropdown beside the tab.

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Custom home page configuration for persistent custom site navigation

5.2.2 Announcement

As a company administrator or page content administrator, you now has the option to create and maintain a
single announcement. You can add any number of widgets to the announcement and fill them with content
from the company repository or public groups.

When an announcement is created, as a company, area, or page content administrator you can optionally
include the announcement at the top of your respective company or area home page by selecting a checkbox
prior to publishing.

One announcement can be configured and maintained for each of the following user types: Full Access Users,
Restricted Access Users, and External Users.

Step 1: Create an Announcement section and use widgets to create


To create a new announcement section

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console Product Setup Home Page Management click Manage
2. On the Edit Announcement page, use one or more widgets to create the announcement. You can save a
draft version, preview it in mobile view, publish it, or cancel your changes. Drafts can later be edited,
translated, deleted, or published.

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 Note

When editing an announcement later on, you can select which home page announcement to work with
by user type when you click Switch to.

Switch to announcement for full access or external users example

3. When you are ready to publish this for use with custom home pages, click Publish. The announcement is
now available to include when designing home pages.

If an Announcement section is created but the announcement has yet to be added or published, when the
Include Announcement checkbox is selected in page design mode, a message informs the page designer that
the announcement itself has not been created yet. Once it is published, the announcement will display in the
Announcement section.

Step 2. Include announcement

To include the announcement in a custom home page

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console Product Setup Home Page Management click Manage Home
2. Above the body of the home page, you can select the Include Announcement checkbox. This displays the
announcement in edit mode. When you publish the home page, users will be able to see the

Delete an announcement

When you delete an announcement, it is not recoverable from Trash.

5.2.3 Row settings

For each row of a custom home page, you can edit the row settings.

When you hover your cursor near the top right corner of a row, an icon appears for row settings.

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Access row settings

For each row on the home page, you can set the following options:

● Extend the row to full width. This helps maximize the use of space on the page while providing a clean
● Include a row background color or image. You can select an image from your local drive or choose one from
the home page content repository.
● Set top and bottom row padding in pixels.

 Note

Row height is dependent upon the height of the widgets within the row.

Row settings dialog

 Note

When you have multiple widgets in a row with applied background settings, as you configure the mobile
settings for a home page, you can select Show in Mobile so that those widgets appear when viewed on
mobile devices. However, the Pin to Top setting is disabled for rows with background styles.

5.2.4 Auto-save

To help avoid any loss of work (for example, due to accidentally closing the browser, refreshing your page, or a
session expiration in SuccessFactors), when designing a custom home page, the page automatically saves your
changes while you work on it.

If you navigate away from the home page without saving your work, you will be prompted to publish, save a
draft, or forego a saved version of your changes.

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5.2.5 Mirrored content

As a company, area, or page content administrator, you can mirror content such as documents, images, videos,
wiki pages, and blog posts between various home page repositories for company (full access, restricted access,
and external) and areas. You can also mirror content from your home page repository to a group.

Please refer to the Manage mirrored copies topic in the SAP Jam Collaboration User Guide for more
information on working with mirrored content.

 Note

Before you can mirror, you must have permission to mirror the source content item, as well as permission
to upload to the target repository you want to mirror to.

Mirror between home pages

Mirror permissions can be set for each content item.

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Mirror permissions

List of who can mirror with company admins, content owner, specific users

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Mirror from group to home page

When managing home page content from the SAP Jam Admin console Product Setup Home Page
Management Manage Content tab, you can click the dropdown beside the content item you want to mirror
and choose Mirror.

5.3 Custom Profile administration

The Product Setup Custom Profile page allows you to configure the profile page for all SAP Jam
Collaboration users in your company.

 Note

To be able to edit custom profiles you must have either SAP Jam Advanced Plus or the SAP Jam Enterprise

As a company administrator, you can remove and re-order the profile sections by dragging and dropping them.
The following fields are configurable:

● Country / Region
● Department
● Division

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● Email
● Job Code
● Job Title
● Job Description
● Location
● IM
● Nationality
● Phone Number
● Start Date
● User Id
● Custom01-15
● Any custom SAP Jam profile field

 Note

To ensure your company's compliance with data privacy regulations, please ensure that sensitive
personal data is not stored in any profile fields. Sensitive personal data is information on racial or
ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade-union membership, health or
sexual orientation, bank account and credit card data, genetic data and biometric data for the purpose
of uniquely identifying a natural person.

To customize profile pages

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Product Setup Custom Profile from the left navigation
The Custom Profile page displays.

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Customizing Profile pages
2. Select the checkbox beside the profile widgets that you want to have available in your users' profile pages;
deselect them to remove them.
3. Drag any widget box to place it in either section of the widgets (Basic Profile Information or Show
Additional Information) or to set the order in which they appear.
4. Click Edit in the widget box for any of the following widgets to make modifications to that widget type:
1. Click Edit in the Contact Information widget box to select which particular fields (for example: user's
phone numbers, IM addresses, and other options) will be available.

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Customizing Profile pages: the 'Contact Information' Edit Selection dialog box

○ Select fields to have them available; deselect them to remove them.

○ To add a new field, type the title in the "Add a New Field" text box.

 Note

The data for any field that you set must be available, and the name of that field must
correspond to data that is present in the user's information. See the Automatic user
provisioning table in the SAP Jam integrated with SuccessFactors Platform [page 15] section.

○ To remove an added custom field, click the "X" to the right of that field's information.
When you have made the changes that you want in the Edit Section dialog box, click Save to return to
the Custom Profile page.
2. Click Edit in the Job Information widget box to select which particular fields (such as the users' job title,
start date, and other options) will be available.

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Customizing Profile pages: 'Job Information' Edit Selection dialog box

○ Select fields to have them available; deselect them to remove them.

○ To add a new field, type the title in the "Add a New Field" text box.

 Note

The data for any field that you set must be available, and the name of that field must
correspond to data that is present in the user's information. See the Automatic user
provisioning table in the SAP Jam integrated with SuccessFactors Platform [page 15] section.

○ To remove an added custom field, click the "X" to the right of that field's information.
When you have made the changes that you want in the Edit Section dialog box, click Save to return to
the Custom Profile page.
3. OpenSocial Gadgets: Enable this option to show a configured OpenSocial Gadget in users' profiles.

Customizing Profile pages: custom profile Edit Selection dialog box

Note that OpenSocial Gadgets must have been previously configured, as described in the OpenSocial
Gadgets section of the SAP Jam Collaboration Developer Guide.
When you have made the changes that you want in the Edit Section dialog box, click Save to return to
the Custom Profile page.

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5. When you are satisfied with your arrangement of the content to be shown in your organization's users
profiles, click Save changes.

5.4 Configure Kudos options

Kudos provide a way for users to recognize each other for their accomplishments, encourage good working
practices and positive personal traits, and help to establish a positive interpersonal environment within SAP

There is a default set of kudos, and a way to create new custom kudos. Individual kudos can be disabled and
enabled again as required. Also, custom kudos can be edited or deleted.

To manage your organization's use of kudos

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Product Setup Kudos from the left side navigation.
2. Click the Show or hide kudos and the ability to send them option so that a checkmark displays.

 Note

If you choose to hide kudos by disabling the option, the following changes appear in the user profile:
○ Send a Kudo button removed from profile hover card and on profile page.

Example of kudos action removed from profile page

○ In the SAP Jam mobile app, the Send Kudo link does not display on the user profile page.
○ Achievements tab from the user profile page does not display, unless gamification is enabled.
○ The dropdown selection for kudos no longer appears on a user profile page.

 Note

When kudos are disabled, any associated feed item activity for kudos that were previously
awarded to a user or sent by a user will remain in the feed.

3. To create a new custom kudo, click Add a new Custom Kudos.

1. In the Label field, enter the name or title that you want to give the new kudos.
2. Select the Admins only check box to restrict the awarding of kudos to SAP Jam support or company
administrators only. Clear the check box to permit all users to award kudos.

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3. In the Description text box, provide a description of the purpose of or reason for awarding the kudo,
such as describing the quality for which it is awarded, or the type of accomplishment that it signifies.
4. Click Browse to locate an icon for the kudos on your local drive. The largest size of icon can be 48 x 48
5. Once you have the above three items set to your satisfaction, click Create to save the new custom
You are returned to the Kudos page, where your new custom kudos will be listed in the Custom Kudos
section of the page.
4. To edit, delete, enable or disable kudos

Manage Kudos

1. To disable an enabled kudos, click Disable on the row for the kudos that you want to disable.
2. To enable a disabled kudos, click Enable on the row for the kudos that you want to enable.
3. To edit a custom kudos, click More on the row for the kudos that you want to edit, and select Edit from
the context menu.
4. To delete a custom kudos, click More on the row for the kudos that you want to delete, and select
Delete from the context menu.

5.5 Configure the Quick Tour

The Quick Tour (formerly "Getting Started wizard") helps welcome new users to SAP Jam. It introduces SAP
Jam users to groups, new features, online help, and much more. If the tour is dismissed when first used, it can
be accessed at a later time by clicking the Help icon above the global menu bar.

The Product Setup Quick Tour page allows you to configure whether the Quick Tour will be used, and
what screens are shown to new users.

Quick Tour access

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 Note

When using the SuccessFactors shared header, the Quick Tour option may appear under your name drop-
down menu.

Quick Tour configuration for non-administrator users

Upon first time log in, the Quick Tour for company administrators includes most commonly used features that
you as an administrator can work with to get your company working with SAP Jam as soon as possible:
Navigation, branding, home page customization, group creation and navigation, admin controls, connections
with other company users, joining groups, and options to customize your profile, create a group, download the
mobile app (if enabled), or go directly to the home page.

Quick Tour

Quick Tour page Description

Connect with People Following your colleagues allows you to view their shared content from your homepage.
From there, you can reply to your peers, send them messages or kudos to give them praise.

Join groups Groups are spaces where you and your colleagues can share content, ask questions, and
connect with one another. By joining a group, updates and content that people post will
show up on your homepage.

Go Mobile Collaborate while on the go with SAP Jam mobile app! Keep current on what's happening,
and continue to work while away from the office.

Settings, alerts, help and Includes a diagram that explains profile avatars, tasks, notifications, and email alerts.

Create groups Create a group for each topic of discussion so that your users can work collaboratively.

Apply your company brand­ Customize SAP Jam with your organization's branding.

Establish basic governance Use the admin settings to control who can create groups. Set up the terms of service.

Customize the Home Page Create a custom home page to better communicate news and information.

Quick Tour configuration for non-administrator users

To configure the Quick Tour

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Product Setup Quick Tour from the left side navigation
2. Select Display Quick Tour to enable its use.
3. You can customize one tab by renaming it and providing custom formatted content. Enable or disable the
tab by switching the toggle.

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4. Click Preview to see the quick tour in a pop-up dialog box.
To close the dialog box, click on the "X" in its upper-right corner.
5. Once you are satisfied with your configuration of the tabs, click Save.
The new or revised Quick Tour is saved, and it will display to new users when they first log on.

5.6 Hashtags administration

Hashtags provide a form of auto-completion for user text entry in wikis. You can create a CSV file with only one
entry per line, of the words or phrases that users can enter for the hashtag autocompletion. When the user
begins writing the word or phrase in the hashtag field, and as soon as they have typed enough for a unique
match, the word or phrase is shown in the hashtag field. The user can then elect to add this term to the end of
the text that they are writing.

Supported hashtag characters include alpha characters, numbers, and word-connectors (e.g., dash,
underscore). Special characters (e.g., slash (/) quotes (“, ‘, `), decimal (.), parentheses (()) , brackets ([]), etc.)
are not supported.

To configure hashtags

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Product Setup Hashtags from the left navigation
sidebar to view general information on your SAP Jam service.
The Hashtags page displays.

Adding Hashtags
2. If you want to use a hashtags file that you have on your local drive, click Browse, navigate to the file, select
it, and then click Submit.
3. If you want to use a hashtags file provided by SuccessFactors Platform, click Import and select the file from
the SuccessFactors Platform hashfiles that are listed.

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148 PUBLIC Product Setup
5.7 Knowledge base
As a company administrator, you can create and edit a multiple level category hierarchy for knowledge base
articles, up to three levels deep, with up to 150 categories at each level. This provides groups with a way to
organize and improve discoverability of their articles.

Manage categories

You can create new categories, move, update or correct category names by renaming them, and delete

To create categories that can be used to categorize knowledge base articles across groups in your

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin Console.

2. On the left side navigation, choose Product Setup Knowledge Base .
3. Click the Categories tab.
4. Enter a list of categories, with each category separated by a comma.
5. Click Add to add the categories.
You can move categories to another category or delete multiple categories.

 Note

When moving a category to another category, please note the category level structure. For example,
when attempting to move a category with a three level hierarchy to another category, the category you
are trying to move everything to cannot replicate the main level category plus two subcategory level
structure. This would create a fourth level hierarchy which is not supported. A message confirming that
the move cannot be completed as requested after you click the Move Selected button.

To delete one or more categories

1. Select the checkbox beside the category or categories.

2. Click Delete Selected. The deleted category or categories will no longer display for existing articles that
used the category, nor will it display as an option for new articles.

To rename a category

1. Select the checkbox beside the category.

2. Click the drop-down to the far right and choose Rename. Enter the new name for the category. The
renamed category is automatically updated for all published articles. When creating a new article, the
renamed category will display as a category option.

Create company level knowledge base templates

You can create knowledge base templates at the company level to be disabled or enabled by group
administrators for their respective groups. After you create a template, you can enable, edit, disable, copy and
delete each one as required.

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To create a knowledge base template

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console Product Setup Knowledge Base page.
2. On the Templates tab, click + Template.
3. In the New Template dialog box, enter a template name and description, then click Create.
4. Follow the steps for designing a knowledge base template as explained in the Knowledge base templates
topic in the SAP Jam Collaboration Group Administration Guide.

Enable or disable a knowledge base template

Once you've published your template to the list of available templates, you can decide whether to enable or
disable it. Or, if an already enabled template needs to be retired or taken offline, you can choose to disable it.

To enable or disable a knowledge base template

1. On the Templates tab, find the template you want to enable or disable from the Templates list.
2. Click the toggle below the Enable column.

Copy a knowledge base template

To make it easier to create similar knowledge base templates within your company, or create identical copies
and then edit them as required, you can make a copy of an existing knowledge base template.

To copy an existing template

1. On the Templates tab, click the dropdown to the right of the enable and disable template toggle and choose
2. The copied template is listed below the original template. Make edits to the copy as needed.

Edit a knowledge base template

You can edit a knowledge base template by adding, removing, and rearranging fields, or adding, modifying, and
removing options for checkboxes, radio buttons, and dropdowns. Changes to the template will be applied to
existing articles only when the article is edited and saved. When a user edits an article that is based on a
template that has been revised, they will see a message shown at the top of the article that says "The template
for this article has been modified and may cause the article to display differently". When you edit a template
that has at least one article created from it, you will see a message shown at the top of the template that says
"Any changes made to this template will be applied to published articles once they are edited."

To edit a knowledge base template

1. On the Templates tab, find the template you want to edit from the Templates list.
2. Click the dropdown to the right of the toggle and choose Edit.
3. Make your changes and then click Publish.

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150 PUBLIC Product Setup
Delete a company level knowledge base template

Although you can delete a custom template, if there are published articles based on the template, the template
cannot be deleted.

 Note

Once deleted, the knowledge base template is permanently removed and cannot be restored.

To delete a knowledge base template

1. On the Templates tab, find the template you want to delete from the Templates list.
2. Click the dropdown to the right of the toggle and choose Delete.
3. On the confirmation dialog, click Delete.

5.8 Groups management

In the SAP Jam Admin console, as a company or support administrator, you can go to Product Setup
Groups Management and access all groups on your company's instance of SAP Jam.

You can also conveniently manage groups where you are also the group administrator. This saves you time in
navigating outside the Admin console; you can now access all the groups you administer from one page view.

From the Actions dropdown, you can click Manage Group Content to manage your group's content, forums, and
knowledge base. You can also work with Administration specific tasks such as reports, group dashboard,
content approvals, group settings, and group trash.

On the Groups I Administer tab, you can also click Create a Group to create a new group.

From the All Groups tab, you can click Enable Content Administration to allow company and support admins to
access all groups and content on your company's instance of SAP Jam. You can then manage groups within an
administrative area or the entire company.

Export and Import of Groups

You can export and import groups between tenants.

This enables copying content created in a test environment to a production environment. In addition, this
facilitates migrating content from one data center to another. Files are in .zip format.

To export a group from one environment (test, for example) and import it into another environment
(production, for example), both environments must have the same edition of SAP Jam, or the target
environment (production, in this example) must have a higher edition than the source environment (test, in this

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 Note

Before you import content, be sure to:

● Back up any content you may need for future use.

● Check that the user account permissions match between source and destination tenants.

Export a Group

When you import a group and its content, the following information displays on the Import tab:

● Imported file name and group name

● Date and time of the import
● Status (for example: In progress, Import Completed)

If a group with the same name as the import group exists, the existing group will be used as the target for

For items that exist in both the zip and the target group, the target group content will be moved to trash before
the zip content is imported. For example, if "budget.xls" is in the zip file and "budget.xls" also exists in the
target group, then "budget.xls" from the target group will be moved to the trash before "budget.xls" from the
zip file is imported.

When you import or export a group and its content between tenants, you can expect the following to be
included when copied:

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152 PUBLIC Product Setup
Location or feature Content type, configuration, or tab

Group Private, Public, External groups, and Subgroups.

Content repository ● Public Folders

● Blog posts
● Documents (for example: .docx, .xlsx files)
● Links
● Images
● Multimedia (Video, Audio, Playlist)
● Decision-Making Tools (Decision, Polls, Pro/Con Table, Ranking, Comparison Table,
but without any decision results
● Wiki pages
● Tags

Membership ● All members except those that do not exist in target tenant, except those in pending
● Member roles.

Forums ● Forum topics for questions, ideas, and discussions

● Forum posts

Events ● Event settings

● Attendees
● Exception: Some settings such as time zone, all day checkbox changes, and attach­

Knowledge base ● Custom Knowledge Base templates

● Knowledge Base articles
● Knowledge Base categories applied to articles in source tenant

Pages ● Overview page tabs

● Sub tabs
● Page settings
● Row settings

Widgets ● Settings
● Title translations

5.9 Group templates administration

Group templates are used to replicate group content quickly and consistently. In addition to the set of pre-built
templates that are available as a default set of "system group templates", SAP Jam supports the creation of
"custom group templates" that can be optimized to meet your organization's business needs and
requirements. Both system group templates and custom group templates can be made visible to, or hidden
from, your users. Your organization's users can create new groups based on any visible templates, whether
they are system or custom templates.

Company administrators can enable or disable pre-built group templates. When enabled, they are available to
the entire company.

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Area administrators can enable any pre-built template that has been disabled by the company administrator.

Manage group templates

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Product Setup Group Templates from the left side
The Group Templates page displays, showing a catalog of company templates.
The catalog lists all group templates available to your organization. They display in alphabetical order by:
○ System templates, which are indicated with the label Pre-built Template underneath the templates
○ Any custom templates that have been created by the company or support administrator, with their
name listed below the template name.
Every template has a visibility toggle in the first column and an Actions dropdown menu in the last column.
A custom template also displays the date and the administrator by whom it was last modified. The list is
searchable using the search box on the top right.
2. To create a custom group template, do the following:
○ Click Create a template near the top left of the page.

Create Template dialog box

○ Set in the following options:
○ Name: [Required] The template name does not need to be unique in the catalog.

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154 PUBLIC Product Setup
○ Description: [Optional] Helps an end user understand the purpose of the template.
○ Language: [Optional] Defaults to "All Languages". The language the template is written in. By
specifying a language, end users will see the template at group-creation time only if it matches
their individual preferred language/locale. By not specifying a language, the template is always
visible at group-creation time.
○ Business Records: [Optional] By specifying a business object type, it means the template is
purpose-built for that type. The template is available to an end user only when they create a group
based on a business object instance of that type. As an example, you can select a custom "ACE
Sales opportunity methodology" template only when you create a new group based on an
opportunity business object type from SAP CRM.
○ Administrative area: [Optional] Select an administrative area to constrain use of this template to
the selected area. Use of this option requires administrative areas have been created, as discussed
in Configure Administrative Areas in the SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide.
○ Click Create.
The <template_name> (Group Template) page displays, from which you can do the following:

<template_name> (Group Template) page

○ Click Group Admin settings to edit the group options.

○ Click Create An Overview Page to use the page designer to create the overview page.
See "Page designer" in the SAP Jam Collaboration Group Administration Guide.

 Note

Remember that a custom template can also be created by saving an existing group as a template.

3. To manage the visibility of a group template, click the visibility toggle in the first column of the Group
Templates catalog.
○ A blue "check mark" switch position indicates a visible group template.

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Product Setup PUBLIC 155
○ A grey "x" switch position indicates a hidden group template, not available to users.
A template must be set to visible (published) before it can be used by the organization end users. All pre-
built templates are set to visible by default, while all newly-created custom templates are not visible by
default. An administrator can toggle the visibility of any template at any time in the template catalog to
customize what end users see in the template selection list at group creation time. The maximum number
of custom templates that can be set to visible at any given time can vary.
4. The Actions menu options are:

Group Templates catalog, Actions menu options

Pre-built, Hidden template Pre-built, Visible template Custom, Hiden template Custom, Visible template

Copy Preview Edit Preview

Copy Properties Properties

Create a Group Copy Copy

Export Create a Group

Delete Export

Note that the options available vary according to the type of group template (system or custom) and
whether the group template is set to be visible or hidden. The options are:
○ Preview: Displays a preview of the group.
○ Edit: Opens the template in the <template_name> (Group Template) page for editing.
○ Properties: Shows the options set in the Create Template dialog box.
○ Copy: Opens a Copy Template dialog box, which is nearly identical to the Create Template dialog box,
allowing you to set a new name, description, language choice, and business record options for a copy
of the group template that is otherwise identical to the source group template.
○ Create a Group: Opens the Create a Group dialog box.
Note that you can add the following placeholder items to a template:
○ Overview: create one or more overview pages for the template. Add text, images, and dynamic
widgets (see section on overview page designer on how to create overview pages).
○ Content: upload documents, photos, videos, or create wikis, business decision tools, folders, and
private folders. You can copy and move content items within the template.

 Note

Company or area administrators can mark documents, wiki pages, and blog posts as "Mirror
item" in a custom group template. When they update and publish the changes to the original
source document, all mirrored items are automatically updated for all groups. The source
document resides in the custom group template. As a group administrator, when you create a
group using a template with content marked as "Mirror item", that content will be mirrored
instead of copied to the new group.

○ Forums: add forum topics.

○ Links: add links.
There are certain items that cannot be added to a template, such as feed updates, recommendations,
calendar events, tasks, and reports. Therefore, the corresponding sections on the left hand pane are
intentionally disabled when designing a template. If Content and Forum are toggled off for this

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156 PUBLIC Product Setup
template (see section on Specify a Template's Default Group Behavior on how to do this), the sections
will be hidden on the left hand pane.
All changes to a template are saved automatically.
○ Export: Creates a ZIP archive of the group template and opens your browser's download dialog box,
allowing you to save the exported group template.

 Note

The export/import functionality is not designed for long-term/permanent, offline storage of

custom templates. You may need to re-export and re-import a custom template in event there is a
non-backwards compatible format, due to ongoing changes or improvements to templates made
by the SAP Jam team.

Caution: Do not delete a custom template from the source environment until it is successfully
imported into the target environment.
○ Delete: Opens a confirmation dialog box, providing you with the option to proceed with, or cancel, the
deletion of the group template. Only templates that are set to invisible can be deleted. Warning:
template deletion is permanent. It does not go into the personal Trash and is therefore non-

5. To import a custom template, access the template catalog in the target company under Admin > Group
Templates. Click Import a template, locate the zip file on your hard drive, and click Upload.
An email notification is sent to the administrator performing the import when the process is complete at a
later time. Any processing errors are noted in the email.

Emergency Situation Room Template

The Emergency Situation Room, available in Advanced Plus and Enterprise Edition, helps customers to handle
emergency situations such as the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic or the hurricane season.

Administrators can activate the template and make it available for the organization as a new Jam group under
Admin Product Setup Group Templates :

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Product Setup PUBLIC 157
 Note

To access this template if you do not have the Advanced Plus or Enterprise Edition, please create a service

5.10 Content templates

The Product Setup Content Templates page allows you to create templates for content, similar to the
"Corporate Communication Blog Post Template" that is included with your instance of SAP Jam.

You can also upload images to the Content Template page. Templates are available to all of your users, allowing
them to save time and to reuse partially constructed wiki and blog content or your organization's pre-approved

Create a wiki or blog content template

Creating a wiki or blog content template can save your organization's users a lot of time if they create lots of
standard format pages, such as meeting minutes, design specifications, corporate communications of various
types, how-to pages, and more. The content users create from these templates will have all of the material that
you add to the template, such as standardized page headings, including identifying images, section titles, and
standard boilerplate text. Yet users will be able to modify any of this content if they need to do so.

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Product Setup Content Templates from the left side
2. Click Create and select either Blog Post Template or Wiki Page Template from the dropdown menu.
The content creation page for that content type displays, either the Create a Blog Post Template page or
the Create a Wiki Page Template page.

The Create a Blog Post or a Wiki Page Template page

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158 PUBLIC Product Setup
3. Fill in the Title, and enter as much content as you want to have repeated in every page created from this
For details on using the wiki and blog editor, see the section Rich text editor for wikis and blogs in the SAP
Jam User Guide.
4. Once you have the template content set to your satisfaction, click Save.
You are returned to the Content Templates page, and the template that you just created is listed in the
catalog, listed alphabetically by title.

Publish or hide content templates

It is common to work on a template over several days to ensure that all of the required parts are included
without adding too much material that won't be applicable to most uses of the template. To enable this
development period without exposing a draft template, you can control the visibility of that template to your

To control your users' access to a content template, click on the "visibility" control in the left-most column of
the catalog, on the row for the template that you want to set their access to:

● To make a template invisible, ensure that the button is set to the left, the background of the control is grey,
and an "x" displays on the right side of the control.
● To make a template visible, ensure that the button is set to the right, the background of the control is blue,
and a check mark displays on the left side of the control.

Add an image

To include an image in a content template, you must add it in the Content Templates page's Images tab. To do
this, do the following:

1. In the Content Templates page, click the Images tab.

The Content Templates page's Images tab displays, showing a catalog of all of the images available for use
in your content templates.
2. Click Upload images to open your browser's file upload window, in which you can browse your hard drive for
the image or images that you want to upload.
Once the image uploads have finished, the uploaded images will appear in the Content Templates page's
Images tab's catalog.

Once you have uploaded images to the Content Templates page's Images tab's catalog, you can add them to a
content template by doing the following:

1. In the Content Templates page, create, copy, or edit a wiki or blog content template.
2. In the Content Template editor, click the image icon and select Choose existing content from the dropdown
The Choose existing content dialog box displays, showing a list of the images that have been added to the
Content Templates page's Images tab.
3. Click the image name that you want to add to the content template and click OK.
The image is added to the template where the input icon was placed when you opened the Choose existing
content dialog box.

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4. Once you have the template done to your satisfaction, click Save.
You are returned to the Content Templates page.

To add an image that has been uploaded via the Content Templates page's Images tab,

Manage the available images

You can manage the images available to your users with the Content Templates Images controls.

1. In the Content Templates Images tab, hover you mouse over the row of the image that you want to
perform an action on.
The available actions will appear below the title of the image, and in the additional options in the More item.

Upload images
2. The available options, and their use, is as follows:
○ Preview: Select this option to view the image in a popup dialog box.
○ Download: Select this option to download the image using your browser's file download feature.
○ Rename: Select this option to rename the image in a Rename popup dialog box.
○ Upload New Version: Select this option to upload a new version of the image using your browser's file
upload feature.
○ Delete: Select this option to delete the image. A confirmation dialog box displays. Click Delete to
proceed with the delete operation. The image will be deleted, and it will be removed from the
Content Templates Images tab's catalog and the template will now include the added image.

Manage the existing content templates

The Content Templates management operations include editing existing templates, copying an existing
template to create a similar but differentiated template, and deleting old templates that you no longer need.

1. In the Content Template tab of the Content Templates page, hover you mouse over the row of the content
template that you want to perform an action on.

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160 PUBLIC Product Setup
The available actions will appear below the title of the template. If the content template is a system
template (one that was included in SAP Jam), the only available action will be copy. If the content template
is a custom template (one that someone in your organization has created), the available actions will be
edit, copy, and delete, as shown in the following image.
2. Click the action that you want to perform. If you select:
○ edit, then an editor page, much like the create editor pages, displays with the content of the template
that you chose to copy shown in the editor. Make the required changes to the text of the template, and
click Save.
You are returned to the Content Templates page.
○ copy, then an editor page, much like the create editor pages, displays with the content of the template
that you chose to copy shown in the editor. Change the title to reflect the content or purpose of your
new template, make the required changes to the text of the template, and click Save.
You are returned to the Content Templates page with your copied, renamed, and modified template
listed in the catalog.
○ delete, a confirmation dialog box displays. Click OK to proceed with the deletion.
You are returned to the Content Templates page, where the selected template no longer appears in the

Use content templates when you create a wiki or blog

To apply any available templates when you create a wiki page or blog post

1. In the Content section of any group, click the Create button and select either Blog Post or Wiki Page.
2. Click the No Template button above the rich text editor and select the template that you want to use.
3. Complete the creation of your blog post or wiki page as you normally would.

5.11 Third party analytics

SAP Jam Collaboration now supports the tracking of page view traffic analytics so that administrators can have
visibility on metrics such as number of page visitors by the hour or day, usage patterns, content interaction,
device and operating system usage, and internet browser usage.

In the SAP Jam Admin console under Product Setup Third Party Analytics you can configure tracking by
third party Clickstream analytics solutions. Google Analytics is currently supported. It can provide information
such as:

● how much time a user spends on your site.

● how much time a user spends on each page (includes page title and URL).
● the sequence in which pages were visited.
● geographic location of the user.
● browser, operating system, and device usage.

 Note

Although Google Analytics can collect IP addresses from the user, they are not made available to
Google Analytic tools.

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Product Setup PUBLIC 161
 Note

Choose the option Remove PII from page title , if you want to prevent that Google Analytics collects
personally identifiable information (PII), such as the users' names, from page titles, such as the titles of
profile pages and inbox items.

Frequently Asked Questions on Google Analytics

Google Analytics works by the inclusion of a block of Google’s JavaScript code on pages in SAP Jam. When
users visit and navigate SAP Jam, this JavaScript code references a JavaScript file which then executes the
tracking operation for Analytics. The tracking operation retrieves data about the page request through various
means and sends this information to the Analytics server via a list of parameters attached to a single-pixel
image request. Tracked information includes:

● Time of visit, pages visited, and time spent on each page of the web pages
● Referring site details (such as the URI a user came through to arrive at this site)
● Type of web browser
● Type of operating system (OS)
● Flash version, JavaScript support, screen resolution, and screen color processing ability
● Network location and IP address.
No user profile information is sent to Google Analytics.

How does Google Analytics know the location of a user without access to their profile information?

● Google Analytics can collect the user’s network location, originating IP address, and infer their
geographical location.

If a user logs in multiple times, do they have a unique identifier or are they counted multiple times?

● As long as the user is consistently using the same web browser and has not deleted the browser cookies,
they will be identified as the same user.

5.12 Site administration tasks

A site administrator can create companies and enable and disable features.

The following table lists the actions available to site administrators only when they log in to the SAP Jam Admin
console and edit a particular company's setup. Please contact the SAP Jam Support team for assistance
with custom terminology and text replacement [page 116] through the configure strings action.

SAP Jam Admin console menu for company setup

Action Description

Custom Terminology Replace text for "Company", "Employee", and "Manager" and select the type of predefined
terminology that will be most identifiable for company users.

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162 PUBLIC Product Setup
Action Description

Configure Strings Upload and download files for text replacement throughout SAP Jam.

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Product Setup PUBLIC 163
6 Integrations

6.1 Integrations overview

This section describes how to integrate various applications with SAP Jam. There are three general types of
integrations available:

● Business records integrations: Integrate data from business-critical applications referred to as business
● Document repositories integrations: Integrate repositories or libraries of documents.
● Other SAP Jam integrations: There are also other types of integrations, including OpenSocial gadgets,
gamification, web widgets, or integrating SAP Jam features into other applications using the SAP Jam API.

SAP Jam business records integrations

● New or custom integrations: You can develop new or custom integrations by leveraging the OData API
and OData Annotations from the external application. This approach requires some programming work.
The mechanisms through which you can develop new or custom integrations are:
○ Through the SAP NetWeaver Gateway (which can supply OData and user identity services for on-
premises applications).
○ Through the SAP BTP (which can supply OData and user identity services for cloud-hosted
applications [SaaS]).
○ By directly accessing the existing OData API and annotations of the external application.
For these new or custom integrations, some development work is required. The procedures for developing
these integrations are discussed in the External Applications section of the SAP Jam Developer Guide.
● Pre-configured integrations: The most common business record integrations are available as ready-made
configurations for which the OData Annotations file has already been developed. These integrations are
documented in the Integrate business records [page 166] section, which includes instructions on how to:
○ Integrate SAP CRM [page 173]
○ Integrate SAP ECC (SD) [page 184]
○ Integrate SAP Cloud for Customer [page 198]
○ Integrate SAP SuccessFactors Learning [page 199]
● Configure access and authorization for integrated applications: To enable access between SAP Jam and
these various external applications, one or more of the following access and authorization mechanisms
must be configured:
○ Add a Trusted Certificate Authority [page 212] for external applications (business records and
document repositories) if your organization uses unrecognized, self-signed SSL certificates.
○ Add an OAuth Client [page 214] to configure an entry point used by external applications to request
authorizations from SAP Jam, which is required for the external application to initiate requests to the

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164 PUBLIC Integrations
○ Add a SAML Trusted IDP [page 215] to set up a relationship that SAP Jam trusts to make
authenticated per-user requests from SAP Jam, for example, to display data from SAP Jam by using
the API.
○ Configure SAP Jam Collaboration as a SAML Local Identity Provider [page 219] for SAP Jam to act as
the trusted SAML identity provider for external applications seeking single sign-on (SSO) user identity
confirmation, which allows SAP Jam to make per-user requests of external application APIs.

SAP Jam document repository integrations

 Note

In addition to this admin guide, please refer to the documentation for the document repositories listed
below by visiting their respective support or product information web pages. Make note of any end of
mainstream or extended support dates for various versions. SAP Jam integrations can only work so far as a
third party product is supported.

Integrate document repositories [page 233] from external applications to display the structured containers of
those documents, and the documents that are contained in those structures, in SAP Jam. You can:

● Integrate SharePoint 2010 or 2013 [page 237]

○ Note that for SharePoint 2013 & 2010 integrations, you can include SAP Jam documents in the
searches on SharePoint, as described in Federate SAP Jam Collaboration search results into
SharePoint searches [page 241]. This option uses the SharePoint OpenSearch conformance.
● Integrate Alfresco One 4.2 [page 246]
● Integrate SAP Extended ECM by OpenText [page 249]
● Integrate SAP Document Center [page 258]
● Integrate Box [page 262]
● Integrate Office 365 SharePoint Sites [page 253]
● Integrate Google Drive [page 264]

 Note

To integrate document repositories, you have to have the advanced plus edition or the enterprise edition of
SAP Jam Collaboration.

Other integrations

Other SAP Jam integrations that are available include:

● Add OpenSocial gadgets [page 268] to extend SAP Jam to interact with any software or service. Also see
the OpenSocial gadgets section in the SAP Jam Developer Guide for information on how to develop an
OpenSocial gadget.
● Integrate SAP Jam with gamification vendors [page 278] to help guide and reward new hires and existing
employees to integrate SAP Jam into their work processes.
● Use the SAP Jam Widget Builders [page 286] to integrate several SAP Jam features into web pages. See
the Embeddable widgets section in the SAP Jam Developer Guide.

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Integrations PUBLIC 165
● Use the SAP Jam API to integrate SAP Jam features into external applications. This documentation is in
the SAP Jam Developer Guide.
● You can integrate SuccessFactors Employee Central Global Assignment group access, as explained in
Configure Global Assignment in Employee Central [page 298].
● You can also integrate the SuccessFactors Human Capital Management (HCM) Suite Time Off and
Employee Central Payroll data, although this integration is done in SuccessFactors Platform. The
integration procedures are documented in the following documents, which are located in the SAP
SuccessFactors HCM Suite Integration section of the SAP Help Portal:
○ SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central Implementation Guide
○ Metadata Framework (MDF) Implementation Guide, Chapter 10 MDF Security Using Role-Based
Permissions, sections 10.1 and 10.2. Note that you may need to modify rules for the EmployeeTime
object (see "Adding Rules", section 3.3.4).

 Note

Additional integrations: More instructions are listed on the SAP Social Media Integration page for
additional integrations using a variety of SAP technologies. Examples include Web Dynpro, ABAP, and
SAPUI5 via the SAP Fiori launchpad or an application on the SAP NetWeaver Application Server for ABAP.

6.2 Integrate business records

Content from business-critical applications can be integrated into SAP Jam for viewing and interactive use.
There are two main types of content that can be integrated: Business Records and Document Repositories.
You can integrate each type of content using the particular technologies that are appropriate for the specific
selected application.

● Business Records: Data from a variety of business applications displays when getting the data from that
application's OData API, or from an intermediary platform that supplies an OData API for that application,
and using an OData annotations file to specify how each type of data displays in a specified UI element.
This type of content is referred to as Business Records.
● Document Repositories: For information about integrating documents from an external document
repository or library, please see the Integrate document repositories [page 233] section.

Procedures required to integrate business records into SAP Jam

Read these procedures for integrating business records and review the illustration that follows:

1. Perform any required preparations on the external application or the intermediary platform. For example,
establishing trusted data communications with SAP Jam.
2. Add a Trusted Certificate Authority if your organization requires the use of unrecognized or self-signed
certificates. It allows your browser to use the HTTPS or TLS connection to access the external application
data without obstruction.
3. Optionally, you can also allow the external application to open a connection to SAP Jam, which allows
updates and feed events to be forwarded to SAP Jam. To configure, depending on the requirements of your
external application:

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166 PUBLIC Integrations
1. Add an OAuth Client
2. Add a SAML Trusted IDP
3. Configure SAP Jam as a SAML Local Identity Provider
4. Register the external business application in SAP Jam. For example, establishing trusted data
communications with the external application.
5. Develop an OData Annotations file to display the business records if you are integrating business
records via the SAP BTP, or you are doing a new or custom integration via SAP NetWeaver Gateway, or
integrating a business application directly from a Third Party OData Source. Note that as a developer task,
you can follow the procedures described in the External Applications section of the SAP Jam Developer
6. Register the business records that you want to enable for viewing in SAP Jam.
7. You can modify the data exposed in business records in two ways:
1. Add a filter to any business record to narrow the range of results displayed in a particular business
record, allowing data for multiple business records to display in different groups.
2. Set a sort order for any business record, which determines the order in which the rows of information
display in the business record.
Note that for SuccessFactors Learning, filters are pre-configured and cannot be modified, and a sort order
is not relevant.
8. Add the business records to an SAP Jam group and your group members can view and discuss the
external data in SAP Jam.

Work required to integrate business records

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 167
Organization and coverage of these procedures in the SAP Jam
Administrator Guide

Procedure 1 (Perform any required preparations), procedure 4 (Register the external business application in
SAP Jam), and procedure 6 (Register the business records) in the previous diagram are documented together
in per-application integration pages, as these sections require considerable application-specific information,
and they are most clearly dealt with by combining these instructions in the following sections:

● Integrate SAP CRM [page 173]

● Integrate SAP ECC (SD) [page 184]
● Integrate SAP Cloud for Customer [page 198]
● Integrate SAP SuccessFactors Learning [page 199]

The procedures for configuring access and authorization, which are procedure 2 (Add a Trusted Certificate
Authority), procedure 3a (Add an OAuth Client), procedure 3b (Add a SAML Trusted IDP), and procedure 3c
(Configure SAP Jam as a SAML Local Identity Provider) in the above diagram, are documented in separate
sections as these steps are the same for all business records and document repositories integrations (although
application-specific information is required in some fields). These procedures are documented in the following

● Add a Trusted Certificate Authority [page 212] to configure access to web-based applications and services
within your organization if unrecognized or self-signed certificates are used.
● Add an OAuth Client [page 214] to allow an external application to access the SAP Jam API.
● Add a SAML Trusted IDP [page 215] to allow an external application to access SAP Jam user ID and
authorization information so that it displays only the material that a user is authorized to view when SAP
Jam features are integrated into the external application.
● Configure SAP Jam Collaboration as a SAML Local Identity Provider [page 219] to allow SAP Jam
Collaboration to access an external application's user ID and authorization information so that it displays
only the material that a user is authorized to view when they view pages where integrated external
application business records are displayed in SAP Jam.

Procedure 5 (Develop the business record's annotations file) is a development step that is only required if you
are developing a new or custom integration, in which case you should be following the procedures described in
the External Applications section of the SAP Jam Developer Guide.

With the specific business records added, you can also modify the data that displays in the business records
for SAP CRM, SAP ECC (SD), and SAP Cloud for Customer. These configurations are not available for a
SuccessFactors Learning integration in the following:

● procedure 7a Add a business record filter [page 208] This configuration allow you to narrow the range of
results displayed in a particular business record, which permits finer-grained usage of the data across
multiple business records that can be displayed in different SAP Jam groups.
● procedure 7b Add a business record sort order [page 209] This configuration determines the order in
which the rows of information displays in the business record.

Users can now add business records to their groups as explained in procedure 8 (Add the business records to
an SAP Jam group), which is described in the section:

● Configure access to business records in SAP Jam Collaboration [page 210]

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168 PUBLIC Integrations
A preview of the Admin UI screens and the information required to integrate
External Applications

This section provides a quick preview of the SAP Jam Admin console pages in which the configuration
procedures are performed, and the information that is required in those pages, for the integration steps
described in the per-application integration pages listed above (procedures 4 and 6).

These SAP Jam Admin console pages and the required information to fill these forms are as follows:

● After the required configuration is done on the external application or intermediary platform, the external
business application must be registered in the SAP Jam Admin console Integrations External
Applications from the left side navigation, Add Application. Select the type of application that you want to
integrate from the dropdown menu.

Register the external business application

The available options for adding a business records application are:

○ SAP NetWeaver Gateway: Provides OData APIs and related services for on-premises applications. Use
this option to integrate the preconfigured applications:
○ SAP Cloud for Customer: Preconfigured integration of SAP Cloud for Customer only.
○ SuccessFactors Learning: Preconfigured integration of SuccessFactors Learning only.
○ SAP BTP and Third Party OData Source: Develop a new integration of an application accessed by the
SAP BTP or one that already has its own OData API. Please note that if you are developing a new or
custom integration with a business records application, you should be following the procedures in the
External Applications section of the SAP Jam Developer Guide.
As you select one of the above-listed business record integration options, a page displays with a form for
the fields and options required to establish a trusted data exchange between SAP Jam and either the

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 169
business application being integrated or the intermediary platform that is hosting the business application.
There is some variation in the fields of information that are required for these different options, which are
shown in the next table.

Business record: Add application forms and available fields

Add Business Record SAP NetWeaver SAP Cloud for Third Party Data SuccessFactors
Application Options Gateway SAP BTP Customer Source Learning

Name Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Support $inlinecount Yes Yes Yes No No

Authentication Type Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Authentication Type > Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Common user

*Authentication Type > Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Common user > User

*Authentication Type > Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Common user > Pass­

*Authentication Type > No No Yes No No

Common user > Service
Provider Host Name

Authentication Type > Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Per user

**Authentication Type > Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Per user > OAuth 2.0 Cli­
ent Id

** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Authentication Type >

Per user > Secret

** Yes Yes Yes Yes (+ Token Yes (+ Token

Path) Path)
Authentication Type >
Per user > Service pro­

** Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Authentication Type >

Per user > Service pro­
vider name

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170 PUBLIC Integrations
Add Business Record SAP NetWeaver SAP Cloud for Third Party Data SuccessFactors
Application Options Gateway SAP BTP Customer Source Learning

** Yes Yes Yes Yes No

Authentication Type >

Per user > Scope

SAP NetWeaver Client Id Yes No No No No

Trusted OAuth Client Yes Yes Yes Yes No

** Yes Yes No Yes No

SAML Assertion Provider

** Yes Yes No Yes No

SAML Assertion Provider

> SAP Jam

** Yes Yes No Yes No

SAML Assertion Provider

> SuccesFactors founda­

Administrative Area Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

*: Options available when Common user Authentication selected.

**: Options available when Per user Authentication selected.

● You must also register each of the business records that you want to enable. In the External Applications
main page, from the Action menu in the row for the application, you can select Manage Record Types from
the dropdown menu, and then click Add Record Type.

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The Add Record Type page

The options in this page are the same for all business records integrations.

 Note

If you are ready to integrate business records of an external application into SAP Jam, review the
instructions for:

● Integrate SAP CRM [page 173]

● Integrate SAP ECC (SD) [page 184]
● Integrate SAP Cloud for Customer [page 198]
● Integrate SAP SuccessFactors Learning [page 199]

To perform a new or custom integration, see:

● Develop a new or custom business records integration [page 173]

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6.2.1 Develop a new or custom business records integration

With SAP Jam, you can develop the following business records integrations:

● a new or custom integration with an on-premises application that lacks an OData API by using the SAP
NetWeaver Gateway.
● a new integration with a cloud-hosted application (SaaS) that lacks an OData API by using the SAP BTP.
● a new integration with an application that does have an OData API by using the SAP Jam "Third Party
OData Source" option.

If you are planning on developing any of these options, you should follow the instructions in the External
Applications section of the SAP Jam Developer Guide.

Note that the SAP BTP offers a wide array of options for accessing application data via an OData API. To select
and configure the option that works best for you and your organization, please see the SAP BTP
documentation Help Portal at

6.2.2 Integrate SAP CRM

The following section explains how to integrate SAP Jam with SAP CRM and SAP NetWeaver Gateway in three

Integration steps

1. Configure SAP CRM to call SAP Jam.

Use the guide Connecting SAP Jam with SAP ABAP Systems to set up SAP Jam to trust SAP CRM as a
SAML Identity Provider, and set up the OAuth client in SAP Jam so that CRM users can make status posts
to Jam from within SAP CRM.
2. Configure SAP NetWeaver Gateway to send SAP CRM business record change notifications to SAP Jam.
Use the guide Distributing SAP Gateway Notifications to SAP Jam to set up SAP Jam Collaboration to trust
the SAP NetWeaver Gateway as a SAML Identity Provider and set up the OAuth client in SAP Jam so that
the SAP NetWeaver Gateway can post business record change notification events to SAP Jam.
3. Configure SAP Jam to call SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData APIs.
Use either the Common User Authentication or Per-User Authentication configurations in SAP Jam
Integrations External Applications Add External Application to enable SAP Jam to display SAP
CRM data using the SAP NetWeaver Gateway OData APIs.

 Note

You will need to open a port in your company’s firewall to allow SAP Jam to call into your SAP
NetWeaver Gateway system.

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Integrations PUBLIC 173
Authentication type

Using Common-User authentication in a CRM integration

This configuration uses a common user for SAP Jam-to-Gateway OData calls, which is suitable for testing and
prototyping development or test environments only.

Common-User authentication in a CRM integration

Using Per-User Authentication in a CRM integration

In this configuration, SAP Jam makes OData calls to the SAP NetWeaver Gateway using SuccessFactors BizX
user accounts that are mapped to SAP NetWeaver Gateway and SAP CRM accounts. In this way, each user can
have different permissions set for different SAP CRM business records. SAP strongly recommends that you
configure Per-User Authentication for production systems.

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Per-User authentication in a CRM integration

SAP NetWeaver Gateway configuration steps

Before configuring the SAP NetWeaver Gateway, ensure that you have applied note (patch) 2083419. Once this
is done, perform the following procedures.

On the Gateway hub server:

1. Call the transaction /n/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE and register the new service /CRMSWI01/CRMSMI_SRV
(version = 0001).
2. Specify the system alias of the back-end system that will be connected.
If necessary, a new system alias can be created from the given transaction by pressing the Customizing
button in the System Aliases section.
3. Check whether the OData ICF node is activated by doing the following:
1. Select the registered OData Service in the service catalog.
2. Click the ICF Node button on the OData ICF node entry.
3. In the button menu select Activate.

Activate the OData Service for Business Record Change Notification:

1. Choose the Customizing activity SAP NetWeaver Application Server Basis Services Collaboration
Gateway Notifications Activate OData Service for Notification .
2. Register the following OData Services:

Service Provider External Service Name Send

SAP Jam CRMSWI01 CRMSMI_SRV All notifications

StreamWork CRMSWI01 CRMSMI_SRV All notifications

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3. Establish a secure connection between your SAP Jam instance and your Gateway hub server (or proxy),
using the OAuth 2.0 SAML bearer assertion flow.
Follow the instructions at Using OAuth 2.0 from a Web Application with SAML Bearer Assertion Flow .
4. On the CRM system:
1. Start transaction SM31
2. At view CLBV_APPLI_CONT, be sure that the following application contexts exist:
○ CRM - SAP Jam Integration with SAP CRM
○ SAIL - Social Media ABAP Integration Library (Default)
5. Choose the Customizing activity SAP NetWeaver Application Server Basis Services Collaboration
Gateway Notifications Define OData Service Registry .
6. Add the following entries:

BUS1006 CRM ==> New external service name /CRMSWI01/CRMSMI_SRV,

new OData request URL /sap/opu/odata/CRMSWI01/CRMSMI_SRV/
BUS2000111 CRM==> New external service name /CRMSWI01/CRMSMI_SRV,
new OData request URL /sap/opu/odata/CRMSWI01/CRMSMI_SRV/

7. Add the following new entries for the corresponding annotation files:



For all these services, Service Provider = StreamWork will be registered in the view cluster. This
means that SAP Jam is in compatibility mode with SAP StreamWork.

Connecting Gateway to Multiple CRM systems

If your Gateway system is connected to multiple CRM systems, you can either:

● Configure aliases in the Gateway.

● Set the NetWeaver Client ID in SAP Jam.

Setting the NetWeaver Client ID in Jam has the advantage of allowing you to keep Development, Test, and
Production systems separate. The user authentication between the different clients and CRM systems are
completely separate in this approach. For example:

Gateway System GW2, Client 001, User JOHNSMITH may be able to access
CRM System CR1, Client 002, User JOHNSMITH, but not
CRM System CR2, Client 002, User JOHNSMITH.

It is also simpler to configure.

● To configure aliases in the Gateway:

1. Specify multiple system aliases in the Gateway hub system.
2. Register all these systems aliases at transaction /n/IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE of the Gateway hub for
service /CRMSWI01/CRMSMI_SRV;.
3. Change the object registration at SAP Jam accordingly: for all objects mentioned before, the URL will
contain /CRMSMI_SRV;o=<system alias>/ instead of /CRMSMI_SRV/. Duplicate the objects (per

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176 PUBLIC Integrations
system alias) that you would like to address. For example, an Account URL for CRM System CR2, Client
003 would become:

● To set the NetWeaver Client ID in SAP Jam:

○ Follow the instructions in "Register SAP CRM business records in SAP Jam" below.

Set up the required access and authorization

These procedures establish the access and authorization configurations in SAP Jam required for the
integration of SAP CRM:

● Add a Trusted Certificate Authority [page 212] if your network uses unrecognized or self-signed HTTP with
TLS or SSL certificates.
● Add an OAuth Client [page 214] to configure an authorized entry point, for SAP CRM to initiate requests to
the SAP Jam API to display SAP Jam content in SAP CRM.
● Add a SAML Trusted IDP [page 215] to establish a trust relationship between SAP CRM and SAP Jam that
allows SAP CRM to use SAP Jam Collaboration identity and authorization information, which ensures that
SAP CRM users can only view the SAP Jam content that they are allowed to view when SAP Jam
Collaboration content displays in SAP CRM.
● Configure SAP Jam Collaboration as a SAML Local Identity Provider [page 219] to establish a trust
relationship between SAP Jam and SAP CRM that allows SAP Jam to use SAP CRM identity and
authorization information, which ensures that SAP Jam users can only view the SAP CRM content that
they are allowed to view when SAP CRM content displays in SAP Jam.

Register SAP CRM as an External Application

Create an External Application entry to register your SAP CRM application with SAP Jam. This procedure is the
required step in SAP Jam for setting up a secure data connection with your external business application via
SAP NetWeaver Gateway.

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations External Applications from the left
navigation sidebar.
The External Applications page displays. This initial page is a catalog of the external applications that have
been configured for your organization's SAP Jam instance.
2. Click Add Application.
A dropdown menu listing the available external application types displays.

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Register SAP CRM
3. Select SAP NetWeaver Gateway as the external application type that you want to add from the dropdown
4. Type in a meaningful name in the Name text box, such as one that names the external application and its
dedicated use.

 Note

This name appears in the SAP Jam navigation sidebar and in other locations in SAP Jam.

5. Select the Support $inlinecount check box if you want to display the total number of records of a requested
The total count includes the type of records that display. There is a maximum of 10 or 20 items, depending
on the type of resource displayed. (See the "Business Record Editor (BRE)" section in the OData
Assumptions page in the SAP Jam Developer Guide for the maximum number of records shown for
different types of resources.) For example, with this option enabled, a table displaying customers might
show a label below the table: "Showing items 21-40 of 57 records".
6. Select the Authentication Type.
○ Use the Common user option for testing and development purposes only.

Common user options

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For the Common user option, set the following:
1. User name: The user name of the generic user account used to access the service on behalf of all
of the SAP Jam users.
2. Password: The password of the generic user account used to access the service on behalf of all of
the SAP Jam users.
In the Common User authentication mode, all access from SAP Jam to the external data source will be
made through an HTTP Basic authentication call using the provided user credentials. This is
recommended only if you wish to expose all of the data in the data source to all SAP Jam users in your
company. In other words, ensure that all the data exposed through the application can be considered
"public" within your company.
○ Use the Per user option for production systems.

Per-user options

For the Per user option, set the following:

1. OAuth 2.0 Client Id: Your organization's client ID with your OAuth 2.0 SSO provider.
2. Secret: Your organization's OAuth 2.0 SSO secret.
3. Service Provider: The URL of your organization's OAuth 2.0 SSO provider, set in three parts:
protocol, host, and port number.
4. Service Provider Name: The name of your organization's OAuth 2.0 SSO provider.
5. Scope: Your organization's company name as set in SAP Jam. This can be found in the SAP Jam
Overview General page.
In the Per-User authentication mode, SAP Jam authenticates the current user against the external
application through the OAuth 2.0 SAML bearer assertion work flow. Since SAP Jam delegates its user
authentication to SuccessFactors Platform, a trust relationship must first be established between the
external application and the SuccessFactors Platform. Once this relationship is established, an OAuth
client for SAP Jam is configured in the external application, using the SuccessFactors Platform IDP as
the issuer of identity assertions for the client.
When an SAP Jam user attempts to access the external data source, SAP Jam posts a SAML assertion
on the user's identity to the external object in exchange for an OAuth token for that user. If successful,
SAP Jam uses this OAuth token for all subsequent data access on behalf of that user.
More detail can be found at: .
7. Set the NetWeaver Client ID.
This is the three-digit login parameter for your NetWeaver client.

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Integrations PUBLIC 179
The Add External Application dialog box, latter options
8. Optionally, Select Trusted OAuth Client from the dropdown menu.
This is required if you want the external application, which supplies the business records, to be able to post
feed updates in SAP Jam.
9. Select Enable global search for business records and related feed conversations if you want your users to be
able to search all business records and their public feed comments from within SAP Jam.
10. Administrative Area: Select the area in which you want this external application to be available. The default
is "Company", which makes it available to all groups.
11. Click Save.
You are returned to the Integrations External Applications page, where the list of external
applications that have been added displays, now including the external application that you have just


If you only see the notification in SAP Jam, but no back-end data is rendered in the Quick View on mouse-over,
you should check the error log (transaction /IWFND/ERROR_LOG) and the application log (transaction
SLG1, application /IWFND/) of the connected Gateway hub system.

Register SAP CRM business records in SAP Jam Collaboration

Once you have completed the required configuration to access your external SAP CRM application from SAP
Jam, you must configure it by adding the particular business records that you want to access.

To register business records:

1. In the Integrations External Applications section, click Action beside the OData application for which
you want to add objects and select Manage Record Types from the context menu.
The Manage Record Types screen displays for that application.

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2. Click Add Record.
The Manage Record Types screen displays for that application.
3. Click Add Record.
The Add Record Type dialog box displays.

The Add Record Type dialog box

4. In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the object that you want to add.
5. Enter the External Type and Annotation for the type of object that you want to add.
The External Type must be the URL to OData metadata EntityType of the record that you are adding. The
Annotation must be the URL to the OData annotations file, which describes how the incoming data will be
laid out in a graphical element of the UI. These entries differ for each Application Type and record type that
you want to display.
If you click the Annotation URL button, a dropdown menu displays that offers an alternate option of adding
Inline XML. This option provides a text box into which you, as an SAP Jam administrator, can paste an XML
annotations file that provides an alternate mapping of the business record data into the business record UI
elements, such as not showing the data for a particular column of information in a table of business
records information. Note, however, that if you use the Inline XML option, you are restricted to displaying
the external business records in English only.

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○ For a Corporate Account business record, enter:
External Type:




○ For an Individual Account business record, enter:

External Type:




○ For an Opportunity business record, enter:

External Type:




○ For a Service Request business record, enter:

External Type:




6. Select the language or languages that the imported record will display in by clicking Add Language and
selecting each language check box

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Language options

The selected languages appears above the Add Language button. Click the X on the right side of any
language button to remove it. Note that the first language listed is the Primary language.
7. Select Import External Resources to import the data using the URLs listed previously.
This allows you to validate the URLs shown in the External Type and the Annotations URL fields. SAP Jam
attempts to import the indicated resources and it displays a message indicating the success or failure of
the import, as well as information on the cause of a failure if one occurs and the cause can be determined.
8. Select Can be featured or unfeatured in groups to enable this option.
9. Select Can be primary object in top-level group to enable this option.
10. Select Can be primary object in subgroup to enable this option.
11. Select Filter Feed to enable users to add or remove feed entries of this object type.
12. Select Feed History to see the feed history independently of follows, which means:
○ If disabled, the user only sees the subset of feed items that were routed to their home feed. For
example, items which had a distribution list that included them, or items in which the user was at-
○ If enabled, and if authorization is successful, the user sees the full feed for the object, including items
that would otherwise not be visible to them.
13. Select Show Search to enable keyword searching in the business data browser.
When rendering a list of External Objects, SAP Jam may also show a "search" box. If this option is selected,
you can also set:
○ In the Hint field, you can enter a display string that tells the user what field the search is performed on.
○ In the Property field, you can enter the actual OData property name that the search is performed on.
Internally, SAP Jam makes a [GET] request to the OData collection for the given object type, using an
OData $filter expression on the Property specified in the configuration screen. For example:

[GET] <OData Service Root>/ObjectCollection?$filter=startswith('text',


14. Select Can be mentioned in feed posts to enable this option. If this option is selected, you can also set:
○ Primary (Search) Property: enter the OData property name that an at-mention look-up will search for.
○ Secondary (Display) Property: enter the OData property name that an at-mention look-up will display.
15. Once you have configured the record to your satisfaction, click Save.
You are returned to the <External_App_Name> Record Types catalog, and the record type that you just
added is listed in the table.

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 Note

Next: You can now, optionally, add an External Application Object Filter [page 208] to narrow the range of
data shown in a particular external application data object.

Optionally, you can now add an External Application Object Sort Order [page 209] to set the order in which
the external data is arranged in a particular external application data object.

If you do not want or need to add Filters or Sort Fields to your External Application Objects, you can
proceed to Configure access to business records in SAP Jam Collaboration [page 210].

6.2.3 Integrate SAP ECC (SD)

An SAP Jam integration with SAP Sales and Distribution (SD) allows you to integrate SD processes with SAP
Jam (e.g., create a SAP Jam group from a business record overview page, follow updates to a SAP Jam group
from within the SD GUI).

SAP NetWeaver Gateway services are used to send notifications about changes to SD business records to SAP
Jam subscribers. SAP Jam subscribers receive these updates in SAP Jam Collaboration as feed entries.

This integration can, optionally, include an integration with SAP CRM. With this option, you must perform the
SAP NetWeaver preparation procedures in Integrate SAP CRM [page 173] and the procedures on this page.

This section includes the following configuration tasks:

● Enabling subscriptions to the following SD-specific business records:

○ Sales Orders
○ Invoices
○ Quotations
○ Customers
○ Outbound Deliveries
● Configuring the SD-specific ESJI_SD_SRV OData service to distribute SAP Gateway notifications for the
supported business records.
The SAIL configuration guide Distributing SAP Gateway Notifications to SAP Jam provides generic
descriptions of the required tasks for configuring the Send Notifications scenario. You have to complete
these tasks to distribute SAP Gateway notifications.
Use the SD-specific information for the Send Notification scenario in SAP ECC SD when you complete the
respective sections in the generic SAIL guide.

 Note

You must complete the configuration steps as described in the SAIL configuration guide Connecting SAP
Jam with SAP ABAP Systems before continuing with these instructions.

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184 PUBLIC Integrations
SAP ECC ERP with SAP CRM network overview

Required SAP Versions

○ EhP7 SP04 with Note 2009570
○ EhP7 SP05 (RTC in July, 2014)
○ EhP7 SP06 (RTC EO November, 2014)
● SAP Netweaver Gateway: The SAP ECC scenario has the same requirements as the SAP CRM scenario.
○ Software Component: CRMSWI01 CRM-BF-SW
○ 2003000: Allows you to view Quotations in a CRM Corporate Account group; adds a link to ECC
Quotations from the CRM annotation
○ SAP CRM Add-On:

1797033 Customizing Guide: Business Object Change Notification

1835654 No notifications for address fields of corporate account
1837380 Block BO Notifications on BO Org. Data Change
○ SAP CRM Add-On: Thing Inspector

1891369 Opportunity and Account OData Services for SAP Jam

1928182 Service Request: OData Service for SAP Jam
1941833 OData Service for SAP Jam integration: Corrections
1988318 Exception occurred with request for individual and corporate account
1938485 Globalization: Multiple Language Support for OData Service /CRMSWI01/CRMSMI_SRV/
1989573 Missing properties at account entity types
1972217 OData service /CRMSWI01/CRMSMI_SRV/ shall support the combination of OrderBy and Top
1896961 HTTP/HTTPS Configuration for SAP NetWeaver Gateway (GW)

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1797103 OAuth Implementation for NW Releases < 7.40 (GW)

Subscriptions in SAP SD

To enable users to follow or unfollow particular business records, the Generic Object Services (GOS) dropdown
menu has to be available in the user interface of SAP Sales and Distribution (SD).

GOS provides different functions such as adding an attachment, creating a document link, or displaying all
attachments. Attachments are specific to a particular SAP object.


You have activated the following business functions:


To activate the GOS dropdown menu in the SD SAP GUI:

The Follow button in ECC

1. Run transaction SU3.

2. On the Parameters tab, in the SET/GET Parameter ID field, enter SD_SWU_ACTIVE.
3. In the Parameter Value field, enter X or *.

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186 PUBLIC Integrations
This activates the GOS button in the following SD transactions:
○ Update Sales Order (VA02)/Display Sales Order (VA03)
○ Update Invoice (vf02)/Display Invoice (vf03)
○ Update Quotation (VA22)/Display Quotation (VA23)
○ Update Customer (XD02)/Display Customer (XD03)
○ Update Delivery (VL02n)/Display Delivery (VL03n)

Configuring the ESJI_SD_SRV OData Service on the SAP Gateway server

Configuration tasks on the SAP Gateway server for the Send Notifications scenario are described in chapter 3,
Configuration of the SAP Gateway Server, of the SAIL configuration guide Distributing SAP Gateway
Notifications to SAP Jam.

In this procedure, you register the ESJI_SD_SRV OData service in the Gateway system. This service is defined
in, and delivered with, the back-end system add-on.

Use the values in the following procedure when completing section 3.7 Configuring OData Services of the SAIL

To configure the ESJI_SD_SRV OData service

1. Log on to the Gateway server as an administrator.

2. In Customizing for SAP NetWeaver, choose Gateway OData Channel Administration General
Settings SAP NetWeaver Gateway to SAP System Activate and Maintain Services (or run
transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE).
3. On the Activate and Maintain Services screen, select Add Service.
4. On the Add Selected Services screen, enter the system alias name you created and press Enter.
5. In the External Service Name column, select the service ESJI_SD_SRV.
6. In the Add Service dialog, in the Creation Information group box, select a package.
7. Press F3 (Back).
8. Verify that OData ICF nodes are activated for all registered OData Services as follows:
○ In the service catalog, select the registered OData Service and, on the OData ICF node, select ICF
○ Select Activate and confirm the selection.
9. Save your entries.

SAIL on the SAP Gateway Server

Generic configuration tasks for configuring SAIL on the SAP Gateway server are described in chapter 4,
Configuring SAIL on the SAP Gateway Server, of the SAIL configuration guide Distributing SAP Gateway
Notifications to SAP Jam.

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Integrations PUBLIC 187
It is mandatory that you maintain the notification filter. This filter restricts the number of notifications that are
sent. You must specify the OData services for which notifications are to be sent to the service provider. The
following views represent the notification filter:

● CLBV_GW_NOTIFY_S: Entries delivered by SAP

● CLBV_GW_NOTIFY_C: Customer-defined settings

The system, which decides whether a notification is sent, first checks if an entry exists in the C table for your
service provider type and OData service. If so, the S table is not taken into account. This means that entries in
the C table override the SAP defaults.

Use the values in the following procedure when completing section 4.3, Maintaining Notification Filter, of the
SAIL guide.

To activate the ESJI_SD_SRV OData service:

1. To customize SAP NetWeaver, choose Application Server Basis Services Collaboration Gateway
Notifications Activate OData Service for Notification (or call up view CLBV_GW_NOTIFY_C).
The Change View OData Service Settings for Notifications: Overview screen appears.
2. To activate notifications for the ESJI_SD_SRV OData service, complete the fields as follows:

ESJI_SD_SRV OData service fields

Field Value

Serv. Provider Type Enter the service provider type, for example, Jam.

Ext. Srv. Name Enter ESJI_SD_SRV.

Send Notifications Select All Notifications.

 Note

The Customizing filter entries are related to an external service name. This is the same name that has
been registered at the Gateway server (see "Configuring the ESJI_SD_SRV OData Service on the SAP
Gateway server" above).

3. Save your entries.

SAIL in the Application Back End

The generic configuration tasks for configuring SAIL in the application back end are described in chapter 5,
Configuring SAIL in the Application Back End, of the SAIL configuration guide Distributing SAP Gateway
Notifications to SAP Jam.

This section contains SD-specific information for defining the SD-specific entries in the OData service registry.

Registering the ESJI_SD_SRV OData Service

The Social Media ABAP Integration Library (SAIL) provides an OData service registry as a reuse component for
SAP applications. The registry allows you to define a subset of OData services that can be exposed in a specific
application context to external or on-demand platforms. In contrast to the notification filter, the service registry

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188 PUBLIC Integrations
is not integrated into the Gateway or SAIL part of the notification process. It represents an independent service
that applications can use. There are the following use cases:

● Supply OData URIs that are part of the notification. For example, OData URIs for addressing the annotation
● Supply resource URL of the OData service for a subscription (base URL). The metadata link is implicitly
derived from this base URL.

Use the values in the following procedure when completing section 5.5.1, Defining OData Service Registry, of
the SAIL guide.

To register the ESJI_SD_SRV OData Service:

1. In Customizing for SAP NetWeaver, choose Application Server Basis Services Collaboration
Gateway Notifications Define OData Service Registry (or run transaction CLB_GW_SRV_C).
2. On the Change View Services: Overview screen, select New Entries.
3. Enter the following:

CLB_GW_SRV_C new entries

Field Value

Bus. Object Type The Business Object Type is mandatory to determine your business context.

Appl. Context Enter ECC_OTC.

Ext. Srv. Name Enter ESJI_SD_SRV.

The value must correspond to an entry in Customizing for the Gateway server (See Customiz­

ing for SAP NetWeaver under Gateway Service Enablement Service Development for

Backend OData Channel Maintain Services ).

OData services delivered by the SAP NetWeaver Gateway have the following format:

Request URI Enter the static part of the OData service.

OData services delivered by the SAP NetWeaver Gateway have the following format:

4. Save your entries.

 Note

○ The service registry can be evaluated by calling method IF_CLB_CUST_QUERIES~

GET_REGISTRY_SERVICES_BY_PTYPE( ). In this convenience method, the internal URI prefix for
addressing the Gateway system is added from the information that has been maintained in the
Customizing activity Server Settings through the Gateway server’s RFC destination.
This means applications calling the method IF_CLB_CUST_QUERIES~
GET_REGISTRY_SERVICES_BY_PTYPE( ) must not add the URI prefix to the Request URI field of
the view cluster.
○ Applications can also call IF_CLB_CUST_GW_SRV~GET_SERVICES_BY_PTYPE directly. This
access class returns the Customizing content as it is, without adding the URI prefix.

To maintain the ESJI_SD_SRV OData Service:

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Integrations PUBLIC 189
In this step, you customize the ESJI_SD_SRV OData service.

1. Run transaction SM31.

2. Open view CLBV_APPLI_CONT, and check for the following entries:
○ ECC_OTC - ECC Order To Cash Scenario
○ SAIL - Social Media ABAP Integration Library (Default)
3. Open view CLBV_APPLI_PLATF, and check for the following entries:
○ Application ID: SAIL
○ Service Provider Type: Jam
○ Server: Jam productive
4. Open view CLBV_GW_SRV_C, and check for the following entries in the OData service registry.

OData service registry entries

Business Object External Service
Type Name OData Request URI

BUS2032 ESJI_SD_SRV /sap/opu/odata/sap/ESJI_SD_SRV;o=<SAP System Alias>/

BUS2032/ANNO ESJI_SD_SRV /sap/opu/ODATA/sap/ESJI_SD_SRV;o=<SAP System Alias>/


BUS2037 ESJI_SD_SRV /sap/opu/odata/sap/ESJI_SD_SRV;o=<SAP System Alias>/

BUS2037/ANNO ESJI_SD_SRV /sap/opu/ODATA/sap/ESJI_SD_SRV;o=<SAP System Alias>/


BUS2031 ESJI_SD_SRV /sap/opu/odata/sap/ESJI_SD_SRV;o=<SAP System Alias>/

BUS2031/ANNO ESJI_SD_SRV /sap/opu/ODATA/sap/ESJI_SD_SRV;o=<SAP System Alias>/


KNA1_ESJI ESJI_SD_SRV /sap/opu/odata/sap/ESJI_SD_SRV;o=<SAP System Alias>/

KNA1_ESJI/ ESJI_SD_SRV /sap/opu/ODATA/sap/ESJI_SD_SRV;o=<SAP System Alias>/

ANNO AnnotationCollection('x')/Content/$value

LIKP ESJI_SD_SRV /sap/opu/ODATA/sap/ESJI_SD_SRV;o=<SAP System Alias>/

LIKP/ANNO ESJI_SD_SRV /sap/opu/ODATA/sap/ESJI_SD_SRV;o=<SAP System Alias>/


 Note

The variable <SAP System Alias> in the table refers to the system alias of the back end you created
earlier as described in section 3.3, Creating System Alias for Application Systems, of the SAIL guide
Distributing SAP Gateway Notifications to SAP Jam.

5. In the Application Context field, enter ECC_OTC.

6. Open view CLBV_SERV_PTYPE_C, and enter the ODATA Service UUID of the services you have maintained
in the view CLBV_GW_SRV_C.

 Note

○ You can retrieve the OData Service UUID by double clicking on the entry maintained in view
CLBV_GW_SRV_C. You can copy the service UUID and register the service provider type as Jam for
the services you have added in the view CLBV_GW_SRV_C.

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○ Similarly, open view CLBV_SRV_PTYPE_S, and verify that the service provider is "Jam" for the
services maintained in the view CLBV_GW_SRV_S.

Set up required access and authorization

These procedures establish the access and authorization configurations in SAP Jam that are required for the
integration of SAP ECC (SD):

● Add a Trusted Certificate Authority [page 212] if your network uses unrecognized or self-signed HTTP with
TLS or SSL certificates.
● Add an OAuth Client [page 214] to configure an authorized entry point for SAP ECC (SD) to initiate
requests to the SAP Jam API in order to display SAP Jam content in SAP ECC (SD).
● Add a SAML Trusted IDP [page 215] to establish a trust relationship between SAP ECC (SD) and SAP Jam
that allows SAP ECC (SD) to use SAP Jam identity and authorization information, which ensures that SAP
ECC (SD) users can only view the SAP Jam content that they are allowed to view when SAP Jam content
displays in SAP ECC (SD).
● Configure SAP Jam Collaboration as a SAML Local Identity Provider [page 219] to establish a trust
relationship between SAP Jam and SAP ECC (SD) that allows SAP Jam Collaboration to use SAP ECC (SD)
identity and authorization information, which ensures that SAP Jam users can only view the SAP ECC (SD)
content that they are allowed to view when SAP ECC (SD) content displays in SAP Jam.

Register SAP ECC (SD) as an External Application in SAP Jam

Create an External Application entry to register your external SAP ECC (SD) application with SAP Jam. This
procedure is the required step in SAP Jam for setting up a secure data connection with your external business
application via the SAP NetWeaver Gateway.

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations External Applications from the left side
The External Applications page displays. This initial page is a catalog of the external applications that have
been configured for your organization's SAP Jam instance.
2. Click Add Application.

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Integrations PUBLIC 191
Register SAP ECC (SD) in SAP Jam
3. Select SAP NetWeaver Gateway as the external application type that you want to add from the dropdown
4. Type in a meaningful name in the Name text box, such as one that names the external application and its
dedicated use.

 Note

This name appears in the SAP Jam navigation sidebar and in other locations in SAP Jam, so it is
important to make it something recognizable.

5. Select the Support $inlinecount check box if you want to display the total number of records of a requested
This is just a total count of the type of records that are being displayed. There will still be a maximum of 10
or 20 items, depending on the type of resource being displayed. (See the "Business Record Editor (BRE)"
section in the OData Assumptions page in the SAP Jam Developer Guide for the maximum number of
records shown for different types of resources.) For example, with this option enabled, a table displaying
customers might show a label below the table stating "Showing items 21-40 of 57 records".
6. Select the Authentication Type.
○ Use the Common user option for testing and development purposes only.

Common user options

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192 PUBLIC Integrations
For the Common user option, set the following:
1. User name: This is the user name of the generic user account that will be used to access the
service on behalf of all of the SAP Jam users.
2. Password: This is the password of the generic user account that will be used to access the service
on behalf of all of the SAP Jam users.
In the Common User authentication mode, all access from SAP Jam to the external data source will be
made through an HTTP Basic authentication call using the provided user credentials. This is
recommended only if you wish to expose all of the data in the data source to all SAP Jam users in your
company. In other words, ensure that all the data exposed through the application can be considered
"public" within your company.
○ Use the Per user option for production systems.

Per user options

For the Per user option, set the following:

1. OAuth 2.0 Client Id: Your organization's client ID with your OAuth 2.0 SSO provider.
2. Secret: Your organization's OAuth 2.0 SSO secret.
3. Service Provider: The URL of your organization's OAuth 2.0 SSO provider, set in three parts:
protocol, host, and port number.
4. Service Provider Name: The name of your organization's OAuth 2.0 SSO provider.
5. Scope: Your organization's company name as set in SAP Jam Collaboration. This can be found in
the Overview General page.
In the Per-User authentication mode, SAP Jam authenticates the current user against the external
application through the OAuth 2.0 SAML bearer assertion work flow. Since SAP Jam delegates its user
authentication to SuccessFactors Platform, a trust relationship must first be established between the
external application and the SuccessFactors Platform. Once this relationship is established, an OAuth
client for SAP Jam is configured in the external application, using the SuccessFactors Platform IDP as
the issuer of identity assertions for the client.
When an SAP Jam user attempts to access the external data source, SAP Jam will first post a SAML
assertion on the user's identity to the external object in exchange for an OAuth token for that user. If
successful, SAP Jam uses this OAuth token for all subsequent data access on behalf of that user.
More detail can be found at: .
7. Set the NetWeaver Client Id. This is the three digit login parameter for your SAP NetWeaver client.

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Integrations PUBLIC 193
The Add External Application dialog box, latter options
8. Optionally, Select Trusted OAuth Client from the dropdown menu.
This is required if you want the external application, which supplies the business records, to be able to post
feed updates in SAP Jam.
9. Select the source of the SAML assertion provided by SAP Jam Collaboration from the dropdown menu.
The default for this option is SAP Jam, but you can select SuccessFactors Platform. This should be set to
match the source that you use to supply your user identity information.
10. Administrative Area: Select the area in which you want this external application to be available. The default
is "Company", which will make it available to all groups.
11. Click Save.
You are returned to the Integrations External Applications page, where the list of external
applications that have been added displays, now including the external application that you have just

Register SAP ECC (SD) business records in SAP Jam

Once you have completed the required configuration to access your external application from SAP Jam, you
must configure it by adding the particular business records objects that you want to access.

To register business records:

1. In the Integrations External Applications page, click Action beside the OData application for which
you want to add objects and select Manage Record Types from the context menu.
The Manage Record Types screen displays for that application.
2. Click Add Record.
The Add Object dialog box displays.

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The Add Record Type dialog box
3. In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the object that you want to add.
4. Enter the External Type and Annotation for the type of object that you want to add.
The External Type must be the URL to OData metadata EntityType of the record that you are adding. The
Annotation must be the URL to the OData annotations file, which describes how the incoming data will be
laid out in a graphical element of the UI. These entries differ for each Application Type and record type that
you want to display.
If you click the Annotation URL button, a dropdown menu displays that offers an alternate option of adding
Inline XML. This option provides a text box into which you, as an SAP Jam administrator, can paste an XML
annotations file that provides an alternate mapping of the business record data into the business record UI
elements, such as not showing the data for a particular column of information in a table of business
records information. Note, however, that if you use the Inline XML option, you are restricted to displaying
the external business records in English only.
For access to both SAP ECC (SD) and CRM business records, add the business records for each of the
CRM object types—CorporateAccount, IndividualAccount, Opportunity, and Service Request—as shown in
the "For a CRM-only via NetWeaver Gateway integration" section immediately above. Add the following

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ECC (SD) business records to the same External Application for which you registered the CRM business
record types:
○ For an ECC Customer Collection business record, enter:
External Type:




○ For an ECC Sales Order Collection business record, enter:

External Type:




○ For an ECC Invoice Collection business record, enter:

External Type:




○ For an ECC Quotation business record, enter:

External Type:




5. Select the language or languages that the imported record will be displayed in by clicking Add Language
and checking the check box in front of each language that you want the data displayed in.

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Language options

The selected language or languages will appear above the Add Language button. Click the "X" on the right
side of any language button to remove it. Note that the first language listed will always be the "Primary"
6. Select Import External Resources to import the data using the URLs listed above.
This allows you to validate the URLs shown in the External Type and the Annotations URL fields. SAP Jam
will attempt to import the indicated resources and it will display a message indicating the success or failure
of the import, as well as information on the cause of a failure if one occurs and the cause can be
7. Select Can be featured or unfeatured in groups to enable this option.
8. Select Can be primary object in top-level group to enable this option.
9. Select Can be primary object in subgroup to enable this option.
10. Select Filter Feed to enable users to add or remove feed entries of this object type.
11. Select Feed History to see the feed history independently of follows, which means:
○ If disabled, the user only sees the subset of feed items that were routed to their home feed; that is,
they only see items which had a distribution list that included them, or items in which the user was at-
○ If enabled, and if authorization is successful, the user sees the full feed for the object, including items
that would otherwise not be visible to them.
12. Select Show Search to enable keyword searching in the business data browser.
When rendering a list of External Objects, SAP Jam may also show a "search" box. If this option is selected,
you can also set:
○ In the Hint field, you can enter a display string that tells the user what field the search is performed on.
○ In the Property field, you can enter the actual OData property name that the search is performed on.
Internally, SAP Jam will make a [GET] request to the OData collection for the given object type, using
an OData $filter expression on the Property specified in the configuration screen. For example:

[GET] <OData Service Root>/ObjectCollection?$filter=startswith('text',


13. Select Can be mentioned in feed posts to enable this option. If this option is selected, you can also set:
○ Primary (Search) Property: enter the OData property name that an at-mention look-up searches for.
○ Secondary (Display) Property: enter the OData property name that an at-mention lookup displays.

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14. Once you have configured the record to your satisfaction, click Save.
You are returned to the <External_App_Name> Record Types catalog, and the record type that you just
added appears in the table.

 Note

Next: You can now, optionally, add an External Application Object Filter [page 208] to narrow the range of
data shown in a particular external application data object.

Optionally, you can add an External Application Object Sort Order [page 209] to set the order in which the
external data is arranged in a particular external application data object.

If you do not want to add Filters or Sort Fields to your External Application Objects, you can proceed to
Configure access to business records in SAP Jam Collaboration [page 210].

6.2.4 Integrate SAP Cloud for Customer

SAP Jam integration with your SAP Cloud for Customer solution enables cross-application collaboration using
the SAP Jam feed. It allows users to feature SAP Cloud for Customer accounts, opportunities, products, and
service tickets in SAP Jam groups.


SAP Jam: An SAP Jam tenant has been provisioned for your company, and you have been given administrator
access. You know how your users were provisioned for your SAP Jam system.

SAP Cloud for Customer: Initial setup and configuration has been performed in tenant, as per the SAP Cloud
for Customer Administrator Guide. You have administrator access and know how your users were provisioned
for your SAP Cloud for Customer system.

Cross-system authentication: If user IDs or email addresses are identical in SAP Jam and SAP Cloud for
Customer, you can use dynamic onboarding without explicit user mapping. If neither of these conditions are
true, you cannot use dynamic onboarding; explicit user mapping is required.

While the SAP Cloud for Customer user ID is used as the logon user ID, the SAP Jam user ID is not. The SAP
Jam user ID must be in uppercase and less than 40 characters for this integration to work without explicit user

With the user email address as the key identifier, SAP Cloud for Customer and SAP Jam use it for back end
authentication during API calls. Users are not actually logging in with their email address.

Integration Steps: To integrate SAP Jam with SAP Cloud for Customer, please refer to the document
Integration: SAP Cloud for Customer + SAP Jam, which can be found on the SAP Cloud for Customer help
portal product page.

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6.2.5 Integrate SAP SuccessFactors Learning

In your SAP SuccessFactors Human Capital Management (HCM) Suite, obtain the OAuth token information
required to enter in your SAP Jam configuration.

Gather SuccessFactors Learning OAuth token information

The first step in setting up SuccessFactors Learning integration with SAP Jam is to configure the SAP
SuccessFactors HCM Suite to work with your SAP Jam service.

To configure the SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite

1. Log in to the SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite and select Admin Center from the main menu.
2. Click the Learning icon from the Company Processes & Cycles panel, and select Learning Administration
from the menu.
The Learning Administration section displays.
3. Click the System Admin icon from the top menu bar to enable the integration of SuccessFactors LMS and
SAP Jam, expand the Configuration section from the left sidebar, and click System Configuration.
The LMS_ADMIN configuration file displays.

SuccessFactors Learning Administration > System Admin > Configuration > System Configuration
4. Search in the LMS_ADMIN configuration file for "jamIntegrationEnabled", ensure that it is set to true, and
click Apply Changes.
5. SAP Jam supports external users who sign up for accounts through learning sites. To enable external users
for SAP Jam, please configure SuccessFactors Platform and Learning as explained in Offering Learning to
the Extended Enterprise

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6. Obtain the OAuth information that is required for your SAP Jam configuration, which is also available in the
System Admin Configuration section by clicking OAuth Token Server.

SuccessFactors Learning Administration > System Admin > Configuration > OAuth Token Server
7. Click Generate a new client secret.
A new field displays underneath the Client ID field, labeled Newly Generate Client Secret.

 Note

You can generate a new client secret at any time, but it is the last generated client secret that you must
copy and paste into your SAP Jam configuration. Any newly generated client secret must be updated in
all configurations in which this string is recorded as a newly generated client secret supersedes older
secrets, and the client secret is typically required to establish a secure data connection.

8. Copy and save the following information to add to your SAP Jam configuration:
○ Client ID
○ Newly Generated Client Secret
Ensure that you fully copy the Client ID and the Newly Generated Client Secret. The text must be copied
exactly, without any spaces before or after.

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Register SuccessFactors Learning as an External Application in SAP Jam

In SAP Jam, create an External Application entry to register your external application. It is required to set up a
secure data connection with your external business application, including integrations via SAP NetWeaver
Gateway, SAP BTP, SAP Cloud for Customer, a Third Party OData Source, or with SuccessFactors Learning.

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations External Applications from the left side
The External Applications page displays a catalog of the external applications that have been configured for
your organization's SAP Jam instance.
2. Click Add Application.
3. Select the SuccessFactors Learning option.
The External Application, add a SuccessFactors Learning application form displays.

External Application, add a SuccessFactors Learning application form

4. Type in a meaningful name in the Name text box, such as one that names the external application and its
dedicated use.

 Note

Since this name appears in the SAP Jam navigation and other locations in SAP Jam, make it

5. OAuth 2.0 Client Id: Enter the value from the OAuth Token Server page's Client ID field.

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Integrations PUBLIC 201
6. Secret: Enter the value from the OAuth Token Server page's Newly Generated Client Secret field.
7. Service Provider: Enter the fully-qualified domain name of your SuccessFactors Learning service, plus the
port number. For example,
One way to determine this URL is to log in to SuccessFactors Learning on the web. In the Internet Explorer
browser, right-click the page and select View Properties, and copy the base URL for the page; in Chrome,
right-click View frame info and copy the base URL for the page. The base URL is everything after the
protocol https:// and before the next slash, which indicates the path. The path field is pre-filled and is
not editable.
8. Service Provider Name: This field is pre-filled and is not editable.
9. Select Enable global search for business records and related feed conversations if you want your users to be
able to search all business records and their public feed comments from within SAP Jam.
10. Administrative Area: Select the area in which you want this external application to be available. The default
is "Company", which makes it available to all groups.
11. Click Create.
The Integrations External Applications page displays and lists the now registered external

Add an OAuth Client

To authorize an external application to access the SAP Jam API, you must register the external application as
an OAuth client in the Jam Admin OAuth Clients section of the SAP Jam Admin console.

Manage OAuth Clients

1. Go to the Admin console and select OAuth Clients from the left navigation sidebar. The Jam Admin OAuth
Clients section is displayed. This page presents a catalog of previously configured OAuth Clients, with UI
controls that allow you to View, Edit, or Delete existing OAuth Clients, or to add a new OAuth client (Add
OAuth Client).
2. To add an OAuth client, click Add OAuth Client at the upper right corner of the page. The Register a new
OAuth Client page displays.
3. Note the following:
○ Name: You can keep the same name as you would have kept for your business record (for example,
LMS or Learning).
○ Integration URL: The URL for your Learning administration. Obtain it by navigating to LMS admin from
BizX Admin Center LMS Admin and obtain the URL from the address bar.
○ X509 Certificate: Obtain from the LMS side from the LMS OAuth settings under LMS admin settings.

Register the SuccessFactors Learning records in SAP Jam

After you complete the required configuration to access your external application from SAP Jam, configure it
by adding the learning records that require access. For SuccessFactors Learning, there are four supported
learning record types: Item, Curriculum, Scheduled Offering, and Curriculum Assignment.

To register business records

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202 PUBLIC Integrations
1. In the Integrations External Applications page, click Action beside the SuccessFactors Learning
application for which you want to add objects and select Manage Record Types from the context menu.
The Manage <company_name> Learning Record Types screen displays.

The Manage <company_name> Learning Record Types page

2. Select the method for adding record types that you want to use:
○ Select Import Default Types to retrieve the learning record types from the LMS server.
The SAP Jam service immediately attempts to download the record types.
An Import Learning Record Types page displays the results of the import attempt.

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Integrations PUBLIC 203
The Import Learning Record Types page

If your SuccessFactors Learning configuration is correct, all available record types should import
without problems. If you encounter problems, check your SuccessFactors Learning configuration.
○ Select Import From File if you receive a learning record types configuration file from SAP Jam Support
or your SAP Jam contact.
This option uses your browser file upload capability and configures your learning record types upon
successful upload.
○ Select Add Record Type to add a record type.
The Add Record Type dialog box displays.

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The Add Record Type dialog box

1. Click Add Record.

2. Enter the appropriate values, as shown in the following tables, for the learning record type that you
are adding.

Values for the Item learning record type

Field Value

Name Item$metadata#ItemCollec­

Annotation URL

Can be featured or unfeatured in true


Can be primary object in top-level true


Can be primary object in subgroup true

Filter Feed true

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Integrations PUBLIC 205
Field Value

Feed History true

Show Search true

(Search) Hint Title

(Search) Property Title

Can be mentioned in feed posts true

Primary (Search) Property Title

Secondary (Display Property Description

Values for the Curriculum learning record type

Field Value

Name Curriculum

External TypeExternal Type$metadata#Curriculum­


Annotation URL

Can be featured or unfeatured in true


Can be primary object in top-level true


Can be primary object in subgroup true

Filter Feed true

Feed History true

ExternalShow Search true

(Search) Hint Title

(Search) Property Title

Can be mentioned in feed posts true

Primary (Search) Property Title

Secondary (Display Property Description

Values for the Scheduled Offering learning record type

Field Value

Name Scheduled Offering

External Type$metadata#ScheduleOf­


Annotation URL

Can be featured or unfeatured in true


Can be primary object in top-level true


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206 PUBLIC Integrations
Field Value

Can be primary object in subgroup true

Filter Feed false

Feed History false

Show Search false

Can be mentioned in feed posts false

Values for the Curriculum Assignment learning record type

Field Value

Name Curriculum Assignment

External Type$metadata#Curriculu­


Annotation URL

Can be featured or unfeatured in false


Can be primary object in top-level false


Can be primary object in subgroup false

Filter Feed false

Feed History false

Show Search false

Can be mentioned in feed posts false

3. Click Save.
The record type that you just added is listed in the <External_App_Name> Record Types catalog.

 Note

Next: Unlike other business record integrations, a SuccessFactors Learning integration does not allow you
to set filtering. Filters are already provided for SuccessFactors Learning Instructor-Led, Online, and Other
Learning courses.

Similarly, setting a sort order in which the external data is arranged in a particular external application data
object has no relevance.

As you do not set Filters or Sort Fields for your External Application Objects, you should proceed to
Configure access to business records in SAP Jam Collaboration [page 210].

 Note

For a curriculum, if the business record browser displays a hover card or attribute showing a "Value not
found error" then you must return to the SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite and select Admin Center from the
main menu, and then add courses to the curriculum. If the curriculum is without courses, the LMS API
returns an error.

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Integrations PUBLIC 207
For start to finish steps on configuring the integration to setting up a learning community, please see the Quick
Start Guide for Integrated Learning Communities with SAP Jam Collaboration and SAP SuccessFactors

As a learning administrator, you can also integrate learning programs with SAP Jam groups and their content.
For information on the SAP Jam tile available within the SAP SuccessFactors Learning Program, please refer to
the Learning Program Jam Tile topic in the SuccessFactors Learning Administration Help.

6.2.6 Configure a business record filter

A business record filter narrows the range of data that displays in a business record.

You can configure several instances of the same business record, each displaying a different set of data from
that business record and used in different groups. Some preconfigured External Application business records
include predefined filters.

To add a business record filter:

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations External Applications page. Click Action
beside the external application to which you want to add an external object filter, and select Manage Record
Types from the menu.
The Manage <External_Application> Record Types page displays.
2. Click Filters beside the object type to which you want to add a filter.
The Manage <record_type> (<External_Application>) Filters page displays.
3. Click New Filter.
The Manage <record_type> (<External_Application>) Filters page displays.

Add a filter to a business record

4. In the Name field, enter a meaningful name for the filter that you want to add.
5. In the Filter field, enter the filter expression that you want to use.
6. Optionally, you can Enable the filter to make it immediately available.
7. When you are done, click Submit.
You are returned to the Manage <record_type> (<External_Application>) Filters panel.
8. In the Manage <record_type> (<External_Application>) Filters panel, you can do the following:

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208 PUBLIC Integrations
○ Click true (or false) in the Enabled column to toggle the filter enabled status.
○ Click Show Filter to view the text of the filter.
○ Click Delete Filter to remove the filter, including from future use.
○ Click Edit Filter or to modify an existing filter.

 Note

Next: You can optionally add an External Application Object Sort Order [page 209] to set the order that the
external data is arranged.

If you do not want to add Sort Fields to your External Application Objects, you can skip ahead toConfigure
access to business records in SAP Jam Collaboration [page 210].

6.2.7 Configure a business record sort order

Each business record type contains a set of attributes that can be selected as the criteria for sorting rows of
data in SAP Jam.

About sort fields

Every field defined by an external OData provider can have a sortable attribute (true or false). This is in the
OData metadata definition. For example:
$metadata#TaskCollection. If the attribute is not present, by default it’s sortable.

There are three possible sort lists:

1. All sortable fields: For example, the Task type has the following sortable fields:
2. Default sort fields: To use the default recommended set of sort fields, click Reset. Currently, this list
impacts only the dropdown in the business record widget. The recommendations are provided by the
external application OData annotation. For example, the recommended set for task can be
3. Custom sort fields: You can override the default with your own set of fields by entering them into the Sort
Fields box. This list impacts only the dropdown in the business record widget. For example, you can
input ,&ChangeOn,&DueDateTime,&Owner

Sort order

To set a business record sort order

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations External Applications . Click Action beside
the external application for which you want to set sort fields, and select Manage Record Types from the

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Integrations PUBLIC 209
The Manage <External_Application> Record Types page displays.
2. Click Sort Fields beside the object type to which you want to set the sort fields.
The Edit Record Type dialog box displays.

Add a sort order for a business record

3. Click Show Fields Hint to view the list of available fields.
A list of the available fields displays.
4. Copy and past the fields from the list into the Sort Fields text box in the order in which you want them
5. When the sort fields are listed in the order in which you want the business records sorted, click Update.
You are returned to the Manage <External_Application> Record Types page.

 Note

Next: You can now proceed toConfigure access to business records in SAP Jam Collaboration [page 210].

6.2.8 Configure access to business records in SAP Jam


After you register your external application, create any required annotations files, and register your business
records, your external data is available for use in SAP Jam.

OData-based applications are listed in the Business Records page. You can also configure SAP Jam to access
your organization's external content from other locations within SAP Jam

To create a group with a business record as its Primary Object

1. From the SAP Jam Home page, click Business Records, and click the name of the type of business record.
2. In the list of business records of that type, hover over the name of the particular business record that you
want to set as the primary object of a new group.
3. Click Create Group at the bottom of that dialog box. A Create a Group dialog box displays.
4. Set the options that you want for the group, including:

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

210 PUBLIC Integrations
○ Select the group template.
○ Enter a group name.
○ Optionally, enter a description of the group.
○ Click to select the Group Permissions.
○ Click options beside the group permissions type for additional settings.
○ Ensure that the Activate this group now checkbox is selected if you want to allow immediate use of the
○ Click Create to create the group.

To feature a business record in a group

1. From the SAP Jam Home page, click Business Records and then the name of the type of business record.
2. From the list of business records, hover over the name of the business record that you want to set as the
primary object of a new group.
3. Click Feature in... at the bottom of the actions dialog box. A Feature in another group dialog box displays.
4. Enter the name of the group in which you want to feature the selected business record and click OK. The
selected business record is featured in the specified group.

To have a business record appear as being related to a Primary or Featured business record
This is done automatically, but it does require that the UI.LineItem Term has been developed.

Your Document Repository access configuration is now complete. Users can access the newly integrated
business records from any of the above listed SAP Jam locations that you configured.

To enable or disable that business record feed about user actions is displayed on the profile
pages of the users
You can enable or disable that business record feed about user actions is displayed on the profile pages of the
users in the administration console on the Product Setup Features page.

If you enable this feature, the business record feed on a user's profile pages displays only the actions that this
user has made for business records that she or he follows.

To prevent that business record feed is displayed on the users' profile pages, clear this check box on the
Product Setup Features page.

Related Information

Configure SAP Jam Collaboration Features [page 119]

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 211
6.3 Access and Authorization overview

This section explains the technologies used to establish SAP Jam Collaboration integration access and

● Integrations External Applications Trusted Certificate Authorities : configure access to web-based

applications and services within your organization if unrecognized or self-signed certificates are used.
● Integrations OAuth Clients : configure external application to access the SAP Jam API by configuring
that external application as an OAuth Client.
● Integrations SAML Trusted IDP : configure an external application to access SAP Jam user ID and
authorization information to display material that a user is authorized to view when SAP Jam features are
integrated into the external application.
● Integrations SAML Local Identity Provider : configure SAP Jam to access an external application's
user ID and authorization information to display material that a user is authorized to view when they view
pages where the external application business records display in SAP Jam pages.
● Integrations SAML Trusted IDP : configure an external service as your primary user identity provider.
This is a major configuration change that provides an alternative to using SuccessFactors Platform as the
source of user authentication and authorization information.

6.3.1 Add a Trusted Certificate Authority

If your organization uses unrecognized or self-signed certificates, follow these steps for SAP Jam to accept the
certificate to allow access to the external application data.

It is also a good way to establish a secure connection to your document repositories via CMIS.

 Note

Adding a trusted certificate authority disables the use of certificates in the default Certificate Authority
store. Therefore, if you add a trusted certificate authority, you must manually add all required Certificate
Authorities in this section of the Admin console.

To add a trusted certificate to SAP Jam

1. Open a page from the external application in your browser and view the certificate. Refer to your browser
documentation for instructions.
2. Export the certificate into Base-64 encoded X.509 (.cer) format.
3. Open the exported certificate in a text editor and copy the entire certificate, including the Begin Certificate
and End Certificate lines.
4. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations External Applications from the left
navigation. Click Trusted Certificate Authorities at the top of the External Applications page.
5. Paste the copied certificate into the Trusted Certificate Authorities text box, and click Submit.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

212 PUBLIC Integrations
The add Trusted Certificate Authorities form

The unrecognized certificate is registered with SAP Jam, enabling your connection to your external

 Note

When you want to change the business data that displays in SAP Jam and have those changes
communicated back to the source external business application:

● See Add an OAuth Client [page 214] if the external application to SAP Jam requires OAuth
● See Add a SAML Trusted IDP [page 215] if the external application to SAP Jam requires SAML

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 213
6.3.2 Add an OAuth Client

You can authorize an external application to access the SAP Jam API by registering the application as an OAuth

To manage OAuth Clients

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations OAuth Clients from the left side

OAuth Clients catalog

This page presents a catalog of previously configured OAuth Clients, with UI controls that allow you to
View, Edit, or Delete existing OAuth Clients, or to add a new OAuth client (Add OAuth Client).
2. To add an OAuth client, click Add OAuth Client at the upper right corner of the page.
The Register a new OAuth Client page displays.
○ In the Name field, enter a meaningful name that allows company administrators to recognize what the
client is.
○ (Optional) From the Feed Filtering dropdown menu, select either none or SAP CRM.
○ In the Integration URL field, enter the URL to the client application API metadata.
○ (Optional) In the Callback URL field, enter the callback URL for the client application API calls.
○ (Optional) In the Support URL field, enter the support URL for the client application API.
○ (Optional) Select the Can Suppress Notifications checkbox to allow the suppression of notifications
from external data sources that use this OAuth client. It is up to the developer of this external
application integration whether they disable notifications or not, but this setting determines whether
notification suppression is permitted from this external application.
○ (Optional) Select the Can Suppress Webhooks to allow the suppression of webhooks for specific OData
calls in the OAuth client. It is up to the developer of this external application integration whether they
disable webhooks or not, but this setting determines whether webhook suppression is permitted from
this external application.
○ (Optional) In the X509 Certificate (Base64) text box, enter the Transport Layer Security (TLS;
supersedes SSL) public key certificate string for the client application API access.
○ (Optional) The Administrative Area dropdown menu allows you to select the area in which you want this
OAuth Client configuration to be available. The default is "Company", which makes it available to all
groups and areas. Selecting a specific area limits the scope of the OAuth Client configuration and limits
the management of that configuration to either area administrators assigned responsibility for that
area or to company administrators.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

214 PUBLIC Integrations
○ When all of the above settings are complete, click Save to save the record and establish the trust
relationship with the OAuth client application.
You are returned to the OAuth Clients page, with the OAuth client record that you just added listed in
the catalog.
3. To view the information for an OAuth client, click View on the row for the OAuth Client that you want to
The OAuth Client: <OAuth_client_name> page displays.
The Create/Delete OAuth2 Access Token is only available via Copy the OAuth2
Access Token for use in manual API calls. For example, you can paste this token into the SAP Jam API
Reference documentation to try out the API endpoints. Once you have copied it, you can delete by clicking
Delete OAuth2 Access Token.
You can either modify the information by clicking Edit or return to the OAuth Clients page by clicking Back.
4. To edit an OAuth client record, either click Edit in the OAuth Clients page or in the OAuth Client:
<OAuth_client_name> page.
The Edit your OAuth Client page displays, which is effectively identical to the Register a new OAuth Client
1. Make whatever changes are required.
2. Click Save to save your changes.
You are returned to the OAuth Clients page, with the modified OAuth client record that you just edited
listed in the catalog.

6.3.3 Add a SAML Trusted IDP

By registering an external application as a SAML trusted Identity Provider (IDP), you allow the application to
access SAP Jam user ID and authorization information. Users then see only the content they are authorized to
view when SAP Jam features are integrated into the external application.

To manage SAML Trusted IDPs

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations SAML Trusted IDPs from the left side

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 215
SAML Trusted IDPs catalog
2. To add an identity provider, click Register your SAML Trusted IDP near the upper right corner of the page.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

216 PUBLIC Integrations
Register a new SAML Trusted Identity Provider form

○ Optionally, beside the Metadata File field, click Browse. Search for the metadata file issued by your
SAML identity provider on your local hard drive and upload it with your browser file upload feature.
May fields on the form are automatically filled.
○ In the IDP ID field, enter the URL of your identity provider, or a name that indicates who the SAML
trusted ID provider is, or the application name for which the SAML trusted ID provider is providing
single sign-on services.
○ In the Single Sign-On URL field, enter the URL used for single sign-on (SSO) with the identity provider
○ In the Single Log-Out URL field, enter the URL used for single log-out (SLO) with the identity provider
○ In the Default Name ID Format field, enter what name ID format is to be used in an authentication
○ In the Default Name ID Policy SP Name Qualifier field, enter the default Service Provider (SP) name
qualifier that is to be used in an authentication request.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 217
○ In the X509 Certificate (Base64) text box, enter the Transport Layer Security (TLS) public key
certificate string for the client application's API access.
○ Optionally, select the Enabled checkbox to make this SAML trusted IDP immediately available.
You can enable or disable the entry in the SAML Trusted IDPs page at any time.
○ The Administrative Area dropdown menu allows you to select the area in which you want this SAML
Trusted IDP configuration to be available. The default is "Company", which makes it available to all
groups and areas. Selecting a specific area limits the scope of the SAML Trusted IDP configuration and
limits the management of that configuration to either area administrators assigned responsibility for
that area or to company administrators.
○ Select the Primary checkbox to indicate that this SAML trusted identity provider should be the
preferred provider. A secondary provider can be specified, which can be set to ensure access should
the primary provider fail.

 Note

There can be only one primary IDP configured within your organization.
○ Select whether the SAML Issuer ID is globally unique.
○ Select “Company Specific” if:
○ Your organization uses a custom subdomain; or
○ Your organization‘s IdP is connected to other SAP Jam instances.
○ Select “Global” if:
○ Your organization is using the SAIL or SMI libraries for integration; or
○ Your organization does not use a custom subdomain.

○ When all of the above settings are complete, click Save to save the record and establish the trust
relationship with the SAML Trusted IDP.
You are returned to the SAML Trusted IDPs page, with the SAML Trusted Identity Provider record that
you just added listed in the catalog.
3. To enable or disable a SAML Trusted IDP, change the slider control in the left-most column of the row for
the SAML Trusted Identity Provider for which you want to change its enabled status.
○ A disabled SAML Trusted IDP appears gray and displays an "X" to the right of the button. Click the
control to enable the SAML Trusted IDP.
○ An enabled SAML Trusted IDP appears blue and displays a checkmark to the left of the button. Click
the control to disable the SAML Trusted IDP.
4. To view the information for a SAML Trusted Identity Provider, click Action in the right-most column of the
row for the SAML Trusted Identity Provider that you want to view in the table listing your organization's
configured IDPs and select View from the menu.
The SAML trusted IDP: <SAML_trusted_IDP_name> page displays, showing the details of this SAML
trusted IDP configuration.
You can either modify the information by clicking Edit or return to the SAML Trusted IDPs page by clicking
5. To edit a configured SAML Trusted IDP, either click click Action in the right-most column of the row for the
SAML Trusted Identity Provider that you want to view in the table listing your organization's configured
IDPs and select Edit from the menu, or click Edit in the SAML trusted IDP: <SAML_trusted_IDP_name>
The Edit your SAML Trusted Identity Provider page displays, which is effectively identical to the Register a
new SAML Trusted Identity Provider page.
1. Make whatever changes are required.
2. Click Save to save your changes.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

218 PUBLIC Integrations
You are returned to the SAML Trusted IDPs page, with the modified SAML Trusted Identity Provider
record that you just edited listed in the catalog.
6. To delete a SAML Trusted Identity Provider entry, click Action in the right-most column of the row for the
SAML Trusted Identity Provider that you want to delete in the table listing your organization's configured
IDPs and select Delete from the menu.
A confirmation dialog box appears. Click Delete to confirm and remove the selected SAML Trusted IDP
You are returned to the SAML Trusted IDPs page.

6.3.4 Configure SAP Jam Collaboration as a SAML Local

Identity Provider

You can configure SAP Jam as a SAML local identity provider for external applications. SAP Jam users can then
have SSO access to those applications.

To configure SAP Jam as a SAML identity provider

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations SAML Local Identity Provider from the left
side navigation.

SAML Local Identity Provider page, blank

The Issuer field contains the URI that shows the issuer identity, in this case, your company's SAP Jam

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 219
2. Click Generate Key Pair to fill the Signing Private Key and X509 Certificate text boxes automatically.

SAML Local Identity Provider page, filled

The two text boxes are automatically filled with the required signing private key and the X509 certificate (in
base64 format).
3. Copy the information in the Issuer and X509 Certificate fields.

6.4 Integrate an SAP S/4HANA application

This section describes how to establish trust between your SAP S/4HANA application and SAP Jam. It also
describes how to set up SAP Jam as a communication system in SAP S/4HANA and how to activate SAP Jam-
related SAP Fiori tiles.

The procedures required to accomplish these tasks include:

● Configure administrator access in the SAP Fiori launchpad [page 221]

● Issue OAuth and SAML Certificates from SAP S/4HANA [page 221]
● Register your SAP S/4HANA application as a SAML Trusted IDP in SAP Jam [page 223]
● Register your SAP S/4HANA application as an OAuth Client in SAP Jam [page 225]
● Register SAP Jam as a Communication System in SAP S/4HANA ABAP Social Media Integration [page
● Finalize the Communication Arrangement settings [page 230]

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

220 PUBLIC Integrations
● Activate and test your SAP S/4HANA application's SAP Jam integration [page 231]

Configure administrator access in the SAP Fiori launchpad

In the SAP Fiori launchpad, you must assign the business catalog Communication Management (SAP_CORE_
BC_COM) to your user. Therefore you need to create Business Role, which includes this Business Catalog.

1. From the SAP Fiori launchpad, start application Maintain Business Roles from group Identity and Access
Management and create a Business Role for the Administrator.
2. You can use the SAP delivered templates to create the Business Role. Therefore select Create from
Template and select SAP_BR_ADMINISTRATOR as template. This Business Role already includes the
business catalog SAP_CORE_ BC_COM and other admin related catalogs.
3. Now add the particular Business User, which should have the admin rights to this Business Role.
4. Save and Activate the Business Role.

Issue OAuth and SAML Certificates from SAP S/4HANA

This section describes how to export the OAuth and the SAML2 certificates by using a communication

1. Start the SAP Fiori launchpad and click the Communication Arrangements tile.

The SAP Fiori launchpad Communication Arrangements tile

2. In the New Communication Arrangement dialog box, fill in the following:

Field – Communication Ar­ Value Explanation


Scenario SAP_COM_

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 221
Arrangement Name <tenant_ Enter the external application ID used for the client registration at SAP
hostname Jam. We recommend the following format: <tenant_hostname>

The create New Communication Arrangement dialog box

3. Choose Create.
4. In the Communication Arrangements screen, do the following:
1. Click the Download oAuth Client Certificate button and save locally.
2. Click the Download oAuth Metadata File button and save it locally.
The metadata file includes the needed SAML certificate for registering the SAML trusted Identity

The Communication Arrangements dialog box (download certificates)

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

222 PUBLIC Integrations
With the OAuth and SAML certificates exported and saved to your local disk drive, you must upload them in
SAP Jam to finalize the trusted connection. These communication arrangement settings are completed in the
Configuring ABAP SMI (Customer) section.

Register your SAP S/4HANA application as a SAML Trusted IDP in SAP Jam

This section describes how to register your SAP S/4HANA application as a SAML Trusted IDP in SAP Jam.

1. Log in to SAP Jam as a company administrator, go to the SAP Jam Admin console, and select
Integrations SAML Trusted IDPs from the left side navigation.
2. Click Register you SAML Trusted IDP.
The Register a new SAML Trusted Identity Provider page displays.
3. Fill in the following information:

Field Value

IDP ID Enter your


SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 223
X509 Certifi- This is the
cate SAML IdP cer­
(Base64)* tificate. It is in­
cluded in the
oAuth meta­
data file (.xml)
download as
described in Is­
suing Certifi-
cates oAuth
and SAML.

Open the met­

adata file
(.xml) with In­
ternet Explorer
or notepad and
copy the certif­
icate section of
scriptor for
signing without
tags – like you
can find in the
marked sec­
tion. Paste the
copied lines
into the SAP
Jam X509

Enabled Select this

checkbox to
accept SAML
from this IDP.

Administrative Choose
Area Company.

4. Click Register.

Your SAP S/4HANA application is now configured as a SAML Trusted IDP in SAP Jam.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

224 PUBLIC Integrations
Register your SAP S/4HANA application as an OAuth Client in SAP Jam

This section describes how to register your SAP S/4HANA application as an OAuth Client in SAP Jam.

1. Log in to SAP Jam as a company administrator, access the Admin console [page 23], and select
Integrations OAuth Clients from the left navigation sidebar.
2. Click Add OAuth Client.
3. Fill in the following information:

Field Value

Name Enter your



In the back
end, this appli­
cation is linked
with the appli­
cation you
specify there
tion Arrange­
ment Name).
We recom­
mend that you
reference the
back end appli­
cation – but
you may have
to consider
multi tenant or

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 225
Integration Enter your
URL company do­

It can be a link
to the home­
page of your
company or an


SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

226 PUBLIC Integrations
X509 Certifi- ○ To use
cate (Base64) RSA-SHA1
for calls in
the appli­
paste the
SSF oAuth
into the
text box.
This is the
file you
saved as
in section
OAuth and
cates from
○ If you
leave this
supplies a
secret as
the result.
You can
use either
HMAC in­
stead of

4. Click Save.

 Note

The generated oAuth key from SAP Jam is required to Register SAP Jam as a Communication System in
SAP S/4HANA ABAP Social Media Integration [page 228]. To copy the oAuth key and display the details of
the OAuth client that you just saved, click the View link of your OAuth client and copy the key for use in the
following procedure.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 227
Your SAP S/4HANA application is now configured as an OAuth Client in SAP Jam.

Register SAP Jam as a Communication System in SAP S/4HANA ABAP

Social Media Integration

This section describes how to configure SAP Jam as communication system in SAP S/4HANA ABAP Social
Media Integration (SMI).

1. Start the SAP Fiori launchpad and click the Communication Systems tile.

The Communication Arrangements dialog box, Communication Systems tile

2. In the Communication Systems dialog box, do the following:
1. Click New to create a new communication system.
2. Fill in the following fields:

Field – Communi­ Value Explanation

cation Systems

Communication <SAP_Jam_serv Enter the SAP Jam server name (of the data center) without leading
System ID ername> protocol (https://), for example, jam4.

Communication SAP Jam, Enter the SAP Jam server name, for example, SAP Jam, Server
System Name Server jam4.
<server name>

Host Name <server Enter the SAP Jam server name without leading protocol
name>.sapjam. (https://), for example,

3. In the User for Outbound Communication section, click the add button +.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

228 PUBLIC Integrations
The User for Outbound Communication, add button
4. In the New Outbound Communication User dialog box, complete the fields as follows:

Authentication Choose OAuth1.


Username Consumer

Password <key> Enter the key you retrieved from SAP Jam when the OAuth client was
saved there.

5. Click Create.
6. Save your entries.

The create Communication System page

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 229
You have registered SAP Jam as a Communication System in SAP S/4HANA ABAP Social Media Integration.

Finalize the Communication Arrangement settings

This section describes how to finish the configuration of the Communication Arrangement.

1. Access the SAP Fiori launchpad and click the Communication Arrangements tile.

The SAP Fiori launchpad Communication Arrangements tile

2. Choose the communication arrangement (SAP_COM_0026) that you selected in step 2 of Issue OAuth and
SAML Certificates from SAP S/4HANA [page 221].
3. Complete the Configuration settings as follows:

Field – Communication Arrangement Value Explanation

Communication Arrangement Name <tenant Ensure that the external application ID is used, which you
hostname used for the client registration at SAP Jam. We recom­
> mend the following format: <tenant hostname>

Communication System <communi Choose the communication system you created as descri­
cation bed in Register SAP Jam as a Communication System in
system> SAP S/4HANA ABAP Social Media Integration [page 228].

Outbound Communication – User Choose The Authentication Method field should display User ID
Name / Certificate Consumer. and Password.

4. Ensure that the following fields filled like the following:

Field – Communication Arrangement Value

Service Status Active

Path /

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

230 PUBLIC Integrations
Port Enter 443 or keep the default value like you required in your system land­

Communication Arrangements, finalize the settings

5. Save your entries.

You have finished the configuration of the Communication Arrangement.

Activate and test your SAP S/4HANA application's SAP Jam integration

This section describes how to activate and test the system connectivity between SAP Jam and SAP S/4HANA
by using the SAP Fiori launchpad.

1. In the SAP Fiori launchpad, start the Maintain Business Roles application from the group Identity and
Access Management.
2. Create a new business role: You can create a business role manually or by using the template delivered by
SAP. Choose one of the following methods to create your business role.
Manually Create a Business Role
1. Choose New to create a new business role.
2. Complete the following fields as required:

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 231
New Business Role settings
3. Choose Assigned Business Catalogs.
4. Search for and select Collaboration (SAP_CORE_BC_SM).

Add Business Catalogs

5. Save and activate your new business role.
6. Proceed to step 3.
Create a Business Role from Template
1. Select Create from Template.
2. Select the role you require based on the applications you use, for example, Project Manager –
Commercial (SAP_BR_PROJ_MANAGE_COMM). This business role includes the business catalog
SAP_CORE_BC_SM and other catalogs related to the Project Manager role.
3. Add the specific business user to this business role. Note that the user must have the Project Manager or
Collaboration rights assigned.
4. Save and activate the business role.
5. Log on to the SAP Fiori launchpad as the business user who has the Collaboration business role assigned.
6. Ensure that the SAP Jam Notifications tile is present on your SAP Fiori launchpad.
7. If the business user has a picture assigned in SAP Jam, ensure that the user's picture appears in the
header bar of your SAP Fiori launchpad next to the user name.

You have activated and tested the system connectivity between SAP Jam and SAP S/4HANA by using the SAP
Fiori launchpad.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

232 PUBLIC Integrations
6.4.1 SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Professional Services

Groups created with the professional services project room template can support an extended project team
with planning, implementation, and project rollout. Team members make resource decisions, gather to discuss
project requirements, and capture decisions.

With SAP S/4HANA Cloud for Professional Services integration, when creating an SAP Jam group, group
administrators can select an enhanced version of the Professional Services Project Room Template that
provides contextual project information. The template includes business record widgets specific to projects on
the Overview and Project Details pages.

 Note

To work with this integration, company administrator must first follow the configurations steps in the SAP
Best Practices Social Collaboration Configuration Guides .

For more information, please see the What's New and Release Restrictions for the May 2017 release.

6.5 Integrate document repositories

Integrate document repositories from external applications to display the structured containers of those
documents, and the documents that are contained in those structures, in SAP Jam.

 Note

To integrate document repositories, you have to have the advanced plus edition or the enterprise edition of
SAP Jam Collaboration.

The following integrations display the content of document repositories in SAP Jam:

● CMIS: Content Management Interoperability Services (CMIS) is an open standard that allows content
management systems to interoperate across a network. CMIS-compatible document repositories include:
○ SharePoint 2013
○ SharePoint 2010
○ Alfresco One 4.2
○ SAP Extended ECM by OpenText
○ SAP Document Center
CMIS-compatible document repositories can only be accessed by using a common user account for
SAP Document Center is an exception because it requires per-user authentication and authorization. It is
unique in supporting write-back to the external document repository.
● Office 365 SharePoint Online Sites: A non-CMIS integration that uses the Microsoft Azure cloud platform.
Office 365 SharePoint Online Site libraries can only by accessed using per-user credentials.
● Box: A non-CMIS integration that provides access to your organization's Box account as a document
While Box supports sharing files of many types, it is the document files that are the focus of the Box

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 233
● Google Drive: A non-CMIS integration that provides access to your organization's Google Drive account as
a document repository.
While Google Drive supports sharing files of many types, it is the document files that are the focus of the
Google Drive integration.

 Note

SAP Jam uses a common user account for credentials when accessing a CMIS repository, only read-only
scenarios are supported. For example, uploading a document to a CMIS repository from SAP Jam is not
supported. You must provide internet access to your CMIS repository for SAP Jam. To ensure that the
configuration of this access is secure, SAP strongly advises that you take the following precautions:

● Ensure that you use an HTTPS with TLS connection.

● Ensure that you Add a Trusted Certificate Authority [page 212] required to access the CMIS repository
from SAP Jam.
● Configure a reverse proxy to provide SAP Jam with access to your document repository, and to deny
access from other clients.

Procedures required to integrate document repositories into SAP Jam

1. Perform any required preparations on the document repository application. It involves establishing
trusted data communications with SAP Jam.
2. Add a Trusted Certificate Authority if your organization requires the use of unrecognized or self-signed
certificates. It allows your browser to use the HTTPS and TLS connection required to access the document
repository data without obstruction.
3. Register the document repository or library application in SAP Jam. It involves establishing trusted data
communications with the external application.
4. Register the individual document repositories or libraries that you want to expose for viewing in SAP
5. Optionally, federate SAP Jam documents search results into SharePoint searches.

 Note

Only available for SharePoint 2010 and 2013 integrations.

6. Add a document repository or library to an SAP Jam group so your group members can view and
discuss the external documents in SAP Jam.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

234 PUBLIC Integrations
Integrating document repositories work flow

Organization and coverage of these procedures in the SAP Jam

Administrator Guide

Procedure 1 (Perform any required preparations), procedure 3 (Register the external document repository
application in SAP Jam), and procedure 4 (Register the individual document repositories) in the previous
diagram are documented together in per-application integration pages, as these sections involve substantial
application-specific information, and they are most clearly dealt with by combining these instructions in the
following sections:

● Integrate SharePoint 2010 or 2013 [page 237]

● Integrate Alfresco One 4.2 [page 246]
● Integrate SAP Extended ECM by OpenText [page 249]
● Integrate Office 365 SharePoint Sites [page 253]
● Integrate SAP Document Center [page 258]
● Integrate Box [page 262]
● Integrate Google Drive [page 264]

Procedure 2 (Add a Trusted Certificate Authority) in the previous diagram is documented as a subsection of
the preceding section on configuring access and authorization:

● Add a Trusted Certificate Authority [page 212]

Procedure 5 (Federating SAP Jam search results into SharePoint searches) is documented here:

● Federate SAP Jam Collaboration search results into SharePoint searches [page 241]

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 235
○ Create an OpenSearch client in SAP Jam Collaboration [page 242]
○ Configure SAP Jam Collaboration as a federated search source in SharePoint [page 243]
○ Add the SAP Jam Collaboration security certificate to SharePoint [page 244]

When all the configuration steps are done, users can add business records to their groups, procedure 6 (Add
the document repository or library to an SAP Jam group):

● Access document repositories in SAP Jam Collaboration groups [page 266]

● Access Office 365 Online Sites [page 267]

A preview of the Admin UI screens and the information required to integrate

External Applications

After the required configuration is done on the external document repository application, the application must
be registered in SAP Jam.

The available options for adding a business records application are:

● SharePoint 2013
● SharePoint 2010
● Alfresco One 4.2
● SAP Extended ECM by OpenText
● SAP Document Center
● Microsoft Office 365
● Box
● Google Drive

When you select one of the above-listed document repository integration options, a page displays showing the
fields and options required to establish a trusted data exchange between SAP Jam and either the business
application being integrated or the intermediary platform that is hosting the business application. There is
some variation in the fields of information that are required for these different options:

Add Application options

To register each of the business records for use in SAP Jam

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

236 PUBLIC Integrations
1. On the External Applications main page, click Action in the row for the integrated application.
2. Select Manage Record Types from the dropdown menu.
3. Click Add Record Type.

The Add CMIS Repository or Document Library page

 Note

Next: If you are ready to integrate external application business records into SAP Jam, go to the
appropriate instructions:

● Integrate SharePoint 2010 or 2013 [page 237]

● Integrate Alfresco One 4.2 [page 246]
● Integrate SAP Extended ECM by OpenText [page 249]
● Integrate Office 365 SharePoint Sites [page 253]
● Integrate SAP Document Center [page 258]
● Integrate Box [page 262]
● Integrate Google Drive [page 264]

Naming the document repository

In the SAP Jam Admin console under Product Setup Integrations External Applications , when
configuring a document repository, you have the option to specify a more meaningful label rather than use the
default integration name. Group administrators can override that label when editing the group under group
admin settings only if Allow renaming of the external document integration name is selected. If you do not
enable this option, the default name will remain consistent throughout the application and cannot be changed
by any group admin.

6.5.1 Integrate SharePoint 2010 or 2013

Using the SAP Jam SharePoint Connector alternative

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 237
There is an alternate approach to integration to the advised SharePoint CMIS integration explained in this topic. You can
also install and configure the SAP Jam SharePoint Connector on the SharePoint server. Both approaches require that
configuration steps be performed in both SharePoint and SAP Jam, although installation is simpler for the CMIS

The CMIS integration is more suitable for organizations using SharePoint as their document repository, and want
SharePoint documents to be available in SAP Jam to facilitate discussions as an enterprise social networking application.
Due to the suitability of CMIS integration, the SAP Jam SharePoint Connector is no longer actively developed.

To integrate SharePoint and SAP Jam using the SAP Jam SharePoint Connector, please contact your SAP Customer
Support representative and request the SAP Jam SharePoint Connector installer and the SAP Jam SharePoint Connector
Installation Guide.

Prepare for a SharePoint 2010 or 2013 integration

For SAP Jam to access your CMIS repository, internet access is required.

Common User authentication is used to access SharePoint document repositories. This means that all access
from SAP Jam to the external data source is made through an HTTP Basic authentication call using these
provided user credentials. It is recommended only if you wish to expose all of the data in the data source to all
SAP Jam users in your company. In other words, ensure that all the data exposed through the application can
be considered "public" within your company.

To ensure that the configuration of this access is secure, SAP strongly advises that you take the following

● Ensure that you use an HTTPS with TLS connection.

● Ensure that you Add a Trusted Certificate Authority [page 212] required to access the CMIS repository to
SAP Jam.
● Configure a reverse proxy to provide SAP Jam with access to your document repository, and to deny
access from other clients.

Your SharePoint farm administrator must set up at least one generic user account for SAP Jam to provide and
control access to SharePoint documents. This common user must be included in the Access Control Lists for
SharePoint document libraries, with read access rights. For SharePoint deployments behind the corporate
firewall, your IT department must open a port in your corporate firewall to enable this integration.

For SharePoint 2010, a CMIS-based integration with SAP Jam requires that the Microsoft CMIS Connector
must be installed. This is included in SharePoint 2013. Details for how to install the Microsoft CMIS Connector
in SharePoint 2010 are available at:

Register your SharePoint 2010 or 2013 application in SAP Jam

Create an External Application entry to register your SharePoint application with SAP Jam. This procedure
establishes a secure data connection between SAP Jam and your SharePoint application.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

238 PUBLIC Integrations
1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations External Applications from the left
navigation sidebar.
A catalog of the external applications that have been configured for your organization's SAP Jam instance.
2. Click Add Application and select SharePoint 2013 or SharePoint 2010 from the dropdown menu.

Add a SharePoint document repository form

3. In the Name text box, type in a meaningful name.
This name appears in the SAP Jam navigation and in other locations in SAP Jam.
4. In the User name text box, enter the user name of the common user account used to access the service on
behalf of all SAP Jam users.
5. In the Password text box, enter the password of the common user account t used to access the service on
behalf of all SAP Jam users.
6. In the Service Document URL text box, enter the URL for the site or site collection for the document
libraries that are to be integrated into SAP Jam.
○ For a SharePoint 2013 integration: In SharePoint 2013, you can use the getRepositories call to
obtain the unique IDs of repositories for a given SharePoint site, so the Service Document URL must be
in a form similar to: https://<host_domain>/_vti_bin/cmis/rest?getRepositories
○ For a SharePoint 2010 integration: Since SharePoint 2010 doesn't support getRepositories, the
repository ID must be embedded in the URL, so the Service Document URL must be in a form similar
to: https://<host_domain>/_vti_bin/cmis/rest/ab3c2eff-af65-4266-
To get the repository GUID for a SharePoint 2010 integration, go to Site Settings Site Library and
Lists in SharePoint, click the repository that you want, and note the GUID in the URL. This GUID must
be set in all lower case in the Service Document URL.

 Note

For a SharePoint 2010 integration, you can click the ellipsis button to open a dialog box that aids in
setting the URL in the correct format by presenting a componentized entry form.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 239
7. Administrative Area: Select the area in which you want this document repository to be available. The
default is "Company", making it available to all groups and areas.
8. Click Save.
On the External Applications page, the list of external applications now displays, including the external
application that you have just registered.

 Note

If your organization uses unrecognized or self-signed certificates for network access, or if you want to
ensure a more secure connection to your document repository, you must add a Trusted Certificate
Authority [page 212].

 Note

At this point, if you have any trouble establishing a connection between SAP Jam and your SharePoint
server, you should work through Troubleshoot CMIS Connections [page 265].

Register the SharePoint document libraries

Once you have completed the required configuration to access your SharePoint application from SAP Jam, you
must configure it by adding the specific document libraries that you want to access.

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations External Applications from the left side
The External Applications page displays.
2. Click Action beside the SharePoint repository application for which you want to add access to document
repositories and select Manage CMIS Repositories from the context menu.
The <CMIS_service>: CMIS Repositories screen displays.
3. Click Add Repository and select either Use Custom Setting or Select from List.
Depending on the control that you selected, one of the following dialog boxes displays:
○ The Add CMIS Repository text entry dialog box
○ The Add CMIS Repository list selection dialog box

The Add CMIS Repository or Document Library page

4. Set the document repository information by doing one of the following:
○ In the Add CMIS Repository text entry dialog box, enter the Name of the repository and the Repository

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

240 PUBLIC Integrations
○ The Name appears in the group navigation pane once group administrators set up access to a
given repository. Provide a name that users in your organization can recognize.
○ The Repository Id is found by navigating to the document repository, and looking at the browser
URL. The unique ID is found within the URL string.
CMIS is available on any on-premises SharePoint 2013 site only after the Content Management
Interoperability Services (CMIS) Producer feature is activated in the Manage Site Features section
of Site Settings.
For SharePoint 2010 integrations, navigate to Site Settings Site Library and Lists click the
repository you want, and note the GUID in the URL. Ensure that you use a lowercase version of the
GUID for the Repository Id.
○ In the Add CMIS Repository list selection dialog box, click the CMIS repository that you want to add.
The listed repositories are retrieved from the CMIS server base URL. Only the SharePoint 2013 option
displays multiple repositories.
5. Click Create.
The Add CMIS Repository dialog box closes, and the added repository appears in the CMIS Repositories

 Note

Next: Once you have completed the registration of the document repositories or libraries that you want to
be able to access from within SAP Jam, you can proceed to Federate SAP Jam Collaboration search results
into SharePoint searches [page 241].

If you do not choose to federate your search results, you can proceed to Access document repositories in
SAP Jam Collaboration groups [page 266].

6.5.2 Federate SAP Jam Collaboration search results into

SharePoint searches

It is possible to federate SAP Jam search results into OpenSearch-compliant search results. OpenSearch-
compliant document repositories include SharePoint 2010 and SharePoint 2013. This section documents the
procedures required to federate SAP Jam search results into Microsoft SharePoint. Note that these procedures
require administrator privileges on both the SAP Jam and SharePoint systems.

For more information on OpenSearch, see the OpenSearch web site .

 Note

Authentication of an OpenSearch client with SAP Jam is done through a company-wide, single user
username and password; therefore, only the company-wide information available in SAP Jam public groups
is available in the federated search results.

To federate SAP Jam search results into SharePoint searches, perform the three procedures explained in the
next topics.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 241 Create an OpenSearch client in SAP Jam

The first task in setting up federated search with your Microsoft SharePoint server is to create an OpenSearch
Client entry in SAP Jam.

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations OpenSearch Clients from the left side
The OpenSearch Clients section displays, showing a catalog of the existing OpenSearch Clients, one client
per row.
2. Click Add Client below the list of existing OpenSearch Clients.
A new row is added below the existing OpenSearch Clients. It contains a set of three text boxes.

OpenSearch Clients catalog

3. In the Description text box, enter a descriptive name for the client that you want to add, such as
"SharePoint 2010 Documents".
4. In the Password text box, enter the password that you want the SharePoint system to use to access the
SAP Jam OpenSearch data.
5. In the Confirm text box, re-enter the password that you entered in the previous step.
Record this password for later use.
6. Click Save.
The row with the new OpenSearch client information displays in the catalog with any existing OpenSearch
clients. A random string is generated for the username which displays in the Username column of the
OpenSearch Clients table.
7. Record the username string from the newly created OpenSearch client instance, along with the password
that you set for use in SharePoint.
8. Click Download .osdx and save the file on your local drive.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

242 PUBLIC Integrations
 Note

Next: You should now send the generated username, the password that you set, and the OSDX file that you
downloaded to SharePoint administrator. Your organization canConfigure SAP Jam Collaboration as a
federated search source in SharePoint [page 243]. Configure SAP Jam Collaboration as a federated

search source in SharePoint

An SAP Jam administrator must provide a SharePoint administrator with the following before configuration:

● A generated username to use in the email address for access to the SAP Jam service's OpenSearch data.
● The password for that user.
● An OSDX file to use in configuring the SAP Jam service as a source for OpenSearch federated searches.

To configure SAP Jam as a Federated Search source in SharePoint

1. On your SharePoint server, as an administrator, open the Central Administration Application

Management Manage Service Applications Search Service Application Federated Locations page.
The SharePoint Federated Locations page displays.

SharePoint Central Administration > Search Service Application > Manage Federated Locations
2. Click Import Location.
The SharePoint Import Federated Location page displays.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 243
SharePoint Central Administration > Search Service Application > Import Federated Location
3. Click Browse and navigate to where the file is located on your local drive, select it, and import it.
The OSDX configuration information populates the fields in the Federated Locations page.
4. In the Common – Basic Authentication section of the same page, enter the username that you received
from your SAP Jam administrator in the SAP Jam Common User field, and the password.
5. Add SAP Jam as a federated location within the admin UI for setting up SharePoint Search Centers.
6. SharePoint 2010 requires that you activate the CMIS feature on each document site that you connect to.
For each document site in which you want to implement federated search, go to Home Site Settings
Features and click Activate.

SharePoint Central Administration > Search Service > Federated Locations

 Note

Next: You must nowAdd the SAP Jam Collaboration security certificate to SharePoint [page 244]. Add the SAP Jam Collaboration security certificate

to SharePoint

The SharePoint administrator must import the SAP Jam security certificate into SharePoint.

1. In the browser that you use to access your SAP Jam service, view your certificates. Among the VeriSign
certificates, export the VeriSign Class 3 Secure Server CA -G3 certificate in DER encoded binary
X.509 format.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

244 PUBLIC Integrations
Export the SAP Jam VeriSign server certificate
2. On the SharePoint server, import the exported certificate file using the following SharePoint 2010
PowerShell command:

New-SPTrustedRootAuthority -Name "VeriSign" -Certificate


For more information, see .

3. Verify that SharePoint has successfully imported the security certificate by opening Central
Administration Security Manage Trust .
The VeriSign certificate should be listed.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 245
Verify the SAP Jam certificate in SharePoint

With this configuration complete, user searches in SharePoint will include results from SAP Jam.

6.5.3 Integrate Alfresco One 4.2

Prerequisite information for Alfresco One 4.2 integration

 Note

You must provide internet access to your CMIS repository for SAP Jam. To ensure that the configuration of
this access is secure, SAP strongly advises that you take the following precautions:

● Ensure that you use an HTTPS with TLS connection.

● Ensure that you Add a Trusted Certificate Authority [page 212] required to access the CMIS repository
to SAP Jam.
● Configure a reverse proxy to provide SAP Jam with access to your document repository, and to deny
access from other clients.

For an Alfresco One 4.2 integration, ensure that you have enabled the change log as documented in this topic.
Please refer to the Alfresco community CMIS page if you have any issues with your integration.

Register the external document repository application in SAP Jam

This procedure is the required first step in setting up a secure data connection with your external document

To create an External Application entry to register your external application with SAP Jam

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations External Applications from the left side
This initial page is a catalog of the external applications that have been configured for your organization's
SAP Jam instance.
2. Click Add Application and select the Alfresco One 4.2.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

246 PUBLIC Integrations
Add an Alfresco One 4.2 document repository form
3. In the Name text box, type in a meaningful name, such as one that names the external application and/or
its dedicated use.
This name will appear in the SAP Jam navigation sidebar and in other locations in SAP Jam, so it is
important to make it something recognizable.
4. Enter the User name and Password of the common user.
1. User name: This is the user name of the generic user account that will be used to access the service on
behalf of all SAP Jam users.
2. Password: This is the password of the generic user account that will be used to access the service on
behalf of all SAP Jam users.
With Common User authentication, all access from SAP Jam to the external data source is made through
an HTTP Basic authentication call using these provided user credentials. This is recommended only if you
wish to expose all of the data in the data source to all SAP Jam users in your company. In other words,
ensure that all the data exposed through the application can be considered "public" within your company.
5. Set the Service Document URL. This is the URL for the site or site collection that is housing the document
library or libraries that are to be integrated into SAP Jam. See the notes below. The Service Document URL
must be in a form similar to this: https://<host_domain>/alfresco/cmisatom
6. Administrative Area: Select the area in which you want this document repository to be available. The
default is "Company", which will make it available to all groups and areas.
7. Click Save.
You are returned to the External Applications page, where the list of external applications that have been
added displays, now including the external application that you have just registered.

 Note

If your organization uses unrecognized or self-signed certificates for network access, or if you want to
ensure a more secure connection to your document repository, you must add a Trusted Certificate
Authority [page 212].

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 247
 Note

At this point, if you have any trouble establishing a connection between SAP Jam and your SharePoint
server, you should work through the procedure Troubleshoot CMIS Connections [page 265].

Register the external document repositories or libraries

Once you have completed the required configuration to access your external application from SAP Jam, you
need to further configure it by adding the document repositories or document libraries, which are the specific
sections of content that you want to access.

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Admin External Applications from the left navigation
The External Applications page displays.
2. Click on Action beside the Alfresco One 4.2 application for which you want to add access to document
repositories and select Manage CMIS Repositories from the context menu.
The <CMIS_service>: CMIS Repositories screen displays for that application.
3. Click Add Repository and select either Use Custom Setting or Select from List.
Depending on the control that you selected, one of the following dialog boxes displays:
○ The Add CMIS Repository text entry dialog box
○ The Add CMIS Repository list selection dialog box

The Add CMIS Repository or Document Library page

4. Set the document repository information by doing one of the following:
○ In the Add CMIS Repository text entry dialog box, enter the Name of the repository and the Repository
○ The Name is the name that will appear in the group navigation pane once group administrators set
up access to a given repository, so make this a name that will be recognized by users in your
○ The Repository ID is found by navigating to the document repository, and looking at the browser
URL. The unique ID is found within the URL string.
○ In the Add CMIS Repository list selection dialog box, click the CMIS repository that you want to add.
The listed repositories are retrieved from the CMIS server's base URL. Only the SharePoint 2013 option
will display multiple repositories.
5. Click Create.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

248 PUBLIC Integrations
The Add CMIS Repository dialog box will close, and the added repository will appear in the CMIS
Repositories page.

 Note

Next: Once you have completed the registration of the document repositories or libraries that you want to
be able to access from within SAP Jam, you can proceed to Access document repositories in SAP Jam
Collaboration groups [page 266].

6.5.4 Integrate SAP Extended ECM by OpenText

Prepare for an SAP Extended ECM by OpenText integration


The following software, versions, and components must be installed to integrate SAP Enterprise Content
Management document repositories with SAP Jam.

● Must be on a Windows or Linux based server.

● Must have Oracle or SQLServer installed.
● Must be SAP Extended ECM by OpenText 10.5, with the following components installed:
○ Deployment Scenarios
○ Content Server
○ Directory Services
○ Client Software
○ Additional Product Groups
○ Services Enterprise Library Server

 Note

You must provide internet access to your CMIS repository for SAP Jam. To ensure that the configuration of
this access is secure, SAP strongly advises that you take the following precautions:

● Ensure that you use an HTTPS with TLS connection.

● Ensure that you Add a Trusted Certificate Authority [page 212] required to access the CMIS repository
to SAP Jam.
● Configure a reverse proxy to provide SAP Jam with access to your document repository, and to deny
access from other clients.

 Note

Known Issue: Even a correct installation returns an HTTP 500 Status Message unless the required patches
are installed. The following procedure guides you through the steps required to correct this issue.

Install the required patches and make the required configuration changes:

1. Download the required patch bundle.

Download Update Installer 10.5.0 - 2014.2. Revision 1050.2014.02.37 .

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 249
2. Install the patch.
Follow the instructions at
html/patchupdate-inst.htm , as the patch bundle requires you to change the Content Server connection
settings in the Archive Server configuration.
3. Run localhost/OTCS/cs.exe and follow the prompts.
4. Create a database user and database if required.
5. Connect the Content Server to the database.
6. After logging into the Content Server, install the Enterprise Library in Content Server Administrator
Install Modules .
7. Change the Member Service WSDL and Authentication Service WSDL in the OpenText Administration
Client from "localhost" to the IP address of the server.
8. Open Directory Services Resources .
1. Right-click on Content Server and select Edit.
2. Click Next twice, and ensure that the URLs use IP address instead of localhost.
9. Enable SSL for the OTCS endpoint and Tomcat.

 Note

OpenText's implementation of CMIS has the following restrictions:

● Only exact file name matches are supported in searches.

● Search results may not be up-to-date. Results are only updated when the OpenText search indexing job
is run, which is controlled by the OpenText administrator.

Register the external document repository application in SAP Jam

Create an External Application entry to register your external application with SAP Jam. This procedure is the
required first step in setting up a secure data connection with your external document repository.

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations External Applications from the left side
This initial page is a catalog of the external applications that have been configured for your SAP Jam
2. Click Add Application and select SAP Extended ECM by OpenText from the dropdown menu.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

250 PUBLIC Integrations
Add an SAP Extended ECM by OpenText document repository form
3. In the Name text box, type in a meaningful name, such as one that names the external application or its
dedicated use.
This name appears in the SAP Jam navigation and in other locations in SAP Jam.
4. Enter the User name and Password of the common user.
1. User name:User name of the generic user account used to access the service on behalf of all SAP Jam
2. Password:Password of the generic user account used to access the service on behalf of all SAP Jam
With Common User authentication, all access from SAP Jam to the external data source is made through
an HTTP Basic authentication call using these provided user credentials. This is recommended only if you
wish to expose all of the data in the data source to all SAP Jam users in your company. In other words,
ensure that all the data exposed through the application can be considered "public" within your company.
5. Set the Service Document URL. This is the URL for the site or site collection that is housing the document
library or libraries that are to be integrated into SAP Jam.
6. Administrative Area: Select the area in which you want this document repository to be available. The
default is "Company", which makes it available to all groups and areas.
7. Click Save.
You are returned to the External Applications page, where the list of external applications that have been
added is displayed, now including the external application that you have just registered.

 Note

If your organization uses unrecognized or self-signed certificates for network access, or if you want to
ensure a more secure connection to your document repository, you must add a Trusted Certificate
Authority [page 212].

 Note

At this point, if you have any trouble establishing a connection between SAP Jam and your SharePoint
server, you should work through the procedure Troubleshoot CMIS Connections [page 265].

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 251
Register the external document repositories or libraries

Once you have completed the required configuration to access your external application from SAP Jam, you
need to further configure it by adding the document repositories or document libraries, which are the specific
sections of content that you want to access.

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Integrations External Applications from the left side
2. Click on Action beside the SAP Extended ECM by OpenText application for which you want to add access to
document repositories and select Manage CMIS Repositories from the menu.
The <CMIS_service>: CMIS Repositories screen displays.
3. Click Add Repository and select either Use Custom Setting or Select from List.
Depending on the control that you selected, one of the following dialog boxes displays:
○ The Add CMIS Repository text entry dialog box
○ The Add CMIS Repository list selection dialog box

The Add CMIS Repository or Document Library page

4. Set the document repository or library information by doing one of the following:
○ In the Add CMIS Repository text entry dialog box, enter the Name of the repository and the Repository
○ The Name is the name that will appear in the group navigation pane once group administrators set
up access to a given repository, so make this a name that will be recognized by users in your
○ The Repository Id is found by navigating to the document repository, and looking at the browser
URL. The unique ID is found within the URL string.
CMIS is available on any on-premises SharePoint 2013 site only after the Content Management
Interoperability Services (CMIS) Producer feature is activated in the Manage Site Features section
of Site Settings.
○ In the Add CMIS Repository list selection dialog box, click the CMIS repository that you want to add.
The listed repositories are retrieved from the CMIS server's base URL. Only the SharePoint 2013 option
will display multiple repositories.
5. Click Create.
The Add CMIS Repository dialog box will close, and the added repository will appear in the CMIS
Repositories page.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

252 PUBLIC Integrations
 Note

Next: Once you have completed the registration of the document repositories or libraries that you want to
be able to access from within SAP Jam, you can go to Access document repositories in SAP Jam
Collaboration groups [page 266].

6.5.5 Integrate Office 365 SharePoint Sites

Prepare for an Office 365 SharePoint Sites integration

This procedure involves configuring access to SAP Jam Collaboration in Microsoft Azure.

1. As your organization's Microsoft Azure administrator, log in to your Microsoft Azure account.
2. Ensure that your Microsoft Office 365 Tenant is added as a Directory in your Microsoft Azure account.
3. Under the Active Directory tab, click on your linked Microsoft Office 365 directory, click on Applications,
and click Add.
A dialog box displays.

"What do you want to do?" dialog box

4. Click Add an application my organization is developing.
The second screen of the dialog box displays.
5. Enter the name of your application, select Web Application and/or Web API, and click the right-pointing
arrow to continue.
The third screen of the dialog box displays.
6. In both the Sign-On URL and the APP ID URI fields, enter the URL of your SAP Jam service, and click the
check mark in the lower-right corner of the dialog box.

App Properties dialog box

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 253
Your client application is created.
7. Click Configure, and in the configuration options set the following values:
1. In the keys section, create a new key and set the desired duration (1 or 2 years). You will be able to
update the key at any time.

"keys" configuration
2. In the single sign-on section, enter the APP ID URL, which is the base URL for your SAP Jam server, and
enter the REPLY URL, which must be in the form https://<jam_service_domain_name>/

"single sign-on" configuration

3. In the permissions to other applications section, set the following:
○ For Windows Azure Active Directory, select the Enable sign-on and read users' profiles (preview)
option in the Delegated Permissions drop-down menu.

"Permissions to other applications" configuration: Delegated Permissions options

○ In the next row, add Office 365 SharePoint Online as the application, and select the Read items in all
site collections (preview) and the Read users' files (preview) options in the Delegated Permissions
drop-down menu.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

254 PUBLIC Integrations
"Permissions to other applications" configuration: more Delegated Permissions options
4. In the bar at the bottom of the screen, click the Save icon.
When you save, the key value is displayed in the keys section.

 Note

This is the ONLY TIME that the authorization key will be displayed, so you must copy it and save it
as it will be required later in your SAP Jam configuration.

8. Save the Client ID string, and save the authorization key that displays in the keys section of the
configuration screen.
These strings must be entered in your SAP Jam configuration for access to your Office 365 SharePoint
Online Sites.

Register the external document repository application in SAP Jam

Create an External Application entry to register your external application with SAP Jam. This procedure is the
required first step in setting up a secure data connection with your external document repository.

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integraions External Applications from the left
navigation sidebar.
The External Applications page displays.
This initial page is a catalog of the external applications that have been configured for your organization's
SAP Jam instance.
2. Click Add Application and select Microsoft Office 365 from the drop-down menu.
The form for adding a new external application displays.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 255
The Add Microsoft Office 365 document repository page
3. In the Name text box, type in a meaningful name, such as one that names the external application and/or
its dedicated use.
This name will appear in the SAP Jam navigation sidebar and in other locations in SAP Jam, so it is
important to make it something recognizable.
4. Set the following options:
○ Top-Level Site URL This is your organization's SharePoint server's base URL. This must be in the form
of one of the following:


○ OAuth 2.0 Client Id This is the string from the Client ID field in your Microsoft Azure configuration.
○ Secret This is the value that was displayed in the keys section when you saved your Microsoft Azure
5. Administrative Area: Select the area in which you want this document repository to be available. The
default is "Company", which will make it available to all groups and areas.
6. Click Save.
You are returned to the External Applications page, where the list of external applications that have been
added is displayed, now including the external application that you have just registered.

Register the external document libraries

Once you have completed the required configuration to access your Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint sites from
SAP Jam, you need to further configure it by adding the document libraries, which are specific folders of

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations External Applications from the left
navigation sidebar.
The External Applications page displays.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

256 PUBLIC Integrations
2. Click on Action beside the Microsoft Office 365 application for which you want to add access to document
libraries and select Manage Document Libraries from the context menu.
3. Follow the on-screen instructions from Microsoft to allow SAP Jam Collaboration to access the Office 365
The <Office365_service>: Document Libraries screen appears when access is granted.
4. Click Add Document Library.
The Add Document Library dialog box displays.

The Add Document Library dialog box

5. Set the Name, which is the name that will appear in the group navigation pane once group administrators
set up access to a given repository, so make this a name that will be recognized by users in your
6. Set the Document Library URL, which is found by navigating to the document library, and looking at the
browser URL.
As for the Microsoft Office 365 application, this URL must be in the form of one of the following:


7. Click Create.
The Add Document Library dialog box will close, and the added library will appear in the Document Libraries

 Note

Next: If your organization uses unrecognized or self-signed certificates for network access, or if you want to
ensure a more secure connection to your document repository, you must now add a Trusted Certificate
Authority [page 212], or you can proceed to Access Office 365 Online Sites [page 267].

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 257
6.5.6 Integrate SAP Document Center

Prepare for an SAP Document Center integration

To integrate SAP Document Center into SAP Jam

1. Configure trust between SAP BTP (hosting SAP Document Center) and SuccessFactors IDP by performing
the procedures described in the SAP Cloud Platform, Extension Package for SuccessFactors
Implementation Guide.
2. As an SAP Jam administrator, access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations SAML Local
Identity Provider from the left navigation sidebar.
The SAML Local Identity Provider page displays.
3. If the X509 Certificate field is empty, click Generate Key Pair near the bottom of the page.
The key pair is generated. Click Save to store the generated keys for persistent use.
4. Copy the contents of both the Issuer field and the X509 Certificate field to add this information in the SAP
BTP configuration.
5. Log in to the SAP BTP Cockpit, and select Trust in the left navigation menu.
The Trust Management page displays.

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258 PUBLIC Integrations
The SAP BTP Cockpit, Trust Management page
6. Ensure that the Principal Propagation option is set to Enabled.
7. Click on the Trusted Identity Provider tab.
The Manage Trust Relationships and Federation Settings page displays.

The SAP BTP Cockpit, Trust Identity Provider tab

8. Click Add Trusted Identity Provider.
The Add Trusted Identity Provider form is displayed.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 259
The SAP BTP Cockpit, Add Trusted Identity Provider form
9. In this form, do the following:
○ In the Name field, paste in the data that you copied from the Issuer field of the SAP Jam SAML Local
Identity Provider page.
○ Set the "Assertion Consumer Service" field to "Application Root".
○ In the Single Sign-on URL field, enter the URL of your SAP Jam service's SAML service, which should
be in the form https://<jam#> where <jam#> is the name of your
SAP Jam data center.
○ Set the Single Sign-on Binding field to HTTP-POST.
○ Set the Signature Algorithm field to SHA-1.
○ In the Signing Certificate field, paste in the data that you copied from the X509 Certificate field of the
SAP Jam SAML Local Identity Provider page.
○ Set the User ID Source field to subject.
○ Select the Enabled check box.
○ When you have all the fields set as required, click Save.
Do not set this new trusted IDP as the default. The default IDP should be the SuccessFactors Identity
Provider (IDP) system which is used for login.

Register the external document repository application in SAP Jam

Create an External Application entry to register your external application with SAP Jam. This procedure is the
required first step in setting up a secure data connection with your external document repository.

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations External Applications from the left
navigation sidebar.

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260 PUBLIC Integrations
The External Applications page displays.
This initial page is a catalog of the external applications that have been configured for your organization's
SAP Jam instance.
2. Click Add Application and select SAP Document Center from the drop-down menu.
The form for adding a new external application displays.
3. In the Name text box, type in a meaningful name, such as one that names the external application and/or
its dedicated use.
This name will appear in the SAP Jam navigation sidebar and in other locations in SAP Jam, so it is
important to make it something recognizable.
4. Set the Service Document URL. This is the URL for the site or site collection that is housing the document
library or libraries that are to be integrated into SAP Jam.
5. Administrative Area: Select the area in which you want this document repository to be available. The
default is "Company", which will make it available to all groups and areas.
6. Click Save.
You are returned to the External Applications page, where the list of external applications that have been
added is displayed, now including the external application that you have just registered.

 Note

If your organization uses unrecognized or self-signed certificates for network access, or if you want to
ensure a more secure connection to your document repository, you must add a Trusted Certificate
Authority [page 212].

 Note

At this point, if you have any trouble establishing a connection between SAP Jam and your SharePoint
server, you should work through the procedure Troubleshoot CMIS Connections [page 265].

Register the external document repositories or libraries

Once you have completed the required configuration to access your external application from SAP Jam, you
need to further configure it by adding the document repositories or document libraries, which are the specific
sections of content that you want to access.

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations External Applications from the left
navigation sidebar.
The External Applications page displays.
2. Click on Action beside the SAP Document Center application for which you want to add access to
document repositories and select either Manage CMIS Repositories from the context menu.
The <CMIS_service>: CMIS Repositories screen displays for that application.
3. Click Add Repository and select either Use Custom Setting or Select from List.
Depending on the control that you selected, one of the following dialog boxes displays:
○ The Add CMIS Repository text entry dialog box
○ The Add CMIS Repository list selection dialog box

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 261
The Add CMIS Repository or Document Library page
4. Set the document repository or library information by doing one of the following:
○ In the Add CMIS Repository text entry dialog box, enter the Name of the repository and the Repository
○ The Name is the name that will appear in the group navigation pane once group administrators set
up access to a given repository, so make this a name that will be recognized by users in your
○ The Repository Id is found by navigating to the document repository, and looking at the browser
URL. The unique ID is found within the URL string.
○ In the Add CMIS Repository list selection dialog box, click the CMIS repository that you want to add.
The listed repositories are retrieved from the CMIS server's base URL. Only the SharePoint 2013 option
will display multiple repositories.
5. Click Create.
The Add CMIS Repository dialog box will close, and the added repository will appear in the CMIS
Repositories page.

 Note

Next: Once you have completed the registration of the document repositories or libraries that you want to
be able to access from within SAP Jam, you can proceed to Access document repositories in SAP Jam
Collaboration groups [page 266].

6.5.7 Integrate Box

Box documents in integrated repositories can be viewed, commented on (with or without highlighting), or
downloaded. Other Box features, such as providing a direct link to a document, setting a link expiration, or
emailing a link to another user, are not available.

Create an External Application entry to register your Box account with SAP Jam Collaboration.

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations External Applications from the left
navigation sidebar.
The External Applications page displays.
This initial page is a catalog of the external applications that have been configured for your organization's
SAP Jam instance.

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262 PUBLIC Integrations
2. Click Add Application and select Box from the drop-down menu.
The form for adding a new external application displays.

Add a Box document repository form

3. In the Name text box, type in a meaningful name, such as one that names the external application. This
name displays in the Company Admin External Integration list only. On the group navigation, regardless of
the name entered, it will appear as "Box".
4. Optionally, select any of the following options:
○ Use custom credential: Select this option if you choose to use your organization own pre-existing Box
account. If you do not select this option, SAP Jam will connect to Box with a system default client ID
and secret.
○ OAuth 2.0 Client Id This is the client_id field from your company's Box account configuration.
○ Secret This is the client_secret field from your company's Box account configuration.
○ Administrative Area: Select the administrative area to which you want to restrict the availability of this
document repository. The default is "Company", which will make it available to all groups and areas.
○ On the site, you may need to enter a redirect URL in the redirect uri field: https://
5. Click Save.
You are returned to the External Applications page, where the list of external applications that have been
added is displayed, now including the external application that you have just registered.

 Note

If your organization uses unrecognized or self-signed certificates for network access, or if you want to
ensure a more secure connection to your document repository, you must add a Trusted Certificate
Authority [page 212].

Note that Box integrations do not require you to register document repositories, so you can proceed
directory to Access document repositories in SAP Jam Collaboration groups [page 266].

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 263
The search filter for documents is unavailable with this integration.

6.5.8 Integrate Google Drive

Prepare for a Google Drive integration

 Note

Note that only one Google Drive can be integrated into SAP Jam Collaboration per company.

To integrate Google Drive, do the following:

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations External Applications from the left
navigation sidebar.
The External Applications page displays.
This initial page is a catalog of the external applications that have been configured for your organization's
SAP Jam Collaboration instance.
2. Click Add Application and select Google Drive from the drop-down menu.
The form for integrating access to a Google Drive account displays.

Add a Google Drive document repository form

3. In the Name text box, type in a meaningful name.
This name will appear in the SAP Jam Collaboration navigation sidebar and in other locations in SAP Jam
Collaboration, so it is important to make it something recognizable.
4. Optionally, select Use custom credential.

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264 PUBLIC Integrations
This option allows you to integrate your organization's existing Google Drive account. If you do not select
this option, you will integrate the default SAP Jam account registered with Google, using a system default
client ID and secret. If you do select this option, you must fill in the following two fields:
○ OAuth 2.0 Client Id: This is the client_id field that you used to create your existing Google Drive
○ Secret: This is the client_secret that was provided when you created your existing Google Drive
5. Administrative Area: Select the area in which you want this document repository to be available. The
default is "Company", which will make it available to all groups and areas.
6. Click Save.
You are returned to the External Applications page, where the list of external applications that have been
added displays, now including the Google Drive account that you just registered.

 Note

If your organization uses unrecognized or self-signed certificates for network access, or if you want to
ensure a more secure connection to your document repository, you must add a Trusted Certificate
Authority [page 212].

Note that Box integrations do not require you to register document repositories, so you can proceed
directly to Access document repositories in SAP Jam Collaboration groups [page 266].

6.5.9 Troubleshoot CMIS Connections

The most common problem in establishing a connection between SAP Jam Collaboration and a CMIS
document repository involves Transport Layer Security (TLS, a.k.a. SSL) public key certificates. This procedure
describes how to identify this problem, and how to resolve it even if the optimum solution is not possible.

1. Download the open source tool to analyze your connection by going to
download.html .
Click Download beside OpenCMIS Workbench.
2. Install OpenCMIS Workbench and run it using the Service Document URL, User name, and Password that
you set in the previous procedure.
Form more information on using Apache's OpenCMIS Workbench, see Connecting to a repository in the
Apache site documentation.
3. When the Workbench establishes a connection, click on the repository that you want to view in the Load
Repositories area, and click Login.
The CMIS Workbench information for the selected repository displays, as is shown in the following

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Integrations PUBLIC 265
OpenCMIS Workbench
4. Find the reason that your connection is failing.
○ If the failure is due to NTLM authentication being required, note that SAP Jam only supports BASIC
○ If the failure is due to an unrecognized TLS public key certificate being used by your document
repository application, note that by default SAP Jam only supports certificates from recognized
Certificate Authorities.
○ If your organization requires the use of unrecognized, self-signed certificates, then you must Add a
Trusted Certificate Authority [page 212].

6.5.10 Access document repositories in SAP Jam

Collaboration groups

Once you have properly registered your external application and registered your document repositories or
libraries for SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010, Alfresco One 4.2, SAP Extended ECM by OpenText, SAP
Document Center, or Box (Box doesn't require that you registered document repositories) in SAP Jam you
must configure SAP Jam groups to access that external content from within SAP Jam groups.

To configure access to a document repository or library from within an SAP Jam group:

1. As a group administrator, from within the group in which you want to add access to a document library or
repository, click Group Admin and select Edit Group from the drop-down menu.
The Edit Group page displays.
2. In the Edit Group page, select the Setup tab.
3. Scroll down to the section for your SharePoint 2013, SharePoint 2010, Alfresco One 4.2, SAP Extended
ECM by OpenText, SAP Document Center, or Box service and click Add External Folder.
An Add External Folder dialog box displays.
4. In the Add External Folder dialog box, click Select a Repository, and select the document repository or
library that you want to add access to from the drop-down menu.
A second drop-down menu displays.

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266 PUBLIC Integrations
5. From the secondary drop-down menu, select the document repository folder that you want to have access
to from within your SAP Jam group, and click Add.
The Add External Folder dialog box is closed, and you return to the Edit Group page.
6. At the bottom of the Edit Group page, click Save changes.
You are returned to the group overview page, and the document repository that you configured access to is
displayed in the left navigation sidebar with the title of SAP Extended ECM by OpenText, SharePoint 2013,
SharePoint 2010, or Alfresco One 4.2. Note that the above procedure can be repeated to add access to as
many repository folders as you want to have access to.

Your Document Repository access configuration is now complete. Users can click on the <repository_name>
option in the left navigation sidebar, which will display a list of the available document repositories. While this
access is "read-only", user can comment on, annotate, and like the documents. Also, you can easily copy the
displayed document repositories to other groups.

6.5.11 Access Office 365 Online Sites

To configure access to an Office 365 SharePoint Online Sites document library from within an SAP Jam group,
access to Office 365 SharePoint Online Sites document libraries must first have been configured in the SAP
Jam Collaboration Admin console's Integrations External Applications page.

1. As a group administrator, from within the group in which you want to add access to an Office 365
SharePoint Online Sites document library, click Group Admin and select Edit from the drop-down menu.
The Edit Group page displays.
2. In the Edit Group page, select the Setup tab.
3. Scroll down to the section for your Office 365 SharePoint Online Sites service and click Add External Folder.
An Add External Folder dialog box displays.
4. In the Add External Folder dialog box, click Select a Document Library, and select the document library that
you want to add access to in the group from the drop-down menu.
A second drop-down menu displays.
5. From the secondary drop-down menu, select the document library folder that you want to have access to
in your SAP Jam group, and click Add.

Add External Folder dialog box

The Add External Folder dialog box is closed, and you return to the Edit Group page.
6. At the bottom of the Edit Group page, click Save changes.
You are returned to the group overview page, and the document library that you configured access to
appears in the left navigation sidebar with the title of Microsoft Office 365. Note that the above procedure
can be repeated to add access to as many document library folders as you want to have access to,
although each of these must be added separately.

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Integrations PUBLIC 267
 Note

Ensure that your Internet Explorer users have added the following sites to their list of Trusted Sites:


To do this, have your users follow the Add or remove a site from a security zone instruction in the Security
zones part of the page
settings#ie=ie-11 , in the Trusted sites option in the Security tab.

Your Microsoft Office 365 SharePoint Online Sites Document Library access configuration is now complete.
Users can click on the Microsoft Office 365 option in the menu navigation, which will display a list of the
available Microsoft Office 365 document repositories. While this is "read-only" access, user can comment on,
annotate, and like the documents. Also, you can easily copy the displayed document repositories to other

 Note

The search filter is unavailable.

6.6 OpenSocial Gadgets

OpenSocial gadgets provide a mechanism to extend the ability to interact with any software or service.

SAP Jam provides access to pre-built, third-party OpenSocial gadgets that are ready to use by simply enabling
them. You can also download some existing OpenSocial gadgets from the SAP Jam Sample Code GitHub
site's OpenSocial Gadgets section. There is also support for your organization to develop your own
OpenSocial gadgets, and to make those available to your SAP Jam users. If you choose to develop your own
OpenSocial gadget, please see the SAP Jam OpenSocial Gadgets section of the SAP Jam Developer Guide for
information on developing an OpenSocial gadget. For information on how to add, enable, and manage
OpenSocial gadgets, please see the following:

● Import an OpenSocial gadget configuration [page 268] explains how to upload a gadget configuration file.
● Add an OpenSocial gadget [page 269] explains how to register a gadget that does not have a configuration
● Enable an OpenSocial gadget [page 274] explains the various ways in which you can enable a gadget and it
provides An explanation of the warning that is displayed when you first enable a particular OpenSocial
gadget [page 274].
● Manage OpenSocial gadgets [page 275] explains how to view, edit, or delete an OpenSocial gadget.

Import an OpenSocial gadget configuration

You can upload a gadget configuration file for any OpenSocial gadget that you download from the SAP Jam
Sample Code GitHub site's OpenSocial Gadgets section. Gadget configuration files are the files that you
get when you click on Export Gadget Configuration in a gadget's administration page.

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268 PUBLIC Integrations
To import an OpenSocial gadget's configuration file

1. From the Integrations OpenSocial Gadgets page, click Import Gadget Configuration near the top of
the page.
Your browser will open a file upload dialog box.
2. Navigate to the configuration file on your device and upload it.
After importing the file, the Register OpenSocial Gadget page displays with the file's configuration
information shown in the form.
3. Change the existing settings or fill in any missing settings as required and click Save.
You are returned to the OpenSocial Gadgets page, with the gadget that you registered listed in the catalog.

Add an OpenSocial gadget

For OpenSocial gadgets that you have developed within your own organization, you must fill in the Register
OpenSocial Gadget form, as described in the following:

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations OpenSocial Gadgets from the left
navigation sidebar.
The OpenSocial Gadgets page displays.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 269
OpenSocial Gadgets catalog
2. Click Add Gadget at the upper right corner of the page.
The Register OpenSocial Gadget page displays.

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270 PUBLIC Integrations
The Register OpenSocial Gadget form
3. In the URL field, enter the URL of the OpenSocial gadget that you want to register.
4. Optionally, select the Enabled checkbox to have the gadget immediately available.
The gadget can be enabled at any time, but be certain that you are aware of implications of doing so before
you enable it. This information is shown in the note in the procedure To enable an OpenSocial gadget [page
5. From the Context drop-down menu, select either:
○ Content to have the gadget appear as an addable option in the Content area of SAP Jam groups.
○ Profile to have the gadget appear in the Product Setup > Custom Profile [page 140] page, where you
can configure where it will appear in your users' profile pages.
6. Optionally, to configure access to the data stores for personalized data for the gadget, you can enter a list
of parameters in the Search Paths field.
These parameters allow you to descend into the AppData pool and the public_wave pool JSON data
structures. Search parameters can be space- or comma-delimited, and wildcards can be set on the JSON
keys. For example:
○ a — This example searches for all data within a keys.
○ a.b — This example searches for all data within b keys that are within a keys.
○ a.b* — This example uses * as a wildcard to search for all data within keys that start with b (using the *
wildcard) that are within a keys.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 271
○ a.b* c.d — This example uses a space delimiter to provide two search paths. The first search path
(a.b*) searches for all data within keys that start with b that are within a keys. The second search path
searches for all data within c keys that are within d keys.
○ a.b*,c.d — This example uses a comma delimiter rather the space delimiter used in the previous
example; otherwise, it performs the same searches as the previous example.
7. Optionally, to enable access to the gadget and its displayed data using OAuth 1.0a, click Add Service
Configuration in the OAuth 1.0a Service Configurations section.
An Add Service Configuration dialog box displays.

In the OAuth 1.0a Add Service Configuration dialog box, set the following:
○ In the Service Name text box, enter the
service name for your OAuth 1.0a service.
○ In the Consumer Key text box, enter the
consumer key for your OAuth 1.0a serv­
○ In the Consumer Secret text box, enter
the consumer secret for your OAuth 1.0a
○ From the Signature Method drop-down
menu, select the consumer secret for
your OAuth 1.0a service.
○ Click OK to save these options, or click
Cancel to abandon them.
You are returned to the OpenSocial
Gadgets page.

8. Optionally, to enable access to the gadget and its displayed data using OAuth 2.0, click Add Service
Configuration in the OAuth 2.0 Service Configurations section.
An Add Service Configuration dialog box displays.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

272 PUBLIC Integrations
In the OAuth 2.0 Add Service Configuration dialog box, set the following:
○ In the Service Name text box, enter the
service name for your OAuth 2.0 service.
○ In the Client Id text box, enter the client
ID for your OAuth 2.0 service.
○ In the Client Secret text box, enter the
consumer secret for your OAuth 2.0 serv­
○ Select the authorization Grant Type that
you want to use.
○ If you chose the SAML 2.0 Bearer
Assertion, then you must also select the
SAML 2.0 Assertion Audience.
○ Click OK to save these options, or click
Cancel to abandon them.
You are returned to the OpenSocial
Gadgets page.

9. From the Administrative Area drop-down menu, select the administrative area in which you want this
gadget to be available. If you choose a specific area, the gadget will only be available for use in the groups in
that area. If you choose "Company", the gadget will be available for use in all of the groups in your
10. From the Choose Display Language drop-down menu, select the language that you want used in the
OpenSocial gadget.
11. At any time after you have entered the URL for the gadget, you can click Refresh beside Gadget Information
to view important information about the gadget and to see a preview of the gadget.
12. When all of the above settings are complete and to your satisfaction, click Save to register the OpenSocial
gadget for use in SAP Jam.
You are returned to the OpenSocial Gadgets page, with the gadget that you registered listed in the Custom
Gadgets tab's catalog.

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Integrations PUBLIC 273
Enable an OpenSocial gadget

You can enable an OpenSocial gadget for use by the members of your organization's SAP Jam Collaboration
instance in several ways:

You can enable an OpenSocial gadget in the following ways:

● Turn on the Enabled switch in the row for the gadget in

the Third Party Gadgets tab.
● Turn on the Enabled switch in the row for the gadget in
the Custom Gadgets tab.
● Select the Enabled option in the Register OpenSocial
Gadget page.
● Turn on the Enabled switch in the View gadget page.

The first time that you enable a particular OpenSocial gadget in your SAP Jam Collaboration instance, the
confirmation dialog box shown above will display. See the note below for an explanation of the warning about
the profile data that will be made available to the gadget vendor.

 Note

For any OpenSocial gadget, there may be risks involved in the exposure of data to external sources. Any
data that is stored for use in the operation of the gadget in an external data store will be available to that
external user or organization. For example, marking a location on a Google Map stores the data related to
that marker that can be accessed by Google. Similarly, if a third-party survey gadget is added, the
organization that provided the gadget will have access to the responses to the survey.

Also, certain personal data can be exposed, such as:

● The user's first and last name

● The user's email address
● The user's thumbnail image or avatar

The scope of this personal information depends on the context of the gadget, specifically:

● Content gadgets: can expose data on all members of the group to which they have been added.
● Profile gadgets: can expose data on all members that the user who has added the gadget is following.

Please consider the security implications of this data exposure for any OpenSocial gadget that you add to
SAP Jam Collaboration.

Enable the Gadget to Request Participant Information

If you want the gadget to display participant information, select the Participants Enabled checkbox in the row
for the gadget. If this setting is enabled, the gadget requests profile data of the users whenever it is loaded.

If no participant information is required for the gadget, we recommend to leave the Participants Enabled
checkbox empty or to deselect this setting because this helps to improve the performance of SAP Jam.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

274 PUBLIC Integrations
Enable an OpenSocial URL gadget

The SAP Jam OpenSocial URL gadget enables users to include embeddable external web pages in group
overview pages or custom home pages.

To enable an OpenSocial URL gadget

1. On the OpenSocial Gadgets page, click the SAP Gadgets tab.

2. Click the toggle to enable it. This gives the page designer of the group overview page or custom home page
the ability to include a secure URL within a widget on a SAP Jam page.

 Note

The URL or web page iframe info must be embeddable. Ensure that you test the URL or web page
iframe to see if it can be embedded.

3. Click View below the toggle to set these parameters:

○ Web address: Enter a secure URL beginning with https.
○ Height (in pixels): Enter the pixel height for rendering the web page. For best results, test the pixel size
that best fits the page you want to embed.
○ Enable or disable plugins/scripts to run within the URL gadget.
○ Enable or disable “automatically load content of URL gadget” on the SAP Jam page that it’s hosted on.
○ Allow plugins to run with extension (e.g., Java applets, etc.)
○ Automatically load contents of extension.
4. Click Save to render the link.

Manage OpenSocial gadgets

To view the configuration of a gadget

To view the configuration of either a "Third Party Gadget" or a "Custom Gadget"

1. In either tab of the OpenSocial Gadgets page, click View on the row for the OpenSocial gadget whose
configuration information you want to see.
An OpenSocial Gadget: <gadget_name> page displays.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 275
An OpenSocial Gadget view page

Note that the gadget information and preview sections are not shown.
2. Optionally, to edit the gadget's configuration, click Edit near the top of the page.
3. Optionally, to exit the View page, click OpenSocial Gadgets near the top of the page.
You are returned to the OpenSocial Gadgets page.
4. Note that you can Enable the gadget from this page. If you chose to do so, ensure you understand the
implications of doing so [page 274] before you do.

To modify the configuration of a gadget

 Note

You cannot modify Third Party Gadgets.

You can edit a "Custom Gadget" by doing the following:

1. In the Integrations OpenSocial Gadgets page, click on the Custom Gadgets tab.
The OpenSocial Gadgets Custom Gadgets tab displays.
2. Find the custom gadget that you want to modify and click Edit on the row for that gadget to modify its
The Edit OpenSocial Gadget page displays.

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276 PUBLIC Integrations
Edit an OpenSocial Gadget configuration

The Edit page is effectively identical to the Register OpenSocial Gadget page (so you can perform most of
the steps in To add an OpenSocial gadget [page 269]), although you cannot modify the Context once it is
3. Make whatever changes are required.
4. Click Save to save your changes.
You are returned to the OpenSocial Gadgets page, with the modified OpenSocial Gadget that you just
edited listed in the catalog.

To delete a Custom Gadget

Note that you cannot delete Third Party Gadgets.

You can delete a "Custom Gadget" by doing the following:

1. In the Integrations OpenSocial Gadgets page, click on the Custom Gadgets tab.
The OpenSocial Gadgets Custom Gadgets tab displays.
2. Find the custom gadget that you want to modify and click Delete on the row for that gadget to modify its
A delete confirmation dialog box displays.

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Integrations PUBLIC 277
Confirmation to delete an OpenSocial Gadget
3. Click Delete.
You are returned to the Custom Gadgets tab, where the selected gadget has been removed from the

About Smartsheet Gadget

When embedding Smartsheet gadgets, please note that support is provided for published items that are
available without login. Support for embedding secure shared URLs is no longer available.

6.7 Integrate SAP Jam with gamification vendors

Gamification makes it easy to help guide and reward new hires and existing employees to rapidly integrate SAP
Jam into their work processes. SAP Jam provides event hooks that make integration with leading gamification
vendors very straightforward. User activity in SAP Jam (including activity interacting with events sent from
other applications) can trigger information being sent to the gamification vendor, where it can be analyzed
against established goals or challenges. Based on the criteria of these established challenges, SAP Jam users
can be rewarded with 'badges' that cumulatively go towards completing 'missions' that exemplify the behavior
that is required for employees to be most effective in their jobs. A variety of actions in SAP Jam can be
identified as the criteria for earning badges and completing missions.

 Note

Currently, SAP Jam integrates with Badgeville [page 279] and Bunchball [page 282].

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278 PUBLIC Integrations
6.7.1 Badgeville

After Behaviors, Rewards, and Missions are configured by an administrator in the Badgeville Admin Console, as
a company administrator, you can set up the Badgeville integration.

Enable Badgeville integration

To enable Badgeville gamification integration with your SAP Jam service

1. Ensure that Gamification is enabled in the SAP Jam Admin console under Product Setup Features .
2. In the SAP Jam Admin console, you can go to Integrations Gamification Badgeville tab and
configure the following:
○ API key: You must have a developer account to view the API keys in Badgeville. Go to the Badgeville
Admin console Developer tab Home tab to see the list of API keys.
○ Mapped sites: Select a site you want to map your API key to.
○ Status Level: Select the mission you want to be mapped to reputation level displayed on profiles and
other places.
○ Notification Stream: Select the stream that tracks the events that the user is to be notified about.
3. Click Save to save the gamification configuration.

When viewing a user's profile page, the earned level, number of points, badges, and missions display. Users can
click on Learn about Points and Levels and See all Rewards and Missions for more details on what they can earn
with increased participation. On an SAP Jam user's hover card, the earned status level and number of points
displays below their name.

Badgeville supported list of actions

SAP Jam available gamification actions for Badgeville

Actions Actions

blog_created expertise_endorsed

blog_edited expertise_hidden

blog_deleted expertise_shown

blog_featured expertise_unendorsed

blog_viewed group_joined

blog_commented_upon kudo_received

blog_liked profile_photo_uploaded

document_created profile_wall_commented_upon

document_edited user_followed

document_deleted user_login

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 279
Actions Actions



































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280 PUBLIC Integrations
Actions Actions






question_marked_with_best_answer Leaderboard widget

You can display a pre-configured Badgeville leaderboard widget on the company home page or group overview

Choose a leaderboard that reflects points based on how you have configured the Badgeville system (for
example: All time, Daily, Monthly, or Weekly) time frames. You can display up to a maximum of 25 people in the
leaderboard based on points, behaviors, or earned rewards.

For users who are viewing an instance where they are logged in and also ranked in the leaderboard, they will see
their position highlighted in the widget.

To include a leaderboard widget on a home page or group overview page

1. In page designer mode, click Add Widget.

2. From the Filter & Lists section, select Leaderboard.
3. Enter a widget title.
4. Select a configured leaderboard from the list.
5. Select the maximum number of leaders to display.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 281
Leaderboard display selection

6.7.2 Bunchball

Configure Bunchball gamification

To enable Bunchball gamification integration with your SAP Jam service

1. Go to the Admin console and select Product Setup Features from the left navigation sidebar.
2. Near the bottom of the page, select the Enable Gamification checkbox and click Save changes.
3. In your gamification vendor's Administration page, define the challenges that you want supported in SAP
For example, when a member joins a group, a joined_group action is sent to the vendor along with
metadata representing the group identifier. When setting the rules for a challenge, that metadata can be

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

282 PUBLIC Integrations
Using gamification metadata
4. From the SAP Jam Admin sidebar menu, select Integrations Gamification .
The Gamification page displays.

Gamification configuration
5. In the Gamification page, enter the parameters provided by your gamification vendor.
These include:
○ Bunchball Hostname
○ Bunchball Key
○ Bunchball Secret

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 283
 Note

The Magic Number is automatically generated when the Gamification configuration is initially saved.

6. Select Gamification Types that you want to enable.

○ Enable In-context Gamification Notifications—Select this option to enable Gamification Notifications.
○ Enable Badges and Missions—Select this option to enable badges and missions.
○ Enable Leaderboard—Select this option to enable the Leaderboard.
7. Select the Gamification Feed Options that you want to enable.
These options refer to the data that is returned from Bunchball about the gamification data.
○ Enable Display Challenge Name in Feed—Enable this option to have the name of the challenge included
in the feed from Bunchball.
○ Enable Display Challenge Description in Feed—Enable this option to have the description of the
challenge included in the feed from Bunchball.
○ Enable Display Challenge Custom Data in Feed—Enable this option to have the custom data for the
challenge included in the feed from Bunchball.
8. Click Save to enable your gamification settings.

Bunchball actions

SAP Jam available gamification actions for Bunchball

Actions Metadata

added_discussion group

added_idea group


annotated_document group, document

answered_forum_question group, discussion

answered_question_correctly group, discussion

asked_forum_question group

blogged group



commented_on_document group, discussion

created_document group, document

created_event group


crm_updated_accounts external

crm_updated_campaigns external

crm_updated_knowledge_articles external

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

284 PUBLIC Integrations
Actions Metadata

crm_updated_marketing_plans external

crm_updated_opportunities external

crm_updated_sales_orders external

crm_updated_service_orders external

crm_updated_service_requests external

crm_updated_tasks external

download_document group, document

edited_document group, document

edited_page group







invited_member_to_group group

joined_group group

liked_feed_item group, feed_item

liked_content group, content_type, content

posted_group_wall_comment group


rated_content group, content_type, content




updated_idea_status group, discussion, status


viewed_blog * group, blog_entry

viewed_document * group, document

viewed_your_blog * group, blog_entry

viewed_your_document * group, document

viewed_your_video group, video

viewed_video group, video

voted_for_idea group, idea

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 285
Actions Metadata

voted_for_poll group, poll

 Note

* No action is sent if the person viewing the content is also the creator of that content. This is done to
prevent inappropriately high counts on these items.

6.8 Mentoring and coaching groups

Mentoring and coaching groups in SAP Jam help to improve employee engagement with easy customization,
forums for discussions or questions and answers, embedded feed updates, and mentor profiles with listed
areas of expertise.

With the SuccessFactors Succession and Development integration, you can create an SAP Jam group linked to
a mentoring program created with SAP SuccessFactors Mentoring Program Tool.

Create a Mentoring Program with SAP Jam group

To create a mentoring program that integrates with an SAP Jam group

1. Refer to the steps for Creating Supervised or Unsupervised Mentoring Programsin the SAP
SuccessFactors Succession and Development Mentoring Guide .
2. Ensure that you select the Create an SAP Jam group linked to this mentoring program option.

The mentors and mentees that are added to the mentoring program are also automatically invited to the SAP
Jam group. They can view the group feed updates under the My Mentoring Programs page in the Development
module. Mentoring program administrators are automatically promoted to group administrators of the SAP
Jam group.

6.9 Use the Widget Builders

The SAP Jam Collaboration Admin console provides a tool for building three common types of widgets, which
are complex HTML5 components that use a preset structure to present some common types of SAP Jam
content in external web pages. The Widget Builder page currently provides the following widget builders:

● The Feed Widget Builder—Creates a highly customizable feed widget that can be used to embed one of five
different types of SAP Jam feed in an external web page.
● The Recommendation Widget Builder—Creates a customizable recommendation widget that can be used
to embed SAP Jam content, people, or groups recommendations in an external web page.

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286 PUBLIC Integrations
● The Share Widget Builder—Creates a share widget that can be embedded in any external web page to add a
"share link" (like other social network share buttons), and which will post the containing page to either SAP
Jam group or member feeds when clicked in the external web page.

6.9.1 Use the Feed Widget Builder

The Feed Widget Builder provides the easy creation of a highly customizable feed widget that can display many
different types of SAP Jam Collaboration feed in an HTML page, with no requirement for knowing the
JavaScript in which they are written.

To create a feed widget with your specifications, do the following:

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations Widget Builders from the left navigation
The Widget Builders page displays.
2. Click the Feed Widget Builder tab.
The Feed Widget Builder tab content displays.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 287
The Feed Widget Builder
3. In the Widget div ID field, enter a unique and meaningful name for the HTML div tag that will encapsulate
your feed widget.
This div ID is used in the widget JavaScript that you generate using this form, and it must match the div ID
in the HTML page that you use as the container for this widget. Accept the default ID of myDiv unless there
are other divs in the same page with the same ID, as the div ID must be unique within the page in which you
add the widget.
4. From the Authentication Type drop-down menu, select the type of authentication that you want to use.
The options are:
○ Single-use Token: uses a single-use token provided by the SAP Jam API. [Recommended]

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288 PUBLIC Integrations
For further information generating a single-use token, see the Auth API section of the SAP Jam
Collaboration API Documentation, particularly the documentation of [POST] /v1/
After obtaining a single-use token, it needs to be included in the parameters passed into the
sapjam.feedWidget.create function call in the widget initialization script. For example:

var w = sapjam.feedWidget.create("myDiv",{
type: "follows",
avatar: false,
post_mode: "inline",
reply_mode: "inline"
single_use_token: '883a5486-62af-407a-a5ca-cec6dcf259dc'

 Note

The remaining authentication types are not recommended for use in production.

○ Log in from your Identity Provider: uses an existing SAP Jam Collaboration session, or it presents or it
presents your identity provider's sign-on page and then redirects to the requested feed widget after the
user signs in. [Not recommended: included for legacy support]
○ Log In from your Identity Provider in pop-up: uses an existing SAP Jam session, or it presents your
identity provider's sign-on page in a new page or tab, and—upon successful sign-on—the new page
closes, and the original requesting page redirects to the requested feed widget. [Not recommended:
included for legacy support]
○ Pre-existing Jam session: uses an existing SAP Jam Collaboration session, or it displays an error
message if one is not found. [Not recommended: included for legacy support]
5. From the Feed type drop-down menu, select the type of feed that you want to display. Several of these
options require that you supply additional information about what objects the feed is based on.
The options are:
○ Company Feed: will display the same feed that you would see under the Company tab in SAP Jam
○ My Follows Feed: will display the same feed that you would see under your Home tab in SAP Jam
○ Group Feed: will display the same feed, or feeds, for one or more SAP Jam groups. This requires the
entry of an additional option, one or more Group IDs:

Group Feed Widget additional option

If only one group ID is entered in the Group IDs field, the widget displays the same feed displayed on
the Feed Updates tab for that particular group. If multiple group IDs are provided, then the widget
displays a drop-down menu from which you can select a specific group or "All groups". Selecting a
group displays the feed for that group, and any posts made while viewing that feed are posted to the
selected group's wall. If "All groups" is selected, the widget displays the combined feed for all groups.
Posting is disabled while viewing the "All groups" feed.
○ External Object Feed: will display the feed for an external object or business record. This option
requires the entry of two more fields:

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Integrations PUBLIC 289
External Object Feed Widget additional options

○ In the External ID field, enter the value of the Exid property returned by the OData API’s
ExternalObjects endpoint. This value is typically the external OData URL for the object.
○ In the External type field, enter the value of the ObjectType property returned by the OData API’s
ExternalObjects endpoint. This value is the External Type value for the object.
The feed will behave differently depending on whether the logged-in user is able to view the full feed
history for that particular external object type:
○ Default behavior: If feed history is not enabled, or the user is not authorized to view the full feed
history for the object, they only see the feed updates that are explicitly routed to them, such as via
a distribution list.
○ Feed History: To enable feed history for an external object, a company administrator must
configure the necessary authentication settings and external object types in the External
Applications tab of the SAP Jam Admin page. From this page, administrators can enable the feed
history for specific external object types. Once feed history is enabled, any time a user views an
external object feed, the Feed Widget calls back to the external application to determine whether
the user has permission to view that object. If authorization succeeds, the Feed Widget displays
the entire feed history for the external object. If authorization fails, the widget reverts back to the
default behavior described above.
For more on External Objects, see Integrate business records [page 166].
○ External Wall Feed: will display the same feed that you would see under the Home tab in SAP Jam if you
were to log in as an external user. This option requires the entry of three more fields:

External Wall Feed Widget additional options

○ In the External ID field, enter any string that you want to use to uniquely identify the topic.
○ In the Name field, enter a user-friendly name for the topic. This is the name that will show up in the
feed when you comment on the topic, which will appear in the form "John Doe commented on
○ [Optional] In the External URL field, enter any fully-qualified external URL. If this property is
provided, then the topic name will be rendered in the feed as a link that opens this URL in a new
tab when a user clicks on it.
○ Mentions Feed: will display a feed of messages in which the user was mentioned. This will include all
@@notify mentions. This will be the same as the feed that displays when a user clicks on the
"@<user_name>" option on their home page.
○ Content Item Feed: will display the feeds related to specific content items. This option requires the
entry of two more fields:

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290 PUBLIC Integrations
Content Item Feed Widget additional options

○ In the Content Type field, enter the content type that you want the feed items for. The options are
Document; Photo; Discussions, Ideas, Questions; Wiki; or Blog.
○ In the Content Item ID field, enter the ID of the specific content item for which you want the feed.
To get this value, view the page that displays the item, and copy the ID from the last segment of the
URL for that page.
6. From the Style drop-down menu, select the styling that you want to apply to your widget.
The options are:
○ Jam
○ SAP Cloud for Customer
7. Set the following check box toggles as desired:
○ Show Profile Photos in Feed: shows thumbnails of the creators of each post in the feed.
○ Show User Profile Photo: shows a thumbnail of the requesting user at that top of the feed.
○ Live Feed Updates: sets whether updates are automatic or by notification message.
○ Mobile Mode: presents only mobile-capable features in the feed.
○ Filter by the Following Hash Tags: allows you to set some filtering on the feed based on the hashtags
entered in the text box below this toggle.
8. From the Post Mode drop-down menu, select the option that you want for users' posts.
The "Post Mode" refers to the text entry box at the top of the feed in which you can post a comment. The
options for this are:
○ Inline: A text entry box displays at the top of the Feed Widget.
○ Link to Jam: A link to the SAP Jam Collaboration feed displays at the top of the Feed Widget.
○ Hidden: There is no option for posting displayed at the top of the Feed Widget.
9. From the Reply Mode drop-down menu, select the option that you want for users' replies.
The "Reply Mode" refers to the options to reply to other peoples' comments. The options are:
○ Inline: A control, labeled "Reply" displays below a user's comment, which opens a Reply text box if
○ Link to Jam: A link to the SAP Jam Collaboration feed displays below a user's comment.
○ Hidden: There is no option for replying displayed below a user's comment.
10. Set the following checkbox toggles as desired:
○ Hide Like Links: this toggle shows or hides users' likes as a post in the feed as replies.
○ Hide Bookmark Links: this toggle shows or hides users' bookmarks in the feed as replies.
○ Limit feed items to a maximum of: allows you to set the maximum number of feed items.
11. At any point in configuring your feed widget, you can click Preview to see both a rendered example of the
current settings and an example of the script that is set by the current options.
12. When you are satisfied with the configuration of your widget, copy the JavaScript from the bottom text box
of the Preview area and paste it into your web page within script tags. Ensure that you click Preview
immediately before you copy the script to be certain that your most recently selected options are reflected
in the script. Also, ensure that you have the div with the ID from step 4 in your HTML page, which calls the
script and displays the widget within that div.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 291
The result should look something like the following example:

<title>SAP Jam Div-Based Widget</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://<jam#>
<script type="text/javascript">sapjam.feedWidget.init(
var w = sapjam.feedWidget.create("myDiv", {
type: "follows",
avatar: false,
post_mode: "inline",
reply_mode: "inline"
single_use_token: '883a5486-62af-407a-a5ca-cec6dcf259dc'

13. Add a div tag above the JavaScript that you pasted into the HTML body in the previous step. This div tag
○ Be placed before the JavaScript, or you must use something like the jQuery .ready() function, so
that the order of script elements in the page does not matter.
○ Use the same "id" as you set or accepted in the Widget div ID field of the Widgets Builder form.
○ Include style statements that set the width and height of the widget, otherwise it will inherit the
dimensions of its container element.
The result should look something like this:

<title>SAP Jam Div-Based Widget</title>
<div id="myDiv" style="width:100%; height:100%"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://<jam#>
<script type="text/javascript">sapjam.feedWidget.init(
var w = sapjam.feedWidget.create("myDiv", {
type: "follows",
avatar: false,
post_mode: "inline",
reply_mode: "inline"
single_use_token: '883a5486-62af-407a-a5ca-cec6dcf259dc'

6.9.2 Use the Recommendations Widget Builder

The Recommendations Widget Builder provides the easy creation of a customizable recommendations widgets
for SAP Jam Collaboration content, people, or groups recommendations that can be placed into any HTML
page, with no requirement for knowing the JavaScript in which they are written.

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292 PUBLIC Integrations
To create a recommendations widget with your specifications, do the following:

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations Widget Builders from the left navigation
The Widget Builders page displays.
2. Click the Recommendations Widget Builder tab.
The Recommendations Widget Builder tab content displays.

The Recommendations Widget Builder

3. In the Widget div ID field, enter a unique and meaningful name for the HTML div tag that will encapsulate
your recommendations widget.
This div ID is used in the widget JavaScript that you generate using this form, and it must match the div ID
in the HTML page that you use as the container for this widget. Accept the default ID of myDiv unless there
are other divs in the same page with the same ID, as the div ID must be unique within the page in which you
add the widget.
4. From the Authentication Type drop-down menu, select the type of authentication that you want to use.
The options are:
○ Single-use Token: uses a single-use token provided by the SAP Jam API. [Recommended]
For further information generating a single-use token, see the Auth API section of the SAP Jam API
Documentation, particularly the documentation of [POST] /v1/single_use_tokens.
After obtaining a single-use token, it needs to be included in the parameters passed into the
sapjam.recommendationsWidget.create function call in the widget initialization script. For

var w = sapjam.recommendationsWidget.create("myDiv",{
style: "link",

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 293
type: "people",
max: "5",
single_use_token: '883a5486-62af-407a-a5ca-cec6dcf259dc'

 Note

The remaining authentication types are not recommended for use in production.

○ Log in from your Identity Provider: uses an existing SAP Jam Collaboration session, or it presents or it
presents your identity provider's sign-on page and then redirects to the requested feed widget after the
user signs in. [Not recommended: included for legacy support]
○ Log In from your Identity Provider in pop-up: uses an existing SAP Jam session, or it presents your
identity provider's sign-on page in a new page or tab, and—upon successful sign-on—the new page
closes, and the original requesting page redirects to the requested feed widget. [Not recommended:
included for legacy support]
○ Pre-existing Jam session: uses an existing SAP Jam Collaboration session, or it displays an error
message if one is not found. [Not recommended: included for legacy support]
5. From the Type drop-down menu, select the layout of the recommendations that you want to use.
The options are:
○ Grid
○ List
6. From the # of Recommendations drop-down menu, select the number of recommendations that you want
The options are:
○ 3
○ 5
○ 10
7. From the Recommendation Type options, select the radio button for the type of recommendations that you
want to display.
The options are:
○ Content
○ People
○ Groups
8. At any point in configuring your recommendations widget, you can click Preview to see both a rendered
example of the current settings and an example of the script that is set by the current options.
9. When you are satisfied with the configuration of your widget, copy the JavaScript from the bottom text box
of the Preview area and paste it into your web page within script tags. Ensure that you click Preview
immediately before you copy the script to be certain that your most recently selected options are reflected
in the script. Also, ensure that you have the div with the ID from step 4 in your HTML page, which calls the
script and displays the widget within that div.
The result should look something like the following example:

<title>SAP Jam Collaboration Div-Based Widget</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://<jam#>
<script type="text/javascript">sapjam.recommendationsWidget.init(

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

294 PUBLIC Integrations
var w = sapjam.recommendationsWidget.create("myDiv", {
style: "link",
type: "people",
max: "5",
single_use_token: '883a5486-62af-407a-a5ca-cec6dcf259dc'

10. Add a div tag above the JavaScript that you pasted into the HTML body in the previous step. This div tag
○ Be placed before the JavaScript, or you must use something like the jQuery .ready() function, so
that the order of script elements in the page does not matter.
○ Use the same "id" as you set or accepted in the Widget div ID field of the Widgets Builder form.
○ Include style statements that set the width and height of the widget, otherwise it will inherit the
dimensions of its container element.
The result should look something like this:

<title>SAP Jam Collaboration Div-Based Widget</title>
<div id="myDiv" style="width:100%; height:100%"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://<jam#>
<script type="text/javascript">sapjam.recommendationsWidget.init(
var w = sapjam.recommendationsWidget.create("myDiv", {
style: "link",
type: "people",
max: "5",
single_use_token: '883a5486-62af-407a-a5ca-cec6dcf259dc'

6.9.3 Use the Share Widget Builder

The Share Widget Builder creates a share widget that can be embedded in any external web page to add a
"share link" (like other social network share buttons) that will post an entry about the containing page to either
SAP Jam Collaboration member or group feeds. Creating the share widget has no requirement for knowing how
to write JavaScript code.

To create a share widget with your specifications, do the following:

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations Widget Builders from the left navigation
The Widget Builders page displays.
2. Click the Share Widget Builder tab.
The Share Widget Builder tab content displays.

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Integrations PUBLIC 295
The Share Widget Builder
3. In the Widget element ID field, enter a unique and meaningful name for the HTML div tag that will
encapsulate your Share widget.
This div ID is used in the widget JavaScript that you generate using this form, and it must match the div ID
in the HTML page that you use as the container for this widget. Accept the default ID of myDiv unless there
are other divs in the same page with the same ID, as the div ID must be unique within the page in which you
add the widget.
4. Select the Create default widget button to have a widget button included in the embedded widget.

 Note

If you deselect this option, you must add the text or icon to be displayed in the div tag in which the
widget is displayed.

5. In the Page URL text box, enter the URL of the external web page in which the widget it embedded. It is the
initial content of this page that will be displayed in the SAP Jam feed.
6. Optionally, in the Group ID (optional) text box, enter the ID for the group in which you want the external
page to have an entry added to that group's feed (group wall).
You can get this ID from the last segment of the group's URL. For example, in the group URL, https://
<jam#>, you would use

 Note

If you leave this field blank, the widget will add the shares to your company's members' walls.

7. To include your company logo in the shared content, select the Use custom branding option. This is the
logo configured in your SAP Jam's Branding Branding and Support page.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

296 PUBLIC Integrations
8. At any point in configuring your share widget, you can click Preview to see both a rendered example of the
current settings and an example of the script that is set by the current options.
9. When you are satisfied with the configuration of your widget, copy the JavaScript from the bottom text box
of the Preview area and paste it into your web page. Your script should look something like this:

<title>SAP Jam Collaboration Div-Based Widget</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://<jam#>
<script type="text/javascript">var w = sap.jam.shareWidget.create(
"myDiv", {
url: "",
create_button: true,
branding: true

Also, ensure that you have the div with the ID from step 3 in your HTML page, and that you call the script
from within that div. For example, you could paste the following into the body of an external web page:

<title>Some Page</title>
<div id="myDiv" style="width:100%; height:100%"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://<jam#>
share_widget_v1.js" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript">var w = sap.jam.shareWidget.create(
url: "",
create_button: true,
branding: true

6.10 Use the SAP Jam Collaboration API

SAP Jam Collaboration provides APIs that allow you to integrate SAP Jam features into your business critical
applications, and data from your business critical applications into SAP Jam. The majority of these API calls are
OData APIs. There are a very few of old REST API calls that have not yet been migrated to OData, but these will
soon be migrated to OData API calls. New features will only be developed in the OData API.

The SAP Jam API is available to all Enterprise customers (see SAP Jam editions in About SAP Jam
Collaboration [page 7]).

Sites of interest are:

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 297
● SAP Jam Collaboration API Documentation: The full SAP Jam Collaboration API Reference and related
● SAP Jam Collaboration Community : The online support community of and for SAP Jam developers.

6.11 Configure Global Assignment in Employee Central

This procedure must be performed by three different types of administrator—a SuccessFactors Platform
administrator, an SAP Jam Support administrator, and an SAP Jam company administrator—in both
SuccessFactors Platform and SAP Jam Collaboration as shown below:

Employee Central's Global Assignment configuration

 Note

Once these configuration steps are complete, an HR manager can set an employee as being on assignment
in a foreign office location in Employee Central, and that employee will receive invitation to the groups
indicated by the SAP Jam area or company administrator.

The procedures in the above diagram are documented in the following subsections of this section.

A SuccessFactors Platform administrator creates a business rule

The first procedure is to create a business rule in the SuccessFactors Platform's Admin Center Configure
Business Rules page to raise an AddGlobalAssignment event.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

298 PUBLIC Integrations
1. As a SuccessFactors administrator, log in to the Admin Center, open the Configure Business Rules page,
can click Create New Rule.
The Admin Center Configure Business Rules Create New Rule form displays.

The SuccessFactors' Admin Center > Configure Business Rules > Create New Rule form
2. Name the rule "AddGlobalAssignment".
3. Set the condition to Job Information.Event Reason is equal to and the value for that condition to ADDGA
(ADDGA), which means "Add Global Assignment".
4. Set the operation Execute to Trigger Add Global Assignment Event() and the Job Information: to Job
5. Save the Business Rule.

The SuccessFactors Platform administrator requests setup from SAP Jam


Contact SAP Jam Support at and request that they configure a JobInfo to send
the AddGlobalAssignment upon an onPostSave event.

The SuccessFactors Platform administrator enables SAP Jam as a subscriber

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 299
1. As a SuccessFactors administrator, log in to the Admin Center, open the Event Center page and select
Event Detail for the Add Global Assignment event.
The Event Detail page for the Add Global Assignment event displays.

The Admin Center > Event Center > Event Detail page for the Add Global Assignment event
2. In the Subscribers section, select SAP Jam and slide the toggle from Off to On and click Save.
The Add Global Assignment business rule is enabled.

An SAP Jam area or company administrator associates locations with groups

This section allows area and company administrators to configure which groups that expatriate employees
(those who are sent from their office to offices in other countries on global assignments) are invited to when
working in a specific remote location. These groups can, for example, provide expatriate employees with
information on the business etiquette in the countries to which they will be traveling and working, helpful tips
on living in the foreign country, or groups that will be relevant to their work in the remote location.

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations Employee Central from the left
navigation sidebar.
The Integrations Employee Central page is displayed.

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300 PUBLIC Integrations
The Admin > Employee Central page, initial view
2. Click the + Company button to add a Global Assignment record.
The Employee Central Assign Group To Company dialog box displays.

Employee Central > Assign Group To Company dialog box

3. Click on the Company drop-down menu once the Select an existing company label displays.

SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Integrations PUBLIC 301
Assign Group To Company dialog box: Company selector

Select the company office that you want to create a Global Assignment record for, which will grant an
expatriate employee to that office automatic access to a specified group.
4. In the Group text box, begin typing the name of the group that you want to give expatriate employees who
will be working at that location access to.
Auto-completion for entries in this text box will populate a list of matching group names in the drop-down
menu below this text box.

Assign Group To Company dialog box: Group selector

Select the group that you want to grant access to expatriate employees who will be working from this office
and click Save.
5. You are returned to the Integrations Employee Central page and the Global Assignment record that
you just created is listed in the catalog.

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302 PUBLIC Integrations
The Admin > Employee Central page, with a record
6. Optionally, click on Actions on the row for the Global Assignment record that you are interested in.

The Admin > Employee Central page, record "Actions" menu

You can do any of the following:

○ By using the slider toggle to the left of each configured association, you can enable or disable that
○ Click on Edit to modify the Global Assignment record.
○ Click on Go To Group to view the group that you set in the Global Assignment record.
○ Click on Delete to remove the Global Assignment record.

 Note

● Employees must be configured as expatriate employees in SuccessFactors Employee Central.

● You can repeat the preceding procedure as many times as you want to associate as many groups to an
office location as you want, or to associate as many office locations to a group as you want.
● After your configurations are set, any employee who is sent on global assignment will be automatically
invited to the SAP Jam groups associated with the location to which they are being sent, and this
behavior will persist into the future. Any employees who were previously sent on global assignment in
Employee Central will not be retroactively invited to the groups.

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Result of this configuration

Once these configuration procedures have been performed, an HR worker can set assign an employee to a
long-term global assignment and the assignee will receive automated invitations to the groups specified by the
SAP Jam administrator for the office location to which they have been assigned.

This is done as follows:

1. As an HR professional, log in to SuccessFactors Employee Central and navigate to the employee record for
the person you are assigning to a long-term foreign location and select Update Employee Records.
The Update Employee Records page displays.

The SuccessFactors Employee Central > Update Employee Records page

2. Select the Add Global Assignment radio button.
The Manage Global Assignment form displays.
3. For the Event Reason, select Global Assignment (ADDGA) from the drop-down menu.
4. For the Assignment Type, select the type that you want from the drop-down menu.
5. In the Assignment Start Date selector, select the date at which the employee's assignment will begin.
6. In the Planned End Date selector, select the expected date at which the employee's assignment will end.
7. In the New Assignment Company, select the company office to which they will report during the
8. Once these settings are configured to your satisfaction, click Save.
The employee's long-term foreign assignment is set. The employee will receive invitations to the groups
configured in SAP Jam as being relevant to assignment in the specified location.

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304 PUBLIC Integrations
6.12 Configure a SAML Local Service Provider

Configure a SAML local service provider when you need SAP Jam Collaboration to act as a Service Provider for
SAML requests issued to a third-party Identity Provider.

 Note

This feature, configuring a SAML Local Service Provider, will only be made available to organizations that
are using a third-party identity provider.

To configure SAP Jam as a SAML local service provider, do the following:

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Integrations SAML Local Service Provider from the
left navigation sidebar.
The SAML Local Service Provider page displays.

SAML Local Service Provider configuration

The first three fields of information are URIs that will be needed by the third-party identity provider for it to
use SAP Jam as a SAML local service provider (Issuer, Assertion Consumer Service, and Single Logout
Service). Take note of these URIs for the configuration of your third-party identity provider.
2. Click Download SP Metadata and use your browser's download file capabilities to save the metadata file to
your hard drive.

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Integrations PUBLIC 305
Save this file for the configuration of your third-party identity provider.
3. Click Generate Key Pair to automatically fill the Request Signing Private Key and the Request X.509
Certificate (Base64) text boxes with the required information.
4. Once these steps are done, click Save to store the Request Signing Private Key and Request X.509
Certificate (Base64) so that SAP Jam will work with your third-party identity provider, which you must now
configure with the information you noted and downloaded.

6.13 Push notifications for webhooks

Webhooks provide a means of tracking specific events that occur in SAP Jam and then sending the event
notification metadata to third party applications that use them. From the SAP Jam Admin console, company
administrators can create and manage webhook subscriptions.

For more information on how to integrate with webhooks, please refer to the SAP Jam Collaboration Developer

6.14 Zapier to SAP Jam Integration

Explains how to integrate Zapier with SAP Jam using an Alias User.


Zapier can be integrated with SAP Jam using an Alias User to provide robust integration capabilities without
requiring any coding. Simply configure everything through the Zapier and SAP Jam user interfaces and go.

Use Case 1: Integrate Gmail with SAP Jam

Moving data from your gmail account into a SAP Jam feed so your organization can have full visibility into
important information. To demonstrate this we will move all new starred emails from a gmail account into a
group as feed entries in SAP Jam. We will demonstrate how to set this up on a free SAP Cloud Platform trial
account and a free Zapier account.

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Setup your SAP Jam instance on SAP Cloud Platform

The following steps will demonstrate how to setup SAP Jam on SAP Cloud Platform:

1. Sign up for a trial account of SAP Cloud Platform

2. Login to SAP Jam on your SAP Cloud Platform account

Setup your SAP Jam OAuth Client and Alias account

The following steps will demonstrate how to setup your SAP Jam OAuth Client and Alias account:

1. Setup your OAuth Client in SAP Jam [page 214]

1. Make sure to add the following to your OAuth Client configuration:
○ Integration URL:
2. Setup an Alias Account [page 58]
1. Add all users you want to be associated with the Alias Account (Setup an Alias Account - Step 3).
2. Add the OAuth client you just created to API Access for your Alias Account (Setup an Alias Account -
Step 4).
3. Copy the OAuth2 Access Token

Setup your Zapier Account

The following steps will show you how to setup your Zapier account:

1. Sign up for a free Zapier account at:

2. Login to your Zapier account at:
3. Go to Zapier's SAP Jam Collaboration Integrations page at:

Create a Zap Trigger with Gmail

The following steps will show you how to create a Zap Trigger with Gmail:

1. Click the MAKE A ZAP button. The Choose a Trigger App screen appears.
2. Select the Choose a Trigger App input field and enter Gmail.
3. Select Gmail from the drop-down list. The Select Gmail Trigger screen appears.
4. Select the New Starred Email radio button.
5. Click the Save + Continue button. The Select Gmail Account screen appears.
6. Click the Connect a New Account button. A Request for Permission popup appears.
7. Enter your Gmail account user credentials and click the Allow button. Your Gmail account is added.

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8. Click the Save + Continue button. The Test Gmail screen appears.
9. Click the Fetch & Continue button. The Zap Trigger will be tested with your Gmail account.
10. Test Successful appears if the Zap Trigger works. Click the Continue button.

Create a Zap Action with SAP Jam Collaboration

The following steps will show you how to create a Zap Action with SAP Jam Collaboration:

1. Select the Choose an Action App input field and enter SAP Jam Collaboration.
2. Select SAP Jam Collaboration from the drop-down list. The Select SAP Jam Collaboration Action screen
3. Select the Create Group Feed radio button.
4. Click the Save + Continue button. The Select SAP Jam Collaboration Account screen appears.
5. Click the Connect a New Account button. A Connect an Account popup appears.
6. Paste your OAuth2 Access Token in the OAuth2 Token input field.
7. Select from the Domain drop-down list.
8. Click the Yes, continue button. Your SAP Jam Collaboration account is added.
9. Click the Save + Continue button. The Set up SAP Jam Collaboration Group Feed screen appears.
10. Follow the on-screen intructions to copy and paste your SAP Jam GroupID into the Group ID input field.
Make sure the your Alias User has access to that group.
11. Follow the on-screen instructions to add text to the Text input field.
12. Click the Continue button.
13. Click the Create & Continue button. The Zap Action will be tested with your SAP Jam Collaboration
14. Test Successful appears if the Zap Trigger works. Your new group feed entry is added to your SAP Jam
15. Click the Finish button. The Ready to turn on your Zap? screen appears.
16. Enter the name of your Zap in the Name your Zap... input field.
17. Set the YOUR ZAP IS slider button to on to enable your Zap.
18. Your Zap is enabled! Click the See it on your Dashboard button to see your collection of Zaps.

6.15 Microsoft® Skype for Business® integration

Microsoft® Skype for Business® can now be enabled on SAP Jam so that users can chat within Skype for
Business and check to see if other users are online.

When the company administrator enables the Skype for Business integration, the user will be able to see the
online status of another user when they place their cursor over their profile card in a feed item. As the user
clicks on the Skype for Business status on the profile card, the application opens.

The Skype for Business integration with SAP Jam is only supported with the Microsoft Internet Explorer 11
browser. Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and other browsers are not supported.

Please note the following Skype for Business version and browser compatibility matrix:

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308 PUBLIC Integrations
Browser support for Skype for Business and Office versions

Skype for Business and Browser

Office versions Microsoft IE 11

Lync 2010 Yes

Office 2010

Lync 2010 (64 bit run as 32 bit)
Office 2010 (64 bit)

Skype for Business 2013 Yes

Office 2013

Skype for Business 2013 Yes

Office 2013

Skype for Business 2016 Yes

Office 2013 or 2016

● "Yes" —Denotes that the combination is supported based on major functionality testing.
● 1 —Denotes that it is supported with exceptions:
○ The status update does not display in SAP Jam.
○ The status update does not display when you place cursor over the profile card.

For Lync 2010, please note the following system and browser pre-requisites for enabling integration with SAP

● Microsoft Office 2010 must be installed.

● Lync 2010 must be installed (separately from Microsoft Office).
● For Internet Explorer:
○ Add SAP Jam to Trusted Sites list.
○ Enable "NameCtrlClass" under Manage Add-ons.

For Skype for Business 2013, please note the following browser pre-requisites for enabling integration with SAP

Browser prerequisites for Skype for Business 2013 integration with SAP Jam
Internet Explorer Mozilla Firefox Google Chrome

Office 2013 with installed SharePoint Office 2013 with installed SharePoint Office 2013 with installed SharePoint
plugin plugin plugin

Add SAP Jam to Trusted Sites list Enable the plugin prompt Enable plugins

Enable "NameCtrlClass" under Manage


 Note

The SAP Jam Skype for Business integration does not currently support cross-company federation.

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Integrations PUBLIC 309
7 Compliance and Security

7.1 Configure External User Terms of Service

The Compliance and Security Terms of Service page allows you to create a customized Terms of Service
agreement specifically for the external users of your organization's SAP Jam service. Once created, your
external users will be required to accept it the next time that they log in before they can continue to use your
organization's SAP Jam service.

Create an External User Terms of Service agreement

To create an External User Terms of Service agreement

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Compliance and Security Terms of Service from the
left side navigation.
A message stating that "No external user Terms of Service has been defined for <company_name>" of the
current Terms of Service agreement may display.
2. Click Create External User Terms of Service.
A simple HTML editor displays, which will either be blank or contain the text of the current External User
Terms of Service agreement notification.
3. Enter the text for the External User Terms of Service agreement notification and format as needed.
4. When you are satisfied with the document, click Save.
The new or revised External User Terms of Service notification is saved, and your organization's external
users will be required to accept it the next time that they log in to your organization's SAP Jam service
before they can continue using it.

Create an External User Terms of Service in multiple languages

You can create translations of the Terms of Service agreement for external users:

● When you create the Terms of Service agreement for external users, you can select the language for the
Terms of Service. (By default, None is selected.)
● After you have created a Terms of Service agreement in a language, you can create translations of the text
as follows:
1. Choose Add another language.
2. Select the language and enter the translated text into the HTML editor.
● To use a translation of the Terms of Service agreement as default version, select the language of the
translated Terms of Service and choose Set as default.

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7.2 Configure a Custom Terms of Service

 Note

This feature is only available for companies that are integrated with SuccessFactors Platform [page 15].

The Compliance and Security Custom Terms of Service page allows you to create a customized Terms of
Service agreement for the users of your organization's SAP Jam Collaboration service that they will be required
to accept the next time that they log in before they can continue to use your organization's SAP Jam service.

Create a customized Terms of Service agreement

To create a customized Terms of Service agreement, do the following:

1. Access the Admin console [page 23] and select Compliance and Security Custom Terms of Service
from the left navigation sidebar.
The Custom Terms of Service page displays. Either a message stating that "No custom Terms of Service
has been defined for <company_name>" or the current custom Terms of Service agreement displays.

Custom Terms of Service section

2. Click Create Terms of Service.
A simple HTML editor displays, which will either be blank or contain the text of the current custom Terms
of Service agreement notification.

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Custom Terms of Service editor
3. Enter the custom Terms of Service agreement notification and format it as required.
4. When you are satisfied with the document, click Save.
The new or revised custom Terms of Service notification is saved, and users will be required to accept it the
next time that they log in to your organization's SAP Jam service before they can continue using it.

Create custom a Terms of Service agreement in multiple languages

If the employees in your organization speak multiple languages, you can create translations of the custom
Terms of Service agreement:

● When you create the custom Terms of Service agreement, you can select the language for the Terms of
Service. (By default, None is selected.)
● After you have created a Terms of Service agreement in a language, you can create translations of the text
as follows:
1. Choose Add another language.
2. Select the language and enter the translated text into the HTML editor.
● To use a translation of the Terms of Service as default version, select the language of the translated Terms
of Service and choose Set as default.

7.3 Configure Content Administration options

The Compliance and Security Content Administration section allows you to manage Abuse Reporting,
Purge Settings, and Auditing.

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312 PUBLIC Compliance and Security
Enable Content Administration

Content Administration is disabled by default. By enabling Content Administration, company and support
administrators can access all groups in your company's instance of SAP Jam. They can view, edit, and delete
any group or content item in the system.

To enable Content Administration

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Compliance and Security Content Administration from
the left side navigation.
The Content Administration page displays.
2. Click Enable Content Administration.
Content administration is enabled, the button label changes to Disable Content Administration, and any
items marked as inappropriate will appear in the Items Pending Review panel.

Configure Abuse Reporting

Abuse Reporting allows users to report content as either being spam or as being abusive. Abuse reporting is
turned off by default.

To enable and configure Abuse Reporting:

1. In the Compliance and Security Content Administration section, ensure that Content Administration
has been enabled (the button at the top of the page should be labeled "Disable Content Administration"),
and click Configure Abuse Reporting in the Abuse Reporting tab.
The abuse reporting configuration options are displayed in the Abuse Reporting tab.
2. Select the Enable reporting of inappropriate content check box.
Below the Enable reporting of inappropriate content check box are two sliding controls.
3. Set the Abusive content reporting threshold by positioning the slider control to the number of reports that
you want to require before a particular piece of content is submitted to the company administrator for
You can set a number from 1 to 10.
4. Set the Spam reporting threshold by positioning the slider control to the number of reports that you want to
require before a particular piece of content is submitted to the company administrator for review.
You can set a number from 1 to 10.
5. When you have the abuse reporting options set as you want them, click Save changes.
Your abuse reporting options are saved and set, and any content that is reported by your users and meets
these criteria displays in the Items Pending Review panel, below the configuration options.

Manage Reported Abuses

When users have tagged group activity as spam or abuse the number of times to equal the configured
thresholds, the content or feed posts are removed from view and go into a queue for the company
administrator to review and decide how to handle, and notifications are sent to the company administrator to
let them know there is inappropriate content requiring their review.

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To respond to an Abuse Report:

1. Open the Compliance and Security Content Administration section.

The reported abuse(s) that users have submitted will appear in the Items Pending Review panel.

Review reported abuses

Each reported piece of content displays as it originally appeared in SAP Jam, with the name of the user
who posted it, and the date that they posted it. There may also be some details shown of the content, such
as the URLs for hyper-linked text or images. Also, the name of the person who reported the abuse is shown,
their comment about why they found it inappropriate if they added a comment, and a statement of how
long ago the item was marked as inappropriate.
When reviewing an item marked as inappropriate, it is not necessary to review the related feed posts. That
way, all related comments and posts can be deleted or restored without one-by-one review.
2. Review the item and click the button for the appropriate response:
○ Click Restore to return the content to its original location and viewable state.
○ Click Delete to remove the content from SAP Jam.
As you restore or delete items marked as inappropriate, any related feed items are restored or deleted,

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314 PUBLIC Compliance and Security
Purge Settings

The Purge Settings feature allows administrators to permanently delete items in all users' trash that are older
than a set age.

1. Open the Compliance and Security Content Administration page, ensure that Content
Administration has been enabled (the button at the top of the page should be labeled "Disable Content
Administration"), and click the Purge Settings tab.
The Purge Settings options are displayed.

Purge Settings
2. Select Automatically purge items that have been in the Trash for (configurable) days. to turn trash purging
on for all of your company's users.
3. Set the number of days to indicate how long items must be in your company's users' trash before they are
automatically purged.
4. Click Submit.
Your SAP Jam instance will perform a daily purge of all items that have been in your company's users' trash
cans for longer than the set number of days.

Audit Usage

The Audit Usage feature allows the company administrator to view a single user's complete history of what
pages or content (office documents, PDFs, images, videos, blogs, or wikis) that a user has viewed (including
other user's profile pages), what comments they have made, what content they have liked, what content that
they have uploaded or modified, and what content they have deleted, including user, administrator, and system
modified profile information. Audit events contain the user's name, the event type (viewed, added, edited,
deleted), and the exact system time when the event occurred. The audit log is not edition specific; it exists in all
paid editions.

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1. Open the Compliance and Security Content Administration section, ensure that Content
Administration has been enabled (the button at the top of the page should be labeled "Disable Content
Administration"), and click the Usage Auditing tab.
The Usage Auditing options are displayed.

Performing a usage audit

2. Select either User or Content from the top drop-down menu, and type a search string in the adjacent text
Whether you are performing a usage audit on a user or on a piece of content, you must select the person or
content item that you want from the auto-complete drop-down menu for the operation to register the
correct object to audit.
3. Select the period that you want the audit to cover from the View drop-down menu. The options are:
○ All Usage
○ Today
○ Last 7 Days
○ Last 14 Days
○ This Month
○ Last 60 Days
○ Custom
4. If you selected Custom in the preceding step, you must select the Start Date and End Date from the
calendar selectors.
5. Click Audit Usage.
The audit is prepared and displayed in the panel below the Usage Auditing options.

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316 PUBLIC Compliance and Security
Viewing a usage audit
6. To download the usage audit, click Download .csv and use your browser's download handling to save the file
to your hard drive or to open the .csv file in an associated spreadsheet application.

 Note

Usage audits, even as CSV files, can be very large, so ensure that you have plenty of free disk space to
save these summaries.

7.4 Configure Compliance monitoring

The Compliance and Security Compliance page allows you to configure a pair of "dictionaries" for
Compliance and Profanity against which users' posts and private messages can be scanned for matches with
the words in the dictionaries. As an administrator, you must first add your company's list of offensive terms
(e.g., profanity) and words that might indicate an inappropriate communication (data loss) of sensitive
company information (e.g., compliance) in the Dictionary page. The matching instances are shown in the
Pending Flagged Items page. There is a History page where you can view past matches. The Add Compliance
Email option allows you to set one or more email addresses that will receive a copy of each feed event or private
message sent to anyone in your company. Also, there is a link to the Reports page, where you can Download a
Compliance Report.

 Note

The compliance and profanity alerts need to be turned on in the Features tab before they will work. Content
that has been posted before turning the alerts on will not be scanned or flagged.

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Configure the Compliance dictionaries

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Compliance and Security Compliance from the left
side navigation.
2. Click the Dictionary tab.
3. On the Dictionary page, you can do the following:
○ Add one or more terms: Click Add Term at the top of the Dictionary tab. The add terms form displays.
1. Select the radio button, Compliance or Profanity, for the dictionary that you want to add a term or
terms to.
2. Enter the term or terms (as a comma-separated list; no spaces) that you want to add in the text
3. Click Add, or click Cancel to return to the Dictionary tab's terms catalog view.
○ Browse through the terms: The dictionary catalog displays 20 terms per page. By default, these
terms are displayed in alphabetical order, although you can change the sort order of the terms by
clicking on the catalog table headings (Flag, Term, and Action). Scroll to the bottom of the page and
click Next Page to browser through the full list of terms.
○ Search for a specific term: Near the top of the Dictionary tab, type the term that you are looking for in
the text box and click Search. If the term is currently in either dictionary, the dictionary catalog will
display only that term. If it is not currently in either dictionary, the catalog will not display and the
message Nothing to display will be shown instead.
○ Enable or disable terms: If the dictionary contains a term that you no longer want to be checked in
scans, click Disable in the Action column for the row for that term. Click Enable to restore a term to use
in scans of users' posts.

 Note

The compliance and profanity alerts do not prevent users from posting inappropriate terms, nor do
they send email notifications if users do post inappropriate terms. They only flag instances of users'
use of the terms listed and enabled in the compliance and profanity dictionaries.

Set Compliance email recipients

The Add Compliance Email option allows you to set one or more email addresses that will receive a copy of each
feed event or private message sent to anyone in your company.

 Note

Since routing all feed items can generate a massive amount of data, it is recommended that you specify a
dedicated email address for use with this feature.

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Compliance from the left side navigation.
2. Click Add Compliance Email.
3. Enter the email address or list of addresses (as a comma-separated list; no spaces) that will receive a copy
of each feed event sent to anyone in your company.
4. Click Save to save the email address or list of addresses, or click Cancel to return to the Compliance page.

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318 PUBLIC Compliance and Security
 Note

To remove all email addresses from the Compliance Email configuration, repeat steps 1 and 2, then click
Clear and Save.

Respond to dictionary matches in the Pending Flagged Items page

The Compliance and Profanity alerts monitors the content posted to SAP Jam or sent in private messages and
flags items that contain the profanity or compliance terms listed in the compliance dictionaries.

SAP Jam Administrators can view the list of flagged items and perform the following actions:

● Alert: if flagged content is in a group, the group admins are notified; if flagged content is in user's profile,
user's manager is notified.
● Ignore: applies to flagged item.

All of these items will remove the alerts from the Pending Flagged Items catalog, but they will remain accessible
from the Compliance History catalog.

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Compliance and Security Compliance from the left
side navigation.
The Compliance page displays.
2. In the default view, which is the Pending Flagged Items tab, you can do the following:
○ Optionally, you can filter the items shown in the Pending Flagged Items table by selecting an option
from the Show drop-down menus:
○ From the first drop-down menu, the options are All Flags, Compliance, Profanity, or Unscannable.
○ From the second drop-down menu, the options are Any Date, Today, Within a Week, Within a
Month, or > 1 Month ago.
○ For more information about the user, click the hyper-linked term in the Item column.
A Flagged Item Details dialog box displays.
Click Close to exit the dialog box.
○ To dismiss a flagged item that is not a problem, select the checkbox on the row for that item and click
The item is removed from the Pending Flagged Items table.
○ To send an alert message via email to group administrators (for flagged group content) or the user's
manager (for flagged content outside of a group), as well as the user, select the check box on the row
for that item and click Alert. The email will cite the flagged content and include a hyperlink to go review
the post.
The item is then removed from the Pending Flagged Items table.

View History

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Compliance and Security Compliance from the left
side navigation.
2. Click the History tab.

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Compliance and Security PUBLIC 319
A table, much like the Pending Flagged Items table, displays; however, this table shows all previously
flagged items that have been responded to, and the Action column indicates whether they have been set as
Ignored or Alerted.

Download a Compliance Report

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Compliance and Security Compliance from the left
side navigation.
2. Click Download Compliance Report.
The Reports page displays, with the report request form set to produce a Compliance Report.
3. Click Request report.
4. Navigate away from the page and return to it after a few minutes, and then click Compliance Report in the
Title column of the listed reports in the Reports page.
Use your browser's download options to save the report to your hard drive, or to open the report in an
associated application (such as a spreadsheet).

7.5 Configure Security options

Security options include email authentication requirements, password strength options, and domain

Set security options

To set SAP Jam security options

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin console and select Compliance and Security Security from the left side
2. In the top section of the Security page, you can set the following options:
○ Select Require email authentication for new browsers to decrease the possibility of someone gaining
access to a user's SAP Jam account without access to their email account. If this setting is enabled,
users will be sent an email validation each time they log in from a browser or computer that they
haven't used before.
○ Enter a value in the Automatically end a session after a period of inactivity (seconds) field to set the
duration of inactivity before SAP Jam sessions log a user out. For companies signing on through
SuccessFactors Platform, this setting must be equal to or greater than the SuccessFactors Platform
timeout setting; otherwise, users will be re-signed in automatically with a new session, thus effectively
turning off automatic log offs.
○ Select Enable SuccessFactors shared session service to ensure that the SuccessFactors setting for
maximum session length is used, even if it is shorter than the maximum session length set in SAP Jam.
The converse however is not true. If the SAP Jam timeout is shorter than the SuccessFactors one, and
this setting is enabled, the SAP Jam setting will be enforced for users while in SAP Jam, but if they are

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320 PUBLIC Compliance and Security
still within the session boundaries set in SuccessFactors, the user would still be able to reach the
SuccessFactors site, and from there they could be automatically logged back into SAP Jam via Single
Sign-On (SSO).
3. In the E-Mail Settings options section, you can set the following options:
○ Allow members to create content via e-mail—Allows users to create and respond to activities such as
new comments to items they previously posted in SAP Jam.
○ Allow SAP Jam to send members content via e-mail—Enables automated email notifications. Whether
this option is enabled or disabled, the system still sends emails for group invites and warning emails to
company admininstrators if their external user limit is approaching or has been reached, as with disk
storage usage.
4. In the IP Restrictions section, select one of the two radio buttons in this section. If you select:
○ Any IP address, then users can log in from any location
○ Only these IP addresses, then users can log in from only the IP addresses within your organization's

 Note

Limiting access to Only these IP addresses, will not exclude usage of any of the external features of SAP
Jam, such as external groups or inviting external users to group.

If you do select Only these IP addresses, a table displays beneath the option in which you can do the
○ Enter an out-going IP address (IPv4) or IP address range (CIDR) for your organization in the text box in
the IP Restriction column, and click Save changes to apply your setting.
○ Click Clear in the initial row to delete the contents of the text box in that row.
○ Click Add a new IP Address to add an additional row.
○ Click Remove in any additional rows to remove those rows.

IP Restrictions settings (Only these IP addresses)

5. When you have set these options to your satisfaction, click Save changes.

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Custom subdomains

SAP Jam allows company administrators to request a custom subdomain for their tenant to help end users
recognize that they are working with a company approved site.

As a company administrator, you can contact customer support to request that they update your subdomain
to display your company or intranet name.

Example of custom subdomain:

Custom subdomains are also supported for the SAP Jam mobile app. For steps on logging in to a custom
subdomain on the mobile app, please see the How to: Activate and log in topic in the SAP Jam Mobile App User

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322 PUBLIC Compliance and Security
8 Mobile

8.1 Configure the SAP Jam mobile app

In the SAP Jam Admin console, administrators can configure SAP Jam mobile app activation and invite your
company's users to start working with the mobile app.

Configure SAP Jam mobile app activation

To configure SAP Jam mobile app activation

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console, select Mobile SAP Jam mobile app from the left side navigation.
2. In the Settings section, select which of the following options you want enabled:
○ Enable mobile app (enabled by default): This option activates the SAP Jam mobile app web banner that
displays when you open a mobile browser such as Safari or Chrome on your device to access a SAP
Jam resource, such as a link from an SAP Jam email notification. The banner will prompt you to:
○ Install the SAP Jam mobile app if it is not yet installed
○ View content in the SAP Jam mobile app if it is installed and activated
○ Allow quick mobile activation (enabled by default): This option allows users to leverage the new one-
time-use, QR code-based mobile app activation or the SAP Jam mobile app web banner activation.

 Note

Both the QR Code and banner activation methods transfer the authenticated user's identity to the
mobile app, thus enabling the user's access to the SAP Jam mobile app. This can be used to allow
companies' with "behind the firewall" IDP proxies to activate the mobile app.

The SAP Jam mobile app activation will pass your users' SAP Jam identity information to the device,
simplifying their configuration.
If not selected, the web page for QR code-based activation and web banner activation will be disabled,
also—for QR code-based activations—a message informing the user that this feature has been
disabled by the SAP Jam administrator will be displayed.
○ No app passcode: For new SAP Jam mobile app users, you can select this option to allow users to not
set a passcode to access the mobile app. If the passcode is enabled, users can go to their settings and
turn the passcode off if they wish. They can also easily set and reset their passcode if they choose to
keep it enabled.
○ Enforce app passcode (disabled by default): This option requires all mobile users to enter an app
passcode and to enter it to access the SAP Jam app on their mobile device every time that they try to
access it.
You can also select which app passcode security options you want to require:
○ Maximum of 2 consecutive numbers: Allows a maximum of two ascending or descending digits (for
example, 126589 is acceptable, 123987 is not).

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Mobile PUBLIC 323
○ Maximum of 2 repeating numbers: Allows a maximum of two repeating digits (for example, 114595
is acceptable, 111459 is not).

 Note

The above listed app passcode security options block the indicated simple passcodes, but they
also reduce the total number of available PIN options, which slightly increases vulnerability to
brute force passcode hacks. However, this vulnerability is almost completely eliminated by the
default behavior of account deactivation after three failed tries of the passcode, although it will
not prevent code level brute force attacks on the encrypted store. If account deactivation
occurs, the user's data will be deleted and they will be returned to the SAP Jam mobile app
initial connection and configuration screen, where they will need to authenticate again using
either the QR code or their user name and password.

○ Disable biometric security support: If selected, users will be unable to use biometric identifier
devices, such as the Touch ID® and FaceID® on iOS devices, and Fingerprint Authentication on

 Note

Enabling this option requires iOS 8 or later, or Android 6.x or later, and a device that supports
biometric access. Also, be aware that enabling biometric security support represents a
potentially greater security risk than if it is not used. Use of iOS Touch ID involves storing the
app passcode in the platform-provided iOS Secure Key Chain storage, Secure Enclave, which is
accessed using the iOS KeychainServices API. For more information on the security
implications of this option, please see
iOS_Security_Guide.pdf .

Restrict Activations to Managed Devices option

For users who have enrolled their devices with the MDM and selected the Activate with credentials
method to activate their mobile app, you can help them by pre-filling your company's "SAP Jam
domain" and "company ID" fields on their mobile screen. To do this, please set a specific key/value pair
in your MDM. If you are using a standard SAP Jam domain then set the key and value pair following this
example for iOS and Android devices where the domain is and company ID is
○ Key: SAPJamDomain
○ Value:
○ Key: SAPJamDomain

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324 PUBLIC Mobile
○ Value:
If you are using a custom subdomain or custom full domain (assume, then set
the key and value pair following this example for iOS and Android devices:
○ Key: SAPJamDomain
○ Value:
○ Key: SAPJamDomain
○ Value:

Key value pairs with standard SAP Jam domain or custom sub or full domain
Standard iOS Custom iOS Standard Android Custom Android

Key SAPJamDomain SAPJamDomain SAPJamDomain SAPJamDomain

Value collabora­ https://collabora­

Restrict Activations to Managed Devices: Sets a token string that is pushed to the mobile device via
MDM and which is checked upon sign-up and occasionally during use to ensure that your users'
devices are managed by your organization. Activated devices cannot access the SAP Jam service until
the appropriate MDM profile is installed.
Note that the token string can be generated, updated, and deleted by clicking Manage Token, which
opens the Restrict Activations to Managed Devices dialog box. When a token is generated, the key in a
key/value pair can be set to "SAPJam". Once MDM restriction is enabled, SAP Jam will block all SAP
Jam mobile app access unless one of the generated tokens below has been propagated to the mobile
device via a support MDM solution.

Restrict Activations to Managed Devices dialog

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 Note

You can use multiple active tokens so that you can easily segment users into groups. For example,
you could generate a new token specifically for a group of consultants that will only need access for
the next 90 days.

○ Enable Download File and Share: You can disable or re-enable the ability for users to download media or
documents and share them with other applications.
○ Disable Calendar Sync: You may want to disable the calendar sync option on mobile for security
reasons. This can be done using the Calendar Sync options:

Calendar Sync Settings

3. Click Save changes to implement your selections.

 Note

The above changes can take up to three hours to propagate to your users' mobile apps.

Supported MDM vendors and products

Supported MDM vendors and products include:

● SAP Mobile Secure, cloud edition

● MobileIron EMM, including MobileIron app wrapping
● VMWare AirWatch

MDM access control and requirements

For iOS 7.x or later, please see the website for AppConfig.

For Android 5.x or later, please see Android for Work .

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326 PUBLIC Mobile
 Note

App config parameters work for both iOS and Android versions of the SAP Jam app. However, Android app
restriction capabilities were added in Android 5.x, therefore devices running older operating systems will
not work.

Menu navigation

You can drag and drop to set the visibility and reorder the Feed, Groups, Notifications, Tasks, Profile, Messages,
Home, Knowledge Base, and Scan QR code badge icons that display in the SAP Jam mobile app. The Settings
badge always remains at the bottom.

Mobile app users can customize the ordering of screens. This will override the order set by you as company

Send invitations

To invite users in your company to use the SAP Jam mobile app

1. In the Invite People to use SAP Jam mobile app text box, begin typing a user's name, their email address, or
the name of a member list, and when the person or members list that you are looking for appears in the
drop-down auto-completion options list, click on the name of that person or member list.
The user or member list that you clicked on will appear in the Invitation List table.
2. Alternatively, import a list of members in the form of a comma-separated list of email addresses by clicking
Import CSV and using your browser's upload feature to find and select the file on your hard drive.
3. Once you have the list of users that you want to invite to use the SAP Jam mobile app showing in the
Invitation List, click Send.
The users shown in the Invitation List will be sent an email invitation to use the SAP Jam mobile app, with
instructions on how to set it up for use on their mobile devices.

Example: SAP Jam mobile setup instructions

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Mobile PUBLIC 327
9 Analytics

9.1 Administrator reports

SAP Jam Collaboration administrator reports display information on many aspects of SAP Jam usage,
including adoption metrics—such as user information, user contribution, and consumption activity—and disk
usage statistics. SAP Jam Reports can be downloaded as CSV files. Many reports are available to Group
Administrators for group-specific data.

 Note

Report time frames span a maximum of three months at a time. For example, if you wish to view results for
a particular report from January 1, 2016 to May 31, 2016, you would have to generate two reports. The first
report would have a date range of January 1, 2016 to March 31, 2016, and the second report would span
April 1, 2016 to May 31, 2016.

To run a report

1. From the SAP Jam Admin console, select Analytics Reports from the left side navigation.
2. Select the options for the report that you want to run:
○ Select Report: Select the type of report that you want to run from the top drop-down menu.
The report types, and in some cases the report parameters, that are available are described below.
○ Specify Date Range: Click the Start Date and End Date fields or calendar icons to select the beginning
and ending dates, respectively, for the period to be covered by your report from the pop-up calendar
selector widgets. As per the note at the start of this topic, the maximum date range spans no more
than three months.
○ Show Report Header: Select this option to include report headings indicating the report name and the
settings used for the report (such as the time frame and the group or groups covered).
○ Select Group: Select either All Company or any of the groups that have been created in your company.
3. Once you have set the parameters for the report that you want to run, click Request report.
The report is queued to be run. Your report will be run almost immediately, unless there are multiple
reports scheduled (queued). Some reports with large amounts of data to process, such as the Group
Activity Report, can take up to about an hour to run.
Queued and completed reports will be listed in the table below the report options section of the page.
These queued and completed reports are visible to all administrators.
4. To download your report, click the name of your report in the table below the report options section of the
page, which will open your browser's download options dialog box.
It may be necessary to reload the page in your browser to see the results of a recently run report.

Note that area administrators have access to a very limited set of reports, and not all reports available to
company administrators for companies that are integrated with SuccessFactors foundation are available to

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328 PUBLIC Analytics
company administrator for companies that are not integrated. The availability of reports is shown in the
following table:

Availability of reports
Integrated company admin­
Report Area administrators istrators

Activity Summary by Months Yes Yes

Activity Summary by Week Yes Yes

Company Settings Changes No Yes

Company User Detail Report No Yes

Compliance Report No Yes

Content Views by Month Yes Yes

Content Views by Week Yes Yes

Contribution Report by Object by Month Yes Yes

Contribution Report by Object by Week Yes Yes

Engagement Report No Yes

Expertise Report No Yes

Group Activity Report Yes Yes

Group Member Activity Report No Yes

Group Template Activity Report No Yes

Kudos Detail No Yes

Mobile Activation Report No Yes

Questions Report No Yes

Terms of Service Compliance Report No Yes

Top Disk Usage per Group No Yes

Top Disk Usage per User No Yes

User Contribution Activity Report No Yes

User Contribution Report by Month No Yes

User Contribution Report by Week No Yes

User Page Views by Month No Yes

User Page Views by Week No Yes

 Note

If users copy or move content between groups, this will affect the counts of their activities in reports. For
example, a moved document will no longer be counted in the original group, but it will be counted in the
new group in which it is located, while a copied document will be counted in both groups.

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Analytics PUBLIC 329
9.1.1 Activity summary by month or week

These reports show information on each content creation activity, with one column per week or month in the
time period selected.

Report options

The options that are available when these report types are selected are:

● Specify Date Range: The calendar-selected start and end dates for the reporting period.
● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Group: Report on all groups or a selected group.

Report details

Shows a column for each week or month in the selected time period, plus a total for the selected time frame,
with a row for each of the following content creation activities:

Activity Summary by Month or Week

Row item Description

Blogs The number of blogs created in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Comments The number of comments made in the week/month, not counting those in Discussions or Ideas,
plus a total for the entire period.

Discussion Comments The number of comments made in discussions in each week/month, plus a total for the entire

Discussions Created The number of discussions created in each week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Document Annotations The number of documents annotated in each week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Documents The number of documents uploaded in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Events Created The number of calendar events created in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Groups Created The number of groups created in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Idea Comments The number of comments made in the week/month on ideas, plus a total for the entire period.

Ideas Created The number of ideas created in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

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330 PUBLIC Analytics
Row item Description

Knowledge Base Arti­ The number of knowledge base articles created in the week/month, plus a total for the entire
cles period.

Kudos Sent The number of kudos sent in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Links The number of links added in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

New Invitations The number of invitation to join a group in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

New Members The number of new group members in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Overview Pages The number of overview pages created in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Photo Annotations The number of photo annotation added in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Photos The number of photos uploaded in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Poll Votes The number of poll votes cast in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Polls The number of polls created in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Questions Answered The number of answers to questions added in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Questions Created The number of questions created in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Status Updates The number of status updates made in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Tasks Created The number of tasks created in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Videos The number of videos created in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

Wiki Pages The number of wiki pages created in the week/month, plus a total for the entire period.

9.1.2 Company settings changes

This report shows each company configuration change that has occurred in the specified time period.

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Specify Date Range: The calendar-selected start and end points for the reporting period.
● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX

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Report details

Shows a row for each company configuration change that has occurred in the specified time period with the
following columns of information:

 Note

There are two sections: general settings changes and "Content Administration Usage" changes.

Company setting changes

Column item Description

First Name The first name of the member who made the configuration change.

Last Name The last name of the member who made the configuration change.

Email Address The email address of the member who made the configuration change.

User ID The login ID of the member who made the configuration change.

Date The date and time that the configuration change was made.

Setting [General settings only] The configuration setting that was changed.

Original Value [General settings only] The value of the setting prior to the change.

New Value [General settings only] The value of the setting after the change.

Action [Content Administration Usage only] Whether the setting was enabled or disabled (Enable or

9.1.3 Company user detail

This report shows information on each user with access to SAP Jam.

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Member Type: Report members in This Company or on Guest Users.

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332 PUBLIC Analytics
Report details

Shows a row for each user with the following columns of information:

Company user detail

Row item Description

User ID SAP Jam ID

First Name The user's first name.

Last Name The user's last name.

Title The user's title.

Email Address The user's email address.

Country/Region The country/region of residence of the user

Joined? Whether or not the user has logged in to SAP Jam.

First Login At The date and time that the user first logged in at.

Disabled At The date and time that the user was disabled at, if they were disabled.

Last Login At The date and time that the user last logged in at.

Administrator Type The user's member type (User, Support Administrator, or Company Administrator).

Status The user's member status (New, Pending, Active, or Alumni).

 Note
"New" users have accounts provisioned in SAP Jam but they have not logged in yet, and there
have been no received group invitations or other interactions (e.g., profile views, @ mentions)
with their account. "Pending" users have not logged in yet, but have been included in a mem­
ber list on the Send Invites tab, received group invitations or have been @ mentioned.

Invited By A semi-colon separated list of the users that invited this user to join SAP Jam.

9.1.4 Compliance

This report shows information on each outstanding violation (match of terms listed in the compliance and
profanity dictionaries) of the compliance rules.

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Analytics PUBLIC 333
Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report

Report details

Shows a row for each violation of the profanity and compliance dictionaries:


Column item Description

Flag The dictionary type in which the match occurred (compliance or profanity).

Term The full text of the dictionary entry that was matched.

Type The content type in which the violation occurred.

Date The date and time that the violation occurred.

Email Address The email address of the user who committed the violation.

Name The full name (first and last) of the user who committed the violation.

Action The action taken in response to the flag: "Ignored", "Alerted", or null.

9.1.5 Content views by week or month

These reports show information on each content type in the selected time frame, for the selected group or for
all groups.

Report options

The options that are available when these report types are selected are:

● Specify Date Range: The calendar-selected start and end dates for the reporting period.
● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Group: Report on all groups, or a selected specific group.

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334 PUBLIC Analytics
Report details

Shows a column for each week or month in the selected time frame, with rows of views counts for each of the
following content types:

Content views by week or month

Row item Description

Blogs The views of blogs in the indicated week/month, plus the total views for the entire period.

Discussions The views of discussions in the indicated week/month, plus the total views for the entire pe­

Documents The views of documents in the indicated week/month, plus the total views for the entire pe­

Ideas The views of ideas in the indicated week/month, plus the total views for the entire period.

Knowledge Base Articles The views of knowledge base articles in the indicated week/month, plus the total views for the
entire period.

Links The views of links in the indicated week/month, plus the total views for the entire period.

Overview Pages The views of overview pages in the indicated week/month, plus the total views for the entire

Images The views of images in the indicated week/month, plus the total views for the entire period.

Questions The views of questions in the indicated week/month, plus the total views for the entire period.

Videos The views of videos in the indicated week/month, plus the total views for the entire period.

Wiki Pages The views of wiki pages in the indicated week/month, plus the total views for the entire period.

9.1.6 Contribution by object by week or month

These reports shows aggregated counts for each type of activity in the selected group or groups in the selected
period of time.

Report options

The options that are available when these report types are selected are:

● Specify Date Range: The calendar-selected start and end dates for the reporting period.
● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report

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Analytics PUBLIC 335
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Group: Report on all groups or a selected group.

Report details

Shows columns for each week or month in the selected period, as well as the Total Contribution for the entire
selected period.

Shows a row for each of the following activities:

Contribution by object

Row item Description

Blogs The number of created or edited blog posts.

Comments The number of comments.

Discussions The number of discussions.

Documents The number of uploaded documents .

Expertise Added The number of expertise entries.

Expertise Endorsed The number of expertise endorsements.

Ideas The number of added ideas.

Questions The number of asked questions.

Knowledge Base Articles The number of created knowledge base articles.

Kudos Sent The number of awarded kudos.

Links The number of added links.

Images The number of uploaded images.

Polls The number of created polls.

Poll Votes The number of casted poll votes.

Status Updates The number of status updates.

Tasks The number of assigned tasks.

Events The number of created calendar events.

Tags The number of applied tags.

Videos The number of added videos.

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336 PUBLIC Analytics
Row item Description

Wikis The number of created wiki pages.

Overview Pages The number of created overview pages.

Groups Created The number of created groups.

9.1.7 Engagement

This report shows information on each active user in the company, with metrics for tracking user engagement.

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Member Type: Report members in This Company or on Guest Users.

Report details

Shows a row for each user with the following columns of information:


Row item Description

User ID SAP Jam ID

Email Address The user's email address.

First Name User first name.

Last Name User last name.

Number of Followers The user's number of followers.

Number of People Follow­ The number of people followed by the user.


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Analytics PUBLIC 337
Row item Description

Number of Groups Follow­ The number of groups followed by the user, as a member.

Number of Groups where The number of groups administered by the user.

the user is the Admin

Number of Wiki Pages Fol­ The number of wiki pages followed by the user.

Number of Tasks As­ The number of tasks assigned to the user.


Number of Tasks Follow­ The number of tasks followed by the user.


9.1.8 Expertise

This report shows information on each user who has defined an expertise, with details on their listed areas of

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Member Type: Reports members in This Company or Guest Users.

Report details

Shows a row for each user who has defined an expertise with the following columns of information:


Row item Description

User ID The user's SAP Jam ID.

Email Address The user's email address.

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338 PUBLIC Analytics
Row item Description

First Name The user's first name.

Last Name The user's last name.

Expertise A comma-separated list of the user's areas of expertise.

 Note
If the user has entered these areas of expertise at different times, they will appear as sepa­
rate entries in the report.

Visible Whether the user's areas of expertise are set as visible to other users, yes or no.

Endorsements The total count of the user's endorsements.

9.1.9 Group activity

This report shows information on each group in your company's instance of SAP Jam, with counts of the
activity within the listed groups.

Report options

The options that are available when these report types are selected are:

● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX

Report details

Shows a row for each group in your company's instance of SAP Jam with the following columns of information:

Group activity

Row item Description

Group ID The numeric ID for the group within SAP Jam.

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Analytics PUBLIC 339
Row item Description

Group Name The name of the group.

 Note
Non-Public groups will not show the group name unless Include Private
Group Details is enabled in the Features tab of the SAP Jam Administration

Group Type The group visibility can be "Private", "Private Folder", "Cross Company", or

Status The group status can be "Active", "Inactive", or "Deleted".

Group Creator email address The email address for the user who created the group.

Number of Members The current number of users that are members of the group.

Created Date The date and time that the group was created.

Number of Activities in the last 30 days A count of activity events in the group in the last 30 days.

Date of Last post The date and time of the last post event in the group.

Cross Company Domains A comma-separated list of the company domains in which the group is visible.

Membership The membership type for the group.

Participation Setting The participation setting for this group, which can be "Expert", "Full", "Info", or
"Participation Setting".

# Page Views in the last 30 days A count of the number of views of pages in this group in the last 30 days.

# Downloads in the last 30 days A count of the number of content downloads in this group in the last 30 days.

# Unique Members Visited in the last A count of the number of unique members who visited the group in the last 30
30 days days.

9.1.10 Group administrators

This report lists all active or alumni status group administrators for each group in your community.

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

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340 PUBLIC Analytics
● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: Choose to view report in .csv or .xlsx format.

Report details

Shows a row for each group with the following columns of information:

Group administrators

Row item Description

Group name The name of the group.

Group Type Private or Public.

Admin Name First and last name of group administrator.

Admin Email Email address of group administrator

Admin Status Active or Alumni.

Group URL The URL address for the group.

Last Modified Date The date and time for when the group was last modified.

9.1.11 Group member activity

This report shows information on each group member in the specified group and the member's activities in the

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Group: Report on all groups, or a selected specific group.
● Select Member Type: Report on members in This Company or Guest Users.

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Report details

Shows a row for each group member with the following columns of information:

Group member activity

Row item Description

Group ID The numeric ID for the group within SAP Jam.

Group Name The name of the group.

 Note
Non-Public groups will not show the group name unless Include Private Group Details is en­
abled in the Features tab of the SAP Jam Administration console.

Group Type The group visibility can be "Private", "Private Folder", "Cross Company", or "Public".

Status The group status can be "Active", "Inactive", or "Deleted".

User ID The user's username.

Email Address The user's email address.

First Name The user's first name.

Last Name The user's last name.

User Status Whether the user is "Active" or an "Alumni".

Number of Activities in A count of the user's activities in the last 30 days in the specified group.
the last 30 days

Date of Last post The date and time of the user's last activity.

Total number of Activi­ A count of the user's activities in the specified group since it's creation.

Group Admin Whether the user is the group's administrator, Yes or No.

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342 PUBLIC Analytics
9.1.12 Group template activity

This report shows information on each template listed, with one row for each template used in the specified
time period.

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Specify Date Range: The calendar-selected start and end dates for the reporting period.
● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX

Report details

Shows a row for each template used in the specified time period with the following columns of information:

Group template activity

Row item Description

Template ID The numeric ID for the template within SAP Jam.

Template Type "Group Template" or "Custom Group Template".

Template Name The name of the group template.

Language The language in which each group based on the template is in.

Creator The email address of the user who created the template. This is only shown for "Custom
Group Template" types.

Create Date The date that the template was created. This is only shown for "Custom Group Template"

Last Modified The date and time at which the template was more recently changed. This is only shown for
"Custom Group Template" types.

Business Record Depend­ If the template has a business record dependency, the name of the business record type
ency that is shown in the form "<external_application_name> > <business_record_type>"; for
example, CRM>Corporate Account.

Visible/Invisible Whether the template has been configured to be visible to users. This is only shown for
"Custom Group Template" types.

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Row item Description

Consumption (# of groups The number of groups that have been created from this template.
created from template)

9.1.13 Kudos detail

This report shows information on each kudos awarded in the specified reporting period.

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Specify Date Range: The calendar-selected start and end dates for the reporting period.
● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Member Type: Report members in This Company or on Guest Users.

Report details

Shows a row for each user with the following columns of information:

Kudos detail

Row item Description

Kudo Type The name of the kudos type.

To: Email Address The email address of the recipient of the kudos.

Date Sent The date that the kudos was awarded.

To: First Name The first name of the recipient of the kudos.

To: Last Name The last name of the recipient of the kudos.

To: User ID The SAP Jam user ID of the recipient of the kudos.

Comment The comment, if any, sent with the kudos.

Status Hidden or Shown kudos.

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Row item Description

From: Email Address The email address of the user who awarded the kudos.

From: First Name The last name of the user who awarded the kudos.

From: Last Name The last name of the user who awarded the kudos.

From: User ID The SAP Jam user ID of the user who awarded the kudos.

9.1.14 Questions

Group and company administrators can view a list of all the answered and unanswered questions that exist in a
group in the specified reporting period.

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Specify Date Range: The calendar-selected start and end dates for the reporting period.
● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX

Report details

Shows a row for each question with the following columns of information:

Question details

Row item Description

Question Title The question title entered in the Title field by the group member.

Question The question entered in the rich text editor and asked by the group member.

URL The URL hyperlink to the question.

Question Status States whether the question is "Answered" or "Unanswered".

Created Time When the question was asked.

Created By The name of the group member who asked the question.

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Row item Description

Last Update Time When the question was last updated.

Number of replies The total number of replies to the question.

Forum Topic The name of the forum topic that the question belongs to.

Best Answer The answer marked as best answer.

Best Answer Author The name of the group member who provided the best answer.

9.1.15 Mobile activation

This report shows information on each user listed, which are the users who have installed the SAP Jam Mobile
app and activated it in response to the invitations sent from the Admin SAP Jam Mobile app page.

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Select Member Type: Reports members in This Company or on Guest Users.

Report details

Company-wide totals are shown for:

Mobile activation - company wide totals

Totals Description

Number of Users with Activated The number of unique users who have activated devices.

Activated iOS Devices The number of iOS devices in your company.

Activated Android Devices The number of Android devices in your company.

Total Number of Activated Devices The total number of mobile devices in your company.

Also, rows are shown for each user with the following columns of information:

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346 PUBLIC Analytics
Mobile activation - user details

Row item Description

User ID The SAP Jam ID of the user who activated their SAP Jam Mobile app on their device.

First Name The first name of the user who activated their SAP Jam Mobile app on their device.

Last Name The last name of the user who activated their SAP Jam Mobile app on their device.

Email Address The email address of the user who activated their SAP Jam Mobile app on their de­

Activated iOS Devices The number of iOS devices on which the user has activated the SAP Jam Mobile app.

Activated Android Devices The number of Android devices on which the user has activated the SAP Jam Mobile

Total Number of Activated Devices The total number of mobile devices on which the user has activated their SAP Jam
Mobile app.

9.1.16 SAP Jam mobile activation detailed

This report includes "Activation Date" and "Deactivation date" information with time and time zone so
administrators can determine individual mobile adoption trends over a period of time. This report is based off
of the existing "SAP Jam Mobile Activation summary" report.

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Specify Date Range: The calendar-selected start and end dates for the reporting period.
● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Member Type: Reports members in This Company or on Guest Users.

Report details

Rows are shown for each user with the following columns of information:

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Analytics PUBLIC 347
SAP Jam mobile activation

Row item Description

User ID The SAP Jam ID of the user who activated their SAP Jam Mobile app on their device.

First Name The first name of the user who activated their SAP Jam Mobile app on their device.

Last Name The last name of the user who activated their SAP Jam Mobile app on their device.

Email Address The email address of the user who activated their SAP Jam Mobile app on their device.

Device Type Android or iOS.

Status Active or Deactivated.

Activation Date The date and time that the SAP Jam Mobile app was activated on the device.

Deactivation Date The date and time that the SAP Jam Mobile app was deactivated on the device.

Device Model The name of the device model (e.g., Google Nexus, iPhone 6s Plus).

Device Locale The region/language set for the device.

9.1.17 Search summary by week or month

View a weekly or monthly report that lists the mostly frequently entered search terms (from the API search,
global menu bar, and search results keyword field) over a date range. For each date range, you see the number
of times the search term was used.

Report options

 Note

Search terms appear on the report only if they appear more than 10 times and searched by more than 10
different users.

The options that are available when these report types are selected are:

● Specify Date Range: The calendar-selected start and end dates for the reporting period.
● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Group: Report on all groups or a selected group.

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Report details

Shows columns for each week or month in the selected period as well as the total count of searches per term
for the selected period.

Shows a row for each of the following activities:

Search summary by week or month

Row item Description

Search term The term entered as search criteria.

9.1.18 Terms of service compliance

This report shows information on each user listed, which are the users who have accepted the Terms of Service
set in the Admin Compliance and Security Custom Terms of Service page.

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Show Report Header: Whether to include report headings that show the report name and the selected
report options.
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Member Type: Whether to report members in This Company or on Guest Users.

Report details

Shows a row for each user with the following columns of information:

Terms of service compliance

Row item Description

User ID The SAP Jam user ID of the user who has accepted their Terms of Service.

First Name The first name of the user who has accepted their Terms of Service.

Last Name The last name of the user who has accepted their Terms of Service.

Email Address The email address of the user who has accepted their Terms of Service.

Status The status of the user who has accepted their Terms of Service (Active or Alumni).

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Row item Description

Accepted Version The version number of the Terms of Service accepted by the user. Terms of Service are incre­
mentally numbered as they are added.

Accepted Time The time at which the user accepted their Terms of Service.

Link The URL for the Terms of Service accepted by the user.

9.1.19 Top disk usage per group or per user

These reports show information on each user or group listed, depending on which report you selected, which
allows you to view how much disk storage is being consumed by by each user or by each group.

 Note

● In addition to these reports, notifications are sent to company administrators when they are at 80%
and 100% of their storage allocation. If you receive an "80% usage" notification, you should either free
up storage by deleting old content or contact your SAP Jam Support representative to purchase more
storage space. If you receive a "100% usage" notification, your users will no longer be able to upload
content, so acting to resolve the problem becomes vital. These notifications occur daily, are not
configurable, and cannot be turned off. The configuration required to ensure that you (administrators)
receive these notifications is described in About notification emails [page 51].
● Data is included for area and company home page content repositories.

Report options

The options that are available when these report types are selected are:

● Show Report Header: Whether to include report headings that show the report name and the selected
report options.
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Member Type: [For the Per User report only] Whether to report members in This Company or on
Guest Users.

Report details

Shows a row for each user or group (depending on the report requested) with the following columns of

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350 PUBLIC Analytics
Top disk usage per group or per user

Row item Description

User ID (User report only) The SAP Jam user ID of the user that is being reported on.

First Name (User report only) The first name of the reported user.

Last Name (User report only) The last name of the reported user.

Email (User report only) The email address of the reported user.

(Group) Name (Group report The name of the reported group.


Last Updated (Group report The date and time that the group's content was last updated.

Storage Usage (MB) The amount of stored data in megabytes. For the Top Disk Usage Per User report, this
value accounts for all images posted to private and group messages on a per user basis.

Storage Usage in Trash (MB) The amount of data stored in the trash bin of the user or group.

9.1.20 Top disk usage per group per message thread

This report accounts for all content posted to group messages on a per group basis.

Report options

The options that are available when these report types are selected are:

● Show Report Header: Whether to include report headings that show the report name and the selected
report options.
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Group: Choose a group from the dropdown.

Report details

Shows a row for each message thread with the following columns of information:

Top disk usage per group per message thread

Row item Description

Date The date, time, and timezone for when the report was run.

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Row item Description

Storage Limit (MB) The limit of stored data in megabytes.

Total Used (MB) The total amount of data stored in all message threads for the group.

Group Name The name of the reported group.

Thread Name The name of the message thread.

Last Update Time The time that the message thread was last updated.

Storage Usage (MB) The amount of data stored in that message thread.

9.1.21 User contribution activity

This report shows information on each user listed, with aggregate counts of the content that they have
contributed per type of content in the specified time range, as well as a total count of all content types.

Report options

The options that are available when this report type is selected are:

● Specify Date Range: The calendar-selected start and end dates for the reporting period.

 Note

For this report, the start date and end dates that are selected must be in the same month.

● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Group: Report on all groups, or a selected specific group.

Report details

Shows a row for each user with the following columns of information:

User contribution activity

Row item Description

User ID The user's SAP Jam user ID.

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352 PUBLIC Analytics
Row item Description

Email Address The user's email address.

First Name The user's first name.

Last Name The user's last name.

Status Active or an Alumni.

Groups Created A count of the groups created in the specified period.

Blogs A count of the blogs posted in the specified period.

Comments A count of the comments made in the specified period.

Discussions A count of the discussions created in the specified period.

Documents A count of the documents uploaded in the specified period.

Expertise Added A count of the areas of expertise added in the specified period.

Expertise Endorsed A count of the endorsements of other users' areas of expertise in the specified period.

Ideas A count of the ideas proposed in the specified period.

Questions A count of the questions asked in the specified period.

Knowledge Base Arti­ A count of the knowledge base articles asked in the specified period.

Kudos Sent A count of the kudos awarded in the specified period.

Links A count of the links added in the specified period.

Images A count of the images uploaded in the specified period.

Polls A count of the polls created in the specified period.

Poll Votes A count of the poll votes cast in the specified period.

Status Updates A count of the status updates made in the specified period.

Tasks A count of the tasks assigned in the specified period.

Tags A count of the tags created in the specified period.

Videos A count of the videos created in the specified period.

Wikis A count of the wiki pages created in the specified period.

Overview Pages A count of the overview pages created in the specified period.

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Row item Description

Total Contribution A total count of all content created in the specified period.

9.1.22 User contribution by week or month

These reports show information on each user listed, with counts of total number of content items contributed
shown for each week/month in the time period, as well as a total count for the entire time period. Only users
who have contributed at least one item within the requested time frame are listed.

Report options

The options that are available when these report types are selected are:

● Specify Date Range: The calendar-selected start and end dates for the reporting period.
● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Group: Report on all groups or a selected group.

Report details

Shows a row for each user with the following columns of information:

User contribution

Row item Description

User ID SAP Jam user ID.

Email Address The user's email address.

First Name The user's first name.

Last Name The user's last name.

User Status Active or an Alumni.

(time period) The total number of content items added by the user in each week/month in the speci­
fied period.

Total Contribution The total number of content items added by the user in the entire specified period.

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9.1.23 User page views by week or month

These reports show information on each user listed, the count of content pages that they have viewed for each
time period, week or month, and the total views in the full reporting period. Only users who have viewed at least
one item within the requested time frame are listed.

Report options

The options that are available when these report types are selected are:

● Specify Date Range: The calendar-selected start and end dates for the reporting period.
● Show Report Header: Includes report headings that show the report name and the selected report
● Type: CSV or XLSX
● Select Group: Report on all groups or a selected group.

Report details

Shows a row for each user with the following columns of information:

User page views

Row item Description

User ID SAP Jam user ID.

Email Address The user's email address.

First Name The user's first name.

Last Name The user's last name.

(time period) The total number of content views by the user in each week/month in the specified period.

Total The total number of content views by the user in the entire specified period.

9.2 Dashboard

The Analytics Dashboard presents summarized information on SAP Jam activity. Dashboard information is
presented in three sections: a top panel, a set of five summary panels that show Login Activity, Groups, Most
Viewed Groups, Most Engaging Items, and Most Engaged Members, and a set of six details panels that expand
on the summary panels information.

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 Note

The data shown in the Analytics Dashboard is updated, at most, every 7 days.

Company and area level dashboards

As a company or area administrator, from the SAP Jam Admin console, select the admin area from the Change
Admin Area dropdown, and then go to Analytics Dashboard .

The top panel

The information and actions available in the top panel are:

● A dropdown selection for the dashboard timeframe (last 4 weeks, last 3, 6, or 12 months). When you make
a selection here, it applies to all other tiles.

 Note

You can change the timeframe selection for individual tiles; those selections will not change the
timeframes of other tiles.

● A statement indicating the time interval of the default data sets.

● A statement indicating the date that the data was generated. Dashboard data is updated weekly.
● A statement indicating if more recent data is available, and a link to update the display with the newer data.
● A Print button that displays a print-friendly page and opens a printer selection dialog box.
● A Download button to download the following leaderboard metadata to a spreadsheet:
○ Most Engaged Users: Home Page (top 200 list): profile URL, email address, user ID, name, number of
views, number of likes, number of comments, items, and total number of activities.
○ Most Engaging Items: Home Page (top 200 list): item URL, item name, content type, contributor, last
modified, number of views, number of likes, number of comments, number of versions, and total
number of activities.
○ Exported data also indicates whether leaderboard values are from the company or area home page,
the export timestamp, and whether administrators are excluded or included.

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356 PUBLIC Analytics
Analytics Dashboard top panel and summary panels

The summary panels

The information and actions available in the summary panels are:

● Login Activity: (please refer to the Login activity example [page 360] for a sample calculation)
○ User accounts: The current total count of activated user accounts on your organization's instance of
SAP Jam. Activated user accounts have logged in at least once since the organization was created.
This number does not include alumni.

 Note

The current total of user accounts is not determined or affected by the dashboard time frame

○ User accounts change: The change in user accounts from the previous period to the current period,
as actual numbers and a percentage change.
○ Number of unique logins: The total count of users who have logged in to your organization's instance
of SAP Jam for the selected time frame. The count of unique logins can include logins by users who
have deactivated since the selected time frame.
○ Unique logins percentage change: The change in the total count of unique users who have logged in
from the previous period to the current period, as actual numbers and a change percentage.
● Groups:
○ The total count of active groups in your organization's instance of SAP Jam in the selected time frame.

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Analytics PUBLIC 357
○ The change in the total count of active groups from The previous period to the current period, as both
actual numbers and as a percentage change.
○ A pie chart showing the proportions of private, public, and external groups, with counts of each shown
as pop ups when you place your cursor over the pie segments.
● Most Viewed Groups: This panel shows a table of the top 10 most visited groups in the selected time
frame, which includes the following information:
○ An icon indicating the type of group (public, private, or external).
○ The name of the group (if you have access to that group), which is hyperlinked to the home page of
that group).
○ A count of the number of views that each group has received.

 Note

You can filter the group names of the groups that you can access in the type ahead search bar above
the chart.

● Most Engaging Items (home page content only):

○ An option to filter by content type. The content type that appears depends on what home page content
was uploaded, viewed, liked, and commented on within the selected time frame.
○ An option to exclude administrators so that the calculation of the top 10 most engaging items on the
home page for the selected time frame removes all company or area administrators' contributions.
○ Metadata such as content type, item name, contributor, last modified date, number of views, number
of likes, number of comments, uploads, and total number of views, likes, comments, and uploads for
home page content.
○ Items are sorted in descending order by total number of activities.

 Note

○ Custom home page tabs themselves are excluded from company and area leaderboards.
○ Items that are saved to public groups and displayed on the company or area home page are
excluded from company and area leaderboards. Those items display on the group
leaderboards instead.

● Most Engaged Users (home page content only):

○ To be an engaged user, you have to interact with content by viewing it in single item view or a dialog,
edit the content, post comments or reply to comments on the item, like content or feed posts, and vote
in polls.
○ An option to exclude administrators so that the calculation of the top 10 most engaged users for the
selected time frame removes their names from the list.
○ Metadata such as the user's full name, number of views, number of likes, number of comments,
uploads, and total number views, likes, comments, and uploads on content such as:
○ documents
○ wiki pages and blog posts
○ images
○ audio files
○ video files
○ decision-making tools (decision, poll, pro/con table, and ranking)
○ planning tools (agenda, timeline)
○ extension tools (for example, OpenSocial gadgets)

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358 PUBLIC Analytics
○ business records
○ knowledge base articles
○ Users can be sorted in descending order by total number of activities.
○ If the "Allow user level reporting" option is not selected, then the most engaging users leaderboard
does not display.
● Summary panels include:
○ An information icon in the upper-right corner of each panel that displays a pop up explanation of the
data displayed in that panel.
○ (Groups panel only) Pop up numbers of each type of group when you place your cursor over each slice
of the pie chart.
○ (Most Viewed Groups panel only) Links to the home page of each of the listed groups.
○ A View Details link to the detail panel corresponding to each summary panel.

The details panels

These panels show extended information on the same themes as the summary panels. These panels, in lists
and graphs format, give administrators an easy way to detect any trends or changes to the measures and take
appropriate action. The values are captured at the end of each week (Saturday).

After the March 2017 SAP Jam release, a tile appears for Mobile users statistics; it displays the current number
of SAP Jam users with at least one device activated with the SAP Jam mobile app.

An Analytics Dashboard details panels (groups)

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Analytics PUBLIC 359
Detail panels include:

● An information icon in the upper-right corner of each panel that displays a popup explanation of the data
displayed in that panel.
● Login Activity for active users and unique logins; Groups; Mobile users: Four buttons near the top of each
panel that allows you to select time frames of Last 4 weeks, Last 3 months, Last 6 months, or Last 12
months. Popup count numbers for a date on which data was gathered when you place your cursor over any
displayed vertical time line.
● Most Viewed Groups: Shows a gray colored horizontal bar to highlight the comparative counts of views for
each of the top 50 most viewed groups. Full width is the highest count, with subsequent counts being
proportional representations of the counts for each group. A groups dropdown menu allowing you to select
a display of either All Groups, Public Groups, Private Groups, or External Groups.
● Most Engaging Items (Home Page): A list of most engaging home page items for a selected time frame of
Last 4 weeks, Last 3 months, Last 6 months, or Last 12 months. Click the content dropdown to sort by All
Content, Wikis, or Documents. Administrator users can be included or excluded.
● Most Engaged Users (Home Page): A list of most engaged users for a selected time frame of Last 4 weeks,
Last 3 months, Last 6 months, or Last 12 months. The number of view counts, likes, comments, and
uploads are shown to indicate how they engaged with home page content. Administrator users can be
included or excluded.

9.2.1 Login activity example

The following example explains how the dashboard calculates its numbers for current users and unique logins.


A company has subscribed to 2000 license of SAP Jam. This number is not shown on the dashboard. The
company's SAP Jam instance was created on January 1, 2017. Today's date is December 31st, 2018, which is
two years since the tenant creation.

Example login activities

Example login activities

Time period Who logged in to SAP Jam?

January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 Employees 1 to 100

January 1, 2018 to March 31, 2018 Employees 101 - 500

April 1, 2018 to June 30, 2018 Employees 101 - 500

July 1, 2018 to September 30, 2018 Employees 101 - 300 and 501 - 1000

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360 PUBLIC Analytics
Time period Who logged in to SAP Jam?

October 1, 2018 to December 31, 2018 Employees 1001 - 2000

At the end of 2018, employees 1 to 50 left the organization and became alumni in SAP Jam.

What appears on the dashboard

Based on the values in the previous table, the following shows the counts for active users and unique logins.

Login activity values

Time frame selection *Active users Unique Logins

Last 4 weeks 1950 1000

● Employees 1001 to 2000

Last 3 months 1950 1000

● Employees 1001 to 2000

Last 6 months 1950 1700 (1000 + 200 + 500)

● Employees 1001 to 2000, Employees 101 - 300, Employees 501 -


Last 12 months 1950 1900 (1000 + 500 + 400)

● Employees 1001 to 2000, Employees 501 - 1000, Employees 101 -


*The current users count of 1950 is equal to the total number of active users over time (not dependent upon a
time frame selection) minus the 50 alumni.

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10 Extensions Catalog

10.1 Add extensions

The SAP Jam Collaboration Admin console provides access to the extensions available for SAP Jam
Collaboration from the SAP S/4HANA App Center.

To access these extensions

1. Go to the SAP Jam Admin Console and select Extensions Catalog from the left side navigation.
2. Click Learn More beside any extension that is of interest to view the SAP S/4HANA App Center page for
that extension.
Details on the extension are shown in that page, as well as acquisition information and installation
instructions, or information on how to access such instructions.

Examples of supported extensions

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362 PUBLIC Extensions Catalog
 Note

Extensions from the SAP S/4HANA App Center are not currently available in translation. Please ensure that
you and your users are prepared to use the extension in its available language, or languages, before
acquiring and installing one.

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Extensions Catalog PUBLIC 363
11 Get Support

11.1 Request support

To file a SAP Jam Support request, please see: .

This portal is used to request support for all SuccessFactors modules, including SAP Jam.

SAP Jam adheres to the same Service Level Agreements and Case Priorities as all SuccessFactors modules.
The case priorities for SAP Jam product defects are:

● Very High — A production system is down, a production system go-live or upgrade cannot be completed,
and no workaround is available.
● High — Normal business processes are seriously affected or necessary tasks cannot be performed.
● Medium — Normal business processes are affected and the problem is caused by incorrect or inoperable
functions in the SAP system.
● Low — The problem has little or no effect on normal business processes, or inoperable functions are not
required daily or are rarely used.

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364 PUBLIC Get Support
Important Disclaimers and Legal Information

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Gender-Related Language
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SAP Jam Collaboration Administrator Guide

Important Disclaimers and Legal Information PUBLIC 365

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