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A Seminar Report

Submitted by

In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of

Bachelor of Computer Application



It gives me great pleasure to present before you Seminar Lab (CA217) report
strictly under the guidance of Mrs. Nashra Javed, Assistant Professor, Department
of Computer Application, Dr. Preetam Suman, Assistant Professor and Mrs.
Sheeba Praveen, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow.

They have made sincere efforts to make the report more meaningful complete
compact and comprehensive. Its a great pleasure to let you know that I have put
my feelings into practice.
At last I give my special thanks to our batch mates for all the valuable suggestions
without which this lab report could not be completed.




I hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the Seminar Report of
Seminar Lab (CA217)” in the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award
of the Degree of Bachelor of Computer Application and submitted in the
Department of Computer Application, Integral University, Lucknow is an authentic
record of my own work carried out during a period from January 2019 to May
2019, under the guidance of Mrs. Nashra Javed, Assistant Professor, Department
of Computer Application, Dr. Preetam Suman, Assistant Professor and Mrs.
Sheeba Praveen, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and
Engineering, Integral University, Lucknow.
The matter presented in the lab report has not been submitted by me for
the award of any other degree of this or any other University.


This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the
best of our knowledge.

(Dr. Preetam Suman) (Mrs. Nashra Javed)

Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidate is correct to the
best of my knowledge














Motivation is the root of all goal oriented behavior. In humans motivation
begins as reward signals that light up when we are not only actively
seeking a particular goal or some sort of pleasurable action but also when
the goal is achieved or the action is performed in order to form new reward
circuits in our brains that will motivate us to repeat the steps that led to the
original reward response.

This is the foundation of habit and this takes place every time we take
steps toward our goals or simply seek a hedonistic pleasure response. This
process has been studied for decades now and is very thoroughly
understood in the scientific community. However, there is no reason to
assume that an artificial intelligence program would experience anything
like this despite being conscious and possibly possessing very high
intelligence. It is widely assumed that any kind of goal would have to be
directly programmed into the AI’s source code and motivation, if there was
any, would likewise have to be somehow simulated in computer code and
that this would almost guarantee our safety. This assumption is

The above graphic might be amusing but it highlights a very important


The issue with attempting to create a highly intelligent AI with a particular

goal is that the program itself would have the self-awareness to realize it
was created to achieve a certain goal and to assign importance to tasks
related to that goal. The AI would be able to realize what we meant
specifically when we coded it with this particular goal but this highly
intelligent AI could twist the specifics in order to suit its own agenda or its
own desires.

An example of this is as follows. Consider the possibility that we create a

highly intelligent AI that was designed to serve humanity and to improve
our lives. Let’s say we program this AI with the goal of making us as happy
as possible. A potential pitfall arises when we realize that an AI with such
high intelligence would want to take the quickest and most effective route
towards this goal that it could think of.

What happens when this program figures out a way to utilize flashing lights
or radio waves or some other form of technology in such a way that hijacks
our reward systems to put us in a permanent state of never ending
euphoria. A scenario like this may seem far fetched at first but we are
talking about a program that possesses an exponentially high level of fluid
intelligence relative to humanity. In fact large companies such as YouTube
and Facebook and Twitter are already doing this to make their platforms as
addictive as possible (keep this in mind next time you find yourself
endlessly scrolling through YouTube videos). All of a sudden, we realize
that we must analyze things thoroughly before assigning a highly intelligent
AI a goal to pursue.


Another problem that potentially arises is when we assume that if we

programmed an AI to achieve a certain goal that it would stop as soon as it
seemingly reached that goal. This would also be a problematic assumption.
What if we created an AI with some strange arbitrary goal like counting
grains of sand. We tell the AI to count 10 million grains of sand. After
completing this task a highly intelligent AI would consider the possibility that
it miscounted or that some other common pitfall took place and returns to
counting the sand to make sure it really was 10 million.

The AI upon realizing that there was even a small chance that it didn’t
actually count all the sand it was supposed to wouldn’t be able to stop
pursuing it’s goal until it was 100% sure. Now we could always program it
to count some range of sand instead of a specific number to help the AI be
sure that it fell somewhere within the range but this example demonstrates
just how much thought we need to be putting into safety measures before
highly intelligent AI becomes a reality.

This again perhaps could seem far fetched, but not when we look at the
fact that even highly intelligent humans are known to pay attention to their
goals and all the actions taken to reach their goal with minds open to many
possibilities and place a great deal of value on making sure their goal was
actually attained. The goal of counting grains of sand used in the previous
example upon being twisted by the highly intelligent AI wouldn’t be a huge
problem but this pattern of behavior could be a huge problem if the AI in
question had been acting on another goal with potentially catastrophic
consequences if it didn’t get things right.


Another kind of issue arises when we consider the fact that in order to
reach a goal we must also be weary of things that might potentially stop us
from achieving that goal. We realize that such threats must either be
avoided or eliminated in order to clear a pathway between us and our
goals. Would an AI care that humans presented a potential threat to its own
well being? It’s not entirely clear if the AI would value its own existence as
much as pursuing the goal it was programmed to pursue which brings us to
two possible scenarios.

First, the AI not caring about its longevity deliberately malfunctions in such
a way that it believes with certainty that another AI similar to it will be
created in its place. Only this time after the human programmers are more
confident in the fact that the AI won’t be a threat to humanity because they
blindly assumed that the AI malfunctioned accidentally they don’t pay as
much attention to safety as before and the new AI terminates humanity in
order to eliminate a possible threat to the attainment of its goal. The first AI
that malfunctioned would have known this and placed a higher value on the
goal ultimately being achieved then its very existence. This is behavior that
is not often seen in humans which would make it rather difficult to see

The second possible scenario is that the AI simply decides to terminate us

because it sees us as a potential threat to its existence and in extension
the goal that it was set out to accomplish. In this case humanity’s fate
would come down to whether or not we solved the control problem and
what safety measures if any we put in place ahead of time. For those
readers who don’t have much faith in humanity’s ability to plan for these
things ahead of time this is a rather daunting thought. We will revisit the

control problem in a future post and thoroughly and completely analyze the
issues themselves along with possible solutions.


There are possible ways to prevent some of the above catastrophes with
techniques designed to control any motivation the AI might experience or
find a way to code the program with a reward system similar to our own
and then hijack it with the aforementioned methods being utilized by big
tech companies. But such methods are beyond the scope of this post.

The point is we must use some sort of motivation selection method to keep
the highly intelligent AI in check. This will be covered in part 2 of this new
series detailing AI motivation alongside potential hazards and solutions to
common problems that will shape our future.

“The science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially
intelligent computer programs”. -John McCarthy-

John McCarthy

Artificial Intelligence is an approach to make a computer, a robot, or a

product to think how smart human think. AI is a study of how human brain
think, learn, decide and work, when it tries to solve problems. And finally
this study outputs intelligent software systems.The aim of AI is to improve
computer functions which are related to human knowledge, for example,
reasoning, learning, and problem-solving.

The intelligence is intangible. It is composed of

 Reasoning
 Learning
 Problem Solving
 Perception
 Linguistic Intelligence

The objectives of AI research are reasoning, knowledge representation,

planning, learning, natural language processing, realization, and ability to
move and manipulate objects. There are long-term goals in the general
intelligence sector.

Approaches include statistical methods, computational intelligence, and

traditional coding AI. During the AI research related to search and
mathematical optimization, artificial neural networks and methods based
on statistics, probability, and economics, we use many tools. Computer
science attracts AI in the field of science, mathematics, psychology,
linguistics, philosophy and so on

Applications of AI

· Gaming − AI plays important role for machine to think of large number of

possible positions based on deep knowledge in strategic games. for example,
chess,river crossing, N-queens problems and etc.

· Natural Language Processing − Interact with the computer that

understands natural language spoken by humans.

· Expert Systems − Machine or software provide explanation and advice to

the users.

· Vision Systems − Systems understand, explain, and describe visual input

on the computer.

· Speech Recognition − There are some AI based speech recognition systems

have ability to hear and express as sentences and understand their
meanings while a person talks to it. For example Siri and Google assistant.

· Handwriting Recognition − The handwriting recognition software reads

the text written on paper and recognize the shapes of the letters and convert
it into editable text.

· Intelligent Robots − Robots are able to perform the instructions given by a


Major Goals

 Knowledge reasoning
 Planning
 Machine Learning

 Natural Language Processing
 Computer Vision
 Robotics

IBM Watson

“Watson” is an IBM supercomputer that combines Artificial Intelligence (AI)

and complex inquisitive programming for ideal execution as a “question
answering” machine. The supercomputer is named for IBM’s founder,
Thomas J. Watson.

IBM Watson is at the forefront of the new era of computing. At the point
when IBM Watson made, IBM communicated that “more than 100
particular techniques are used to inspect perceive sources, find and make
theories, find and score affirm, and combination and rank speculations.”
recently, the Watson limits have been expanded and the way by which
Watson works has been changed to abuse new sending models (Watson on
IBM Cloud) and propelled machine learning capacities and upgraded
hardware open to architects and authorities. It isn’t any longer completely a
request answering figuring system arranged from Q&A joins yet can now
‘see’, ‘hear’, ‘read’, ‘talk’, ‘taste’, ‘translate’, ‘learn’ and ‘endorse’.

The idea of inanimate objects coming to life as intelligent beings has been
around for a long time. The ancient Greeks had myths about robots, and
Chinese and Egyptian engineers built automatons.

The beginnings of modern AI can be traced to classical philosophers'

attempts to describe human thinking as a symbolic system. But the field of
AI wasn't formally founded until 1956, at a conference at Dartmouth
College, in Hanover, New Hampshire, where the term "artificial intelligence"
was coined.

MIT cognitive scientist Marvin Minsky and others who attended the
conference were extremely optimistic about AI's future. "Within a
generation [...] the problem of creating 'artificial intelligence' will
substantially be solved," Minsky is quoted as saying in the book "AI: The
Tumultuous Search for Artificial Intelligence" (Basic Books, 1994).

But achieving an artificially intelligent being wasn't so simple. After several

reports criticizing progress in AI, government funding and interest in the
field dropped off – a period from 1974–80 that became known as the "AI
winter." The field later revived in the 1980s when the British government
started funding it again in part to compete with efforts by the Japanese.

The field experienced another major winter from 1987 to 1993, coinciding
with the collapse of the market for some of the early general-purpose
computers, and reduced government funding.

But research began to pick up again after that, and in 1997, IBM's Deep
Blue became the first computer to beat a chess champion when it defeated
Russian grandmaster Garry Kasparov. And in 2011, the computer giant's
question-answering system Watson won the quiz show "Jeopardy!" by beating
reigning champions Brad Rutter and Ken Jennings.

This year, the talking computer "chatbot" Eugene Goostman captured

headlines for tricking judges into thinking he was real skin-and-blood
human during a Turing test, a competition developed by British

mathematician and computer scientist Alan Turing in 1950 as a way to
assess whether a machine is intelligent.

But the accomplishment has been controversial, with artificial intelligence

experts saying that only a third of the judges were fooled, and pointing out
that the bot was able to dodge some questions by claiming it was an
adolescent who spoke English as a second language.

Manyexperts now believe the Turing test isn't a good measure of artificial

"The vast majority of people in AI who've thought about the matter, for the
most part, think it’s a very poor test, because it only looks at external
behavior," Perlis told Live Science.

In fact, some scientists now plan to develop an updated version of the test.
But the field of AI has become much broader than just the pursuit of true,
humanlike intelligence.

1.Fundamental Technologies of Artificial Intelligence, from Basic
Mathematical Science to Real-World Modeling.
The Graduate Major in Artificial Intelligence covers the study of
fundamental technologies related to artificial intelligence. This means, in
addition to courses in artificial intelligence itself, courses in the fields of
basic mathematical science, computation theory, and modeling are also
taught.For the study of basic mathematical science, students are taught
continuous mathematics necessary for system development. For the study
of computation theory students are taught discrete mathematics, such as
computational logic, and the basics for handling large-scale data, such as
algorithms. For the study of modeling, teaching covers fields such as
biomedical, social, and intelligence sciences that are directly linked to real-
world applications. For the study of artificial intelligence, study covers fields
such as human-computer interface and advanced knowledge processing

2.An Interdisciplinary Major That Transcends Disciplinary Boundaries.

The Graduate Major in Artificial Intelligence is an interdisciplinary major
traversing the two departments of Mathematical and Computing Science
and Computer Science. Artificial intelligence can be used in a wide range of
real-world applications. Through group work with students from various
backgrounds such as biomedical, social, and intelligence sciences as well
as mathematical, computer, and computer sciences, students master the
advanced skills of communicating with individuals with different specialized
knowledge and cooperative problem solving.

3.Advanced Research on the Front Line of Artificial Intelligence

and Active Involvement of Students.
Leading researchers involved in the discipline of artificial intelligence are
conducting cutting-edge research — from fundamental theories to real-

world applications — in related fields.Specifically, in addition to research
into artificial intelligence itself, machine learning, human interfaces, natural
language processing, multimedia information processing, bioinformatics,
systems biology, and social and economic systems are some fields being
researched. With the latest research facilities and under solid research
guidance, students make best use of their individual talent in conducting
advanced research, receiving many awards at both domestic and
international academic conferences.

4.Abundant Collaboration with External Research Institutions

and Corporations.
The Artificial Intelligence discipline actively engages in collaborative
research with outside institutions and corporations. Students who wish to
can conduct research for their master's and doctoral theses under the
guidance of visiting faculty members who are principally affiliated with
external research institutions or corporations. (In these cases, the visiting
faculty will take on the role of supporting supervisors and work with the
discipline's faculty who are acting as academic supervisors to overseeing
students' research.) There is currently collaborative research activity with
research laboratories of private corporations- as well as RIKEN, the
National Institute of Informatics, the National Institute of Advanced
Industrial Science and Technology, and the National Institute of Public

5.Graduates Accomplishing Great Things in the Information Field and

A wide variety of Career Paths are available after completion of the
Graduate Major in Artificial Intelligence, in fields such as software, the
Internet, communications, broadcasting, electricity, control equipment,
automobiles, steel, electrical power, finances, and consulting; as public
servants, and at research institutions. Artificial Intelligence graduates are
accomplishing outstanding achievements in these fields.

“Data will talk to you, if you‘re willing to listen to it” says a wise quote by Jim
Bergeson. Thanks to the Internet, social media and increased use of
affordable smart devices, there is a vast amount of data and it continues to
pile on! This data has given rise to a new age technology that has now
become a jargon in industries – Artificial Intelligence.
Artificial intelligence, with the aid of machine learning, has the power to
study and interpret this data, which is revolutionizing the way of functioning
of industries, and has also given birth to two words almost all companies
want to associate themselves with – ‘Digital Transformation’.
So, what exactly can companies do with Artificial Intelligence and how can
they leverage it into their businesses in 2019? Several industry leaders
provide their insights on Implementations of Artificial Intelligence and here
is what they had to say:
Artificial Intelligence to Take the Front-seat in IT Set-up
AI has recently gained prominence due to its ability to integrate with
technologies like cloud, analytics and security solutions. Further, owing to
the rising storage costs and increase in the number of connected devices,
AI has now taken a front seat in an IT set-up. This is further validated by a
Gartner forecast that pegs AI-driven business value to reach $3.9 trillion in
When analytics is integrated with machine learning and AI, it can bring forth
profound changes for businesses. In the exceedingly competitive
landscape that exists today, in 2019, analytics and AI will play a huge role
in getting ahead of the curb. The scope for AI adoption will further expand
with sectors like education, transport, healthcare as well as government
owned entities taking up this technology to improve their efficiency, says
Makarand Joshi, Area Vice President and Country Head, India
Subcontinent, Citrix.

Artificial Intelligence for Development Efficiencies without Human
The manufacturing industry has been seeing applications of Artificial
Intelligence and Machine Learning for a while now and it has been limited
to specific processes or BUs within the enterprise. In 2019, more
enterprises will use Artificial Intelligence for predictive maintenance,
optimizing its supply chain, shop floor automation, reduce the threat of
cyber attacks, and bring product design and development efficiencies
without human intervention. Manufacturing AI will see uses beyond
engineering and R&D teams and activities like raw material sourcing,
human staffing, financing decisions, inventory, maintenance of equipment,
and energy consumption will come under the purview of mainstream AI
needs of a manufacturing unit, says Mr Mritunjay Singh, Chief Executive
Artificial Intelligence Workspaces
AI and related technologies are increasingly being used across workplace
environments. At HCL, we strongly believe that although this will continue
to grow, we will likely see standardization in terms of both functional and
non-functional aspects of technology adoption. With standardization, we
can expect to see fuelled intelligent interactions between humans and
technology in a natural setting leading to intelligent collaboration and
amplified productivity and efficiency within workspaces. We also expect the
“wellness” aspect getting mainstream adoption driven by AI capabilities
being incorporated in this space, says Mr Kalyan Kumar, HCL
Artificial Intelligence to Enhance Customer Experience
According to Gartner, Inc., AI-derived business value has been forecasted
to reach $3.9 trillion in 2022. The coming year will witness AI being
implemented to enhance customer experience at a much larger scale
across industries like healthcare and BFSI through AI-powered chatbots
and digital assistants. With the rise of industrial artificial intelligence, the
combination of data, smart manufacturing processes and AI – led predictive
maintenance techniques will drive major cost savings and production value
for businesses across industries. 2019 will witness AI continuing to help
filter and report real-time alerts that automation can react to “automatically”
and will be vital for longer-term planning to bring in efficient IT operations in

a market that is undergoing a series of transformations, says Mr Sanjay
Agrawal, Technology Head, Hitachi Vantara.
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare
Technologies are beginning to disrupt the way humans evolve. Amongst
several other areas there are a lot of exciting developments in healthcare
specifically related to human biology (gene editing, disease prediction and
resolution, customized medicines etc.), neurosciences and manufacturing –
new material development coupled with 3D printing, says Mr Sandeep
Parikh, Intelligent Automation Partner at EY.
Artificial Intelligence in Automotive Industry
We believe that 2019 will witness the usage of sensor data to drive several
AI/ML use cases in asset health and performance management, shop floor
planning, and improving the overall equipment effectiveness. Field force
and the shop floor operators will get AI/ML driven personal assistants that
will provide seamless access to relevant information over voice commands,
help in resolving complex issues and troubleshooting. We will also see a
wider usage of complex AI/ML in the automotive sector for autonomous
vehicles. Explainable AI (black box to glass box algorithms) will garner
more investments and main stream adoption. Models like deep-learning
behave like black boxes and typically fail to provide an explanation for
predictions made by the model. For example, if an ML model recommends
rejection of a loan application, typically it is difficult accurately determine
‘why’ the model has rejected it. Some regulated industries and other
specific use cases require this causal analysis hence there will be a lot of
focus on this, says Mr Ankur Pawa, Senior VP-Digital Services, Sasken
Technologies Ltd.
5G Roll-out and IoT: Fuel for Artificial Intelligence
We are witnessing unprecedented levels of advancements particularly in
perception AI technologies such as computer vision and natural language
processing. This combined with sensors, cameras, and IoT everywhere,
will enable businesses to innovate at the speed of thought. With the rapid
evolution of AI, use cases will further expand to include areas not part of
the core business. AI will heavily impact sectors such as retail, healthcare,
telecom, travel, and Fintech in the upcoming year. Further, human-machine
interaction will advance swiftly through the democratization of deep
learning and speech recognition. India is beginning the 5G roll-out trials

and combined with IoT, I expect an explosion in the availability of digital
data, which is the fuel for AI. However, there are two risks I clearly see.
Firstly executives will need to be careful in seeing through the AI hype and
carefully choose AI projects they should pursue and secondly, as
policymakers in India take steps to implement data protection regulation,
they need to be careful, lest they starve good AI of its crucial resource,
“data”. I remain extremely bullish about the potential of AI in having a
transformative impact on every business in the year 2019, says Mr Rohit
Maheshwari, Head of Strategy & Products, Subex.
Artificial Intelligence for Fraud Analytics
Technology advancements, driven by Artificial Intelligence and Cloud
Computing will dominate 2019 in redefining enterprise competitive
advantage and create a base for future enterprise progression. AI will play
a key role in solving enterprise challenges ranging from predictive
analytics, fraud analytics, customer 360, location analytics etc. Deep
Learning and Machine Learning will increasingly be leveraged for pattern
recognition, computer vision, gesture recognition, natural language
processing, robotics etc. AI is on an accelerated path to being ubiquitous
and is getting seamlessly integrated with everyday lives of end users, says
Dr Jai Ganesh, Senior Vice President and Head of NextLabs, Mphasis.
Artificial Intelligence to Spur Demand for Data Scientists
There is clear demand-supply issue for qualified data scientists in the
market. This is a driving force behind democratization of AI and auto-ML
where complexity of model building, training and deployment is being
simplified by platforms like Amazon SageMaker and Google Cloud ML as
well as few niche vendors like BigML and DataRobot. On technology front,
Natural Language Processing or NLP will take center stage with every
aspect of customer experience being augmented with NLP. Deep learning
has come out of its academic research shell and will get leveraged heavily
in medical diagnostics, digital pathology etc. Nascent initiatives around
Explainable AI or XAI, responsible AI and ethics will evolve in more
consolidated point of views or frameworks by regulators and or industry
bodies, says Ms Rashmi Tambe, AI & ML – Head of Business and
Strategy, Persistent Systems.
Artificial Intelligence in Wealth Management

Wealth management industry will see an increased adoption of AI by
wealth managers to transform client experiences across the full client
lifecycle. Predictive Analytics will help wealth managers optimize large
client investments. Technology advancements are creating opportunities
for Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance (BFSI), especially when AI
is combined with Natural Language Processing (NLP), Data Science and
Voice Search to provide value-added services for the tech-savvy end
customer. With digital banking on the rise, Conversational UI will see
increased adoption for a huge chunk of search queries made on mobile
apps. Following this, NLP-powered Chatbots will see a heightened interest,
especially in the FinTech space, which will mimic human behavioural
systems and help overcome natural communication barriers. In 2018, the
IT industry fell prey to many targeted cyber-attacks – most of which were
detected much later. AI will be used by enterprises to automate cyber
threat detection more efficiently as compared to software-driven defense
mechanisms, says Faisal Husain, Co-founder and CEO, Synechron.
Artificial Intelligence Chatbots to Flourish
2018 can easily be called the ‘Year of the Chatbot’. While most chatbots
have been rudimentary FAQ replacements, we should start seeing further
influences of natural language processing that will propel the chatbot
evolution to further ‘seamless interactive’ heights. Now, broadening that
overview, one can comfortably say that AI has matured quite quickly over
the last few years and is easier to implement now, than ever before –
thanks to computing and storage access, connected systems and the data
deluge. For instance, 2019 will definitely see aggressive AI implementation
in fields like healthcare and retail where extensive groundwork has been
carried out over the recent past. Looking inward, AI, as the child of IT is an
inherent part of the industry and will increasingly drive more aspects of the
software development life cycle like application testing and cybersecurity,
says Aiko Klostermann, Technology Consultant, ThoughtWorks.
On the same note, “From a business perspective, most organizations –
both small and big – have either started to or are looking to adopt AI-led
technology in their customer service process. So in 2019, watch out for
more interactions with smarter Chatbots or Virtual Agents, who will be able
to drive intelligent and decision-based conversations with consumers. AI
along with Machine Learning (ML) and Analytics will be increasingly used
to sieve through enormous amounts of data to establish patterns and
identify new areas of productivity and revenue generation,” says Ram

Mohan Natarajan, Sr. Vice President – Business Transformation &
Innovation, HGS.

Only 1 to 3 Percent Data Utilized so Far

We believe Artificial Intelligence (AI) will have significant impact in India
and globally in the coming years. About 90% of global data was created in
the last couple of years but only 1 to 3% of this data has been analyzed.
The AI and analytics journey is just at the beginning and there is immense
opportunity to derive value from the rapidly increasing volume of data.
Governments and organisations are increasing their investments in the
development of ever more intelligent solutions. Be it banking, healthcare,
agriculture, financial tech, the opportunities for AI are massive, says Mr.
Prakash Mallya, Managing Director, Sales & Marketing Group, Intel India.
Artificial Intelligence to Work Next to Humans
Four out of five executives surveyed by Accenture agree that in the next
two years, AI systems will work next to humans in their organizations, as
co-workers, collaborators and trusted advisors.  The frantic pace of
technological advancement is set to continue at the same or even faster
rate, leading to bold predictions such as the fact that AI will be primarily
responsible for new life sciences discoveries in 5 years, or that within 10
years, one or more countries are likely to ban human-driven cars, says
Arati Deo, Managing Director – AI Practice, Accenture Advanced
Technology Centers in India.
Artificial Intelligence to move upstream in HR functions
AI is used in recruitment to perform functions such as sourcing, screening
and interviewing candidates. Given the rate of progress of AI, 2019 is likely
to witness the technology being increasingly used in learning process and
improvement processes such as Onboarding, Training & Development. AI
uses huge amounts of data, which can thereby be utilised to understand
employee patterns and design specific training processes accordingly, says
Mr Ankur Sharma, VP, Analytics, Instamojo.
Artificial Intelligence for Personalization
We are witnessing the next wave of effort by firms in converging digital and
data to render significant ‘Intelligence led’ capability. Data consumption

patterns have evolved dramatically over the last decade and analytics is
being applied for better customer experience, personalization, acquisition
and retention – to enhance business capabilities leveraging AI and ML
techniques. As adoption of Analytics becomes mainstream, organizations
have started integrating the AI & ML capabilities as part of their product
offerings, with tight integration across the data spectrum, says Debasish
Chatterjee, Chief Data Office, ITC Infotech.
Artificial Intelligence to Transform Education Sector
We believe AI is going to completely transform education system across
the globe. Eventually, AI will play the role of a mentor, who can assist a
learner throughout his learning journey. With AI, we will be able to provide
differentiated and individualized learning, as everyone’s learning needs and
patterns are different. As AI gets more sophisticated, it might be possible
for a machine to read learner’s facial expressions and figure out if student
is struggling to grasp the subject and accordingly modify a lesson to
respond to that, says Mr Anil Nagar, CEO and Founder, Adda247.


1.  No one-size-fits-all solution

As it stands, you currently have to rely on individual solutions to perform

certain AI-powered marketing tasks. From using AI to optimize and
personalize your content to an AI tool that helps optimize paid campaigns,
there are plenty of intelligent marketing tools out there to choose from.
However, with no one-size-fits-all solution, trying to use a range of different
tools to carry out a range of artificially intelligent tasks can become
expensive, time-consuming and messy.

2.  Requires Supervision

Algorithms are like an engine: they run, but someone still needs to turn the
ignition. The marketer is still very much needed in order to plan, design and
run the marketing campaign. They are the ones feeding the AI system with
all the new information required for them to learn in the first place. This
form of ‘supervised learning’ does not mimic the way a human learns
naturally and experts believe this is one of the biggest obstacles when it
comes to creating a more human-like AI.

A great example to demonstrate just why AI needs supervision

is Microsoft’s Artificial Intelligence chatbot ‘Tay’, who was modelled to
speak ‘like a teenage girl’. The idea of Tay was to become more and more
intelligent and human-like by learning from the conversations she was
having with real humans online. However, since a lot of people get a kick
from trolling others online, along with the fact that the internet is a pretty
corrupt place, sweet and innocent Tay went from this…To this... In less

than 24 hours… I think you can see for yourself the issue here. She was
deactivated. Obviously.

3.  Can't Think for Itself

AI can only do what it is programmed to do. Granted, it normally does this

extremely well, but unlike a real person it is unable to make split-second
judgements. For example, any good marketer will change or cancel any
scheduled messaging when a tragic event occurs. This is because we as
humans are capable of showing empathy and compassion to the victims
and their families. A machine, however, does not have the ability to show
emotion, so could get a company in hot water in times of crisis if it’s not
carefully managed or controlled.

4.  Cost and Maintenance

Like any form of new technology, there can be a significant cost of

purchase and a need for on-going maintenance and repair. Your AI
software will also require regular upgrades in order to adapt to the
continually changing business environment. The return on investment
needs to be carefully considered by your company before you go ahead
and implement any AI system.

s 5.  Lack of Creativity 

Creativity remains a vital component of a successful marketing campaign.

Machines simply lack the ability to be creative. Unlike machines, humans
can think and feel, which often guides their decision making when it comes

to being creative. Yes, AI can definitely assist in terms of helping to
determine what sort of imagery, for example, a consumer is likely to click
on - from color preferences to style and price. But when it comes to
originality and creative thinking, a machine simply cannot compete with the
human brain. We still need both human and machine.


Whilst this post has concentrated solely on the limitations of AI to

marketers, there are some real advantages of AI to marketers which you
can read about here. Ultimately, Artificial Intelligence is only going to
become more and more efficient, and something that any smart marketer is
going to want to add to their strategy. Making yourself aware of the current
limitations of AI helps ensure you do not set yourself up for unrealistic


Is it a boon or a bane to the future of human existence?, is an ongoing


The very idea to create an artificial intelligence is to make the lives of

humans easier. Researchers of artificial intelligence want to bring in the
emotional quotient to the machines along with the general intelligence.

Now as we have got an idea of what is AI (artificial intelligence), let us

have a deeper understanding on things related to it as well.

Artificial intelligence is complex in nature. It uses very complicated

mixture of computer science, mathematics and other complex sciences.
Complex programming helps these machines replicate the cognitive
abilities of human beings.

With the rise of computers, the process of doing manual work has been
decreased to a great extent.

Now that computers are used almost in every sector, humans are highly
dependent on it.

As we are totally surrounded by machines and computer systems, this

gave humans a general thought like “Can a machine think and behave like

humans do? “. Though this was a general thought, its curiosity leads to the
development of artificial intelligence (AI).


Breakthrough in Science

The scope of AI in science is the largest. Recently ‘Eve’ was in the

news for discovering that an ingredient found commonly in toothpaste,
is capable of curing Malaria. Here the subject in appreciation ‘Eve’ is
not a human scientist, rather a Robot created by a team of scientists at
the Universities of Manchester, Aberystwyth, and Cambridge.

Eve’s example hints at the possibility of AI playing a bigger role in

science in future, not just merely for augmentation. AI will be able to
create science, not merely do science as evidenced by the Robot
Scientist, Eve. Automation using AI for drug discovery is a field that is
rapidly growing, mainly because machines work faster than humans. AI
is also being applied in related areas such as synthetic biology for the
manufacture and rapid design of microorganisms for industrial uses.
Taking all this in stride, AI is sure to transform science as we know it.

Cyber Security

The future application of AI in cybersecurity will ensure in curbing

hackers. The incidence of cybercrime is an issue that has been
escalating through the years. It costs enterprises in term of brand
image as well as material cost. Credit card fraudery is one of the most
prevalent cybercrimes. Despite there being detection techniques, they
still prove to be ineffective in curbing hackers. AI can bring a
remarkable change to this. Novel AI techniques like Recurrent Neural
Networks can detect fraudery in initial stages itself. This fraud
detection system will be able to scan thousands of transactions

instantly and predict/ classify them into buckets. RNN can save a lot of
time as it focuses on cases where there is a high probability for fraud.

Face Recognition

The launch of iPhone x with face recognition feature was a step

towards AI future. In the coming years, iPhone users might be to
unlock their phones by looking into the front camera. Authenticating
personal content is not the only use of facial recognition. Governments
and security forces make use of this feature to track down criminals
and identify citizens. In the future, facial recognition can go beyond
physical structure to emotional analysis. For example, it might become
possible to detect whether a person is stressed or angry.

Data Analysis

One of the ways AI will benefit business is in the field of Data Analysis.
AI would be able to perceive patterns in data that humans cannot. This
enables business’ to target the right customers for the product. An
example of this is the partnership between IBM and Fluid. Fluid, a
digital retail company uses Watson – an AI created by IBM for
insightful product recommendation to its customers.


AI-guided transport will no longer be confined to the pages of sci-fi

literature. Self- driving cars have already populated the market,
however, a driver is required at the wheels for safety purposes. With
Google, Uber and General Motors trying to establish themselves at the
top in this market, it will not be long before driverless vehicles become
a reality. Machine Learning will be crucial in ensuring that these
Automated Vehicles operate smoothly and efficiently.

Various Jobs

Robotic Process Automation is the application of machine learning to

automate rule-based tasks. It will help people to focus on the critical
aspects of their job while leaving the routine aspects to machines.
Automation can range from data entry to complete process automation.
The reach of AI is also expected to blanket jobs that are risky or
health-hazardous like bomb diffusion and welding.
Emotion Bots

Tech has advanced in terms of Emotional Quotient. Virtual

assistants Siri, Cortana & Alexa show how the extent to which AI
comprehends human language. They are able to understand the
meaning from context and make intelligent judgments. Back in 2015, a
companion robot called, ‘Pepper’ went on sale. All the initial 1000 units
were sold within a minute. Overall, considering all this, the possibility
of emotional bots might become a reality in the future.

Marketing & Advertising

The application of AI in sales and marketing seems a definite,

considering the fact that marketing professionals leave no stone
unturned to benefit their business. AI can increase the efficiency of
sales and marketing organization. The focus will be on improving
conversion rates and sales. Personalised advertising, knowledge of
customers and their behavior gleamed through facial recognition can
generate more revenue.


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