Izak Nel 209 324 067 DIT101T JK Flip-Flop
Izak Nel 209 324 067 DIT101T JK Flip-Flop
Izak Nel 209 324 067 DIT101T JK Flip-Flop
JK Flip-Flop
Illustrate the working of a JK flip flop with a negative edge trigger, display all the
functions and ascertain the full intimate knowledge of internal functioning and
application of the flip flop. Connect flip flop to pulse, alter J and K values to every
possible combination and note changes in JK configuration in reference to the clock
BUT – the JK Flip flop only changes states when the input clock pulse is on a
negative edge of its input clock pulse - also known as the trailing edge – this
means that if the inputs change states and they allow for a condition change
of Q but the input edge of the clock pulse is Positive the output will not
change states.
The JK flip flop also has two additional inputs i.e. Preset and Clear. When One
of these inputs receive a low input (active low functioning) the will Set or
Clear the output regardless of the edge state concerning the input clock
a) Physical size of instrument
Instrument built on a standard issue breadboard that has a
dimension spec of 150 mm x 5 mm x 10 mm
20.55 mA at 5 volts
= 102.7 mW
In most ways, the JK flip-flop behaves just like the RS flip-flop. The Q and Qc
outputs will only change state on the falling edge of the CLK signal, and the J
and K inputs will control the future output state pretty much as before.
However, there are some important differences.
Since one of the two logic inputs is always disabled according to the output
state of the overall flip-flop, the master latch cannot change state back and
forth while the CLK input is at logic 1. Instead, the enabled input can change
the state of the master latch once, after which this latch will not change
again. This was not true of the RS flip-flop.
If both the J and K inputs are held at logic 1 and the CLK signal continues to
change, the Q and Q' outputs will simply change state with each falling edge
of the CLK signal. (The master latch circuit will change state with each rising
edge of CLK.) We can use this characteristic to advantage in a number of
ways. A flip-flop built specifically to operate this way is typically designated
as a T (for Toggle) flip-flop. The lone T input is in fact the CLK input for other
types of flip-flops.
Cloc J K Q Qc
↓ 0 0 NC NC
↓ 0 1 0 1
↓ 1 0 1 0
↓ 1 1 Toggle
Truth Table
The Objective was achieved, the internal workings of a JK flip-Flop were
investigated, examined and understood.
The J-K flip-flop is the most versatile of the basic flip-flops. It has the input-
following character of the clocked D flip-flop but has two inputs, traditionally
labelled J and K. If J and K are different then the output Q takes the value of J
at the next clock edge.
If J and K are both low then no change occurs. If J and K are both high at the
clock edge then the output will toggle from one state to the other. It can
perform the functions of the set/reset flip-flop and has the advantage that
there are no ambiguous states. It can also act as a T flip-flop to accomplish
toggling action if J and K are tied together. This toggle application finds
extensive use in binary counters.
This Flip Flop is truly a giant in the industry and finds application in almost
any digital system conceivable it is used in counters, shift registers, frequency
counters, frequency dividers and many other arbitrary and novel hobby