Grades Quarter Content Grade 1 First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter

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Cabban, Karen C.

 Content of Teaching Physical education in the Elementary Grade (K to 12

Physical Education K to 12 Curriculum Guide)
 Body Awareness
Grade 1 First Quarter (Different body parts and their movements)

 Space Awareness
Second Quarter (Moving in different directions at spatial
 Qualities of Effort
Third Quarter (Slow and fast, heavy and light, free and
bound movements)
 Movement Relationships
Fourth Quarter (Relationship to a moving or stationary
 Body Shapes (Straight, curled, wide
and twisted)
Grade 2 First Quarter
 Body Actions (Walking, standing,
 Locations (Behind, in front, under,
over, personal space, general space)
 Directions (linear forward and
backward, lateral- sideward, and
Second Quarter multi-directional)
 Levels (High, middle, low)
 Pathways (Straight, curved, zigzag)
 Planes (Diagonal, horizontal, vertical,
and rotational)
 Time (slow, slower, slowest/fast,
faster, fastest)
Third Quarter  Force (light, lighter, lightest/strong,
stronger, strongest)
 Flow (smoothness of movement)
 Person (Individual, pair, group)
 Objects (ribbon, hoop, balls, and any
available indigenous/improvised
Fourth Quarter
 Sound, Environment (indoor and
outdoor settings)
 Body Shapes (Straight, curled, wide
and twisted)
Grade 3 First Quarter
 Body Actions (Walking, standing,
 Locations (Behind, in front, under,
over, personal space, general space)
 Directions (linear-forward and
backward, lateral- sideward, and
Second Quarter multidirectional)
 Levels (High, middle, low)
 Pathways (Straight, curve, zigzag)
 Planes (Diagonal, horizontal, vertical,
and rotational)
 Time (slow, slower, slowest/fast,
faster, fastest)
Third Quarter  Force (light, lighter, lightest/strong,
stronger, strongest)
 Flow (smoothness of movement)
 Person (Individual, pair, group)
 Objects (ribbon, hoop, balls, and any
available indigenous/improvised
Fourth Quarter
 Sound and Environment (indoor and
outdoor settings)
Assessment of physical activities and
physical fitness

 Target games (Tumbangpreso,

Grade 4 First Quarter tamaang-tao/batuhang bola, tatsing),
striking/fielding games (syato,
basagang palayok, kickball)
Note: Games are not limited to the above
listed activities
Assessment of physical activities and
physical fitness

Second Quarter  Invasion games (agawan base, lawin

at sisiw, agawanpanyo)
Note: Games are not limited to the above
listed activities
Assessment of physical activities and
physical fitness

Third Quarter  Folk (Liki/Ba-Ingles), indigenous,

ethnic, traditional and creative dances
Note: Dances available in the area can be
Fourth Quarter Assessment of physical activities and
physical fitness
 Folk (Liki/Ba-Ingles), indigenous,
ethnic, traditional and creative
Note: Dances available in the area can be
Assessment of physical activity and
physical fitness

 Target games (Tumbangpreso,

Grade 5 First Quarter tamaang-tao/batuhang bola, tatsing),
striking/fielding games (syato/,
basagangpalayok, kickball)
Note: Games are not limited to the above
listed activities
Assessment of physical activities and
physical fitness

Second Quarter  Invasion games (agawan base, lawin

at sisiw, agawanpanyo)
Note: Games are not limited to the above
listed activities
Assessment of physical activities and
physical fitness

 Folk (Cariñosa/ Polka saNayon),

Third Quarter
indigenous, ethnic, traditional and
creative dances
Note: Dances available in the area can be
Assessment of physical activities and
physical fitness

 Folk (Cariñosa/ Polka saNayon),

Fourth Quarter
indigenous, ethnic, traditional and
creative dances
Note: Dances available in the area can be
Assessment of physical activities and
physical fitness

 Target games (Tumbang preso,

Grade 6 First Quarter tamaangtao/batuhang bola, tatsing),
striking/fielding games (syato/,
basagang palayok, kickball)
Note: Games are not limited to the above
listed activities
Second Quarter Assessment of physical activities and
physical fitness

 Invasion games (agawan base, lawin

at sisiw, agawan panyo)
Note: Games are not limited to the above
listed activities

Third Quarter Assessment of physical activities and

physical fitness

 Folk (Itik-itik for girls and Maglalatik

for boys), indigenous, ethnic,
traditional and creative dances
Note: Dances available in the area can be
Fourth Quarter Assessment of physical activities and
physical fitness

 Folk (Itik-itik for girls and Maglalatik

for boys), indigenous, ethnic,
traditional and creative dances
Note: Dances available in the area can be

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