3 Hours / 100 Marks: Seat No
3 Hours / 100 Marks: Seat No
3 Hours / 100 Marks: Seat No
3 Hours / 100 Marks Seat No.
(a) (i) Define the term refrigeration and state it’s unit.
(e) An inventor has claimed to have manufactured a refrigerator having COP 7.4
When working between –10 C and 30 C. Check whether his claim is correct
or not.
(f) Sketch bell Coleman cycle on P-V & T-S diagram. List processes involved.
(a) Draw vapour compression refrigeration cycle on P-H and T-S chart and label
the different processes.
(b) Define superheating of refrigerant. Show it on P-H and T-S chart. State if it is
desirable and why ?
(c) State the necessity of multistage vapour compression refrigeration system and
it’s Four advantages.
(c) Explain the principle of operation of evaporative condenser with neat sketch.
(d) Why capillary tube is used in all domestic appliances as an expansion device ?
(e) Draw labelled diagram of thermostatic expansion valve and explain its
(f) Differentiate between air cooled and water cooled refrigeration condenser.
(any four)
17612 [ 3 of 4 ]
4. Attempt any FOUR : 4 × 4 = 16
(a) Define : (i) RH (ii) DBT (iii) DPT (iv) Specific humidity
(b) Explain concept of sensible heat factor and by pass factor with suitable sketches.
(c) List types of humidifiers and explain any one of them with neat sketch.
(e) Draw neat sketch of window air-conditioner and explain its working.
(a) What is sensible and latent heat gain ? List the sources of sensible and latent
heat gain in a restaurant.
17612 [ 4 of 4 ]
6. Attempt any TWO : 8 × 2 = 16
(a) Explain Air-conditioning system for Hot and Dry weather with neat sketch.
Represent it on psychrometric chart.
(b) List the three duct systems (duct layout) and describe closed perimeter duct
system. Draw the relevant sketch for the same.
(c) With the help of psychrometric chart find properties of air at 24 C DBT and
40 % Relative humidity.