Participant 13. Which of The Following Variable Defines A Data or Value As A Work Item? Workitems
Participant 13. Which of The Following Variable Defines A Data or Value As A Work Item? Workitems
Participant 13. Which of The Following Variable Defines A Data or Value As A Work Item? Workitems
Database Command
2. What command should Will use to make a task wait?
Delay Command
3. How are the Workbench commands executed?
4. _____ is a multi-dimensional variable that holds multiple values in a table of rows and columns.
5. Where can we access System Variables in the Variable Manager?
7. Which sub-command should she use to easily fetch the data?
8. Which system variable stores the selected rows and columns of the table Jessica has extracted?
$TabIe Column$
9. Which of the following sub-command will Liza use to perform a loop operation based on the selected
variable that determines the times the task needs to be repeated?
10. How many images does the Image Recognition command require to compare images?
11. Which button updates the active application window titles?
12. To select a queue, it is necessary to be listed as a ____ of the queue.
13. Which of the following variable defines a data or value as a work item?
14. Can Tanya send over the Variables of the particular recording to Jason? If yes, how can she do it?