Electro-Pneumatics Mod4T

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Module 4: Sensors in Electro-

pneumatics (Limit switches)

Module Objectives

After the completion of this module, the student will be able to:
1. Explain and use the limit switch as position sensors.

2. Explain and use limit switches.

3. Configure various connections of limit switches.

4. Explain different applications of limit switches.

Module Contents

1 Introduction to sensors 3
2 Limit switches 4
3 Various connections of a limit switch 5
4 Practical task 1 6
5 Practical task 2 9
6 Practical task 3 11
7 Development of multiple actuator circuits 15
8 Control system development 16
9 Practical task 4 18
10 Practical task 5 21
11 References 27

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Introduction to sensors

Sensors have the task of measuring information and passing this on to the
signal processing part in a form that can easily be processed. In an electro-
pneumatic controller, sensors are primarily used for the following purposes:

 To detect the advanced and retracted end position of the piston rod in
cylinder drives.

 To detect the presence and position of a work piece.

 To measure and monitor pressure and flow.

The following sensors are widely used in the industry:

1. Limit switches

2. Proximity switches

a. Reed switches

b. Inductive proximity switch

c. Capacitive proximity switch

d. Optical proximity switch

3. Pressure switches

Limit Switches

A limit switch interlocks a mechanical

motion or position with an electrical
circuit. Limit switch can be classified to
several types according to the contacts
arrangements. It is actuated when a
machine part, work-piece or a piston rod
is in a certain position. Normally, (a)
actuation is affected by a cam or cylinder
piston. Figure 4.1.a shows the internal
construction of the limit switch. Fig4.1.b
shows the picture of the limit switch.
Fig4.1.c shows the ISO symbol of the
limit switch.



Fig. 4.1:
(a) : internal structure
(b) : Picture of the limit switch
(c) : ISO Symbol

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Various connections of a limit switch
A limit switch provides two distinct
events, the making of one contact and
the breaking of the other. Limit switches
are normally changeover contacts and

can be used in three connection forms as

shown in Fig. 4.2 (a), (b) and (c)

 A normally closed contact (N/C) as

shown in Fig. 4.2.a.
 A normally open contact (N/O) as
shown in Fig. 4.2.b (b)
 A changeover contact as shown in Fig.

(a): N/O limit switch
(b): N/C limit switch
(c): Changeover switch

Practical task 1
Title: Operating feeding machine.

Upon the completion of this task, the student should be able to

 Use and configure the limit switch as position sensor.
 Control the stroke length and piston displacement automatically.
Problem description:
The double acting cylinder in Fig.4.3 below is used to push a plank of
wood under a sanding (polishing) belt. By pressing a pushbutton switch
the sliding table with the plank of wood is positioned under the belt.
Another pushbutton switch is used to return back the sliding table to its
start position but after the cylinder rod has reached its full extended

Required components:
1 Double acting cylinder
25/2 Directional control valve, double solenoid
3- Power supply

4 Switch blocks
5 Limit switch
6 Relay block
1 Required procedures – Direct control

1. Draw the electro-pneumatic circuit (direct control) using the

FluidSim software

2. The speed of the forward and backward stroke of the cylinder rod is

3. Test the circuit functions against any errors or mistakes.

4. Construct the circuit on the workstation

5. Write down your notes and observations.

Pneumatic circuit Electric circuit

Observations and notes




2 Required procedures – Indirect control

1. Draw the electro-pneumatic circuit (indirect control) using the

FluidSim software

2. The speed of the forward and backward stroke of the cylinder rod is

3. Test the circuit functions against any errors or mistakes.

4. Construct the circuit on the workstation

5. Write down your notes and observations.

Pneumatic circuit Electric circuit

Observations and notes




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Practical task 2
Title: Latching circuit with a limit switch

Upon the completion of this task, the student should be able to

 Use and test the electric relay.
 Use and configure the limit switch as position sensor.
 Control the stroke length automatically.
 Control indirectly the solenoid valves.
 Construct a latching circuit with a limit switch.
Problem description:
In this task the piston rod of a cylinder is to be advanced when
pushbutton S1 is triggered and retract when pushbutton S2 is pressed. A
relay with latching function is to be used in order to maintain the signal.

Required components:
1 Double acting cylinder
25/2 Directional control valve, single solenoid
3- Power supply

4 Switch blocks
5 Limit switch
6 Relay block
1 Required procedures

1. Draw the electro-pneumatic circuit (direct control) using the

FluidSim software

2. The speed of the forward and backward stroke of the cylinder rod is

3. Test the circuit functions against any errors or mistakes.

4. Construct the circuit on the workstation

5. Write down your notes and observations.

Pneumatic circuit Electric circuit

Observations and notes







Practical task 3
Title: Conveyor belt with Oscillation motion

Upon the completion of this task, the student should be able to

 Use relays and limit switch
 Construct direct and indirect control.
 Control the stroke length and piston displacement automatically
Problem description:
The double acting cylinder shown in Fig.4.4 below is used to generate an
oscillating movement in order to provide a belt timely movement. When
the detent switch is turned on, the piston rod starts oscillating. Two limit
switches should be used to control the length of the forward and
backward strokes.


Required components:
1 Double acting cylinder
25/2 Directional control valve, double solenoid
3- Power supply
4 Switch blocks
5 Limit switch
6 Relay block

1 Required procedures

1. Draw the electro-pneumatic circuit (indirect control) using the

FluidSim software

2. The speed of the forward and backward stroke of the cylinder rod is

3. Test the circuit functions against any errors or mistakes.

4. Construct the circuit on the workstation

5. Write down your notes and observations.

Pneumatic circuit Electric circuit

Observations and notes





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Class work (1)

1. List three types of sensors.



2. Explain the function of a limit switch? Give an industrial application of the

limits switch


3. Draw the ISO symbol of a limit switch.

4. List three types of connections for a limit switch. Support your answer
with a sketch.

) 13
Home Work (1)

The circuit below illustrates an electro-pneumatic system. Answer the

following questions.

a) Is the above electric circuit representing a direct or indirect control?

Justify your answer


b) What is the type of the following switches? Indicate if the switch is

N.O or N.C.

 S1: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

 S2 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

 S3: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

a) Explain briefly how to extend and retract the piston of the above



Development of multiple actuator

In practice, most of the machines have

more than one actuator. Actuators can be
cylinders, motors, or grippers. The motion
of these actuators is either time-
dependent or process-dependent. See Fig.

4.5.a and Fig. 4.5.b.

 Time dependent process (a)
In this case the sequence control is
obtained through a time-based control.
Step enabling conditions are generated via
timers, or camshaft controllers with
constant speed. Timers can be hardware
or software through a computer or a PLC

 Event dependent process

In the event dependent process, the
control and the switching conditions are
only based on signals from the system
being controlled. These signals can be
pneumatic signals from actuated valves,
or electric signals from limit switches,
proximity switches or other sensors. In
other words, the control depends on the
signal event with no relation to the time.
(a) : Yogurt filling machine

(b) : packaging machine.

Control system development
As mentioned previously, the actual industrial machines normally consist
of several actuators and advanced control circuits. In the case of multiple
actuator circuits, a clear definition of the problem is important. There are
many ways to represent the problem in a descriptive or graphical form.
Below are some methods and ways of representing the control problem

1. Positional sketch
It shows the relationship between the
location of the actuators and the
machine fixture as shown in Fig.4.6.a

2. Displacement-step diagram
It represents the operating sequence of
actuators in relation to the sequence

step as shown in Fig4.6.b. In this case

there are two cylinders 1A and 2A. In
step 1 cylinder 1A extends and then
cylinder 2A extends in step 2. In step 3
cylinder 1A retracts and in step 4
cylinder 2A retracts. Step 5 is equivalent
to step 1.

Abbreviated notation is another way of

representing motion sequences. If
considering ‘+’ for advancing and ‘-’ for
retracting then the above sequence is (b)
represented as :

1A+ 2A+ 1A- 2A-

3. Displacement-time diagram
The displacement is plotted in relation to
time. In this case, the time of each
stroke should be known in order to
create the displacement time diagram.
As shown in Fig.4.6.c, the time of the
stroke 1A+ and 2A+ is 5 seconds each.
While the time of the backward stroke

1A- and 2A- is 3 seconds each.

The total cycle time = 5+5+3+3 = 16
4. Circuit diagram
It shows the signal flow and the
relationship between components and
the air connections. There is no

mechanical representation with the

circuit diagram, Fig.4.6.d. The circuit is
prepared with the energy flow from the
bottom to top. The various levels include
the energy source, signal inputs, and
signal processing, control elements and Fig.4.6
actuators. The position of the limit valves (a): Positional sketch
and limit switches are at the actuators (b): Displacement- step
also. diagram.
(c): Displacement- time


(d) : Pneumatic circuit

Practical Task 4
Title: Multiple actuator circuit with direct control circuit.

Upon the completion of this task, the student should be able to

 Explain the displacement step diagrams
 Use the limit switch as position sensor.
 Control of the stroke length and piston displacement automatically.
Problem description:
As explained previously in event dependent process, the control and the
switching conditions are only based on signals from the system being
controlled. These signals can be pneumatic signals from actuated valves,
limit switches, proximity switches or other sensors. In this task, the two

cylinders are linked and their motion is dependent on each other as

illustrated in the cylinders sequence 1A+ 2A+ 1A- 2A-
Required components:

SR. Name Qty.

1 Double acting cylinder 1
2 DC power supply 1
3 5/2 DCV, double solenoid 2
4 Switch block 1
5 Limit switch 4

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Required procedure:
1. Connect the pneumatic
circuit according to the
pneumatic circuit as in Fig

2. Connect the electric circuit

according to the electric
circuit Fig 4.7.b
3. Check that all the parts are
connected firmly with each
other. (a)
4. Switch the power supply on
and open the service unit.
5. Adjust the air flow via the
one way flow control valves.
6. Press switch S and explain
what happens to the two
cylinders in steps.

7. Replace the pushbutton
switch S, with a detent
switch and see what happens Fig.4.7
to both cylinders motion. (a) : Pneumatic circuit
......................................... (b) : Electric circuit

8. Draw the displacement step diagram for the above system.

Observations and notes







Practical task 5 (For high achievers)
Title: Transfer station


Upon the completion of this task, the student should be able to

 Explain the displacement step diagrams
 Use the limit switch as position sensor.
 Construct the control circuit based on a given cylinders sequence.
Problem description:

In the transfer station shown below in Fig. 4.7, the blocks are to be
transferred from a magazine to a processing station. The blocks are
pushed out of the magazine by cylinder 1A and transferred to the
processing station by cylinder 2A. The piston rod of cylinder 1A may only
return when the piston rod of cylinder 2A has reached the retracted end
position. Limit switches are used to control the cylinders movements
achieving the following sequence:

1A+ 2A+ 2A- 1A-


Required components:

SR. Name Qty.

1 Double acting cylinder 1
2 DC power supply 1
3 5/2 DCV, double solenoid 2
4 Switch block 1
5 Limit switch 4

Required Procedures:

1. Draw the electro-pneumatic circuit using the FluidSim software

2. Draw the displacement step diagram of the transfer station

3. The speed of the forward and backward stroke of the cylinder rod is

4. Test the circuit functions against any errors or mistakes.

5. Construct the circuit on the workstation

6. Write down your notes and observations.

Displacement step diagram

Pneumatic and electric circuit

Observations and notes








Class work

1. What are the types of sequence control?



2. List the steps that should be followed during the control system


3. What is the difference between step-displacement diagram and step-time



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4. Draw the step-displacement diagram for the following sequence:

A+ A- B+ B-.

Home Work

The two circuits below illustrate an electro-pneumatic system. Answer

the following questions:

a) Name the components in the table below


b) Explain briefly what happens after actuating the switch S1?



c) Write down the cylinders sequence and draw the displacement-step

Cylinders sequence

step diagram


 Electro-pneumatic text book TP 201 2005 – Festo

 Electro-pneumatic work book TP201 2005 – Festo

 Electro-pneumatic work book TP202 advanced level – Festo


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