Project Proposal - Tanya Bhatnagar

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1. Introduction

The Siddis of Karnataka are a Karnataka ethnic group. Members are descended from
Southeast African Bantu people who were taken to India as slaves by Portuguese
merchants and Arab traders. In India, there are 50,000 Siddis, with more than a third of
them living in Karnataka. They are concentrated in Uttara Kannada's Yellapur, Haliyal,
Ankola, Joida, Mundgod, and Sirsi taluks, as well as Belgaum's Khanapur and
Dharwad's Kalghatgi.
For this project the focus will be on the Siddi community of Haliyal and Yellapur in
Uttar Karnataka.

The tribe has a unique way of crocheting woollen threads into clothing, pieces for
covering televisions, stabilisers etc., hats, torans (The toran is a frieze hanging named
after a sacred gateway in Hindu, Jain, and Buddhist architecture.) etc.

In recent years, the Siddis of Karnataka have been noted for their unique quilting style
known as kawandi. Quilting is a complicated procedure for Siddis, which distinguishes
their style from that of other communities. The procedure is arranging recycled fabric
scraps in stylistic geometric designs, which are occasionally embellished with religious
symbols. Quilts are typically produced by older women who can no longer work in the
fields for family members. Quilts are used as mattresses, cradle covers, and blankets
during the cool monsoon nights.

The Siddis are extremely intelligent and bright set of tribes. They have a unique
approach to design which can be seen as symbolically represented as paintings on their
doors, wall hangings, kolam (A kolam or muggu is a geometrical line drawing
composed of straight lines, curves and loops, drawn around a grid pattern of dots) etc.
But the designs and skills have not been portrayed and put forward on any platform.
The potential that this community holds has been untapped. The tribe stays amidst thick
forest vegetation and has a unique way of expressing their design aspects.

I came in contact with this tribe during a project for the Siddi Community conducted
by Kabini Tour and Travel under the mentorship of Mr. Sumesh Manglassery. The
program is a step towards getting the tribe introduced to the idea of homestay and how
it can be used as an additional income. I was a part of the project to do a design
intervention in the homestay that will be constructed in the upcoming months. I have
had two field visits until now in order to study the tribe and their handicrafts from which
I have gathered that the Siddi community has tremendous potential in the field of design
which needs to be exhibited.

2. Objectives

2.1 To explore the potential apparel using the Siddi Community Handlooms and
crocheting techniques.
2.2 To document about the Siddi community and their various ways of using
crochet styles and techniques.
2.3 To identify and bring out Siddi communities unique and authentic urbanity
2.4 To study the role of community level development with the help of design
2.5 To facilitate ways to use locally available resources which are sustainable and
biodegradable with minimum investment involved.
3. Methodology

3.1 Interactive Discussion & Mind Mapping

In this methodology the participants from the Siddi community are asked about
their existing designs and patterns used along with their significance. They are
told about the importance of DISCOVERY – DREAM – DESIGN –
DELIVERY. A brainstorming session is conducted along with the participants
to bring out various new ideas and methods to carry out the project.

3.2 Resource Mapping

For this the participants are divided into groups and given topics to identify
resources around their surroundings and list them on chart papers in order to
discover potential resources that can be used which are biodegradable and
sustainable. The Facilitator uses some techniques to break up the participants
into small groups based on localities and asks them to discuss the identified
topics and make a presentation using chart paper. Each group should have a
moderator and a reporter.
First, start with the inside of the house, then immediate surroundings of the
house and further 5-6 kilometers radius of the house. Facilitate the groups to
draw resource maps based on the identified resources. The reporter from each
group will present the findings of the group discussion using the resource map.
During the presentation, the Facilitator can note down the points on a
whiteboard that could be used for analysis and consolidation. A short time can
be given after each presentation for questions and clarification.

3.3 Kick Start Flow of Creative Thinking

In this each participant is given a sheet of paper and pens and made to sit in a
circle. They are allocated 30 seconds each to draw whatever they feel like at the
end of 30 seconds the participant is supposed to pas the sheet of paper to the
participant sitting next to him or her and continue to draw for the next 30
seconds. This activity is conducted in order to facilitate creative thinking, a
spirit of teamwork and different ways of design aspects and how to bring it
under one roof.

3.4 Identification of Current Methods

Participants are asked to list of down the existing methodologies, workers,

materials, products and their usage price range if any, cost of making along with
the time invested in each existing products, on chart paper followed by a through
discussion and the same is documented.

3.5 The Newspaper Activity

In this the participants are divided into two teams, and handed over newspaper
and items such as scissors, staplers, tape, paper clips etc. They are allotted 30
minutes under which they are told to make garments in the stipulated time. Once
the garments are ready both the teams are instructed to display their garments
in the form of a ramp walk while explaining the components in the garment and
the challenges they faced while carrying out the activity. This is conducted to
aid their creative thinking and study their methodologies while carrying out the
activity. It also put forwards the idea of team work within the community and
how things as simple as a newspaper can be used to create various other
products. This is done to get them the idea of how their locally available
resources can be used in various ways and methods to create products that are
sustainable and eco-friendly while having minimum investment.
4. Implementation

The Siddi Community is a tribe who are ever ready to learn new techniques and skills.
Their major concern is how any project will help their next generations.
The implementation of this project will be through workshops. These workshops will
include activities and methodologies stated above.
The idea is to have interactive sessions in order to facilitate two-way learning. They
have existing crochet stiches and patterns which need to be explored further and needs
to be exhibited. Each Siddi house that I visited had a sewing machine which is
extremely symbolic of how close they are to the apparel field.

5. Impact

5.1 This project is undertaken to document about the Siddi community and their
various ways of using crochet styles and techniques so that the craft is not lost
and can be continued by the upcoming generation.
5.2 The Siddi community are highly creative set of individuals whose creativity till
date remains untapped. With this project the idea is to exhibit their traditional
by taking their design inputs and ideas. This is done to help them understand
that the apparel sector is also a field which can be explored and be a method for
additional income.
5.3 The Siddi community have various ideas this project will help exploring
creative and innovative ways of thinking.
5.4 The project also will also help the participants realise the existing biodegradable
and sustainable resources which can be locally sourced and put to use in various
different methods while investing minimum amount.
6. Budget Estimate for the Proposed Project

S. No. Budget Head/ Details Amount in Rs.

1. Student travel to cluster 20,000

2. Wage Loss Compensation to artisans 38,000

3. Raw Material Costs 62,000

4. Actual Product Cost 30,000

5. Accommodation and Food 30,000

6. Facilitation Charges 5,000

Total 1,85,000
7. Annexure

Swings made out of old sarees

Mr. Manjunath Siddi’s doorway Mrs. Shobha Siddi’s home with family

Mr. Manjunath Siddi and family


Exploration of crochet work done by the community

Ms. Aadya Siddi in crochet cap

Ms. Yashoda Siddi showing her work

Various Products

Siddi Women along with Lt Cdr (Retd) Poddar

Siddi community and Kabani Team

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