Assignment 2: Instructions

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Assignment 2

Stacks and Queues

Data Structures and Algorithms
Due Date: 28 April, 2022

1. Each of the problems can be solved using stacks, queue and deques.
2. You have to implement Stacks, Queues, and Deques from scratch. How you implement it is
up to you, but make sure that your implementations works for the time and space constraints
required for the problems.
3. For each ADT, make a header file and its corresponding C file. And write the solution to the
problem in q1.c for Q1, q2.c for Q2, q3.c for Q3 and q4.c for Q4.
4. After implementing the Stacks, Queues, and Deques, you are only allowed to interact with
them using the operations defined for that particular ADT. The operations for the ADTs are:
• Stack:
– Pop- Remove and return the element at the top of the stack.
– Push- Add an element to the top of the stack.
– Top- Return the element at the top of the stack.
– isEmpty- Returns 1 when stack is empty, and 0 when it is not empty.
– Size- Returns the number of elements inside the stack.
• Queue:
– Dequeue- Remove and return the element from the front of the queue.
– Enqueue- Add an element to the back of the queue.
– Front- Return the element at the front of the queue.
– isEmpty- Returns 1 when queue is empty, and 0 when it is not empty.
– Size- Returns the number of elements inside the queue.
• Deque:
– Pop Front- Remove and return the element from the front of the deque.
– Pop Back - Remove and return the element from the back of the deque.
– Push Front- Add an element to the front of the deque.
– Push Front- Add an element to the back of the deque.
– Front- Return the element at the front of the deque.
– Back - Return the element at the back of the deque.
– isEmpty- Returns 1 when deque is empty, and 0 when it is not empty.
– Size- Returns the number of elements inside the deque.
Note that in operations where you have to return an element, you cannot return the pointer
to that element.
For example, in an integer stack, Top should return an integer and not a pointer or struct.

5. You have to submit these problems to an Online Judge (OJ). Details regarding submission will
be announced soon.
6. Some problems have subtasks. Grading for the subtasks will be binary, i.e. you either get full
marks after passing all the test cases for the subtask, or you get a 0 if your code fails any of
the test case.
7. The total marks obtained in the problem is the sum of marks obtained in all the subtasks of
that problem.
8. Please write reusable code for ADTs, as you may be required to use the code for an ADT for
one or more questions and future assignments too.

1 Amul Gives Too Much Work
Preparation for IIITH Programming Club’s main event, i.e Codecraft is in full swing. Amul is
coordinating the preparations and he gave Rutvij the following task.
Given an array A of length n having elements a1 , a2 , . . . , an . You can perform the following
operation any number of times:
For some position x such that 1 ≤ x < n, if gcd(ax , ax+1 ) > 1, delete ax and ax+1 , and add
lcm(ax , ax+1 ) at position x. Here, gcd is the Greatest Common Divisor and lcm is the Least Common
For example, consider an array [2, 4, 6, 9, 10] and we choose position x = 3. Then, ax = a3 =
6, ax+1 = a4 = 9, and gcd(a3 , a4 ) = 3 > 1. Hence, we replace a3 , a4 with lcm(a3 , a4 ) = 18, and the
array formed after this operation is [2, 4, 18, 10].
Find the array obtained after performing this operation as many times as possible.
Rutvij, being the procrastinator that he is, obviously did not finish the task. He wants to go
play badminton. So, to get Amul to stop irritating him, Rutvij has passed this task down to you.

1.1 Constraints
1.1.1 Subtask 1 (30 marks)
1 ≤ n ≤ 103
1 ≤ ai ≤ 20

1.1.2 Subtask 2 (70 marks)

1 ≤ n ≤ 105
1 ≤ ai ≤ 40

1.2 Input
The first line contains the integer n, which denotes the size of input array.
The next line contains n integers of the array A.

1.3 Output
The first line of output should contain an integer k, the size of the array after the operation was
performed as many times as possible.
The next line should contain k integers, the array after the operation was performed as many times
as possible.
To avoid overflow, the output array should be a long long array.

1.4 Sample test cases

1.4.1 Test case 1
2 4 6 9 10 11

180 11

We perform the operation at:
• x = 3, and now the array is [2, 4, 18, 10, 11]
• x = 3, and now the array is [2, 4, 90, 11]
• x = 1, and now the array is [4, 90, 11]

• x = 1, and now the array is [180, 11]

After this, we can see that we cannot perform the operation any more.

1.4.2 Test case 2

3 6 9 4 5 15 7 2 6 5

180 7 6 5

2 Kanjoos Pulak
Pulak is giving a treat at JC. He wants to choose the cheapest item to give to his friends. His friends
know his intentions, and make a deal with him.
There are N items available at JC, and their price is denoted by an array P = [p1 , p2 , . . . , pN ]
of length N where pi is the price of the ith item. For a fixed integer M (M ≤ N ), Pulak’s friends
will randomly choose an integer i (1 ≤ i ≤ N − M + 1) and Pulak will choose the cheapest item of
ith ,(i + 1)th ,. . .,(i + M − 1)th items to give to his friends.
Since the integer i is randomly chosen, Pulak wants to know the price of the cheapest item for
all possible values of i.
He has an upcoming compilers deadline, and asks for your help. Please help Pulak, and you
might get a treat too :)

2.1 Constraints
2.1.1 Subtask 1 (30 marks)
1 ≤ N ≤ 103
1≤M ≤N
1 ≤ pi ≤ 109

2.1.2 Subtask 2 (70 marks)

1 ≤ N ≤ 106
1≤M ≤N
1 ≤ pi ≤ 109

2.2 Input
The first line contains the integers N and M.
The next line contains N integers of the array P.
All A[i] can be stored inside an int variable

2.3 Output
The output should consist of a single line with (N-M+1) numbers, where the ith number denotes
the price of the cheapest of ith ,(i + 1)th ,. . .,(i + M − 1)th items.

2.4 Sample test cases

2.4.1 Test case 1
15 32 27 21 33

15 21 21

2.4.2 Test case 2
10 4
14 1 2 31 74 23 84 62 17 1999

1 1 2 23 23 17 17

3 Tejas on the Rooftop
IIIT’s Research Street has N buildings with distinct heights denoted by the array H = [h1 , h2 , . . . , hN ]
of length N (i ̸= j ⇒ hi ̸= hj ). Say Tejas is on the roof of building i, then he can go to roof of
building j (j > i) with a ladder of length d(i, j) = j − i + 1 only if hi+1 , . . . , hj−1 < min(hi , hj ), i.e.
if all the buildings between i and j have height less than both of these buildings.
Tejas is busy playing Elden Ring. So he asks you to compute the sum of distances d(i, j)
between all pairs (i, j) (i < j) of locations such that it is possible to go from the roof of building i
to the roof of building j.

3.1 Constraints
3.1.1 Subtask 1 (30 marks)
1 ≤ N ≤ 103
1 ≤ hi ≤ 109
i ̸= j ⇒ hi ̸= hj , OR, the elements of the array are distinct.

3.1.2 Subtask 2 (70 marks)

1 ≤ N ≤ 105
1 ≤ hi ≤ 109
i ̸= j ⇒ hi ̸= hj , OR, the elements of the array are distinct.

3.2 Input
The first line contains the integer N , which denotes the size of input array.
The next line contains N integers denoting the heights of the buildings.

3.3 Output
Output contains a single integer denoting the sum of distances of all pairs of locations of buildings
such that Tejas can go from the roof of the first building to the other.
To avoid overflow, store the output integer in a long long variable.

3.4 Sample test cases

3.4.1 Test case 1


The pairs of required locations in this example are:
(1, 2), (1, 5), (2, 3), (2, 4), (2, 5), (3, 4), (4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 7)
And their respective distances are: 2, 5, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2

4 (Ir)Responsible Shreyas
After fracturing his arm after falling from his wave-board, Shreyas took up the responsibility of
creating a safe environment for newbies to learn how to ride skateboards and wave-boards. IIITH
Administration gave him permission to make a skateboard park in the forest near the main gate,
under the only condition that he cannot cut any trees.
The forest can be described by a grid G having N rows and M columns, where the element at
the ith row and j th column is denoted by Gi,j . Gi,j is ”*” if there is a tree at that location, and ”.”
if it is empty.
Shreyas wants to find the maximum area of a rectangular field that can be placed in the
forest so that it does not have any trees in it. Shreyas is busy (watching anime), so he asks for
your help.
Note that area of a rectangle is calculated by counting the number of grid elements in the rectangle.

4.1 Constraints
4.1.1 Subtask 1 (30 marks)
1 ≤ N, M ≤ 50
Gi,j = ”*” or ”.” (without the quotes)

4.1.2 Subtask 2 (70 marks)

1 ≤ N, M ≤ 1000
Gi,j = ”*” or ”.” (without the quotes)

4.2 Input
The first line contains two integers N and M , which denotes the size of the forest grid.
The next N line contains M character strings describing the forest. Each character is ”.” (empty)
or ”*” (has a tree).

4.3 Output
Output contains a single integer denoting the maximum area of a rectangular field that can be placed
in the forest so that it does not have any trees in it.

4.4 Sample test cases

4.4.1 Test case 1


The rectangle with corners at (2, 3) and (4, 6) has the largest area.
Thus, the area is 12.


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