Exam Questions

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A number of diseases are associated with lifestyle risk factors.

Some of these risk factors cause mutations.

(a)  Mutations can give rise to cancer.

State the meaning of the term mutation.



(b)  Exposure to ultraviolet light is associated with the development of skin cancer.

The graphs show the incidence of skin cancer in males and females in one country in the Far East, from 2000 to
(i)  The graphs show some correlations.
State the meaning of the term correlation.


(ii)  Describe the correlations shown by these graphs.







(iii)  Suggest a reason for each of the correlations shown by these graphs.









*(c)  The table shows some information from a study of the incidence of emphysema in smokers and non-smokers.

Criticise the design of this study.


















(Total for question = 14 marks)

Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and skinfold thickness are indicators of obesity.

(a)  The table shows some measurements taken from two females, female J and female K.

(i)  Calculate the waist size of female K.


Answer ........................................................... cm
(ii)  The formula for calculating BMI is:
Calculate the mass of female K, using the data in the table.

Answer ........................................................... kg
(iii)  Comment on the risk of developing CVD in these two women.





(iv)  The diagram shows how the waist and hip measurements should be taken, using a tape measure.

Explain how the way a person takes these measurements could produce an underestimate of their risk of CVD.






(b)  The diagram shows how a skinfold thickness measurement is taken over the triceps muscle at the back of the
Skinfold thickness measures the thickness of the layer of fat under the skin.
Measurements are taken from several sites on the body.
The table shows the skinfold thickness at four sites on a 42-year-old female.

(i)  Suggest two reasons why the skinfold thickness values are different at each site on the body.
Assume that the skin callipers have been used correctly.





(ii)  The table shows a body fat interpretation chart.
The values in the table are the means of the four skinfold thickness measurements.
Determine the level of body fat of this female.

Answer ...........................................................

(Total for question = 11 marks)

A diet high in salt has been shown to increase the risk of some diseases.

The graph shows the results of one study into the increased risk of death related to a diet high in salt.

An increased risk of death is associated with a high hazard ratio.

(a)  State two conclusions that can be drawn from these results.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................



2 ..........................................................................................................................................



(b)  The values for the hazard ratio were adjusted for a number of factors, including age and smoking.
(i)  Explain why age and smoking were taken into account when determining the hazard ratio.








(ii)  State two factors, other than age and smoking, that may have been considered when adjusting the values for
the hazard ratio.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................



2 ..........................................................................................................................................



(c)  Suggest why the hazard ratio for low salt intake was 1.00 for each cause of death.






(d)  (i)  The results of this study suggest that there is a correlation between salt intake and cause of death.
State the meaning of the term correlation.


(ii)  Suggest why studies of this type are unreliable.






(Total for question = 12 marks)

The diagram shows a coronary heart disease (CHD) risk calculator.

(a)  Which of the following is a medication to control blood pressure?

   A    anticoagulant

   B    antihypertensive

   C    platelet inhibitor

   D    statin

(b)  Explain why the risk calculator takes into account total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels.






(c)  Explain why the 10 Year CHD Risk would change if this person ticked the box next to the 'Patient smokes' on
the risk calculator.








(d)  (i)  State one other factor that the risk calculator should include to improve the accuracy of the value for the 10
Year CHD Risk.
(ii)  Predict the effect that taking this factor into account would have on the value for the 10 Year CHD Risk.


(iii)  A person used this risk calculator.
Explain why the value obtained for the 10 Year CHD Risk may be an underestimate.






(Total for question = 10 marks)

Obesity increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

One way to reduce obesity is to lose weight by changing eating habits.

(a)  Name two obesity indicators used by scientists.

1 ..........................................................................................................................................

2 ..........................................................................................................................................

(b)  Glucomannan is a dietary supplement claimed to aid weight loss.

Glucomannan is a branched polysaccharide similar in structure to amylopectin.
(i)  Which glycosidic bonds are responsible for the branching in glucomannan?
   A    1-4 only
   B    1-6 only
   C    both 1-4 and 1-6
   D    neither 1-4 nor 1-6

(ii)  In the presence of water, glucomannan swells to form a semi-solid gel.

The diagram shows a stomach with glucomannan present and a stomach without glucomannan.

Suggest how glucomannan aids weight loss.



(iii)  If glucomannan could be digested it would cause a gain in weight.
Explain why glucomannan could cause a gain in weight.






(c)  A study compared weight loss in two groups of women.

One group of women had a low-fat diet and the other group of women had a very low-carbohydrate diet.
(i)  The table shows the results of this study.
Many studies claim that a low-carbohydrate diet can result in two to three times as much weight loss as a low-
fat diet.
Determine the extent to which this study supports this claim.








(ii)  Very low-carbohydrate diets may increase cardiovascular risk factors.
Give two factors, other than weight loss, that should have been monitored in this study.
1 ..........................................................................................................................................


2 ..........................................................................................................................................


(Total for question = 10 marks)

The graph shows the relative risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) for non-smokers and for smokers.

(a)  (i)  Describe the conclusions that can be made about the risk factors for CVD.
Use the information in the graph to support your answer.





(ii)  The information shown in this graph was collected more than 25 years ago.
Explain how this graph might appear if it showed data collected last year.





(b)  The number of people in the world who die from CVD each year is 17.7 million.
This is 31% of all total deaths.
How many deaths are there in the world each year?
   A    0.571 × 106

   B    5.71 × 106

   C    57.1 × 106
   D    571.00 × 106

(Total for question = 5 marks)

Several factors increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

(a)  The diagram shows some factors that increase the risk of CVD.
Complete the diagram with one lifestyle risk factor and one non-lifestyle risk factor.
(b)  The graph shows the effect of exercise on the relative risk of death from CVD.
Describe the conclusions that can be made from the information shown in this graph.






(c)  Dietary antioxidants may reduce the risk of CVD.

(i)  Explain how dietary antioxidants reduce the risk of CVD.







(ii)  Devise a study to confirm that antioxidants reduce the risk of CVD.









*(d)  The coronary artery may become completely blocked in people with CVD.
The graph shows how the energy released by heart muscle cells changes after the coronary artery becomes
completely blocked.
The heart muscle cells no longer contract 8 minutes after the coronary artery becomes completely blocked.
The heart muscle cells begin to die 20 minutes after the coronary artery becomes completely blocked.
Explain the effects on the heart function after the coronary artery becomes completely blocked.
Use the information shown in the graph and your own knowledge to support your answer.

















(Total for question = 15 marks)

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