Using Mathematics in Forestry: An Environmental Education Activity
Using Mathematics in Forestry: An Environmental Education Activity
Using Mathematics in Forestry: An Environmental Education Activity
Most jobs require good mathematics skills, and forestry is no exception. Exercises in this
handout will show you some ways that foresters use mathematics in their work.
Foresters usually deal with large land areas. They need to know what kind of trees grow on
their area, how many of them there are, and how big they are. Measuring every tree on a na-
tional forest covering one and half million acres, and containing over 500 million trees, would
not only be time consuming and expensive, but probably impossible!
For these and other reasons, foresters only measure part of a forest, a process called sam-
pling. They assume that a measured (sampled) portion represents a whole area. Data collected
from a sampled portion is expanded to provide information for an unsampled portion.
Suppose we need to know how much usable timber is present in a 100-acre ponderosa pine
stand. The entire stand (all 100 acres) is our population, but we can’t measure every tree be-
cause it would take too much time. So, an efficient way to inventory the ponderosa pine timber
is to sample it, which we’ll do by establishing plots.
White papers are internal reports; they receive only limited review. Viewpoints expressed in this paper are those
of the author – they may not represent positions of USDA Forest Service.
This paper was prepared in 1990 for Mr. Kevin Steinmetz’s sixth grade class at Humbolt Elementary School in
John Day, Oregon. It has been used many times since then with other school groups.
Note: if you don’t know what pi is, here is a short description. Pi is the number you
get when you divide the distance around a circle (its circumference) by the dis-
tance through its middle (its diameter). The distance around the outside of every
circle is about three times the distance across it. But it’s the “about” part that
creates the puzzle of pi. Mathematicians call pi an irrational number because
when you divide a circle’s circumference by its diameter, the answer comes out in
decimals that go on forever without any apparent pattern. Pi begins as
3.14159265, but it never ends. In 1999, a Japanese scientist used a supercomputer
to calculate pi to about 206 billion digits, and it still goes on from there. All those
digits aren’t really necessary to use pi, of course – using only the first ten decimals,
you can measure Earth’s circumference to within a fraction of an inch. Pi is often
shown in textbooks or in formulas by using this Greek symbol:
The total area of an acre is 43,560 square feet. Since we want to use a ¼-acre plot, its area is
43,560 4 or 10,890 square feet. We now have enough information to use the formula above
to figure out our plot radius.
Area = Pi Radius2
10,890 square feet = 3.1416 Radius2
10,890 square feet 3.1416 = Radius²
3,466.39 square feet = Radius²
If the ground surface near a plot center is absolutely flat, then a plot is a perfect circle with
a radius as it was calculated above. But problems can start when you are working on a hill be-
cause a plot’s radius then depends on a hill’s steepness – plot radius is only slightly longer for
hills that are not steep, but they can be quite a bit longer for very steep hills.
By projecting a plot’s radius on a steep hillside, as is shown in the diagram on the next page,
we see that it becomes oval in shape, not circular.
Now, let’s use table 1’s slope correction factors to figure out if some trees near our plot
edge are “in or out” (inside or outside of the plot radius). Trees near a plot edge are referred to
as borderline trees. Here is a way to measure borderline trees:
1. Use an instrument called a clinometer to measure slope percent from the center (side) of a
borderline tree to a plot center (let’s say that it is 30 percent).
2. Find a slope correction factor in table 1 for the slope percent you just measured (correction
factor is 1.04 for 30 percent).
3. Multiply a correction factor by plot radius. This is called a corrected radius. For our ¼-acre
plots, the result is: 58.9 feet 1.04 = 61.26 feet.
Foresters use special measuring tapes that show a tree’s circumference on one side, and its
equivalent diameter on the other side. How is that done? Actually, it’s easy to do because cir-
cumference and diameter are closely related:
Circumference = Pi Diameter
Diameter = Circumference Pi
B DING = 5%
B (–) REA
100 FEET
The A (+) readings on a clinometer mean that you are looking up; the B (–) readings mean
you are looking down. Level (not up or down) readings are 0 on a clinometer. In our example
40% 82%
) RE
B (–
100 FEET
Note: many clinometers show slope correction factors on the same scale as the slope per-
cent values, which is handy because then you don’t have to look them up in a table.
3. Multiply the slope correction factor by the baseline distance. In our example with a 100-foot
baseline, the result is: 100 feet 1.08 = 108 feet. This means that on a 40 percent slope, you
must be 108 feet away from a tree to get the same answer as if you were 100 feet away on
flat (level) ground.
4. Back up to 108 feet from the tree before taking clinometer readings of its top and base.
5. Take clinometer readings of the tree’s top and base, and add them together to come up
with a total height. In our example, the result is: 19 + 82 = 101 feet.
Next we’ll look at another situation where measuring tree height is more complicated than
usual. It is often hard to measure heights from 100 feet away if thick brush or downed logs hide
your view of a tree’s base. In these cases, you’ll need to measure height from someplace other
than 100 feet away and adjust clinometer results accordingly. Here is our example tree:
A (+) RE
30% 74%
) RE
B (–
1 40 ________ 89 47 _______
2 50 ________ 73 26 _______
3 60 .6 32 74 63.6
4 65 ________ 68 29 _______
5 75 ________ 52 11 _______
6 90 ________ 64 26 _______
Now, let’s pull some of our information together. We began sampling the 100-acre ponder-
osa pine stand last week and three plots are done so far. Here is the sample data at this point:
PLOT 1 (¼ acre)
Tree Species (Inches) Height (Feet) Age (Years)
1 Ponderosa Pine 32.6 109 196
2 Ponderosa Pine 27.4 101 173
3 Grand Fir 18.9 88 93
4 Douglas-fir 29.4 106 204
5 Grand Fir 12.3 72 79
6 Quaking Aspen 8.6 66 58
PLOT 2 (¼ acre)
Tree Species (Inches) Height (Feet) Age (Years)
1 Ponderosa Pine 33.9 111 194
2 Ponderosa Pine 30.7 108 188
3 Douglas-fir 26.9 98 147
4 Ponderosa Pine 27.8 102 156
5 Douglas-fir 21.6 92 106
6 Ponderosa Pine 28.9 103 129
Average ________ ________ ________
How many trees per acre? ________
PLOT 3 (¼ acre)
Tree Species (Inches) Height (Feet) Age (Years)
1 Ponderosa Pine 26.2 98 114
2 Grand Fir 22.9 95 102
3 Ponderosa Pine 36.8 109 149
4 Douglas-fir 42.9 113 196
5 Lodgepole Pine 12.6 74 82
6 Ponderosa Pine 28.4 100 121
7 Ponderosa Pine 22.9 91 106
8 Grand Fir 18.7 89 97
9 Douglas-fir 27.6 99 112
Average ________ ________ ________
How many trees per acre? ________
Note: when you sample (measure) a fraction of an acre, and then later want to expand the
sample data so it represents a whole acre, the sample values must be multiplied by the de-
nominator of plot size. For a 1/5-acre plot, each sample tree represents 5 trees (the denom-
inator value); for a 1/20-acre plot, each sample tree represents 20 trees; and so forth.
3. Calculate an average, for the 3 plots combined, by filling in the table below:
Diameter Average Average Age Trees Per
Plot (Inches) Height (Feet) (Years) Acre
4. What proportion of the sample trees, on the 3 plots combined, were ponderosa pines
(don’t forget that we are interested in how much ponderosa pine timber we have on the
100-acre tract)? __________ percent.
5. Fill in the blanks in this summary of our results so far. “After completing three plots, we can
now say that the sampled area has an average of __________ trees per acre, with an aver-
age diameter of __________ inches, an average height of __________ feet, and an average
age of __________ years. The proportion of ponderosa pines on the 3 plots was
__________ percent.”
What have you learned from this exercise?
How to figure out the radius of a circular plot after being given its area.
How to adjust a plot radius to account for sloping ground.
That many mathematical formulas involving circles use pi, a special constant that we round
off to 3.1416.
How to measure circumference and diameter of trees.
How to use a clinometer to measure tree heights on either flat or sloping ground.