Milligan March 2 Lesson Plan
Milligan March 2 Lesson Plan
Milligan March 2 Lesson Plan
Grade Level: 6 Unit Name/Topic: The Latin Revolution Lesson Number: 1 Length: 50 minutes
Academic Content Standard(s): 6.1.13 – Explain the origin and spread of scientific, political, and social ideals associated with
the Age of Enlightenment/Age of Reason
Academic Content Language (content vocabulary, discourse, syntax): Toussaint Louverture, Napoleon, Haiti, South America,
Latin American colonists, liberation, independence, Father Hidalgo, Simon Bolivar, Mexico
How Latin American colonies began to win their independence through How did Latin American colonies use revolutionary ideals to help win their
revolutionary ideals independence?
Completing the brochure with detailed illustrations and information over the Latin Revolution in one class period.
Where will this lesson take place? General Education Classroom Resource Room Other:
Specific Support Who will provide that Why? What’s the intention The online classroom management tool, Canvas, will be used
Needed (Special support? Where will that to take the Lesson 4 quiz.
Education Support support be provided?
accommodations A Google Slides presentation will be used to introduce
and discussion questions during the whole class discussion.
Lesson Agenda with Discipline-Specific Learning Activities (reference your content methods text)
Time: Teacher Will Be (Planned Supports tied to objectives Students Will Be (Learning Tasks connect to Rationale: (Based on
& build in checks for understanding) prior knowledge & assets): Research/theory)
2 minutes Introducing Lesson 4 quiz and answering Preparing to take test by opening
any questions. laptops and going to Canvas.
Overall, for the first real whole lesson that I have ever taught, it went very smoothly. I was a little nervous at first but settled in
once we got into to the actual group discussion and activity. The objective, performance task, and evaluative criteria were all
met throughout the span of the lesson. This was evident in every student passing the Lesson 4 quiz as well as completing the
brochure activity with elite precision in relation to the instructions that were given. The students also exemplified true
creativity, which was another benefit of the activity. Furthermore, they were engaged during the class discussion and provided
reasonable answers to the questions given.
There were places for improvement. First and foremost, I could have walked around the class more frequently just to provide
support for the students if needed. There was one student specifically who may have required extra help or support, which
was provided eventually, but should have from the start. Next time, I would make a concerted effort to do this to ensure that
all students have the proper help they need/want. I would like to continue with these neat activities, as it seemed the
students enjoyed it. I also would like to incorporate some sort of simulation or role-playing activity into instruction at some
point. Simulations/role play are a great way for students to get involved in the curriculum while also having a little bit of