Fideicommissary - Reserva Troncal
Fideicommissary - Reserva Troncal
Fideicommissary - Reserva Troncal
4. The first and second heir must both be living and qualified at
the time of the death of the testator.
The following:
Example of Fideicommissary:
Suggested answer:
Suggested answer:
Yes. There is a valid fideicommissary substitution in the case at
bar. For a fideicommissary substitution to be valid it must
contain the following requisites:
1. That the institution does not go beyond one degree from the
heir originally instituted;
2. That the substitution be expressly made;
3. That both the fiduciary and beneficiary be living at the time of
the testator’s death;
4. That it should be imposed on the free portion and not on the
In the instant case all the requisites are present thus there is a
valid fideicommissary substitution.
The origin can alienate the property. While the origin owns the
property, there is no reserva yet, and therefore, he has the
perfect right to dispose of it, in any way he wants, subject,
however to the rule on inofficious donations.
Suggested answer:
JOJO, the father of PRINCESS, is the ascendant entitled to the
2. Death of all the relatives witShin the third degree prior to the
death of the reservista