Cook Off of Comp-B

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Cookoff of a Melt-castable Explosive

M. L. Hobbs, M. J. Kaneshige, M. U. Anderson

Sandia National Laboratories is a multi-program laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin
Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. SAND NO. 2011-XXXXP
 Composition B (Comp-B) explosives consist of mixtures of RDX
and TNT, and a desensitizing wax. In the current work, Comp-
B is assumed to be composed of 60/40 RDX/TNT by weight.
 Developed prior to WWI and used in mortar shells, torpedoes,
demolition charges, warheads, shaped charges, and bombs.
 Prepared by melting TNT in a steam-jacketed kettle, adding
wet RDX slowly, heating and stirring until the water is
evaporated. Comp-B is cast into desired shape and cooled.
 Comp-B is easy to process, has a high detonation pressure,
but fails many insensitive munitions (IM) requirements.
 Comp-B does not pass slow and fast cookoff IM tests.
Consequently, the response of Comp-B during an accident,
such as a fire, is important for safety analysis.
Thermal Analysis by Others*
 TNT in Comp-B melts at
same temperature as in
pure TNT.
 RDX melt is absent in the
Comp-B DTA data.
 Early onset of Comp-B may
be caused by hot Comp-B
liquid dissolving the RDX
 Some discrepancy in data
(e.g. DTA shows exotherm
after TGA indicates no
*LLNL Explosives Handbook , LLNL report DE85-015961 (1981).
Simultaneous TGA/DSC Data
TGA data DSC data

TNT dissolves
RDX suspension?

*RDX and TNT are from the same lot used to make the 60/40 mixtures.
TNT Melt & RDX Dissolution
Baseline corrected DSC Effective capacitance model

Latent enthalpy taken directly from DSC data. TNT latent enthalpy
matches literature. Energy of RDX dissolution is less than RDX melt.
Sandia’s Instrumented Thermal Ignition (SITI)
Open half shell



12 m

16 m

36 m
22 s
Oven Test (a.k.a. snowman)

45 minutes 135 minutes 270 minutes Post test oven

Model Features
 One-step, first-order mechanism
 Distributed Arrhenius rates modified by (P/Po)n
 Product hierarchy from equilibrium calculations
 Liquefaction modeled thermodynamically
 Liquid rates are 15 times larger than solid rates
 Thermal expansion, TNT phase change, RDX dissolution
 One energy equation, one momentum equation, three
continuity equations (Comp-B, Gas, Carbon), various
auxiliary equations for gas volume fraction, pressure, etc.
Comp-B (C4.58H5.61N4.82O6) 2.24 H2O + 2.41 N2 + 1.88 CO2 + 0.064 H2+ 2.54 C

   exp    E   E  / RT  [compb]
rA P rgas  dtd [gas]  6.845r rcarbon  dtd [carbon]  2.450r

Model Features (continued)
 Single energy equation with convection and reaction source.
Cp   C p v  T    (k T )  qr
 Single momentum equation with Bousinesq volume force.
   v  v  P   2 v      o  gh
 All wetted surfaces assumed to have a no-slip boundary.
vwetted surfaces  0

 Local gas/solid velocities/temperatures equal.

TC  Tg  T ( x, y , z, t ) and vC  v g  v ( x, y , z, t )

 Low Mach flow (velocities much less than sound speeds).

P ( x, y , z, t )  P (t )
z  1  X exp(0.298 X )
 BKWS-EOS used for pressure Pg ( x, y , z, t )  Pg (t ) 
Vg  n   0.0105  Covol 
X    
V T  6620 
 g 
SITI Test Results

 #71 ignited faster

than predicted.
Possible plug?
 Good temperature
match to 430 K, then
model transition from
solid to liquid is too
T  412.5K   0.25  106 Pa  s
T  413.5K   0.2 Pa  s

Oven Test Results

 Melts from outside to

the inside.
 Solid plug gets smaller
and starts to fall
toward the bottom of
the can.
 Liquid heats up and
eventually self-heats
and ignites at the top
of the can.

Oven Test Results

 Temperature pinch
occurs in middle of RDX
dissolution range.
 Model predicts slightly
longer ignition times.
 Discrepancy in ignition
time could be related to
the method of melting
the Comp-B flakes.
 In the experiment, the
flakes were melted in
the combined system.
Summary and Conclusions
 Decomposition of Comp-B decomposes differently as a mixture
than the individual components RDX and HMX.
 TNT melts between 77-102°C in Comp-B.
 The RDX suspension in hot TNT dissolves between 147-187°C
 The dissolution of RDX is not as sharp as a phase change and
favors a distributed activation energy model.
 The model captures the time-to-ignition for the SITI experiments.
 The modeled SITI internal temperatures are good until about
157°C and then the temperatures pinch together faster than the
measured temperatures.
 Temperature dependent volumetric expansion data is needed at
elevated temperatures.
 Viscosity data above 157°C is needed.
 More data is needed for both open and closed systems using
melt-cast Comp-B as well as flaked Comp-B. 13

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