PerDev Week 6 Module 5 Career Development
PerDev Week 6 Module 5 Career Development
PerDev Week 6 Module 5 Career Development
This is the final module in Personal Development. Congratulations for making it this far!
How Are You? Do not forget to take care of yourself. Check the statements that apply to
o I have taken my breakfast, lunch, or dinner.
o I have taken a bath today.
o I have taken at least 8 glasses of water today.
o I have taken enough sleep and nap time for today.
o I have expressed my prayers and gratitude for today.
Was there anything you missed in the module 4? Check the circles if you have
accomplished them.
o I have completed the practice questions in Quipper.
o I have submitted the Quipper Essay, The Power of Vulnerability.
o I have submitted the Quipper Essay, My Love Language.
Recall your childhood memories of what you want to be when you grow up? Are you
able to follow your dreams with the journey that you are on?
PC 8: 16 Personality Factors
Do you ever wonder what sets you apart from others? The Personality Trait Theory,
developed by Cattell, proposes the idea that our personalities have 16 dimensions or
factors. Find out what your personality trait is through this test called 16 Personality
Factors (16 PF). Take the test here (
test). Save a screenshot of your results and answer the guide question below in the
Quipper Essay, entitled PerDev_Module 5_PC 8: 16 Personality Factors.
Do these traits and abilities help you progress in your career? If yes, how? If not, what
measures can you take to make these traits and abilities beneficial to you?
PC 9: Personal Skills and Abilities
As an individual who is considering your career path, it is important to benchmark
on the skills and abilities that we have developed over the years. In this aptitude test, rate
each aptitude according to your perception of your ability. Base your answers on your
knowledge of your past performance in that area. Afterwards, pick out the areas that you
rated three and list them down. Finally, answer the guide question below in the Quipper
Essay entitled, PerDev_Module 5_PC 9: Personal Skills and Abilities.
Areas I rated 3:
> ___________
> ___________
> ___________
Imagine working on your chosen career. How can you apply these strengths in your
future career?
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Content Shows a full Shows a good Shows a good Does not seem
understanding understanding understanding to understand
of the topic. of the topic. of parts of the the topic very
topic. well.
Criteria 4 3 2 1
Creativity of Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
the is very is creative andis somewhat is not creative
Presentation creative and the thought of creative and and the
the thought of the content is the thought of thought of the
the content is delivered. the content is content is
well delivered. fairly poorly
delivered. delivered.
Ability to Student is able Student is able Student is able Student is
answer to accurately to accurately to accurately unable to
Questions answer almost answer most answer a few accurately
all questions questions questions answer
posed by posed by posed by questions
classmates classmates classmates posed by
about the about the about the classmates
topic. topic. topic. about the
Observance of Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
the Time Limit is within the is more or less is more or less is more/less
expected than 2-3 than 5+ than 6+
length of 7 minutes minutes over minutes
minutes. over/under the expected 7 over/under
the 7 minutes. minutes. the 7 minutes
Total: 16/16
Are you ready? Read on for the content of the topic assigned to your group.
The age ranges should be thought of as approximate rather than rigid. Super
believed that career exploration in adolescence is a key ingredient of adolescents' career
self-concept (Giannantonio & Hurley- Hanson, 2006).
Total: 16/16
III. Factors Influencing Career Choice
A. Personal Factors
1. Skills and Abilities - How an individual fits for a certain job basing on his skills and
abilities is a big factor considered in the earliest career development theories such
as the Trait and Factor Theory of Occupational Choice developed by Frank Parsons.
His theory's basic assumption is that occupational choices are made if one has an
accurate understanding of his traits such as his aptitude, interests and personal
abilities. Moreover, these traits can be accurately identified and profiled to analyze
an individual's potential. In addition, occupational profiling and pairing an
individual's skills and abilities to a specific job are still common practices nowadays.
3. Life Roles - Super's Lifespan Theory specifically the Life Career Rainbow in 1980
centers on multiple life roles and stages which a person takes on and can influence
how they see their careers general and how an individual makes a choice for himself
which can change over the course of time. For an in-depth analysis, try to visit this
Crafted by:
Dr. Marivic G. Diwa, RGC Mr. Jerrico James Abacajan Mrs. Zyra Marie L. Arce
Ms. Jhanina Albert Arceo Mr. Earl John Besario
Bernabe, G., Personal Development for Senior High School, Mindshapers Co., Inc.,
Recoletos St., Manila, 2016, pp. 211-249