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G r o w i n g i n F a i t h
S h a r i n g G o d ’ s L o v e
June 2011

KELLY’S KORNER VBS Program on June 12

I know June 12th is VBS Sunday…but did you know it is also This is a reminder that there will be no
Pentecost Sunday?? regular Sunday School or church at
Chapel on June 12; however, our com-
The Season begins June 12th and extends through November munity Vacation Bible School will be
13th…….27 Sundays!! held in Chapel’s Fellowship Hall at
10:00 am with snacks afterwards. We
*Pentecost is the anniversary of the coming of the hope to see you then!
Holy Spirit upon the disciples

*Pentecost is the birthday of the church

*Pentecost initiates the 2nd half of the church year. The first Fourth of July Picnic
half began with advent and closed with the Ascension on Plan now to attend Chapel’s annual 4th of
June 5th. While the first half of the church year observes the July picnic at noon on Monday, July 4.
life of Christ, the second half deals with the life of the Stay tuned for details by the Age-Level
church through the: WORK
And the FRUIT of the Holy Spirit

*The color of Pentecost is RED. the color of fire…for the Spir- Wanted: Jr Sunday School Teachers
it came in ‘tongues of fire’. Heidi Langenbau, Junior Sunday School su-
perintendent, wonders if you would be
*The mood of Pentecost is: willing to help teach one of the Jr Sunday
CELEBRATION ~ The birthday party of the church School classes. The more teachers we
have, the less work it is for everyone, and
GRATITUDE ~ Christians are grateful on Pentecost for the the material is easy to use. The year runs
church from September – May. Please contact
Heidi ASAP at 641-499-2541 or
HOPE ~ Pentecost is a renewal and revival day in the church., if you are
With the coming of the Holy Spirit, comes hope willing to help. Thank you.
*The scripture lesson for Pentecost day is Acts 2:1-21
YF Summer Trip
The Vacation Bible School Program is a good way to celebrate
Pentecost Sunday!! The Y-F will be taking their annual summer
trip to Ponto Lake on July 17-20. Please
Pastor Dean Kelly check your calendars to see if you can at-
tend. The trip will include boating, swim-
ming, bon fires, hobo meals and devotions
Worship Attendance with Jay Beichley. We look forward to this
Chapel’s worship service now starts
May 1: 78 annual trip. Please let Shauna and Ben or
at 10:30 am instead of 10:40! May 8: 93
Allen and Dee know if you plan to at-
May 15: 131
DidYouKnow Mother’s Day
Thank you to the Youth Fellowship and Witness Committee for
• Check the back bulletin board to sign giving all mothers a scripture card made by Lori Odle, includ-
up if you’d like to help with snacks and ing a picture of a flower and this verse from Zephaniah 3:17,
other items for Bible School. “The Lord your God is with you, He is mighty to save. He will
• Congratulations to Sonya Beichley, take great delight in you, He will quiet you with His love, He
Emily Havelka, Austin Groth and will rejoice over you with singing.” Several youth read poems
Bennett Mann on qualifying for the about mothers and grandmothers during the worship service.
State Track Meet!
• Kevin Svendsen has a full-time job at Church Camp
Jet Engineering in Cedar Rapids. Have you heard about the 2011 Iowa United Methodist Camping
Congratulations! opportunities? There are catalogs, brochures, DVDs and LOTS
• High school graduates, Sonya Beichley, more to check out at The three camp
Michael Burt & Eli Odle, were locations are Okoboji, Pictured Rocks at Monticello or Wesley
recognized May 15 during the worship Woods at Indianola. We hope Chapel boys and girls and even
service. Thank you, Dee Burt, for families will attend a camp this summer. If interested in fi-
producing the impressive video! nancial help, please contact Mike Vint, Administrative Council
• The Junior Sunday School children chair, 641-752-7694.
visited Westbrook Acres Nursing Home
May 15. Marci Krull coordinated the Thank You, Volunteers
trip. Thank you, Ron Groth, for treating the dandelions around the
• Journey Miell, fourth grader and church and up to the cemetery. He responded quickly to the
daughter of Lynda, was baptized May 8. trustees’ plea for help. We also appreciate the trustees put-
• New email: Marci Krull - ting new seals on the doors to hopefully avoid water coming in; installing a new mailbox; putting in plug-ins by the piano and
• Nicole Svendsen, daughter of Steve and on the floor under the front pew; arranging for a new furnace
Judy, ran the 3000 in the State meet which was installed May 17; and placing a table for purses in
and came in 13th out of 24 for Dowling the women’s restroom.
in Des Moines, her time was 10:55 she
decreased her time 9 seconds, her best
time ever. She is a freshman. Thank you
Our Circle of concern: At Baccalaureate, Eli gave his testimony to a room full of kids,
• Cindy Ormston, recent cataract surgery parents and grandparents. Each of you at Chapel has touched
• Lynn Beichley, recent surgery his life in a way that God has used Him to reach others. Be-
• Floyd Appelgate, recovering from a fall cause of you, God’s Word is being carried out into the world in
• Jeff Koster, carotid artery test many directions with our three graduates, Michael, Sonya and
• Michelle Sieh, recuperating from health Eli. We can’t thank you enough for all of the support, prayers
concerns after Levi’s birth; father and love over the years. We are blessed to call you friends.
Randy Beichley told the congregation We are rich to call you family.
May 22 that “God is good!”
• Ryan Hook, Mike & Cathy Vint’s son-in- They will know we are Christians by our love.
law, health concerns Tim & Lori Odle
• Dale Langenbau’s mother, heart surgery
to replace valve
• Betsy, Ormston’s friend from Hawaii, Thank you
cancer; husband in Afghanistan We want to thank you all for your many acts of kindness after
• Tanner Williams, 2010 GMG grad, my injury. Cooking for our family, moving bales, tearing out
injured back & ankle in Afghanistan, fence, keeping me company-- you really covered everything,
recovering in Germany and I can't tell you how much we appreciate it all.
• Hayley, 2, Ann Jackson’s niece, eye
infection Thanks again!
Matt, Ann Jackson & family

Page 2 CHAPELchimes
Memorial Gift
Thank you for Chapel’s new computer, projector and speakers, which were donated by the Craig Handorf
Memorial. We all appreciate the updated technology to make our worship service more meaningful.

Truth Project
The last two sessions of the Truth Project will be on Sunday, June 5, at 5 pm at Ron & Lois Groth’s home,
one mile west of Garwin (note location change). Food: loose meat sandwiches, Steen’s; Salads, pea salad
Beichley’s; chicken Luba Lyon; potato salad Kathryn Burt; fruit salad Koster’s; Desserts, moon cake
Kloster’s; bars Odle’s; ice cream & toppings, Vint’s; Drinks Groth’s. Everyone is welcome to join us.

Parenting Class
A fourth adult Sunday School class is back in session after a nice winter’s break. Starting on May 15, Dee
Burt and Sue Koster are team-teaching the class, “Effective Parenting in a Defective World: A Practical
Guide to Raising Confident Christian Kids” by Chip Ingham. The class meets at 9:30 am downstairs next to
the YF room. Everyone is welcome!

Fourteen women went to Marion and Palo Saturday, April 30. They enjoyed lunch at the Wicker Hill Tea
Room in Marion. They then shopped at the Palo Cedar River Garden Center, which Dan Diehm, formerly
from Garwin and his wife, Megan, own. Dan gave the group a tour of their home and the garden center,
which they rebuilt since the 2008 flood. Thank you to the Volunteers for sponsoring the fun day. Those
who attended were Marvalyn Kelly, Karen Handorf, Connie Appelgate, Patti Cornwell, Edie Hodges, Kathryn
Burt, Luba Lyon, Claire Handorf, Cindy Ormston, Carolyn Kloster, Lois Groth, Karen Collins, Sue Koster and
Marcia Wiese.

A tip from Shauna Smith: “I would like to share this link (I use it as a bookmark), http://, for Life 101.9, KNWS radio, Christian radio - It is nice that I don't
have to get out of my seat to turn it on! The bookmark on my webpage also reminds me to tune in. This
station definitely lifts my spirits each morning!”

Memorial Money
If you have previously designated your family’s memorial money to go into the organ fund and would now
like to move that money to the regular memorial fund or designate it for another project, please contact
memorial chair, Shirley Svendsen, 1585 Zeller Ave, Marshalltown, IA 50158, 641-474-2494, The Administrative Council is advising this procedure since it is doubtful that
Chapel will purchase another organ. Thank you.

Newsletter Help
A big thank you to Vaugn and Carolyn Kloster, Carol Lamer, and Shirley Svendsen who helped label, stamp,
and tab the more than 80 newsletters that got mailed last month. If you would like to join in the fun,
please contact Sue Koster. If interested, please send any monetary donations for printing, stamps, etc. to
Jim Fleming, 2587 B Ave, Garwin, IA 50632.

Summer Jr Sunday School

All Jr Sunday School children will meet together in the Fellowship Hall starting June 5 and ending August
21. A different teacher will lead the multi-age class each Sunday of the summer: June 5 Sue Koster; June
12 VBS program; June 19 Lynda Miell; June 26 Janice Collins; July 3 Heidi Langenbau; July 10 Marla Hlas;
July 17 Ann Jackson; July 24 Bill & Tammy Backoff; July 31 Claire Handorf; Aug 7 Marci Krull; Aug 14 Visita-
tion Sunday; Aug 21 Diana Collins. Feel free to ask others to help you and to trade Sundays. Four multi-age
books will be on the bottom shelf of the bookcase by the copier. Please copy the lesson you will use, write
the date in the table of contents, and replace the books. Thank you.

June 2011 Page 3

Vacation Bible School
June 6th—10th 2011
Plans for Vacation Bible School are underway. The big event will be Mon-Fri, June 6-10, right here at Chapel
from 9:00-11:30 am. All children, ages 3 through sixth grade are welcome. For the fourth year, we are joining to-
gether with the churches in Garwin. The program will be on Sunday, June 12, at 10:00 am at Chapel. No regular Sun-
day School or church that day at Chapel.
Many exciting events are being planned for the entire week. The theme is “Hometown Nazareth: Where Jesus
Was a Kid.” The children will visit Mary’s house, go to Nazareth’s marketplace, play games that Jesus may have
played, make crafts, enjoy crafts, and sing songs. They will learn that Jesus had a family, a name, a home, a church,
and He served others...just like we do, too!
A bus will leave Garwin at 8:30 am at the high school and Green Mountain at 8:45 am at the baseball/softball
field parking lots. The bus will drop off children in Green Mountain at 11:45 and in Garwin at 12:00 at the same loca-
Please check the back bulletin board to sign up for items to donate. We also need ten queen size or larger
blankets or sheets: 2 orange, 2 purple, 2 green, 2 blue & 1 yellow; baskets & pottery of all sizes and shapes (not pre-
cious); and 75 egg cartons with flat bottoms, not cone-shaped (Kwik Star dozen and Sparboe 18-pack cartons are per-
You may put registration forms in the envelope on the back bulletin board, contact Ann Jackson, 473-2338,, Heidi Langenbau, 499-2541,, or return the completed form
to GMG Elementary or High School. We hope many children will attend VBS! Thanks so much for your help and sup-

VBS 2011 Registration Form

Name: __________________________________________________________



Parents: _________________________________________________________


Emergency Contact (Name & Phone number required)-


Does this child have any special need about which we should be aware (dietary
restrictions, physical limitations, etc.)?
Please return to Ann Jackson, Heidi Langenbau or place in the envelope at the
back of the church.

June 2011 Page 4

The Chapel UMW women met May 5 at 7:00 pm for their meeting day, Thursday, June 2. All women from the
regular meeting. Claire Handorf and Janice Collins pre- church are invited to attend. Please contact Karen or
sented an enjoyable lesson on “Fishers of Men.” Claire Donna, if interested.
portrayed a fisherman who was trying to ‘fish for peo-
ple.’ Using her tackle box, she discovered the only way We were reminded that today is the National Day of
to catch people for Jesus is by putting the bait of a cross Prayer, and Kathryn told us this year’s theme is “A
on her hook. We sang “Fishers of Men” and then shared Mighty Fortress Is Our God.” Our group read the words to
ideas how to share the cross with others, including the the hymn with the same title. In 1952 President Truman
way we live, testifying, sharing in fun and meaningful designated the first Thursday in May for this special day.
activities at Chapel, and saying ‘yes’ to volunteer for
more activities. The group decided to bring supplies for the House of
Compassion during the month of May. Shirley Svendsen
President Kathryn Burt opened the meeting. Donna suggested that the most-needed items include shampoo/
Lynch, spiritual growth chair, read II Thessalonians 1:2-3 conditioner, dish soap, laundry soap, and paper tow-
and Galatians 2:10. She read an article entitled els. The group voted to give a monetary donation and
“Remembering the Poor” and challenged us to find ways also invites Chapel Church attendees to put items in a
to remember the poor. Kathryn reminded us of the pur- box in the narthex this month.
pose of “Prayer and Self-Denial.” She told about the
Brooks-Howell Home in Ashville, North Carolina, which The Green Mountain UCC Women’s Fellowship has invited
especially helps retired people. Elizabeth Howell, who us to their church on May 14 at 9:00 am. The program
was Barbara Burt’s boss when she taught in Japan, lived will be on “Aprons.” Please let Kathryn Burt if you can
at the home. An offering will be taken later. Kathryn attend.
also described the Living Legacy opportunity at Mar- Prayers requests were given. Kathryn Burt read scripture
shalltown’s Iowa River Hospice. Kathryn passed around from Colossians 3:12-14 and closed with prayer. The
a postcard about “Missionaries in the Military.” Sylvia hostesses, Karen Collins and Marcia Wiese, served straw-
Knapp Ellis spoke at Chapel many years ago. Her hus- berry pie on tables decorated with flowers.
band, Bob, and she recruit chaplains for the military and
share with churches the need of, and opportunities for, Secretary Pro-Tem,
godly chaplains in the US Military. Sue Koster

Thirteen members answered roll call and described Looking Ahead

something they liked about a friend from the past. The Chapel UMW invites all women from the church to a day
minutes of the March meeting and April Spring Breakfast in Newton on Thursday, June 2. We will meet at Chapel
were read and approved. A thank you was read from at 9:00 am and also pick up ladies in Marshalltown at the
Donna Lynch. Shirley Svendsen gave the treasurer’s re- parking lot west of Applebee’s at 9:30 am. First on the
port. Janice Collins and Karen Handorf, card and flower schedule is the Visitors Center at the Maytag Dairy Farm
committee, gave their monthly report. Kathryn Burt at 10:30 am. At 11:30 am we will eat lunch at Shay’s
thanked all who helped with the Spring Break- Tea Room. A menu was passed around, including soup,
fast. There was a good attendance of 60. sandwiches, salads, desserts and drinks. We will tour the
Iowa Speedway at 2:00 pm and should arrive home be-
Karen Handorf and Donna Lynch presented plans for the tween 4:00-4:30 pm. If interested in attending, please
June yearly trip, which will be to Newton on our regular contact Karen Handorf or Donna Lynch, tour contacts.

New Arrivals!
• Ryan & Lisa Koster became the parents of Kinsey Ann
Koster, who was born on May 5 at 2:56 pm. Kinsey
weighed 5 lbs 2 oz and was 19” long. Stan & Sue Koster
are the proud grandparents. Their address is 1004 Wild
West Lane, LeClaire, IA 52753.
• Caleb & Michelle Sieh are the proud parents of Levi Halen,
born May 16 at 5:11 pm. He weighed 6 lbs 5 oz and was
20” long. Cameron, Elly & Bennett welcomed Levi home.
Grandparents are Randy & Susan Beichley. Caleb and
Michelle Sieh & family, 32895 260th St, Reinbeck, IA 50669

Page 5 CHAPELchimes
Ice Cream Social July 14
We've had a "taste" of warm weather and you know what that means - ICE CREAM! After our meeting we decided to
make a few changes this year, starting off with a change in months...not really by choice but by schedules and community
events. Don't forget, it's Thursday, JULY 14, this year. We know that is the beginning of the Marshall County Fair but
we've been assured this will work. Chapel people always seem to rise up and make things work!!
We announced earlier that we were going to order three new freezers. Thanks to the generosity of four couples,
we have them all paid for and on order!
We'd like everyone to wear their purple Chapel Ice Cream Social t-shirts again this year. We had a lot of compli-
ments on them last year, and besides that, it lets people know who to ask if they have a question: “Go to someone in a
purple shirt!” There were some people who didn't order a shirt last year, but upon seeing them that night, said they want-
ed one for this year's social. There will be a sheet to sign up for them on the bulletin board in the back of the
church. Please sign your name and size if you want one (or more). Deadline for signing up will probably be the middle of
June, but we'll let you know for sure as soon as possible.
Sue Koster agreed once again to entertain the hungry crowd upstairs. Big thanks, Sue! We'd like to give her nimble,
talented fingers a break once in a while and are asking you talented people to step up and tell a joke, read a poem, juggle
or other trick or talent, play a piece on the piano or an instrument, do a short skit, etc. It all helps the waiting seem not
so long. Think about what you could do and let Sue know.
Because lemon ice cream is our biggest seller, we decided to make 20 more gallons of it and 10 less of the choco-
late. Crankers, that really means only 10 more extra gallons - With those new freezers (7 in all - we're told they're much
easier to crank), we know you can do it in no time!
After much thought about how to sell the quarts, we came to this conclusion and hope everyone is willing to give it
a good try this year. We think it is fair to both Chapel people and our community friends who come to eat and support our
social. We've asked a number of couples their opinion and upon thinking about it, we think it will work and are excited
about trying it. Here it is:

1) Chapel people can order up to 3 (three) quarts of any kind of ice cream PER FAMILY up to noon the day of the so-
cial. They will be set aside in a separate freezer so those who ordered will be assured to get theirs and not be mixed
in with others to be sold. There will absolutely be NO ICE CREAM SOLD IN THE SHED!! It causes too much confu-
sion. We will have a sign out there stating this.
2) There will be runners inside (by the cashier) who will go to the shed, bring the ice cream to the cashier's desk, and give
it to the EATING customer.
3) Ice cream will ONLY be sold to those EATING SUPPER at Chapel and to those who call in with a FOOD TAKE OUT ORDER.
4) NO ice cream will be sold to anyone who CALLS IN THAT NIGHT FOR ICE CREAM ONLY.
5) Leon Lamer will be at the church the following morning (July 15) at 8:00 a.m. From 8:00-9:00 am Chapel people can
call in and order (641-751-9649) or come in and get ice cream from what is left over from the night before. After 9:00
a.m. anyone, including both Chapel and community people, can call and order from the remaining quarts. There should
be plenty for everyone but it will give us a better handle on needs.
Hopefully this will be a fair solution to both Chapel people and the community people who support our social. Let's give it
a try this year and see how it works.
Once again, if there is a particular place you like to work at the social, please email Carol at Everyone did a super job responding last year. We'll begin working on assignments soon so please
let us know where you wish to work, or tell us if you don’t care where you work. We'll be keeping everyone up to date via
email, newsletter, bulletins and announcements. Thank you, everyone, for your understanding and support.
Committee: Leon and Carol Lamer, Lee and Patti Cornwell, Jim and LeAnn Fleming, Dan and Trisha Steen

June Birthdays & Anniversaries

1st Pam & John Fleming 15th Richard Kloster
2nd Zachary Krull 16th Jane Appelgate
4th Chase Winters 17th Pam Fleming
5th Vaugn & Carolyn Kloster, Jim & LaRae (Appelgate) Little 20th Jay Beichley, Chase Reeves, Lee & Patti Cornwell
6th Stephanie Lynch, Owen Collins 21st Michelle Beichley Sieh, Abby Svendsen
8th Bill & Cindy Ormston, Peggy Lynch, Abigail Beane, John & 22nd Abigail Kemp
Mechiele Winters, Sarah Vint 23rd Lisa Appelgate
11th Jim Drahozal 26th Harriett Fleming, Ross & Beverly Iverson
12th Caleb & Michelle Sieh 28th Hannah Grace Beane
13th Lynn & Claire Handorf, Chris Krull, Regann Bessman, 29th Zeal & Martha Bessman, Mark Appelgate
Ryann Bessman 30th Gary & Darlene Koster
14th Codi Groth, Heidi Langenbau

Page 6 CHAPELchimes
June 2011
Wed/Jun 1 6:00 pm Lage Fish Fry, Memorial Bldg, Gladbrook; bring potluck dish and own service
Thu/Jun 2 UMW Trip to Newton, guests welcome; contact Karen Handorf or Donna Lynch
Sat/Jun 4 - Kelly’s gone to IA Annual UM Conference, HyVee Hall, Des Moines
Tue/Jun 7
Sun/Jun 5 9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service ~ Jay Beichley will be filling the pulpit & Communion
5:00 pm Truth Project, two sessions at Ron & Lois Groth’s, lunch in between
Mon/Jun 6 9:00 -11:30 am Bible School at Chapel; contact Ann Jackson 473-2338 or Heidi Langenbau
Tue/Jun 7 9:00 -11:30 am Bible School at Chapel
9:30 am Pastor Dean meeting at Peace Church
Wed/Jun 8 9:00 -11:30 am Bible School at Chapel
1:30 pm LCA; Hostess: Phyllis Mann, Devotions: Harriett Fleming, Roll Call: A talent I wish
I had, Entertainment: Kathryn Burt
Thu/Jun 9 9:00 -11:30 am Bible School at Chapel
Fri/Jun 10 9:00 -11:30 am Bible School at Chapel
Sun/Jun 12 10:00 am Bible School program, snacks afterwards; no regular SS or church; deadline for
signing up for Ice Cream Social t-shirts
Thu/Jun 16 10:00 am Pastor Dean in charge of worship at Westbrook Acres Nursing Home
Deadline for newsletter items. Please email them to
Sun/Jun 19 9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship service and Father’s Day Recognition (YF & Witness committee, Cathy
Vint, chrm)
Thu/Jun 23 - Gladbrook Corn Carnival
Sun/Jun 26
Sun/Jun 26 9:30 am Sunday School
10:30 am Worship Service

Thank You from the Burry’s

Looking Ahead: Dear Chapel,

Mon, 4th of July picnic; Age-Level/ Lenora and I want to thank you for your Christian love and con-
Family Ministries committee will de- cern over Lenora’s cancer. Just when you need encourage-
cide location and appoint classes to ment the most, God provides it in so many ways: two of our
chair games, drink & ice cream daughters have spent weeks with us and two more plan to
come. They have treated us with lots of TLC.
Sun, July 17: Noon Administrative
Council meeting; Sue Koster, Lori
God bless you all, including your new pastor, Pastor Kelly. He
Odle & Carolyn Kloster will provide
seems to fit the bill nicely with Chapel’s goals. Your continued
lunch prayers are greatly appreciated.
July 17-20: YF Trip to Ponto Lake
Pastor Gene & Lenora Burry

June 2011 Page 7

A monthly publication of
Chapel Church
Chapel United Methodist Church
1597 Abbott Avenue
Pastor ~ Dean J. Kelly Gladbrook IA 50635
Phone: 319-230-0627 or 319-290-8190
Church: 641-474-2278

Secretary ~ Cimber Strayer

Phone: 641-351-9488

Group email:

Chapel Blog:

Ushers Musicians Music & Children's Acolytes Sunday School

Flowers Sermon
Dan Steen & Susan Beichley & M&M: Ross Iverson
JUN Ben Smith Kathryn Burt Adult I: Kathryn Burt
Parenting Class: Sue K. & Dee B.

Communion Kelly Newcomb Marla Hlas 1st - 3rd Graders Jr SS Opening: Lynda Meill
5 Jr SS: 5th: Sue Koster

12 VBS Program
Darrel & Tammy Children's Church 1st - 3rd Graders Jr SS: 19th: Lynda Meill
19 Burt (Treats: Hlas) Jr SS: 26th: Tammy Burt

Doug & Linda Pastor Dean 1st - 3rd Graders Jr/Sr High: Linda Svendsen
26 Svendsen

Lynn Beichley & Kelly Newcomb & M&M: Dan Beane

Jul Dale Langenbau Sue Koster Adult I: Kathryn Burt
Parenting Class: Sue K. & Dee B.

Communion Ben & Shauna Marla Hlas 4th - 6th graders Jr SS Opening: Claire Handorf
3 Smith Jr SS:3rd: Heidi Langenbau

Larry & Janice Children's Church 4th - 6th graders Jr SS: 10th: Marla Hlas
10 Collins (Treats: Schewe) Jr SS: 17th: Ann Jackson

17 Cedar Valley Gospel Sing

Ron & Jeff Claire Handorf 4th - 6th graders Jr SS: 24th: Backoff's
24 Koster Jr SS: 31st: Claire Handorf
Dan & Sarah Pastor Dean Jr/Sr High: Randy & Susan Beichley
31 Beane

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