Miura Ori
Miura Ori
Miura Ori
Koryo MIURA **
Abstract. In this paper, the author presents a novel method of folding maps, its
physical characteristics, and the similar method applied to the space science.
Firstly, an introduction is given about a geometric surface which was discovered in
the process of studying the mathematical theory of elasticity. Secondly, the
proposed method of folding maps and its characteristics are described in detail.
Finally, the application of the surface to the space structures, such as solar arrays
and solar sails, are explained.
1. Introduction
Of maps that are inscribed on paper, the oldest one now existing is said to be
one that represents a gold mine in the Nubian district, Egypt (Fig. 1). On the map,
one can notice some parallel and equidistant lines extending lengthwise, apparently
without any significant connection with the descriptions on the map. One may
wonder what these lines mean.
It is possible that these lines are folds ofthe map, as can be inferred from their
being parallel and equidistant. In any way, it seems certain that ancient people, like
modem people, also attempted to fold up a map in various ways.
In the process of studying the mathematical theory of elasticity, the author
discovered a peculiar geometrical surface (Miura, 1970; Tanizawa and Miura,
1978). Since this surface has an isometric nature that can be applied to a deployable
* This paper was presented at the First International Meeting of Origami Science and Technology,
Ferrara, Italy, December 6-7, 1989.
** Professor and Director, Research Division of Space Transportation.
78 Chapter 2
Fig. 1. Map ofa gold mine in the Nubian district (a collection in Milano Museum, in the form ofpapyrus).
the paper is folded up in the x direction along folds parallel to the y axis, and in the
y direction along folds parallel to the x axis. The order of folding can be chosen as
desired. The paper must be deployed by following the same process in the reversed
order. If a map ofthis folding is completely deployed into a plane sheet, it is found
that the folds are two sets of parallel lines at right angles to each other, forming
rectangular sections on the plane ofpaper. Thus, we will hereafter call this kind of
folding "orthogonal folding".
We know that there are some problems in the orthogonal folding ofa map. One
ofthe problems is ofhuman engineering nature. The action offolding and unfolding
a map requires a considerably complicated motion of hands and fingers. In Fig. 2
is shown the loci, as recorded with an exposure camera, of motion of two thumbs
in unfolding a map oforthogonal folding. The motion is, ofcourse, more complicated
in folding it. Complicated motion is inconvenient, particularly in the open air or in
a limited space such as inside a car.
There is a polyhedra l surface having a very singular feature. It has been known
amo ng lovers of Origam i, however, the exa ct characteristics of the surface has not
been studied. The author re-disco vered the surface, so to say , from the viewpoint
of theory of elasticity and geometry (Fig . 3). It is called the deve lopable do uble
corrugation surface (DOC surface). Becau se only the geometric nature of this
surface has bearing on our present proble m, in what follows we see the surface only
in this light.
In an accor dio n curta in, we may find an example of the most common way of
folding up a plane in a fixed direc tion. Cons ider a sheet of idea l paper ass umed to
have no thickness. Folding up this pap er infini tesimally close ly will resu lt in a
straight line. In a word, thi s way of fold ing is equivalent to the transformation of a
plane into a straight line. The orthogo nal folding a map is, therefore, nothing but two
successive transformations of this sort in two mutually perpe ndic ular d irections.
Is there a way in which a plane can be folded in two mutually perpendicular
directions simultaneously? At firsttho ught, one can hardly believe such a poss ibility,
but the above-mentioned concave po lyhedra l surface does give a solution. In Fig.
4 there are a series of pictures showing how a plane is folded up and contracts itself
lengthwise and broadwise simultaneously. The intermediate product of this process
is a concave poly hedra l surface consisting of a number of parallelograms. If it is
folded up infin itesimally closely, then it will be folded up into a po int. Co nclusive ly,
folding of this sort corre sponds to transfor mation of a plan e into a point.
A remarka ble fact to be noted here is that the folds or contractions in two
Map Fold a La Miura Style 81
mutually perp endicular direction s are not independent to each other. The contra c-
tion in the x direction should always be accompanied by the contraction in the y
direction, and vice versa. In contrast, the folding in the x and y direction s are
completely independent in the case of the ortho gonal folding.
This particul ar DOC surface is composed of repetition ofa minimum unit or
a fundamental region . 1t is what composed of four con gruent parallelograms as
shown in Fig. 5. The whol e surface is formed by parallel transform ations in the x
and y direction s.
Consider a sheet of paper so folded that it forms a DDC surface, and see the
motion of an arbitr ary fundamental region. When a fundamental region is given
some deformati on, {or instance , by mak ing the fold angle sharper, the adjacent
fundamental regions will undergo exactly the same deform ation, which , in turn,
causes further deform ation to the fundamental regions adjacent to each of the
deformed region s. Thus, in theory it is seen that the deformation given to a particul ar
82 Chapter 2
fundamental region will propagate over the entire surface in a second. A sheet of
paper, when so folded, behaves as if it has a linkage mechanism built into it to fold
or deploy itself. To fold it, it is necessary only to fold anyone of the fundamental
In practice, the deformation in some part of the paper will not propagate to
infinitely remote regions, but undergoes increasing attenuation with distance from
the part at which the original deformation is initiated. In order to apply this method
of folding to a practical map, it is necessary to make this attenuation as small as
Generally, a map is rectangular in shape. To deploy a map folded up into a
nne surface, letus always pull the map at both ends ofthe diagonal ofthe rectangle.
This will give an equal and simultaneous deformation to all the fundamental regions
along the diagonal. Because these fundamental regions along the diagonal and those
in their direct neighborhood cover the main part ofthe map, the desired deformation
can be propagated, without decay, to most parts of the map.
In Fig. 6 there are a series of pictures showing the process of deployment of
a map folded up in this way. Figure 7 shows the loci of two thumbs in the process
ofFig. 6. Compared with the corresponding loci, shown in Fig. 2, for the case ofthe
orthogonal folding, the movement of thumbs in this case is much smoother and
simpler. Actual handling of the map is also so smooth that one feels as if the map
folds and deploys itself automatically. Just a sheet of ordinary paper, ifgiven these
special folds, will move as if given a life.
By its inherent nature, the new method of folding gives an answer to the
problem of fold stability discussed earlier. We assume that each fold has a sign of
plus or minus depending on whether it is convex or concave, respectively. Consider
what will happen when the sign of an arbitrary fold is reversed, for instance, a fold
marked e in Fig. 8a changes from concave to convex. This will necessitate reversal
Map Fold a La Miura Sty le 83
Fig. 7. Loci of two thumbs in unfo ldin g the ncvv· folded map .
84 Chapter 2
e I
- - - - - --.+-------t-
+ /
---- +
...... \
I \
(b) (c)
ofall other folds, f, g, and h, having a nodal point in common with e. The reason for
this simultaneous reversal lies in the fact that, when four folds have a nodal point
in common, there are only two possible combinations offold signs, as illustrated in
Figs. 8b and 8c. The reversal of sign at fold g in Fig. 8a will in tum necessitate
reversal ofthree folds, i.j, andk. In this way, reversal ofan arbitrary fold necessarily
leads to reversal of all the other folds on the map. Because such a situation should
have a rare chance to occur, the initial fold remains unchanged. In other words, the
fold is stable.
One can feel the truth of the above statement by actually manipulating a map
folded up by this method. Moreover, one may feel as ifthere were a kind ofmemory
built into the folded map, which precisely remembers all the signs originally
assigned to the folds.
With regards to the strength of folds, the folded map under consideration has
an essentially advantageous feature. In the case of the orthogonal folding, that
portion ofthe paper which thrusts itselfdeeply inside the second fold causes a large
tensile stress at the nodal point, whereas in the present case, only a single sheet of
paper will come beneath the second fold, and with less depth. This helps reduce the
Map Fold a La Miura Style 85
Large planer membranes are mandatory for many space missions in the near
future. Solar arrays, solar power satellites, solar sails, space radars are typical
examples. Therefore, the technology necessary for the construction and packing of
86 Chapter 2
- _.... -- ---..-
0 ci.
---- ~ ro
E ""c::l
E ~
E ~
E ~
If') ~
co ~
E ><
'C ~
<D _---- ---I'[ - - - __ 1/3
fOLD •
e-tl~1 1~ -u.s'
® ~ \ PARALLEL @
I ffl _____
12":1-1.4142:1=7:5 o r-
I I p:l
(11 ERROR)
CD I \~
\, I
0t}=J @~
~JU" '"O"TLY
: ~
<D ":7/ @~
..." PlEATS '''ARP I
Fig. 12. So lar wai l uses simila r method of fold ing its wa il.
M ap Fold a La Miura Style 89
these large memhrane s on the ground and their deployment in space must be
estahlished. The technology used for folding map s described in the previou s
sections was originally invented in order to cope with such problems of packing
large membr ane space structures (Miura, 1980).
For the purpo se of testing its feasibilit y, the project is under way to launch a
two-dimensional deployable array on board the space flyer unit (SFU) scheduled
for 1994 (Fig. II). It is a 6 x 6 meters square, thin membrane solar cell array which
will be simultaneously deployed in two orthogonal directi ons. In this figure, one can
observe that the fundamental unit is a parallelogram. Another application of this
technology is the fabrication, packaging, and deployment of a huge sail made of
very thin memhrane for a solar sail spacecraft. The design of a solar sail spacecraft
for the propo sed moon race by the Solar Sail Union of Japan is based on this
technology (Fig. 12).
8. Afterword
It is worth while, here, to add a few words about this new method of folding
from different viewpoint. It is about the meaning of paper of this form as a printed
media. Since the first publ ication of our research, a number of interested persons
have contributed their comments on the subjec t. The most impressive among them
is a notion that the map of this folding may give a new form to the "book" in a hroad
sense ofthe word, rather than being merely a map . As an attempt at realization, the
author has recently published a catalog for the Exhibition " Koryo Miura-Structural
Fig , 13. A catalog for the exhibition in the new fold design.
90 Chapter 2
Forms in Space" in this style (Fig. 13). This design gained general acceptance
among the people.
The author would like to give his thanks to Mr. M. Sakamaki of Institute of
Space and Astronautical Science, Dr. K. Tanizawa of Mitsubishi Electric Corpo-
ration, and K. Suzuki, President of Godo Works, for their invaluable assistance to
this study.