Full Stack Development: Gujarat Technological University (Established Under Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007)

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(Established under Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007)

ગુજરાત તકનીકી યુનિવર્સિટી
(ગુજરાત અધિનિયમ ક્રમાંક: 20/2007 હે ઠળ સ્થાપિત)

Full Stack Development


Submitted by



In partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of


Information Technology
L D College of Engineering, Ahmedabad


Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

April, 2022
(Established under Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007)
ગુજરાત તકનીકી યુનિવર્સિટી
(ગુજરાત અધિનિયમ ક્રમાંક: 20/2007 હે ઠળ સ્થાપિત)

Institute GTU
Logo Logo

L D College of Engineering
Narangpura, Ahmedabad

This is to certify that the project report submitted along with the project entitled Internship

has been carried out by ______________________ under my guidance in partial

fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology, 8 Semester

of Gujarat Technological University, Ahmadabad during the academic year 2021-22.

Prof. Jaimin Chavda Prof. HITEISHI DIWANJI

Internal Guide Head of the Department

Date: 20/04/2022
(Established under Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007)
ગુજરાત તકનીકી યુનિવર્સિટી
(ગુજરાત અધિનિયમ ક્રમાંક: 20/2007 હે ઠળ સ્થાપિત)


This is to certify that ABC, a student of L D College of Engineering has successfully

completed his internship in the field of Web Development from 15th January, 2022 to

20th April 2022 (Total number of Weeks: 14) under the guidance of ABC.

His internship activities include Full Stack Development Technologies.

During the period of his internship program with us, he had been exposed to different

processes and was found diligent, hardworking and inquisitive.

We wish him every success in his life and career.

For L D College

Authorised Signature with Industry Stamp

Institute GTU
Logo Logo

L D College of Engineering
Navrangpura, Ahmedabad
(Established under Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007)
ગુજરાત તકનીકી યુનિવર્સિટી
(ગુજરાત અધિનિયમ ક્રમાંક: 20/2007 હે ઠળ સ્થાપિત)

We hereby declare that the Internship report submitted along with the Internship

entitled Web Development with Full Stack submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of

Bachelor of Engineering in Information Technology to Gujarat Technological University,

Ahmedabad, is a bonafide record of original project work carried out by me at L D College of

Engineering under the supervision of Prof. Jaimin Chavda and that no part of this

report has been directly copied from any students’ reports or taken from any other source,

without providing due reference.

Name of the Student Sign of Student

1 ______________________ _______________

2 ______________________ _______________
(Established under Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007)
ગુજરાત તકનીકી યુનિવર્સિટી
(ગુજરાત અધિનિયમ ક્રમાંક: 20/2007 હે ઠળ સ્થાપિત)

Appendix 8
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ...................................................................................................... i
Abstract ..................................................................................................................... ii
List of Figures ........................................................................................................... iii
List of Tables ............................................................................................................ iv
List of Abbreviations .................................................................................................. v Table
of Contents ...................................................................................................... vi
Chapter 1 Overview of Company............................................................................... 1
1.1 History of Company............................................................................................. 2
1.1.1 Early Time ................................................................................................... 3
1.1.2 Changes in Company..................................................................................... 3
1.1.3 Latest time flow ............................................................................................ 4
1.2 Scope of Word ..................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Organization Chart .............................................................................................. 5
1.4 Capacity of Plant ................................................................................................. 6
Chapter 2 Internship and Project .............................................................................. 8
2.1 Purpose, Objective, Scope.................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Technology ................................................................................................. 10
Chapter 3 Implementation ....................................................................................... 11
3.1 Implementation Platform..................................................................................... 14
3.1.1 Environment ............................................................................................... 16
3.2 Result Analysis .................................................................................................. 17
References............................................................................................................... 40
Appendix ................................................................................................................ 42

Details of Chapters

1.0 Overview of the Company

1.1 History
1.2 Different product / scope of work
1.3 Organization chart
(Established under Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007)
ગુજરાત તકનીકી યુનિવર્સિટી
(ગુજરાત અધિનિયમ ક્રમાંક: 20/2007 હે ઠળ સ્થાપિત)

1.4 Capacity of plant

2.0 Overview of different plant/unit/department/shop of the organization and Layout of the
production/process being carried out in company
2.1 It includes the details about the work being carried out in each department.
2.2 List the technical specifications of major equipment used in each department.
2.3 Prepare schematic layout which shows the sequence of operation for
manufacturing of end product.
2.4 Explain in details about each stage of production.
3.0 Introduction to Project / Internship and Project / Internship Management
3.1 Project / Internship Summary – Key To a good summary is the FIRST sentence,
which MUST contain the most essential information that you wish to convey.
3.2 Purpose
3.3 Objective
3.4 Scope (what it can do and can’t do)
3.5 Technology and Literature Review
3.6 Project / Internship Planning
3.6.1 Project / Internship Development Approach and Justification
3.6.2 Project / Internship Effort and Time, Cost Estimation
3.6.3 Roles and Responsibilities
3.6.4 Group Dependencies
3.7 Project / Internship Scheduling (Gantt Chart/PERT/Network Chart)
4.0 System Analysis
4.1 Study of Current System
4.2 Problem and Weaknesses of Current System
4.3 Requirements of New System
4.4 System Feasibility
4.4.1 Does the system contribute to the overall objectives of the organization?
4.4.2 Can the system be implemented using the current technology and within
the given cost and schedule constraints
4.4.3 Can the system be integrated with other systems which are already in
4.5 Activity / Process in New System / Proposed System
4.6 Features of New System / Proposed System
(Established under Gujarat Act No. 20 of 2007)
ગુજરાત તકનીકી યુનિવર્સિટી
(ગુજરાત અધિનિયમ ક્રમાંક: 20/2007 હે ઠળ સ્થાપિત)

4.7 List Main Modules / Components / Processes / Techniques of New System /

Proposed System
4.8 Selection of Hardware / Software / Algorithms / Methodology / Techniques /
Approaches and Justification
5.0 System Design
5.1 System Design & Methodology
5.2 Database Design / Data Structure Design / Circuit Design / Process Design /
Structure Design
5.3 Input / Output and Interface Design (If applicable)
5.3.1 State Transition Diagram (optional)
5.3.2 Samples of Forms, Reports and Interface
5.3.3 Access Control / Mechanism / Security (If applicable)
6.0 Implementation
6.1 Implementation Platform / Environment
6.2 Process / Program / Technology / Modules Specification(s)
6.3 Finding / Results / Outcomes
6.4 Result Analysis / Comparison / Deliberations
7.0 Testing
7.1 Testing Plan / Strategy
7.2 Test Results and Analysis
7.2.1 Test Cases (test ID, test condition, expected output, actual output,
8.0 Conclusion and Discussion
8.1 Overall Analysis of Internship / Project Viabilities
8.2 Photographs and date of surprise visit by institute mentor
8.3 Dates of Continuous Evaluation (CE-I and CE-II)
8.4 Problem Encountered and Possible Solutions
8.5 Summary of Internship / Project work
8.6 Limitation and Future Enhancement

• First I would like to thank Mr. Manish Shah, HR, Head of Moneycare, Rajkot
for giving me the opportunity to do an internship within the organization.
• I also would like all the people that worked along with me Moneycare,
Rajkot with their patience and openness they created an enjoyable Working
• It is indeed with a great sense of pleasure and immense sense of gratitude that

I acknowledge the help of these individuals.

• I am highly indebted to Prof.Jaimin Chavda and Principal Dr.

R K Gajjar, for the facilities provided to accomplish this internship.

• I would like to thank my Head of the Department Prof. H M Diwanji for his
constructive criticism throughout my internship.
• I would like to thank Nachiketa Ballar, College internship coordinator
Department of CSE.


This report is a detailed overview of my internship journey at

Moneycare Private Limited. During my Internship I have learned a lot about
how the industry of web development is actually work, what are the
parameters, how to work on an actual project, how to work in a flow of team
work. I have known about the work flow of full stack developers roles and
responsibilities. I have learned to work in a corporate space which not only
enriched me professionally but also helped me grow personally as well. My
contribution was appreciated by my supervisor and other members of the
department. The career path I would be selecting for myself is quite
influenced from my internship as I have had a great opportunity to practically
see how full stack development sector is working and evolving in the entire
Globe. However, this report has been written in a short time. I have tried my
level best to make it meaningful by reflecting my works at the Company.
Also, I have summarized my overall experience, with my learning and
challenges faced as an intern.
1. Overview of the Company

MoneyCare Private Limited is one of the Company, which having many web developments
projects in the field of Technology, since very long time. Since 2014, Company have
provided premium website designing, software development and marketing expertise to
hundreds of companies around the world. With a unique focus on building strong,
collaborative relationships with clients, we have created a solid reputation for exceeding our
client expectations with quality work and fast delivery turnaround. When you partner with us,
you will work with the highest-quality development talent and project managers.

Our Company are a professionally recognized website designing, internet marketing and
software development company having huge experience in developing corporate designing,
software development and digital marketing best match to customer's need and requirements.
At our Company having expertise in working with a variety of customers from large
companies to individuals. Our successful assignments with client companies have established
our reputation as superior providers of IT products & services.

1.1 History of Company:

Started in the year 2014 our company is use our creative potential in numerous challenging
processes - from generating new ideas of improvements to integrating them by means of
business plans. Year by Year company’s growth is increasing in a such a good way. While
each of our projects is based on deep market study, we apply our knowledge about it to
improve ourselves to produce better ideas for other companies.

1.2 Different Product / Scope of Work:

Performing various kinds of consulting enabled our company to understand the needs of
business, both domestic and international. It is the main reason of our advancement in other
spheres of business and services.
1.3 More about Company’s Information:

At Company We find our clients have different sized enterprises at different stages of life.
Some are new and emerging, others well established. Some have large budgets, whilst
others operate with more of a 'shoe-string' approach. We're flexible - and we'll help you
work out what needs to be incorporated within your project to build your business with
whatever resources you have available.

Achievements of Company:
• 2014: When the Company Started
• 5 Time National Award Winner
• 120+ Employee work in Different Location
• 9 + Offices in 5 Different States
• 3500+ Satisfied Clients all over the Globe
• 2 Time International Award Winner
• Awarded in Top 10 Companies of Year

1.4 Company Vision:

Be the company that best understands and satisfies the product, service and
selffulfillment needs of the industry globally.
Being a great place to work where people are inspired to be the best they can be.

1.5 Company Objective


2. Overview of different plant/unit/department/shop of the
organization and Layout of the production/process being
carried out in company
At our company we follow the complete method of Software Engineering process. All the
methods and steps are completely of Agile methodology and steps. It will helps our
organization to complete the task and project in the given time and months. We used to follow
the software development life cycle process for the project we are working on and when we
need some other task, we used to involve more number of employees.

2.1 Process of Task Execution:

Started in the year 2014 our company is use our creative potential in numerous challenging
processes - from generating new ideas of improvements to integrating them by means of
business plans. Year by Year company’s growth is increasing in a such a good way. While
each of our projects is based on deep market study, we apply our knowledge about it to
improve ourselves to produce better ideas for other companies.

2.2 Steps to Complete a Project:

Most of the time company is using waterfall model for the small size of the project, but
when the project is at large scale, company use Agile methodology. At the Company they
also work on the other software development model like Spiral Model, V Model, Big Bang
Model and other. Company is mainly focus on the deadline achievement. Our first priority
when a project is assigned is that to complete the task in a given time and weeks.

2.3 Sequence of Operation:

Requirement analysis is the most important and fundamental stage in SDLC. It is

performed by the senior members of the team with inputs from the customer, the sales
department, market surveys and domain experts in the industry. This information is then
used to plan the basic project approach and to conduct product feasibility study in the
economical, operational and technical areas.
Planning for the quality assurance requirements and identification of the risks associated
with the project is also done in the planning stage. The outcome of the technical
feasibility study is to define the various technical approaches that can be followed to
implement the project successfully with minimum risks.

Once the requirement analysis is done the next step is to clearly define and document the
product requirements and get them approved from the customer or the market analysts.
This is done through an SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document which
consists of all the product requirements to be designed and developed during the project
life cycle.

SRS is the reference for product architects to come out with the best architecture for the
product to be developed. Based on the requirements specified in SRS, usually more than
one design approach for the product architecture is proposed and documented in a DDS -
Design Document Specification.

This DDS is reviewed by all the important stakeholders and based on various parameters
as risk assessment, product robustness, design modularity, budget and time constraints,
the best design approach is selected for the product.

A design approach clearly defines all the architectural modules of the product along with
its communication and data flow representation with the external and third party modules
(if any). The internal design of all the modules of the proposed architecture should be
clearly defined with the minutest of the details in DDS.

2.4 Execution of a Project:

In this stage of SDLC the actual development starts and the product is built. The
programming code is generated as per DDS during this stage. If the design is performed
in a detailed and organized manner, code generation can be accomplished without much

Developers must follow the coding guidelines defined by their organization and
programming tools like compilers, interpreters, debuggers, etc. are used to generate the
code. Different high level programming languages such as C, C++, Pascal, Java and PHP
are used for coding. The programming language is chosen with respect to the type of
software being developed.

This stage is usually a subset of all the stages as in the modern SDLC models, the testing
activities are mostly involved in all the stages of SDLC. However, this stage refers to the
testing only stage of the product where product defects are reported, tracked, fixed and
retested, until the product reaches the quality standards defined in the SRS.

Once the product is tested and ready to be deployed it is released formally in the
appropriate market. Sometimes product deployment happens in stages as per the
business strategy of that organization. The product may first be released in a limited
segment and tested in the real business environment (UAT- User acceptance testing).

Then based on the feedback, the product may be released as it is or with suggested
enhancements in the targeting market segment. After the product is released in the
market, its maintenance is done for the existing customer base.

3. Introduction to Internship:

The internship program is designed to provide students engaged in a field experience with an
opportunity to share their insights, to explore the links between students' academic preparation
and their field work, and to assist participants in developing and carrying out the major
research project which will serve to culminate their internship experience.
Internships are individualized and tailored to the needs and interests of each student in the
program. As part of the internship experience, students are expected to take an active role in
finding an appropriate internship for themselves. Many students pursue their own contacts,
however, information is available on Locating Internship Sites.


1. You may not enroll during the first semester of college work.
2. You must have completed at least twelve (12) semester hours of CRJ course work.
3. You must have completed appropriate paperwork and met with the Internship


The internship program is designed to help students maximize their understanding of the
justice process through the integration of theoretical classroom learning with practical
learning experiences. More specifically, the internship experience is designed to help
each student:
• Integrate and apply the theory and research skills derived from his/her criminal
• Gain first-hand knowledge and a greater understanding of a criminal justice
agency, including the community forces.
• Develop techniques and skills common to the criminal justice system (e.g.,
observing, planning, and data collecting.
• Learn about one's own abilities and aptitudes. You will see for yourself the
kinds of personalities, community relations.

3.3 Responsibility of a Student:

1. Complete all prerequisites outlined in the program.

2. Arrange and appear for a personal interview with the Internship Supervisor the
semester prior to your anticipated internship.
3. Arrange and appear for a personal interview with the Agency Supervisor.
4. Maintain regular attendance at the agency during hours arranged for placement. Be
punctual and reliable. Absences must be reported to the Agency Supervisor
and Internship Supervisor.
5. Fulfill in a professional manner all the duties and responsibilities assigned by
6. Be familiar with rules, regulations, and all laws that pertain to the participating
agency 7. Attend the mandatory internship meeting the first week of
the semester and meet with The Internship Supervisor at least two
additional times during the semester.

3.4 Scope of Internship:

1. An Internship Provides Real Life Experience and Exposure
2. The Opportunity To Learn More About Yourself
3. Get Connected and Develop Your Professional Network
4. Prevent CV From Going To The Trash
5. Transition Into A Full-Time Position

3.5 Project Planning:

Project planning is a discipline addressing how to complete a project in a certain
timeframe, usually with defined stages and designated resources. One view of
project planning divides the activity into these steps:
• setting measurable objectives
• identifying deliverables
• scheduling
• planning tasks

Supporting plans may encompass human resources, communication methods and

risk management.
Enterprises often have an information technology project planning guide that
identifies the processes used. Tools used for the scheduling parts of a plan include
Gantt charts and PERT charts.

Step 1: Identify & Meet with Stakeholders. ...

Step 2: Set & Prioritize Goals. ...
Step 3: Define Deliverables. ...
Step 4: Create the Project Schedule. ...
Step 5: Identify Issues and Complete a Risk Assessment. ...
Step 6: Present the Project Plan to Stakeholders.
Plans include details related to timelines and stages, metrics, activities, milestones,
deliverables, manufacturing, risk management, quality, procurement, staffing,
communications, and dependencies, among others considerations.
Project Planning and Control protects your project from risk and will ensure it
stays on track for delivery, even when things change during the project's life-cycle.
Project planning plays an essential role in helping guide stakeholders, sponsors,
teams, and the project manager through other project phases. Planning is needed to
identify desired goals, reduce risks, avoid missed deadlines, and ultimately deliver
the agreed product, service or result.
Its main goal is to adequately plan the time, cost and resources needed for the
project and thus to minimize risk. The main output of the project planning process
is the project plan (or project management plan), which includes the project
schedule as well as various supporting plans.
4. System Analysis:
In the following section we will find out about Study of Current System,
Problem and Weaknesses of Current System, Requirements of New
System, System Feasibility, Does the system contribute to the overall
objectives of the organization? Activity / Process in New System /
Proposed System, List Main Modules / Components / Processes /
Techniques of New System / Proposed System, Selection of Hardware /
Software / Algorithms / Methodology / Techniques / Approaches and
Systems analysis is the process by which an individual (s) studies a
system such that an information system can be analyzed, modeled, and a
logical alternative can be chosen. Systems analysis projects are initiated
for three reasons: problems, opportunities, and directives. The people
involved include systems analysts, sponsors, and users. The process by
which systems are developed can be described by the systems
development life cycle. The tasks, techniques, and tools used by the
systems development life cycle can be referred as a methodology. There
are three classifications of the methodologies: traditional, information
engineering, and object-oriented.
System analysis in software engineering is, therefore, the activities that
comprise software engineering as a process in the production of
software. It is the software process. This process has 4 main activities.
They are:
• Software specification
• Software design and implementation
• Software validation
• Software evolution
Software Design and Implementation
At this stage, the software specification starts to become a reality. The software is
designed and programming developed. The stages include the architectural,
interface, component, and database designs.
1. Architectural Design
This includes the overall design of the system: main components, subsystems, and
their inter-relationships.
2. Interface Design
This involves the development of interfaces through which the different
components of the system relate to each other. Once interfaces are designed,
components can be developed simultaneously.
3. Component Design
Subsystems and components are designed at this stage and their operational modes
established. In the event that components are re-used, the changes effected are
4. Database Design
The systems data structures are designed and represented in a database.
Now, let's take a closer look at software validation.
5. System Design:
Systems design is the process of defining elements of a system like modules,
architecture, components and their interfaces and data for a system based on the
specified requirements. It is the process of defining, developing and designing
systems which satisfies the specific needs and requirements of a business or
Some of the examples of graphical modelling languages are

a. Unified Modelling Language (UML): To describe software both structurally and

behaviourally with graphical notation.

b. Flowchart : A schematic or stepwise representation of an algorithm.

c. Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN): Used for Process Modelling


d. Systems Modelling Language (SysML): Used for systems engineering.

Design methods:

1) Architectural design: To describes the views, models, behaviour, and

structure of the system.

2) Logical design: To represent the data flow, inputs and outputs of the system.
Example: ER Diagrams (Entity Relationship Diagrams).

3) Physical design: Defined as a) How users add information to the system and
how the system represents information back to the user. b) How the data is
modelled and stored within the system.

6. Implementation:
Project implementation is the process of putting a project plan into action to
produce the deliverables, otherwise known as the products or services, for
clients or stakeholders. It takes place after the planning phase, during which a
team determines the key objectives for the project, as well as the timeline and
budget. Implementation involves coordinating resources and measuring
performance to ensure the project remains within its expected scope and
budget. It also involves handling any unforeseen issues in a way that keeps a
project running smoothly.

Project implementation that relies on strategic planning outlined earlier in the

process can help a team achieve the project objectives while staying within
budget and meeting relevant deadlines. Implementation is the part of the
project cycle that bridges the planning process and the project outcomes.
This step of the process, and how well it's executed, can ultimately determine
the success of a project.
1. Assess the project plan
2. Execute the plan
3. Make changes as needed
4. Analyze project data
5. Gather feedback
6. Provide Final Report

6.1 Result Analysis:

In any customer projects with more lead time (at least 3 months),
RA plays an important role. Results Analysis is to valuate ongoing
unfinished activities, in projects during period-end.
If you look at profit and loss of such ongoing unfinished activities, you
will see costs only and therefore your P&L shows loss. If you look at
this in the period-end, the project’s ongoing activities will have an
unfavorable effect on the company’s results. Accurate, timely
recognition of project profitability, for each project, for every period
end, is very important in any company.

The following are the parameters used to calculate:

1. Planned Revenue
2. Actual Revenue
3. Planned Costs
4. Actual Costs

Output parameters:

1. Calculated Costs (Cost of Sales)

2. Calculated Revenue
3. Revenue Surplus (Reserves for unrealized costs). ( In SD Revenue
Recognition term this is called Deferred Revenue)
4. Revenue in Excess Billing (Capitalized costs (WIP)). (In SD Revenue
Recognition term this is called Unbilled receivables)
Conclusion and Discussion:
My internship Experience:
“I was intrigued by the family culture at my company after speaking to some of
my seniors who had gone through the summer internship programme. As my
company is the small professional services network in the India, I felt that an
internship at my company was a great platform for me to gain deeper insights into
the accounting and audit industry. My Company is also known for its focus on
diversity as well as career development programmes which I believe provide
numerous learning opportunities for the interns.
What I like about my internship experience
I like how interns are treated just like full-time associates and get assigned
actual and meaningful tasks which are crucial and beneficial to the software
industry. It feels great to be a part of the actual software development team! The
most memorable part of my internship was when my engagement team completed
our project for a major client. Even though I only joined the team for the final
twelve weeks, I still felt a strong sense of achievement after the signing-off of my
first engagement. The best part of the internship was to work on a project alone and
create an entire new website for GYM management system. The time spent working
on a project with other interns from various departments for the Mentor
Appreciation Day Innovation Challenge, as well as other corporate events, form
some of the most memorable parts of my internship!”
Challenges that I met during my internship
Being in the web development department, I handled specialised task which
demanded skill sets which had not been taught in the general classroom curriculum
in college. Hence, this was challenging at times when I was faced with new problems
which I had not seen before. However, the seniors and mentors were always ready
and willing to give their advice and guidance to help me overcome these challenges.”
What I learnt from my internship
I gained deeper insights into the software industry and it has helped me
significantly with my career planning. I developed a better understanding of the
career path of internship, helping me to make an informed career decision. My
biggest takeaway would be the new long-term relationships and connections which I
had forged with my colleagues and fellow interns at my company.”
My advice for internship
#1: Always take initiative in everything that you do.
#2: Make a log of everything which you have learnt at the end of each day of
#3: Talk to new people and make connections, be it managers, seniors or fellow

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