BS 64-1992

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British Standard

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25 August 2004

This is an uncontrolled copy. Ensure use of the most

current version of this document by searching British
Standards Online at
Amendment No. 1

Specification for
Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 25 August 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Normal and high

strength steel bolts and
nuts for railway rail
BS 64:1992

Committees responsible for this

British Standard
Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 25 August 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

The preparation of this British Standard was entrusted by the Iron and Steel
Standards Policy Committee (ISM/-) to Technical Committee ISM/74, upon
which the following bodies were represented:

British Industrial Fasteners Federation

British Railways Board
British Steel Industry
Department of Transport (Transport Industries)
London Underground Ltd.
Railway Industry Association of Great Britain

This British Standard, having

been prepared under the
direction of the Iron and Steel
Standards Policy Committee,
was published under the
authority of the Standards Board
and comes into effect on
15 November 1992

© BSI 04-1999
Amendments issued since publication
First published 1913
Second edition April 1946
Third edition November 1992
Amd. No. Date Comments

8210 July 1994 Indicated by a sideline in the margin

The following BSI references
relate to the work on this
Committee reference ISM/74
Draft for comment 90/37027 DC

ISBN 0 580 20981 4

BS 64:1992


Committees responsible Inside front cover
Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 25 August 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Foreword ii
1 Scope 1
2 References 1
3 Material 1
4 Manufacture 1
5 Heat treatment 1
6 Mechanical properties 1
7 Dimensions and tolerances 3
8 Quality control 3
9 Marking 3
10 Protective coating 5
Annex A (informative) Information to be supplied by the purchaser 7
Annex B (informative) Basic sizes of British Standard screw threads
for bolts and nuts 7
Figure 1 — Cup/pear and pan/pear fishbolts and nuts for
fishplates with pear shaped holes 4
Figure 2 — Square-headed fishbolts and nuts 5
Table 1 — Minimum proof loads and minimum and maximum
ultimate tensile loads for British Standard Whitworth (BSW)
screw threads 2
Table 2 — Minimum proof loads and minimum and maximum
ultimate tensile loads for British Standard fine (BSF) screw threads 2
Table 3 — Mechanical properties for test pieces machined from bolts 3
Table 4 — Hardness requirements for nuts 3
Table 5 — Dimensions of cup/pear and pan/pear fishbolts and
nuts for fishplates with pear shaped holes 4
Table 6 — Dimensions of square headed fishbolts and nuts for
flat bottom rails with round holes 6
Table B.1 — Limits and tolerances of British Standard
Whitworth screw threads for medium fit bolts 7
Table B.2 — Limits and tolerances of British Standard
Whitworth screw threads for medium fit nuts 7
Table B.3 — Limits and tolerances of British Standard fine
screw threads for medium fit bolts 8
Table B.4 — Limits and tolerances of British Standard fine screw
threads for medium fit nuts 8
List of references Inside back cover

© BSI 04-1999 i
BS 64:1992


This British Standard has been prepared under the direction of the Iron and Steel
Standards Policy Committee and supersedes BS 64:1946 which is withdrawn.
Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 25 August 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

In this revision the requirements for fishbolts have been rationalized and
updated to ensure compatibility with BS 11 and BS 47-1.
Purchasers ordering to this standard are advised to specify in the purchasing
contract that the supplier operates a quality system in compliance with
BS 5750-1, BS 5750-2 or BS 5750-3 as relevant to assure to their satisfaction that
products claimed to comply with BS 64 consistently achieve the required level of
Marking BS 64 on or in relation to a product is a claim by the manufacturer that
the product has been manufactured to the requirements of this standard. The
accuracy of such a claim is therefore the sole responsibility of the manufacturer.
A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a
contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application.
Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity
from legal obligations.

Summary of pages
This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, pages i and ii,
pages 1 to 8, an inside back cover and a back cover.
This standard has been updated (see copyright date) and may have had
amendments incorporated. This will be indicated in the amendment table on
the inside front cover.

ii © BSI 04-1999
BS 64:1992

1 Scope 6 Mechanical properties

Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 25 August 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

This British Standard specifies the dimensions and 6.1 General

requirements for normal and high strength bolts After manufacture, including heat treatment if
and nuts for fishplates conforming to BS 47-1:1991 applied, bolts and nuts shall be tested to ascertain
for use with railway rails conforming to BS 11:1985. the mechanical properties of the batch.
The provisions of this specification are not restricted Representative samples or test pieces prepared
to fishbolts for use with rails and fishplates shall not be subjected to additional heat treatment
conforming to BS 11:1985 and BS 47-1:1991 and prior to testing.
may be applied to fishbolts for any rail section
6.2 Frequency of testing
of 24.8 kg/m (50 lb/yd) or greater linear mass and
the complementary fishplates. The following rates of testing shall apply:
a) normal one per 5 t batch (or part thereof)
2 References per cast;
2.1 Normative references b) high one per cast per diameter per
This British Standard incorporates, by reference, strength heat treatment batch.
provisions from specific editions of other
publications. These normative references are cited 6.3 Bolts
at the appropriate points in the text and the 6.3.1 General
publications are listed on the inside back cover. The test method given in 6.3.2 or 6.3.3 shall be
Subsequent amendments to, or revisions of, any of used.
these publications apply to this British Standard
only when incorporated in it by updating or revision. 6.3.2 Full size bolts
2.2 Informative references Strength under wedge loading
This British Standard refers to other publications When tensile tested on a 4° angled washer in
that provide information or guidance. Editions of accordance with BS EN 20898-1:1992 the ultimate
these publications current at the time of this tensile load shall conform to Table 1 and Table 2 as
standard are listed on the inside back cover, but appropriate. The fracture shall occur in the shank or
reference should be made to the latest editions. threaded portion of the bolt and not between the
head and the shank.
3 Material Proof load test
The steelmaking process and grade of steel shall be When proof load tested in accordance with
at the discretion of the manufacturer to obtain the BS EN 20898-1:1992 high strength grade bolts shall
mechanical properties specified in clause 6. conform to Table 1 or Table 2 as appropriate.
The sulfur and phosphorus content shall not 6.3.3 Machined test pieces (from full size bolts)
exceed 0.06 %.
When tested in accordance with
4 Manufacture BS EN 10002-1:1990 the bolts shall have the
mechanical properties given in Table 3.
Bolts shall be produced by hot or cold forging. Nuts
6.4 Nuts
shall be hot or cold forged or machined from bar.
When tested in accordance with the appropriate
Bolts and nuts shall be free from manufacturing
British Standard the nuts shall have the hardness
defects adversely affecting their behaviour in
values given in Table 4.
No manufacturing operations shall be carried out 6.5 Retests
with the object of concealing defects. If any of the mechanical tests carried out fail to
conform to 6.1 to 6.4, two further retests from the
5 Heat treatment same batch of fishbolts or nuts shall be taken. If one
or both of the retests is not satisfactory the
Bolts and nuts shall be heat treated when necessary
to obtain the mechanical properties given in corresponding batch shall not have conformed to
clause 6. Cold forged bolts shall be thermally stress this British Standard.
relieved. In the event of failure to meet the mechanical test
requirements, the manufacturer shall have the
No heat treatment shall be applied which would
right to reheat treat the batch not more than twice
adversely affect the performance of the fishbolts or
and to resubmit it for testing.
nuts in service.

© BSI 04-1999 1
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Table 1 — Minimum proof loads and minimum and maximum ultimate tensile loads for British Standard Whitworth

BS 64:1992
(BSW) screw threads
Nominal thread Number of threads Nominal stress Normal grade High strength grade
diameter per inch area
Minimum ultimate Maximum ultimate Minimum proof Minimum ultimate Maximum ultimate
in mm2 tensile load tensile load load tensile load tensile load
kN kN kN kN kN
10 217 119 152 160 217 250
10 260 143 182 191 260 299
9 299 164 209 220 299 344
9 350 193 245 257 350 403
1 8 392 216 274 288 392 451
1 1--- 7 494 272 346 363 494 568

Table 2 — Minimum proof loads and minimum and maximum ultimate tensile loads for British Standard fine
(BSF) screw threads
Nominal thread Number of Nominal stress Normal grade High strength grade
diameter threads per inch area
Minimum ultimate Maximum ultimate Minimum proof Minimum ultimate Maximum ultimate
in mm2
tensile load tensile load load tensile load tensile load
kN kN kN kN kN
12 227 125 159 167 227 261
12 272 150 190 200 272 313
--- 11 314 173 220 231 314 361

11 366 201 256 269 366 421
1 10 414 228 290 304 414 476
1 1--- 9 525 289 368 386 525 604
© BSI 04-1999
BS 64:1992

Table 3 — Mechanical properties for test pieces machined from bolts

Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 25 August 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Minimum 0.2 % proof Tensile strength Minimum elongation %

strength N/mm2 (Gauge length 5.65√So)
Normal — 550 to 700 15
High strength 835 1 000 to 1 150 9

Table 4 — Hardness requirements for nuts

Strength grade Brinell hardness, HB, Rockwell hardness, HR (see BS 891:1989) Vickers hardness, HV
F = 30D2 (see BS 427:1990)
(see BS 240:1986)
min. max. min. max. min. max. min. max.


Normal grade 130 185 72 90 N/A N/A 130 185

High strength 201 271 93 N/A N/A 28 200 286
NOTE “N/A” indicates that there is no hardness requirement for the relevant grade.

7 Dimensions and tolerances The inspection or quality assurance system to be

applied shall be defined at the time of enquiry or
7.1 General
order [see Annex A h)] and shall be based on one of
Fishbolts and nuts shall conform to Table 5 the following:
and Table 6; bearing surfaces shall be perpendicular a) the manufacturer shall take responsibility for
to the axes of the threads within 2°. quality assurance based on a procedure in
7.2 Tolerances on fishbolt length conformity with BS 5750-1:1987, BS 5750-2:1987
For all fishbolt lengths the tolerances on length and BS 5750-3:1987;
3 NOTE 1 See the foreword.
1 + ------
+ --- 16 b) alternatively, the manufacturer shall advise
shall be in for diameters below 1 in and
8 in
0 0 the purchaser of the date of forging, sample
for diameters 1 in and over. selection and mechanical testing of the test pieces
7.3 Tolerance on thread length to enable the purchaser to witness these
procedures, and of the availability of the finished
For all fishbolt diameters the permissible tolerance
product for inspection.
on the nominal thread length shall be + 2 1--2- pitches.
0 There shall be access during working hours for
7.4 Screw thread
the purchaser to observe the manufacturing
NOTE The screw thread required (BSW or BSF) should be process and to inspect the finished product.
stated by the purchaser at the time of placing the order
[see Annex A e)]. NOTE 2 Any batches which do not conform should be sorted
before submission for the purchaser’s inspection.
A British Standard Whitworth or British Standard
fine thread form shall be used, conforming to the 9 Marking
medium class tolerance of BS 84:1956
(see Annex B). Identification markings on fishbolt heads shall be
either embossed or indented. High strength bolts
7.5 Gauging shall carry the letter V and all bolts shall carry the
Gauges used to establish conformity with trade (identification) mark of the manufacturer and
dimensions and tolerances shall be included in the any additional marking specified [see Annex A f)].
manufacturer’s calibration system for periodic
checking to confirm their accuracy and be traceable
to national standards.

8 Quality control
The manufacturer shall inspect all batches of
fishbolts and nuts and ensure that they conform to
this British Standard. All nonconforming batches
shall be clearly marked.

© BSI 04-1999 3
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BS 64:1992
Figure 1 — Cup/pear and pan/pear fishbolts and nuts for fishplates with pear shaped holes
(see Table 5)

Table 5 — Dimensions of cup/pear and pan/pear fishbolts and nuts for fishplates with pear shaped holes
Dimensions in inches

Number of Nominal A B B1 C D D1 E Radius G F H J

British size Diameter of Depth of Depth of Diameter of Length of nib Length of nib Dimension under head Thread Length of Thickness of Width across
Standard unthreaded head head head over nib length bolt nut flats
section of shank
Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.

70 and 75 7
0.915 0.865 0.915 0.875 0.665 0.625 1.780 1.750 0.790 0.750 0.665 0.625 1.238 1.188 0.063 0.031 2 BSF 4 0.935 0.875 1.510 1.490
BSW 4 1--- 1.060 1.000

80, 85R, 15
0.978 0.928 0.915 0.875 0.665 0.625 1.780 1.750 0.915 0.875 0.665 0.625 1.300 1.250 0.063 0.031 2 BSF 4 ---1 1.060 1.000 1.635 1.615
90R, 95R, 16 2
7 1.185 1.125
BSW 4 --

NOTE See Figure 1.

© BSI 04-1999
BS 64:1992

10 Protective coating When plastics or other non-ferrous materials form

Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 25 August 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

part of a locking device care shall be taken to ensure

Unless otherwise specified at the time of ordering
that their properties are not adversely affected by
[see Annex A g)] the finished fishbolts and nuts
the protective medium.
shall be protected before despatch from atmospheric
corrosion, under normal storage conditions, by a
protective medium.

Figure 2 — Square headed fishbolts and nuts (see Table 6)

© BSI 04-1999 5
BS 64:1992

Table 6 — Dimensions of square headed fishbolts and nuts for flat bottom rails
Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 25 August 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

with round holes

Dimensions in inches
Number of Nominal J P O K L Radius M N
British size Diameter of Width Thickness Length Thread under Overall Thickness
Standard unthreaded across flats of head of bolt length head thickness of nut
section of rail shank of bolt of nut collar
head, nut
of nut
Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min. Max. Min.
50 “0” 3 0.790 0.740 1.300 1.280 0.686 0.656 3 7--- 2 0.047 0.031 1.041 1.000 0.270 0.250
4 8

60 A 3 0.790 0.740 1.300 1.280 0.686 0.656 7 2 0.047 0.031 1.041 1.000 0.270 0.250
4 3 --8-

60 R 3 0.790 0.740 1.300 1.280 0.686 0.656 3 7--- 2 0.047 0.031 1.041 1.000 0.270 0.250
4 8
13 0.853 0.803 1.390 1.370 0.758 0.718 4 3---
70 A ------ 2 1--- 0.063 0.031 1.123 1.063 0.270 0.250
16 8 8

75 A 7
--- 0.915 0.865 1.480 1.460 0.806 0.766 4 --3- 2 --1- 0.063 0.031 1.216 1.156 0.301 0.281
8 8 8

75 R 7
--- 0.915 0.865 1.480 1.460 0.806 0.766 4 3--- 2 1--- 0.063 0.031 1.216 1.156 0.301 0.281
8 8 8

80 A 7
--- 0.915 0.865 1.480 1.460 0.806 0.766 4 3--- 2 1--- 0.063 0.031 1.216 1.156 0.301 0.281
8 8 8

80 R 7
--- 0.915 0.865 1.480 1.460 0.806 0.766 4 3--- 2 1--- 0.063 0.031 1.216 1.156 0.301 0.281
8 8 8

80 R Angled 7
--- 0.915 0.865 1.480 1.460 0.806 0.766 4 3--- 2 1--- 0.063 0.031 1.216 1.156 0.301 0.281
8 8 8

80 “0” 7
--- 0.915 0.865 1.480 1.460 0.806 0.766 4 3--- 2 1--- 0.063 0.031 1.216 1.156 0.301 0.281
8 8 8

90 A 15 0.978 0.928 1.580 1.560 0.868 0.828 4 15 5

2 ------ 0.063 0.031 1.279 1.219 0.301 0.281
------ ------
16 16 16

90 R 15
------ 0.978 0.928 1.580 1.560 0.868 0.828 4 15
------ 5
2 ------ 0.063 0.031 1.279 1.219 0.301 0.281
16 16 16

95 A 1 1.040 0.990 1.670 1.650 0.915 0.875 4 15

2 ------ 0.063 0.031 1.373 1.313 0.333 0.313
16 16

95 R 1 1.040 0.990 1.670 1.650 0.915 0.875 4 15

2 ------ 0.063 0.031 1.373 1.313 0.333 0.313
16 16

95 R BH 15
------ 0.978 0.928 1.580 1.560 0.868 0.828 5 2 1--- 0.063 0.031 1.279 1.219 0.301 0.281
16 8

95 R BH Skirted 15
------ 0.978 0.928 1.580 1.560 0.868 0.828 5 2 1--- 0.063 0.031 1.279 1.219 0.301 0.281
16 8

95 N 1 1.040 0.990 1.670 1.650 0.915 0.875 4 15

2 ------ 0.063 0.031 1.373 1.313 0.333 0.313
16 16

100 A 1 1.040 0.990 1.670 1.650 0.915 0.875 4 15

2 ------ 0.063 0.031 1.373 1.313 0.333 0.313
16 16

100 R 1 1.040 0.990 1.670 1.650 0.915 0.875 4 15

2 ------ 0.063 0.031 1.373 1.313 0.333 0.313
16 16

110 A 1 1.040 0.990 1.670 1.650 0.915 0.875 6 --1- 11

2 ------ 0.063 0.031 1.373 1.313 0.333 0.313
4 16

113 A 1 1.040 0.990 1.670 1.650 0.915 0.875 6 1--- 2 11

------ 0.063 0.031 1.373 1.313 0.333 0.313
4 16
NOTE See Figure 2.

6 © BSI 04-1999
BS 64:1992

Annex A (informative) f) the type of marking to be used on the bolt heads

Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 25 August 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

Information to be supplied by the (see clause 9);

purchaser g) the type of protective medium if one is to be
used or any special requirements for corrosion
The following information should be stated by the protection (see clause 10);
purchaser on the enquiry and order: h) the type of quality assurance system required
a) the number and date of this British Standard, (see clause 8).
i.e. BS 64:1992; NOTE Where fishbolts and nuts are required with dimensions
b) the strength grade required, normal or high not covered by Table 5 and Table 6, a fully dimensional drawing
should be supplied.
strength (see clause 6);
c) the rail and fishplate sections the fishbolt is to Annex B (informative)
be used with; Basic sizes of British Standard screw
d) the design of the fishbolt and nut (Design A, B threads for bolts and nuts
or C) (see clause 7);
e) the type of thread required (see clause 7); For ease of reference the basic sizes of British
Standard screw threads for bolts and nuts are given
in Table B.1 to Table B.4.
Table B.1 — Limits and tolerances of British Standard Whitworth screw threads
for medium fit boltsa
Dimensions in inches
Nominal thread Number of threads per Major diameter Effective diameter Minor diameter
diameter inch
--- 10 0.7482 –00.0092 0
0.6842 – 0.0060
0.6202 – 0.0125
------ 10 0.8125 0 0.7485 0 0.6845 0
16 – 0.0094 – 0.0062 – 0.0125
--- 9 0.8750 0 0.8039 0 0.7328 0
8 – 0.0097 – 0.0064 – 0.0131
------ 9 0.9375 0 0.8664 0 0.7953 0
16 – 0.0099 – 0.0065 – 0.0132
1 8 1.0000 0 0.9200 0 0.8400 0
– 0.0103 – 0.0068 – 0.0139
1 1--- 7 1.1250 0 1.0335 0 0
8 – 0.0110 – 0.0072 0.9420 – 0.0148
a 13 in and ------
Based on Table 4 of BS 84:1956, for British Standard Whitworth screw threads and including ------ 15 in size.
16 16

Table B.2 — Limits and tolerances of British Standard Whitworth screw threads
for medium fit nutsa
Dimensions in inches
Nominal thread Number of threads Minimum major Effective diameter Minor diameter
diameter per inch diameter
3 10 0.7500 0 0
0.6920 – 0.0060 0.6490 – 0.0270

13 10 0.8125 0 0
0.7547 – 0.0062 0.7115 – 0.0270
7 9 0.8750 0 0
0.8103 – 0.0064 0.7620 – 0.0292
15 9 0.9375 0 0
16 0.8729 – 0.0065 0.8245 – 0.0292
1 8 1.0000 0.9268 0 0.8720 0
– 0.0068 – 0.0320

1 1--- 7 1.1250 1.0407 0 0.9776 0

8 – 0.0072 – 0.0356
Based on Table 3 of BS 84:1956, for BSW screw threads and including 13 15
------ in and ------ in size.
16 16

© BSI 04-1999 7
BS 64:1992

Table B.3 — Limits and tolerances of British Standard fine screw threads for
Licensed Copy: iclnoa03 iclnoa03, Imperial College of Science and Technology (JISC), 25 August 2004, Uncontrolled Copy, (c) BSI

medium fit boltsa

Dimensions in inches

Nominal thread Number of threads Major diameter Effective diameter Minor diameter
diameter per inch

--- 12 0.7482 0 0.6948 0 0.6414 0
4 – 0.0088 – 0.0059 – 0.0117

------ 12 0.8125 0 0.7591 0 0.7057 0
16 – 0.0089 – 0.0060 – 0.0118

--- 11 0.8750 0 0.8168 0 0.7586 0
8 – 0.0092 – 0.0062 – 0.0122

------ 11 0.9375 0 0.8793 0 0.8211 0
16 – 0.0094 – 0.0064 – 0.0124

1 10 1.0000 0 0.9360 0 0.8720 0

– 0.0098 – 0.0066 – 0.0129

1 1--- 9 1.1250 0 1.0539 0 0.9828 0

8 – 0.0102 – 0.0069 – 0.0136

a Based on Table 10 of BS 84:1956, for BSF threads and including 13

------ in and 15
------ in size.
16 16

Table B.4 — Limits and tolerances of British Standard fine screw threads for
medium fit nutsa
Dimensions in inches

Nominal Number of threads Minimum major Effective diameter Minor diameter

thread per inch diameter

--- 12 0.7500 0.7025 0 0.6669 0
4 – 0.0059 – 0.0237

------ 12 0.8125 0.7651 0 0.7294 0
16 – 0.0060 – 0.0237

--- 11 0.8750 0.8230 0 0.7838 0
8 – 0.0062 – 0.0252

------ 11 0.9375 0.8857 0 0.8463 0
16 – 0.0064 – 0.0252

1 10 1.0000 0.9426 0 0.8990 0

– 0.0066 – 0.0270

1 1--- 9 1.1250 1.0608 0 1.0120 0

8 – 0.0069 – 0.0292

a 13 15
Based on Table 9 of BS 84:1956, for BSF threads and including ------ in and ------ in size.
16 16

8 © BSI 04-1999
BS 64:1992

List of references (see clause 2)

Normative references
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BSI standards publication


BS 11:1985, Specification for railway rails.

BS 47, Fishplates for railway rails.
BS 47-1:1991, Specification for rolled steel fishplates.
BS 240:1986, Method for Brinell hardness test and for verification of Brinell hardness testing machines.
BS 427:1990, Method for Vickers hardness test and for verification of Vickers hardness testing machines.
BS 891:1989, Methods for hardness test (Rockwell method) and for verification of hardness testing machines
(Rockwell method).
BS 5750, Quality systems.
BS 5750-1:1987, Specification for design/development, production, installation and servicing.
BS 5750-2:1987, Specification for production and installation.
BS 5750-3:1987, Specification for final inspection and test.
BS EN 10002, Tensile testing of metallic materials.
BS EN 10002-1:1990, Method of test at ambient temperature.
BS EN 20898, Mechanical properties of fasteners.
BS EN 20898-1:1992, Bolts, screws and studs.

Informative references

BSI standards publication


BS 84:1956, Specification for parallel screw threads of Whitworth form.

© BSI 04-1999
BS 64:1992

BSI — British Standards Institution

BSI is the independent national body responsible for preparing
British Standards. It presents the UK view on standards in Europe and at the
international level. It is incorporated by Royal Charter.
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