Engineering-Mechanics (Chapter 6)

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The Engineering structures are mainly classified into three types. They are:
(i) Trusses (ii) Frames (iii) Machines
Plane trusses are those structures in which all members are lying in a single plane. Plane
trusses are made of several bars or members connected together at the joints by riveting or welding
to form a rigid formwork, and also support stationary loads or moving loads. Individual members
of a truss is a two force member subjected to either tension or compression. The forces are acting
only on the joints.

Classification of Trusses
The trusses are classified into three types which are depicted in Figure 7.1.
Rigid truss or perfect truss
A rigid truss is one in which the number of members are sufficient to resist the external loads, and
in which deformation is very small. The relationship between the number of members and number
of joints is given by
m = 2j – 3
Hence, it is rigid truss.
Figure 7.1 Types of truss.

Non-rigid truss or deficient truss

A non-rigid truss is one in which the number of members are less than that required for a perfect
truss. The relationship between the number of members and number of joints is given by
m < 2j – 3
Hence, it is non-rigid truss.
Over rigid truss or redundant truss
An over rigid truss is one in which the number of members are more than that required for a
perfect truss. The relationship between the number of members and number of joints is given by
m > 2j – 3
Hence, it is an over rigid truss.
The following are the assumptions made in the analysis of statically determinate trusses:
1. The members of trusses are straight.
2. The cross section of members is uniform.
3. Forces are acting only on joints.
4. All members are pin-jointed members.
5. All members are rigid.
6. All members of trusses are two force members subjected to either equal and opposite
tension or compression.

Analysis of Statically Determinate Trusses

Plane trusses can be analysed by method of joints and method of sections
Method of joints
Analysis of truss mainly consists of calculations of support reactions and determination of internal
forces induced in the internal members of a truss. The method of joints or joint method is a method
in which the equilibrium of individual joints are considered, and this method is useful in finding
the forces in all members of a truss.
The various steps involved in the method of joints are as follows:
1. Check whether the given truss is statically determinate or indeterminate.
2. Calculate the support reactions by considering the equilibrium of entire truss.
3. Now, consider a joint with minimum number of unknowns (maximum of 2 unknowns,
because only two conditions of equilibrium are available namely SFx = 0 and SFy = 0).
4. Initially assume that all members under consideration are in tension (arrow head away
from the joint is positive).
5. Apply the conditions of equilibrium and by solving the equilibrium, determine the
unknown forces in the members.
6. If the result works out to be positive then our assumption is right, if it is negative then
our assumption is wrong and it indicates that particular member is under compression,
so that reverse the direction of force while considering it in the next joint.
7. Same procedure has to be followed for other joints to determine the internal forces in the
remaining members of a truss.
8. Note down the results in a tabular format in the table given below:

S. no. Member Magnitude Nature of force

1. Now, let us take the figures one by one and analyse the trusses. Analyse the truss in
Figure 7.2(a) by the method of joints.
n = ne + ni
= (R – r) + [m – (2j – 3)]
= (3 – 3) + (9 – {2(6) – 3)}
Hence, the given truss is statically determinate.
Calculation of support reactions:
SFx = 0
Þ RFx = 0
SFy = 0
Þ RA + RFy – 1000 – 1000 = 0
RA + RFy = 2000 (7.1)
SMA = 0

Figure 7.2

Þ 1000 ´ 3 + 1000 ´ 6 – RFy ´ 9 = 0

RFy ´ 9 = 9000
Þ RFy = 1000 N
\ RA = 2000 – 1000 = 1000 N

Consider joint A [Figure 7.2(b)] which has got minimum number of unknowns, i.e. 2
È 3Ø
ÐBAC = tan–1 É Ù = 45°
Ê 3Ú
Assume that the members AB & AC are under tension.

Apply the conditions of equilibrium
SFy = 0
Þ 1000 + FAB sin 45° = 0
FAB = –1414.214 N (C)
The negative sign indicates that, the member AB is under compression.
SFx = 0
Þ FAC + FAB cos 45° = 0
FAC = 1414.214 cos 45°
= 1000 N (T)
\ Our assumption is right.
Consider joint B [Figure 7.2(c)]
SFx = 0
Þ 1414.214 sin 45° + FBD = 0
FBD = –1000 N(C)
\ Member BD is under compression
SFy = 0
Þ 1414.214 cos 45° – FBC = 0
FBC = –1000 N(T)
\ Our assumption is right.
Consider joint C [Figure 7.2(d)]
SFy = 0
Þ 1000 – 1000 + FCD sin 45° = 0
Þ FCD = 0
SFx = 0
Þ FCE – 1000 + FCD cos 45° = 0
FCE = 1000 N(T)
\ Our assumption is right.
Consider joint D [Figure 7.2(e)]
SFx = 0, 1000 + FDF cos 45° = 0
FDF = –1414.214 N(C)
SFy = 0
Þ –FDE – FDF sin 45° = 0
FDE = 1414.214 sin 45° = 1000 N(T)
Consider joint E [Figure 7.2(f)]
SFx = 0
Þ FEF – 1000 = 0
FEF = 1000 N(T)
The analysis is tabulated as follows:

S. no. Member Magnitude of force (N) Nature of force

1 AB 1414.214 Compression
2 BC 1000 Tension
3 AC 1000 Tension
4 BD 1000 Compression
5 CE 1000 Tension
6 CD 0 —
7 DE 1000 Tension
8 DF 1414.214 Compression
9 EF 1000 Tension

2. Analyse the truss shown in Figure 7.3 by the method of joints. Tabulate the result and indicate
the nature of force in the truss.
n = ne + ni
= (R – r) + [m – (2j – 3)]
= (3 – 3) + [9 – 2(6) – 3]
= 0 + (9 – 9)

Figure 7.3

Hence, the given truss is statically determinate.
SFx = 0
Þ RAx = 0
SFy = 0
Þ RAy + RD – 20 – 10 = 0
RAy + RD = 30 kN (7.2)
SMA = 0
Þ –RD ´ 9 + 10 ´ 6 + 20 ´ 3 = 0
RD ´ 9 = 120
or RD = 13.333 kN
\ RAy = 30 – 13.333 = 16.667 kN
Consider a joint A with minimum number of unknowns [i.e. 2]
È 3Ø
ÐBAE = tan–1 É Ù = 45°
Ê 3Ú
Applying conditions of equilibrium, we get
SFy = 0
i.e. 16.667 + FAB sin 45° = 0
FAB = –23.570 kN (C)
i.e. member AB is under compression
SFx = 0;
FAE + FAB cos 45° = 0
FAE = 16.667 kN (T)
\ Our assumption is right.
Consider joint E
Applying conditions of equilibrium
SFx = 0
FEF = 16.667 kN (T)
SFy = 0
Þ FBE = 0
Consider joint B
SFx = 0
23.57 cos 45° + FBC + FBF cos 45° = 0
SFy = 0
23.57 sin 45° – FBF sin 45° – 20 = 0
FBF = – 4.714 kN (C)
\ FBC = –13.333 kN(C)
Consider joint C
SFx = 0
FCD cos 45° + 13.333 = 0
FCD = –18.856 kN (C)
SFy = 0
– 10 – FCF – FCD sin 45° = 0
FCF = 3.333 kN (T)
Consider joint F
SFx = 0
FFD – 16.667 + 4.714 cos 45° = 0
FFD = 13.333 kN (T)

S. no. Member Magnitude of force (N) Nature of force

1. AB 23.570 Compression
2. AE 16.667 Tension
3. BC 13.333 Compression
4. BE 0 —
5. BF 4.714 Compression
6. CD 18.856 Compression
7. CF 3.333 Tension
8. DF 13.333 Tension
9. EF 16.667 Tension

3. Analyse the truss shown in Figure 7.4 by the method of joints.

n = ne + ni
= (R – r) + [m – (2j – 3)]
= (3 – 3) + [13 – (2 ´ 8 – 3)]
= 0 + (13 – 13)
Hence, the given truss is statically determinate.
Calculation of support reactions
SFx = 0
RAX = 0
SFy = 0; RAy + RE – 20 – 30 – 30 = 0
RAy + RE = 80 (7.3)
SMA = 0
20 ´ 3 + 30 ´ 6 + 30 ´ 9 – RE ´ 12 = 0
RE = 42.5 kN
RAy = 80 – 42.5 = 37.5 kN
Figure 7.4

Consider joint A, with minimum number of unknowns [i.e. 2],

È 3Ø
ÐHAB = tan–1 É Ù = 45°
Ê 3Ú
Applying conditions of equilibrium, we get
SFy = 0;
37.5 – FAB sin 45° = 0
FAB = 53.033 kN(T)
SFx = 0
FAH + FAB cos 45° = 0
FAH = –37.5 kN (C)

Consider joint H
SFx = 0
FGH + 37.5 = 0
FGH = –37.5 kN (C)
SFy = 0
–FBH – 20 = 0
FBH = –20 kN (C)
Consider joint B
SFy = 0
FBG sin 45° – 20° + 53.033 sin 45° = 0
FBG = –24.749 kN (C)
SFx = 0
FBC + FBG cos 45° – 53.033 cos 45° = 0
FBC = 55 kN (T)
Consider joint C
SFx = 0
FCD = 55 kN (T)
SFy = 0
FCG = 0
Consider joint G
SFy = 0
24.749 sin 45° – FGD sin 45° – 30 = 0
FGD = –17.678 kN (C)
SFx = 0
FGF + FGD cos 45° + 24.749 cos 45° + 37.5 = 0
FGF = – 42.5 kN (C)
Consider joint D
SFx = 0
FDE sin 45° – 55 + 17.678 cos 45° = 0
FDE = 60.104 kN (T)
SFy = 0
FDF – 17.678 sin 45 + 60.104 cos 45° = 0
FDF = –30 kN (C)
Consider joint F
SFx = 0
FEF – 42.5 = 0
FEF = – 42.5 kN (C)
S. no. Member Magnitude (N) Nature of force
1. AB 53.033 Tension
2. AH 37.5 Compression
3. BH 20 Compression
4. BC 55 Tension
5. BG 24.749 Compression
6. CD 55 Tension
7. CG 0 —
8. DE 60.104 Tension
9. DF 30 Compression
10. DG 17.678 Compression
11. EF 42.5 Compression
12. FG 42.5 Compression
13. GH 37.5 Compression

4. Analyse the truss shown in Figure 7.5 by the method of joints and indicate the member forces
on a neat sketch of the truss.

Figure 7.5

n = ne + ni
= (R – r) + [m – (2j – 3)]
= (3 – 3) + [9 – (2(6) – 3)]
= 0 + (9 – 9)
Given truss is determinate
SFx = 0
RC – RAX = 0
RC = RAX (7.4)
SFy = 0
RAY = 20 kN
SMA = 0
20 ´ 6 – RC ´ 8 = 0
RC = 15 kN
\ RAX = 15 kN
Consider joint C
SFx = 0
–FCB cos 53.13° – 15 = 0
Þ FCB = –25 kN (C)
SFy = 0
–FCD – FCB sin 53.13° = 0
Þ FCD = –20 kN (T)
Consider joint B
SFx = 0
FBD – 25 cos 53.13° = 0
Þ FBD = 15 kN (T)
SFy = 0
–25 sin 53.13° – FBA = 0
Þ FBA = – 20 kN (C)
Consider joint A
SFy = 0
FAD sin 53.13° – 20 + 20 = 0
FAD = 0
SFx = 0
FAF + FAD cos 53.13° + 15 = 0
FAF = –15 kN (C)

Consider joint F

SFy = 0
Þ FDF = 0
SFx = 0
FEF = –15 kN (C)
Consider joint E
SFx = 0
–FDE cos 53.13° + 15 = 0
FDE = 25 kN (T)

S. no. Member Magnitude of force (N) Nature of force

1 AB 20 Compression
2 AD 0 —
3 AF 15 Compression
4 BC 25 Compression
5 BD 15 Tension
6 CD 20 Tension
7 DE 25 Tension
8 DF 0 —
9 EF 15 Compression

5. Determine the forces in the members of truss as shown in Figure 7.6(a) by the method of joints.
n = ne + ni
= (R – r) + (m – 2j – 3)
= (3 – 3) + 11 – [2(7) – 3)]
= 0 + (11 – 11)
Calculation of support reactions
SFx = 0
REx – 10 cos 60° – 20 cos 60° – 10 cos 60° = 0
REx = +20 kN
SFy = 0
REy + RA – 10 sin 60° – 20 sin 60° – 10 sin 60° = 0
REy + RA = 34.641 (7.5)
SME = 0
RA ´ 9 – 20 ´ 2.6 – 10 ´ 5.2 = 0
RA = 11.556 kN
\ REy = 23.085 kN

Figure 7.6

Consider joint A
SFy = 0
FAB sin 30° + 11.556 = 0
Þ FAB = –23.112 kN (C)
SFx = 0
FAG + FAB cos 30° = 0
Þ FAG = 20.016 kN (T)
Consider joint B
SFx = 0
23.112 cos 30° + FBC cos 30° + FBG cos 60° = 0
FBC cos 30° + FBG cos 60° = –23.112 cos 30°

SFy = 0
23.112 sin 30° + FBC sin 30° – FBG sin 60° = 0
FBC sin 30° – FBG sin 60° = –23.112 sin 30°
\ FBC = –23.112 kN (C)
FBG = 0
Consider joint G
SFy = 0
FGC sin 60° = 0
FGC = 0
SFx = 0
FGF – 20.016 = 0
FGF = 20.016 kN (T)
Consider joint C
SFx = 0
23.112 cos 30° – 10 cos 60° + FCD cos 30° + FCF cos 60° = 0
FCD cos 30° + FCF cos 60° = 10 cos 60° – 23.112 cos 30°
SFy = 0
23.112 sin 30° – 10 sin 60° – FCD sin 30° – FCF sin 60° = 0
or FCD sin 30° + FCF sin 60° = 23.112 sin 30° – 10 sin 60°
FCD = –28.903 kN (C)
FCF = 20.031 kN (T)
Consider joint D
SFx = 0
FDE cos 30° – FDF cos 60° + 28.903 cos 30° – 20 cos 60° = 0
FDE cos 30° – FDF cos 60° = –15.031
SFy = 0
–FDE sin 30° – FDF sin 60° – 28.903 sin 30° – 20 sin 60° = 0
FDE sin 30° + FDF sin 60° = –31.772
\ FDE = –28.903 kN (C)
FDF = –20 kN (C)
Consider joint E
SFx = 0
–FFE + 28.903 cos 30° – 10 cos 60° + 20 = 0
FFE = 40.031 kN (T)

S. no. Member Magnitude (kN) Nature of force
1 AB 23.112 Compression
2 AG 20.016 Tension
3 BC 23.112 Compression
4 BG 0 ——
5 CD 28.903 Compression
6 CF 20.031 Tension
7 CG 0 ——-
8 DE 28.903 Compression
9 DF 20 Compression
10 EF 40.031 Tension
11 FG 20.016 Tension

6. Determine the forces in the members of truss as shown in Figure 7.7(a) by the method of joints.

Figure 7.7

n = ne + ni
= (R – r) + [m – (2j – 3)]
= 0 + [7 – (2(5) – 3)]
Truss is statically determinate
SFy = 0
RAY = 25 + 50 + 25 = 100 kN

SFx = 0
Þ RE = RAx
SMA = 0
Þ –RE ´ 6 + 50 ´ 4 + 25 ´ 8 = 0
RE = 66.667 kN
RAx = 66.667 kN
Consider joint E
SFx = 0
FDE sin[tan–1(8/6)] + 66.667 = 0
FDE = –83.333 kN (C)
SFy = 0
FAE + FDE cos 53.13° = 0
FAE = 50 kN (T)

8 4
6 BD
Þ BD = 3 m
Consider joint A
SFy = 0
100 – 25 – 50 – FAD sin 36.87° = 0
FAD = 41.667 kN (T)
SFx = 0
FAB = 66.667 + FAD cos 36.87° = 0
FAB = 33.333 kN (T)
Consider joint D
SFx = 0
FDC cos[tan–1(6/8)]
– 41.667 sin 53.13° + 83.333 cos 36.87° = 0
FDC = – 41667 kN (C)
SFy = 0
FBD + FCD sin 36.87° + 41.667 cos 53.13° + 83.333 sin 36.87° = 0
FBD = –50 kN (C)

Consider joint B
SFx = 0
FBC – 33.333 = 0
FBC = 33.333 kN (T)

S. no. Member Magnitude of force (kN) Nature of force

1. AB 33.333 Tension
2. AD 41.667 Tension
3. AE 50 Tension
4. BC 33.333 Tension
5. BD 50 Compression
6. CD 41.667 Compression
7. DE 83.333 Compression

7. Analyse the truss shown in Figure 7.8(a) by the method of joints and tabulate the result.
n = ne + ni
= (R – r) + [m – (2j – 3)]
= 0 + [13 – (2 ´ 8) – 3]
SFx = 0
RAx = 0
SFy = 0
RAy + RE = 120
SMA = 0
30 ´ 4.8 + 60 ´ 2 ´ 4.8 + 30 ´ 3 ´ 4.8 – RE ´ 4 ´ 4.8 = 0
RE = 60 kN
\ RAy = 60 kN
q1 = 36.87
q2 = 14.04
q3 = 53.13
Consider joint A
60 – FAF sin 36.87° = 0
FAF = 100 kN (T)
SFx = 0
FAB + FAF cos 36.87° = 0
FAB = –80 kN (C)

Figure 7.8

Consider joint B
SFx = 0
FBC + 80 = 0
FBC = –80 kN
SFy = 0
–FBF – 30 = 0
FBF = –30 kN (C)
Consider Joint F
SFx = 0
FCF sin 53.13° + FGF cos 14.04° – 100 cos 36.87° = 0
SFy = 0
FCF cos 53.13° – FGF sin 14.04° + 100 sin 36.87° – 30 = 0
\ FCF = –12.492 kN (C)
FGF = 92.765 kN (T)
Consider joint G
SFx = 0
FGH cos 14.04° – FGF cos 14.04° = 0
FGH = FGF = 92.765 kN (T)
SFy = 0
FGF sin 14.04° + FGH sin 14.04° + FGC = 0
FGC = –45 kN (C)
Consider Joint C
SFy = 0
45 – 60 + 12.492 cos 53.13° – FCH cos 3.13° = 0
FCH = –12.508 kN (C)
SFx = 0
80 + FCD + FCH sin 53.13° + 12.492 sin 53.13° = 0
FCD = –80 kN (C)
Consider Joint H
FEH cos 36.87° – 92.765 cos 14.04° + 12.508 sin 53.13° = 0
FEH = 100 kN (T)
SFy = 0
FDH + FEH sin 36.87° – 92.765 sin 14.04° – 12.508 cos 53.13° = 0
FDH = –30 kN (C)
Consider Joint D
FDH = –80 kN (C)
S. no. Member Magnitude (kN) Nature of force
1 AB 80 Compression
2 AF 100 Tension
3 BC 80 Compression
4 BF 30 Compression
5 CD 80 Compression
6 CF 12.492 Compression
7 CG 45 Compression
8 CH 12.508 Compression
9 DE 80 Compression
10 DH 30 Compression
11 EH 100 Tension
12 HG 92.765 Tension
13 GF 92.765 Tension

8. Analyse the truss shown in Figure 7.9(a) by the method of joints, and tabulate the result.
n = ne + ni
= (R – r) + [m – (2j – 3)]
= 3 – 3 + [9 – 2(6) – 3)]
= 0 + (9 – 9)
SFx = 0
RCX = 20 cos 53.13°
RCX = 12 kN
SFy = 0
RA + RCY = 120 – 20 sin 53.13°
SMA = 0
60 ´ 4 + 60 ´ 8 – RCY ´ 8 – 20 sin 53.13° ´ 12 = 0
RCY = 66 kN
\ RA = 38 kN
Consider joint A
SFy = 0
FAE sin 36.87° + 38 = 0
FAE = –63.333 kN (C)
SFx = 0
FAB + FAE cos 36.87° = 0
FAB = 50.667 kN (T)

Figure 7.9

Consider joint E
SFx = 0
FEG = –63.333 cos 36.87°
= –50.667 kN (C)
SFy = 0
–FBE = –60 + 63.333 sin 36.87°
FBE = –22 kN (C)
Consider joint B
SFy = 0
FBG sin 36.87° – 22 = 0
FBG = 36.667 kN (T)
SFx = 0
FBC + FBG cos 36.87° – 50.667 = 0
FBC = 21.333 kN (T)
Consider joint C
SFx = 0
FCD = 21.333 + 12
= 33.333 kN (T)
SFy = 0
FCG = –66 kN (C)
Consider joint D
SFx = 0
–FGD cos 36.87° + 20 cos 53.13°
FBE = –33.333 = 0
FGD = –26.667 kN (C)

S. no. Member Magnitude of force (kN) Nature of force

1 AB 50.667 Tension
2 AE 63.333 Compression
3 BC 21.333 Tension
4 BE 22 Compression
5 BG 36.667 Tension
6 CD 33.333 Tension
7 CG 66 Compression
8 DG 26.667 Compression
9 EG 50.667 Compression

9. Analyse the truss shown in Figure 7.10(a) by the method of joints, and tabulate the result.

Figure 7.10

n = ne + ni
= (R – r) + [m – (2j – 3)]
= (3 – 3) + [7 – (2(5) – 3)]
= 0 + (7 – 7)
Truss is statically determinate
q = 26.57°
SFx = 0
RAX – RD cos 63.43° + 20 = 0
RAX – RD cos 63.43° = –20
SFy = 0
RAY + RD sin 63.43° – 40 = 0
RAX – RD sin 63.43° = 40
SMA = 0
40 ´ 2 + 20 ´ 2 tan 60° – RD cos 26.57° ´ 8 = 0

16.909 kN
RD = = 20.863 kN
RAX = –10.668 kN
RAX = 21.34 kN
Consider joint A
SFy = 0
FAB sin 60° + 21.34 = 0
FAB = –24.641 kN (C)
SFx = 0
FAE + FAB cos 60° – 10.668 = 0
FAE = 22.989 kN (T)
Consider joint B
SFy = 0
–FBE sin 60° + 24.641 sin 60° – 40 = 0
FBE = –21.547 kN (C)
SFx = 0
24.641 cos 60° + FBE cos 60° + FBC = 0
FBC = –1.547 kN (C)
Consider joint E
SFy = 0
FCE sin 60° – 21.547 sin 60° = 0
FBE = 21.547 kN (T)
SFx = 0
FDE + FCE cos 60° + 21.547 cos 60° – 22.989 = 0
FDE = 1.442 kN (T)
Consider joint C
SFy = 0
–FCD sin 60° – 21.547 sin 60° = 0
FCD = –21.547 kN (C)

S. no. Member Magnitude of force (kN) Nature of force

1 AB 24.641 Compression
2 AE 22.989 Tension
3 BC 1.547 Compression
4 BE 21.547 Compression
5 CD 21.547 Compression
6 CE 21.547 Tension
7 DE 1.442 Tension

Method of section
Method of section is the method in which a section line has to be passed through the members in
which the internal forces need to be calculated [see Figure 7.11(a) and (b)]. This method is suitable
when it is necessary to find the forces induced in a few or selected members of a truss.
Some of the points to be remembered in using the method of section are as follows:
1. The section line should be a complete.

Figure 7.11

2. The section line should pass through the members, but not through the joints.
3. The section line can pass through maximum of three members because only three
conditions of equilibrium are available.
4. The section line can pass through the four members in a situation where three members
are meeting at a common point.
5. The moment equation of equilibrium can be applied about a point may be beyond the
portion under consideration.
6. Consider either left portion or right portion whichever is easy for the analysis, as both
portions are under equilibrium.
Now, let us go through the following discussions:
1. Determine the forces in the members BC, BG, EG & GD of the truss shown in Figure 7.12(a)
by the method of sections.
SFx = 0
RCX = 20 cos 53.13°
RCX = 12 kN
SFy = 0
RA + RCY + 20 sin 53.13° – 120 = 0
RA + RCY = 104
SMC = 0
RA ´ 8 – 60 ´ 4 – 20 sin 53.13° ´ 4 = 0
RA = 38 kN
\ RCY = 66 kN
Figure 7.12

Choose a section line which passes through the members EG, BG & BC in which the internal
forces need to be determined.
Consider the left portion of section line for the analysis.
The active members are EG, BG & BC.
The given force system forms a coplanar non-concurrent force system so that we can apply
the three conditions of equilibrium.
SFy = 0
FBG sin 36.87° – 60 + 38 = 0
FBG = 36.667 kN (T)
SFx = 0
FEG + FBC + FBG cos 36.57° = 0
FEG + FBC = –29.333 kN (C)
SMB = 0
38 ´ 4 + FEG ´ 3 = 0
FEG = –50.667 kN (C)
\ FBC = 21.333 kN (T)

Calculation of force in GD
Choose a section line 2 & 2 and consider the right position of section line for the analysis.
SFy = 0
FGD sin 36.87° + 20 sin 53.313° = 0
\ FGD = –26.667 kN (C)
2. Find the support reactions and forces in the members BC, CF, EF & CE of truss as shown in
Figure 7.13(a).

Figure 7.13

SFx = 0
RAX + 40 – 5 sin 26.56° – 5 sin 26.56° – 5 sin 26.56° = 0
RAX = –33.293 kN
SFy = 0
RAY + RD – 3 ´ 5 cos 26.56° = 0
RAY + RD = 13.417 kN
cos 26.56° =
CD =
cos 26.56°
= 3.354 m
BD = 6.708 m
SMD = 0
RAY ´ 9 – 5 ´ 6.708 – 5 ´ 3.35 + 40 ´ 3 = 0
RAY = –7.743 kN
\ RD = 21.159 kN
FEF + FCF cos 26.56° + FBC cos 26.56° + 5 cos 63.44° ´ 2 = 0
SFy = 0
FBC sin 26.56° – FCF sin 26.56° – 5 sin 63.44° ´ 2 + 21.159 = 0
FEF + FCF cos 26.56° + FBC cos 26.56° = –10 cos 63.44°
FCF sin 26.56° – FBC sin 26.56° = 12.214
SMC = 0
FEF ´ 1.5 + 5 ´ 30354 – 21.159 cos 26.56° ´ 3.354 = 0
FEF = 31.15 kN (T)
\ FCF = –6.248 kN (C)
FBC = –33.564 kN (C)
SFx = 0
–FCD cos 26.56° – 31.139 – 5 cos 63.44° = 0
FCD = –37.312 kN (C)
SFy = 0
FCE + FCD sin 26.56° – 5 sin 63.44° + 21.159 = 0
FCE = 0
3. Determine the magnitude and nature of forces in members BD, CD & ED of the truss shown in
Figure 7.14(a).
SFx = 0
RGX = 30 kN
SFy = 0
RGy + RA = 10
SMG = 0
GD = 1.732 m
30 ´ (1.732 + 3) + 10 ´ 2 – RA ´ 4 = 0
RA = 40.49 kN
\ Rgy = –30.49 kN

Figure 7.14

3 BC
4 2
BC = 1.5 m
SMc = 0
FBD ´ 1.5 – 40.42 ´ 2 = 0
FBD = 53.987 kN (T)
SFx = 0
–FCE cos 36.87° – FCD cos 36.87° – 53.987 = 0
FCE cos 36.87° + FCD cos 36.87° = –53.987
SFy = 0
FCE sin 36.87° – FCD sin 36.87° = 10 – 40.49
FCE = –59.150 kN (C)
FCD = –8.334 kN (C)
SFx = 0
–FEF cos 45° – 59.15 cos 36.87° + 30 = 0
FEF = –24.94 kN (C)
SFy = 0
–FED – FEF sin 45° + 59.15 sin 36.87° = 0
FED = 52.810 kN (T)

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