Counter-Electronics High-Powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project
Counter-Electronics High-Powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project
Counter-Electronics High-Powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project
Gp Capt PA Patil
Senior Fellow, CAPS
The United States showcased more than 60 innovations and engineering feats of
advanced weapon systems in the first ever Department of Defence Lab day exhibition at the
Pentagon on May 14, 2015.1 On the displays was the much awaited Counter-electronics
High Powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP).2 CHAMP is a non nuclear
Electromagnetic Pulse Weapon (EMP) riding on a missile developed by the Boeing and the
U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Directed Energy Directorate, Kirtland Air Force
Base, New Mexico. CHAMP is an advanced electronic warfare weapon system which would
emit high power microwaves to disable electronic equipments and computer systems of an
earmarked target with a pinpointed accuracy. The weapon has been designed to target the
functionality of electronic systems not resulting in any physical damage to structures and
people operating the equipment.
The US Air Force way back on October 16, 2008 had invited bids from contractors to
develop, test, and demonstrate a multi-shot and multi-target aerial HPM demonstrator
capable of degrading, damaging, or destroying electronic systems.3 For this effort, the
Boeing Company was awarded the contract in the year 2009 and it along with AFRL
developed the CHAMP missile. The test firing of missile was carried out successfully on
October 16, 2012 using an AGM-86 Conventional Air-Launched Cruise Missile. During the
live demonstration of flight over the Utah Test and Training Range test, the CHAMP missile
navigated a pre-programmed flight plan and emitted bursts of high-powered energy,
CAPS In-Focus 29 May 2015
effectively knocking out the target's electronic systems.4 The missile in this demonstration
phase carried out selective high-frequency radio wave strikes against numerous targets
during a single mission. As per another report, “CHAMP fired high-power microwave bursts
at a multi-story structure containing electronic systems and devices, the drone-like weapon
irreparably disabled the computers, electronics and even the cameras recording the
operation of seven targets in a one-hour period.”5 Keith Coleman, the program manager for
this project stated that, "This technology marks a new era in modern-day warfare," and "In
the near future, this technology may be used to render an enemy’s electronic and data
systems useless even before the first troops or aircraft arrive."6
CHAMP can be used as a credible weapon system for paralysing the Command and
Control Hub Centres with very little or almost no collateral damage. It provides an
attractive solution to counter complete range of modern weapon equipment and their
platforms. A HPM weapon can target multiple targets and simultaneously affect all the
targets falling in the line of sight or cone of a beam. Such weapon would also be capable to
attack dispersed targets by simultaneous locking as per the system capability and can be
used to track and dispense energy on different targets concurrently. It can be effective in
permanent damage to telecommunication networks, power grids, electronic gadgets,
CAPS In-Focus 29 May 2015
weapon components and computer systems leaving the infrastructural setup intact. The
successful evaluation and induction of CHAMP indicates that the HPM weapon technology
has matured considerably from the time when HPM research was restricted to generation
of fixed frequency waveform having high power output. More important is the fact that the
weapon system will produce an EMP effect without involvement of nuclear reactions; it is
non-kinetic in nature and has negligible effect on humans.
The technology now would open up the use of HPM weapons on different weapon
platforms and disable the capability of the adversary even before the hostilities commence.
As the HPM technology proliferates, it is but natural that countermeasures like passive
shielding of all electronic gadgets particularly used in weapon systems and supporting
elements will become a norm. The countermeasures and defence against HPM weapons
would call for better and sophisticated technology than the weapon system itself. With the
wide-ranging research and development, the HPM weapon systems would soon mature to
be fielded as war fighting machinery and provide for capabilities over comprehensive
spectrum of warfare.
(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not
necessarily reflect the position of the Centre for Air Power Studies [CAPS])
CAPS In-Focus 29 May 2015
End Notes
1 “DoD’s First ‘Lab Day’ to Showcase Innovation, Technology”, U.S. Department of Defense, at accessed on May 25, 2015
2 “US Air Force Moves Forward with High-Power Microwave Weapon”, at http://defense- accessed on May 25, 2015
3US Air Force, “Presolicitation release notice for counter-electronics high power microwave advanced missile
project (CHAMP) joint capability technology demonstration (JCTD)”, at
view=1 accessed on May 25, 2015
5Brandon Lewis, “Raytheon EMP weapon tested by Boeing, USAF Research Lab”, at http://mil- accessed on February 24,
6 ibid
7 James Drew, “USAF nominates JASSM missile to host new computer-killing weapon”, at
412348/ accessed on May 26, 2015
8 ibid
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