N.SDS - 3 ENI Tech Doc Identif and Classif.
N.SDS - 3 ENI Tech Doc Identif and Classif.
N.SDS - 3 ENI Tech Doc Identif and Classif.
Rev. 3
March 2009
Rev. 0 41 sheets
September 1995
Modifications are not marked since this is a general revision conforming to the EEC Directives that
draw attention to the functional requirements and the removal of discriminatory elements.
This specification has been re-edited and the missing paragraphs have been included.
The paragraph entitled “Progressive” has been added. It defines the units which are assigned an
interval of progressive numbers.
The paragraph entitled “codes for support types” and that entitled “document format code” have also
been added.
Methods for defining the correct code "Project Stage" have been clarified.
Rev.1 36 sheets
January 2005
Rev.2 36 sheets
October 2007
Rev.3 36 sheets
March 2009
EY Contractor list
GB Inspection data sheet (IDS)
GC Required document data sheet (RDDS)
PA Safety Plan
PC Construction Plan
PE Security Plan
PF Procurement plan
PU Engineering Technical Guideline
PV Maintenance Guideline, Procedure
QC Quality Control Manual
QN Non conformity report
QR Quality requirements
QS Vendor, Supplier qualification
RE As built report
RF Feasibility Study of Facility
RH Technical queries
RS Survey/inspection report
RT Performance, test report
RU Technical appraisal of bids
RW Conformity declaration, verification report
RX Material tracking, supply chain report
RZ Review, analysis report
SA Construction specification
SC Scope of work of contract variation and change order
SH Engineering functional specification
SS Survey/Inspection specification
TA Software specification
TB Software functional specification
TC Software user manual
TD Software installation manual
TE Software maintenance manual
TF Source program
G Including the activities for project and design management as required by the project plan”.
Added file identification for cover and revision sheets for drawing sheets collections.
1. FOREWORD................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. SCOPE............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Technical document management, as a significant asset of project/facility management, owing to the large number of
documents and parties involved, requires a structured design plan and a shared document information system.
It is assumed that this document will be adopted by projects where ENI E&P or an ENI E&P subsidiary are operators
or the Company.
This document provides the basic elements required for document management and it is assumed that it will be
implemented in all technical documents issued by the Client or submitted to Client from Contractor or Vendor either
for approval, for information or merely present in an Engineering Document List.
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Scope of this document is to define the information required for the management of techical documentation of OPDS
(Opportunity and Project Development Systems) and of OPOS (Opportunity and Project Operation Systems), its
acquisition by means of document title blocks and standard for sizes and layout of drawing sheets as defined in ISO
Detailed instructions are defined for identification of electronic files of documents.
This document supersedes the specification no. 27903.DOC.GEN.SDS.
Requirements for ENI E&P Internal Normalization Documentation are defined in the document no.
Sub facility
Design phase
Technical discipline
Document type and subtype
Sequential number
Revision index
Issue Date
Prepared, checked, approved by
Contractor approval
Company approval
Supersedes N. / Superseded by N.
Validity status
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All technical documents issued by the Client or issued by Suppliers (Contractors and Vendors) and submitted to the
Client shall be always identified, listed and filed with the following identification code:
X = alphanumeric A = alphabetic
Facility and subfacility codes shall be the same for item and document numbering.
It’s a code that identifies a part/section unit within the facility defined on functional or geographic criteria, such as
Storage Unit, Gas Dehydration unit, Power Generation, Sulphur recover, cluster, sealine.
The code must have 2 alphanumerical characters.
Documents are issued in F (feasibility), B (basic), D (detail), C (construction) phases and shall not change phase
during their life cycle.
The engineering design phases and revision indexes are listed and related to OPDS phases in chapter 6 and 7
Documents are issued in P (production phase), revision indexes are listed in chapter 8.
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The design discipline of the facility indicates the technical branch/department that is competent and responsible for
the content of the document.
Here after it is reported the table containing the list of codes, titles and descriptions of the disciplines.
Including the definition of the materials and systems typical for the naval
environment: safety devices at sea, naval signalling and the activities
connected with the transport of installations and manufactures. Including
Naval and floating also Floating Production Storage & Offloading (FPSO), semi submersible
platform Deep Draft Caisson Vessel (DDCV), Tension Leg Platform (TLP); Floating
Production System (FPS), Floating Storage Unit (FSU), mooring system.
Naval HSE and telecommunication belong to their specific disciplines.
Naval process and utilities belong to Marine discipline.
Including the analysis and the definition of offshore structures, materials,
structures, junctions, welding, protections, lower structure (jacket, single
tube, gravity base structure), upper structure (deck, foundation, barge
O Offshore fixed Platform bumpers, boat landing, risers).
Including also the definition of the geotechnical and meteoceanographic
features of the sites, with the periodical inspections carried out during the
operation lifetime.
Including the analysis and the definition of the process connected with the
production, the preliminary treatment, the monitoring, storage and delivery of
the extracted fossil fuels, in particular gaseous and liquid ones, definition of
P Process the block diagrams, quantified process diagrams, functional flow diagrams
and cause effect tables, process lists (appliances, lines, valves, line
accessories, current users); operating instructions, layout safety; facility plot
plan, detailed arrangement drawings.
Research & Development
Including all research and development activities dedicated to the
Q and technological
technological innovation during the facility life cycle.
Including the global or specific survey of the facility in order to have the
R Photogrammetry actual status and to compare it with existing drawings, physical or electronic
Offshore pipelines including Subsurface transport system intrafield pipelines, export pipelines,
(Sealines) riser, umbilical, the laying and control methods, protection against corrosion.
Including piping layout drawing and isometrics, supporting, stress analysis,
T Plant layout and Piping material take off, it includes the activities of painting, welding, insulation and
corrosion. It includes painting welding and insulation.
Including structures, plants and parts of plants for the collection and/or the
U Sub sea systems treatment of mixtures of hydrocarbons under the surface of the sea (Xmas
Tree, manifold or template, control system, umbilical-riser-flow line (URF).
Including the functional and mechanical dimensioning design, dconstruction,
V Mechanical Equipment testing and installation of heat exchangers, atmospheric vessel, pressure
Including technical and management documents for site precommissioning,
W commissioning and test
commissioning and test run.
Including all activities for design of monitoring and protection from corrosion
Corrosion and materials
X of facility steel structures, equipments and piping lines. Includes also
research for optimisation of materials for corrosion and mechanical strength.
Including naval utilities systems.
Y Marine
Telecommunication and HSE belong to their specific disciplines.
Including all activities related to dismantling of facility, such as recovery and
Z Decommissioning elimination of hydrocarbons, recovery of equipment, restoration of the
The engineering team shall indicate which team discipline is in charge of the above mentioned disciplines.
It is a technical organization of technical documents on a two level classification. The first level, or document type, is
based on document main typology (such as: drawing, diagram, calculation, specification, list, etc.) and the second
level, or subtype, is based on the specific content of the document.
The type and subtype codes and description are listed in the following paragraphs.
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C Calculations
D Drawings (to scale)
E Lists and Tables
F Diagrams
G Data sheets
L Applications and Technical Documentation for Legal Authorization
M Handbooks and Instructions
P Procedures, Plans and Programmes
Q Quality Control Documents
R Technical Reports and Studies
S Specifications
T Software documentation
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Documents reporting the analyses and/or the calculations for dimensioning or checking a component, a system or
part of the installation. They specify the purposes, reference documentation, normative reference and regulations,
calculations methods, input data, calculation hypotheses and results.
For particularly important or numerous calculations special subtypes have been assigned.
A subtype is dedicated to the definition of the calculation procedures; in case of procedures based on computer
programs the references allowing the software to be identified shall be indicated as well as the software
documentation and the program qualification.
These are drawings to scale in orthographic projection; they comprise layout drawings, civil work drawings,
construction drawings, front views of boards etc. Isometric drawings are also comprised, although not to scale.
These are documents composed of tables containing information, a large part of which is codified. They comprise
document lists, lists of identified material (appliances, valves, lines, cables, instruments etc.), computations of bulk
material, bills of materials for equipment and packages.
This type of document is dedicated to the methodical and standardised collection of a great quantity of information;
each type of list requires a special document defining the coding used in the list, the number and the positioning of
the columns, the information to quote in the header, selections and particular sorting.
Drawings, not to scale, that represent the process flow or the functional relationship between the represented bodies.
They include process flow diagrams, functional flow diagrams, wiring diagrams, instrumentation diagrams, control
diagrams, and block diagrams.
These are data collections in the form of tables, referring to each type of appliances, components and instruments.
The bulk of information on a material is gathered on a specific form and a data sheet is generally dedicated to one
class of goods only.
Applications complete with the necessary technical documentation, addressed to the relevant authorities in order to
obtain legal authorizations/permits.
Documents that define the operation procedures; they may regard the procedures of project design, construction,
erection, start-up, operation, maintenance.
These are various documents that are generally not included in the project plan, but which are a premise, support or
conclusion to it.
Documents containing texts that describe the main features of a piece of equipment or package, as well as the
general features of parts or operations which are common to different materials.
Documents related to software developed for the facility including design, operation and maintenance.
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In the here below tables the list of subtypes codes and their title.
CA Generic Calculation
CB Calculation Procedure
CC Calculation of reinforced concrete foundations
CH Calculation of Air Conditioning, Ventilation and Heating
CI Instrumentation Calculation Sheet
CP Pipeline structural, hydraulic and corrosion analysis
CS Structural, Naval and Geotechnical Calculation
CT Metrical Computation
CZ Analysis (based on calculation)
EA Equipment List
EB Material take off
EC Bar List
ED Document List
EE Input/output List
EF Facility functional unit List
EG Packing List
EH Loop, instrument and function List
EI Interconnection Table, wiring diagram, board terminal List
EJ Requisition List
EL Line List, tie-in List, fluid List, support List
EM Erection Material List
EP Cable and Cableway List
EQ Cause-Effect Table
ER Wall Crossing Table (cable passages), penetration List
ES Tender document List
ET Structural Material List
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FB Block Diagram
FC Logic Diagram
FE Pneumatic Connection Diagram
FF Pneumatic Electric Schematic Diagram
FI Instrument Simplified One-line Loop Diagram
FL Instrument Loop Diagram
FM Functional Flow Diagram
FP Electrical Connection and Junction Box Diagram
FQ Quantified Process Flow Diagram
FS Functional Diagram for Safety Devices
FU Electrical One-Line Diagram
MA Equipment Handbook
MI Installation/Maintenance Handbook
MO Operation Handbook
MP Design Handbook
MS Safety Handbook
QA Quality Assurance Plan
QB Quality Control Plan
QC Quality Control Manual
QE Certifying Documentation File
QN Non conformity Report
QR Quality Requirement, Procedure, Specification
QS Vendor, Supplier Qualification
RA Dimensioning Technical Study
RB Project/Design Premises/Bases Report - Philosophy Report
RC Technical assessment - design review
RD Supplier technical qualification
RE As built report
RF Feasibility Study of facility
RG Engineering cost estimate Report (Miscellaneous)
RH Technical Query
RS Survey/inspection Report
RT Performance, test Report
RU Technical appraisal of bid
RV Report (Miscellaneous)
RW Conformity declaration, verification Report
RX Material tracking, supply chain Report
RZ Review, Analysis Report
SA Construction Specification
SC Scope of work of contract variation and change order
SF Supply Specification
SG General Specification
SH Engineering Functional Specification
SP Facility Specification
SS Survey/Inspection Specification
ST Technical Specification
This document regards calculations of various types. The document shall have a paragrah titled “Calculation Index”
containing the detailed list of calculus operations that shall be respected in any case, even if incomplete.
This document illustrates the conditions, hypotheses, input and output data, programme validation, approximations
utilized in a calculation method that is considered crucial for the number of applications or the importance of the single
Calculations of technical physics dedicated to the dimensioning of the air conditioning, ventilation and heating
systems (HVAC).
Sheets (generally squared) showing the engineering calculations that are the basis of the project design; including
calculations for regulation valves, safety valves, rupture disks.
These documents regard structural integrity assessment, evaluation of pipeline fluid dynamic behaviour and of
corrosion velocity for exixting pipelines, with the final aim of pipeline requalification.
Stress analysis of parts of mechanical equipment, vessels, mechanical parts, structural work and reinforced concrete
Definition of the quantities of components required for carrying out a technical work (for instance: volume of an
excavation, volume of a R.C. structure, tiled surfaces, weight of a steel structure). Reference to price lists shall be
Analysis supported by computing to evaluate alternative solutions or implication of technical engineering solutions or
analysis of operating facilities. It includes documents with software input files for the structural analysis on fixed
platforms, report and native file for Plant Process simulation, native and input file for network lines simulation and flow
assurance studies.
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Series of drawings illustrating the views of sets or parts of sets of the mechanical or electrical equipment (pumps,
fans, compressors, heat exchangers, tanks, engines, transformers etc.) complete with the reference dimensions,
weight, interfaces with the respective tolerances and the characteristic project data; impulse intakes for instruments
The assembly drawing includes model drawing with list of parts with part number and part position in the model.
The assembly drawing includes profile of equipment, of package/skid, of steel structure.
Civil drawing mainly regarding reinforced concrete buildings and structures (including pillars, beams and slabs).
It shows the steel bar reinforcement layout.
It includes all types of concrete foundations.
Mechanical drawings that are generally prepared by the suppliers: they give the necessary indications for starting
works (dimensions, tolerances, surface finishes, welding, coverings etc.).
Series of 1:25 - 1:1 scale drawings showing the bulk of multidisciplinary materials present in an area where
arrangement and/or maintenance problems may occur; they comprise the dimensioned position, the identifier and the
overall dimensions of all the components in the area, the dimensioned development of the piping, complete, if
necessary, with the position of supports, vents and drains, field instruments, local boards, feeding and instrument
signal transmitting conduits, secondary and utility structural work, lifting and transport systems.
Structural drawing regarding steel parts of structures, sheds, stairways and walkways. It shows the main features and
problems that may occur in shop drawing development.
This drawing shows the plan layout and the construction details of the sub foundations of the various buildings,
manufactures and basements for the equipment.
Series of drawings to scale of buildings and large external machinery, hydraulic works, sewers and ditches, internal
road network, internal and external, parking areas, gates to the plant, railway junctions, fencing, arrangement of green
These drawings include the plot plans showing the analyses carried out in the plant location and the main references
for tracing and surveys.
They are also used to subdivide the plant into Areas.
This drawing is based on the general plot plan and/or equipment layout. It shows the hazardous areas (fire and/or
explosion), identifies and classifies the hazard level.
Series of drawings in isometric projection showing piping in detail; including line route and dimensioning, bill of
materials of the line components, connection points, if any, of the supporting, support features and tag numbers as
well as indication of any works to be carried out on site or in prefabrication shop.
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Series of 1:25-1:100 scale mono disciplinary drawings, illustrating the route of line materials of the same type or,
alternatively, the route of piping, conduits, cableways, sewers and drains with the respective sinks.
It shows the plan, view and section of building and manufactures. This subtype includes architectural drawings,
drawings concerning panel walls, internal screens or partitions (masonry and panels), drawings concerning finishing
(materials, interior work, false ceilings, door and window frames, sanitary, furniture).
Plot plans showing civil technical installations are also included.
Series of mono disciplinary drawings showing the piping route on the sea bottom and including supports and special
works, if necessary.
Series of drawings showing the geometry of civil works in plan and section, the elevation, location and dimensions (to
scale) of the plant main parts (mechanical, electrical, instrumentation) as regards weight and dynamic loads on
structures, with reference to the space required for passage and storage of materials for disassembly and
These drawings are the basis for civil works, especially as far as the arrangement and dimensions of foundations are
Drawings with typical construction details to be used for manufacturing and erection/installation on site.
These plans show the position of all the instruments requiring electrical and/or pneumatic connections; the position of
interconnection boxes and/or header as well as of pneumatic supply pots. The drawings include tables reporting the
electrical and/or pneumatic users assigned to boxes or collectors.
Series of drawings showing on copies of equipment layout drawings the planimetric development of utilities (fire-
fighting, motive power and lighting, grounding network, cathode protection, telephones, loudspeakers, clocks etc.).
Inside (buildings, cabins, lodging and process modules) and outside arrangements belong to this subtype excluding
outside motive power and lighting installations, that belong to the DL route drawing subtype.
Drawing illustrates, by means of horizontal projection and vertical section, the earth works to be carried out in order to
Site drawing with utilities fluids distributions paths and dedicated civil works; detailed representation of engineering
solutions for path crossing.
Site drawing dedicated to physical hook up connections for offshore, process, electrical, instrument disciplines
List of materials included in the technical classes of goods regarding the equipment.
It is a material takes off dedicated to reinforcing rods for reinforced concrete works; quantities, diameters, bending
types are stated, with reference to the drawings or other documents that contain the single requests of bars.
Detailed list of item included in a packing with identification according to item numbering or material coding.
List of the measuring points and of related instrument and computer functions.
Definition of terminal connections by tables or wiring diagram. It includes board terminal lists.
List of documents with Scope of Work issued according to the project procurement plan.
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List of piping lines indicating the line main characteristics such as: specification, operating conditions, from/to. It
includes a dedicated list of piping intersections, piping support and a list of the fluids of the facility processes.
The scope of this document is to supply the bill of materials - based on a material type code - that is to be acquired.
The required amount of a single material is indicated for each original code as well as the total amount. Accounts are
kept of the required amounts during the various stages of project progress (initial estimate, estimate at 90% progress,
final request) and amounts periodically ordered, received and assembled during project progress.
List of cables stating the identifier, shape, sheathing features, function, transmitted power, from/to (equipment
identification number), route selection; the terminals to be connected are defined in the document subtype FP
"Electric connections and junction box diagrams".
List of cableways and cableway sections stating the identifier and the mechanical and dimensional features that are
required for route selection and calculation of cable length.
Structured summary of the safety and interlock conditions adopted for the plant. This document is prepared by the
"Instrumentation - automation" discipline and expresses the process engineer's prescriptions in the form of a
structured text; these prescriptions are stated in the document subtype FC - “Logic diagrams”.
Table collecting the references between the cable identifier and the position in the wall crossing structures.
List of appliances, instruments, packages that constitute electrical users: for each user the following data are
supplied: power supply system, (voltage, type of current, phases, neutral, supply continuity), features of the current
load for the purpose of load restart from diesel, operation interval and frequency.
List of valves (not reported in the functional flow diagrams as graphic signs) that are not identified as components nor
considered as instruments; it may include the line specification, construction characteristics, diameter, operating
List of utilities other than electric loads: the list includes the following utilities: water steam, air, instrument gas, etc..
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List of all the deliverables hardware, software required or provided in a SoW (scope of work) of a contract.
List of all the contractors awarded a contract for deliverables of hardware and software and services required in the
procurement plan.
Any list of material including the part list of equipment and the spare parts list. It includes lubrication point list, special
tool list, hazardous substances list.
This schematic diagram shows connections between simple figures (rectangles etc.) in order to set out the sequence
of pieces of equipment or functions. It includes the “Process block diagram”.
Series of diagrams illustrating the logical interconnections and functionality of the appliances: they are shown in the
order, as much as possible, in which they operate under normal operating conditions.
In particular, the following data are highlighted:
Field stations
Field signals
Processed signals
As an alternative, the above can be contained in the following diagrams and sheets:
Functional diagrams for the protection and control systems: they illustrate the functional protection and
control requirements of various units by means of a combination of logical diagrams.
Appliance sheets: collection of the logical control and interlock diagrams of the electrical appliances
accompanied by a short description of the logic’s.
Diagrams representing the connection between the pneumatic instrumentation and the process; the components and
instruments connected are shown with their identification code and the typical connection detail used.
Series of diagrams based on the representation of circuits in sequence as far as possible in the order in which they
operate in normal operating sequence.
They detail the parts of machines and components; they are used when the circuit components are
By means of a two-line system this diagram represents all the instruments of the chain in order to, indicate their
identifier, functions, thresholds, position and connection cables.
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Series of schematic drawings showing the process of a functional unit; the following information is given:
field signals
field stations
all the piping including vents and drains
all the valves, including instrument tap block valve
all components and equipment
all instrument pulse outlet and duct; field instruments
identification code of components, equipment, lines, valves > 2” (50,8 mm), instruments
line operating conditions
Diagram showing terminal connections. The equipment identifiers, the connected cabinets, the identifier of terminals
and terminal strips; the identifier and composition of the cables Including the elementary conductors are shown.
These schematic drawings show the process diagram of a plant or unit and its main mechanical components in order
to make its functioning clear.
The diagram is accompanied by one or more tables reporting the operating parameters (flow rate, pressure,
temperature etc.) in the various process phases and under normal or accidental operating conditions.
These data sheets contain dimensioning parameters and features functional as well as dimensional, deriving from the
process studies, referring to equipment and instruments, complete with the data defined by the suppliers. The data
area collected on special standardized forms prepared for each type of equipment.
These data sheets contain all the Quality Control requirements specification relevant to each instrument item when
purchased and manufactured.
These data sheets contain all the requirements for the documents to be issued for an item by vendor and
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These data sheets contain all the requirements relevant to each instrument when purchased, including the
constructive ones.
This handbook defines the procedures to be followed in the various operation phases of each single piece of
This handbook defines the procedures to be followed in the various phases of equipment installation and
This covers the operating conditions and procedures relevant to the various phases of normal plant operation and
maintenance, both as a whole and for specific parts, as well as the procedures to be followed under emergency
Collection of the design criteria and operating procedures to be followed in potentially hazardous plant areas.
It is a part of project plan concerning safety of personnel, inhabitants and equipment. It is issued and updated from
HSE discipline.
Extension of project plan dedicated to the planning of all activities concerning construction on site.
List of the design activities with the respective constraints and of the single documents to be prepared for each
It is a part of the project plan concerning definition of possible intrusions and dangerous external actions and of
dispositions enacted to prevent and keep them under control.
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Extension of the procurement paragraph of the project plan with detailed list of requisition with technical description of
the extent of supply.
Planning document defining the activities to be carried out, their sequence in time, their duration and execution
Document issued at the beginning of the project in which the main technical aspects of a facility are defined.
Technical procedure defining the data and their gathering system required by the survey/inspection.
Procedure for engineering calculations including regulation valves, safety valves, rupture disks, flow pressure drop,
stress analysis, thermal exchange.
This document states the operative methods, the resources and the sequence of activities that affect the quality
assurance adopted for the facility.
This document gathers the information required for correctly carrying out tests, checks, and inspections in accordance
with contract and Company's requirements. The quality control plan covers all parts of the facility in all the execution
phases of the project.
Collection of instruction, specification, inspection data sheet forms related to quality control.
The certifying documentation and the respective contents are gathered in identified files that are kept together with
the project technical documentation.
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Specific quality requirements on the project plan in ITT and contract scope of work.
Technical report related to the study made on equipment or plant unit dimensioning.
Technical report systematically gathering all the aspects to be taken into account in the design phase of the various
parts of the plant.
Technical report systematically gathering all the aspects to be taken into account concerning a project or a design in
order to verify the conditions required for correct continuation of the works.
Technical report systematically gathering all the aspects to be taken into account for the technical qualification of a
supplier for equipment of the facility.
A technical report dedicated to any aspect of the facility that will be included in the facility study in the evaluation or
concept selection of project phases.
Cost estimates for technical activities and material elaborated by engineering for management.
Document concerning technical queries and answers between client and supplier and between company and
Technical report gathering all the data results related to the purpose for which the survey has been undertaken.
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These documents contain results of surveys, analyses and proposals. The characteristic of this type of documents is
that they are not directly used for design, construction and erection activities: they are normally used for gathering
information on the basis of which decisions on works to be carried out will be made.
Report from technical material management which at any moment provides information of contract origin, material
status, location. Supply chain reports are included.
This document regards a specific supply and defines in functional terms technical aspects and requirements and the
additional duties placed on the supplier (design, construction, erection, transport, installation, start-up, maintenance,
technical guarantees, assistance, documentation, spare parts, insurance).
“General specification” shall not be utilized to define documents issued by the Company; it’s substituted by:
“Design Practice”, to define documents with evaluation and criteria methods to support technical choices;
“Functional specification” and “Company specification”, to define documents which, according to European
Directives, draw attention to functional requirements and remove discriminatory elements; they are specifications of
general concept, not to be neither re-codified nor modified.
Specifications concerning the facility or its parts of plants or parts of plants for functional, technology, arrangement,
safety aspects.
This document defines the minimum requirements to be provided to the contractor in order to ensure the execution of
the specified survey / inspection. The document defines the methodologies, the general basic requirements of the
instrumentation to be adopted, the data that shall be acquired during the survey / inspection and the requirements for
the final reporting.
“Technical specification” shall not be utilized to define documents issued by the Company; the “Technical
specification” shall be prepared by the Supplier/Contractor, it will exhaustively define the technical aspects and the
methods for realizing the manufactured parts of components, by which are reached the functional requirements asked
by the Company.
Manual with the requirement for the installation of a program on a computer or a server.
Sequential number is an alphanumeric string of 5 characters. The string must be unique within the facility/subfacility;
therefore the Company shall define sets of alphanumeric range to be assigned to internal departments and
Contractors and Vendors.
Sequential number shall not have blank characters.
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Project and engineering design are structured in phases. In order to manage planning and completion of a phase a
validity status flag shall be associated to each document revision in order to state that it is fit to be used in a specific
project phase and in an engineering design phase.
In the following table, four engineering design phases (Feasibility, Basic and Feed, Detail, Construction) and four
OPDS phases (Evaluation, Concept selection, Concept definition and Execution) are listed and matched together in 5
As Built is added as a separate phase for engineering design and OPDS.
The revision index shall be a sequential number starting from 00 for each validity status as in the example shown
here below:
A change of validity status requires the issue of a revision with updated validity status and the revision number restars
from 00.
This requirement applies also if the document has not be modified.
This revision index allows the planning of the validity status to be issued independently from the number of revisions
actually issued for each status.
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In the tables here after is reported a complete list of allowed validity status for revision of documents issued in each
combination of project and engineering phases.
A selection of document validity status to be issued shall be scheduled in the document provisional list.together with
the indication of those that are to be submitted for approval or for information.
OPOS System includes commissioning, operation, maintenance and decommissioning phases; all these phases
belong, according to OPDS, to Production phase.
OPOS documents do not have a work flow as in OPDS validity; anyhow here after is reported the list of phases and
validity status for OPDS to be implemented when required.
The management of technical documentation issued by engineering during the production phase of a plant is assured
as follows.
Typically, the documentation issued for SIM (Structural Integrity Management) and PIM (Pipeline Integrity
Management) projects will be identified with identification codes including:
In order to be properly identified and managed a technical document (and its sheets) shall have a Company Title
Block (Type No. 1, 2 or 3, here after) to be filled in by the Owner of the document (Company or Contractor or Vendor).
In order to manage additional information, Contractors and Vendors own Title Block can be placed aside or above the
Company Title Block or in a second sheet.
Job. N.
Contractor logo and business name Contractor identification
Contract N.
Vendor logo and business name Vendor identification
Order N.
Facility Name Location Scale Sheet of Sheets
Superseded by N…………..
Plant Area Plant Unit
Software File No
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Revision index:
Composed by Validity Staus + rev. number (starting from 00)
date of issue of the revision
modification of the revision, scope for issue (for comment, for information, final issue)
Prepared, checked, approved by:
Indication of relevant personnel of document owner
Contractor approval:
Name and signature of the Contractor approver
Company approval:
Name and signature of the Company approver
Sheet of Sheets: In case of multi-sheet document the number of the sheet and the total sheet number.
Plant Area: The number of the Plant physical area to which the document is referred to, if any, as described in doc.
ITEM NUMBERING. Write N.A. if not applicable.
Plant Unit: The number of the Facility Functional Unit to which the document is referred to, if any. Write N.A. if not
Software: Is the indication of the software application utilised to produce the subject document
File N.: The file name assigned according to ch. 11 of present document.
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Rev. index.
Company Owner Sheet of
Logo and business name of document Valid. Rev sheets
document document
Owner Status No
identification identification
Title block 2 and 3 - Content description for cases not included in title block 1
Sheet Revision: Sequential sheet revision index independent from document revision index
Logo and business name of document Owner: The Owner is the company that has issued the document
Owner document identification: identification assigned by the Owner of document
The Title Block No. 1 shall be used in the first sheet (cover) of all documents, for any format (A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)
and in the following sheets for drawing documents (A0, A1, A2).
The Title Block No. 2 shall be used sheets following the cover for A4 document without single sheet management.
In order to manage the independent revision of a single drawing sheet (usually A3 format), sheets are collected in a
dossier where Title Block No. 1 is used for the cover, Title Block No. 2 is used for second sheet with relationship
table between document and sheet revisions and Title Block No. 3 is used in following drawing sheets.
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Here after is reported an example of a document & sheet revision relationship table which must be used whenever
Title Block No 3 is used for management of a drawing sheet dossier.
In order to identify the relationship between document and sheet revision the table below shall be placed in the
second sheet of document.
Document revision index for cover and relationship table sheet
Sheet revision index for following drawing sheets
Sheet number 3 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 3
Sheet number 4 0 0 0 1 2 2 3 4 5
Sheet number 5 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3
Sheet number 6 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 2 2
Sheet number 7 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 3 3
The revision of a single sheet requires the revision of the document and therefore the revision of the cover and of
the relationship table sheet. In the relationship table a new column will be added.
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Case 1
Example: 00191210BGED10350_CDBF01_10.DOC
Facility = 001912
Subfacility = 10
Des. phase =B
Discipline =G
Doc. type-subtype = ED
Sequential N. = 10350
Validity Status = CDBF
Revision N. = 01
Total no. of sheets =10
Case 2
More than one electronic file (one file for each sheet) for one document, with sheets having same revision:
Example: 00191210BGED10350_CDBF01_03_05.DWG
Facility = 001912
Subfacility = 10
Des. phase =B
Discipline =G
Doc. type-subtype = ED
Sequential N. = 10350
Validity Status = CDBF
Revision N. = 01
Sheet Number = 03
total no. of sheets = 05
Case 3
One file for cover page and revision sheets identified as in case 1.
One file for each (drawing) sheet revision identified as in example here after.
Example: 00191210BGED10350_CDBF01_03_01.DWG
Facility = 001912
Subfacility = 10
Des. phase =B
Discipline =G
Doc. type-subtype = ED
Sequential N. = 10350
Validity Status = CDBF
Revision N. = 01
Sheet Number = 03
Sheet Revision Number = 01
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Case 4
A document which is assembled by many files will be put in a folder named with the document identification and
Example: 00191210BGED10350_CDBF01_15
Facility = 001912
Subfacility = 10
Des. phase =B
Discipline =G
Doc. type-subtype = ED
Sequential N. = 10350
Validity Status = CDBF
Revision N. = 01
Total no. of sheets = 15