Tax Computation 10 2021

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Tuv Sud South Asia Pvt.


Employee ID E7101 Employee Name PRASHANTH KUMAR K.

Date Of Birth 20/12/1987 Date of Joining 04/10/2021

Designation MANAGER - HUMAN RESOURCES Tax Regime Old Tax Regime

Projected income tax computation statement for the month of Oct 2021

Tax Computation Amount (INR)

Gross Salary 335,958.00

Accommodation / Furnishing 0.00

Retirement Fund Perq 0.00

Exemptions Under Section 10 & 17 0.00

Gross Salary after Section 10 & 17 exemptions 335,958.00

Net Salary 335,958.00

Income received from previous employer salary 0.00

Professional Tax recovered by previous employer 0.00

Professional Tax recovered by Current Employer 1,200.00

Professional Tax 1,200.00

Standard Deduction under section 16 (I) 50,000.00

Income chargeable under the head Salaries 284,758.00

House property income or loss 0.00

Other income 0.00

Gross Total Income 284,758.00

Additional Interest on House property - (Section 80EE/ 80EEA) 0.00

Other Deduction under chapter VI-A 0.00

Deductions Under Chapter VI-A - 80C 15,124.00

Net Taxable Income 269,634.00

Tax on Net Income 0.00

Income Tax payable 0.00

Surcharge on Income Tax 0.00

Health and Education Cess 0.00

Total Tax Liability 0.00

Income Tax Per Month 0.00

Marginal Tax to be Recovered for this Month 0.00

Tax to be Recovered for the Current Month 0.00

Tuv Sud South Asia Pvt. Ltd

Total Income tax paid from salary till date 0.00

Tax paid outside salary / Tax recovered by previous employer 0.00

Income Tax due 0.00

Remaining months in the current Year 5.00

TDS to be recovered per month 0.00

Deductions Under Chapter VI-A - 80C 0.00 0.00

Employees Provident Fund 15,124.00 15,124.00

80C Total Limited to 1.5 Lakh Excluding NPS 0.00 15,124.00

Total 80C limit to be capped 2 lakh 0.00 15,124.00


Tax Calculation on Taxable Income 0.00 269,634.00

0 - 250000 : 0% 0.00 0.00

250001 - 500000 : 5% 0.00 982.00

500001 - 1000000 : 20% 0.00 0.00

1000001 - 9999999999 : 30% 0.00 0.00

Tax Rebate 0.00 982.00

Tax (After Tax Rebate) 0.00 0.00

Surcharge 0.00 0.00

Health and Education Cess 0.00 0.00

Total Tax Liability 0.00 0.00


Previous Company TDS 0.00 0.00

OUTSITE TDS 0.00 0.00

Note : This is a computer generated statement and does not require authentication.

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