LA #1 Mod 2:: Answer The Following Questions To Verbalize Your Understanding of The Teaching Cycle

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LA #1 Mod 2: Answer the following questions to verbalize your understanding of the teaching

1. Draw an illustration of the stages of the teaching cycle.

Identify Plan
Objectives Instruction

The Implement
Asses Learning and
Teaching Plan
Reflect on the results

Reflect On Check for

Teaching Understanding

2. In which stage/s of the teaching cycle are the students involved? Explain.
Ans. The Implement plan, check for understanding and the Asses learning and reflect on
the result. These stages shows involvement of the students in a way that students need to
participate. Where in the Implement Plan you conduct the learning activities that you have
prepared during the planning stage. The Check for Understanding where you must check
whether the students have understood what you have covered or tackled. And lastly, the
Assess Learning and Reflect on the Result, this is usually through a paper-and-pen examination
where you measure what your students have learned.
3. Which stage/s of the teaching cycle requires the teacher to reflect about teaching and
learning? Explain.
Ans. The Reflect on Teaching and the assess learning and reflect on the result because it
gives total concrete of what the students have learned. And also these stages does not end in
assessing learning, it also need to reflect on the result.
LA #2 Mod 2: Answer the following questions to verbalize your understanding of the things
to consider when planning instruction in mathematics.

1. Sketch and info graphic about the difference between the growth mindset and fixed

2. Why do you think having a fixed mindset is a setback in learning?

Ans. For me, I think having a fixed mindset cause a setback dents in learning
because it affect our beliefs and ability. We tend to become uninterested and
give up so easily. And it will keep us/you feeling stuck. It will make you feel
powerless and it will come up with ways to spin stories to show you that
others do better than you.
LA #3 Mod 2: Answer the following questions to verbalize your understanding of instructional
planning models commonly used in math.

1. Activity * * Engage
Discussion * * Explore
Input * * Explain
Deepening * * Elaborate
Activity * * Evaluate
Synthesis *

2. Explain the matching you did in #1.

Ans. The matching I did in number 1 is the activity in ADIDAS is similar to Engage
and Explore in 5E’s Model because the lesson begins with an activity and aim to
get the interest of the students. The Discussion, Explore, Synthesis and Explain
are similar because both practices are letting the students to share what they
learned from the previous activity. On the other hand, the Input, Deepening and
Elaborate are similar because in this part the student will engage to critical and
creative thinking to deepen their understanding of the concepts that they have
just learned.
LA # 1 Mod 3:  (Due Date: Thurs, February 10, 2022)
      Write a lesson plan that makes use of the problem-solving strategy.  Browse the DepEd
mathematics curriculum guide.  Choose a topic from Grades 4 to 6

Topic: Multiplying Fraction

Grade level: Grade 5
Target Learning Competency:
Students will be able to multiply two fractions together by multiplying the numerators and
denominators, and simplify the answer to a fraction.
Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills:  

 multiplication facts of 12×12,

 fraction as a part of a whole
 multiplication of fraction
 reciprocal
Presentation of the Problem:
“Do you love eating pizza? How many slices of pizza you can eat? Have you ever made pizza on
your own? What’s your favourite tapings? What kind of food is pizza?
Last night, mom ordered some pizza. She went home with a wide smiles on her faces. And I ask
her if I can eat some of the pizza. Mom left ¾ pizza on the table and I ate the 2/3 of it. If I ate
2/3 of it, how much of the whole pizza did I eat?
Generation of Solutions:    
The students will work in pairs or group. Consider varying groupings so that sometimes they are
heterogeneous and sometimes they are homogeneous. Encourage the students to think about
the problem and share their thoughts with their classmates. They may do calculations or draw;
any solution is welcome as long as they can explain why they did such. 
Ask students to explain what a problem is in their own words. Write the standard algorithm (
3 2
x = ____) on the whiteboard to support student’ understanding.
4 3
Watch out:
     The students should realize that the given is a division problem.  Their discussions with their
partners/group mates should revolve around figuring out how much 3/4 of pizza if they ate 2/3
of it. Give guide questions to pairs/groups who may have not realized this.  In giving guide
questions, determine what the students know and then build on that.
Processing of Solutions:
     Have some pair/group write their solutions on the board and explain. 
Possible solutions: 
3 2
1. Multiply the top numbers (the numerators). x = 6
4 3
3 2
2. Multiply the bottom numbers (the denominators). x = 12
4 3
6 1
3. Simplify the fraction if needed. ∨
12 2
     Guide the students to realize that the different solutions all lead to the same answer, which
is ½ - that which I ate ½ of pizza as given. Ask the students who among them did the same as
the ones presented in class. 
      Name a solution after the students who shared it. Doing this would (1) deepen the students’
sense of ownership of their learning and (2)  motivate them to think of unique solutions when
given the same task in the future.
Lead the students to realize that ¾ x 2/3  is equal to 1/2.  
LA # 2 Mod 3:  (Due Date: Tuesday, February 15, 2022)
      Write a lesson plan that allows the students to discover a rule inductively.  If appropriate, use the
same topic as in LA #1 Mod3.

Applying the Different Techniques:

Instruct the students to solve the following using any of the techniques that their classmates
shared in multiplying fractions.

Ask the students about their experiences as they solve. Lead them to realize that their
techniques are creative ways of solving the problem, but they are not time-efficient. This
should motivate them to discover a shortcut.
Other examples may be given but consider that one of the possible solutions is illustration
so use small values. Also, include examples of multiplying fractions; it will be useful in the
discussion later. If time is limited, group the students into five and each group will answer one
example. Each technique discussed must be used by at least one group.
Move around while the students are working. Make sure to clarify confusion and correct
misconceptions about the techniques, if there are any, because the class discussion that will
follow will focus on the discovery of rules.
Give some time for the students to observe the examples. The fast learners may become too
excited to share their hypothesis but don’t allow them to. The goal is for all the students to
have the “Aha!” moment.
Write the examples with answers on the board.

6 4 48+68 116 29 6 2 54+14 68 16 21 128+147 275
+ = = ÷ 4= + = = + = =
9 8 72 72 18 7 9 63 63 7 8 56 56

1 8 8+72 80 10 3 5 20+18 38 19
+ = = ÷ 8= + = = ÷ 2=
9 8 72 72 9 4 6 24 24 12
Help them by focusing their attention on the two fractions together by multiplying the
numerators and denominators, and simplify the answer to lowest term.
Call on some students to explain their hypotheses. After each explanation, ask who has the
same hypothesis.
Collect Evidence:
Apply the hypotheses to each example to see if they always work. Some of the students
may have hypothesized that multiplying the numerator by the by the denominator or the
reciprocal would give the quotient. Others may have thought of multiplying it by its numerator
and its denominator. In this stage, the students would realize that both works.
 Ask the students which hypothesis is true for all.
 Instruct the students to write, using their own words, the rule in their notebook.
 Have two to three students read aloud what they have written.
 Lead the discussion to the realization that multiplying numerator by the denominator is not the
 Ask the students to rewrite and simplify it.
LA # 3 Mod 3:  (Due Date: Friday, February 18, 2022)
      Write a lesson plan that allows the students to discover the meaning of a mathematical term.

Topic:  Convex Polygon

Grade Level: VI
Target Learning Competency: 
By the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to define convex polygon, give
examples and non-examples of it and identify whether a given is a polygon or not.

Prerequisite Knowledge and Skills:  

 Definition of polygon
 Different kinds of polygon

Identifying Common Attributes Based on Examples and Non-examples:  

Teacher presents the following figures as examples one at a time and asks
students to label them as positive or negative examples on the basis of their
definition of the figure. Give the following examples.

Examples Non-examples
The following are the expected common attributes that the students will
provide, refined through the give examples.  Ask guide questions if the students do
not arrive at these. 

                                                      Common  Attributes

 All interior angles smaller in measure than a straight angle 180°

 The full outline of the convex shape points outwards. i.e., there are no
 The diagonals of a convex polygon lie inside the polygon.
 A polygon where the line joining every two points of it lies completely
inside it.

  Base on the given examples and definitions, ask the students to look around
the room and give examples of what they think are convex polygon. 

Defining the Mathematical Term:

      Lead the students to agree that a Convex Polygon is a polygon whose vertices are
pointed outwards, away from the interior of the figure.

Checking of Understanding:
      Show 10 a structures and let the students identify each as convex polygon or not.
LA # 4 Mod 3:  (Due Date: Wednesday, February 23, 2022)
Instructions:  Choose a close-ended problem from the DepEd mathematics teaching materials for
Grades 4 to 6.  Transform it to an investigative task then list down the possible problems that the
students could pose given the task.

Close-ended Problem
A factory produced 2300 TV sets in the first year of production. 4500 set were produced in its
second year and 500 more sets were produced in its third year than in its second year. How many TV
sets were produced in three years?

Investigative Task:
A factory produced 2300 TV sets in its first year of production. 4500 sets were produced in its
second year and 500 more sets were produced in its third year than in its second year.

Possible student-generate problems
1. How many TV sets were produced in three years?
2. What is the sum of the number of TV sets produced in each year?
3. Given any total number of TV sets, what is the ratio of the number of TV sets I second year to
the number of TV sets in the third year?
LA # 5 Mod 3:  (Due Date: Monday, February 28, 2022)
      The design-thinking process is best learned when done.  With a partner, go over yourself the steps
given in the illustrative example above.
LA # 6 Mod 3: (Due Date: Friday, March 4, 2022)
      Develop a mathematical game that has instructional value following the template below. 

Topic: Addition (Beach ball Math)

 a permanent marker
 a beach ball
Using the permanent marker, write numbers all over the ball.
 Have your students form a large circle around the classroom while you or
another student stands in the middle.
 GENTLY toss the ball to a student.
 When they catch it they have to add the two numbers their thumbs are
touching (or closest too.)
 Then they GENTLY toss the ball back to the person in the middle of the
circle and they throw it to another student!
LA # 7 Mod 3: (Due Date:  Tuesday, March 8, 2022)
      Invent your own manipulative for a topic of your choice.  Draw your design and label important
parts of it.  Then, explain how to use your invention. 

Manipulative topic: Foam Dice (Roll and Round That Number)

Materials needed:

 Roll It! Rounding Game Boards (see below)

 Dice (the number of dice needed depends on
the game level being used)
- Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Ten =
3 dice
- Rounding Numbers to the Nearest
Thousand = 5 dice
- Rounding Numbers to the Nearest
Hundredth = 3 dice
 Cup for holding the dice
 Small counters or beads

Setting up the game:

1. Choose the game board that's best for your class!
2. Determine which level you'd like your students to play. Each page in the download is a
different level. There are two of the same game board on each page.
3. Print the game board page. You'll need one game board (1/2 page) for each 2-player
game. I recommend that you laminate the game board so that you can use it over and
over again.
4. Grab the correct number of dice for the level your students will play (see "Materials
needed" above).
5. Grab some small counters for each player. Each player needs a different color.
Object of the game: To be the first player to make a line of four in a row (horizontally,
vertically, or diagonally) on the game board.
Number of players: 2
Playing the game:
1. To decide who goes first, each player rolls one of the dice. The player with the highest roll
goes first.
2. On your turn, roll all of the dice. I like to have my students roll the dice into a small plastic
container so that the dice don't roll onto the floor.
3. Use all of the dice that you just rolled to create a number. You may place the dice in any
order to create the number. For example, if you rolled 4, 1, and 6, you may create 416, 461,
146, 164, 614, or 641.
- If playing "Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Ten," you'll create a 3-digit number.
- If playing "Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Thousand," you'll create a 5-digit
- If playing "Rounding Numbers to the Nearest Hundredth," you'll create a 3-digit
decimal by placing a decimal point in front of all 3 digits (i.e. no whole numbers).
4. Depending on the game that you are playing, round the number that you created to the
nearest ten/thousand/hundredth. Then, place one of your counters on top of that number on
the game board. If your opponent's counter is already on that number, you may not place your
counter on the game board.
5. Players continue taking turns until one player creates a line of 4 in a row of his/her own
counters on the game board.
LA # 8 Mod 3: (Due Date: Friday, March 11, 2022)
      Do the following to help you think of creative ways to integrate values in your lesson.
How would you inject values into this particular topic? Put it in a situation where the
students can relate to. Imagine you are talking to your students. Write your script below. If you plan
to use materials, write a note about it.

Topic: Exploring Shapes

Grade: Math 1

Teacher’s Activity/Students Activity

: Okay hello class! Open your eyes widely. Look at your surroundings, what have you see? Are there are
: Students answers may vary
: Now face here in front, I will show you some pictures and we will identify what it will be. Understood
(flashing different pictures on the screen)

: what does the picture shows?

: a clock ma’am
: now what kind of shape is a clock?
: some will answer “round” or “circle”
: very good! It’s a circle.

: How about this one class, what is it?

: A blackboard ma’am
: and a blackboard is a? what kind of shape?
: class shouted rectangle
: wow! Very good class.

: The pictures that I’ve shown to you are just some of the shapes that we can see in our surroundings.
There were still lots of shapes that we didn’t mentioned yet. Not can you give me examples of shapes?
: (square), (triangle), (diamond), (heart),
: okay, you are all correct class! This just mean that wherever we go, we can interact or meet a lot of
shapes, either in school, in the park, in our homes or even when we are on a trip. what matters here is
that we can identify what were them and we can also help someone or your friends who don’t know the
kind of shapes. So now enjoy meeting all the shapes you will be interacting with.
Learning Activity # 9 Mod 3: ( Due date:  Thursday, March 17, 2022)
      Design your own collaborative activity.  Explain the mechanics of this activity succinctly.  This
activity will be part of the learning portfolio that will compile at the end of this module.
Activity: think-pair-share

Think-pair-share is a collaborative learning strategy where students work together to solve a

problem or answer a question about an assigned reading.
Topic: Problem solving (Addition)
Objective: To help students to think, pair and share ideas about the topic or answer to a

Time frame: 10-15 minutes

Task: Adrianna has 10 pieces of gum to share with her friends. There wasn’t enough gum for all
her friends, so she went to the store to get 3 more pieces of gum. How many pieces of gum
does Adrianna have now?
Mechanics: let all group member to think, pair and then share their solutions in front. Allow
them to have discussion with their respective groups. And give them a guide questions in
answering the problem:
 What are the possible solution of the problem?
 What method did you used to solve the problem?
 How did you arrived to that solution?
After, let them present their solutions in the board with 1 representative in each group.
Learning Activity # 10 Mod 3: (Due date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022)     
Imagine that you are going to teach the area formulas for quadrilaterals.  Write a script
containing all the scaffolding questions that you will ask to lead your students to the correct area

Situation Questioning Technique

1. You want your students to know the area formula for - What kind of shape is parallelogram?
quadrilaterals. (parallelogram) - What proves a parallelogram is a quadrilateral?
- Are all quadrilaterals parallelograms?
- Can you identify some strategies to help you identify
the formula of parallelogram?
- How would you describe the area formulas of a
- What are the areas of a parallelogram?

- What do you think about your classmate’s answer?

2. You want your students to listen and respond to the
- Did anyone get the same result but with a different
answers of their classmates.
solution method?
- Why is your classmate’s assumption

3. You want to lead your students to the right conjecture, - Does these formulas always work? Why?
definition, or generalization.                    - How will you know that you are using the right
method in finding the area of a parallelogram??
- Will this solution method work if some conditions
about the problem are changed?
- Do you notice any pattern? What can you conjecture
about this?

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