Planning Minutes For 28 04 2011 (Paper D)
Planning Minutes For 28 04 2011 (Paper D)
Planning Minutes For 28 04 2011 (Paper D)
Councillors Present : Shirley Smart (Chairman), Tony Coburn, Mary Craven, Debbie Dixcey,
Steve Falla, Terry Goldstone, Lois Prior and Peter Whiteman.
Public: None
Clerk: Chris Hougham
Cllrs. Peter Whiteman and Terry Goldstone declared a general personal interest on the
basis that they are employed in the building industry.
The minutes of the last meeting held on 14th April 2011 were agreed and signed as a
correct record. The Assistant Clerk updated Members on the latest position on certain
related matters including a response for the local IWC Ward Member to our comments
on the application to demolish the fire damaged pavilion at Seaclose Park and replace it
with a portakabin. Following a discussion the Assistant Clerk was asked to make
specific enquiries with IWC about the condition of the damaged building; the existence
of a structural engineers report; estimates for repair/renovation work and evidence of
any investigations into alternative funding.
Members considered this application at the last meeting (14/4) having been advised
that this was not in connection with the Isle of Wight Festival but a separate event
planned for two days over a weekend in mid-July. Members were advised by the
Assistant Clerk that the application had been amended to a three day event but for only
one year and, therefore, that they had the opportunity to reconsider the matter.
Members expressed some scepticism at the precise nature of the event particularly as
local residents have to suffer up to three weeks serious inconvenience during the Pop
Festival already. This observation, together with the initial comments, were conveyed to
the Licensing Officer
None to report.
Members were familiar with the area and the location of this property. Members took the
view that there was objection in principle to a two storey rear extension and therefore
the key considerations related to scale, appearance and the likely impact on
neighbouring properties. They were satisfied that overall size and design of the addition
was acceptable and as the only (main) first floor window looked directly out onto the
rear garden that none of the neighbouring properties in Swallow Close or Fieldfare
Road would suffer any loss of amenity sufficient to amount to a sustainable objection. In
this context the view was that the proposal complies with the relevant ‘saved’ local
policies and the approved Supplementary Planning Guidance. Consequently Members
were happy to raise NO OBJECTION SUBJECT TO the imposition of appropriate
conditions requiring the use of quality matching materials and the withdrawal of specific
‘permitted development’ rights to ensure that additional openings at first floor level
cannot be installed at a later date without the prior consent of the LPA.
Members were familiar with the premises having dealt with previous applications for
commercial related uses. Some Members expressed a degree of genuine concern
about the proliferation of drinking establishments (A4) in the immediate vicinity and
whether this was contributing to occasional anti-social behaviour in the area, although
they recognised that this not likely to be a sustainable objection to the application
unless the Police Authority have similar reservations. That said, this appears to be a
modest traditional based venture aimed at a mature clientele with the obvious benefit
that the change of use, if approved, will lead to partial restoration and maintenance of
an important listed building in a prime location just off the High Street. In the
circumstances, on balance, Members are prepared to raise NO OBJECTION SUBJECT
TO adequate controls and the imposition of appropriate conditions in terms of time
restrictions, public access and use of outside space to ensure that the proposed use
does not adversely effect the privacy and amenities of nearby residential properties,
particularly those to the rear accessed from Holyrood Street.
In terms of the proposed sign due consideration must be given to the listed status of the
building and the location in a designated Conservation Area. Members view is that a
projecting hanging sign is appropriate from an aesthetic perspective and that a degree
of external illumination is acceptable because of the location off the High Street and the
nature of the proposed use. However, they expect the sign to be in traditional materials
(wood, not an inappropriate alternative is specified in the application) and professionally
finished, preferably hand painted.
improve the living accommodation, the view was that the shape, design and difficulty in
using appropriate matching materials (due to the shallow roof pitch) amounts to a
sustainable OBJECTION to the application and rather than refusing permission officers
should explore with the agent how this maybe overcome to effect a better design
Members were given advance notice that they would have the opportunity to consider
the Final Draft Core Strategy, or Island Plan, at the next meeting on 12th May 2011..
TC asked if there had been any progress on the installation of uPVC windows on a
premises in Carisbrooke High Street. He was advised that the Assistant Clerk would
make further enquiries and report back.
MC asked the Chairman if she was aware of her pleasure at the quality of the work
done by CH and the Committee and the eventual outcome in commenting on the
licensing application for the Isle of Wight Festival.
LP asked if there had been any progress in respect of inquiries about the unauthorised
use of a (vehicular) access outside Temptations in St.James Street. The Assistant Clerk
said he would make further inquiries.
SF raised an issue in relation about an architectural moulding that had become
detached from the ‘Santander’ premises on the corner of St.James Street and Pyle
Street. The Assistant Clerk said he would contact the Conservation Officer.
The next meeting was confirmed as Thursday 12th May 2011 at 6.30pm.
The meeting closed at 7.33pm.