Tuf Grout GP

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TufGrout GP

General Purpose Non -Shrink Cementitious Grout

Uses Technical Support

Used as a general purpose grout where it is GIC provides a comprehensive technical support
essential to eliminate shrinkage when service to specifiers, end users and contractors
completely filling the void between a base and is able to offer on-site technical assistance.
plate and a substrate.
Used for anchoring a wide range of fixings Instructions for Use
that includes masts, anchor bolts, etc. Surface Preparation: Ensure the foundation
surface is free of dirt, dust, oil, laitance, paint,
Typical Applications & Advantages curing compounds etc. Bolt holes and fixing
TufGrout GP is formulated for use at pockets should be blown clean of any dirt or
trowellable or flowable consistencies and may be debris. Several hours prior to grouting the area
used for bedding, grouting and void filling should be flooded with fresh water to minimise
operations like Base plate grouting, Crane rails, local absorption and to assist in the free flow of
Stanchion bases, Anchor bolt fixing, Space the grout. Immediately before grouting takes
grouting precast concrete panels, Floor repairs, place any free water should be removed with
etc. extra care being taken to blow out all bolt holes
No metallic iron content. and pockets.
High early and ultimate strength.
Good cohesion and fluidity. Mixing: Damp down the inside of a forced
Excellent flow characteristics. action mixer with water prior to mixing the
Impermeable, resistant to oil and water initial batch of TufGrout GP. Ensure the mixer
penetration. is damp but free of standing water. Add the
prescribed water content into the mixer and
slowly introduce the entire contents of the bag of
Standards Compliance TufGrout GP. Mix for at least 5 minutes until
TufGrout GP complies with the requirements of
the grout has a smooth, even consistency.
the following standards:
ASTM C 579–01 Method B
Placing: Ensure that sufficient mixed material is
ASTM C 940-89.
available to complete the work and achieve a
continuous filling operation. Place the grout
Product Description within 10 minutes of mixing to gain the full
TufGrout GP is a pre-mixed, pre-bagged benefit of the expansion process. TufGrout GP
cementitious non-shrink grouting compound may be placed in thicknesses up to 100mm in a
specially formulated to produce a high single pour when used as an under plate grout.
performance, pourable grout with high strength For greater thicknesses, bulk out the grout with a
and with expansive properties. 10mm well-graded, silt free aggregate to
minimise heat build up.
Typical Properties
Density : 2200kg/m³ Grout bolt holes and pockets prior to grouting
Consistency : Flowable between the substrate and base plate. Ensure
Compressive strength formwork is secure to prevent movement during
@ 3 days : > 40N/mm² the placing and curing of the grout. The use of
@ 7 days : > 50N/mm² formwork tape is recommended. Chains or metal
@ 28 days : > 65N/mm² straps laid in the formwork prior to placing may
Water Addition : 3.5litres(±10%)/25kg be necessary to assist grout flow over large areas
Yield : 13litres and assist in compaction. Pour the grout
Volume Expansion : >1% continuously from one side of the void to
eliminate air and any standing water. TufGrout
GP should be poured across the shortest distance
of travel. Maintain a constant hydrostatic head so

that a continuous grout front is achieved. When
large volumes have to be placed, the use of a
diaphragm pump is recommended.

Curing: On completion of the grouting

operation, exposed areas should be thoroughly
cured in accordance with normal practice
utilizing water, wet hessian or a curing

Packaging & Storage

TufGrout GP is available in 25 kg bags and has
a minimum shelf life of 12 months provided it is
stored under cover, out of direct sunlight.

Health & Safety Precautions

TufGrout GP does not fall into the hazard
classifications of current regulations. However, it
should not be swallowed or allowed to come into
contact with skin and eyes. Suitable protective
gloves and goggles should be worn. Splashes on Gulf International Gulf International
the skin should be removed with water. In case Chemicals SAOG Chemicals
of contact with eyes rinse immediately with
plenty of water and seek medical advice. If FACTORY & H.O. REGIONAL OFFICE
swallowed seek medical attention immediately – P.O.BOX 132, P.O BOX: 98175,
do not induce vomiting.
PC 124, Rusayl DUBAI,
For further information refer to the Material Sultanate of Oman UAE
Safety Data Sheet available for this product.
Tel: +968 24446800 Tel: +971 4 2583221
Important note Fax: +968 24446808 Fax: +971 4 2583220
GIC endeavors to ensure that the technical
information contained herein is true, accurate Email: Email:
and represents our best knowledge and gulfint@omantel.net.om gic_dxb@emirates.net.ae
experience. No warranty is given or implied, as
GIC has no control over the conditions of use
and the competence of any labor involved in the
application are beyond our control.

As all GIC technical data sheets are updated

on a regular basis it is the customer’s
responsibility to check that the product is
suitable for the intended application, and that
the actual conditions of use are in accordance
with those recommended.

Rev: October 2007



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