Utilization Certificate GFR-12-C Form of Utilization Certificate
Utilization Certificate GFR-12-C Form of Utilization Certificate
Utilization Certificate GFR-12-C Form of Utilization Certificate
S.no Letter No and Amount Certified that out of Rs. _________ of grant sanctioned
date during the year _________________________in the favor of
___________ under this Ministry/Department Letter No.
given in margin and Rs. ________________ on account of
unspent balance of the previous year, a sum of Rs.
___________________ has been utilized for the purpose of
_______________for which it was sanctioned and that the
balance of Rs. _____________remaining unutilized at the
end of the year has been surrendered to government
(vide no _________dated ________________)/will adjusted
towards grants-in-aid payable during the next year
1. Certified that I have satisfied myself that the condition on which grant-in-aid was sanctioned
have been duly fulfilled / are being fulfilled and I have exercised the following check to see
that the money was actually utilized for which it was sanctioned
Signature ………………………………….
Designation …………………………….
Date. ………………………………………