Loan Agreement Sample

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(Ordinary Operations)

(Governance in Justice Sector Reform Program)






PLL:PHI 41380
(Ordinary Operations)

LOAN AGREEMENT dated 18 December 2008 between REPUBLIC OF THE

PHILIPPINES (hereinafter called the “Borrower”) and ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK
(hereinafter called “ADB”).


(A) ADB has received from the Borrower a development policy letter dated
21 October 2008 (hereinafter called the “Policy Letter”), setting forth certain objectives,
policies and actions, described in Schedule 1 to this Loan Agreement, designed to develop
the Borrower's justice sector (hereinafter called the “Program Cluster”);

(B) the Program Cluster comprises of two subprograms, the first of which
(hereinafter called the Program) will be implemented under this Loan Agreement;

(C) the Borrower has applied to ADB for a loan from its ordinary capital
resources for the purposes of the Program;

(D) the Government of the Philippines (hereinafter called “GOP”) has also
applied to ADB for technical assistance to support implementation of the Governance in
Justice Sector Reform Program and that for such purpose ADB has agreed to provide a
technical assistance grant not exceeding the equivalent of two million dollars ($2,000,000),
(hereinafter called “the TA project”); and

(E) ADB has, on the basis inter alia of the foregoing, agreed to make a
loan to the Borrower from ADB's ordinary capital resources upon the terms and conditions
hereinafter set forth;

NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto agree as follows:


Loan Regulations; Definitions

Section 1.01. All the provisions of the Ordinary Operations Loan

Regulations Applicable to LIBOR-Based Loans Made from ADB's Ordinary Capital
Resources, dated 1 July 2001, are hereby made applicable to this Loan Agreement with the
same force and effect as if they were fully set forth herein, subject, however, to the following
modifications thereof (said Ordinary Operations Loan Regulations as so modified being
hereinafter called the “Loan Regulations”):

(a) Section 2.01(49) is deleted and the following is substituted therefor:


49. The term "Program" means the program for which ADB
has agreed to make the Loan, as described in the Loan
Agreement and as the description thereof may be amended
from time to time by agreement between ADB and the

(b) The term "Project" wherever it appears in the Loan Regulations shall
be substituted by the term "Program".

(c) Section 2.01(51) is deleted and the following is substituted therefor:

51. The term "Program Executing Agency" means the entity

or entities responsible for the carrying out of the Program as
specified in the Loan Agreement.

(d) The term "Project Executing Agency" wherever it appears in the Loan
Regulations shall be substituted by the term "Program Executing Agency".

(e) Section 3.03 is deleted and the following is substituted therefor:

Commitment Charge; Credit. (a) The Borrower shall

pay a commitment charge on the unwithdrawn amount of the
Loan at the rate and on the terms specified in the Loan

(b) ADB shall provide to the Borrower a credit at

the rate specified in the Loan Agreement, which credit shall
remain fixed for the term of the Loan. ADB shall apply the
amount of the credit against the interest payable by the

(f) Section 3.06 is deleted and the following is substituted therefor:

(a) Following any announcement by ADB that the Fixed

Spread applicable to new Loans shall be reduced, ADB shall provide a
Rebate to any Borrower with an outstanding Loan on which a higher
Fixed Spread is applicable. The amount of the Rebate shall be
determined by multiplying (i) the difference between the Fixed Spread
applicable to the outstanding Loan and the Fixed Spread that will be
applied to new Loans (expressed as a percentage per annum), by
(ii) the principal amount of the outstanding Loan on which the Borrower
shall pay interest for all interest periods commencing on and after the
effective date of the lower Fixed Spread that will be applied to new

(b) Following any announcement by ADB that its Funding

Cost Margin calculations with respect to any Loan Currency (or
Approved Currency) in any Semester resulted in ADB achieving
savings, ADB shall provide a Rebate to the Borrower. The amount of
the Rebate shall be determined by multiplying (i) the Funding Cost

Margin (expressed as a percentage per annum) by (ii) the principal

amount of the Loan on which the Borrower shall pay interest for the
Interest Period commencing immediately after the Semester for which
the Funding Cost Margin was calculated. ADB shall apply the amount
of the Rebate against the interest payable by the Borrower for the
Interest Period commencing immediately after the Semester for which
the Funding Cost Margin was calculated.

(g) Section 3.07 is deleted and the following is substituted therefor:

(a) Following any announcement by ADB that the Fixed

Spread applicable to new Loans shall be increased, any Borrower with
an outstanding Loan on which a lower Fixed Spread is applicable shall
pay ADB a Surcharge. The amount of the Surcharge shall be
determined by multiplying (i) the difference between the Fixed Spread
that will be applied to new Loans and the Fixed Spread applicable to
the outstanding Loan (expressed as a percentage per annum), by
(ii) the principal amount of the outstanding Loan on which the Borrower
shall pay interest for all interest periods commencing on and after the
effective date of the higher Fixed Spread that will be applied to new

(b) Following any announcement by ADB that its Funding

Cost Margin calculations with respect to any Loan Currency (or
Approved Currency) in any Semester resulted in ADB incurring
additional costs, the Borrower shall pay ADB a Surcharge. The
amount of the Surcharge shall be determined by multiplying (i) the
Funding Cost Margin (expressed as a percentage per annum) by
(ii) the principal amount of the Loan on which the Borrower shall pay
interest for the Interest Period commencing immediately after the
Semester for which the Funding Cost Margin was calculated. ADB
shall add the amount of the Surcharge to the interest payable by the
Borrower for the Interest Period commencing immediately after the
Semester for which the Funding Cost Margin was calculated.

(h) Section 6.01(a) is deleted and the following is substituted therefor:

(a) Subject to any conditions or restrictions specified in the

Loan Agreement, the Borrower shall be entitled to withdraw
from the Loan Account such amounts as shall be required to
meet payments for expenditures required for the Program and
to be financed under the Loan Agreement.

Section 1.02. Wherever used in this Loan Agreement, unless the

context otherwise requires, the several terms defined in the Loan Regulations have the
respective meanings therein set forth, and the following additional terms have the following

(a) “Agreed Actions” means, with respect to each policy achievement, the
actions taken by the relevant stakeholders for the purpose of measuring that policy

achievement, as set out in the Policy Matrix attached to the Policy Letter, and as may be
revised from time to time with the agreement of ADB;

(b) “BIR” means the Borrower’s Bureau of Internal Revenue and any
successor thereto;

(c) “BJS” means the Barangay Justice System;

(d) “BSP” means the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas, the Central Bank of the
Borrower, and any successor thereto;

(e) “CA” means the Borrower’s Court of Appeals;

(f) “Counterpart Funds” means the Peso proceeds accruing to the

Borrower and generated from the Loan proceeds under the Program, as referred to in
paragraph 6 of Schedule 5 to this Loan Agreement;

(g) “DBM” means the Borrower’s Department of Budget and Management

and any successor thereto;

(h) "Deposit Account" means the account referred to in paragraph 4 of

Schedule 3 to this Loan Agreement;

(i) “DILG” means the Borrower’s Department of Interior and Local

Government and any successor thereto;

(j) “DOF” means the Borrower’s Department of Finance and any

successor thereto;

(k) “DOJ” means the Borrower’s Department of Justice and any successor

(l) "Eligible Items" means the goods imported under the Program (except
those specifically excluded pursuant to the Attachment 1 to Schedule 3 to this Loan
Agreement), the foreign exchange costs of which are eligible for financing out of the
proceeds of the Loan;

(m) “First Tranche” means the portion of the proceeds of the Loan in an
amount not exceeding the equivalent of $150,000,000 to be initially withdrawn and utilized;

(n) “Fiscal Year” or “FY” means the fiscal year of the Borrower
commencing on 1 January of each year and ending 31 December of that year;

(o) “JELAC” means the Judiciary, Executive, Legislative Advisory, and

Consultative Council;

(p) “MOOE” means maintenance and other expenses;

(q) “MTEP” means the Medium Term Expenditure Program;


(r) “MTPDP” means the Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan

covering the period from 2004 to 2010;

(s) “NEDA” means the Borrower’s National Economic Development

Authority and any successor thereto;

(t) “NEP” means the National Expenditure Program;

(u) “OMB” means the Borrower’s Office of the Ombudsman;

(v) “OPIF” means the Organizational Performance Indicator Framework;

(w) “OSG” means the Borrower’s Office of the Solicitor General and any
successor thereto;

(x) “PAO” means the Borrower’s Public Attorney’s Office and any
successor thereto;

(y) “Pesos” or the sign “P” means the pesos in the currency of the

(z) “PNP” means the Philippine National Police;

(aa) “Policy Matrix” means the policy matrix attached to the Policy Letter as
agreed between the Borrower and ADB;

(bb) “Program Coordination Committee” or “PCC” means the coordination

committee established by DOF and SC, as described in paragraph 2 of Schedule 5 to this
Loan Agreement;

(cc) “Program Executing Agencies" means, for the purposes and within the
meaning of the Loan Regulations, DOF and SC, which are responsible for the carrying out of
the Program;

(dd) “Program Implementing Agencies” means DBM, DOJ, DILG, PNP and

(ee) “Program Period” means the period covered by the Program from July
2006 to August 2009;

(ff) “RA Nr. 9406” or “Republic Act Nr. 9406” means the Act Reorganizing
and Strengthening the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO), Amending for the Purpose Pertinent
Provisions of Executive Order No. 292, Otherwise Known as the “Administrative Code of
1987”, as amended, Granting Special Allowance to PAO Officials and Lawyers, and
Providing Funds Therefor;

(gg) “RA Nr. 9417” or “Republic Act Nr. 9417” means the Act to Strengthen
the Office of the Solicitor General by Expanding and Streamlining its Bureaucracy, Upgrading
Employee Skills and Augmenting Benefits, and Appropriating Funds Therefor and for other

(hh) “RA Nr. 9279” or “Republic Act Nr. 9279” means the Act Granting
Additional Compensation in the Form of Special Allowances for the Members of the National
Prosecution Services and the State Counsels in the Department of Justice, and for other

(ii) “RCAO” means the Regional Court Administration Office of the


(jj) “SC” means the Supreme Court of the Borrower;

(kk) “Second Tranche” means, after the utilization of the First Tranche
under the first subprogram, the portion of the proceeds of the Loan in an amount not
exceeding the equivalent of $150,000,000 to be withdrawn subject to meeting the conditions
set forth in Attachment 2 of Schedule 3 to this Loan Agreement; and

(ll) “Subprogram” means either of the subprograms under the Program



The Loan

Section 2.01. (a) ADB agrees to lend to the Borrower from ADB's
ordinary capital resources an amount of three hundred million dollars ($300,000,000), as
such amount may be converted from time to time through a Currency Conversion in
accordance with the provisions of Section 2.06 of this Loan Agreement.

(b) The Loan has a principal repayment period of 12 years, and a grace
period as defined in paragraph (c) of this Section.

(c) The term “grace period” as used in paragraph (b) of this Section
means the period prior to the first Principal Payment Date in accordance with the
amortization schedule set forth in Schedule 2 to this Loan Agreement.

Section 2.02. The Borrower shall pay to ADB interest on the principal
amount of the Loan withdrawn and outstanding from time to time at a rate for each Interest
Period equal to the sum of LIBOR and 0.60% as determined by Section 3.02 of the Loan
Regulations, less a credit of 0.40% as provided by Section 3.03 of the Loan Regulations.

Section 2.03. The Borrower shall pay to ADB a commitment charge of

0.15% per annum on the unwithdrawn amount of the Loan. Such charge shall accrue from a
date sixty (60) days after the date of this Loan Agreement to the respective dates on which
amounts shall be withdrawn from the Loan Account or shall be cancelled.

Section 2.04. Interest and other charges on the Loan shall be payable
semiannually on 15 June and 15 December in each year.

Section 2.05. The Borrower shall repay the principal amount of the
Loan withdrawn from the Loan Account in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 2 to
this Loan Agreement.

Section 2.06. (a) The Borrower may at any time request any of
the following Conversions of the terms of the Loan in order to facilitate prudent debt

(i) a change of the Loan Currency of all or any portion of the

principal amount of the Loan, whether withdrawn and
outstanding or unwithdrawn, to an Approved Currency;

(ii) a change of the interest rate basis applicable to all or any

portion of the principal amount of the Loan withdrawn and
outstanding from a Floating Rate to a Fixed Rate, or vice versa;

(iii) the setting of limits on the Floating Rate applicable to all or any
portion of the principal amount of the Loan withdrawn and
outstanding by the establishment of an Interest Rate Cap or
Interest Rate Collar on said Floating Rate.

(b) Any conversion requested pursuant to paragraph (a) of this Section

that is accepted by ADB shall be considered a "Conversion", as defined in Section 2.01(6) of
the Loan Regulations, and shall be effected in accordance with the provisions of Article V of
the Loan Regulations and the Conversion Guidelines.


Use of Proceeds of the Loan

Section 3.01. The Borrower shall cause the proceeds of the Loan to
be applied to the financing of expenditures for the Program in accordance with the provisions
of this Loan Agreement.

Section 3.02. The proceeds of the Loan may be withdrawn from the
Loan Account only for the purposes of financing foreign currency expenditures incurred for
Eligible Items under the Program in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 3 to this
Loan Agreement, as such Schedule may be amended from time to time by agreement
between the Borrower and ADB.

Section 3.03. Except as ADB may otherwise agree, all Eligible Items
to be financed out of the proceeds of the Loan shall be produced in, and procured from,
ADB's member countries in accordance with the provisions of Schedule 4 to this Loan

Section 3.04. Except as ADB may otherwise agree, no withdrawals

shall be made from the Loan Account in respect of expenditures for Eligible Items incurred
more than one hundred and eighty (180) days prior to the Effective Date.

Section 3.05. The closing date for withdrawals from the Loan Account
for the purposes of Section 9.02 of the Loan Regulations shall be 28 February 2010 or such
other date as may from time to time be agreed between the Borrower and ADB.


Particular Covenants

Section 4.01. (a) The Borrower shall cause the Program to be

carried out with due diligence and efficiency and in conformity with sound administrative,
financial, engineering, environmental and good governance practices.

(b) In the carrying out of the Program, the Borrower shall perform, or
cause to be performed, all obligations set forth in Schedule 5 to this Loan Agreement.

Section 4.02. The Borrower shall make available, promptly as

needed, the funds, facilities, services, land and other resources which are required, in
addition to the proceeds of the Loan, for the carrying out of the Program.

Section 4.03. The Borrower shall ensure that the activities of its
departments and agencies with respect to the carrying out of the Program are conducted and
coordinated in accordance with sound administrative policies and procedures.

Section 4.04. (a) The Borrower shall maintain, or cause to be

maintained, records and documents adequate to identify the Eligible Items financed out of
the proceeds of the Loan and to indicate the progress of the Program.

(b) The Borrower shall enable ADB's representatives to inspect any

relevant records and documents referred to in paragraph (a) of this Section.

Section 4.05. (a) As part of the reports and information referred to

in Section 7.04 of the Loan Regulations, the Borrower shall furnish, or cause to be furnished,
to ADB all such reports and information as ADB shall reasonably request concerning the
implementation of the Program, including the accomplishment of the targets and carrying out
of the actions set out in the Policy Letter.

(b) Without limiting the generality of the foregoing or Section 7.04 of the
Loan Regulations, the Borrower shall furnish, or cause to be furnished, to ADB quarterly
reports on the carrying out of the Program and on the accomplishment of the targets and
carrying out of the actions set out in the Policy Letter.



Section 5.01. The following is specified as an additional condition to

the effectiveness of this Loan Agreement for the purposes of Section 10.01(f) of the Loan
Regulations: the PCC, as described in paragraph 2 of Schedule 5 to this Loan Agreement,
shall have been established.

Section 5.02. A date ninety (90) days after the date of this Loan
Agreement is specified for the effectiveness of the Loan Agreement for the purposes of
Section 10.04 of the Loan Regulations.



Section 6.01. The Secretary of Finance of the Borrower is designated

as representative of the Borrower for the purposes of Section 12.02 of the Loan Regulations.

Section 6.02. The following addresses are specified for the purposes
of Section 12.01 of the Loan Regulations:

For the Borrower

Department of Finance
DOF Building
Roxas Boulevard
Manila, Philippines

Facsimile Numbers:

(63-2) 523-9216
(63-2) 521-9495


Asian Development Bank

P.O. Box 789
0980 Manila, Philippines

Facsimile Numbers:

(632) 636-2444
(632) 636-2331.


Description of the Program

1. The Program Cluster aims to support the Borrower in (i) increasing resources
available to the Justice sector for efficient delivery of the justice services, (ii) strengthening
the rule of law in the territory of the Borrower, (iii) improving access to justice by the poor and
vulnerable groups; and (iv) improving investor confidence and public trust in the justice,
through (a) strengthening fiscal autonomy, accountability and improving access to resources,
(b) enhancing justice sector integrity, (c) supporting efficiency in the justice sector,
and (d) expanding delivery of justice. The Program is described in more detail in the Policy

2. The Program is the first Subprogram of the Program Cluster. The Policy measures
are anchored in the MTPDP. The Program covers a period of 37 months, from July 2006 to
August 2009.

3. The Program Cluster and the Program are described in more detail in the Policy

4. The Program Cluster includes two subprograms. Subprogram 2 is to be prepared and

designed based on the Borrower’s fulfillment of the policy actions contained in the Policy
Matrix for the Program, to be reviewed at the end of 2009. The provision of Subprogram 2
shall be subject to the approval of ADB’s Board of Directors.

5. In support of the Program:

(a) the proceeds of the Loan shall be used to finance the foreign
exchange costs of Eligible Items; and

(b) the Counterpart Funds shall be used to finance the local currency
costs relating to the implementation of certain programs and other activities consistent with
the objectives of the Program, pursuant to the provisions of paragraph 7 of Schedule 5 to this
Loan Agreement.

6. The proceeds of the Loan are expected to be utilized by 28 February 2010.



Amortization Schedule
(Governance in Justice Sector Reform Program)

1. The following table sets forth the Principal Payment Dates of the Loan and the
percentage of the total principal amount of the Loan payable on each Principal Payment Date
(Installment Share). If the proceeds of the Loan shall have been fully withdrawn as of the
first Principal Payment Date, the principal amount of the Loan repayable by the Borrower on
each Principal Payment Date shall be determined by ADB by multiplying: (a) the total
principal amount of the Loan withdrawn and outstanding as of the first Principal Payment
Date; by (b) the Installment Share for each Principal Payment Date, such repayment amount
to be adjusted, as necessary, to deduct any amounts referred to in paragraph 4 of this
Schedule, to which a Currency Conversion applies.

Payment Due Installment Share

(Expressed as a %)

15 June 2012 2.247090

15 December 2012 2.359445
15 June 2013 2.477417
15 December 2013 2.601288
15 June 2014 2.731352
15 December 2014 2.867920
15 June 2015 3.011316
15 December 2015 3.161881
15 June 2016 3.319975
15 December 2016 3.485974
15 June 2017 3.660273
15 December 2017 3.843286
15 June 2018 4.035451
15 December 2018 4.237223
15 June 2019 4.449085
15 December 2019 4.671539
15 June 2020 4.905116
15 December 2020 5.150371
15 June 2021 5.407890
15 December 2021 5.678285
15 June 2022 5.962199
15 December 2022 6.260309
15 June 2023 6.573324
15 December 2023 6.901991
Total 100.000000

Schedule 2

2. If the proceeds of the Loan shall not have been fully withdrawn as of the first Principal
Payment Date, the principal amount of the Loan repayable by the Borrower on each Principal
Payment Date shall be determined as follows:

(a) To the extent that any proceeds of the Loan shall have been withdrawn as of
the first Principal Payment Date, the Borrower shall repay the amount withdrawn and
outstanding as of such date in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Schedule.

(b) Any withdrawal made after the first Principal Payment Date shall be repaid on
each Principal Payment Date falling after the date of such withdrawal in amounts determined
by ADB by multiplying the amount of each such withdrawal by a fraction, the numerator of
which shall be the original Installment Share specified in the table in paragraph 1 of this
Schedule for said Principal Payment Date (the Original Installment Share) and the
denominator of which shall be the sum of all remaining Original Installment Shares for
Principal Payment Dates falling on or after such date, such repayment amounts to be
adjusted, as necessary, to deduct any amounts referred to in paragraph 4 of this Schedule,
to which a Currency Conversion applies.

3. Withdrawals made within two calendar months prior to any Principal Payment Date
shall, for the purposes solely of calculating the principal amounts payable on any Principal
Payment Date, be treated as withdrawn and outstanding on the second Principal Payment
Date following the date of withdrawal and shall be repayable on each Principal Payment Date
commencing with the second Principal Payment Date following the date of withdrawal.

4. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Schedule, upon a

Currency Conversion of all or any portion of the withdrawn principal amount of the Loan to an
Approved Currency, the amount so converted in said Approved Currency that shall be
repayable on any Principal Payment Date occurring during the Conversion Period, shall be
determined by ADB by multiplying such amount in its currency of denomination immediately
prior to said Conversion by either: (i) the exchange rate that reflects the amounts of principal
in said Approved Currency payable by ADB under the Currency Hedge Transaction relating
to said Conversion; or (ii) if ADB so determines in accordance with the Conversion
Guidelines, the exchange rate component of the Screen Rate.

5. If the principal amount of the Loan withdrawn and outstanding from time to time shall
be denominated in more than one Loan Currency, the provisions of this Schedule shall apply
separately to the amount denominated in each Loan Currency, so as to produce a separate
amortization schedule for each such amount.


Withdrawal of Loan Proceeds

1. Except as ADB may otherwise agree, the following provisions of this Schedule shall
apply to the withdrawal of Loan proceeds from the Loan Account.

2. (a) Withdrawals from the Loan Account shall be made for the financing of the cost
of Eligible Items.

(b) No withdrawals from the Loan Account shall be made in respect of any
expenditures which have been financed by credits from official international or bilateral aid
agencies or any other loans made by ADB.

3. (a) An application for withdrawal from the Loan Account shall be submitted to
ADB by the Borrower and shall be in a form satisfactory to ADB.

(b) Such withdrawal application shall be accompanied by a certificate of the

Borrower confirming that (i) in case the proceeds of the Loan will finance imports already
made, the value of Eligible Imports in the period concerned exceeded the amount of the
requested withdrawal, or (ii) in case the proceeds of the Loan will finance items to be
imported, the value of Eligible Imports in the immediately preceding one-year period was
equal to or greater than the amount of the requested withdrawal plus all other amounts
expected to be withdrawn from the Loan Account during the succeeding one-year period.

(c) For the purposes of this paragraph, the term “Eligible Imports” means the total
imports of the Borrower during the relevant period minus the following imports during the
same period:

(i) imports from countries which are not members of ADB;

(ii) imports for ineligible items specified in the Attachment 1 to this

Schedule; and

(iii) imports financed from credits from official international or bilateral aid
agencies or any other loans made by ADB.

(d) The Borrower shall allow experts appointed by ADB to verify the value of
Eligible Imports during any period in respect of which the Borrower has certified the value of
Eligible Imports in its withdrawal application.

4. (a) Prior to submitting the first application to ADB for withdrawal from the Loan
Account, the Borrower shall open or nominate an account (the Deposit Account) at Bangko
Sentral Ng Pilipinas into which all withdrawals from the Loan Account shall be deposited. The
Deposit Account shall be established, managed and liquidated in accordance with terms and
conditions satisfactory to ADB.

Schedule 3

(b) Separate accounts and records in respect of the Deposit Account shall be
maintained in accordance with consistently maintained sound accounting principles. Upon
ADB’s request, the Borrower shall have the Deposit Account audited by independent
auditors, whose qualifications, experience and terms of reference are acceptable to ADB, in
accordance with appropriate auditing standards. Promptly after their preparation but in any
event not later than six (6) months after the date of ADB’s request, certified copies of such
audited accounts and records shall be furnished to ADB, all in the English language.

(c) Throughout the Program implementation period, the Borrower shall submit
trade statistics and any other information as ADB may require from time to time to assess the
Borrower’s compliance with the formula for determining Eligible Imports.

5. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this Loan Agreement or the Loan Regulations
and except as ADB may otherwise agree, no withdrawals shall be made from the Second
Tranche unless ADB shall be satisfied, after consultation with the Borrower, that (a) sufficient
progress has been achieved by the Borrower in the carrying out of the Program; and, in
particular, (b) the Borrower has fulfilled the conditions for the release of the Second Tranche
specified in Attachment 2 to this Schedule.

Attachment 1 to Schedule 3

Negative List

1. Loan proceeds will finance the foreign currency expenditures for the reasonable cost
of imported goods required during the Governance in Justice Sector Reform Program.

2. No withdrawals will be made for the following:

(i) expenditures for goods included in the following groups or sub-groups of the
United Nations Standard International Trade Classification, Revision 3 (SITC,
Rev. 3) or any successor groups or sub-groups under future revisions to the
SITC, as designated by ADB by notice to the Borrower:

Table A12: Ineligible Items

Chapter Heading Description of Items
112 Alcoholic beverages
121 Tobacco, unmanufactured; tobacco refuse
122 Tobacco, manufactured (whether or not containing tobacco
525 Radioactive and associated materials
667 Pearls, precious and semiprecious stones, unworked or
718 718.7 Nuclear reactors, and parts thereof, fuel elements (cartridges),
nonirradiated for nuclear reactors
728 728.43 Tobacco processing machinery
897 897.3 Jewelry of gold, silver or platinum-group metals (except
watches and watch cases) and goldsmiths’ or silversmiths’
wares (including set gems)
971 Gold, nonmonetary (excluding gold ore and concentrates)
Source: United Nations.

(ii) expenditures in the currency of the Borrower or of goods supplied from the
territory of the Borrower;

(iii) expenditures for goods supplied under a contract that any national or
international financing institution or agency will have financed or has agreed to
finance, including any contract financed under any loan or grant from the ADB;

(iv) expenditures for goods intended for a military or paramilitary purpose or for
luxury consumption;

(v) expenditures for narcotics; and

(vi) expenditures for environmentally hazardous goods, the manufacture, use or

import of which is prohibited under the laws of the Borrower or international
agreements to which the Borrower is a party; and

(vii) expenditures on account of any payment prohibited by the Borrower in

compliance with a decision of the United Nations Security Council taken under
Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations.

Attachment 2 to Schedule 3

Conditions for Release of the Second Tranche

1. SC shall have submitted OPIF-compliant budget to DBM for 2010.

2. SC shall have prepared and adopted a rolling MTEP to cover FY 2009-2011, which
shall include information relating to the use of the Judiciary Autonomy Fund.

3. DBM shall have submitted a NEP for 2010 to Congress, which shall reflect the
benefits and allowances to justice sector agencies, including PAO and OSG, as a special
provision, in accordance with RA 9417, RA 9279 and RA 9406 (as may be amended from
time to time).

4. DBM shall have proposed the NEP for 2010 providing (1) Judiciary with budget
sourced from the national government equivalent to at least 1% of the total government
expenditure proposed under the 2010 NEP; and (2) other justice sector agencies that are
compliant with OPIF, have real increases in budgetary resources, taking into consideration
current inflation, consistent with their approved MTEPs, and based on performance,
absorptive capacity, and the prevailing macro economic/fiscal situation of the country.

5. DBM shall have fully and unconditionally released the scheduled allocations to the
Judiciary in line with the approved budget and agreed upon operational cash program of SC.

6. SC en banc shall have approved replication of the RCAO in at least two selected
regions other than Region 7.

7. SC Work and Financial Plan shall have reflected the capital expenses, MOOE, and
related expenses for RCAO 7 personnel that have been previously provided in the FY 2009
budget and allocated to fund full implementation of RCAO 7 in 2009.

8. DBM shall have submitted a NEP for 2010 to the Congress, which shall reflect a line
item budget provision for OSG's reorganization and physical expansion, in accordance with
RA 9417 (as may be amended from time to time).



1. Except as ADB may otherwise agree, the procedures referred to in the following
paragraphs of this Schedule shall apply in the procurement of Eligible Items to be financed
out of the proceeds of the Loan.

2. (a) Except as provided in paragraph 2(b) below, each contract for Eligible Items
shall be awarded on the basis of either the purchaser’s normal commercial procurement
practices, in the case of procurement by the private sector, or the Borrower’s prescribed
procurement procedures, in the case of procurement by the public sector, having due regard
for the principles of economy and efficiency.

(b) Each supply contract for Eligible Items which are commonly traded
commodities shall be awarded on the basis of procedures appropriate to the trade and
acceptable to ADB.


Program Implementation and Other Matters

Program Executing Agencies and Program Implementing Agencies

1. DOF and SC shall be the Program Executing Agencies for the Program Cluster. DOJ,
DILG, DBM and OSG shall be the Implementing Agencies. SC shall be responsible for
Program activities focused on judicial reforms and DOF shall be responsible for the Program
activities that are not within the domain of the judiciary. The Implementing Agencies shall be
responsible for complying with the policy actions.

Program Coordination Committee

2. The Borrower shall ensure that SC and DOF jointly set up a PCC, which shall
comprise of representatives from the DOJ, DILG, OSG and DBM. The PCC shall be
responsible for implementing and sustaining the Program components and meet as
necessary, at least every quarter to coordinate and ensure effective implementation of the
proposed reforms. SC and DOF shall be responsible for program implementation activities
within their respective areas of responsibility, report implementation progress, and provide
direction to the Implementing Agencies.

Policy Matrix

3. The Borrower shall ensure the satisfactory implementation of the Program and shall
accomplish the actions set out in the Policy Matrix, in particular, actions set out in Attachment
2 to Schedule 3 to this Loan Agreement, to enable the release of the Second Tranche. The
Borrower shall submit documents, in a form satisfactory to ADB, as evidence to demonstrate
compliance. The Borrower shall carry out the policies and actions in accordance with the
schedule of policy reforms contained in the Policy Matrix and ensure that the reforms in the
justice sector are sustained.

Policy Dialogue

4. The Borrower shall keep ADB informed of, and shall from time to time exchange
views on, the progress made in carrying out the Program. Furthermore, the Borrower shall
continue policy dialogue with ADB on problems and constraints encountered during
implementation of the Program and on appropriate measures to overcome or mitigate such
problems and constraints.

5. The Borrower shall keep ADB informed of policy discussions with other multilateral
and bilateral agencies that have implications for implementation of the Program and shall
provide ADB with an opportunity to comment on any resulting policy proposals. The Borrower
shall take ADB’s views into consideration before finalizing and implementing any such

Schedule 5

Counterpart Funds

6. The Borrower shall ensure that the Counterpart Funds are used to finance the local
currency costs relating to the implementation of the Program and other activities consistent
with the objectives of the Program and shall provide the necessary budget appropriations to
finance the structural adjustment costs relating to the implementation of reforms under the

Subprogram 1 Review and Evaluation

7. Information. DOF and SC shall provide ADB with all relevant data and information
in such detail as ADB may reasonably request to facilitate review by ADB of the progress in
the implementation of the Subprogram 1.

8. Reports. DOF and SC shall prepare the quarterly progress reports as well as a
closing report on Subprogram 1 implementation for submission to ADB.

9. Subprogram 1 Review. At the end of the Subprogram 1 period, DOF and SC

shall ensure that a review is undertaken for the Subprogram 1. The review will identify the
lessons learned, to be used for input in the design of the proposed Subprogram 2 of the
Program Cluster.

10. Subprogram 1 Review Report. A Subprogram 1 review report shall be

submitted to ADB that (i) assesses compliance with the policy actions under the Subprogram
1, including Tranches 1 and 2, (ii) assesses progress with implementation of complementary
activities under overall reform program, (iii) reviews fiscal performance and updated fiscal
estimates, and (iv) defines requirements for adjustments to activities to be undertaken under
the proposed Subprogram 2 under the Program Cluster.

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