Script - The Bahamas
Script - The Bahamas
Script - The Bahamas
0:16-0:46 3. Facts about the - [Kuya Jules] The Bahamas, a “The Bahamas…north
(30 seconds) Bahamas 700-island archipelago, is of Cuba.”
- Historical located in the West Indies, on - Map of the
Background the southeast coast of Florida, Bahamas (video
- Population and north of Cuba. This chain that zooms the
- Economy of islands is well-known for its Bahamas (from
- Languages pristine beaches, turquoise world map to the
Spoken waters, and its maritime Caribbean, to
history. the Bahamas)
“This chain…”
[Kristine] The Lucayan
- The emcees are
people of the Americas were
its original inhabitants and the
walking towards
languages spoken in the the camera
country are English and while saying
Bahamian Creole their lines.
Short Narration
2:31-3:00 seconds 9. 10 out 10 “Come and join us spilligating here in after the line:
students dancing the Bahamas!” papalayo sa dancers ang
Junkanoo + Final bye bye pagshoot
Scene - magwave ang
(ishout ng lahat) dancers sa cam
include cc kung ano
meaning ng spilligating
(Bahamian creole)
1 paragraph not yet done