Script - The Bahamas

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Timestamp Scene Script/Spiel Video Clip/ Sound

0:001-0:10 1. Quickly-Flashing N/A Upbeat Bahamian
images of the Music (percussions)
Bahamas Dance,
People, Flag, preferably close-up
Festivals, Foods, shots of the mentioned
Historical elements to add a more
Landmarks dramatic effect
0:11-0:15 2. Intro- Philippine - Welcome to The Beat drop from the
Science High Bahamas (Voiceover) previous clip’s
School Logo + percussion bg
+ Activity Title: Dramatic sound effects
Presentation – “welcome to the
Welcome to The Bahamas”
Bahamas” - show the ocean and
then the coast where the
dancers are dancing
- over time, the volume
of the bg music

0:16-0:46 3. Facts about the - [Kuya Jules] The Bahamas, a “The Bahamas…north
(30 seconds) Bahamas 700-island archipelago, is of Cuba.”
- Historical located in the West Indies, on - Map of the
Background the southeast coast of Florida, Bahamas (video
- Population and north of Cuba. This chain that zooms the
- Economy of islands is well-known for its Bahamas (from
- Languages pristine beaches, turquoise world map to the
Spoken waters, and its maritime Caribbean, to
history. the Bahamas)

“This chain…”
[Kristine] The Lucayan
- The emcees are
people of the Americas were
its original inhabitants and the
walking towards
languages spoken in the the camera
country are English and while saying
Bahamian Creole their lines.

Smoother but upbeat

Bahamian Music
0:47- 0:57 4. 3 out 10 students N/A Background Music:
Junkanoo Increase upbeat music
(Transition) volume
0:58-1:23 5. Customs of the Background Music:
(25 seconds) Bahamas [Kristine] Here are the festivals and Festive Music
● Junkanoo traditions in The Bahamas!
● Regattas Setting: Beach or
● Conch Cracking [Kristine] The Junkanoo and Goombay School (if allowed)
Summer Festivals both highlight the
● Goombay
beauty of Bahamian culture and
Summer Festival *Show pics of the
traditions, such as music and dance.
festival/tradition while
[Kuya Jules] Moreover, the Long
narrating (4 secs per
Island Regatta and Conch Cracking pic)
Festival occur in a series of events
which include boat racing and conch *Clips of the tour
cracking. guides presenting the
festivals and traditions
to the tourists should be
1:24-1:39 6. National Items [Kuya Jules] Now let’s move on to the tourist's point of view,
(18 seconds) ● Yellow Elder most cherished items of the country. the emcees will serve as
(National [Kuya Jules] The Yellow Elder serves
the tour guides
Flower) as the Bahamas’ national flower and the
● Lignum Vitae Lignum Vitae as their national tree. bg music: slow
(National Tree) traditional Bahamian
● Flamingo music
[Kristine] Along with these are their
(National Bird)
national bird and national fish, the
● Blue Marlin flamingo and the blue marlin.
(National Fish)

1:40-2:10 7. 3 out 10 students N/A The tourists will be

(30 seconds) dancing shown and then the
Junkanoo and dancers will invite the
teaching the tourists to come and
tourists join the dance

* the dancers will then

act like they’re teaching
the tourists how to
dance Junkanoo

* slowmo on the part

where the dancers will
assist the tourists in
wearing the headdress
2:11-2:30 seconds 8. Tourist Spots [Kuya Jules] Vast crystal clear waters Film the tourists taking
(16 seconds) ● Exuma Cays and white-sand beaches. The main eye videos (close-up)
candies that will surely welcome you as
Land and Sea you reach the Bahamas. An island life
Park that almost everyone dreams of, with Show Images and Short
● Grand Bahama only nature as your company. Clips
● Treasure Cay (tourist mag voiceover) * Transition from one
Beach, Great clip to another should
Abaco Island be like a rolling film
(parang from the lens of
the tourist’s camera)

Short Narration
2:31-3:00 seconds 9. 10 out 10 “Come and join us spilligating here in after the line:
students dancing the Bahamas!” papalayo sa dancers ang
Junkanoo + Final bye bye pagshoot
Scene - magwave ang
(ishout ng lahat) dancers sa cam
include cc kung ano
meaning ng spilligating
(Bahamian creole)

1 paragraph not yet done

—------------------------------------------------------------ THE END —---------------------------------------------------------

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