Ems Tractionline Manual 4.0
Ems Tractionline Manual 4.0
Ems Tractionline Manual 4.0
All inforff.3tion oontainej in this doc111ent is tt.? property of Electrical & N.3chi�ry SP.noiO?s ltd aoo flllst oot be repr00110!d 11itbl11t writen perr,ission.
For iflforff.3tion regarding the Traction-line Wi n ch .lissist systi?11 ph: -1617·3&..S·36SS
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Machine Layout ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.2 Principal Dimensions .................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Specifications ................................................................................................................................................ 6
1.4 Technical Description ................................................................................................................................... 7
1.5 Machine Suitability ....................................................................................................................................... 7
2. Operating Information ....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1 Control System ............................................................................................................................................. 9
2.1.1 Home Screen ......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 Communication System ...................................................................................................................... 10
2.1.3 Automatic Mode ................................................................................................................................. 11
2.1.4 Manual Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 12
2.1.5 Rope Fleet Mode..... ............................................................................................................................ 13
2.1.6 Speed Adjustment .............................................................................................................................. 14
2.1.7 Monitors ............................................................................................................................................. 15
2.1.8 Alarms ................................................................................................................................................. 16
2.1.9 Emergency Shut Down ........................................................................................................................ 17
2.1.10 Machine Servicing ............................................................................................................................. 19
2.1.11 Park Brake Test ................................................................................................................................. 20
2.1.12 Speed Mode & Rope Length Unit ..................................................................................................... 21
2.1.13 Password ........................................................................................................................................... 22
2.1.14 SSM Walking Away Warning ............................................................................................................. 23
2.2 Personnel .................................................................................................................................................... 26
2.2.1 The Operator ...................................................................................................................................... 26
2.2.2 The Crew ............................................................................................................................................. 26
2.3 Safe Working Limits .................................................................................................................................... 27
2.3.1 Break-Away Switch ............................................................................................................................. 27
2.3.2 Isolator Button .................................................................................................................................... 28
2.3.3 Machine Stability Factors.................................................................................................................... 29
2.3.4 Slope & Deflection .............................................................................................................................. 31
2.3.5 Hazards & Slope Management ........................................................................................................... 32
3. Maintenance .................................................................................................................................................... 33
3.1 Isolation ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
3.2 Greasing...................................................................................................................................................... 33
3.3 Drive Unit Servicing .................................................................................................................................... 34
3.4 Wire Rope Maintenance and replacement ................................................................................................ 35
3.5 Maintenance Schedule ............................................................................................................................... 36
4. Rigging Register ................................................................................................................................................ 37
4.1 Rigging Schematic ....................................................................................................................................... 37
5. Warranty .......................................................................................................................................................... 44
6. Pre-Start Check Sheet ...................................................................................................................................... 45
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
1. Introduction
The EMS TractionLine winch is designed as a versatile traction assist platform, installed on a
forestry guarded excavator. Allowing tethered machinery up to 45 tonnes, to work on slopes
of up to 45 degrees.
With unparalleled line pulling capacity and multiple safety redundancies, the dual drum
design enables safe and efficient mechanical felling, of terrain far steeper than conventional
methods allow.
For safety and peace of mind, two 7/8” power swaged ropes connect the tethered machine
to the anchored winch machine. With two multi disk‐pack brakes and four large
diameter disc brakes, the Traction‐Line winch has ample brake holding capacity in an
emergency situation, even in the event of hydraulic failure. While the twin high ratio
planetary drives provide up to 32 tonnes of line pull.
All functions are controlled by a unique CAN‐bus control system, monitoring line speed,
drum capacity and line tension through hydraulic pressure, with all information and
warnings available to the tethered machine operator via a radio link system.
1.1 Machine Layout
3 4 5
2 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
1.2 Principal Dimensions
954 980
1431 2074
1.3 Specification
General ........................................................................................................................................
Winch Unit Weight ...................................................................................................... 4750 kg
Total Rope Weight ....................................................................................................... 2093 kg
Rope Capacity (per drum) .............................................................................................. 350 m
Drive .............................................................................................................................................
Line Pull max (per drum) ............................................................................................ 9600 kgf
Line Pull max (total) .................................................................................................. 19200 kgf
Line Speed max ............................................................................................................ 3.8 kph
Braking Holding ...........................................................................................................................
Multi disk‐pack capacity (max) ................................................................................. 17300 kgf
Disk rotor/ calipers (max) ......................................................................................... 17800 kgf
Brake Holding max (total)......................................................................................... 35100 kgf
Power requirements ...................................................................................................................
Pressure ...................................................................................................................... 245 BAR
Flow ............................................................................................................................. 250 lpm
Power ........................................................................................................................... 100 kw
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
1.4 Technical Description
The TractionLine winch system is connected to the base machine via four lines – three
hydraulic (pressure, tank and case drain) and one cable (also routed through a hydraulic
hose) for the electronics.
The various functions of the winch are controlled by an electro‐hydraulic valve bank located
under the valve cover on the left hand side of the winch, which is in turn controlled by the
winch electronic control module. Signals are fed to the head module via CANbus from the
base machine’s onboard computer.
Two power‐swaged 7/8” wire ropes tether the felling machine to the winch system. With a
breaking load of 51.5 tonne per rope, provide an ample safety factor and exceed ACoP
Line pull is provided by two heavy duty planetary drive units working in parallel, with
integrated counter balance valves and multi‐disk brake units. A combined line pull of 32
tonnes can be achieved at low speed (full displacement), with a hi‐speed function selectable
for line retrieval under low load situations. Line tension is maintained in both in‐haul and
pay‐out situations via pressure monitoring, with braking applied as necessary.
Dynamic braking capacity, to maintain line tension is directly relative to the maximum line
pull. Plus two additional brake functions, Including integrated mechanical brakes in each
drive unit, with a total line holding capacity of 17.3 tonnes. And four large diameter disk
brakes with spring applied callipers, providing a total line holding of 17.8 tonnes. Both the
mechanical disk packs and callipers are spring applied and hydraulically released, and are
automatically applied in an emergency situation or in the event of hydraulic failure.
1.5 Steep Slope Harvester (SSM)‐Machine Suitability
The TractionLine winch set has been specifically designed and manufactured to provide
traction assistance to a suitable steep slope harvesting machine (SSM).
Electrical & Machinery Services Ltd being the manufacturer of the TractionLine winch set
will assist customers in assessing the suitability of a carrier/base machine for the traction
assist winch set, taking into consideration the stability and hydraulic requirements
necessary for safe operation.
It is the sole responsibility of the owner/operator of the TractionLine winch set, to ensure
that the steep slope harvesting machine (SSM) being used for felling. Is designed,
manufactured and certified as suitable for steep slope harvesting operations. This must also
include a certified attachment/mounting device for the two tether lines.
All machines that are to be used or tethered to the TractionLine winch set, must be fitted
with suitable levels of cabin/operator protection as detailed in section 6 of the Approved
Code of Practice for health and safety in forest operations.
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
2.1 Control System
The Slope Assist Winch system uses two CAN‐bus controllers, installed in the SAW and SSM
machines communicating via a wireless link.
This provides the SSM operator with on the fly tension control adjustment, to suit varying
ground/slope conditions. Plus real time monitoring of the winch functions.
The illustration below details the onboard winch control interface. The operator can
navigate between different functions by pressing the button next to the corresponding icon.
2.1.1 Home Screen
Tools Menu
Park Brake
Operating Hours
Pressing “OK to continue” from the initial start‐up screen opens the Home screen. Here
icons of both the SAW and SSM machines are displayed, as well as their individual coms
units. Green arrows above each icon indicate all systems are functioning/communicating
correctly. The buttons to the left of the screen open the Tools menu (spanner) and toggle
the park brake (P).
2.1.2 Communication System
Communication between the Slope Assist Winch and Steep Slope Machine is maintained via
transmitter/receiver modules mounted onboard each machine. In the case of a malfunction
of the communication or control systems, an error icon (!) will appear at the bottom right
corner of the screen plus an audible warning. The park brake will automatically be applied
and winch functions will be suspended until the error is cleared.
Selecting the error icon will display the relevant error on screen allowing the operator to
quickly diagnose the fault and fix accordingly. The reset option must be selected from the
error menu to re‐initialise the system.
Note; In the case of a communication fault, a red cross in the home screen will indicate the
specific area.
Note; Correct procedure must be observed in an error situation, specifically if the operator
must leave the SSM cabin to fix the problem. Harvesters lowered and disabled.
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
2.1.3 Automatic Mode
From the SSM controller home screen, the operator engages Automatic mode by pressing
and holding the “Auto” Button. As the button is held the drums will inhaul until the pre‐set
“tension before Auto” parameter is reached, at which point the system will engage Auto
mode. The “tension before Auto” is set in the “adjust tensions menu”.
From the Auto mode screen, several real time values are displayed as illustrated below.
"Auto" must be
pressed and
held untill
tension is achived.
The Target tension gauge displays the current "(X)m Remaining" displays the current
tension level selected by the operator. This can be rope capacity on the drum with the
adjusted as required by toggling the Increase/ least rope remaining.
Decrease buttons on the lever key pad.
The winch icon displays the real time tension load of individual Park Brake
ropes, and the arrows indicate the direction of travel. Showing the
winch in either pay-out or in-haul functions.
2.1.4 Manual Mode
The winch drums can be manually wound in or paid out from either the SAW or SSM
controllers. Note individual drums can only be operated independently from the Slope Assist
Winch machine controller. Drums are controlled by the corresponding buttons on the right
of the screen, four buttons for individual control and two when paired. Drums will be
limited to the tension and speed pre‐sets specified in the tools menu.
Turtle Speed
Mode is selected
Control Outhaul
For manual operation of the winch system, select “Drum Selections” From the Tools menu.
Options to control the two drums together or independently can be selected, or control of
the rear guy‐rope. Pressing select will enter manual control of the selected drum option.
Note; Manual mode should only be used to retrieve or pay‐out rope when the tethered
Steep Slope Machine is not in a position requiring traction assist. The manual control should
never be used to either lower the tethered machine down the slope, or assist the tethered
machine up a slope.
Scroll Button
Return to
Tools menu
Select Button
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
2.1.5 Rope Fleet Mode
The rope fleet mode for the Winch is located in Settings->Service and for the Tethered
Machine it is located in Settings. The Rope Fleet Mode ignores the values from the ultra-
sonic sensors and stops the line meter calculation, and therefore the "low rope remaining
alarm". This alows the machine to winch the rope (In/Out) completely in manual mode
(E.g. for rope replacement or line "end-for-ending").
Return to
Service menu
If the Anchor Machine and Tethered Machine are connected to each other, the operator
needs to activate the Rope Fleet Mode in both machines to be able to use it. A prompt will
appear on the Tethered screen when the Rope Fleet mode is requested on the other end.
Whereas, if they are not connected it only needs confirmation from the Anchor Machine
and could still be used.
2.1.6 Speed Adjustment and Ramp Adjustment
Return to
Tools menu
Important to the smooth operation of the winch system are the ramp on and ramp off
functions, this refers to the period in which the drums accelerate from stationary to
operating speed. These ramp on/off functions are adjusted by selecting “Adjust Timers”
from the tools menu, and can be fine tuned to match the walking behaviour of the SSM.
Return to
Tools menu
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
2.1.7 Monitors
Selecting “Monitor Systems” Displays in real time, the status of both SAW and SSM
machines, the wireless and CAN‐bus speeds, plus the power supply voltage.
Scroll Buttons
Return to
Tools menu
Selecting either “Monitor Inputs” or “Monitor Outputs” displays a real time list of all the
CAN‐bus functions. This allows efficient trouble shooting of system faults, for example a
senor reading outside it normal range.
The scroll buttons are used to move down the list and the “mA” button on the lower left of
the screen toggles the displayed output value between its percentage range and the actual
milliamp value.
Scroll Buttons
Return to
Tools menu
Toggle %~mA
2.1.8 Alarms
A range of alarms must be pre‐set to warn the SSM operator when the winch system is close
to operating outside safe working parameters; these can be adjusted to suit specific
harvesting operations by selecting “Adjust Alarms” from the tools menu. The scroll buttons
allow the operator to select the required alarm to adjust, with both speed and load pre‐sets
in Inhaul and outhaul functions.
Scroll Buttons
Return to
Tools menu
Select Button
Once an alarm is selected, the pre‐set value is adjusted by using the scroll arrows to increase
or decrease to the required value, which is displayed on screen. This indicates the drum rpm
or rope tension that triggers an audible and on screen alarm, if exceeded during operation.
pre-set value
Scroll Buttons
Return to Adjust
Alarms menu
Select Button
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
2.1.9 Emergency Shut Down
The screen will then inform the operator to reset the machine.
The Park Brake will not be applied in emergencies such as Movement, Communication
faults, Engine water and Drum Sensor faults but the program will quit Auto-mode and
requires resetting.
In emergencies such as Over-speed and Over-load, Park Brakes will not be applied,
However the program stays in Auto-Mode until the emergency situation has been
2.1.9 Emergency Shut Down
The emergency shut down button on SSM screen will shut down the SAW machine if pressed.
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
2.1.10 Machine Servicing
The operator will be notified when the machine requires servicing. The first service is required
at 500 hours. Subsequent service intervals are at 1000 hour intervals during normal
The system will need to be updated once the machine has been serviced. This setting
can be found in "Service" menu. Once the system is updated, it will stop notifying the
operator until the next service is due.
Return to
Service menu
2.1.11 Park Brake Test
Park brake needs to be tested as a part of regular servicing. This setting can be found
in "Service" menu.
Return to
Service menu
Disable park
brake test
When enabled, the operator will be able to manually winch with the park brake
applied. This allows a visual check to confirm the park brake is fuctioning
correctly, Note; Drums should remain stationary with park brake applied with up
to 4 ton of load displayed. Brake lining wear indicators on individual calipers
should also be checked at this time.
Winch Buttons
Park Brake
is applied
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
2.1.12 Speed Mode and Rope Length Unit
The default Speed Mode can be set to either Rabbit or Turtle. This setting can be found in
"Adjust Systems" menu.
Return to
Adjust Systems
Rabbit selection
The rope-remaining unit can be set to either metric or imperial. This setting can be found in
"Adjust Systems" menu.
Return to
Adjust Systems
Imperial unit
2.1.13 Password
Settings can only be changed with the correct password. Most of the settings can
be accessed with operator password. Password can be entered in "Adjust Systems"
menu. Please contact Electrical and Machinery Services Ltd if password is required.
Return to
Tools menu
Park brake test can only be enabled with factory password. A notification will
appear if attempting to enable without entering the correct factory password.
Please contact Electrical and Machinery Services Ltd if your machine requires a park
brake test.
Return to
Adjust Systems
Enable park
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
2.1.14 SSM Walking Away Warning
Both SSM and SAW screens will automatically show a three second warning if SSM
operator drives away whilst radio communications are active but Auto Mode has not
been engaged. The warning will only appear once every half an hour even though the
operator drives away more often. Therefore, the operator can keep working without
constant interruptions and the system will still remind him regularly.
Note; This event can occur if the operator has ceased work, the lines are still attached
to the SSM then recommences work without selecting Auto Mode.
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
Operating Information
Serious Injury or death could result if the operating and maintenance procedures described in
this manual are not adhered to.
This machine must not be operated by persons who are fatigued, or under the influence of any
performance impairing substances (drugs or alcohol).
Deflected wire ropes under tension pose a risk of serious injury or death to operators and
bystanders. Operator cabins/ window glazing must be guarded to meet OSH requirements, and
bystanders must be kept away at least 70 meters.
At the start of each shift the winch unit must be greased as detailed in section 3.2 (page
25/28) and inspected for:
Leaking or damaged hoses/fittings.
Loose fasteners.
Uniform wearing of brake rotors and brake pad condition.
Warping/excessive run out of brake rotors.
Debris covering rope‐wrap proximity and speed sensors.
Free and smooth rotation of both drive units.
Free and smooth rotation of both carrier bearing units.
Other signs of wear/fatigue.
Wear or fatigue of wire ropes.
2.2 Personnel
2.2.1 The Operator
The operator must be suitably trained and deemed competent in writing.
As a minimum requirement, the operator will have spent 20 working days operating the
Tether‐Line system on slopes less than 25 degrees before undertaking any further training
on slopes exceeding 25 degrees.
A fully trained operator will hold the following NZQA Unit Standards:
6935 Operate an excavator based tracked machine in a forestry situation.
6947 Bunch tree lengths for extraction or processing.
6941 Demonstrate knowledge of forest mechanised harvesting and processing.
1231 Prepare wire ropes for harvesting operations.
TBD DKO cable secured excavator operational capabilities and limits.
The Steep Slope Harvester operator has a responsibility to maintain their personal fitness
for work, and not operate the machinery when known to be fatigued. As a guide it is
recommend that:
The operator will undergo training in fatigue recognition prior to commencement of
A 12‐hour break is provided between work shifts.
The operator shall not work more than 6 successive days.
The operator takes a 15‐minute break every 3 hours.
2.2.2 The Crew
Any crew working in close proximity to the Steep Slope Harvester, must be familiar with the
hazards involved and remain at least 70 meters from the machinery when in operation.
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
2.3.1 Break‐Away & Isolator
Break‐Away switch must ALWAYS be enabled During Steep Slope Harvesting operations
The Slope Assist Winch system is fitted with a break‐away switch located under the
hydraulics bracket, at the rear of the machine. This links the winch machine to a static
anchor point in the ground and activates a switch if the winch machine moves, warning the
Steep Slope Machine operator and applying the park brake.
The Break‐away system functions by pulling and triggering an onboard switch if the winch
machine creeps forward while in operation. This is achieved by anchoring one end of the
break‐away line to a stump or stake firmly placed in the ground behind the winch machine.
In the event the break‐away switch is triggered, an alarm will sound in the SSM machine and
park brakes will be dynamically applied.
2.3.2 Isolation Button
An Isolation Button is mounted on the Cab side of the main hydraulic bracket at the rear of
the winch machine. This provides the facility to completely cut hydraulic power to the winch
system, and applies all the brake systems. Note the Button is located behind the rear valve
guard and is activated by pushing the Button in towards the winch chassis.
It is important the operator is familiar with the location and operation of the hydraulic
isolation Button in case of an emergency situation or critical hydraulic failure/leak.
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
2.3.3 Machine Stability Factors
The Traction‐Line winch system is designed to replace the existing counterweight on an
excavator, maintaining a balance point close to the manufacturer’s specifications. This
provides a versatile anchor machine, maintaining manoeuvrability and allowing the operator
to effectively position winch machine unit for harvesting operations.
A level landing is required to position the Slope assist winch machine with the bucket dug‐in
to provide the primary anchor point. In a situation where the machine is parked on loose or
unstable soil, an additional chain brace can be used to link the arm to the track frame,
limiting the bucket from creeping forward.
The following parameters must be observed when setting up the anchor machine.
An adequately level landing site, with stable soil condition.
Space to position the anchor machine, so wire ropes remain as close to the sloping
surface as possible.
Minimal obstructions to cause interference with radio control link.
An adequate additional anchor point (stump or deadman) as per ACoP 14.3
requirements. (If using the additional anchor winch).
A harvesting plan accounting for the length and incline of the slope. And designed so
as to not exceed the maximum deflection angle detailed.
A bucket to track‐frame chain brace is to be used when operating on loose or
unstable soil.
Normal Operation
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
2.3.4 Slope & Deflection
The traction assistance provided by the TractionLine winch system will allow a steep slope
harvester to safely work on inclines of up to 45 degrees, dependant on the net weight of the
tethered harvester and the ground condition of the slope.
Line pull (per rope) is limited to 16.2 tonnes in accordance with ACoP 6.4.2 specifying a
working load limit of 33 percent of the ropes breaking load.
The table below details the theoretical resultant line pull of a 35 tonne tethered machine in
relation to the slope in degrees, and the traction available. However many factors will
influence the steep slope harvesters performance and traction assist requirements,
including track shoe specification etc.
As a guide, ground condition affects the Tractive effort as follows;
% 100 ‐ 90 TE‐ Dry, load bearing ground.
% 90 ‐ 70 TE‐ Brown earth under moderate climatic conditions.
% 70 ‐ 50 TE‐ Soil with high clay content under wet conditions.
% 50 – 0 TE ‐ Wet soft/boggy ground.
2.3.5 Hazards & Slope Management
It is important the operator is familiar with the slope to be harvested before operations
begin. Where possible a harvesting pattern detailed in the illustration below is preferable,
keeping the tethered machine’s track frame parallel to the wire ropes. Working with the
track frame perpendicular to the slope compromises the stability provided by the tether
system and also causes premature wear to the tethered machine’s track assemblies.
Where possible the operator should maintain a straight line between the tethered and
anchor machines. However if a stump must be used as a deflection point, a guide is
provided in the illustration below. Large deflection angles will increase the potential for an
emergency situation should the stump pull out and prematurely wear the wire ropes, the
anchor machine should be repositioned, or the tethered machine use an alternative
approach to avoid this situation.
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
3 Maintenance
3.1 Isolation.
Before any maintenance is undertaken, the base machine MUST be isolated. The bucket should
be lowered to the ground with slack ropes on a flat, level site. The base machine switched OFF
and the ignition key REMOVED. Any diagnostics performed while the machine is running must be
carried out by a trained hydraulic technician, noting the Isolation Button on the winch hydraulics
3.2 Greasing.
Greasing should be carried out with the bucket lowered to the ground and the wire ropes slack.
The base machine should be switched OFF, and the ignition key REMOVED.
A greasing schedule is provided at the end of this section, indicating locations of greasing
points and required frequency of application. Failure to adhere to this schedule may void
Recommended lubricants are:
Caltex Starplex HD 2
Castrol SBX2
Mobil Mobilgrease Moly 52
Shell Retinax HDX 2
Or equivalent NLGI grade 2 EP grease.
3.3 Drive Unit Servicing
The two drive units used in the winch system are comparable to conventional track drives,
and have similar servicing requirements.
The drives are mounted inside the drums and use the internal drum cavity as a sump/oil
reservoir. The six slots/service ports around each drives mounting bolts, allow access to the
½’’ BSPT drain/fill plugs. With the drum rotated so one of the three plugs is at its lowest
point, the drive unit can be serviced using the drain/fill tool illustrated below.
Recommended Gear Oil: Use SAE 90~140 (API) and GL‐3~GL‐4 (oil), 20L per drum required.
Gear oil replacement period:
Drain/fill tool
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
3.4 Wire Rope Maintenance & Replacement
Well maintained wire ropes are integral to the safe operation of the TractionLine winch
The winch drums use a semi‐helical lagging system to ensure the ropes fleet correctly and
are designed to accommodate both right and left laid 7/8”ropes as long as one full drum
wrap is maintained. Each drum has a 350 meter rope capacity.
The ropes on the TractionLine require:
A rigging Register, identifying the various components with ropes and termination
parts, plus any blocks, chains, shackles etc used in the operation of the winch
system. Including replacement or retest dates and procedures for testing. (A register
is included for base components as part of the service history in the back of this
manual, including safe working load (SWL) parameters.
The rated breaking load of the wire ropes must exceed the maximum operating
weight of the tethered machine.
The maximum Safe Working Load is calculated by applying a safety factor of 3:1 to
the breaking load of the wire ropes.
All shackles must have a safe working load greater than that of the wire rope.
All rope eyes and terminations must be formed by an approved wire rope company.
There shall be no knots tied in any ropes used for the steep slope harvesting
Replacement ropes require a L7 7/8” Rope Ferrule for drum engagement, as detailed in the
image below. Where possible new ropes should be wound onto the drums under moderate
tension to promote correct fleeting.
3.5 Maintenance Schedule
Greasing Schedule.
The following points require greasing at the intervals stated. Note; Tower and rigging
configurations may vary depending on installation requirements, some tower sheaves are
fitted with maintenance free bearings.
x2 Carrier Bearings
x8 Brake Caliper slides
x2 Bushings
Routine Maintenance Required;
Start of Every Shift:
Visual inspection for leaking or damaged hoses/fittings, loose fasteners, and signed
of excessive wear.
Visual check rope ends/shackles and drums correctly fleeting.
Clean/remove any debris accumulating around sensors.
250 Hours
Grease Blocks/Sheaves.
500 Hours
Grease carrier bearings & Brake calliper slides.
Yearly or 1000 hours
Service drive units as detailed in section 3.3.
Replace Case‐Drain filter (12S210QEBNKG121)
Date 20/09/2016
Edition 4.0
Designed by C Starling
4.1 Rigging Schematic
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 1 TRACTIONLINE-WINCH TractionLine Winch Assembly
2 2 W22025KPS 7/8" 6x25 Power Swaged rope 2x 350m lenghts
3 2 SKGCS022 Closed Spelter Socket 20-22mm (line ender)
4 2 SBD280FPR Shackle Flush Pin 110 16t FB
5 2 G8CH26S Chain 26mm GRADE 80 SHORT LINK (2x 3-6m
6 2 SGB380HLS Shackle Galv Bow Safety 13.5t
7 2 SGB650HLS Shackle Galv Bow Safety 42.5t
NOTE; The components supplied/detailed in the TractionLine rigging schematic, have been
selected specifically for the traction assist operation. All components have certified safe
working load parameters designated to comply with the Approved Code of Practice for
Safety and Heath in Forestry Operations, in accordance with section 6.4 “WINCH‐ASSISTED
HARVESTING ON STEEP SLOPES”. Replacing rigging components with un‐certified parts or
failure to maintain components as detailed in this manual, could compromise the safety of
the system, Voiding warranty and possibly resulting in damage, injury or death.
NOTE; The following testing and compliance certificates are indicative examples only as
manufacturing batch numbers will vary. Winch specific versions are available on request, for
rigging components as delivered. If a specific certificate is required contact Electrical &
Machinery services with the winch serial number and the component stamping code.
Electrical and Machinery Services Ltd being the manufacturer of the Forestry Cable Harvesting equipment
branded “TractionLine” and referred to within the documents as “TractionLine” do warrant the following.
TractionLine, warrants that its Products shall be free from defects in materials and workmanship for the
specific periods of time set forth herein and as follows. All components included in the TractionLine drum set
are warranted for the period of one year or 2000 machine hours, commencing from the date of delivery,
whichever occurs first.
Ropes and rigging are excluded from this warranty and therefore no warranty is offered or implied on these
Tractionline provides repair, replacement or adjustment of the product as the sole and exclusive remedy, if
and only if the warranty set forth herein properly is invoked and applies. TractionLine, at its sole option, shall
repair, replace, or adjust, free of charge, any defective products covered by this warranty which shall be
returned with TractionLine’s prior authorization (which shall not be unreasonably with held), properly packed,
to TractionLine’s place of business at 60 Riri Street, Rotorua, New Zealand, or to an authorized TractionLine
repair facility, all costs, insurance and freight pre paid by the customer. TractionLine shall not be liable for any
repairs, replacement, or adjustments of products covered by this warranty, except those made pursuant to
this paragraph and with TractionLine‘s prior written consent.
The warranty set forth above is exclusive and is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed, implied, statutory, or
otherwise with respect to the products or as to the results which may be obtained there from, and all implied
warranties or conditions of quality or of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose or against
infringement. The foregoing shall constitute the sole and exclusive remedy for any breach by TractionLine of its
Genuine TractionLine parts are the factory‐ re commended replacement parts for your TractionLine system.
Any damage or injury caused by the use of other than genuine TractionLine parts may not be covered by the
TractionLine warranty, and will constitute misuse of the TractionLine product.
You are solely responsible for the safe use of the product. TractionLine does not and cannot make any
guarantee or warranty regarding the safe use of the product in your environment.
If a used carrier is to be selected as the carrier for the TractionLine drum set, hydraulic oil sampling may be
undertaken prior to the installation of the TractionLine equipment.
If the resultant oil sample does not test to an acceptable standard and corrective action is not taken or is not
to an approved TractionLine standard, then TractionLine reserve the right to revoke any warranty on the
hydraulic components.
Operator: Date From : To:
Felling Machine: Forest/Site Compartment:
Start Up Check List Ok Not Ok Inspection Results – Comments
Rope & Attachments
Rope Wear
Chain Bridle
Wire Ropes
Winch Machine
Tower/Block Damage
Winch Mounts
Adequate greasing
Excavator electrics
Oil Leaks
Adequate fuel/Oil levels
Parked correctly
Steep Slope Machine (SSM)
Oil levels
Water levels
Fluid Leaks
Tether mounting
Remote control system
Guarding Damage
Track Gear
Hazard Assessment
Steep Slope Hazard Assessment and Identification Table