Comparative Chart
Comparative Chart
Comparative Chart
EU and UK
immigrants in
retirement age are
automatically eligible
for SNS coverage.
However they come
from other country
they have to pay
health insurance
coverage. It doesn’t
cover every medical
Doctors work either Health centres are The government of If anyone is not
in public health located in every Spain will work eligible for public In case of
centers or private region with during the next years healthcare they have emergencies people
institutions, they multidisciplinary to improve the to pay a private can go to their
offer both so you teams. It has been capacities of the healthcare insurance nearest casual
have to specify which decentralized since National health or pay all medical department or
type you want. If you 2002 which gave the System and provide it costs. There are “urgencies” and
want to be seen by a regional authorities with characteristics institutions that under Spanish law in
specialist you have to the autonomy to plan that answer the provide both public an emergency
wait long times so it and improve the demands of the and private situation any
is faster with private system in terms of present society to healthcare services. It organization is
insurance. Health infrastructure and create a health is mainly used to required to attend
centers have a technology, it helped system that balances avoid the large list of and hospitals
variety of medical to provide a better healthcare and waiting to see Special care is
workers, and equal access to preventive activities specialist in the provided in specialist
paediatricians, the system in every to promote health. public system. care centres
nurses, part of the country.
gynaecologists, and
physiotherapist etc.
Due to the fact that Despite the country's Access to the health PUBLIC NATIONALS AND EX-
MALI the country is in a economic difficulties, system is complex, INSTITUTIONS PATS
serious situation of the World Bank in since there is no The health service is
order due to a coup partnership with health system that In Mali, the only limited for locals;
d'état, health UNICEF has created regulates services, public hospitals were foreigners are not in
coverage is null, the contingency plans to there are no those in Gao, Kidal the country's health
inhabitants of the make health costs hospitals or clinics (North) and its plan.
national territory do more accessible, so specialized in medical capital: Bamako.
not have a health that the population care, and there is no However, due to the KIDS
system that covers can receive decent high-tech equipment armed conflict Children's health is a
medical emergencies care. Children are the for critical emergency resulting from a priority for Unicef.
priority, since they care. coup, these hospitals
are more exposed to have become victims
diseases and severe of abandonment and YOUNG ADULTS
malnutrition. embezzlement. They receive very
These hospital limited health
centres have been services from the
taken over by groups ICRC and Doctors
such as the ICRC Without Borders.
(International MIDDLE AGE
Committee of the ELDERLY
Red Cross), Doctors They receive very
Without Borders and limited health
the UN (United services from the
Nations ICRC and Doctors
Organization), which, Without Borders
being neutral
organizations, allow
the inhabitants to
acquire minimal
access to Health.
There are very few
cases where firearm
injuries are treated
due to the few
resources available
to these medical