(P) Work, Power & Energy Exercise
(P) Work, Power & Energy Exercise
(P) Work, Power & Energy Exercise
Work done by tension
m F W = T . d = Tdcos= W = 0
B circular arc
Q.3 The displacement x of a body of mass 1kg on
(A) FR (B) FR (C) (D) horizontal smooth surface as a function of
2 2 4
time t is given by x = t4/4. The work done in
the first one second is–
1 1 3 5
(A) J (B) J (C) J (D) J
4 2 4 4
R Sol.[B] Given:
m F
displacement x =
A 4
A block of mass m is taken from A to B dx
velocity = v= t3
under const. force F. dt
work done w = F . d acceleration a= = 3t2
WAB = F x . R x + F x . R y work done in first one second
= F R cos 0 + FR cos 90 W 1
t 0
= F. d v
1 1
A pendulum of mass m and length is
Q.2 = 0 0
madv = 1 ×3t2 × t3 dt
suspended from the ceiling of a trolley which
has a constant acceleration a in the horizontal t6
= 3 = 1J
direction as shown in figure. Work done by 6 2
the tension is (In the frame of trolley) – 0
f = µ mg
retardation a = µg When mass released suddenly
from v2 = u2 + 2as 1
(i) mgx = kx2
0 = v2 – 2µg S 2
v2 2mg
Stopping distance S = So x = (maximum compression)
2 µg k
(ii) At equilibrium the compression will be
Fill in the blanks type questions half of maximum compression.
X= (in equilibrium)Ans.
(Only single correct answer type W= f .d = f .v .t
questions) = mg sin × vt ×
30 1 1
= (30) (1) = 9 N-m (C) m/s (D) m/s
100 2 2
W = . = (9) () Joule
= 28.3 J
Q.2 A small block of mass m is kept on a rough
inclined surface of inclination fixed in an m
elevator. The elevator goes up with a uniform mg
velocity v and the block does not slide on the
When spring lowered very slowly then
wedge. The work done by the force of friction
mg = kx
on the block in time t will be –
(A) zero mg 0.5 10
x = = k = 50
k k
(B) mgvt cos2
When ball permitted to fall instead
(C) mgvt sin2
(D) mgvt sin 2 then
Sol.[C] 1 2 2mg
kx = mgx x= = 20 cm
2 k
(uniform velocity)
Elevator V
x = 2a
mg sin
amplitude a = 10 cm vmax = a
k 10 50
= a = × =1
m 100 0 .5
force of friction f = mg sin
work done by friction force f in time t Q.4 A ball loses 15% of its kinetic energy when it
bounces back from a concrete floor. When it
is thrown vertically downward with a speed
v0 from a certain height h, it bounces back to
the same height .Then, if we neglect air
resistance, the speed v0 should be –
(A) zero (B) 3gh / 17
Q.6 A particle falls from rest under gravity. Its
(C) 6gh / 17 (D) None of these
potential energy with respect to ground (PE)
Sol.[C] and its kinetic energy (KE) are plotted against
time (t). Choose correct graph-
h PE
v (A) KE (B) KE
from equation of motion
t t
v= v 02 2gh
According to given condition KE PE
1 85 (C) (D)
m ( v 02 + 2gh) × = mgh PE
2 100
17 t t
( v 02 + 2gh) = gh
40 Sol.[B]
17 v 02 + 34 gh = 40 gh u=0
17 v 02 = 6 gh
6gh h
v0 =
P 1
.s ( v32 v13 )
m 3
As, v1 = 0
Rate of work done = power = F . V v2 = v
Rate of work done by gravity = – mgdv. P 1
s v3
up to max. height m 3
From max height to downward = + mgdv. 3P
v3 = s
P m
= k = constant
t v3 = ks
v = k1/3
Q.8 A constant power P is applied to a car starting m 2 m
v = k2/3 s2/3
from rest. If a is the acceleration of the car at 2 2
time t, then- KE s2/3
(A) a t (B) a t
1 1 Q.10 A mass of 1 kg is acted upon by a single force
(C) a (D) a
t t
F (4î 4 ĵ) N. Due to force, mass is
displaced from (0, 0) to (1m, 1m). If initially
the speed of the particle was 2 m/s, its final
Car P = constant
speed should approximately be -
(A) 6 m/s (B) 4.5 m/s
P = F. v v = u + at (C) 8 m/s (D) 7.2 m/s
Sol.[B] Given mass m = 1 kg
or P = F . d v = at Force F = 4 î + 4 ĵ
t Initially u = 2 m/s
1 1
d = ut + at2 , d = at2
2 2
ma. at 2
P= 2
x A
vy = 2 2 4 1 = 10
T When ball is droped suddenly
then mgx = k x2
F = ma 2
M 2mg
Tension in string is F. But for mass M
k 2 mg
Mg = kx =
Q.12 In the figure, the ball A is released from rest k
when the spring is at its natural (unstretched) So miniumum mass m required to lift M is
length. For the block B, of mass M to leave M
contact with the ground at some stage, the m=
minimum mass of A must be –
Q.14 If a man increases his speed by 2 m/sec, his Q.16 A uniform chain of length L and mass M is
K.E. is doubled. The original speed of the lying on a smooth table and one-third of its
man is - length is hanging vertically down over the
(A) (2+ 2 ) m/s (B) (2 + 2 2 ) m/s edge of the table. If g is acceleration due to
(C) 4 m/s (D) (1 + 2 ) m/s gravity, the work required to pull the hanging
part on to the table is-
Sol.[B] If initial speed of man v1 = v then initial
(A) MgL (B) MgL / 3
K.E. = mv2 when vf = ( v + 2) (C) MgL/9 (D) MgL/18
1 1 Sol.[D] Weight of chain of length x = x g
Then m (v + 2)2 = 2 ( mv2) L
2 2
(v + 2)2 = 2v2 Small amount of work done in moving dx to
the top
v2 + 4v + 4 = 2v2
dW = F . dx = F dx = x g dx
v – 4v – 4 = 0
4 16 16
The total amount of work done in moving the
v= one third length of the hanging chain on the
table will be
44 2 L/3 M M L/3
2 W= 0 L
xgdx =
g xd x
Ans. v=2+ 2 2 M x2 MgL
= g =
L 2 18
stretching is – Y
(A) ky2 (a, a)
1 = dy ĵ
(B) k(x2 + y2)
1 O X
(C) k (x + y)2 (a, 0)
1 Hence, W = W1 + W2 = – Ka2
(D) ky (2x + y)
1 2 One or more than one correct
Sol.[D] W1 = Us = kx Part-B
2 answer type questions
W2 = U s = k(x+y)2 Q.19 The potential energy U in joule of a particle
So work done in the second stretching is of mass 1 kg, moving in the XY plane, obeys
the law U = 3x + 4y, where (x, y) are the
1 1
W2 – W1 = k(x+y)2 – kx2 coordinates of the particle in metre. If the
2 2
particle is at rest at (6, 4) at time t = 0, then
W = k (2x + y)y (A) the particle has constant acceleration
(B) the work done by the external force from
Q.18 A force F = –k ( yi + xj ) (where k is a the position of rest of the particle and the
positive constant ) acts on a particle moving instant of the particle crossing X-axis, is 25
in the xy-plane .Starting from the origin, the joule
particle is taken along the positive x-axis to (C) the speed of the particle when it crosses
the point (a,0), and then parallel to the the Y-axis is 10 m/s
y - axis to the point (a,a) .The total work done
(D) the coordinates of the particle at time
by the force F on the particle is– t = 4s are (–18, –28)
(A) – 2ka2 (B) 2ka2 Sol.[A,B,C,D]
(C) – ka2 (D) ka2 Given mass of particle m = 1 kg
Sol.[C] The expression of work done by the variable U = 3x + 4y
force F on the particle is given by Particle is rest at (6, 4) at time t = 0
Ux = 3x Uy = 4y
W= F . d Fx =
dU x
=–3 Fy =
dU y
= –4
In going from (0, 0) to (a, 0) the coordinate of dx dy
x Hence, the work done along the path is : ax = –3; ay = –4
W1 = 0
(kx̂j).dx î = 0 [ ĵ.î = 0] a = a 2x a 2y
at t = 45 sec Select the correct alternative(s) :
Along x-axis (A) Work done by the forces during BC is
1 1
x = uxt + ax t2 x=0– × 3 × 16 zero
2 2
x = – 24 (B) Work done by the forces during AB is
x coordinate x' = – 24 + 6 = – 18 zero
along y-axis (C) Work done by the forces during AB is
1 1 positive
y = uyt + ay t 2 ; y=0– × 4 × 16
2 2 (D)Work done by the forces during OA is
y = – 32 positive (OA is a part of a parabola)
So y-co-ordinate y' = –32 + 45 = – 28
So at t = 4 sec. are (– 18, – 28)
At the time of crossing y-axis
v 2x = u 2x + 2ax × Sx
v 2x = 0 – 2 × 3 × 6 s
vx = – 6 m/s vx = u x + a x t
– 6 = 0 – 3t t = 2 sec. O
From vy = uy + ay t t
vy = 0 – 4 × 2 vy =– 8 m/s Displacement of a forced body
1 2
v= v 2x v 2y = 10 m/s X=S= at ; if u = 0
At the time of crossing x-axis then S t2
v 2x = u 2x + 2ay Sy vy = 0 + 2 4 4 = – 4 2 (A), (B), (D) displacement-time graph &
work done by force
vy = uy + ayt v= v 2x v 2y = 32 18 = 50 1 2
W = F . d = ma × at
– 4 2 = 0 – 4t t= 2 Sec. 2
So W t2
vx = ux + ax t vx = 0 –
3 2 Q.21 A block is suspended by an ideal spring of
1 1 force constant K. If the block is pulled down
mv2 = × 1 × 50 = 25 J
2 2 by applying a constant force F and if
maximum displacement of block from its
Q.20 The displacement-time graph of a body acted initial position of rest is , then
upon by some forces is shown in figure. F 2F
(C) Work done by force F is equal to F
7 24
= u 2 2gh ax = = 1.4 m/s2 ; ay = = – 4.8 m/s2
5 5
maximum negative work done by gravity
ux = 14.4 m/s2 ; uy = 4.2 m/s
2 2
u sin θ
W = F . d = mg × at t = 4 sec
vx = ux + ax t ; vy = uy + ay t
mu 2 sin 2 θ
W= vx = 14.4 + 1.4 × 4 ; vy = 4.2 – 4.8 × 4
vx = 20m/s ; vy = 15 m/s
mu 2 sin 2 θ mu 2 sin 2 θ
Wnet = – + =0
2 2 v = v 2x v 2y = 20 2 15 2 = 25 m/s
By gravity Wnet = 0
same. m
Reason : W = mgh = mg sin µ
Sol.[A] Work done in moving a body over inclined
plane does not depend on slope
because W = mgh = mg sin
The wedge starts moving up from rest with an
acceleration of a = 2m/s2 and the block remains
Q.34 Assertion : For stable equilibrium Force has
at rest with respect to wedge then in 4 sec. of
to be zero and potential energy should be
motion of wedge work done on block (assume
angle of inclination of wedge is = 30º and
Reason : For equilibrium, it is not necessary g = 10 m/s2) –
that the force is not zero. Column I Column II
Sol.[C] For stable equilibrium force should be zero (A) By gravity (P) 144 J
and potential energy should be minimum. (in magnitude)
(B) By normal reaction (Q) 32 J
Part-D Column matching type questions (C) By friction (R) 160 J
(D) By all the forces (S) 48 J
Q.35 A body of mass 72 kg is lifted by 15 m with Sol. A R; B P; C S; D Q
an acceleration of g/10 by an ideal string. If
work done by tension in string is W1, N
magnitude of work done by gravitational 30º
m fs
force is W2, kinetic energy when it has lifted
is K and speed of mass when it has lifted is v a
then : (data in column is given in SI units) 30º
(g = 10 m/s2) Mg
Column-I Column-II 1
ay = 2m / s2; sy = (2)(4)2 = 16 m
(A) W1 (P) 10800 2
(B) W2 (Q) 1080 (A) Wg = – mgh = – (1) (10) (16)
(C) K (R) 11880 = – 160 J (R)
(D) v (S) 5.47 (B) fs cos 30º = N sin 30º
Sol. (A) w1 = 2 m (g + g/10)
11 fs cos = N
= 72 × g g × 15 = 11880 (R) 3
(B) W2 = mgh = 10800 (P)
1 (B) 20 + (x – 2)2 = 49
WN = K = m [(2) (4)]2 – 0 = 32 J
2 (x – 2)2 = 20
= Wg + WN + Wfs
x = (2 5 + 1) = 7.38 (Q)
= – 160 + (N cos 30º)h + (fs sin 30º)h
(A) Maximum value of x is 3.38 m (S)
32 = – 160 + N (16) + N 1 (16)
3 2
N= 6 3
(B) wN = (6 3 ) (16) = 144 J (P)
N 1
(C) wf = (16) = 48 J (S)
3 2
(D) wN = 32 J (Q)
Q.7 An object is attached to a vertical spring and O d B
slowly lowered to its equilibrium position. rod
This stretches the spring by an amount d. If
Beacause for half cycle work done by gravity Integrating the above equation,
is negative and for rest of half is positive. So s ds t
the ring below its initial position. then
= tan = 4/3 3
h x
3L 3 0.8
h= = = 0.6 m Ans.
4 4
Q.17 During the displacement, which of the curves
shown in the graph best represents the
Q.16 A locomotive of mass m starts moving so that
potential energy of spring-block system ?
its velocity varies according to the law
(A) 1 (B) 2
v = k s where k is constant and s is the (C) 3 (D) 4
distance covered. Find the total work Sol.[B]
performed by all the forces which are acting
on the locomotive during the first t seconds m
after the beginning of motion.
Potential energy of spring-block system
Sol. Velocity of locomotive of mass m
velocity v = k 5
U x2
dv 1 ds
acceleration a = =k× ×
dt 2 5 dt
k x
= ×k 5
2 5 1
U= kx2 U x2
k2 2
acceleration a =
Work done by force in the t sec. Q.18 During the displacement, which of the curves
W = F.d shown in the graph best represents the kinetic
1 2 energy of the block ?
=ma . a t
2 (A) 1 (B) 2
k2 1 k2 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
=m × t
2 2 2 1
Sol.[C] K.E. = mv2
m k 4t 2 2
Ans. W=
8 1 1
= m2 (a2 – x2) = k (a2 – x2)
2 2
Part-B Passage based objective questions Q.19 During the displacement, which of the curves
shown in the graph best represents the work
Passage - I (Q. 17 to 21)
done on the spring block system by the
A spring lies along an x axis attached to a wall at
applied force ?
one end and a block at the other end. The block
(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
rests on a frictionless surface at x = 0. A force of
constant magnitude F is applied to the block that
begins to compress the spring, until the block W
comes to a maximum displacement x max.
Work done
dW = Fdx W = Fx Sol.[A] Work required to slide the block (friciton less
) inclined and put it at the top
Q.20 During the first half of the motion, applied W = mg sin × S
force transfers energy- 200 3 .2
= × 10 × × 10
(A) more to the kinetic energy 1000 10
(B) more to the potential energy W = 6.4 J Ans.
(C) equal to both
(D) distribution of which depends upon mass Q.24 What will be the speed of the block when it
of the block reaches the ground if it falls off the incline ?
Sol.[C] During first half applies force transfers (A) 2m/s (B) 4 m/s
energy (C) 8 m/s (D) None of these
half in potential T& Half in kinetic Sol.[C] If the block is dropped then speed of block at
the ground
Q.21 If spring constant k = 100 Nm–1, F = 100 N,
v= 2gh
then displacement at which kinetic energy of
the block is maximum is– = 2 10 3.2
(A) 1m (B) 2m = 8 m/s Ans.
1 1
(C) m (D) m
2 4 Q.25 What will be the speed of the block when it
Sol.[A] F = kx reaches the ground if it slides down the
x = F/k incline ?
x = 1 m Ans. (A) 2 m/s (B) 4 m/s
(C) 8 m/s (D) None of these
Passage - II (Q. 22 to 25) Sol.[C] If the block slides down the incline the speed
“Ramu picks small block of mass 200 g and kept of block
it at the top of a frictionless incline which is 10 m 1
mg sin × S = mv2
long and 3.2 m high. There are two ways of 2
carrying the block up. One directly lifting the v = 2g sin S
block and placing at the top of the incline and
other by sliding the block to the top from = 2 10 10
bottom.”(Take g = 10 m/s2)
v = 8 m/s Ans.
= + 2r A – 1r 2 B
2A B
F=– 3
r r2
for equilibrium F = 0
2A B
r r2
r = Ans.
(A) x (B) x A
(A) W1 > W2 > W3 (B) W1 = W2 = W3
(C) W1 < W2 < W3 (D) W2 > W1 > W3
U(x) U(x)
Sol.[C] In a conservation field work done does not
depend on the path. W1 = W2 = W3
(C) x (D) x
Q.5 A block (B) is attached to two unstretched
Sol.[A] dU(x) = – Fdx spring S1 and S2 with spring constants k and
x kx 2 ax 4 4k, respectively (see figure I). The other ends
Ux =
Fdx =
4 are attached to identical supports M1 and M2
2k not attached to the walls. The springs and
U = 0 at x = 0 and at x = ;
a supports have negligible mass. There is no
friction anywhere. The block B is displaced
towards wall 1 by a small distance x (figure Sol.[C]
II) and released. The block returns and moves F
O 3s
(A) 4.50 J (B) 7.50 J
(C) 5.06 J (D) 14.06 J k = 2N/m
m = 0.18 kg
= 0.1
Using W – E theorem
1 1
× m(u)2 = K (x)2 + mg (x)
2 2
Sol. When mass m is released, since M > m, the
mass M will move on a dotted path with O as
the centre. There will be decrease in the
potential energy of M which will be Sol. From conservation of energy
converted into kinetic energy of M, m and
increases in potential energy of m. mg (h + x) = kx2
Decrease in P.E. of M = Mgh
= 2 × 9.8 × 1 = 19.6 J 0.1 × 10 (0.24 × 0.01) = k × .01 × .01
1 0.25 × 2 = k × 10–4
K.E. of M = MV2 (Let V be the velocity
k = 0.5 × 104
attained by M just before striking the wall)
k = 5 × 103
K.E. of m = mv2 Now to compress spring by 0.04 m. Suppose
mass is dropped from height h' then
From the figure, by velocity constant
= V cos mg (h' + x) = kx'2
2 2V
cos = = 1
5 5 0.1 × 10(h' + 0.04) = × 5 × 103 × 0.04 ×
(OC + CA) – OA = height attained by m 0.04
1+ 2 2 12 – 2 = height attained by m 1
h' + .04 = × 5 × 103 × 16 × 10–4
1+ 2 2 12 2 = height attained by m h' + .04 = 4.0 h' = 3.96 m Ans.
= 5 –1
By the principle of energy conservation
30 WT = W1 + W2 = – 0.13 + (– 0.375)
µ = 0.15 for all surfaces Ans. WT = – .0505
acceleration of a body on inclined plane
a = gsin – µgcos Q.4 A body of mass m is hauled from the Earth’s
1 3
surface by applying a force F varying with the
= 10 × – 0.15 × 10 ×
2 2 height of ascent y as F = 2 (ay – 1) mg ,
= 5 – 1.23 = 3.77 m/s2 where a is a positive constant. Find the work
retardation on horizontal surface performed by this force and the increment of
the body’s potential energy in the
a' = µg = 0.15 × 10
gravitational field of the Earth over the first
a = – 1.5 m/s2 half of the ascent.
body covers 50 cm on horizontal. Sol. Given F = (ay – 1) mg where a = constant
v2 = u2 + 2as m = mass of particle F = 2 (ay – 1) mg
0 = u2 – 2 × 1.5 ×
u2 = 1.5 u
= 1.5 m/s2
At height y from earth surface small work
Now for inclined plane done to displace slightly by dy
v2 = u2 + 2as dW = Fdy dW = 2(ay – 1) mg dy
1.5 = 0 + 2 × 3.77 × S h
WF = 0 2(ay – 1)mg dy
S= m
2 3.77 h
Gravitation potential energy of particle
= work done by friction
mg (R – cos ) = µ mg cos × S
R(1 – cos ) = µS cos
R (1 cos )
µ cos
by solving above equation, we get
From R (1 – cos ) = µS
2R sin2 = µS if sin = /2
2 2
2 x2
2R . = µS S= Ans
4 2µR