The Call - Jessie Pope
The Call - Jessie Pope
The Call - Jessie Pope
Do you, my laddie?
Do you, my laddie?
The ideal soldier is The soldier is “for the The poet portrays the ideal
portrayed as being trench”, “longs to soldier as one who is brave and
brave charge and shoot” and ready to take on the battlefield.
means to “show his He is someone ready to prove
grit”. This shows his his mettle to others and does
willingness to get on the not hesitate to maim others
battlefield. when needed.
He also is someone The soldier asks “Who’s The soldier wants to go out on
patriotic to his land for the trench” and the battlefield to defeat his foes
“Who’s going out to in order to bring glory to his
win?” country by winning the war. He
will not hesitate to kill if it helps
his country get just a tad bit
closer to winning.
3b. How does the poet portray war?
It is depicted as “Who’ll earn the The poet portrays the fame and
something glorious Empire’s thanks” and glory the soldiers will
(when they win even “Who'll swell the experience when they win and
though there's a victor's ranks” come back to their country and
chance they might get showered in compliments
lose the war) by the Empire and the soldiers
will be able to gasconade.