Sauerdanfoss Series Osp Catalogue en 11007611
Sauerdanfoss Series Osp Catalogue en 11007611
Sauerdanfoss Series Osp Catalogue en 11007611
Load Sensing Steering Units, Priority Valves and Flow Amplifiers
Technical Information
A Wide Range of Steering Components
Sauer-Danfoss is the largest producer in the world of steering components for hydro-
static steering systems on off-road vehicles. Sauer-Danfoss offers steering solutions both
at component and system levels. Our product range makes it possible to cover applica-
tions of all types - ranging from ordinary 2-wheel steering (also known as Ackermann
steering) to articulated steering, complicated 4-wheel steering, automatic steering (e.g.
by sensor) and remote controlled steering via satellite.
We can offer more than 1000 different steering units, 150 different priority valves and
300 different steering columns categorised in types, variants and sizes.
Sauer-Danfoss accepts no responsibility for possible errors in catalogs, brochures and other printed material.
Sauer -Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without prior notice. This also applies to products already
ordered provided that such alterations can be made without affecting agreed specifications. All trademarks
in this material are properties of their respective owners. Sauer-Danfoss, the Sauer-Danfoss logotype, the
Sauer-Danfoss S-icon, PLUS+1™, What really matters is inside® and Know-How in Motion™ are trademarks of the
Sauer-Danfoss Group.
Frontpage: F300 611, F300 612, F300 615, F300 617, F300 620, F300 622, F301 256, F301 470, F300 601. Drawing 151-577
Survey of Literature Detailed data on all Sauer-Danfoss steering components and accessories can be found in
with Technical Data on our steering component catalogues, which is divided in 6 individual subcatalogues:
Sauer-Danfoss Steering
Components • General information Steering components
• Technical data on mini steering units and steer- OSPM and OTPM
ing columns for mini steering units:
• Technical data on open center and closed center OSPB, OSPC, OSPR, and OSPD
steering units:
• Technical data on load sensing steering units, OSPB, OSPC, OSPF, OSPD, OSPQ,
priority valves and flow-amplifiers: OSPL, OSPBX, OSPCX, OSPLX, OLS
and OSQ
• Technical data on valve blocks and steering OTPB, SASA, OVPL and OVR
With reaction steering units any external forces acting on the steered wheels result in
a corresponding movement of the steering wheel when the driver is not steering the
With non-reaction steering units there is no corresponding movement of the steering
wheel when the driver is not steering the vehicle
Load sensing static
and load sensing
dynamic non-
F300614 F300724
OSPC LS: Steering unit load sensing OSPC LS: Steering unit load sensing
with integrated valve functions for in with integrated valve functions for
line priority valve OLS flange on priority valve OLSA
OSPC LSR: Steering unit load sensing OSPF LS : Steering unit full drain load
dynamic with integrated valve func- sensing dynamic and with integrated
tions valve functions
Version OSPD LS: Steering unit load sensing OSPQ LS: Steering unit load sensing
dynamic with 2 rotary meters and dynamic with flow amplification and
with integrated valve functions with integrated valve functions
The OSPD has 2 rotary meters (gear The OSPQ has incorporated amplifica-
wheel sets). Should the pump supply be tion valve. Should pump supply fail or
lost, only one rotary meter is active for the steering wheel speed be less than
emergency steering. In normal steering approximate 10 rev/min only the rotary
situations both rotary meters are active. meter determines the displacement. In
normal steering situations or at higher
steering wheel speed, oil is also led to
the steering cylinder via the built in
amplification valve.
F300612 F300615
Version OSPL LS: Steering unit load sensing for high steering flow, displacement larger
than 500 cm3/rev [30.5 in3/rev].
Load sensing static Load sensing dynamic
non-reaction non-reaction
F301 082
Versions OSPBX LS, OSPCX LS and OSPLX LS: Steering units load sensing for flow amplifiers.
OSPBX LS, OSPCX LS and OSPX LS are load sensing steering units with the L and the R
connections open to tank when in neutral position. OSPBX LS, OSPCX LS and OSPX LS
can only be used with Sauer-Danfoss flow-amplifiers OSQA or OSQB. OSPBX LS, OSPCX
LS and OSPX LS steering units must not be connected directly to the steering cylinder.
OSPCX LS is for OSQ dynamic without pilot pressure relief valve.
Code Numbers and OSPB load sensing static non-reaction steering units
Weights OSPB LS Static steering units have no valve functions.
OSPB LS in the table below have all standard neutral setting springs, see page 24
Code Numbers
Steering unit European version US version Weight
for OLS for OLS
G ½ ¾-16 UNF - O* kg
G ¼ - S** 7/16-20 UNF - O* + S** [lb]
OSPB 50 LS - 150G6085
OSPB 80 LS - 150G6086
OSPB 100 LS - 150G6087
OSPB 125 LS - 150G6088
OSPB 160 LS - 150G6089
OSPB 200 LS 150-0103 150G6090
OSPC 315 LS 150-0104 150-0116
OSPB 400 LS 150-0105 150-0117
O*: O-ring chamfer on port connections
S**: Spot face around port connection
Valve blocks OVP and OVR can be mounted on all of the OSPB steering units from the above table.
Code Numbers and OSPB Load sensing dynamic non-reaction steering units
Weights OSPB LS Dynamic steering units have no valve functions.
OSPB LS in the table below have all standard neutral setting springs, see page 24
Code Numbers
Steering unit US version for OLS Weight
¾-16 UNF - O* [lb]
/16-20 UNF - O* + S**
OSPB 50 LS 150-8204
OSPB 80 LS 150-8205
OSPB 100 LS 150-8206
OSPB 125 LS 150-8207
OSPB 160 LS 150-8208
OSPB 200 LS 150-8209
OSPB 315 LS 150-8210
OSPB 400 LS 150-8211
Code Numbers and OSPC load sensing static non-reaction steering unit
Weights OSPC LS Static steering units in the table below incorporate all the following valve func-
• check valve in P-port
• pilot pressure relief valve
• shock valves
• suction valves
OSPC LS in the table below have all standard neutral setting springs, see page 24
Code Numbers Valve settings
Steering unit European European US version Relief Shock Weight
for OLS and US version for OLS valve valve
for OLSA
G ½ ¾-16 UNF - O* bar bar kg
G ¼ - S** 7
/16-20 UNF - O* + S** [psi] [psi] [lb]
OSPC 80 LS 150-1230 150-1188 150-1222
OSPC 100 LS 150-1231 150-1189 150-1221
OSPC 125 LS 150-1232 150-1190 150-1220
170 225 5.6
OSPC 160 LS 150-1233 150-1191 150-1219
[2465] [3263] [12.35]
OSPC 200 LS 150-1234 150-1192 150-1218
OSPC 315 LS 150-1235 - 150G6091
OSPC 400 LS 150-1240 - -
If you require other port connections, valve combinations and/or other valve set-
tings or other displacements, please fill in the order form on page 24 and contact the
Sauer-Danfoss Sales Organization.
Code Numbers and OSPC load sensing dynamic non-reaction steering units
Weights OSPC LS Dynamic steering units in the table below incorporate all the following valve
• check valve in P-port
• pilot pressure relief valve
• shock valves
• suction valves
• check valve in LS-line for all OSPC LS Dynamic up to and including 200 cm3/rev
OSPC LS in the table below have all standard neutral setting springs, see page 24
Code Numbers Valve settings
Steering unit European European US version Relief Shock Weight
version for and US version for valve valve
G ½ - S** ¾-16 UNF - O* bar bar kg
G ¼ - S** 7
/16-20 UNF - O* + S** [psi] [psi] [lb]
140 200 5.2
OSPC 50 LS 150-8233 150-8222 150-8215
[2030] [2900] [11.46]
OSPC 80 LS 150-8234 150-8223 150-8216
OSPC 100 LS 150-8235 150-8224 150-8217
170 225 5.5
OSPC 125 LS 150-8236 150-8225 150-8218
[2465] [3263] [12.13]
OSPC 160 LS 150-8237 150-8226 150-8219
OSPC 200 LS 150-8238 150-8227 150-8220
OSPC 315 LS 150-8239 - 150-8221
OSPC 400 LS 150-8240 - -
If you require other port connections, valve combinations and/or other valve set-
tings or other displacements please fill in the order form on page 24 and contact the
Sauer-Danfoss Sales Organization.
Code Numbers and OSPC load sensing dynamic reaction steering units
Weights OSPC LSR Dynamic steering units in the table below incorporate all the following valve
• check valve in P-port
• pilot pressure relief valve
• shock valves
• suction valves
• check valve in LS-line
OSPC LSR in the table below have all standard neutral setting springs, see page 24
If you require other port connections, valve combinations, valve settings and/or other
displacements, please fill in the order form on page 24 and contact the Sauer-Danfoss
Sales Organization.
Code Numbers and OSPF load sensing dynamic non-reaction steering units
Weights OSPF LS Dynamic steering units in the table below incorporate all the following valve
• check valve in P-port
• pilot pressure relief valve
• shock valves
• suction valves
OSPF LS in the table below have all soft neutral setting springs, see page 24
If you require other port connections, valve combinations, valve settings and/or other
displacements, please fill in the order form on page 24 and contact the Sauer-Danfoss
Sales Organization.
If you require other port connections, valve combinations, valve settings and/or other
displacements, please fill in the order form on page 24 and contact the Sauer-Danfoss
Sales Organization.
Code Numbers and OSPQ load sensing dynamic non-reaction steering units
Weights OSPQ LS Dynamic steering units in the table below incorporate all the following valve
• check valve in amplification valve, act as check valve in P-port
• pilot pressure relief valve
• shock valves
• suction valves
• check valve in LS-line
OSPQ LS in the table below have all standard neutral setting springs, see page 24
Code Numbers Valve settings
Connections Relief valve Shock valve Weight
Steering unit European version
M 18 x 1.5 - O* + S** bar bar kg
M 12 x 1.5 - O* + S** [psi] [psi] [lb]
OSPQ 80/125 LS 150G8012
170 225 5.5
OSPQ 125/250 LS 150G8011
[2465] [3263] [12.79]
OSPQ 160/320 LS 150G8030
If you require other valve combinations, valve settings and/or other displacements,
please fill in the order form on page 24 and contact the Sauer-Danfoss Sales Organiza-
Code Numbers and OSPL load sensing static non-reaction steering units
Weights OSPL LS Static steering units have no valve functions.
OSPL LS in the three tables below have all strong neutral setting springs, see page24
Code Numbers
Steering unit European US version US version Weight
version for OLS for OLS for OLS and OVPL
G ½ ¾-16 UNF - O* LS - port kg
G ¼ - S** 7
/16-20 UNF - O* + S** 7/16-20 UNF - O* + S** [lb]
OSPL 520 LS 150-7169 150-7167 150-7168
OSPL 630 LS 150-7107 150-7164 150-7113
OSPL 800 LS 150-7108 150-7165 150-7114
OSPL 1000 LS 150-7110 150-7166 150-7115
O*: O-ring chamfer on port connections S**: Spot face around port connection
If you require other displacements or other valve setting, please fill in the order form on
page 24 and contact the Sauer-Danfoss Sales Organization.
OSPL 1200 LS Dynamic steering unit in the table below incorporate all the following
valve function:
• shock valves
• suction valves
OSPL 1200 LS in the table below has strong neutral setting springs, see page 24
Code numbers
Priority valve Connections Valve settings Weight
US version for OLS
3/16 - 16 UNF - O*
If you require other displacements or other valve setting, please fill in the order form on
page 24 and contact the Sauer-Danfoss Sales Organization.
Code Numbers and OSPBX and OSPLX load sensing static steering units for OSQ static
Weights OSPBX LS and OSPLX LS Static steering units in the table below have no valve functions.
OSPBX LS in the table below have all standard neutral setting springs, see page 24
OSPLX LS in the table below have all strong neutral setting springs, see page 24
Code Numbers
Steering unit European version US version Weight
G ½ ¾-16 UNF - O* kg
G ¼ - S** 7/16-20 UNF - O* + S** [lb]
OSPBX 160 LS 150-1082 150-1078
OSPBX 200 LS 150-1083 150-1079
OSPBX 315 LS 150-1084 150-1080
OSPBX 400 LS 150-1085 150-1081
OSPLX 520 LS 150-7170 150-7173
OSPLX 630 LS 150-7171 150-7174
OSPLX 800 LS 150-7172 150-7155
If you require other displacements or other valve setting, please fill in the order form on
page 24 and contact the Sauer-Danfoss Sales Organization.
Specification Table for Fill in your company data and place x’s in the table where appropriate, then send to your
Non Catalogue Numbers Sauer-Danfoss Sales Organisation.
of LS Steering Units
An alternative way to specify a variant is to state an existing code number and add the
modifications, you would like to have implemented in the basic steering unit.
Requested modifications:
Port Thread Versions and The following combinations of port threads and valves are available for OSPC LS/LSR:
Valve Combinations Housings for low flow: 40 - 200 cm3/rev [2.44 - 12.20 in3/rev] gear wheel set.
Threads Valves
For Pilot
Main ports Shock Suction Check valve in LS
LS-port steering pressure
(P, T, L, R) valves valves (only for LS Dynamic)
column relief valve
DIN 3852-2 DIN 3852-2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
M10 x 1,5
G ½ G ¼ w. spot face Yes Yes Yes No
DIN 3852-2 DIN 3852-2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
M10 x 1,5
G ½ w. spot face G ¼ w. spot face Yes Yes Yes No
ISO 6149-1 ISO 6149-1
Yes Yes Yes Yes
M18 x 1,5, M12 x 1,5,
M10 x 1,5
w. O-ring chamfer w. O-ring chamfer
Yes Yes Yes No
and spot face and spot face
ISO 11926-1 ISO 11926-1
Yes Yes Yes Yes
¾ - 16 UNF, 7
/16 - 20 UNF
3/8 - 16 UNC
O-ring boss port O-ring boss port
Yes No No No
and spot face
ISO 11926-1 ISO 11926-1
¾ - 16 UNF, 7
/16 - 20 UNF
M10 x 1,5 Yes Yes Yes Yes
O-ring boss port O-ring boss port
and spot face
Yes Yes Yes Yes
For OLSA For OLSA M10 x 1,5 Yes Yes Yes No
Yes No No No
The following combinations of port threads and valves are available for OSPC LS/LSR:
Housings for high flow: 250 - 400 cm3/rev [15.25 -24.4 in3/rev] gear wheel set.
Threads Valves
For Pilot
Main ports Shock Suction Check valve in LS
LS-port steering pressure
(P, T, L, R) valves valves (only for LS Dynamic)
column relief valve
DIN 3852-2 DIN 3852-2 Yes Yes Yes No
M10 x 1,5
G ½ G ¼ w. spot face No Yes Yes No
DIN 3852-2 DIN 3852-2 Yes Yes Yes No
M10 x 1,5
G ½ w. spot face G ¼ w. spot face Yes No No Yes
ISO 11926-1 ISO 11926-1 Yes Yes Yes No
¾ - 16 UNF, 7
/16 - 20 UNF Yes No No No
/8 - 16 UNC
O-ring boss port O-ring boss port No Yes Yes No
and spot face No Yes No No
ISO 11926-1 ISO 11926-1
Yes Yes Yes No
¾ - 16 UNF, 7
/16 - 20 UNF
M10 x 1,5
O-ring boss port O-ring boss port
Yes No No No
and spot face
For OLSA For OLSA M10 x 1,5 Yes Yes Yes No
Housings with spot face around port connections on main ports cannot be used in con-
nection with OVR angular block.
Port Thread Versions and The following combinations of port threads and valves are available for OSPF LS:
Valve Combinations
Threads Valves
For Pilot
Main ports Shock Suction
LS-port steering pressure
(P, T, L, R) valves valves
column relief valve
DIN 3852-2 DIN 3852-2
M10 x 1,5 Yes Yes Yes
G ½ G ¼ w. spot face
DIN 3852-2 DIN 3852-2
M10 x 1,5 Yes Yes Yes
G ½ w. spot face G ¼ w. spot face
ISO 6149-1 ISO 6149-1
Yes Yes Yes
M18 x 1.5, M12 x 1.5,
M10 x 1,5
w. O-ring chamfer w. O-ring chamfer
No Yes Yes
and spot face and spot face
ISO 11926-1 ISO 11926-1
¾ - 16 UNF, 7
/16 - 20 UNF
/8 - 16 UNC Yes Yes Yes
O-ring boss port O-ring boss port
and spot face
ISO 11926-1 ISO 11926-1
¾ - 16 UNF, 7
/16 - 20 UNF
M10 x 1,5 Yes Yes Yes
O-ring boss port O-ring boss port
and spot face
The following combinations of port threads and valves are available for OSPD LS/LSR:
Threads Valves
For Pilot
Main ports Shock Suction Check valve in LS
LS-port steering pressure
(P, T, L, R) valves valves (only for LS Dynamic)
column relief valve
DIN 3852-2 DIN 3852-2
M10 x 1,5 Yes Yes Yes Yes
G ½ w. spot face G ¼ w. spot face
ISO 6149-1 ISO 6149-1
M18 x 1.5, M12 x 1.5,
M10 x 1.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes
w. O-ring chamfer w. O-ring chamfer
and spot face and spot face
ISO 11926-1 ISO 11926-1
Yes Yes Yes Yes
¾ - 16 UNF, 7
/16 - 20 UNF
O-ring boss port O-ring boss port M10 x 1,5
Yes Yes Yes No
and spot face
Port Thread Versions and The following combinations of port threads and valves are available for OSPQ LS/LSR:
Valve Combinations
(continued) Threads Valves
For Pilot
Main ports Shock Suction Check valve in LS
LS-port steering pressure
(P, T, L, R) valves valves (only for LS Dynamic)
column relief valve
ISO 6149-1 ISO 6149-1
Yes Yes Yes Yes
M18 x 1.5, M12 x 1.5,
M10 x 1.5
w. O-ring chamfer w. O-ring chamfer
No Yes Yes Yes
and spot face and spot face
Housings with spot face around port connections on main ports cannot be used in con-
nection with OVR angular block.
For OSPL, OSPBX, OSPCX and OSPLX only the versions listed in the tables with code
numbers are available.
Technical Data Displacement, flow and pressure: OSPB LS, OSPC LS, OSPC LSR
Common data: Look in sub catalogue: “General Steering Components “
Displacement *Rated oil flow Max. pressure on connections
Steering unit
cm3/rev l/min P bar [psi] T bar [psi] L. R bar [psi]
[in3/rev] [US gal/min]
OSPC 40 LS Static 40 [2.44] 4 [1.06]
OSPB/OSPC 50 LS Static 50 [3.05] 5 [1.32] 140 [2030]
OSPC 60 LS Static 60 [3.66] 6 [1.58]
OSPC 70 LS Static 70 [4.27] 7 [1.85]
OSPB/OSPC 80 LS Static 80 [4.88] 8 [2.11]
175 [2538]
OSPB/OSPC 100 LS Static 100 [6.10] 10 [2.64]
OSPB/OSPC 125 LS Static 125 [7.63] 13 [3.43]
OSPB/OSPC 160 LS Static 160 [9.76] 16 [4.23] 40 [580] 280 [4061]
OSPC 185 LS Static 185 [11.29] 19 [5.02]
OSPB/OSPC 200 LS Static 200 [12.20] 20 [5.28]
OSPC 230 LS Static 230 [14.03] 23 [6.07] 175 [2538]
OSPC 250 LS Static 250 [15.25] 25 [6.60]
OSPB/OSPC 315 LS Static 315 [19.22] 32 [8.45]
OSPB/OSPC 400 LS Static 400 [24.41] 40 [10.57]
OSPC 40 LS Dynamic 40 [2.44] 4 [1.06]
OSPB/OSPC 50 LS Dynamic 50 [3.05] 5 [1.32] 140 [2030]
OSPC 60 LS Dynamic 60 [3.66] 6 [1.58]
OSPC 70 LS Dynamic 70 [4.27] 7 [1.85]
OSPB/OSPC 80 LS Dynamic 80 [4.88] 8 [2.11] 175 [2538]
OSPB/OSPC 100 LS Dynamic 100 [6.10] 10 [2.64]
OSPB/OSPC 125 LS Dynamic 125 [7.63] 13 [3.43] 40 [580] 280 [4061]
OSPB/OSPC 160 LS Dynamic 160 [9.76] 16 [4.23]
OSPC 185 LS Dynamic 185 [11.29] 19 [5.02]
OSPB/OSPC 200 LS Dynamic 200 [12.20] 20 [5.28]
OSPC 230 LS Dynamic 230 [14.03] 23 [6.07] 210 [3045]
OSPC 250 LS Dynamic 250 [15.25] 25 [6.60]
OSPB/OSPC 315 LS Dynamic 315 [19.22] 32 [8.45]
OSPB/OSPC 400 LS Dynamic 400 [24.41] 40 [10.57]
OSPC 40 LSR Dynamic 40 [2.44] 4 [1.06]
OSPC 50 LSR Dynamic 50 [3.05] 5 [1.32] 140 [2030]
OSPC 60 LSR Dynamic 60 [3.66] 6 [1.58]
OSPC 70 LSR Dynamic 70 [4.27] 7 [1.85]
OSPC 80 LSR Dynamic 80 [4.88] 8 [2.11] 175 [2538] 40 [580] 280 [4061]
OSPC 100 LSR Dynamic 100 [6.10] 10 [2.64]
OSPC 125 LSR Dynamic 125 [7.63] 13 [3.43]
OSPC 160 LSR Dynamic 160 [9.76] 16 [4.23]
210 [3045]
OSPC 185 LSR Dynamic 185 [11.29] 19 [5.02]
OSPC 200 LSR Dynamic 200 [12.20] 20 [5.28]
*Rated flow at 100 rpm
Technical Data
Displacement, Flow and Pressure: OSPD LS, OSPQ LS
OSPD and OSPQ steering units in the table below are all Load Sensing Dynamic type.
Common data: Look in sub catalogue: “General Steering Components “
* normal steer mode: OSPQ: at a steering wheel speed higher than approximately 20 rpm, the amplification is fully active, and the displacements
in the table are valid.
** Rated flow at 100 rpm
Technical Data Displacement, flow and pressure: OSPL LS, OSPBX LS, OSPCX LS, OSPLX LS
Common data: Look in sub catalogue: “General Steering Components “
Displacement *Rated oil flow Max. pressure on connections
Steering unit
cm3/rev [in3/rev] l/min [US gal/min] P bar [psi] T bar [psi] L. R bar [psi]
OSPL 520 LS Static 520 [31.73] 52 [13.74]
OSPL 630 LS Static 630 [38.44] 63 [16.64] 210 [3045] 40 [580] 280 [4061]
OSPL 800 LS Static 800 [48.82] 70** [18.49]
OSPL 1000 LS Static 1000 [61.02] 70** [18.49]
OSPL 520 LS Dynamic 520 [31.73] 52 [13.74]
OSPL 630 LS Dynamic 630 [38.44] 63 [16.64]
OSPL 800 LS Dynamic 800 [48.82] 70** [18.49] 240 [3081] 40 [580] 280 [4061]
OSPL 1000 LS Dynamic 1000 [61.02] 70** [18.49]
OSPL 1200 Dynamic 1200 [73.22] 70** [18.49]
OSPBX 160 LS Static 160 [9.76] 16 [4.23]
OSPBX 200 LS Static 200 [12.20] 20 [5.28]
OSPBX 250 LS Static 250 [15.25] 25 [6.60] 210 [3045] 40 [580] 280 [4061]
OSPBX 315 LS Static 315 [19.22] 32 [8.45]
OSPBX 400 LS Static 400 [24.41] 40 [10.57]
OSPCX 160 LS Dynamic 160 [9.76] 16 [4.23]
OSPCX 200 LS Dynamic 200 [12.20] 20 [5.28]
OSPCX 250 LS Dynamic 250 [15.25] 25 [6.60] 210 [3045] 40 [580] 280 [4061]
OSPCX 315 LS Dynamic 315 [19.22] 32 [8.45]
OSPCX 400 LS Dynamic 400 [24.41] 40 [10.57]
OSPLX 520 LS Static 520 [31.73] 52 [13.74]
OSPLX 630 LS Static 630 [38.44] 63 [16.64] 210 [3045] 40 [580] 280 [4061]
OSPLX 800 LS Static 800 [48.82] 70** [18.49]
* Rated flow at 100 rpm
** Please cantact Sauer-Danfoss Sales Organization for flow higher then 70l/min [18.49 US gal/min].
70l/min [18.49 US gal/min] results in lower max. speed than 100 rpm on steering wheel for OSPL 800
and OSPL 1000 :
OSPL 800 max. speed at 70l/min [18.49 US gal/min] 87 rpm
OSPL 1000 max speed at 70l/min [18.49 US gal/min] 70 rpm
Technical Data Valve functions in OSPC, OSPF, OSPD, OSPQ and OSPL LS steering units
Pilot pressure relief valve; (P - T, Qp) characteristic
The pilot pressure relief valve protects the steering unit against excessive pressure. The
pilot pressure relief valve in the OSPC LS, OSPF LS, OSPD LS, OSPQ LS and OSPL LS steer-
ing unit together with the priority valve limit the maximum steering pressure P-T. The
pilot pressure relief valve is set at an oil flow to the priority valve of 25 l/min
[6.60 US gal/min].
For OSPC, OSPD, OSPQ and OSPL load sensing dynamic steering units, the setting values
are valid at a dynamic flow of 0.6 l/min [0.16 US gal/min].
For OSPF load sensing dynamic steering units, the setting values are valid at a dynamic
flow of 1 l/min [0.26 US gal/min].
Setting tolerance:
</= 170 bar: rated value +5 bar [72.5 psi].
> 170 bar: rated value +10 bar [145 psi].
B = 140 + 5 73
- 0 bar [2030 + - 0 psi]
Shock valves
The shock valves protect the steering unit and reduce external forces on the steering
cylinder by limiting the pressure difference from L to T and from R to T.
The shock valves are set at 1 l/min [0.264 US gal/min]
At higher flow pressure peaks may occur.
The shock valves are of the direct acting type, so they react very quickly.
Setting tolerance: rated value +20 bar [290 psi].
Check valves
The check valve in the P connection of the steering unit protects the driver against steer-
ing wheel jerks. The check valve prevents oil from flowing backwards into the pump line
when steering against a high pressure on the cylinder side. The pressure drop across the
check valve is indicated on the following graph, which assumes the use of port adaptors
with 11 mm [0.43 in] minimum bore.
The check valve in the LS line of OSPC LS, OSPD LS and OSPQ LS dynamic steering units
also protects the driver against steering wheel jerks. The check valve prevents oil from
flowing backwards into the LS line to the priority valve when steering against a high
pressure on the cylinder side.
In OSPF LS oil cannot flow backwards into the LS line, look in sub catalogue: “General
Steering Components “ page 26.
G: UNF port w. O-ring chamfer H: UNF ports w. O-ring I: UNF ports w. O-ring
(LS in OSPB chamfer (LS in OSPC/ chamfer (P, T, L, R)
and OSPL with F/D and OSPL S: ISO 11926-1 - ¾-16UNF
no valves) with valves) O-ring boss port
Q: ISO 11926-1 - 7/16-20UNF R: ISO 11926-1 - 7/16-20 UNF
O-ring boss port O-ring boss port
11007611 • Rev AD • Feb 2009 35
Load Sensing Steering Units, Priority Valves and Flow Amplifiers
Technical Information
mm mm
Type L L
1[in] 2[in]
126 6.5
[4.96] [0.26]
129 10.4
[5.08] [0.41]
132 13.0
OSPB 100
[5.20] [0.51]
135 16.2
OSPB 125
[5.31] [0.64]
OSPB/ 140 20.8
OSPBX 160 [5.51] [0.82]
OSPB/ 145 26.0
OSPBX 200 [5.71] [1.02]
OSPB/ 151 32.5
OSPBX 250 [5.94] [1.28]
OSPB/ 160 40.9
OSPBX 315 [6.30] [1.61]
OSPB/ 171 52.0
OSPBX 400 [6.73] [2.05]
European version:
A: G ½; 15 mm [0.59 in] deep
B: M10 × 1.5,
16 mm [0.63 in] deep
LS: G ¼ with spot face, 11 mm
[0.43 in] deep
US version:
A: ¾ - 16 UNF O-ring boss;
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
B: 3/8 - 16 UNC,
16 mm [0.63 in] deep
LS: G 7/16 - 20 UNF O-ring boss,
11.5 mm [0.45 in] deep
Dimensions OSPC LS/LSR and OSPF LS for OLS, OSPCX LS for OSQ:
mm mm
Type L L
1[in] 2[in]
126 6.5
[4.96] [0.26]
126 6.5
[4.96] [0.26]
128 9.1
[5.04] [0.36]
128 9.1
[5.04] [0.36]
129 10.4
[5.08] [0.41]
132 13.0
[5.20] [0.51]
135 16.2
[5.31] [0.64]
OSPC/OSPF 140 20.8
OSPCX 160 [5.51] [0.82]
143 24.0
[5.63] [0.94]
OSPC/OSPF 145 26.0
OSPCX 200 [5.71] [1.02]
154 35.1
[6.06] [1.38]
OSPC/OSPF 151 32.5
OSPCX 250 [5.94] [1.28]
OSPC/OSPF 160 40.9 for OLSA
OSPCX 315 [6.30] [1.61]
OSPC/OSPF 171 52.0
OSPCX 400 [6.73] [2.05]
European version:
A: G ½ or G ½ w. spot face
or M18 x 1.5 ISO 6149,
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
B: M10 x 1.5, 16 mm [0.63 in]
LS: G ¼ w. spot face
or M12 x 1.5 ISO 6149,
11.5 mm [0.45 in] deep
US version:
A: ¾-16 UNF O-ring boss,
15 mm (0.59 in) deep
B: 3/8 - 16 UNC or M10 x 1.5,
16 mm
[0.63 in] deep
LS: 7/16 - 20 UNF O-ring boss,
11.5 mm [0.45 in] deep
mm mm mm
Type L1 L L
[in] 2 [in] 3 [in]
OSPD 195 9.1 20.8
60/185 [7.70] [0.36] [0.82]
OSPD 200 9.1 26.0
60/220 [7.87] [0.36] [1.02]
OSPD 190 9.1 16.2
70/195 [7.48] [0.36] [0.65]
OSPD 195 9.1 20.8
70/230 [7.70] [0.36] [0.82]
OSPD 200 9.1 26.0
70/270 [7.87] [0.36] [1.02]
OSPD 215 9.1 40.9
70/385 [8.46] [0.36] [1.61]
OSPD 191 13.0 13.0
100/200 [7.52] [0.51] [0.51]
OSPD 199 13.0 20.8
100/260 [7.83] [0.51] [0.82]
OSPD 204 13.0 26.0
100/300 [8.03] [0.51] [1.02]
OSPD 202 16.2 20.8
125/285 [7.95] [0.64] [0.82]
OSPD 207 16.2 26.0
125/325 [8.15] [0.64] [1.02]
OSPD 222 16.2 40.9
125/440 [8.74] [0.64] [1.61]
European version:
A: G ½ w. spot-face
or M18 × 1.5 ISO 6149
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
B: M10 × 1.5, 16 mm [0.63 in]
LS: G ¼ w. spot face or
M 12 x 1.5 ISO 6149
11.5 mm [0.45 in] deep
US version:
A: ¾ - 16 UNF O-ring boss;
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
B: M 10 × 1.5, 16 mm [0.63 in]
LS: 7/16 - 20 UNF o-ring boss,
11.5 mm [0.45 in] deep
mm mm
Type L L
1 [in] 2 [in]
129 10,4
OSPQ 80/125
[5.08] [0.41]
129 10,4
OSPQ 80/140
[5.08] [0.41]
129 10,4
OSPQ 80/160
[5.08] [0.41]
132 13,0
OSPQ 100/160
[5.20] [0.51]
132 13,0
OSPQ 100/180
[5.20] [0.51]
132 13,0
OSPQ 100/200
[5.20] [0.51]
135 16,2
OSPQ 125/200
[5.31] [0.64]
135 16,2
OSPQ 125/250
[5.31] [0.64]
140 20.8
OSPQ 160/250
[5.51] [0.82]
140 20.8
OSPQ 160/320
[5.51] [0.82]
European version:
A: M18 x 1.5 ISO 6149,
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
B: M10 x 1.5, 16 mm [0.63 in]
LS: M12 x 1.5 ISO 6149,
11.5 mm [0.45 in] deep
mm mm
Type L L
1[in] 2 [in]
197 67.8
[7.76] [2.67]
211 82,0
[8.31] [3.23]
233 104,0
[9.17] [4.09]
263 134,0
OSPL 1000
[10.35] [5.27]
European version:
A: G ½; 15 mm [0.59 in] deep
B: M10 x 1.5, 16 mm [0.63 in]
LS: G ¼ w. spot face,
11.5 mm [0.45 in] deep
US version:
A: ¾-16 UNF O-ring boss,
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
or for OVPL
B: M10 x 1.5, 16 mm [0.63 in]
LS: 7/16-20 UNF O-ring boss,
11.5 mm [0.45 in] deep
European version:
A: for OVPL
B: M10 x 1.5, 16 mm [0.63 in]
LS: G ¼ w. spot face,
11.5 mm [0.45 in] deep
mm mm mm
Type L1 L2 L3
[in] [in] [in]
OSPL 288 104 52
1200 LS [10.34] [4.09] [2.05]
Versions Sauer-Danfoss priority valves are used in steering systems with load sensing
steering units. In such systems steering always has first priority
P = pump,
CF = controlled flow (priority oil flow),
EF = excess flow,
L = left,
R = right,
T = tank,
LS = load sensing,
PP = pilot pressure
OLSA 40/80
The OLSA 40 and OLSA 80 “flange on” priority valves are used in load sensing steering
systems, built onto OSPC LS (OLSA) steering units.
A: PP-damping orifice
B: LS-orifice
C: Dynamic-orifice
Versions The OLS 40, OLS 80 and OLS 120 “in line” priority valves are used in load sensing steering
systems together with OSPB LS, OSPC LS, OSPF LS, OSPD LS, OSPQ LS and OSPL LS steer-
ing units.
F300624 F300623
The OLS 160 “in line” priority valve is used in load sensing steering systems together with
OLS 160
Versions (continued) The priority valve OLSP 80 is to be used in connection with e.g. Sauer-Danfoss gear
pumps type SNP and steering units type OSPB LS, OSPC LS, OSPF LS, OSPD LS and OSPQ
LS in load sensing steering systems, where maximum oil flow doesn’t exceed 80 l/min
[21.7 USgal/min].
OLSP 80 priority valves are to be flanged on gear pumps with outlet ports square flange
type 35 (35 mm pitch diameter of 4x M6 bolt holes for fixing the priority valve on pump).
The priority valve OLS 320 is to be used in connection with large pumps and steering
units type OSPB LS, OSPC LS, OSPF LS, OSPD LS, OSPQ LS and OSPL LS or with EHPS steer-
ing valve in load sensing steering systems, where maximum oil flow doesn’t exceed
320 l/min [84.5 USgal/min].
OLS 320
System Sizing The steering system pump is sized so that satisfactory performance is achieved for both
steering and working hydraulics - even at idle.
Before selecting a priority valve, consider
• the type of steering unit (LS static, LS dynamic or OSPF LS dynamic)
• the displacement of the steering unit
• the pump flow
• the application’s requirement for energy optimization, initial steering response time
and stability, as these all govern the selection for control spring pressure
• whether the priority valve should have internal PP (Pilot Pressure) or external PP-con-
nection depends on the pressure drop in the pump line between the priority valve’s
CF-port (Controlled Flow) and the steering unit’s P-port. With normal hose and tube
dimensions and less than 5 m distance between priority valve and steering unit, the
immediate choice is normally a priority valve with internal PP.
The following survey lists the code numbers of the priority valves that are the most fre-
quently used in connection with the above Sauer-Danfoss steering unit types. All priority
valves in the code number tables, except OLS 160 static, have internal PP
connection. OLS 160 static in the code number table all have external PP connection.
Code Numbers and OLS/OLSA static priority valves for load sensing static steering units
Weights OLSA 40 static and OLSA 80 static
Code Numbers
Priority valve European version US version Control spring Weight
T,R,L: G 3/8 T, R, L: 9/16 - 18 UNF
P, EF: G ½ P, EF: 7/8 - 14 UNF bar [psi] kg [lb]
OLSA 40 152B0001 - 4 [58] 2,1 [4.63]
OLSA 40 152B0002 152B0122 7 [101.5] 2,1 [4.63]
OLSA 40 152B0003 152B0124 10 [145] 2,1 [4.63]
OLSA 80 152B0016 152B0019 4 [58] 2,1 [4.63]
OLSA 80 152B0017 152B0020 7 [101.5] 2,1 [4.63]
OLSA80 152B0015 152B0125 10 [145] 2,1 [4.63]
Code Numbers and OLS/OLSA static priority valves for load sensing statics steering units
Weights OLS 120 static
Code Numbers
Priority valve European version US version Control spring Weight
LS: G ¼ LS: 7/16 -20 UNF
CF: G ½ CF: ¾ - 16 UNF
P, EF: G ¾ P, EF: 1 1/16 - 12 UNF bar [psi] kg [lb]
OLS 120 152B2232 152B2238 7 [101.5] 2.1 [4.63]
OLS 120 152B2233 152B2239 10 [145] 2.1 [4.63]
OLS/OLSA dynamic priority valves for load sensing dynamic steering units
OLSA 40 dynamic and OLSA 80 dynamic for OSPC LS dynamic
Code Numbers
Priority valve European version US version Control spring Weight
T,R,L: G 3/8 T,R,L: 9/16 - 18 UNF
P/EF: G ½ P/EF: 7/8 - 14 UNF bar [psi] kg [lb]
OLSA 40 152B8001 - 4 [58] 2.1 [4.63]
OLSA 40 152B8041 152B8042 7 [101.5] 2.1 [4.63]
OLSA 40 152B8046 152B8043 10 [145] 2.1 [4.63]
OLSA 80 152B8047 - 4 [58] 2,1 [4.63]
OLSA 80 152B8048 152B8044 7 [101.5] 2.1 [4.63]
OLSA 80 152B8049 152B8045 10 [145] 2.1 [4.63]
Code Numbers and OLS/OLSA dynamic priority valves for load sensing dynamic steering units
Weights OLS 40 dynamic and OLS 80 dynamic for OSPB, OSPC, OSPD, OSPQ and OSPL LS dynamic
Code Numbers
Priority valve European version US version Control spring Weight
LS: 7/16 - 20 UNF pressure
LS: G ¼ CF: ¾ - 16 UNF
P, EF, CF: G ½ P, EF: 7/8 - 14 UNF bar [psi] kg [lb]
OLS 40 152B8231 - 4 [58] 1.0 [2.20]
OLS 40 152B8232 152B8253 7 [101.5] 1.0 [2.20]
OLS 40 152B8233 152B8254 10 [145] 1.0 [2.20]
OLS 80 152B8261 - 4 [58] 1.0 [2.20]
OLS 80 152B8256 152B8268 7 [101.5] 1.0 [2.20]
OLS 80 152B8257 152B8260 10 [145] 1.0 [2.20]
OLS 80 dynamic with low pressure drop (P-EF) spool for OSPB, OSPC, OSPD, OSPQ and OSPL LS
Code Numbers
Priority valve European version Control spring Weight
LS: G ¼ pressure
P, EF, CF: G ½ bar [psi] kg [lb]
OLS 80 152B8259 7 [101.5] 1.0 [2.2]
OLS 120 dynamic for OSPB, OSPC, OSPD, OSPQ and OSPL LS dynamic
Code Numbers
Priority valve European version US version Control spring Weight
LS: G ¼ LS: 7/16 -20 UNF
CF: G ½ CF: ¾ - 16 UNF
P, EF: G ¾ P, EF: 1 1/16 - 12 UNF bar [psi] kg [lb]
OLS 120 152B8132 152B8143 7 [101.5] 2.1 [4.63]
OLS 120 152B8133 152B8144 10 [145] 2.1 [4.63]
OLS 160 dynamic for OSPB, OSPC, OSPD, OSPQ and OSPL LS dynamic
Code Numbers
Connections Pilot
Priority valve European version US version Control pressure Weight
LS, T: G ¼ LS, T: 1/16 -20 UNF spring relief
CF: G ½ CF: ¾ - 16 UNF pressure valve
P, EF: G ¾ P, EF: 1 1/16 - 12 UNF bar [psi] bar [psi] kg [lb]
OLS 160 152B8159 152B8154 7 [101.5] 170 [2465] 4.4 [9.7]
OLS 160 152B8160 152B8155 10 [145] 170 [2465] 4.4 [9.7]
OLS 160 152B8105 - 12 [174] 170 [ 2465] 4.4 [9.7]
OLS 160 152B8161 152B8156 7 [101.5] 210 [3045] 4.4 [9.7]
OLS 160 152B8162 152B8157 10 [145] 210 [3045] 4.4 [9.7]
Code Numbers and OLS dynamic priority valves for OSPF LS dynamic steering units
Weights OLS 40 dynamic and OLS 80 dynamic
Code Numbers
Connections Control spring Weight
Priority valve European version pressure
LS: G ¼
P, EF, CF: G ½ bar [psi] kg [lb]
OLS 40 152B8031 10 [ 145] 1.0 [2.20]
OLS 80 152B8258 7 [101.5] 1.0 [2.20]
OLS Dynamic OLS 320 dynamic in-line/stand alone with pilot pressure relief valve, black painted
Priority Valves for OSPF Code numbers
LS Dynamic Steering Priority valve Connections Control spring Pilot pressure Weight
Units European version pressure relief vlave
(continued) LS, T: G¼
CF: G ½
P, EF: G 1 bar [psi] bar [psi] kg [lb]
OLS 320 dynamic in-line/stand alone without pilot pressure relief valve, black painted
Code numbers
Priority valve Connections Control spring Weight
US version pressure
LS: 7/16 - 20 UNF
CF: 11/16-12UN
P, EF: 15/16-12UN bar [psi] kg [lb]
If you require other port connections, other control spring pressure and/or other PP con-
nection, go to the survey on page 50, and tick off the desired specifications, then consult
the Sauer-Danfoss Sales Organization.
Your Pump flow to OLS/OLSA at idle, l/min [USgal/min] Pump flow to OLS/OLSA at max. engine speed, l/min [USgal/min]
Priority OLSA 40 OLSA 80 OLS 40 OLS 80 OLS 120 OLS 160 OLSP 80 OLS 320 in-line
valve type
Spool type Standard Low pressure drop, P-EF (only OLS/OLSA 80 dynamic) No CF cut-off (only for OLS 320 for flanging on EHPS)
P, EF: G¾ - S** P, EF: M27 • 2 - O*** +S** P, EF: 11/16 - 14 UNF - O***
G: CF: G½ - S** Metric: CF: M18 • 1.5 - O*** +S** UNF: CF: 3/4 - 16 UNF - O***
LS, PP: G¼ - S** LS: M12 • 1.5 - O*** +S** LS: 7/16 - 20 UNF - O***
OLS 120
EF: G½ - S** EF: M22 • 1.5 - O*** +S** EF: 7/8 - 14 UNF - O***
Ports, OLSP G: CF: G3/8 - S** Metric: CF: M18 • 1.5 - O*** +S** UNF: CF: 3/4 - 16 UNF - O***
80 (P: square LS: G¼ - S** LS: M12 • 1.5 - O*** +S** LS : 7/16 - 20 UNF - O***
flange 35)
RV-bar 80 90 100 110 120 140 170 190 200 210 Other settings No relief valve
OLS 160
OLS 320
Ports: PP-port only exists when external PP connection is used. T-port only exists for OLS 160 and OLS 320 with
Specification Table for integrated pilot pressure relief vlave (RV)
Non Catalogue Numbers O*: O-ring chamfer on port connections
of Sauer-Danfoss Priority S**: Spot face around port connections
(continued) An alternative way to specify a variant is to state an existing code number and add the
modifications, you would like to have implemented in the basic steering unit.
Requested modifications:
Technical Data
OLS 120
OLS 160
A: OLS/OLSA 80 Dynamic for OSPB, OSPC, OSPF, OSPD, OSPQ, OSPL LS Dynamic
B: OLS/OLSA 80 Dynamic with low pressure drop (P-EF) spool for OSPB, OSPC, OSPD, OSPQ, OSPL LS Dynamic
OLS 120
A: OLS 120 Dynamic for OSPB, OSPC, OSPD, OSPQ, OSPL LS Dynamic
B: OLS 120 Dynamic for OSPF LS Dynamic
OLS 160
A: OLS 160 Dynamic for OSPB, OSPC, OSPD, OSPQ, OSPL LS Dynamic
B: OLS 160 Dynamic for OSPF LS Dynamic
Technical Data Pressure drop P-EF for OLSP static priority valves
Technical Data Pressure drop P-EF for OLS 320 static priority valves
OLS 320
OLS 320
Technical Data OLS 160, pilot pressure relief valve (P - T, Qp) characteristic
OLS 160 with pilot pressure relief valve is used in connection with Sauer-Danfoss steer-
ing units without pilot pressure relief valve, normally steering unit type OSPL.
The pilot pressure relief valve protects the steering unit against excessive pressure. The
pilot pressure relief valve in OLS 160 operates with the priority valve spool in the OLS
160 to limit the maximum steering pressure P-T measured across the steering unit ports.
The pilot pressure relief valve is set when an oil flow of 80 l/min[21 US gal/min] is sup-
plied to OLS 160.
Setting tolerance:
</= 170 bar [ 2466 psi]: rated value +5 bar [72.5 psi]
> 170 bar [2466 psi: rated value +10 bar [145 psi]
OLS 160
Qp = Pump flow
OLS 320
Dimensions OLSA
European version:
P, EF:
G ½ w. spot face
14 mm [0.55 in] deep
x = 34 mm [1.34 in],
max. 1,5 mm [0.06 in] deep
or M18 x 1.5 ISO 6149
14,5 mm [0.57 in] deep
x = 29 mm [1.14 in],
max. 1,5 mm [0.06 in] deep
or M22 x 1.5 ISO 6149,
15,5 mm [0.61 in] deep
x = 34 mm [1.34 in],
max. 1,5 mm [0.06 in] deep
T, L, R:
G 3/8 w. spot face
12 mm [0.47 in] deep
y = 34 mm [1.34 in],
max. 1,5 mm [0.06 in] deep
or M18 x 1.5 ISO 6149,
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
y = 29 mm [1.14 in],
max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in] deep
US version:
P, EF:
7/8-14 UNF O-ring boss
16.7 mm [0.66 in] deep
x = 34 mm [1.34 in],
max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in] deep
T, L, R:
9/16 - 18 UNF O-ring boss
12.7 mm [0.50 in] deep
y = 25 mm [0.98 in],
max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in] deep
European version:
P, EF:
G ½ w. spot face
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
x = 29 mm [1.14 in],
max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in] deep
or M22 x 1.5 ISO 6149
15 mm [0.59 in] deep,
x = 34 mm [1.34 in],
max. 1 mm [0.04 in] deep
G ½ w. spot face
14 mm [0.55 in]deep
y = 29 mm [1.14 in],
max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in] deep
or M18 x 1,5 ISO 6149
12 mm [0.47 in] deep,
y = 29 mm [1.14 in],
max. 1 mm [0.04 in] deep
G ¼ w. spot face
12.5 mm [0.49 in] deep
z = 21mm [0.83 in],
max. 1 mm [0.04 in] deep
or M12 x 1,5 ISO 6149
12,5 mm [0.49 in] deep,
z = 22 mm [0.86 in]
0 mm deep
US version:
P, EF:
7/8 - 14 UNF O-ring boss
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
x = 34 mm [1.14 in],
max. 1.3 [0.05] deep
¾-16 UNF O-ring boss
14,3 mm [0.56 in] deep
y = 30 mm [1.18 in],
max. 1.3 mm [0.05 in] deep
7/16-20 UNF O-ring boss
12.5 mm [0.49 in] deep
z = 21 mm [0.83 in],
max. 1 mm [0.04 in] deep
European version:
P, EF:
G ¾ w. spot face
x = 42 mm [1.65 in],
max. 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
or M27 x 2 ISO 6149
x = 40 mm [1.57 in],
max. 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
G ½ w. spot face
y = 34 mm [1.34 in],
max. 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
or M18 x 1.5 ISO 6149
y = 29 mm [1.14 in],
max. 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
G ¼ w. spot face
12 mm [0.47 in] deep
z = 19 mm [0.75 in]
0 mm deep
or M12 x 1,5 ISO 6149
11,5 mm [0.45 in] deep,
z = 19 mm [0.75 in]
0 mm deep
US version:
P, EF:
1 1/16 - 12 UN O-ring boss
x = 41mm [1.61 in],
max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in] deep
¾ - 16 UNF O-ring boss
y = 30 mm [1.18 in],
max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in] deep
7/16 - 20 UNF O-ring boss
11.5 mm [0.45 in] deep
z = 19 mm [0.75 in] 0 mm
European version:
P, EF:
G ¾ w. spot face
x = 42 mm [1.65 in],
max. 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
or G 1 w. spot face
x = 47 mm [1.85 in],
max 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
G ½ w. spot face
y = 34 mm [1.34 in],
max. 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
or G ¾ w. spot face
y = 38 mm [1.50 in],
max. 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
LS, PP, T:
G ¼ w. spot face
12 mm [0.47 in] deep
z = 22.8 mm [0.89 in],
max. 1 mm [0.04 in]deep
u = 25 mm [0.98 in]
max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in] deep
US version:
P, EF:
1 1/16-12 UNF O-ring boss
x = 41 mm [1.61 in],
max. 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
or 1 5/16 - 12 UNF O-ring boss
x = 49 mm [1.93 in],
max. 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
¾-16 UNF O-ring boss
y = 32 mm [1.26 in],
max. 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
7/8 - 14 UNF O-ring boss
y = 30 mm [1.18 in],
max. 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
LS, PP, T:
7/16 - 20 UNF O-ring boss
11.5 mm [0.45 in] deep
z = 22,8 mm [0.89 in],
max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in] deep
u = 21 mm [0.83 in],
max. 1.6 mm [0.06 in] deep
Dimensions OLSP 80
European version:
G 3/8 w. spot face
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
x = ø28, max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in]
M18 • 1.5 ISO 6149
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
y = ø29, max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in]
G ½ w. spot face
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
y = ø34, max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in]
M22 • 1.5 ISO 6149
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
x = ø34, max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in]
G ¼ w. spot face
12.5 mm [0.49 in] deep
M12 • 1.5 ISO 6149
12.5 mm [0.49 in] deep
US version:
¾-16 UNF O-ring boss
15 mm [0.59 in] deep
x = ø29 [1.14 in]
max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in] deep
7/8 - 14 UNF O-ring boss
16.7 mm [0.66 in] deep
y = ø34 [1.34 in]
max. 1.5 mm [0.06 in] deep
7/16 - 20 UNF O-ring boss
12.5 mm [0.49 in] deep
European version:
P, EF:
G 1 w. spot face
x = ø47 mm [1.85 in]
max 1 mm [0.04 in] deep
G ½ w. spot face
y = ø34 mm [1.34 in]
max 2.5 mm [0.10 in] deep
G ¼ w. spot face
G ¼ w. spot face
z = ø25 mm [0.98 in]
max 1.5 mm [0.06 in] deep
US version:
P, EF:
1 5/16-12 UN O-ring boss
x = ø49 mm [1.93 in]
max 0.2 mm [0.01 in] deep
1 1/16-12 UN O-ring boss
y = ø41 mm [1.61 in]
max 0.2 mm [0.01 in] deep
¾-16UNF O-ring boss
y = ø30 mm [1.18 in]
max 0.2 mm [0.01 in] deep
LS, PP, T:
7/16-20 UNF O-ring boss
F301 256
Code Numbers and OSQA and OSQB static flow amplifiers for load sensing static steering units
Weights These flow amplifiers have to be used in connection with steering units type OSPBX LS
Code Numbers Setting pressures
Connections :
Flow see “dimensions” Pilot pressure Shock Control Weight
amplifier relief valve valves spring
European US bar bar bar kg
version version [psi] [psi] [psi] [lb]
170 230 7 29
OSQA 4 150F0040 150F0043
[2465] [3335] [101] [64]
170 230 7 29
OSQA 5 150F0041 150F0044
[2465] [3335] [101] [64]
170 230 7 29
OSQA 8 150F0042 150F0045
[2465] [3335] [101] [64]
170 230 7 29
OSQB 4 150F0030 150F0053
[2465] [3335] [101] [64]
170 230 7 29
OSQB 5 150F0031 150F0054
[2465] [3335] [101] [64]
170 230 7 29
OSQB 8 150F0032 150F0055
[2465] [3335] [101] [64]
170 260 7 29
OSQB 10 - 150F0094
[2465] [3770] [101] [64]
OSQB/OLSQ dynamic flow amplifier for load sensing dynamics steering units.
OSQB with OLSQ has no pilot pressure relief valve.
This flow amplifier has to be used in connection with steering unit type OSPCX LS, which
has incorporated pilot pressure relief valve
Code Numbers Setting pressures
Connections Control spring Weight
Flow amplifier see “dimensions” Shockvalves pressure
European version
bar [psi] bar [psi] kg [lb]
OSQB 8/OLSQ 150F8010 260 [3770 psi] 7 [101.5] 32 [70.6]
If you require other amplification factors, other valve settings or other control spring
pressures, please fill in the order form on page 68 and contact the Sauer-Danfoss Sales
Fill in your company data and place x’s in the table where appropriate, then send to your Sauer-Danfoss Sales Organi-
G: (European version)
HP, EF: 1 ¼ in SAE flange
Ports, HT, CL, CR: 1 in SAE flange
PP, LS: G ¼
Pilot pressure No relief valve
100 [1450] 120 [1740] 140 [2030] 170 [2465] 210 [3045]
relief valve (only OSQB/OLSQ)
bar [psi]
Shock valves, 165 [2393] 200 [2900] 230 [3335] 260 [3770] 270 [3916]
bar [psi]
Back pressure Yes (Only OSQB) No
Unit black Yes No
An alternative way to specify a variant is to state an existing code number and add the modifications, you would like to have implemented in the
basic flow amplifier.
The flow amplifier has to be mounted on a flat surface.
Mounting screw Tightening torque, Nm []
M 10 x 1.5 30 +/-5 [265 +/- 44]
/8 - 16 UNC 40 +/- 5 [354 +/- 44]
/ - 14 UNC
7 16
55 +/- 5 [487 +/- 44]
Tightening torque for fittings: Look in sub catalogue “General Steering Components” page 36.
Priority valve
The priority valve is used in load sensing systems where the same pump supplies oil to
both the steering system and working hydraulics. The steering system always has first
priority. Measurements were made when the pressure on the LS connection is zero.
(steering unit is in neutral position). The minimum curves apply when the pressure on
the EF connection is higher than the actual control spring pressure. The curves for con-
trol spring pressure of 7 bar [101.5 psi] apply when the pressure on the EF connection is
Shock valves
The shock valves protect the flow amplifier against shock from external forces on the
steering cylinders. The shock valves in OSQA and OSQB limit the maximum pressure
drop from CL to HT and from CR to HT. The shock valves are set at 10 l/min [2.64 US gal/
Setting tolerance: rated value +20 bar [290 psi].
Suction valves
The suction valves ensure oil suction on the side of the steering cylinder pistons where
in unfavorable conditions cavitation might occur. The capacity of the suction valves is
increased in OSQB by the built-in back pressure valve.
Dimensions OSQA
European version:
HP, EF, HT, CL, CR: G¾
P, T, L, R: G ½
PP, LS: G¼
US version:
HP, EF, HT, CL, CR: 1 1/16 - 12 UN
P, T, L, R: ¾ - 16 UNF
/ - 14 UNC, 21 mm [0.83 in]deep
7 16
/ - 14 UNC, 16 mm [0.63 in] deep
7 16
Dimensions OSQB
European version:
1 ¼ in SAE flange
/ -14 UNC
7 16
P, T, L, R: G ½
PP, LS: G ¼
US version:
1 ¼ in SAE flange
/ - 14 UNC
7 16
P, T, L, R: ¾ - 16 UNF
PP, LS: 7/16 - 20 UNF
/ - 14 UNC, 21 mm [0.83 in] deep
7 16
/ - 14 UNC, 16 mm [0.63 in] deep
7 16
European version
1 ¼ in SAE flange
/ - 14 UNC
7 16
PP, LS, PDR: G ¼
M10 x 1.5, 21 mm [0.83 in] deep
M10 x 1.5, 16 mm [0.63 in] deep