TCU ZONEGUARD Safety Barrier Temporary
TCU ZONEGUARD Safety Barrier Temporary
TCU ZONEGUARD Safety Barrier Temporary
These Technical Conditions for Use do not imply that this product may be used on roads under the
care and control of individual Road Agencies. Users should refer to individual Road Agency
websites to determine whether this product is accepted for use within that jurisdiction, and if the
Road Agency has adopted any additional or specific requirements.
These conditions do not take precedence over Road Agency specifications and standards.
Rubber Pad Option
Variants that are NOT listed above are NOT recommended for acceptance.
Accepted impact speed 100 km/h
Product manual reviewed Revision 7, dated May 2014
Design Requirements
Point of Redirection Tested Article Anchor/Post Dynamic Working
Containment Leading Trailing Length Spacing Deflection Width Notes
Level (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
Approved Connections
An accepted end treatment must be provided at both ends of all barrier installations
Public Domain Products
W-Beam Guardrail Not permitted
Thrie-Beam Guardrail Not permitted
Concrete Not permitted
Proprietary Products
• LEGACY status recommended from 1 January 2021.
• Refer to Universal Tau-II Crash Cushion Technical Conditions for Use.
LEGACY: • The Zoneguard to Universal Tau-II Crash Cushion transition must be used to connect the
UNIVERSAL TAU-II Crash crash cushion to the barrier.
Cushion • Reverse impacts into the transition section can produce a greater occupant severity value
than preferred. Where reverse impacts are possible (e.g. bi-directional traffic), a risk
assessment must be completed and steps to mitigate the likelihood of reverse impact should
be implemented.
Design Guidance
Minimum installation length 75 metres between crash cushions/terminals (tested article)
System width (m) 0.7
Minimum distance to excavation (m) 1.9 – measured from the outer edge of the foot on the works side
Side slope limit 7%
System conditions 1. Installation on top of a kerb is not recommended, however if installed on top of a kerb all
system components must be free to operate.
2. All offsets are to be measured from the relevant outer edge of the foot. The foot is not
Gore area use Permitted
Pedestrian area use Permitted
Cycleway use Permitted
Frequent impact likely Permitted
Remote location Permitted
Median use Permitted