Client Name GA Heathcheack: ID: Author: Date: 22/05/2013

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Client Name

GA Heathcheack
Date: 22/05/2013

Page 1
Suggested actions.....................................................................................................4
Profiles & dashboard.............................................................................5
Tracking code.........................................................................................6
Faster asynchronus GA code installed: Fine......................................7
Profile Settings.......................................................................................9
 Adwords auto-tagging: Fine................................................................................9
 Adwords account connected: Fine.....................................................................9
 Adwords cost data importing: Fine.....................................................................9
 Time zone: Fine................................................................................................10
 Remove PPC keywordID’s on landing pages: Fine.........................................11
 Bing tagging: Missing.......................................................................................12
 Newsletter & Email tags: Missing tags.............................................................12
 On site search & category search: Not Enabled..............................................13
Goals & Ecommerce tracking.............................................................13
 Goals:................................................................................................................13
 Tracking mailto: Code Change needed............................................................14
 Ecommerce tracking: Product Category Not Enabled......................................14
 Events Tracking: Not-Active.............................................................................15
 Custom Slots Tracking: Not-Active...................................................................15
 Homepage filter: Add filter................................................................................16
 Log Spam: Add filter to prevent log spam impacting data................................17
 Exclude internal traffic & agency traffic: Add filter............................................18
 Webmail filter: Add filter and utm tags to email links........................................18
 Social traffic filter: Add filter and utm tags to twitter links.................................20
 Self-referral filter: Add filter and standardise GA code.....................................21
 Error 404 page url filter : Enable GA code and add filter.................................22

Page 2
We have reviewed the goals that require tracking for your campaign to be effectively
managed. The website structure provides visitors with a number of channels through which
leads can be generated.

These can be broken into categories:

1. Online booking and payment

2. Brochure request (eBrochure & postal brochure)
3. Email links (for example
4. Email newsletter sign up

We will assume each of these goals would have a value to CLIENT.COM cruises and be
equally likely to result in a lead, with the exception of online booking payments.

To acheive setting up a robust and accurate Google Analytics account we need to

investigate the following known issues. Please be aware whilst we have made every effort
for the audit to cover most known issues, it is possible there will be additional problems we
will need to overcome once further investgiation is carried out. We will keep you informed of
any work that falls outside of this scope and costs associated.

Page 3
Suggested actions

CLIENT.COM provide estimated goal value for Google Analytics for the following goal types:

1. Online booking and payment [Sales Revenue Value]

2. Brochure request [£0]
3. Email mailto links [£0]
4. Email newsletter sign up [£0]

 AnalyticsAgency to provide detailed overview of requirements to accurately track all

the listed goal types.
 Configure account to work within Google Terms of Service.
 Tag mailto links with GA tracking
 Add GA code to 404 pages.
 Ensure correct tagging of all marketing activity including Yahoo & MSN PPC, email
campaigns, etc.
 Enable on site search & category search to aid content management and
development of search campaigns.
 Enable tracking mailto / email contact.
 Resolve issue with multiple versions of homepage tracking.
 Resolve issue with tracking log spam.
 Exclude inflated visitor data caused by internal traffic & agency traffic (including site
 Provide solution to self-referral problem / fix account to ensure correct attribution of
revenue to the correct marketing channel.
 Tag postcode and email fields with class="Sensitive" to allow for Customer
Experience Solution such as ClickTale to be easily installed (to future proof
installation), this would be beneficial for future conversion optimisation work.

Page 4
Profiles & dashboard
Best practice is to set up multiple profiles within your Google Analytics account.

We recommend creating the following profiles:

 MAIN profile (with filters removing internal traffic, etc.)

 Raw data profile (no filters)
 PPC traffic only
 Organic traffic only
 Internal traffic (for testing)

You will use the master profile most frequently. Within this report you can segment data to
view any medium (PPC, organic, email, direct, etc.) you are interested in looking at.

If there are specific reports you know that you will be looking to access frequently we can
assist you with creating a dashboard to provide fast access to most commonly used reports.

We can show you how to schedule monthly reports, that can be emailed through Google
Analytics and distributed to relevant parties.

Page 5
Tracking code
Tracking code coverage: 52%

CHECK: We have scanned your site to ensure the GA code has not been missed from any
pages. Missing code will result in inaccurate data capture.

RESULT: Pages are missing GA code.


CHECK: The 404 or Not Found error message is a HTTP standard response code indicating

that the client was able to communicate with the server. Accurate tracking of 404 pages
enable website owners to keep track of any internal problems that may exist on the website.

RESULT: Problems exist.


Page 6
Faster asynchronus GA code installed: Fine
CHECK: We have checked your site for the latest version of the analytics tracking code as it
offers an improved way to track website visitors with Google Analytics. It takes advantage of
browser support for asynchronous JavaScript to enhance the speed in which the tracking
code is loaded. With this version of the tracking code, you can also place the snippet higher
in the page without delaying subsequent content from rendering.

RESULT: is using the faster version of GA.

ACTION REQUIRED: no action required

Note: see this link for missing images:

Page 7
Page 8
Profile Settings
1. Adwords auto-tagging: Fine

CHECK: Has auto-tagging been enabled? Auto-tagging appends a unique ID to the end of
the destination URL. This unique ID allows Analytics to report the details of the click: which
Adwords keywords brought a visitor to your site, which campaign that keyword was from,
and how much that click cost. You can calculate return-on-investment (ROI) by associating
this data with goals or e-commerce conversions.

RESULT: Auto-tagging was enabled.

ACTION REQUIRED: No action required.

2. Adwords account connected: Fine

CHECK: Has the Google Analytics account been connected to the correct Adwords
account? This enables AdWords click data (impressions, clicks and cost) to be connected to
the analytics data.

RESULT: It was connected to the correct AdWords account.

ACTION REQUIRED: No action required.

3. Adwords cost data importing: Fine

CHECK: Cost data is information imported from an AdWords account (i.e. impressions,
clicks, cost, CTR, CPC) into an Analytics account. This data is found on the 'Clicks' tab of
reports in the Traffic Sources --> AdWords section.

RESULT: Working correctly.

ACTION REQUIRED: No action required.

Page 9
4. Time zone: Fine

CHECK: Ensure the analytics and Adwords time zones are set to reflect the main market in
which the campaign operates.

RESULT: Time zone is correctly set.


Page 10
5. Remove PPC keywordID’s on landing pages: Fine

CHECK: PPC keyword ID`s are not visable on landing pages

RESULT: Landing pages are harder to analyse. Common parameters include

ysmwa, msclkid

ACTION REQUIRED: no action required

Note: Here is a list of the 20 parameters found within GA:

URL parameter Count

ExcursionID 1587

pageid 651

CurrentPage 179

addCruise 176

CruiseEpiPageID 174

searchbynumbercriteria 164

voyagecode 164

VideoFileTitle 150

embarkdate 143

rc 123

voyagename 48

duration 36

deck 22

room 20

width 17

entryId 14

Page 11
6. Bing tagging: Missing

CHECK: Ensure Yahoo and MSN paid traffic has ?utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=bing

RESULT: If these tags are missing this PPC traffic is recorded as organic.

ACTION REQUIRED: Correct tags are missing. Add tags to your PPC campaigns for Bing to
allow correct tracking of your PPC campaigns.

Tag to add to Bing Adcentre ppc landing pages:: ?


7. Newsletter & Email tags: Missing tags

Additionally, the following require manual utm url tags, to allow marketing channels to be
recorded correctly:

 vanity urls from offline marketing

 google base/products
 newsletter/email
 social links
 affiliate inbound links
 banners (which not part of GoogleDisplayNetwork)
 rss news feed

Google Analyics URL bulder for utm tagging

Page 12
8. On site search & category search: Not Enabled

CHECK: Ensure site search & category search is enabled.

RESULT: Establish user intent (what visitors are looking for on your website) and additional
keyword lists are not visible to you unless this is enabled.

ACTION REQUIRED: add SiteSearch (departureMonths) and Category Search (shipIds or

regionIds) parameter, then add filter to tidy site search page URL’s.

Goals & Ecommerce tracking

9. Goals:
1. Online booking and payment [Sales Revenue Value]
2. Brochure request [£0]
3. Email links [£0]
4. Email newsletter sign up [£0]

CHECK: Reviewed all goals are being tracked correctly.

RESULT: Not tracking all required goals / problems with self referrals and correct attribution
of revenue Vs marketing source.

ACTION REQUIRED: Provide CLIENT.COM with solution to resolve known issues with
attribution of eCommerce revenue including self referrals & revenue from staging site. In
addition to provide clear documentation outlining requirements for PPC, email, social, etc. to
be correctly tagged for Google Analytics.

Page 13
10. Tracking mailto: Code Change needed

CHECK: Are you tracking all goals including mailto / email links?


ACTION REQUIRED: An optional code changes is needed for pages where an email link is
present e.g.

Optional code change:

<a href=""
onclick="_gaq.push(['_trackPageview','/virtual/mailto/']);" >
Click here to email

11. Ecommerce tracking: Product Category Not Enabled

CHECK: Ecommerce is fully enabled.

RESULT: Allows product selection and revenue data to be shown.

ACTION REQUIRED: Product category field is blank - enable product category.

Page 14
12. Events Tracking: Not-Active

13. Custom Slots Tracking: Not-Active

Page 15
14. Homepage filter: Add filter

CHECK: Homepage filter url recorded correctly?

RESULT: Currently you are tracking multiple homepages

ACTION REQUIRED: Add filter fix.


Note: it is best practice not to use the default homepage setting in GA, as this causes all
categories to change from “/en/” to “/en/index.asp”, not just the homepage “/”.

Page 16
15. Log Spam: Add filter to prevent log spam impacting data

CHECK: Ensure website is not vulnerable to log spam or recording traffic from developers.

RESULT: Fake traffic and staging traffic is recorded.

ACTION REQUIRED: Add hostname filter.

Page 17
16. Exclude internal traffic & agency traffic: Add filter

CHECK: Ensure internal traffic or call centre traffic is not included

RESULT: Visitors counts are skewed if filter not added. Previously this was a major problem.

ACTION REQUIRED: Pls confirm filter on:

Page 18
17. Webmail filter: Add filter and utm tags to email links

CHECK: Ensure traffic from e-shots is recorded under the correct source & medium.

RESULT: Results are harder to analyse


Page 19
18. Social traffic filter: Add filter and utm tags to twitter links

CHECK: Ensure traffic from social is recorded under the correct source & medium.

RESULT: Results are harder to analyse

ACTION REQUIRED: Filter enabled. Ideally, tag links from social to ensure campaign data
captured aswell.

Page 20
19. Self-referral filter: Add filter and standardise GA code

CHECK: Referrals from owned domains separated.

RESULT: External referral traffic harder to analyse.

ACTION REQUIRED: Add filter to change visits from and other web properties
into a medium of “self_referral” to seperate from other referrals.

Page 21
20. Error 404 page url filter : Enable GA code and add filter

CHECK: Broken pages are separated from active pages.

RESULT: Broken pages are harder to identify and fix.

ACTION REQUIRED: Add GA code to 404 pages, then add filter to move “page not found”
into /error_404/

Page 22
Appendix: GA Dashboard with list of errors

Page 23
Appendix: Example GA profile filters

Page 24
Appendix: Suggested changes blog to wordpress then enabling this ga plugin

If it was changed to wordpress, then this plugin could be used:

Page 25

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