MT Solutions by Malichi
MT Solutions by Malichi
MT Solutions by Malichi
ANS: Material Grading is a process of generating distinct size fractions of particles using one
or more screen decks in decreasing aperture sizes.
c) With the help of an illustration shown in figure 1.0, derive an equation that can be used to
establish the separation efficiency of a screen on the underflow stream.
The efficiency is expressed as the weight of the undersize actually obtained, as a percentage of
the weight of the true undersize actually in the feed:
𝑼𝒖 𝒖(𝒇 − 𝒐)
𝑬= × 𝟏𝟎𝟎% = × 𝟏𝟎𝟎% … … … … … … … … … . 𝒆𝒒𝒏. 𝟏
𝑬𝒇 𝒇(𝒖 − 𝒐)
Where: f = % true undersize in feed, u = % true undersize in the undersize and o = % true
undersize in oversize
If we may assume that all the material in the undersize fraction is true undersize material,
then u = 100 % and the equation reduce to:
𝑼𝒖 𝟏𝟎𝟎(𝒇 − 𝒐)
𝑬= × 𝟏𝟎𝟎% = × 𝟏𝟎𝟎% … … … … … … … … … … . 𝒆𝒒𝒏. 𝟐
𝑬𝒇 𝒇(𝟏𝟎𝟎 − 𝒐)
i. Grading: to generate distinct size fractions of particles using one or more screen decks in
decreasing aperture sizes.
ii. Sizing: Separation of particles of a particular feed into different fractions by size.
iii. De-sliming: Separation of very fine particles from the ore material.
iv. Trash removal: Removal of unwanted particles from ore material i.e. wood particles,
tramp metals etc.
v. Medium recovery: Medium recovery is a process in which heavy media particles i.e.
magnetite and ferrosilicon are separated from cyclone products on a drain and rinse-
vibrating screen for re-use.
vi. Scalping: Removal of coarse particles from the feed material usually using grizzly
screens prior to primary crushing. This ensures that coarse products do not proceed to
the next stage in a closed circuit.
vii. Dewatering: this is a process usually applied in the removal of excess water enthralled
with the particles, thus improving the pulp densities of materials going to the downstream
(f) A vibrating screen is fed with a slurry of iron (specific gravity 5.2 t/m3) at a relative density
of 1.73 kg/L. The screen overflow and underflow has a pulp density of 1.51 kg/L and
1.89 kg/L respectively. A 3.1 m3 sample of underflow was taken in 5.3 seconds. Calculate
the separation efficiency of the screen on the underflow stream. [6 marks]
By Malichi Felix_B.Eng. Mining Engineering (CBU) _Call/ WhatsApp +260967355796 Page 3 of 11
Question Two [20 marks]
b) With the help of a suitable diagram, explain the principle operation of a hydrocyclone. [4
d) By drawing a simple separation efficiency curve, show on the graph how you can
determine the sharpness of separation, water bypass and cut size. [3 marks]
By Malichi Felix_B.Eng. Mining Engineering (CBU) _Call/ WhatsApp +260967355796 Page 6 of 11
𝑬𝟕𝟓 − 𝑬𝟐𝟓
𝑬𝟕𝟓 − 𝑬𝟐𝟓
It is how efficient classification is due to (difference between actual and ideal curve)
Cut size
It is simply 50%
The particle size, which can report either to the overflow or to underflow
Water bypass:
It is where a curve cuts the y-axis.
It represent/or entails the amount of water from the feed reporting to the overflow.
NOTE: The label of the curve is “Actual curve” and y-axis is “% Passing (E)”
e) What are the advantages of using a hydrocyclone in the separation of fine particles?
[3 marks]
i. High capacity relative to its size, and
ii. Relative efficiency.
iii. They can also classify over a very wide range of sizes (typically 5-500μm), smaller
diameter units being used for finer classification.
(ii) Drying: Drying is defined as the expulsion of relatively small amounts of water or other
liquid from solid material to an acceptably low value.
(iii) Poling: Hydrocarbon reduction - removal of oxygen as CO2 (g) and H2O (g) down to
approximately 0.16 % oxygen.
b) What are the advantages of subjecting a sulphide mineral to a pyrometallurgy route for
valuable metal recovery? [2 marks]
ANS 2: The sinter product is a lumpy cindery agglomerate, which is later fed to a blast furnace and
should have the following basic properties:
1) Hard and strong to bear the weight of feed on top of it.
2) Porous to allow for gas-solid reactions.
3) Reactive with large surface area.
4) Be oxidic i.e. particular chemical nature.
Naturally, concentrates do not possess these properties. They are reformed in sintering to acquire the
Objective is to further remove Fe and S from the matte to produce blister copper of about
97 - 98 % Cu which is sent to fire-refining or electro-refining after casting into blocks.
The purpose of the smelting stage is to eliminate as much of the unwanted iron, sulfur
and gangue minerals as possible, while minimizing the loss of copper.
In the Isasmelt process, a gas or air lance is brought in through the top of a furnace and its
tip submerged in the sulfide concentrate. A blast from the lance produces a turbulent bath in
which the concentrates are oxidized to produce a high-lead slag. This slag is tapped
continuously and transferred to a second furnace, where it is reduced with coal. Crude lead and
slag are tapped continuously from the second furnace and separated for further refining.
i. High percentage of copper (CU) in slag which is 14-24 % for direct to blister compared to
1-2 % for conventional smelting.
ii. Because of the high oxidized Cu in slag in the direct-to copper processing, these slags
have to be reduced with Carbon to recover the Copper (which is time consuming )
E.g. in all the three plants i.e. Poland, Zambia and Australia, where it is used, the slag
overflows into an electric furnace where it is settled for about 10 hours under a 0.25 m
blanket of metallurgical coke.
iii. There is a cost of processing needed to recover the Cu lost in slag such that this
processing will be restricted to low Fe concentrate such as chalcocite Cu2S and bornite
Cu5FeS4 rather than high Fe concentrates such as chalcopyrite. [3 marks]
i. By removing most of the remaining iron and sulfur down to approximately. 0.003 % S.
ii. The second stage, often referred to as poling (Hydrocarbon reduction - removal of
oxygen as CO2(g) and H2O(g) down to appx. 0.16 % O.). This is done by blowing
natural gas, or some other reducing agent, through the molten copper oxide. When the
flame burns green, indicating the copper oxidation spectrum, the oxygen has mostly
been burned off. This creates a product at about 99 – 99.5 % Cu with appx. 0.003 % S,
0.16 % O which is then casted into flat, thin anodes suitable for electro-refining. This
process is usually done in a typical vessel like a rotary furnace refining. [4 marks]