Introduction To Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

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Introduction to Information

and Communication
Technology (ICT)

1 2 3

Define ICT. Recall how technology Identify the different

particularly computers, parts of the computer
have evolved system and categorize
throughout the years. the different computer
Small Group Discussion

Form five groups. Each group will be assigned to a specific

electronic device.

Discuss among yourselves the use of the device, your experience

in using it, and the frequency of its usage. Share with the class the
insights that your group had raised.
Group 1 Mobile Phone

Group 2 Laptop

Group 3 Power Bank

Group 4 Flash Drive

Headset or
Group 5
ICT : An Overview

• The term Information

and Communications • ICT itself was
Technology or ICT was considered too broad,
defined in a study • These classifications,
that Zuppo created an however “contain some
conducted by Zuppo ICT hierarchy to identify
(2012) as “related to degree of commonality
key aspects, such as ICT in that they are related
technologies that in education, business,
facilitate the transfer of to technologies that
and the economic sector. facilitate transfer of
information and various
types of electronically information and various
mediated types of electronically
communication. mediated
Hierarchy by
of ICT 1 Information

ICT is made up of three words:

2 Communication

3 Technology
• Refers to the knowledge • Information is regarded as
obtained from reading, processed data. Computers
investigation, study or normally process data that
research. are later understood as
• The typing on the keyboard • Information is needed to
is considered as input data make decisions and forsee
while the words and the future.
sentences you see on your
computer monitor is Processed Information is
considered as output called knowledge.
information. Knowledge helps fulfill
daily task.

• is an act of • it is a process whereby information

transmitting messages. is exchanged between individuals
through verbal and non-verbal means.

• Technology has evolved in • Technology has made

ways that has made communication much easier
people’s daily lives much and faster such as through
easier. telephones, fax machines,
mobile devices, and

is often used in a more
general sense, described as
using computers and other
digital technologies to assist
ICT or Information individuals or institutions in
handling or using information.

ICT is technology that
supports activities
involving information such
as gathering, processing,
storing, and presenting

Pertains to the industry that
involves computers, software,
networking, and other IT
insfrastructures to help relay
or manage information
IT or important in modern-day
living as seen primarily in

Information large companies or



Simply put, IT is a subset of
ICT as the technology used
in the field of IT aids in the
use of ICT. (Wang, 2016)
Evolution of
The evolution of technology has always
depend on one thing: human rationale.
Humans tend to think of ways on how to improve tasks,
workload, or simply day-to-day activity.
By Majority of
The concept combining machines,
of set of tools, including
technology humans have computers,
started off come up have evolved
with the with into the field
basic tool. machines. of
A type of machine that is
nowadays considered necessity
are computers. A computer is an
electronic device, operating
under the control of instruction
stored on its own memory,that
can accept data, manipulate the
data according to specified rules,
produce results, and store the
results for future use.
History of
Computers evolved based on the type of
components used in the design. At present,
scientists and researchers have identified
five generations based on design, suitability,
and reliability.
The first electronic computer

First-Generation was developed in 1946.

Designed by J. Presper Eckert
and John W. Mauchly from
Computers (1946-1959) University of Pennsylvania
and was financed by United
States Army.

Electronic Numeric Integrator

and Calculator (ENIAC) was
considered to be the first-
generation computer.

• Store only limited or small

amount of information
• Only do arithmetic
operations such as addition
and subtraction of up to 10
• 167 square meters in size,
weighing 27 tons.
Computers (1959-1965)
In this generation, the
transistor was used as the
interior sections of the
second-generation computer.
Transistors were much
smaller, faster and
dependable than the vacuum
tubes of the first-generation
computer. They generated
less heat and consumed less
electricity but still very costly.
In 1965, Jack Kilby invented
Third-Generation the Integrated Circuit (IC) that
was used in exchange of

Computers (1965-1971) transistors as the interior

sections used to build the

A single IC has many

transistors, resistors, and
capacitors that even full
circuit board of transistors
can be replaced entirely with
one chip. This chip made the
computers smaller in size,
unfailing, and effective.

In this generation, remote

processing, time-sharing,
multiprogramming operating
system started to be used.
In the period of fourth-
Fourth-Generation generation computers,Very
Large Scale Integrated (VLSI)
Computers (1971-1980) circuits were used. These
circuits have about 5,000
transistors and other circuits
on a single chip known as

These fourth-generation
computers such as personal
computers became more
powerful, dense, steadfast,
and inexpensive.

Microprocessor technology
can be used and applied for
pocket calculators, television
sets, automative devices, and
audio and video appliances.
Fifth-Generation In this generation, the Very
Large Scale Integrated (VLSI)

Computers (1980-onwards) technology has evolved to

Ultra Large-Scale Integration
(ULSI) technology, with
manufacture of
microprocessor chips having
10 million electronic

This generation involves

computer intelligence which
is associated with artificial
intelligence (AI), natural
language, and expert system
interprets the means and
practices of producing
computers that think like
human beings.
• Hardware pertains to the
The Components computer’s physical devices.
It is any part of the computer
of a Computer that can be seen and touched.

By definition, a computer is an electronic device • A computer’s hardware consists

that manipulates information or data. It has the
of interrelated electronic devices
ability to store, retrieve, and process data. It contains
that are used to manipulate the
both hardware components and software application.
computer’s operation,
input devices and output devices.
Input Devices
Input devices assent data and instructions
from the user or from another computer system
on the internet while output devices send back the
administered data to the user or to another
computer system.

• is the most common input

device that accept letters,
numbers, and commands from
the user .

• A mouse is used by moving it

on a flat surface and pressing
its two buttons (left and
right), and a used wheel that
is located between the

• A trackball has a ball that

can rotate using a finger or
the palm of a hand to move
the pointer.

• A touchpad also called a

trackpad is a touch-sensitive
pad that lets the user move
the pointer by touching and
dragging his or her finger on
the pad. Touchpads are
commonly built-in on laptop

• Allows user to speak into the

computer to input data and
instructions. While there are
available stand alone
microphones for computers,
most of the time, users buy a
headset—a combination of
microphone and earphones—
for the sake of practicality.

• Converts printed material

(such as text and pictures)
into a form the computer can
use. There are different types
of scanner.
Types of Scanner

Flatbed Scanner

Scanners look like miniature

printers with a flip-up cover
protecting glass platen. They
are often built into
multifunction printers (MFPs).
Types of Scanner

Handheld or Portable

Portable scanners can be

small enough to fit inside
one’s pocket.
Digital Camera

• Allows one to take pictures

then transfer the
photographed images to the
computer or printer instead of
storing the images on a
traditional film.
PC Video Camera

• is a digital video camera that

enables users to create a
movie or take still
photographs electronically.
With the PC video camera
attached to the computer,
users can see each other as
they communicate via
Output Devices
Output device is any hardware component that
transmits information to one or more people.
The three commonly used output devices are
as follows:
1. Printer

• Produces text and graphics

on a physical medium such as
paper. The two types of
printers are the impact
printers and the non-impact
Types of Printer

Dot-Matrix Printer Impact Printer

Makes contact with the paper

by pressing an inked ribbon
against the paper by using a
hammer or pins.

Example : Dot-Matrix
Types of Printer

Inkjet Printer Non-Impact Printer

Non-impact printers do not

use a striking device to
produce characters on the
paper, and because these
printers do not hammer
against the paper, they are
much quieter.

Example : Inket printers and

Laser Printers
Types of Printer

Laser Printer
2. Monitor

Displays text, graphics,

videos on a screen. Many
monitors look similar to a
Types of Monitor
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)

• Is a vacuum tube containing

an electron gun at one end
and a fluorescent screen at
another end.

Monitors employ the CRT

technology used most
commonly in the
manufacturing of television
screens. A stream of intense
high energy electrons used to
form images on a fluorescent
Types of Monitor
Liquid Crystal Display
• Is a flat-panel display that
consists of a layer of color or
monochrome pixels arranged
schematically between a
couple of transparent
electrodes and two polarizing

Optical effect is achieved by

polarizing the light in varied
amounts and making it pass
through the crystal layer.
Types of Monitor
Light-emitting Diode
• is a flat-panel display that
uses light-emitting diodes for
back lightning.

The display is of LCD only but

the back-lightning is done by
LEDs. LED monitors are said
to use much lesser power
than CRT and LCD. Thus, they
are also considered
3. Speaker

• Allows one to hear music,

voice, and other sounds. The
signal used to produce the
sound that comes from a
computer speaker is created
by computer’s sound card.
System Unit
The system unit is the enclosure
composed of the main elements
of a computer that are used to
administers data. This can be
referred to as a computer case or

The circuitry of the system unit

containing the primary
components of a computer with
connectors into which other
circuit boards can be positioned
is recognized as motherboard.
The goal of using a storage is to
keep data permanently. There are
many types of storage devices
the flash disk drive, hard disk
drive and compact disc.
Types of Storage Devices
Flash Disk Drive

A small in size, a portable storage

device often referred to as pen
drives, thumb drives, or jump
drives. It had a memory capacity
of 2GB, 4GB, 8GB, 16GB, 32GB,
64GB, 128GB, 1TB, and now up to
Types of Storage Devices
Hard Disk Drive

Another type of storage is the

hard disk drive. Tt is known that
most of personal computers have
atleast one non-removable hard
disk that is regarded as non-
volatile memory which
permanently stores and retrieves
Types of Storage Devices
Compact Disc

It is a flat, round and portable

metal disc. One type of compact
disc is a CD-ROM, which can be
accessed using most CD and DVD
drives. Another type of compact
disc is a DVD-ROM, which has
enough storage capacity to store
full-length movie.

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