Instructional Project 5 - Part1 4
Instructional Project 5 - Part1 4
Instructional Project 5 - Part1 4
Observation Form 1
1-What was/were the learning objectives/outcomes of the lesson? (Add state objectives if
The learning outcome of this course is to reinforce students' ability to count from 1 to 100 at the
end of the course.
The teacher started the lesson by watching a song video. Students danced while listening to this
video . Later , the teacher opened the projector " how many videos did we watch and how many
videos should we watch to get 10 " . She asked the students to show them with their hands. He
did this once again. Thus, it reinforced the previous topic and made a warm-up.
At the end of the lesson, she handed out a worksheet and asked for the missing numbers to be
stopped. (exit ticket)
3-What did the teacher use for teaching materials or instructional aids/equipment?
The teacher used the "Hook" technique. He started the lesson with an activity that caught the
students' attention. In addition, the teacher used "Board = Paper" and "Check to understand"
techniques. These techniques will help you improve the lesson.
6- What can you say about the teacher’s philosophy/beliefs and style? (Traditional,
progressive, behaviorist, student-centered vs. teacher-centered, authoritative, etc.)
I can say the following about the teacher's philosophy/beliefs and style. The teacher's teaching
philosophy is progressive, student-centered and authoritarian. The teacher makes use of
technological tools in his classroom. She has a student-centered understanding. He also exhibits
an authoritarian attitude for a good and productive course.
7-How does the teacher manage classroom? Can you identify classroom management
techniques used?
By understanding students' strengths and needs, you can better plan activities and lesson plans
that enable a cohesive and collaborative classroom. The teacher has created a good classroom
plan. Knows students' abilities and speed. Allocates separate time to students with deficiencies
and reinforces their missing lessons.
It uses the "Normalize Error" technique. If students understand that mistakes are a learning
opportunity, not the end of the world, they will be more willing to take risks and more likely to
Also , she uses some classroom management techniques like entry routine and seat signals.
Entry Routine. Having a structured entry routine speeds up the start of teaching.
Seat Signals. Simple hand signals demanding routine interruptions, such as using a restroom or
picking up a pencil, can take away some of the wasted time that plagues teaching. (Effective time
8-Observe in the classroom setting and determine the types of behavior students play when
off-task. What do they do when they are not paying attention? How does the teacher re-
direct them or get them back on task?
Since it is a kindergarten, the attention of the students is easily distracted. The teacher uses
informative videos while teaching the subject. They then give questions or use worksheets to
check their learning. After they assemble the distraction worksheet , he asks them to paint and
free draw the pictures there . Thus, it allows them to do their homework with painting, an activity
they love.
9-How does the teacher communicate with students (verbal, vocal, meta-verbal or non-verbal
communication such as facial, body language, use of space, motion and time?)
The teacher uses verbal communication strategies. This helped her maintain classroom control
and a good level of discipline in the classroom.
For example, she changes the tone of his voice. Talking in a monotonous voice is boring and
students may not focus on what you are saying or the lesson and may even put them to sleep.
Also, she does not respond to students calling out. She states that they should raise their hands
and wait for permission to speak.
10-Who were the students in the class? What did you notice about them? (Background,
diversity, attitude, motivation, interaction, participation, etc)
The students in the classroom are kindergarten students of various ethnicities. Their family
structures and upbringing are different from each other. This also affects their behavior and
motivation in the classroom.
11-What did you see that is effective in engaging students? What do you see that is
ineffective in keeping students engaged?
Technological tools played an important role in attracting students' attention and ensuring
Monotonous activities reduce interest. For example, working at the computer for a long time.
12-What are the two instructional strategies you observed and would like to apply in your
Two teaching strategies I've observed and want to implement in my classroom are exit tickets
and Think -pair -share.
Exit ticket
Before students leave your learning environment, they may be asked to answer a question about
a key concept discussed in class that day. They can write this on a piece of paper or an index
card. The questions can be as simple as asking students what they find most interesting about the
This active learning technique is another of the best-known teaching strategies. After presenting
a lesson, pause the lesson for a moment to ask students to pair up with a partner. Have them
discuss the material they just learned. Prepare questions and have students take turns presenting
their observations to the rest of the class when they have some time to discuss with their partners.
13-What are two important classroom management strategies that you observed and would
like to apply in your classroom?
I can use the entry routine and exit ticket in my classroom as a classroom management strategy. I
can also use the "Normalize Error" technique. Thus, if students understand that mistakes are a
learning opportunity, not the end of the world, they will be more willing to take risks and more
likely to learn.