Conservation of Linear Momentum
Conservation of Linear Momentum
Conservation of Linear Momentum
The main aim of this experiment is to study the principles of conservation of linear momentum.
The experiment conservation of linear momentum talks in general about momentum. Momentum is
the product of the particles mass and velocity, and its symbol will be ⃗p ,and it can be described as a
vector quantity with the same direction as the particle’s velocity(What Is the Law of Conservation of
Linear Momentum):
⃗p=m× ⃗v (1)
And the particles velocity has a component of ( v x , v y ), then the momentum components will be (
p x , p y ):
p x =m× v x (2)
p y =m× v y (3)
The use of Newton's second law with respect to momentum can be described where the momentum
with respect to velocity and velocity is calculated to be zero with respect to static objects resulting in
zero momentum at rest.
d ⃗v d
∑ ⃗F =m× ⃗a=m dt = dt ( m ⃗v ) (4 )
By substituting the definition of momentum into equation (4), we get Newton's second law in terms
of momentum.
d ⃗p
∑ ⃗F = dt (5)
The relationship given in Equation 5 was exactly the interpretation of the conservation of momentum
with respect to the net zero effect of the force, the momentum will have a constant value with respect
to time. Momentum can be examined under two types of collisions known as elastic and inelastic
collisions. The equation for elastic collision(11.3 Conservation of Angular Momentum - University
Physics Volume 1 | OpenStax).
⃗pi= ⃗p f (6)
And by substituting the magnitudes 8,9,10, and 11 into equation 7 we will get:
m1 × v 1 ,i +m2 ×v 2 , i=m1 × v 1 , f +m2 × v 2 , f (12)
If the masses of the two pucks are equal, (m=m1=m2 ) then the conservation of the momentum gives
the velocity vector relationship.
v1 , i+ v 2 ,i=v 1 , f +v 2 , f (13)
1. Spark Timer
2. Air table
3. Compressor
4. Shooters
5. Carbon Paper
6. Data sheet
Figure 1: The motion of the two pucks before and after the collision.
4. Experimental Results
t= =0.05 s × 5 dots=0.25 s
20 Hz
x 1 ,i=14.3 cm=0.143m x 1, f =13.7 cm=0.137 m
x 2 ,i=13.4 cm=0.134 m x 2 ,f =13.4 cm=0.134 m
0.143 0.137
v1 , i= =0.572m/ s v 1 , f = =0.548 m/s
0.25 s 0.25 s
0.134 0.134
v 2, i= =0.536 m/s v 2 ,f = =0.536 m/s
0.25 s 0.25 s
In general, if the slight numerical difference is ignored and the velocity is considered to be 0.5 m/s
before and after the collision and the masses of the puck are 0.56 kg, then the momentum can be
considered as conserved momentum with P-value = 0.714 Kg .m/s denoted by Equation 1.
Furthermore, Slight numerical differences observed in the computation part may come from sources
of errors. Sources of errors in the experiment may come from the force applied to the disk by the
group member which could be against the assumed assumption if the group member applies the force
too harshly. Friction has been ignored since the compressor pedal was tested prior to the experiment,
but nevertheless, this may affect the accuracy of the results. Distance measurements made on the
white paper by a group member may show an inaccurate result.
In conclusion, the main objective of the experiment was carried out by investigating the motion of the
disk in addition to the calculations made in order to observe the conserved momentum value.
Although the results had a slight numerical difference or error, the main objective of the experiment
was achieved, and the conservation of momentum was demonstrated.
6. Report Questions
Since the velocity before and after collision is calculated in Table 1 keeping the same result with a
slight numerical difference as
1.15 m/s ≈ 1.40 m/ s ≈1.275 m/s
The experiment consisted of two pucks of equal mass. Therefore, the momentum before the collision
will retain the same value after the collisions P = 0.714Kg .m/s.
7. References
11.3 Conservation of Angular Momentum - University Physics Volume 1 | OpenStax.
linear-momentum#0. Accessed 16 Jan. 2022.
What Is the Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum.
of-conservation-of-linear-momentum/. Accessed 16 Jan. 2022.