Scripting API

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User’s Manual

VMware Scripting API


Version 2.0
Please note that you will always find the most up-to-date technical docu-
mentation on our Web site at
VMware, Inc.
The VMware Web site also provides the latest product updates.
3145 Porter Drive
Copyright © 2002-2003 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved. Protected by one or more of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,397,242
Palo Alto, CA 94304
and 6.496.847; patents pending. VMware, the VMware “boxes” logo, GSX Server and ESX Server are trademarks of VMware, Inc. Microsoft, Windows, Windows NT, Visual C++, Visual Basic, JScript, and ActiveX are registered
trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Linux is a registered trademark of Linus Torvalds. All other marks and
names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.
Table of Contents
Introduction __________________________________________________ 7
VMware Scripting APIs ___________________________________________ 8
Supported Products ___________________________________________ 9
Intended Audience ___________________________________________ 9
Getting Support from VMware __________________________________ 9
Using the VMware Scripting APIs ___________________________________ 9
Installing the VMware Scripting API _________________________________ 9
Installing the VMware Scripting API on a Windows Machine ___________ 10
Installing VmPerl Scripting API on a Linux Machine __________________ 11

Using VmCOM ________________________________________________ 13

What is VmCOM? ______________________________________________ 14
VmCOM Objects _______________________________________________ 15
VmConnectParams _____________________________________________ 15
VmServerCtl __________________________________________________ 16
Property ___________________________________________________ 16
Methods __________________________________________________ 16
VmCollection _________________________________________________ 16
VmCtl _______________________________________________________ 17
Properties __________________________________________________ 17
Methods __________________________________________________ 19
VmQuestion __________________________________________________ 22
Symbolic Constant Enumerations _________________________________ 22
VmExecutionState ___________________________________________ 22
VmPowerOpMode ___________________________________________ 23
VmProdInfoType ____________________________________________ 24
VmProduct _________________________________________________ 24
VmPlatform ________________________________________________ 24
Using VmCOM to Pass User-Defined Information Between a Running Guest
Operating System and a Script ____________________________________ 25
GuestInfo Variables __________________________________________ 25
Sending Information Set in a VmCOM Script to the Guest
Operating System ___________________________________________ 26
Sending Information Set in the Guest Operating System to a
VmCOM Script ______________________________________________ 27 3
Using Sample VmCOM Programs ________________________________ 29
Sample VmCOM Programs _______________________________________ 30
Copyright Information ________________________________________ 30
MiniMUI Visual Basic Sample Program ____________________________ 31
JScript and VBScript Sample Programs ___________________________ 31

Using VmPerl ________________________________________________ 43

VmPerl Modules _______________________________________________ 44
VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams __________________________________ 45
VMware::VmPerl::Server __________________________________________ 46
VMware::VmPerl::VM ____________________________________________ 47
Additional Information on get_tools_last_active ____________________ 51
VMware::VmPerl::Question _______________________________________ 52
Symbolic Constants ____________________________________________ 52
VM_EXECUTION_STATE_<XXX> Values ___________________________ 52
VM_POWEROP_MODE_<XXX> Values ____________________________ 53
Infotype Values _____________________________________________ 54
VM_PRODINFO_PRODUCT_<XXX> Values ________________________ 54
VM_PRODINFO_PLATFORM_<XXX> Values ________________________ 54
Using VmPerl to Pass User-Defined Information Between a Running Guest
Operating System and a Script ____________________________________ 55
GuestInfo Variables __________________________________________ 55
Sending Information Set in a VmPerl Script to the Guest
Operating System ___________________________________________ 56
Sending Information Set in the Guest Operating System to a
VmPerl Script _______________________________________________ 57

Using Sample VmPerl Scripts ___________________________________ 59

Sample Perl Scripts _____________________________________________ 60
Copyright Information ________________________________________ 60
Listing the Virtual Machines on the Server _________________________ 61
Starting All Virtual Machines on a Server __________________________ 63
Checking a Virtual Machine’s Power Status ________________________ 65
Monitoring a Virtual Machine’s Heartbeat _________________________ 67
Answering Questions Posed by a Virtual Machine ___________________ 70
Suspending a Virtual Machine __________________________________ 74
Setting a Virtual Machine’s IP Address Configuration Variable __________ 75
Getting a Virtual Machine’s IP Address ____________________________ 77

Error Codes and Event Logging _________________________________ 81
Error Codes and Event Logging ___________________________________ 82
Error Codes ___________________________________________________ 82
Error Handling for the VmCOM Library ___________________________ 82
Error Handling for the VmPerl Library ____________________________ 82
Common VmCOM and VmPerl Errors ____________________________ 83
Event Logging ________________________________________________ 84
Using the Event Viewer _______________________________________ 85
Reading the Event Log ________________________________________ 86

Appendix A: vmware-cmd Utility ________________________________ 89

Using the vmware-cmd Utility ____________________________________ 90
Options ___________________________________________________ 90
vmware-cmd Operations on a Server ____________________________ 90
vmware-cmd Operations on a Virtual Machine _____________________ 91
<powerop_mode> Values _____________________________________ 93
vmware-cmd Utility Examples __________________________________ 93

Index _______________________________________________________ 97 5

VMware Scripting APIs

This release of VMware™ scripting APIs version 2.0 comprises two components: VmCOM and VmPerl.
VmCOM is a Component Object Model (COM) interface for languages such as Microsoft® Visual
Basic®, Microsoft® Visual Basic® Scripting Edition (also known as VBScript), Microsoft® Visual C++® and
JScript®. You may install the VmCOM Scripting API on machines with the Microsoft® Windows®
operating system.
VmPerl is an application programming interface (API) that utilizes the Perl scripting language. You
may install the VmPerl Scripting API on machines with the Microsoft Windows or Linux operating
You may install the Scripting APIs on the GSX Server host and on remote workstations.


GSX Server on a Windows host

Windows remote workstation


GSX Server on a Linux host

Linux remote workstation

Although the interfaces for VmCOM and VmPerl are different, both components are functionally
equivalent. Depending on your operating system, you can either use VmCOM or VmPerl to
accomplish the same tasks.
VMware has designed VmCOM and VmPerl to provide task automation and simple, single-purpose
user interfaces. The Scripting APIs are not intended for building advanced interactive user interfaces.
For example, you can use the VMware Scripting APIs to perform power operations (start, stop,
suspend or reset) on VMware servers and virtual machines, locally and remotely across servers. You
can also use the API to register and unregister virtual machines and gather information about them,
including sending and receiving configuration to a virtual machine. You can also send properties you
define, from the host or a script, into a virtual machine's guest operating system and vice versa.
We provide example scripts and applications demonstrating possible uses for the Scripting APIs. The
directory in which you installed VmCOM contains two subdirectories; MiniMUI, that contains a
sample Visual Basic project that uses VmCOM, and SampleScripts, that contains sample VmCOM


scripts. Similarly, the directory in which you installed VmPerl contains a subdirectory, SampleScripts,
that contains sample VmPerl scripts.

Supported Products
We support the installation of the VmCOM and VmPerl Scripting APIs on VMware™ GSX Server™ 2.x.
Refer to the VMware GSX Server User's Manual for complete information on system requirements at

Intended Audience
This manual is written for programmers that are familiar with either the Perl language or the
Component Object Model (COM) interface for programming languages. Readers of this manual
should be comfortable with developing system administration and system monitoring programs and
general debugging techniques. In addition, developers who use this manual should be familiar with
the operation and management of VMware GSX Server and the host operating system used for this
application. For more information on VMware GSX Server refer to the VMware GSX Server User's Manual

Getting Support from VMware

See for full details on the VMware Scripting APIs support policy.

Using the VMware Scripting APIs

By using the VMware Scripting APIs, you can access and administer virtual machines without using a
local or remote console. The virtual machines — or the server for that matter — do not have to be
running in order to use the VMware Scripting APIs.
Each VmCOM object and Perl module is described in the following chapters and includes the
methods, the properties, and their usage. In addition, sample scripts and lists of error codes are
provided. For VmCOM sample scripts, see Sample VmCOM Programs on page 26 and for VmPerl
scripts, see Sample Perl Scripts on page 56. For the list of error codes, see Error Codes on page 78.
Note: For more information about VMware API development, see

Installing the VMware Scripting API

You have the option of installing the VMware Scripting API on your server when you installed the
software. For complete information on installing GSX Server, see
However, if you want to run VMware Scripting APIs from a machine other than the server, you need to
install VmCOM or VmPerl on that machine. Your administrator will provide you with the appropriate 5

script or executable file, or ask you to download it from the VMware Management Interface (requires

Installing the VMware Scripting API on a Windows Machine

You have a choice of installing either the VmCOM or the VmPerl Scripting API.
1. Choose Start > Run and browse to the directory where you saved the downloaded installer file
(the name is similar to VMware-VmPERLAPI-<xxxx>.exe or VMware-VmCOMAPI-
<xxxx>.exe, where <xxxx> is a series of numbers representing the version and build
2. The installer starts. Click Next.
3. Acknowledge the end user license agreement (EULA). Select Yes, I accept the terms in the
license agreement, then click Next.
4. Choose the directory in which to install the Scripting API. To install it in a directory other than
the default, click Change and browse to your directory of choice. If the directory does not exist,
the installer creates it for you. Click Next.
Note: Windows and the Microsoft Installer limit the path length to 255 characters for a path to
a folder on a local drive and 240 characters for a path to a folder on a mapped or shared drive. If
the path to the Scripting API program folder exceeds this limit, an error message appears. You
must select or enter a shorter path.
5. Click Install. The installer begins copying files to your machine.
6. Click Finish. The VMware Scripting API is installed.
If you install VmCOM, two folders named MiniMUI and SampleScripts are created in the same
directory as the VmCOM Scripting API. The MiniMUI folder contains a sample Microsoft Visual Basic 6
project that uses VmCOM. The SampleScripts folder contains VBScript and JScript samples using the
VmCOM Scripting API. See Sample VmCOM Programs on page 26 for additional information.
If you install VmPerl, a SampleScripts (Samples) folder is created in the same directory as the VmPerl
Scripting API. The SampleScripts folder contains sample scripts using the VmPerl Scripting API. See
Sample Perl Scripts on page 56 for additional information on the sample scripts.
At any time, you can decide to remove this software from your system by running the installer and
selecting the Remove option. Alternately, use Add/Remove Programs in the Control Panel to remove
the Scripting API.


Installing VmPerl Scripting API on a Linux Machine

You can install only the VmPerl Scripting API on a Linux machine. VmCOM is not supported.
1. Copy the VmPerl package to the machine on which you want to run the VMware Scripting API.
2. In a terminal window, become root so you can carry out the installation.
3. Untar the package
tar xzf VMware-VmPERLAPI-v.v.v-####.tar.gz
where v.v.v is the specific version number and #### is the build number.
4. Change to the directory where you expanded the package.
cd vmware-api-distrib
5. Run the install script.
6. Press Enter to read the end user license agreement (EULA). You may page through it by pressing
the space bar. If the Do you accept? prompt doesn’t appear, press Q to get to the next
7. Choose the directory to install the VmPerl executable files or accept the default location.
This directory includes the uninstall script for the VmPerl API.
8. Choose the directory to install the VmPerl library files or accept the default location.
This directory includes the sample scripts for the VmPerl API. The SampleScripts directory
contains example scripts that demonstrate use of the VmPerl API. You may customize these
scripts for your particular organization. See Sample Perl Scripts on page 56 for more information
on the sample scripts.
This completes the VmPerl API installation.
At any time, you can decide to remove this software from your system by invoking the following
command as root:
<executable_files_directory>/ 7
Using VmCOM
Using VmCOM

What is VmCOM?
The VmCOM component exposes VmServerCtl and VmCtl as the primary objects for
communicating with VMware components. VmConnectParams, VmCollection and
VmQuestion are support objects used as inputs or outputs to the methods and properties of the
primary objects.
A VmServerCtl object represents a server and exports server-level services, such as virtual
machine enumeration and registration. A VmCtl object represents a virtual machine on a particular
server and provides virtual machine specific methods such as power operations. You must first
activate the VmServerCtl or VmCtl object by calling its Connect() method before accessing
any other method.
The Connect() method requires a VmConnectParams input parameter containing the host
identifier and user credentials supplied for authentication. If the host identifier is not supplied or is
undefined, the authentication is performed on the local system. If the user name and password are
also not supplied, the current user is authenticated on the local machine. Otherwise, you may supply
the user name and password for authentication as that user.
Unlike the VmServerCtl object, VmCtl.Connect() also takes a string specifying the
configuration file name of the virtual machine that will be connected.
Once a VmServerCtl object is connected, you can enumerate the virtual machines on the server,
and register or unregister the virtual machines. You can obtain a list of virtual machines on a
particular server from the VmServerCtl.RegisteredVmNames property. This property returns
a collection object named VmCollection. The collection’s elements comprise virtual machine
configuration file names and you can enumerate these elements using, for example, the for each
syntax in Visual Basic. If you know the configuration file name of a specific virtual machine, you can
connect the VmCtl object directly without using a VmServerCtl object.
You can use languages such as Visual Basic or Visual C++ to access VmCOM components. For
example, to use VmCOM from Visual Basic, choose Project > References, and enable the check box
for VMware VmCOM <version> Type Library. If this entry is not present, verify that the VMware
product is installed correctly.
To use VmCOM from another language, refer to the documentation for that language. Look for the
section in the documentation that describes ActiveX® components or the COM interface for that

Using VmCOM

VmCOM Objects
The VmCOM component provides the following objects:
• VmConnectParams
• VmServerCtl
• VmCollection
• VmCtl
• VmQuestion

This object supplies connection information and user credentials to VmServerCtl.Connect()
or VmCtl.Connect() and exposes the properties listed in the following table. All
VmConnectParams properties allow you to retrieve (GET) and modify (PUT) these properties.
The security for your connection depends upon the security configuration of your VMware server. If
you’re connecting to a VMware server or a virtual machine on a host with GSX Server, then the
connections is encrypted as long as the VMware server is configured to encrypt connections.

Property Name Property Type Access Type Description

Hostname string GET/PUT Retrieves and sets the name of a server, where Hostname is the
server’s hostname or IP address. If Hostname is not given or
undefined, the authentication is performed on the local system. The
C library connects to the local host and uses current user information
when it connects. However, this user information is not passed back
to VmConnectParams.
Otherwise, you may supply the user name and password for
authentication as that user.
Port integer GET/PUT Retrieves and sets the TCP port to use when connecting to the server.
Its default value is 0 (zero), indicating the default port number (902)
should be used. Otherwise, enter the correct port number.
A port number set to a negative value is treated as an incorrect value
and the default port number is used instead.
Username string GET/PUT Retrieves and sets the name of a user on the server.
Password string GET/PUT Retrieves and sets the user’s password on the server. 11
Using VmCOM

The VmServerCtl object represents a VMware server running on a particular machine.

The RegisteredVmNames read-only (GET) property returns a VmCollection of strings
specifying the configuration file names of the virtual machines currently registered on the server. The
server must be connected using Connect(), or this property throws an error.

The VmServerCtl object also exposes the methods listed in the following table. Except where
noted otherwise, these methods are synchronous; the method does not return until it finishes its
operation, fails, or times out. Most operations time out after 2 minutes.

Method Description
object.Connect(<params>) The Connect() method connects the object to a VMware GSX Server or a VMware
ESX Server where params is a VmConnectParams object that specifies the
system and user information.
There is no method to disconnect from a server. To reconnect to a different server,
destroy the VmServerCtl object, create a new one, then call its Connect()
The total number of connected VmCtl and VmServerCtl objects cannot
exceed 62. The Connect() method fails with error code
vmErr_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES if this limit is reached. In order to connect new
objects, destroy one or more connected VmCtl or VmServerCtl objects. For
example, you can do this by setting an object to Nothing in Visual Basic.
object.RegisterVm(<vmName>) The RegisterVm method registers a virtual machine on a server where vmName
is a string specifying the virtual machine’s configuration file name.
object.UnregisterVm(<vmName>) The UnRegisterVm method unregisters a virtual machine from a server where
vmName is a string specifying the virtual machine’s configuration file name.

The VmCollection object is a collection of variants that are typically strings. You can enumerate
its elements by using the for each syntax in Visual Basic. You can individually access each element
by passing its index to the Item property, or by using the
VmCollection(<index_as_integer>) array syntax in Visual Basic. The first element's index
is always the integer 1 (one).

Using VmCOM

Both VmServerCtl.RegisteredVmNames and VmQuestion.Choices return a

VmCollection of strings.
The VmCollection object includes the read-only (GET) properties listed in the following table:

Property Name Property Type Access Type Description

Count integer GET Gets the number of elements in the collection.
Item(<index_as_integer>) string GET Gets the element at the specified index.

The VmCtl object represents a virtual machine running on a particular server machine and exposes
symbolic constant enumerations, properties and methods.

The VmCtl object includes the properties listed in the following table. All of the properties can be
retrieved (GET); some of these properties can also be modified (PUT).

Property Name Property Type Access Description

ExecutionState VmExecutionState GET Current state of the virtual machine; powered on,
powered off, suspended, or stuck. For more information
on VmExecutionState, see VmExecutionState on
page 18.
PendingQuestion VmQuestion GET Returns a VmQuestion object if the virtual machine is
currently in the vmExecutionState_Stuck state.
Otherwise, an error is thrown
GuestInfo(keyName) string GET/PUT Accesses a shared variable identified by the string
For additional information, see Using VmCOM to Pass
User-Defined Information Between a Running Guest
Operating System and a Script on page 21. 13
Using VmCOM

Property Name Property Type Access Description

Config(keyName) string GET/PUT Accesses the value of a configuration variable identified
by the string keyName. When a virtual machine
process is spawned on the server, the process reads
configuration variables from the virtual machine's
configuration file into memory. If you write a
configuration variable by using the Config()
property, the new value is written into memory and is
discarded when the virtual machine process terminates.
You cannot change the value of a configuration variable
in a virtual machine’s configuration file.
The property throws an error if it accesses an undefined
configuration variable.
Do not change the memory size while a virtual machine
is suspended. First power off the virtual machine, then
change its memory size.
ConfigFileName string GET Returns the configuration file name for the virtual
machine. This method fails if the VmCtl object is not
Heartbeat integer GET Returns the current heartbeat count generated by the
VMware Tools service running in the guest operating
system. The count is initialized to zero when the virtual
machine is powered on.
The heartbeat count is typically incremented at least
once per second when the VMware Tools service is
running under light load conditions. The count stays
constant if this service is not running.
ToolsLastActive integer GET Returns an integer indicating how much time has
passed, in seconds, since the last heartbeat was
detected from the VMware Tools service.
This value is initialized to zero when the virtual machine
powers on. It stays at zero until the first heartbeat is
detected, after which the value is always greater than
zero until the virtual machine is power-cycled again.
For additional information, see Additional Information
on ToolsLastActive on page 15.
DeviceIsConnected(devName) Boolean GET Returns True if the specified device is connected.
Otherwise, False is returned.
ProductInfo(infoType) integer, VmProduct GET Returns an integer representing the value of the
or VmPlatform product information field specified by infoType, which is
of type VmProdInfoType. See VmProdInfoType on
page 20 for a list of valid types and return values.

Using VmCOM

Additional Information on ToolsLastActive

If the guest operating system is heavily loaded, this value may occasionally reach several seconds. If
the service stops running, either because the guest operating system has experienced a failure or is
shutting down, the ToolsLastActive value keeps increasing.
You can use a script with the ToolsLastActive property to monitor the start of the VMware
Tools service, and once started, the health of the guest operating system. If the guest operating
system has failed, the ToolsLastActive property indicates how long the guest has been down.
The following table summarizes how you may interpret the ToolsLastActive property values

ToolsLastActive Property Description

0 The VMware Tools service has not started since the power-on of the virtual
1 The VMware Tools service is running and is healthy.
2, 3, 4, or 5 The VMware Tools service could be running, but the guest operating system
may be heavily loaded or is experiencing temporary problems.
Greater than 5 The VMware Tools service stopped running, possibly because the guest
operating system experienced a fatal failure, is restarting, or is shutting

The VmCtl object includes the methods listed in the following table.
You can connect to a virtual machine, start, stop, suspend and resume virtual machines, query and
modify the configuration file settings, and connect and disconnect devices.
Except where noted otherwise, these methods are synchronous; the method does not return until it
finishes its operation, fails or times out. Most operations time out after 2 minutes, except for power
operations, which time out after 4 minutes. 15
Using VmCOM

Method Description
object.Connect(<params>, <vmName>) The Connect() method establishes a connection with a virtual machine
where params is a VmConnectParams object that specifies the
system and user information and vmName is a string specifying the virtual
machine’s configuration file name.
You should use this as the first method invoked on a VmCtl object. You
must first activate the VmCtl object by calling its Connect() method
before accessing any other method or property.
There is no method to disconnect from a virtual machine. To reconnect to a
different virtual machine, destroy the VmCtl object, create a new one, then
call its Connect() method.
The total number of connected VmCtl and VmServerCtl objects
cannot exceed 62. The Connect() method fails with error code
vmErr_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES if this limit is reached. In order to connect
new objects, destroy one or more connected VmCtl or VmServerCtl
objects. For example, you can do this by setting an object to Nothing in
Visual Basic.
object.Start(<mode>) The Start() method powers on a previously powered-off virtual
machine or resumes a suspended virtual machine, where mode is a
VmPowerOpMode object that specifies the Start operation’s behavior. For
more information, see VmPowerOpMode on page 19.
If the virtual machine is powered off, then it is powered on. If it is suspended,
this method resumes the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is in any
other state, the Start() method fails and throws an error.
object.Stop(<mode>) The Stop() method shuts down and powers off a virtual machine where
mode is a VmPowerOpMode object that specifies the Stop operation’s
behavior. For more information, see VmPowerOpMode on page 19.
This method always fails if the virtual machine is not in the
vmExecutionState_On state.
object.Reset(<mode>) The Reset() method shuts down, then reboots a virtual machine where
mode is a VmPowerOpMode object that specifies the operation’s
behavior. For more information, see VmPowerOpMode on page 19.
This method always fails if the virtual machine is not in the
vmExecutionState_On state.

Using VmCOM

Method Description
object.Suspend(<mode>) The Suspend() method suspends a virtual machine where mode is a
VmPowerOpMode object that specifies the Suspend operation’s behavior.
It saves the current state of the virtual machine to a suspend file. For more
information, see VmPowerOpMode on page 19.
This method always fails if the virtual machine is not in the
vmExecutionState_On state. If you attempt to suspend a virtual
machine with more the 2GB of memory, the suspend operation will time fail
after a time-out period.
object.AnswerQuestion(<question>, <choice>) The AnswerQuestion() method replies to a question where
question is a VmQuestion object that represents the question that
requires an answer and choice represents the index of the selected
answer to the question. The index is an integer and the first choice’s index is
always 1 (one). The second choice’s index is 2, and so on.
When a virtual machine is in the vmExecutionState_Stuck state
and requires user input to continue, use this method to answer the current
question or dismiss the current error message.
First, get a VmQuestion object from VmCtl.PendingQuestion.
You can retrieve the possible choices and their respective indices from the
VmQuestion.Choices property. Then, use the AnswerQuestion
method to answer the question.
object.ConnectDevice(<devName>) The ConnectDevice() method sets a virtual device to the connected
state where devName is a string that identifies the virtual device you want
to connect. The virtual machine must be powered on for this method to
succeed, otherwise a vmErr_BADSTATE error is returned.
Use the Config() property to set configuration parameters relevant to
the virtual device before calling the ConnectDevice() method. The
following code example illustrates connecting a virtual drive to a CD image
vm.Config("ide1:0.devicetype") = "cdrom-image"
vm.Config("ide1:0.filename") = "/iso/foo.iso"
object.DisconnectDevice(devName) The DisconnectDevice() method sets a virtual device to the
disconnected state where devName is a string that identifies the virtual
device you want to disconnect. The virtual machine must be powered on for
this method to succeed, otherwise a vmErr_BADSTATE error is returned. 17
Using VmCOM

The VmQuestion object is created and returned by VmCtl.PendingQuestion(). It describes
a question or error condition requiring user input. Once the script selects one of the possible answers,
it passes the object and the selected answer as inputs to VmCtl.AnswerQuestion().
The VmQuestion object includes the read-only (GET) properties listed in the following table:

Property Name Property Type Access Type Description

Text string GET Gets the question text.
Choices string GET Gets a VmCollection of strings representing a list of possible
answers to the question.
Id integer GET Gets an integer used internally by the VmCOM component to identify
the question.

Symbolic Constant Enumerations

The VmCtl object exposes the following symbolic constant enumerations, where each element of
an enumeration is a symbolic constant:
• VmExecutionState
• VmPowerOpMode
• VmProdInfoType
• VmProduct
• VmPlatform

The VmExecutionState symbolic constant enumeration specifies the state (or condition) of a
virtual machine. The possible values are listed in the following table:

VmExecutionState Values Description

vmExecutionState_On The virtual machine is powered on.
vmExecutionState_Off The virtual machine is powered off.
vmExecutionState_Suspended The virtual machine is suspended.
vmExecutionState_Stuck The virtual machine requires user input. The user must answer a question or dismiss
an error.
vmExecutionState_Unknown The virtual machine is in an unknown state.

Using VmCOM

The VmPowerOpMode symbolic constant enumeration specifies the behavior of a power transition
(start, stop, reset, or suspend) method.
During a soft power transition, the VMware Tools service runs a script inside the guest operating
system. For example, the default scripts that run during suspend and resume operations, respectively
release and renew DHCP leases, for graceful integration into most corporate LANs. You may also
customize these scripts. For more information on these scripts, see
doc/tools_gsx.html. Refer to the section on executing scripts.
The following table includes the possible values for a VmPowerOpMode symbolic constant

VmPowerOpMode Values Description

vmPowerOpMode_Soft Start when a virtual machine is suspended — After resuming the virtual machine, it
To succeed, soft power transitions attempts to run a script in the guest operating system to restore network
require the current version of the connections by renewing the DHCP lease. The Start() operation always succeeds.
Vmware Tools service to be installed However, if the VMware Tools service is not present or is malfunctioning, the running
and running in the guest operating of the script may fail.
system. Start when virtual machine is powered off — After powering on the virtual machine,
the operation attempts to run a script in the guest operating system when the
VMware Tools service becomes active. This default script does nothing during this
operation as there is no DHCP lease to renew. The Start() operation always succeeds.
However, if the VMware Tools service is not present or is malfunctioning, the running
of the script may fail.
Stop — Attempts to shut down the guest operating system and then powers off the
virtual machine.
Reset — Attempts to shut down the guest operating system, then reboots the virtual
Suspend — Attempts to run a script in the guest operating system that safely
disables network connections (such as releasing a DHCP lease) before suspending
the virtual machine.
vmPowerOpMode_Hard Start — Starts or resumes a virtual machine without running any scripts; a standard
power on or resume.
Stop, reset or suspend — Immediately and unconditionally powers off, resets, or
suspends the virtual machine.
vmPowerOpMode_TrySoft First attempts to perform the power transition operation with
vmPowerOpMode_Soft. If this fails, the same operation is performed with
vmPowerOpMode_Hard. 19
Using VmCOM

VmProdInfoType symbolic constant enumeration specifies the type of product information
when reading the ProductInfo property.

VmProdInfoType Values Description

vmProdInfo_Product The VMware product type is returned as VmProduct. For more information on
VmProduct, see the following section.
vmProdInfo_Platform The host platform type is returned as VmPlatform. For more information on
VmPlatform, see VmPlatform on page 20.
vmProdInfo_Build The product’s build number.
vmProdInfo_Version_Major The product’s major version number.
vmProdInfo_Version_Minor The product’s minor version number.
vmProdInfo_Version_Revision The product’s revision number.

The VmProduct symbolic constant enumeration denotes a VMware product type. The
ProductInfo property returns this information when the requested product information type is

VmProduct Values Description

vmProduct_WS The product is VMware Workstation.
vmProduct_GSX The product is VMware GSX Server.
vmProduct_ESX The product is VMware ESX Server.
vmProduct_UNKNOWN The product type is unknown.

The VmPlatform symbolic constant enumeration denotes a VMware machine’s platform type. The
ProductInfo property returns this information when the requested product information type is

VmPlatform Values Description

vmPlatform_WINDOWS The host platform is a Microsoft Windows operating system.
vmPlatorm_LINUX The host platform is a Linux operating system.
vmPlatform_VMNIX The host platform is the ESX Server console operating system.

Using VmCOM

VmPlatform Values Description

vmPlatform_UNKNOWN The host platform is unknown.

Using VmCOM to Pass User-Defined Information

Between a Running Guest Operating System
and a Script
When the guest operating system is running inside a virtual machine, you can pass information from
a script (running in another machine) to the guest operating system, and from the guest operating
system back to the script, through the VMware Tools service. You do this by using a class of shared
variables, commonly referred to as GuestInfo. VMware Tools must be installed and running in the
guest operating system before a GuestInfo variable can be read or written inside the guest operating
For example, create and connect a VmCtl object, assuming the virtual machine is powered off. Next,
set the GuestInfo variable with the VmCOM API. Then, power on the virtual machine and use the
VMware Tools service to retrieve the variable. See Sending Information Set in a VmCOM Script to the
Guest Operating System on page 22 for an example of this procedure.
See for more information about VMware Tools.

GuestInfo Variables
You pass to the virtual machine variables you define yourself. What you pass is up to you, but you
might find it useful to pass items like the virtual machine’s IP address, Windows system ID (SID, for
Windows guest operating systems) or machine name.
This is useful in situations where you want to deploy virtual machines on a network using a common
configuration file, while providing each machine with its own unique identity. By providing each
virtual machine with a unique identifying string, you can use the same configuration file to launch
the same nonpersistent virtual disk multiple times in a training or testing environment, where each
virtual machine would be unique on the network. Note that in the case of persistent or undoable
disks, each virtual disk file must be copied into its own directory if it shares its file name with another
virtual disk file.
When a virtual machine process is created on the server, all GuestInfo variables are initially undefined.
A GuestInfo variable is created the first time it is written. 21
Using VmCOM

You identify a GuestInfo variable with a key name. You can define and create any number of
GuestInfo variable key names. The information you pass is temporary, lasting until the virtual machine
is powered off and all consoles connected to the virtual machine are closed.

Sending Information Set in a VmCOM Script to the Guest Operating

To send information from a VmCOM script to a running guest operating system, you use the
GuestInfo() property. You need to specify the string value of the configuration variable
identified by keyName.
For example, you might want to deploy virtual machines for a training class. When a virtual machine
starts, you want to display a banner welcoming the student to the class. You can pass their name
from a VmCOM script to the guest operating system on a student’s virtual machine.
If you have not already done so, connect a VmCtl object and set the student’s name for this virtual
machine to “Susan Williams”:
vm.GuestInfo("name") = "Susan Williams"
This statement passes a string “name” to the guest operating system. A script in the guest operating
system reads the string, then calls a command (specific to the guest operating system) to set the
student’s name in the banner. (This operation is explained in the following section).
This setting lasts until you power off the virtual machine and close all connected consoles.

Retrieving the Information in the Guest Operating System

In the running guest operating system, you use the VMware Tools service to retrieve variables set for
the virtual machine. You can then use this passed “name” string inside a guest operating system
startup sequence. Use the following to read the GuestInfo variable keyName.
In a Windows guest operating system:
VMwareService.exe --cmd "info-get guestinfo.<keyName>"
In a Linux guest operating system:
/etc/vmware-tools/vmware-guestd --cmd 'info-get guestinfo.<keyName>'
For example, to get the current value for the “name” variable, you can type the following in a Linux
guest operating system:
/etc/vmware-tools/vmware-guestd --cmd 'info-get'

Using VmCOM

Sending Information Set in the Guest Operating System to a VmCOM

Similarly, in a virtual machine’s guest operating system, you can use the VMware Tools service to set
GuestInfo variables for the virtual machine. Use the following to write the GuestInfo variable
In a Windows guest operating system:
VMwareService.exe --cmd "info-set guestinfo.<keyName> <value>"
In a Linux guest operating system:
/etc/vmware-tools/vmware-guestd --cmd 'info-set guestinfo.<keyName> <value>'
Continuing with the previous example, Susan Williams prefers “Sue”. To set the value of “Sue Williams”
for the “name” variable, type the following in a Linux guest operating system:
/etc/vmware-tools/vmware-guestd --cmd 'info-set Sue Williams'

Retrieving Information in a VmCOM Script

With the VmCOM API, you use the GuestInfo(keyName) property to retrieve information set in
the guest operating system, into a VmCOM script running on any machine, including GSX Server or
any remote workstation that can connect to the virtual machine.
For example, to retrieve Sue’s name set by the VMware Tools service, query the guest operating
system by using the VmCOM API:
str = vm.GuestInfo("name") 23
Using Sample VmCOM Programs
Using Sample VmCOM Programs

Sample VmCOM Programs

This section contains sample VmCOM programs written by VMware to demonstrate example uses of
the VmCOM API. You can modify them to suit the needs of your organization.
These sample programs are installed with the VmCOM component. During installation, two folders
named MiniMUI and SampleScripts are created in the same directory as the Scripting API. The
MiniMUI folder contains a sample VmCOM project that you may open with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.
The SampleScripts folder contains VBScript and JScript samples using the VmCOM Scripting API.
Note: You may also obtain these sample scripts from the VMware Web site. The scripts on the Web
site are saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing. Remove the .TXT extension before using these

Copyright Information
Each sample script and sample program included with the VmCOM Scripting API includes a
copyright. However, for brevity, we do not include this copyright in its entirety with each sample
script and sample program in this manual. Instead, we include the first line of the copyright followed
by ellipses, to indicate its placement. The complete copyright is as follows:
Copyright (c) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy

of the software in this file (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

The names "VMware" and "VMware, Inc." must not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from the Software without the prior written permission of
VMware, Inc.

Products derived from the Software may not be called "VMware", nor may
"VMware" appear in their name, without the prior written permission of
VMware, Inc.


Using Sample VmCOM Programs



MiniMUI Visual Basic Sample Program

The MiniMUI sample program illustrates the use of VmCOM interfaces from a Visual Basic application.
It is a control panel application allowing users to get status information and to perform power
operations on virtual machines registered on a particular server.
The source code demonstrates how to:
• initialize a server object
• enumerate virtual machines on a server
• perform power operations on a virtual machine
• handle errors and get status information
• answer a question for a stuck virtual machine
To run the program, open the project file in Visual Basic. The source for the MiniMUI application is in
the MiniMUI folder in the VmCOM Scripting API directory. The following image shows the
application’s main window.

JScript and VBScript Sample Programs

The sample scripts included in the SampleScripts folder are designed to run under the Windows
Script Host environment, which is included with all Microsoft Windows 2000 and subsequent 27
Using Sample VmCOM Programs

compatible operating systems. To run a script under a different environment, such as an ASP or HTML
page, refer to that environment’s documentation.
Each sample program comprises two files: a script, with a .js (JScript) or .vbs (VBScript) extension,
and the accompanying Windows Script File with the same name and the .wsf extension. For
example, the first sample program consists of the files sample1.js and sample1.wsf. Both the
script and the associated .wsf file must be in the same directory when you execute the sample
To execute a sample program, type the following in a command line window:
cscript //nologo sample<n>.wsf
where <n> is the sample program number.
Note: The cscript command loads the Windows Script Host environment and is included with
the supported operating system. The .js or .vbs script contains the program’s actual logic. The
associated .wsf file defines and initializes an execution environment for the script. In this example,
the .wsf file loads VmCOM’s type library to allow the script to use VmCOM’s symbolic constants. For
more information on symbolic constants, see Properties on page 13.

JScript Sample Program 1

This JScript program connects to the local server and lists all registered virtual machines. If a virtual
machine is in the stuck state, the pending question is also displayed.
The source for the sample program 1 script is in the SampleScripts folder in the VmCOM Scripting API
You can also find it on the VMware Web site, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, at

// VmCOM JScript Sample Script (sample1)
// Copyright (c) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.
// .
// .
// .
// This program is for educational purposes only.
// It is not to be used in production environments.
// Description:
// This script displays the virtual machines on the local server.
// It prints the configuration file path and current execution
// state of each VM. If a VM is in the stuck state, the current
// question and its choices are also printed.

Using Sample VmCOM Programs

// Instructions for Windows 2000 and later operating systems:
// - save the contents of this file to a file named 'sample1.js'
// unless it's already named that way
// - there should be an accompanying file named 'sample1.wsf'
// It is placed in the same directory as this file during
// product installation. This file is responsible for setting
// up the Windows Script Host environment and loading the
// VmCOM type library, thereby enabling this script to
// reference symbolic constants such as vmExecutionState_On
// - in a command line window, type:
// cscript //nologo sample1.wsf

cp = WScript.CreateObject("VmCOM.VmConnectParams");
server = WScript.CreateObject("VmCOM.VmServerCtl");
vmCollection = server.RegisteredVmNames

for (j = 1; j <= vmCollection.count; j++) {

vmName = vmCollection(j);
vm = WScript.CreateObject("VmCOM.VmCtl");
vm.Connect(cp, vmName);

str = "config path=" + vmName + " OS=" + vm.Config("guestOS") + "

execStateString = State2Str(vm);
str += execStateString;

if (execStateString == "STUCK") {

question = vm.PendingQuestion;
str += " pending question='" + question.text + "' choices=";

choices = question.choices
for (i = 1; i <= choices.count; i ++) {
str += "[" + choices(i) + "] ";

function State2Str(vm) { 29
Using Sample VmCOM Programs

switch (vm.ExecutionState) {
case vmExecutionState_On:
return "ON";
case vmExecutionState_Off:
return "OFF";
case vmExecutionState_Suspended:
return "SUSPENDED";
case vmExecutionState_Stuck:
return "STUCK";
return "UNKNOWN";

The source for the sample program 1 accompanying Windows Script File is in the SampleScripts
folder in the VmCOM Scripting API directory.
You can also find it on the VMware Web site, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, at
Note: If you are using Microsoft® Internet Explorer as your browser, select View > Source to view the
file. Alternately, right-click this link and download this file.
<job id="Sample1">
<reference object="VmCOM.VmCtl" />
<script language="JScript" src="sample1.js" />

VBScript Sample Program 2

This VBScript sample program 2 provides similar functionality to sample program 1. It also connects
to the local server and lists all registered virtual machines. If a virtual machine is in the stuck state, the
pending question is displayed.
In addition, sample program 2 also illustrates how to handle a virtual machine that is waiting for input
to a question (that is, the virtual machine is in the vmExecutionState_Stuck state). For
example, if a virtual machine is configured with an undoable disk and a redo log is found, this script
automatically keeps the redo log during a shutdown operation or appends the redo log during a
power-on operation.
Note: The script’s question-answering code is highly dependent on the version of your server
product and the language used in the question. This script can malfunction with a newer version of

Using Sample VmCOM Programs

the server product or different language version of the VMware server product. This sample program
is for example purposes only and is written for VMware GSX Server 2.x.
The source for the sample program 2 script is in the SampleScripts folder in the VmCOM Scripting API
You can also find it on the VMware Web site, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, at

' VmCOM VBScript Sample Script (sample2)
' Copyright (c) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.
' .
' .
' .
' This program is for educational purposes only.
' It is not to be used in production environments.
' Description:
' This script displays the virtual machines on the local server.
' It prints the configuration file path and current execution
' state of each VM. If a VM is in the stuck state, the current
' question and its choices are also printed.
' Additionally, if a VM is stuck on an undoable disk related
' question, the script automatically answers 'Keep' on a power-off
' and 'Append' on a power-on.
' NOTE: the question-answering logic used is language and product
' dependent, and is only provided for illustration purposes only!
' Instructions for Windows 2000 and later operating systems:
' - save the contents of this file to a file named 'sample2.vbs'
' unless it's already named that way
' - there should be an accompanying file named 'sample2.wsf'
' It is placed in the same directory as this file during
' product installation. This file is responsible for setting
' up the Windows Script Host environment and loading the
' VmCOM type library, thereby enabling this script to
' reference symbolic constants such as vmExecutionState_On
' - in a command line window, type:
' cscript //nologo sample2.wsf
' 31
Using Sample VmCOM Programs

Set cp = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmConnectParams")
Set server = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmServerCtl")

server.Connect cp
Set vmCollection = server.RegisteredVmNames

for each vmName in vmCollection

Set vm = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmCtl")
vm.Connect cp,vmName
s = "path=" & vmName & " state=" & State2Str(vm) & " os=" &

if vm.ExecutionState = vmExecutionState_Stuck then

Set q = vm.PendingQuestion
Set choices = q.choices
s = s & " question= '" & q.text & "' choices="
for each choice in choices
s = s & "[" & choice & "] "

' If this looks like an undoable disk save question,

' automatically answer 'Append' or 'Keep'
' NOTE: this code makes a lot of assumptions about the product
' and the language used, and may break under some environments.
' It is shown for illustration purposes only!

Set r = new RegExp

r.pattern = "undoable disk"
r.ignorecase = True
Set matches = r.Execute(q.text)

if matches.count > 0 then

for i = 1 to choices.count
if choices(i) = "Append" or choices(i) = "Keep" then
s = " --> Automatically selecting '" & q.choices(i) & "' as
vm.AnswerQuestion q,i
exit for
end if
end if

end if

Using Sample VmCOM Programs


function State2Str(vm)
select case vm.ExecutionState
case vmExecutionState_On
State2Str = "ON"
case vmExecutionState_Off
State2Str = "OFF"
case vmExecutionState_Suspended
State2Str = "SUSPENDED"
case vmExecutionState_Stuck
State2Str = "STUCK"
case else
State2Str = "UNKNOWN"
end select
end function

The source for the sample program 2 accompanying Windows Script File is in the SampleScripts
folder in the VmCOM Scripting API directory.
You can also find it on the VMware Web site, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, at
Note: If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your browser, select View > Source to view the
file. Alternately, right-click this link and download this file.
<job id="Sample2">
<reference object="VmCOM.VmCtl" />
<script language="VBScript" src="sample2.vbs" />

VBScript Sample Program 3

This VBScript sample program lists, then starts locally registered virtual machines that are not already
running on a server. This script powers on powered-off virtual machines and resumes suspended
virtual machines that have the line "autostart=true" in their configuration files.
This script includes a slight delay after starting each virtual machine. This delay balances the load on
the server. Do not start many virtual machines in rapid succession without this delay.
You can use a script like the following to start selected virtual machines automatically after a server
boots. However, this script must be configured as a service for it to run without requiring a login from
a user.
Tools exist that allow any application, including a script, to run as a service. One example is the
instsrv and srvany programs from the Microsoft Windows 2000 Resource Kit. If you use
srvany to implement the service, then configure your service to launch the cscript program. 33
Using Sample VmCOM Programs

Set the program’s argument to the path of the script’s .wsf file. Refer to the Microsoft Windows 2000
Resource Kit documentation for more details. If you choose to use a different tool, then refer to your
specific tool’s documentation to configure the script to run as a service.
The source for the sample program 3 script is in the SampleScripts folder in the VmCOM Scripting API
You can also find it on the VMware Web site, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, at

' VmCOM VBScript Sample Program 3
' Copyright (c) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.
' .
' .
' .
' This program is for educational purposes only.
' It is not to be used in production environments.
' Description:
' This script gets a list of virtual machines registered on
' the local server. It attempts to power-on each VM that
' is not already running and has a line in the config file:
' autostart=true
' Instructions for Windows 2000 and Windows XP host:
' - save the contents of this file to a file named 'sample3.vbs'
' - there should be an accompanying file named 'sample3.wsf'
' It is placed in the same directory as this file during
' product installation. This file is responsible for setting
' up the Windows Script Host environment and loading the
' VmCOM type library, thereby enabling this script to
' reference symbolic constants such as vmExecutionState_On
' - in a command line window, type:
' cscript //nologo sample3.wsf

Set connect_params = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmConnectParams")

Using Sample VmCOM Programs

' By default, connects to the local server.

' To connect to a remote server, uncomment these lines and set
' the values appropriately.
' connect_params.hostname = "<host>"
' connect_params.username = "<user>"
' connect_params.password = "<password>"
' And use this if your port number is different
' connect_params.port = 902

Set vm_server = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmServerCtl")

' Handle errors non-fatally from here on

On Error Resume Next

' Try connecting to server a few times. It's possible the VMware services
' are still in the process of starting up. We'll wait a maximum of
' 12 * 10 = 120 seconds = 2 minutes
connected = false
for tries = 1 to 12
vm_server.Connect connect_params
if Err.number = 0 then
connected = true
exit for
end if
WScript.Echo "Could not connect to server: " & Err.Description
WScript.Echo "Retrying in 10 seconds ..."
WScript.Sleep 10000

if not connected then

WScript.Echo "Failed to connect to server. Giving up."
end if

' Get a list of all VMs from the server.

Set vmlist = vm_server.RegisteredVmNames

for each config in vmlist

' Connect to the VM
Set vm = CreateObject("VmCOM.VmCtl")
vm.Connect connect_params, config 35
Using Sample VmCOM Programs

if Err.Number <> 0 then

WScript.Echo "Could not connect to VM " & config & ": " &
' Check that the VM should be started automatically
auto_start = vm.Config("autostart")
if Err.Number <> 0 then
if Err.Number <> vmErr_NOPROPERTY then
WScript.Echo "Could not read autostart variable: " & Err.Number
& ": " & Err.Description
WScript.Echo "This VM is not configured for autostart: " & config
end if
if auto_start = "true" or auto_start = "TRUE" then
' Check that the VM is powered off

power_state = vm.ExecutionState
if Err.Number <> 0 then
WScript.Echo "Error getting execution state: " &
Err.Number & ": " & Err.Description
if power_state = vmExecutionState_Off or power_state =
vmExecutionState_Suspended then
WScript.Echo "Powering on " & config
if Err.Number <> 0 then
WScript.Echo "Error powering on " & config & ": " &
' Wait between starting up VMs to smooth out the load
on the server
WScript.Sleep 5000
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if


Using Sample VmCOM Programs

The source for the sample program 3 accompanying Windows Script File is in the SampleScripts
folder in the VmCOM Scripting API directory.
You can also find it on the VMware Web site, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, at
Note: If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer as your browser, select View > Source to view the
file. Alternately, right-click this link and download this file.

<job id="sample3">
<reference object="VmCOM.VmCtl" />
<script language="VBScript" src="sample3.vbs" />
</job> 37
Using VmPerl
Using VmPerl

VmPerl Modules
The VmPerl interface provides controlled access to VMware servers and virtual machines. You can
incorporate VmPerl function calls in a Perl script you write to automate the day-to-day functioning of
your server and virtual machines.
The VmPerl API consists of four modules or packages:
• VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams — that provides connection information and authentication
(user credentials) when connecting to a server.
• VMware::VmPerl::Server — that controls interaction with a GSX Server or ESX Server machine.
• VMware::VmPerl::VM — that controls interaction with a particular virtual machine on a GSX
Server or ESX Server.
• VMware::VmPerl::Question — that provides for user interaction when there is a question or error
condition requiring a response.
VMware::VmPerl::Server and VMware::VmPerl::VM are the primary modules for communicating with
VMware components. VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams and VMware::VmPerl::Question are support
modules used as inputs or outputs to the methods and properties of the primary modules.
A VMware::VmPerl::Server object represents a server and exports server-level services, such as virtual
machine enumeration and registration. A VMware::VmPerl::VM object represents a virtual machine on
a particular server and provides virtual machine specific methods including power operations. You
activate the VMware::VmPerl::Server or VMware::VmPerl::VM object by calling its connect()
method before accessing any other method.
The connect() method requires a $connectparams input parameter containing the host
identifier and user credentials supplied for authentication. If the host identifier is not supplied or is
undefined, the authentication is performed on the local system. If the user name and password are
also not supplied, the current user is authenticated on the local machine. Otherwise, you may supply
the user name and password for authentication as that user.
Unlike a VMware::VmPerl::Server object, $vm->connect() also takes the string $vm_name
specifying the configuration file name of the virtual machine that will be connected.
Once a VMware::VmPerl::Server object is connected, you can enumerate the virtual machines on the
server, and register or unregister the virtual machines. You can obtain a list of virtual machines on a
particular server by using the $server->registered_vm_names() method. This method
returns an array of strings specifying the configuration file names of the virtual machines currently
registered on the server. If you know the configuration file name of a specific virtual machine, you can
connect the VMware::VmPerl::VM object directly without using a VMware::VmPerl::Server object.

Using VmPerl

VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams::new($hostname, $port, $username, $password) connects to the
given hostname and network port and authenticates the connection with the supplied user name
and password.
The VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams module supplies connection information and user credentials
to the $server->connect() or $vm->connect() methods and exposes the methods listed
in the following table. All VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams methods have both read and write
permissions, allowing you to retrieve (GET) and set (PUT) the values.
The security for your connection depends upon the security configuration of your VMware server. If
you’re connecting to a VMware server or a virtual machine on a host with GSX Server, then the
connections is encrypted as long as the VMware server is configured to encrypt connections.

Method Description
$connectparams->get_hostname() Gets or sets the name of a server, where $hostname is the server’s
Returns the defined value on success or undef hostname or IP address. If $hostname is not given or undefined,
(undefined value) on failure or if the value is not set. Set the authentication is performed on the local system. The C library
the value and retry the API call. connects to the local host and uses current user information when it
connects. However, this user information is not passed back to
Otherwise, you may supply the user name and password for
authentication as that user.
$connectparams->get_port() Gets or set the TCP port to use when connecting to the server. Its
Returns the defined value on success or undef default value is 0 (zero), indicating the default port number (902)
(undefined value) on failure or if the value is not set. Set should be used. Otherwise, enter the correct port number.
the value and retry the API call. A port number set to a negative value is treated as an incorrect value
$connectparams->set_port($port) and the default port number is used instead.

$connectparams->get_username() Gets or set the name of a user on the server.

Returns the defined value on success or undef
(undefined value) on failure or if the value is not set. Set
the value and retry the API call.
$connectparams->get_password() Gets or set the user’s password on the server.
Returns the defined value on success or undef
(undefined value) on failure or if the value is not set. Set
the value and retry the API call.
$connectparams->set_password($password) 41
Using VmPerl

The VMware::VmPerl::Server module represents a VMware server running on a particular machine.

Method Description
$server->connect($connectparams) Connects the object to a VMware GSX Server or a VMware ESX Server
Returns the defined value on success or undef where $connectparams specifies the system and user
(undefined value) on failure. information.
The total number of connected VMware::VmPerl::VM and
VMware::VmPerl::Server objects cannot exceed 62. The
connect() method fails with error code
VM_E_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES if this limit is reached. In order to
connect new objects, destroy one or more connected
VMware::VmPerl::VM or VMware::VmPerl::Server objects.
$server->get_last_error() Gets details about the last error that occurred in an array of form
Returns the error code and descriptive string. [$error_num, $error_string].

$server->is_connected() Use this method to determine whether or not a connection exists to

Returns the defined value on success or undef the server specified by $server.
(undefined value) on failure (if the server is not
connected or if there is a failure). You can use
$vm->get_last_error to determine if an error
occurred or if the server is not connected.

The remaining methods only work after you connect to the server with $server->connect().

Method Description
$server->registered_vm_names() Gets an array of strings specifying the configuration file names of the
Returns a list of virtual machine configuration file virtual machines currently registered on the server. The array is indexed
names, an empty list (if no virtual machines are beginning at 0 (zero). The server must be connected using the
registered or if there is a failure). You can use connect() method, or this method throws an error.
$vm->get_last_error to determine if an
error occurred or there are no registered virtual
$server->register_vm($vm_name) Registers a virtual machine on a server where $vm_name is a string
Returns the defined value on success or undef specifying the virtual machine’s configuration file name.
(undefined value) on failure.
$server->unregister_vm($vm_name) Unregisters a virtual machine from a server where $vm_name is a string
Returns the defined value on success or undef specifying the virtual machine’s configuration file name.
(undefined value) on failure.

Using VmPerl

The VMware::VmPerl::VM object represents a virtual machine running on a particular server.
You can connect to a virtual machine, start, stop, suspend and resume virtual machines, query and
modify the configuration file settings, and connect and disconnect devices.
Except where noted otherwise, these methods are synchronous; the method does not return until it
finishes its operation, fails or times out. Most operations time out after 2 minutes, except for power
operations, which time out after 4 minutes.

Method Description
$vm->connect($connectparams, $vm_name) Establishes a connection with a virtual machine using the specified
Returns the defined value on success or undef parameters where $connectparams specifies the system and
(undefined value) on failure. user information and $vm_name is a string specifying the virtual
machine’s configuration file name.
The total number of connected VMware::VmPerl::VM and
VMware::VmPerl::Server objects cannot exceed 62. The
connect() method fails with error code
VM_E_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES if this limit is reached. In order to
connect new objects, destroy one or more connected
VMware::VmPerl::VM or VMware::VmPerl::Server objects.
$vm->get_last_error() Gets details about the last error that occurred in an array of form
Returns the error code and descriptive string. [$error_num, $error_string].

$vm->is_connected() Use this method to determine whether or not a connection exists to

Returns the defined value on success or undef the virtual machine specified by $vm.
(undefined value) on failure (if the virtual machine is not
connected or if there is a failure). You can use
$vm->get_last_error to determine if an error
occurred or if the virtual machine is not connected.

The remaining methods only work after you connect to the virtual machine with
$vm->connect(). 43
Using VmPerl

Method Description
$vm->start($mode) Powers on a previously powered-off virtual machine or resumes a suspended
Returns the defined value on success or virtual machine where $mode specifies the operation’s behavior based on
undef (undefined value) on failure. the value of the VMware::VmPerl::VM_POWEROP_MODE_<XXX> where
<XXX> is HARD, SOFT, or TRYSOFT. If $mode is not specified, the default
mode is VM_POWEROP_MODE_SOFT. For more information, see
VM_POWEROP_MODE_<XXX> Values on page 49.
Note: If you are connecting to GSX Server 1.x or ESX Server 1.x, then you
must specify VMware::VmPerl::VM_POWEROP_MODE_HARD as the mode or
the operation will fail.
f the virtual machine is powered off, then it is powered on. If it is suspended,
this method resumes the virtual machine. If the virtual machine is in any other
state, the start() method fails and throws an error.
$vm->stop($mode) Shuts down and powers off a virtual machine where $mode specifies the
Returns the defined value on success or operation’s behavior based on the value of the
undef (undefined value) on failure. VMware::VmPerl::VM_POWEROP_MODE_<XXX> where <XXX> is HARD, SOFT,
or TRYSOFT. If $mode is not specified, the default mode is
VM_POWEROP_MODE_SOFT. For more information, see
VM_POWEROP_MODE_<XXX> Values on page 49.
Note: If you are connecting to GSX Server 1.x or ESX Server 1.x, then you
must specify VMware::VmPerl::VM_POWEROP_MODE_HARD as the mode or
the operation will fail.
This method always fails if the virtual machine is not in the
$vm->reset($mode) Shuts down, then reboots a virtual machine where $mode specifies the
Returns the defined value on success or operation’s behavior based on the value of the
undef (undefined value) on failure. VMware::VmPerl::VM_POWEROP_MODE_<XXX> where <XXX> is HARD, SOFT,
or TRYSOFT. If $mode is not specified, the default mode is
page 49.
Note: If you are connecting to GSX Server 1.x or ESX Server 1.x, then you
must specify VMware::VmPerl::VM_POWEROP_MODE_HARD as the mode or
the operation will fail.
This method always fails if the virtual machine is not in the

Using VmPerl

Method Description
$vm->suspend($mode) Suspends a virtual machine where $mode specifies the operation’s behavior
Returns the defined value on success or based on the value of the VMware::VmPerl::VM_POWEROP_MODE_<XXX>
undef (undefined value) on failure. where <XXX> is HARD, SOFT, or TRYSOFT. It saves the current state of the
virtual machine to a suspend file. If $mode is not specified, the default mode
is VM_POWEROP_MODE_SOFT. For more information, see
VM_POWEROP_MODE_<XXX> Values on page 49.
Note: If you are connecting to GSX Server 1.x or ESX Server 1.x, then you
must specify VMware::VmPerl::VM_POWEROP_MODE_HARD as the mode or
the operation will fail.
This method always fails if the virtual machine is not in the
VMware::VmPerl::VM_EXECUTION_STATE_ON state. If you attempt to suspend
a virtual machine with more the 2GB of memory, the suspend operation will
time fail after a time-out period.
$vm->get_execution_state() Returns the virtual machine’s current state: powered on, powered off,
Returns the defined value on success or suspended, or stuck. For a list of the execution states, see
undef (undefined value) on failure. VM_EXECUTION_STATE_<XXX> Values on page 48.

$vm->get_guest_info($key_name) It accesses a shared variable identified by the string $key_name.

Returns the defined value on success or If you write a GuestInfo variable by using the set_guest_info()
undef (undefined value) on failure. method, the new value is written into memory and is discarded when the
virtual machine process terminates.

$vm->set_guest_info($key_name, $value) For additional information, see Using VmPerl to Pass User-Defined
Information Between a Running Guest Operating System and a Script on
Returns the defined value on success or
page 51.
undef (undefined value) on failure.
$vm->get_config_file_name() Returns a string containing the configuration file name for the virtual
Returns the defined value on success or machine. This method fails if the VMware::VmPerl::VM object is not
undef (undefined value) on failure. connected.

$vm->get_config($key_name) Accesses the value of a configuration variable identified by the string

Returns the defined value on success or key_name. When a virtual machine process is spawned on the server, the
undef (undefined value) on failure. process reads configuration variables from the virtual machine's
configuration file into memory.
If you write a configuration variable by using the set_config() method,
$vm->set_config($key_name, $value)
the new value is written into memory and is discarded when the virtual
Returns the defined value on success or machine process terminates. You cannot change the value of a configuration
undef (undefined value) on failure. variable in a virtual machine’s configuration file.
The method throws an error if it accesses an undefined configuration
Do not change the memory size while a virtual machine is suspended. First
power off the virtual machine, then change its memory size. 45
Using VmPerl

Method Description
$vm->get_product_info($infotype) Gets information about the product. For additional information, see Infotype
Returns the defined value on success or Values on page 50.
undef (undefined value) on failure.
$vm->get_heartbeat() Returns the current heartbeat count generated by the VMware Tools service
Returns the defined value on success or running in the guest operating system. The count is initialized to zero when
undef (undefined value) on failure. the virtual machine is powered on.
The heartbeat count is typically incremented at least once per second when
the VMware Tools service is running under light load conditions. The count
stays constant if the service is not running.
$vm->get_tools_last_active() Returns an integer indicating how much time has passed, in seconds, since
Returns the defined value on success or the last heartbeat was detected from the VMware Tools service.
undef (undefined value) on failure. This value is initialized to zero when the virtual machine powers on. It stays at
zero until the first heartbeat is detected, after which the value is always
greater than zero until the virtual machine is power-cycled again.
For additional information, see Additional Information on
get_tools_last_active on page 47.
$vm->get_pending_question() Returns a Vmware::VmPerl::VmQuestion object if the virtual machine is
Returns the defined value on success or currently in the VM_EXECUTION_STATE_STUCK state. Otherwise, an error is
undef (undefined value) on failure. thrown.

$vm->answer_question($question, $choice) Replies to a question where $question represents the question and
Returns the defined value on success or $choice represents the index of the selected answer to the question. The
undef (undefined value) on failure. index is a number associated with an answer. The first choice’s index is always
0. The second choice’s index is 2, and so on.
Use this method to answer the current question or dismiss the current error
message when a virtual machine is in the VM_EXECUTION_STATE_STUCK
state and requires user input to continue.
First, get a VMware::VmPerl::Question object from the VMware::VmPerl::VM
object’s get_pending_question() method. You can retrieve the
possible choices and their respective indices from the
VMware::VmPerl::Question object’s get_choices() method. Then, use
the answer_question() method to answer the question.
$vm->device_is_connected($dev_name) Determines the connection state where $dev_name identifies the virtual
Returns the defined value on success or false device.
on failure (if the device is not connected or if
there is a failure). You can use
$vm->get_last_error to determine if
an error occurred or if the device is not

Using VmPerl

Method Description
$vm->connect_device($dev_name) Sets a virtual device to the connected state where $dev_name identifies
Returns the defined value on success or the virtual device you want to connect. The virtual machine must be
undef (undefined value) on failure. powered on for this method to succeed, otherwise a VM_E_BADSTATE error is
Use the set_config() method to set configuration parameters relevant
to the virtual device before calling the connect_device() method.
The following code example illustrates connecting a virtual drive to a CD
image file:
$vm->set_config("ide1:0.devicetype") = "cdrom-image"
$vm->set_config("ide1:0.filename") = "/iso/foo.iso"
$vm->disconnect_device ($dev_name) Sets a virtual device to the disconnected state where $dev_name is a string
Returns the defined value on success or identifying the virtual device you want to disconnect. The virtual machine
undef (undefined value) on failure. must be powered on for this method to succeed, otherwise a
VM_E_BADSTATE error is returned.

Additional Information on get_tools_last_active

If the guest operating system is heavily loaded, this value may occasionally reach several seconds. If
the service stops running, either because the guest operating system has experienced a failure or is
shutting down, the value keeps increasing.
You can use a script with the get_tools_last_active() method to monitor the start of the
VMware Tools service, and once started, the health of the guest operating system. If the guest
operating system has failed, the get_tools_last_active() method indicates how long the
guest has been down. The following table summarizes how you may interpret the
get_tools_last_active() method values:

get_tools_last_active Method Value Description

0 The VMware Tools service has not started since the power-on of the
virtual machine.
1 The VMware Tools service is running and is healthy.
2, 3, 4, or 5 The VMware Tools service could be running, but the guest operating
system may be heavily loaded or is experiencing temporary
Greater than 5 The VMware Tools service stopped running, possibly because the
guest operating system experienced a fatal failure, is restarting, or is
shutting down. 47
Using VmPerl

The VMware::VmPerl::Question method describes a question or error condition requiring input. The
script selects one from the list of possible answers.

Method Description
$question->get_text() Gets the question text.
Returns the defined value on success or undef
(undefined value) on failure.
$question->get_choices() Gets an array of strings representing a list of possible answers to the
Returns the defined value on success or undef question.
(undefined value) on failure.
$question->get_id() Gets an integer used internally by VmPerl to identify the question.
Returns the defined value on success or undef
(undefined value) on failure.

Symbolic Constants
The VMware::VmPerl::VM object exposes the following symbolic constants:
• Infotype Values

VM_EXECUTION_STATE_<XXX> values specify the state (or condition) of a virtual machine. The
possible values are listed in the following table:

Execution_state Values Description

VM_EXECUTION_STATE_ON The virtual machine is powered on.
VM_EXECUTION_STATE_OFF The virtual machine is powered off.
VM_EXECUTION_STATE_SUSPENDED The virtual machine is suspended.
VM_EXECUTION_STATE_STUCK The virtual machine requires user input. The user must answer a question or
dismiss an error.

Using VmPerl

Execution_state Values Description

VM_EXECUTION_STATE_UNKNOWN The virtual machine is in an unknown state.

VMware::VmPerl::VM_POWEROP_MODE_<XXX> specifies the behavior of a power transition (start,
stop, reset, or suspend) method. If $mode is not specified, the default mode is
VM_POWEROP_MODE_SOFT. However, if you are connecting to GSX Server 1.x or ESX Server 1.x, then
you must specify VMware::VmPerl::VM_POWEROP_MODE_HARD as the mode or the operation will
During a soft power transition, the VMware Tools service runs a script inside the guest operating
system. For example, the default scripts that run during suspend and resume operations, respectively
release and renew DHCP leases, for graceful integration into most corporate LANs. You may also
customize these scripts. For more information on these scripts, see
doc/tools_gsx.html. Refer to the section on executing scripts.
The possible values are listed in the following table:

Powerop_mode Values Description

VM_POWEROP_MODE_SOFT Start when a virtual machine is suspended — After resuming the virtual
To succeed, soft power transitions require the machine, the operation attempts to run a script in the guest operating
current version of the Vmware Tools service to system to restore network connections by renewing the DHCP lease. The
be installed and running in the guest operating Start() operation always succeeds. However, if the VMware Tools service is not
system. present or is malfunctioning, the running of the script may fail.
Start when virtual machine is powered off — After powering on the virtual
machine, it attempts to run a script in the guest operating system when the
VMware Tools service becomes active. This default script does nothing
during this operation as there is no DHCP lease to renew. The Start()
operation always succeeds. However, if the VMware Tools service is not
present or is malfunctioning, the running of the script may fail.
Stop — Attempts to shut down the guest operating system and then powers
off the virtual machine.
Reset — Attempts to shut down the guest operating system, then reboots
the virtual machine.
Suspend — Attempts to run a script in the guest operating system that safely
disables network connections (such as releasing a DHCP lease) before
suspending the virtual machine.
VM_POWEROP_MODE_HARD Start — Starts or resumes a virtual machine without running any scripts; a
standard power on or resume.
Stop, reset or suspend — Immediately and unconditionally powers off, resets,
or suspends the virtual machine. 49
Using VmPerl

Powerop_mode Values Description

VM_POWEROP_MODE_TRYSOFT First attempts to perform the power transition operation with
VM_POWEROP_MODE_SOFT. If this fails, the same operation is performed

Infotype Values
$infotype specifies the product information for the get_product_info() method.

Infotype Values Description

VM_PRODINFO_PRODUCT The VMware product is returned as VmProduct. For more information on
VmProduct, see the following section.
VM_PRODINFO_PLATFORM The host’s operating system is returned as VmPlatform. For more information
on VmPlatform, see VM_PRODINFO_PLATFORM_<XXX> Values on page 50.
VM_PRODINFO_BUILD The product’s build number.
VM_PRODINFO_VERSION_MAJOR The product’s major version number.
VM_PRODINFO_VERSION_MINOR The product’s minor version number.
VM_PRODINFO_VERSION_REVISION The product’s revision number.

The get_product_info method returns the VMware product when the requested $infotype

VM_PRODINFO_PRODUCT Values Description

VM_PRODUCT_WS The product is VMware Workstation.
VM_PRODUCT_GSX The product is VMware GSX Server.
VM_PRODUCT_ESX The product is VMware ESX Server.
VM_PRODUCT_UNKNOWN The product is unknown.

The get_product_info method returns the host’s platform when the requested $infotype is


VM_PLATFORM_WINDOWS The platform is a Microsoft Windows operating system.
VM_PLATORM_LINUX The platform is a Linux operating system.

Using VmPerl


VM_PLATFORM_VMNIX The platform is the ESX Server console operating system.
VM_PLATFORM_UNKNOWN The platform is unknown.

Using VmPerl to Pass User-Defined Information

Between a Running Guest Operating System
and a Script
When the guest operating system is running inside a virtual machine, you can pass information from
a script (running in another machine) to the guest operating system, and from the guest operating
system back to the script, through the VMware Tools service. You do this by using a class of shared
variables, commonly referred to as GuestInfo. VMware Tools must be installed and running in the
guest operating system before a GuestInfo variable can be read or written inside the guest operating
For example, create and connect a VMware::VmPerl::VM object, assuming the virtual machine is
powered off. Next, set the GuestInfo variable with the VmPerl API. Then, power on the virtual machine
and use the VMware Tools service to retrieve the variable. See Sending Information Set in a VmPerl
Script to the Guest Operating System on page 52 for an example of this procedure.
See for more information about VMware Tools.

GuestInfo Variables
You pass to the virtual machine variables you define yourself. What you pass is up to you, but you
might find it useful to pass items like the virtual machine’s IP address, Windows system ID (SID, for
Windows guest operating systems) or machine name.
This is useful in situations where you want to deploy virtual machines on a network using a common
configuration file, while providing each machine with its own unique identity. By providing each
virtual machine with a unique identifying string, you can use the same configuration file to launch
the same nonpersistent virtual disk multiple times in a training or testing environment, where each
virtual machine would be unique on the network. Note that in the case of persistent or undoable
disks, each virtual disk file must be copied into its own directory if it shares its file name with another
virtual disk file.
When a virtual machine process is created on the server, all GuestInfo variables are initially undefined.
A GuestInfo variable is created the first time it is written. 51
Using VmPerl

You identify a GuestInfo variable with a key name. You can define and create any number of
GuestInfo variable key names. The information you pass is temporary, lasting until the virtual machine
is powered off and all consoles connected to the virtual machine are closed.
For an example showing how the VMware guest service can be invoked in a Perl script, see the
sample Perl script to get the IP address of a guest operating system on Setting a Virtual Machine’s IP
Address Configuration Variable on page 71.

Sending Information Set in a VmPerl Script to the Guest Operating System

To send information from a VmPerl script to a running guest operating system, you use VmPerl API’s
$vm->set_guest_info() method. You need to specify a variable name ($key_name) and its
value ($value).
For example, you might want to deploy virtual machines for a training class. When a virtual machine
starts, you want to display a banner welcoming the student to the class. You can pass their name
from a VmPerl script to the guest operating system on a student’s virtual machine.
If you have not already done so, connect a VMware::VmPerl::VM object and set the student’s name for
this virtual machine to “Susan Williams”:
$vm->set_guest_info("name", "Susan Williams");
This statement passes a string “name” to the guest operating system. You can write a script that reads
the string, then calls a command (specific to the guest operating system) to set the student’s name in
the banner. This operation is explained in the following section.
This setting lasts until you power off the virtual machine and close all connected consoles.

Retrieving the Information in the Guest Operating System

In the running guest operating system, you use the VMware Tools service to retrieve variables set for
the virtual machine. You can then use this passed “name” string inside a guest operating system
startup sequence. Use the following to read the GuestInfo variable key_name.
In a Windows guest operating system:
VMwareService.exe --cmd "info-get guestinfo.<key_name>"
In a Linux guest operating system:
/etc/vmware-tools/vmware-guestd --cmd 'info-get guestinfo.<key_name>'
For example, to get the current value for the “name” variable, you can type the following in a Linux
guest operating system:
/etc/vmware-tools/vmware-guestd --cmd 'info-get'

Using VmPerl

Sending Information Set in the Guest Operating System to a VmPerl Script

Similarly, in a virtual machine’s guest operating system, you can use the VMware Tools service to set
GuestInfo variables for the virtual machine. Use the following to write the GuestInfo variable
In a Windows guest operating system:
VMwareService.exe --cmd "info-set guestinfo.<key_name> <value>"
In a Linux guest operating system:
/etc/vmware-tools/vmware-guestd --cmd 'info-set guestinfo.<key_name> <value>'
Continuing with the previous example, Susan Williams prefers “Sue”. To set the value of “Sue Williams”
for the “name” variable, type the following in a Linux guest operating system:
/etc/vmware-tools/vmware-guestd --cmd 'info-set Sue Williams'

Retrieving Information in a VmPerl Script

With the VmPerl API, you use the $vm->get_guest_info() method to retrieve information set
in the guest operating system, into a VmPerl script running on any machine, including GSX Server or
any remote workstation that can connect to the virtual machine.
For example, to retrieve Sue’s name set by the VMware Tools service, query the guest operating
system by using the VmPerl API:
$vm->get_guest_info('name') 53
Using Sample VmPerl Scripts
Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

Sample Perl Scripts

This section contains sample Perl scripts written by VMware to demonstrate example uses of the
VmPerl API. You can modify these scripts to suit the needs of your organization. They are located in
the SampleScripts subdirectory in the VmPerl directory.
Note: You may also obtain these sample scripts from the VMware Web site. The scripts on the Web
site are saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing. Remove the .TXT extension before using these
The sample scripts illustrate:
• Listing the Virtual Machines on the Server
• Starting All Virtual Machines on a Server
• Checking a Virtual Machine’s Power Status
• Monitoring a Virtual Machine’s Heartbeat
• Answering Questions Posed by a Virtual Machine
• Suspending a Virtual Machine
• Setting a Virtual Machine’s IP Address Configuration Variable
• Getting a Virtual Machine’s IP Address
Note: If you plan on using the VMware Perl API remotely on a Windows machine, you must copy your
scripts into the same directory in which you installed the VMware Perl API.

Copyright Information
Each sample script and sample program included with the VmPerl Scripting API includes a copyright.
However, for brevity, we do not include this copyright in its entirety with each sample script and
sample program in this manual. Instead, we include the first line of the copyright followed by ellipses,
to indicate its placement. The complete copyright is as follows:
Copyright (c) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy

of the software in this file (the "Software"), to deal in the Software
without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy,
modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the
Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

The names "VMware" and "VMware, Inc." must not be used to endorse or promote
products derived from the Software without the prior written permission of
VMware, Inc.

Products derived from the Software may not be called "VMware", nor may
"VMware" appear in their name, without the prior written permission of
VMware, Inc.


Listing the Virtual Machines on the Server

You can use a script like the following to generate a list of all the registered virtual machines on a
server. You need to know the name of the machine and you must provide a valid user name and
password to connect to the server.
This script (, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, can be found on the
VMware Web site at

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.
# .
# .
# .

# This script lists all of the registered virtual machines
# on the server specified by hostname.
# usage:
# <hostname> <user> <password>

if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
@INC = (
# Set the path to your VmPerl Scripting directory if different
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005', 57
Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005\MSWin32-x86');


use VMware::VmPerl;
use VMware::VmPerl::Server;
use VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams;
use strict;

my ($server_name, $user, $passwd) = @ARGV;

# Use the default port of 902. Change this if your port is different.
my $port = 902;

# Create a new VMware::VmPerl::Server to connect to the server

# To connect to the remote server, use the following line:
my $connect_params =

# To connect to a local server, you would use the following line:

# my $connect_params =
# VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams::new(undef,$port,$user,$passwd);

# To connect to a local server as the current user, you would use the
# following line:
# my $connect_params = VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams::new();

# Establish a persistent connection with server

my $server = VMware::VmPerl::Server::new();
if (!$server->connect($connect_params)) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $server->get_last_error();
die "Could not connect to server: Error $error_number: $error_string\n";

print "\nThe following virtual machines are registered:\n";

# Obtain a list containing every config file path registered with the server.
my @list = $server->registered_vm_names();
if (!defined($list[0])) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $server->get_last_error();
die "Could not get list of VMs from server: Error $error_number: ".

print "$_\n" foreach (@list);

Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

# Destroys the server object, thus disconnecting from the server.

undef $server;

Starting All Virtual Machines on a Server

You can use a script like the following to start all virtual machines that are not already running on a
server. This script powers on powered-off virtual machines and resumes suspended virtual machines
that have the line "autostart=true" in their configuration files.
This script includes a slight delay after starting each virtual machine. This delay balances the load on
the server. Do not start many virtual machines in rapid succession without this delay.
This script (, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, can be found on the
VMware Web site at

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.
# .
# .
# .
# This script powers on all VMs on the system that are not
# already running.
# usage:
# <hostname> <user> <password>

if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
@INC = (
# Set the path to your VmPerl Scripting directory if different
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005',
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005\MSWin32-x86');

use VMware::VmPerl;
use VMware::VmPerl::VM;
use VMware::VmPerl::Server;
use VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams;
use strict; 59
Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

my ($server_name, $user, $passwd) = @ARGV;

# Change this to your port if it is different.

my $port = 902;

# Create a ConnectParams object

my $connect_params =

# Create a Server object

my $server = VMware::VmPerl::Server::new();

# Establish a persistent connection with server

if (!$server->connect($connect_params)) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $server->get_last_error();
die "Could not connect to server: Error $error_number: $error_string\n";

# Get a list of all virtual machine configuration files registered

# with the server.
my @list = $server->registered_vm_names();

if(!defined($list[0])) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $server->get_last_error();
die "Could not get list of VMs: Error $error_number: $error_string\n";

my $config;

foreach $config (@list) {

my $vm = VMware::VmPerl::VM::new();

# Connect to the VM, using the same ConnectParams object.

if (!$vm->connect($connect_params, $config)) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $server->get_last_error();
print STDERR "Could not connect to VM $config: Error $error_number: ".
} else {
# Only power on VMs with the config setting autostart = "true"
my $autostart = $vm->get_config("autostart");

if($autostart && $autostart =~ /true/i) {

# Only try this for VMs that are powered off or suspended.

Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

my $power_state = $vm->get_execution_state();

if (!defined($power_state)) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $server->get_last_error();
print STDERR "Could not get execution state of VM $config: Error ".
"$error_number: $error_string\n";
} elsif ($power_state == VM_EXECUTION_STATE_OFF ||

print "Powering on $config...\n";

if (!$vm->start()) {
# If an error occurs, report it and continue
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $server->get_last_error();
print STDERR "Could not power on VM $config: Error ".
"$error_number: $error_string\n";
} else {

# Delay slightly between starting each VM.

# This prevents too much initial load on the server.

# Warning: starting many VMs in rapid succession

# is not recommended.

sleep 5;

# Destroys the virtual machine object, thus disconnecting from the virtual machine.
undef $vm;

# Destroys the server object, thus disconnecting from the server.

undef $server;

Checking a Virtual Machine’s Power Status

You can use a script like the following to determine whether a virtual machine is running, suspended
or powered off. Once you know its power status, you can use this information in conjunction with
other scripts to start, stop or suspend a virtual machine.
This script (, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, can be found on the VMware
Web site at 61
Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.
# .
# .
# .
# This script returns the current power status (on, off, suspended) of the
# virtual machine specified by config on the server defined by hostname.
# usage:
# <path_to_config_file> [<server> <user> <password>]
# If server, user and password are not given, connect to the local server
# as the current user.

if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
@INC = (
# Set the path to your VmPerl Scripting directory if different
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005',
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005\MSWin32-x86');

use VMware::VmPerl;
use VMware::VmPerl::VM;
use VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams;
use strict;

# Retrieves a pre-defined constant value.

sub vm_constant {
my $constant_str = shift;
return VMware::VmPerl::constant($constant_str, 0);

if (@ARGV < 1) {
print "Usage $0: <path_to_config_file> [<server> <user> <password>]\n";

my $state_string_map = {};
my @state_strings = (

Using Sample VmPerl Scripts


foreach my $state_string (@state_strings) {

$state_string_map->{vm_constant($state_string)} = $state_string;

# Read in parameters.
my ($cfg_path, $server_name, $user, $passwd) = @ARGV;

# Use the default port of 902. Change this if your port is different.
my $port = 902;

my $connect_params = VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams::new($server_name,$port,$user,$passwd);

my $vm = VMware::VmPerl::VM::new();
if (!$vm->connect($connect_params, $cfg_path)) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $vm->get_last_error();
die "Could not connect to vm: Error $error_number: $error_string\n";

# Get the power status of the virtual machine.

my $cur_state = $vm->get_execution_state();
if (!defined($cur_state)) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $vm->get_last_error();
die "Could not get execution state: Error $error_number: $error_string\n";
print "The execution state of $cfg_path is: $state_string_map->{$cur_state}\n";

# Destroys the virtual machine object, thus disconnecting from the virtual machine.
undef $vm;

Monitoring a Virtual Machine’s Heartbeat

The following sample Perl script provides one method to monitor a virtual machine's heartbeat. If the
heartbeat is lost or is not detected, the script powers on a second instance of the virtual machine.
This script (, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, can be found on the VMware
Web site at 63
Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.
# .
# .
# .
# You can use this script to check the virtual machine specified by
# ConfigToCheck for a heartbeat within a certain interval in seconds.
# If no heartbeat is received within the specified Interval, then this
# script will forcefully shutdown ConfigToCheck, and start ConfigToStart.
# usage:
# <ConfigToCheck> <ConfigToStart> [Interval]

if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
@INC = (
# Set the path to your VmPerl Scripting directory if different
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005',
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005\MSWin32-x86');

# Import required VMware Perl modules and version.

use VMware::VmPerl;
use VMware::VmPerl::VM;
use VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams;
use strict;

# Display the script usage.

sub usage() {
print STDERR "Usage: <config_to_check> <config_to_start> [interval_in_secs]\n";

# Retrieves a pre-defined constant value.

sub vm_constant {
my $constant_str = shift;
return VMware::VmPerl::constant($constant_str, 0);

# Read in command line options.

usage() unless (scalar(@ARGV) == 3 || scalar(@ARGV) == 2);

Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

my $cfg_to_check = shift;
my $cfg_to_start = shift;
my $interval = shift;

# Set the interval to 30 seconds if it is not specified.

$interval ||= 30;

# Connect to the local host on the default port as the current user.
# Change the port number if it is different.
my $connect_params = VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams::new(undef, 902, undef, undef);

# Initialize the object for the virtual machine we want to check.

my $vm = VMware::VmPerl::VM::new();
if (!$vm->connect($connect_params, $cfg_to_check)) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $vm->get_last_error();
die "Could not connect to virtual machine at $cfg_to_check:\n" .
"Error $error_number: $error_string\n";

# Check to see if the virtual machine is powered on; if not, end.

my $vm_state = $vm->get_execution_state();
if (!($vm_state eq vm_constant("VM_EXECUTION_STATE_ON"))) {
# Destroys the virtual machine object, thus disconnecting from the virtual machine
undef $vm;
die "The virtual machine $cfg_to_check\nis not powered on. Exiting.\n";

# Maintain the last read heartbeat value for comparison.

# The heartbeat count begins at zero, so a value of -1 ensures
# at least one comparison.
my $last_hb = -1;

while ($vm->is_connected()) {

# Get the current heartbeat count. This should steadily increase

# as long as VMware tools is running inside the virtual machine.
my $hb = $vm->get_heartbeat();
unless (defined $hb) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $vm->get_last_error();
die "Could not get virtual machine heartbeat:\n" .
"Error $error_number: $error_string\n";

if ($hb == $last_hb) {
# Since we don't have a heartbeat, we need to do something
# about it. Let's shut this virtual machine down, and then start
# the backup virtual machine (specified by vm_to_start). 65
Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

# Use the "TRYSOFT" mode to shutdown gracefully if possible.

undef $vm;

# Initialize the new virtual machine object.

my $vm_to_start = VMware::VmPerl::VM::new();
if (!$vm_to_start->connect($connect_params, $cfg_to_start)) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $vm_to_start->get_last_error();
die "Could not connect to virtual machine at $cfg_to_start:\n" .
"Error $error_number: $error_string\n";

# Start the new virtual machine and clean up.

my $start_ok = $vm_to_start->start();
unless ($start_ok) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $vm_to_start->get_last_error();
undef $vm_to_start;
die "Could not start virtual machine $cfg_to_start:n" .
"Error $error_number: $error_string\n";
undef $vm_to_start;
die "Lost heartbeat of $cfg_to_check,\npowered on $cfg_to_start.\n";
} else {
# Wait $interval seconds before checking for the virtual machine's heartbeat.
print "Got heartbeat count $hb\n";
sleep ($interval);
$last_hb = $hb;

Answering Questions Posed by a Virtual Machine

You can use a script like the following to answer a question posed by a virtual machine in a stuck
state; that is, one that is waiting for user acknowledgment before it can complete an operation such
as suspending or resuming the virtual machine. The script allows the question to be answered at the
command line, saving you the effort of connecting to the virtual machine from a console or the
VMware Management Interface in order to answer the question.
This script (, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, can be found on the
VMware Web site at

Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.
# .
# .
# .
# You can use this script to check if the virtual machine specified by
# config is stuck. If it's stuck, you can answer any question posed by this
# virtual machine to allow it to continue.
# usage:
# <config-file>

if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
@INC = (
# Set the path to your VmPerl Scripting directory if different
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005',
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005\MSWin32-x86');

# Import the required VMware Perl modules and version.

use VMware::VmPerl;
use VMware::VmPerl::VM;
use VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams;
use VMware::VmPerl::Question;
use strict;

# Read in command line options.

my $cfg = shift or die "Usage: $0 <config-file>\n";

# Connect to the local host on the default port as yourself.

my $connect_params = VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams::new();

# Initialize the object for the virtual machine we want to check.

my $vm = VMware::VmPerl::VM::new();
my $vm_ok = $vm->connect($connect_params, $cfg);
unless ($vm_ok) {
my ($err, $errstr) = $vm->get_last_error();
undef $vm;
die "Could not connect to vm; error $err: $errstr\n";
} 67
Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

# Check the power state of the virtual machine. If it's stuck, get the
# question and list the possible responses.
my $state = $vm->get_execution_state();
if (!defined($state)) {
my ($err, $errstr) = $vm->get_last_error();
# Destroys the virtual machine object, thus disconnecting from the virtual machine
undef $vm;
die "Could not get execution state of vm; error $err: $errstr\n";

print "There is no question to answer.\n";
} else {
my $q = $vm->get_pending_question();
unless (defined($q)) {
undef $vm;
die "Could not get the pending question.\n";
my $text = $q->get_text();
unless (defined($text)) {
undef $vm;
die "Could not get the text of the pending question.\n";
my @choices = $q->get_choices();
unless (defined($choices[0])) {
undef $vm;
die "Could not get the choices to answer the pending question.\n";
# Print question and choices for user:
print "\n" . $q->get_text() . "\n";

my $answer;
do {
$answer = get_answer();
until (valid_answer($answer,@choices));

my $op_ok;
$op_ok = $vm->answer_question($q, $answer-1);
unless ($op_ok) {
my ($err, $errstr) = $vm->get_last_error();
undef $vm;
die "Could not answer pending question; error $err: $errstr\n";

Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

# Destroys the virtual machine object, thus disconnecting from the virtual machine.
undef $vm;

# Prints answer choices, prompts user for an answer number.
sub prompt {
my @choices = shift;
print "To answer the question, type the number that corresponds to\n";
print "one of the answers below:\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#choices; $i++) {
print "\t" . ($i + 1) . ". $choices[$i]\n";
print "Final answer? ";

# Reads user's answer number.

sub get_answer {
my $answer;
chop($answer = <STDIN>);
print "\n";

# Remove unintentional whitespace.

$answer =~ s/^(\s*)(.*?)(\s*)$/$2/;
return $answer;

# Checks if an answer number is within the valid range of choices.

sub valid_answer {
my $answer = shift;
my @choices = shift;
$answer--; # convert to 0-based indexing.
if ($answer < 0 || $answer > $#choices) {
my $num = scalar(@choices);
print "Valid answer numbers are from 1 to $num; please try again.\n";
return 0;
else {
return 1;
} 69
Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

Suspending a Virtual Machine

A script like the following allows you to suspend a virtual machine remotely without connecting to it
through a remote console or the VMware Management Interface.
This script (, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, can be found on the VMware
Web site at

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.
# .
# .
# .
# This script suspends to disk the virtual machine specified by config on
# the server defined by hostname.
# usage:
# hostname user password config

if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
@INC = (
# Set the path to your VmPerl Scripting directory if different
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005',
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005\MSWin32-x86');

use VMware::VmPerl;
use VMware::VmPerl::VM;
use VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams;
use strict;

if (@ARGV < 1) {
print "Usage $0: <path_to_config_file> [<server> [<user> <password>]]\n";

my ($cfg_path, $server_name, $user, $passwd) = @ARGV;

# Use the default port of 902. Change this if your port is different.
my $port = 902;

Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

# Connect to the local host on the default port as yourself.

my $connect_params = VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams::new($server_name,$port,$user,$passwd);

# Create a new VMware::VmPerl::VM object to interact with a virtual machine.

my $vm = VMware::VmPerl::VM::new();

# Establish a persistent connection with virtual machine.

if (!$vm->connect($connect_params, $cfg_path)) {
my ($errorNumber, $errorString) = $vm->get_last_error();
# Destroys the virtual machine object, thus disconnecting from the virtual machine.
undef $vm;
die "Cannot connect to vm: Error $errorNumber: $errorString\n";

# Gets the Power status of the virtual machine to determine if it is running.

my $curState = $vm->get_execution_state();
if ($curState != VM_EXECUTION_STATE_ON) {
print "Can only suspend a powered on Virtual Machine.\n";
} else {
# Suspends the running vm.
if (!$vm->suspend()) {
my ($errorNumber, $errorString) = $vm->get_last_error();
print "Couldn't suspend: Error $errorNumber: $errorString\n";

# Destroys the virtual machine object, thus disconnecting from the virtual machine.
undef $vm;

Setting a Virtual Machine’s IP Address Configuration Variable

This Perl script invokes the VMware guest operating system service to set a virtual machine’s IP
address “ip” configuration variable. This sample script complements the following sample script that
retrieves a virtual machine’s IP address “ip” configuration variable. The script runs inside
a virtual machine, while the sample script runs in the host operating system or another
machine. See Getting a Virtual Machine’s IP Address on page 73.
For more information on passing information between a script and a guest operating system, see
Using VmPerl to Pass User-Defined Information Between a Running Guest Operating System and a
Script on page 51.
This script (, formerly known as, saved with a .TXT extension for online
viewing, can be found on the VMware Web site at 71
Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.
# .
# .
# .
# This script demonstrates the use of the VMware guest service to set
# a configuration variable from within a running virtual machine's guest
# operating system. It stores the guest operating system's IP address.
# The host can retrieve the IP address with a corresponding script.
# usage:
# This script should be run from within a running virtual machine's guest
# operating system. The corresponding script can be run
# from the host operating system.

if (@ARGV != 0) {
print "Usage: $0\n";


# Get the IP for the Guest

my($ip) = (undef);
$ip = &get_ip();

if(!defined($ip)) {
die "$0: Could not get guest ip\n";
else {
print "$0: guest ip is $ip\n";

# Sets the ip address configuration variable.

$err = &set_ip_variable();
if($err != 0) {
die "$0: Could not set guest ip\n";

# Captures IP address from the OS.

Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

sub get_ip {
my ($myip, @iparr) = (undef, []);

# For Windows Guest OS.

if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
$_ = `ipconfig`;
@iparr = /IP Address.*?(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ig;

$myip = $iparr[0];
# For Linux Guest OS.
# Please ensure that ifconfig is in your path. The root user has it by default.
else {
$_ = `ifconfig`;
@iparr = /inet addr:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)/ig;

$myip = $iparr[0];

return $myip;

# Stores the IP address in the guestinfo name space.

sub set_ip_variable {
if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
# Please ensure that VMwareService is in your path.
# VMwareService needs double quotes around the command.
my $cmd = "VMwareService -cmd " . '"' . "info-set guestinfo.ip $ip" . '"';
else {
# Please ensure that vmware-guestd is found in the path used below
system("/etc/vmware/vmware-guestd --cmd 'info-set guestinfo.ip $ip'");
return $?;

Getting a Virtual Machine’s IP Address

This script runs in the host operating system (or another machine) and invokes the VMware Perl API
to retrieve the value of the “ip” variable (a virtual machine’s IP address). This sample script
complements the preceding sample script (Setting a Virtual Machine’s IP Address Configuration
Variable on page 71), that sets a virtual machine’s IP address configuration variable in the guest
operating system. 73
Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

For more information on passing information between a script and a guest operating system, see
Using VmPerl to Pass User-Defined Information Between a Running Guest Operating System and a
Script on page 51.
This script (, saved with a .TXT extension for online viewing, can be found on the
VMware Web site at

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright (C) 1999-2003 VMware, Inc.
# .
# .
# .
# This script returns the value of the guest_info variable 'ip' set by
# the guest OS in a virtual machine on a given server.
# usage:
# <path_to_config_file> [<server> <user> <password>]

if ($^O eq "MSWin32") {
@INC = (
# Set the path to your VmPerl Scripting directory if different
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005',
'C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\perl5\site_perl\5.005\MSWin32-x86');

use VMware::VmPerl;
use VMware::VmPerl::VM;
use VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams;
use strict;

if (@ARGV ne 1 && @ARGV ne 4) {

print "Usage $0: <path_to_config_file> [<server> <user> <password>]\n";

# Read in parameters.
my ($cfg_path, $server_name, $user, $passwd) = @ARGV;

Using Sample VmPerl Scripts

# Use the default port of 902. Change this if your port is different.
my $port = 902;

# If $server_name, $user, and $passwd are missing, connect to localhost as current user.
my $connect_params = VMware::VmPerl::ConnectParams::new($server_name,$port,$user,$passwd);

my $vm = VMware::VmPerl::VM::new();
if (!$vm->connect($connect_params, $cfg_path)) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $vm->get_last_error();
undef $vm;
die "Could not connect to vm: Error $error_number: $error_string\n";

# Get the IP address of the virtual machine.

my $ip = $vm->get_guest_info('ip');
if (!defined($ip)) {
my ($error_number, $error_string) = $vm->get_last_error();
undef $vm;
die "Could not get IP address: Error $error_number: $error_string\n";
if (!($ip)) {
undef $vm;
die "The guest OS did not set the variable 'ip'.\n";
print "The IP address of $cfg_path is:\n$ip\n";

# Destroys the virtual machine object, thus disconnecting from the virtual machine.
undef $vm; 75
Error Codes and Event Logging
Error Codes and Event Logging

Error Codes and Event Logging

This chapter includes information to help you use the VMware Scripting APIs. In particular, we
describe VMware Scripting API errors. We also describe how you can use Event Viewer to view and
manage event logs for virtual machines on a Windows machine.

Error Codes
The following sections describe error handling in the VMware Scripting APIs.

Error Handling for the VmCOM Library

VmCOM methods and properties throw error exceptions when they fail. VmCOM supports the
ISupportErrorInfo interface for detailed error reporting.
For example, in Visual Basic, use standard error trapping and examine the err object to retrieve
detailed error information. The object's Description field contains a string describing the failure. The
Number field contains a VmCOM error code. For more information on VmCOM error codes, see
Common VmCOM and VmPerl Errors on page 79.
If a remote virtual machine or server unexpectedly disconnects, most operations fail, giving you
either the vmErr_NOTCONNECTED or vmErr_DISCONNECT error code. You cannot reconnect
to an existing VmCtl or VmServerCtl object. Instead, destroy the object (for example, Set obj
= Nothing in Visual Basic), then create a new object and call Connect() on it.
If a virtual machine operation fails with error code vmErr_NEEDINPUT, obtain a VmQuestion
object from VmCtl.PendingQuestion property and examine the question or error description.
Then call AnswerQuestion() to answer the question or dismiss the error.

Error Handling for the VmPerl Library

The error codes listed in the following section apply to, and can be returned by, all of the VmPerl
When a $server method returns an error, use $server->get_last_error() in a script to
retrieve the error code and, optionally, its description. For example, to return an error code and a
description of the error in your scripts, use:
my ($ret, $string) = $server->get_last_error();
Alternately, to return only the error code in your scripts, use:
my $ret = $server->get_last_error();
When a $vm method returns undef, use $vm->get_last_error() in a script to retrieve the
error code and, optionally, its description.

Error Codes and Event Logging

For example, to return an error code and a description of the error in your scripts, use:
my ($ret, $string) = $vm->get_last_error();
Alternately, to return only the error code, in your scripts, use:
my $ret = $vm->get_last_error();

Common VmCOM and VmPerl Errors

The following table is a partial list of common VmCOM and VmPerl errors. Any error code not listed in
this table indicates an internal failure in VmCOM, VmPerl or another VMware component.

VmCOM Error Code VmPerl Error Code Description

vmErr_BADSTATE VM_E_BADSTATE You attempted to move a virtual machine from a valid
state to an invalid one. For example, you tried to
restore a non-suspended virtual machine or power on
an already powered-on virtual machine. Either
change the virtual machine’s state (for example, from
powered on to suspended) or attempt a different
vmErr_BADVERSION VM_E_BADVERSION The version of the VmCOM component/VmPerl
module and the VMware server product are
vmErr_DISCONNECT VM_E_DISCONNECT The network connection to the virtual machine was
vmErr_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES VM_E_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES The operation failed because an internal or system
limit was exceeded. For example, the Connect()
method may return this error if the maximum number
of connected objects has been reached.
vmErr_INVALIDARGS VM_E_INVALIDARGS The specified arguments are not valid for this
vmErr_INVALIDVM VM_E_INVALIDVM The specified virtual machine configuration file does
not exist. The path to the configuration file may have
been entered incorrectly or the virtual machine is not
vmErr_NEEDINPUT VM_E_NEEDINPUT The operation did not complete because the virtual
machine is stuck and waiting for user input; that is,
the user must answer a question or acknowledge an
error before the virtual machine can continue its
vmErr_NETFAIL VM_E_NETFAIL A network failure or misconfiguration prevented the
operation from completing. 79
Error Codes and Event Logging

VmCOM Error Code VmPerl Error Code Description

vmErr_NOACCESS VM_E_NOACCESS The operation could not be completed because of an
access violation (a permissions problem).
vmErr_NOMEM VM_E_NOMEM Your system has run out of memory. Shut down some
processes to free up memory.
vmErr_NOPROPERTY VM_E_NOPROPERTY The requested variable or property name does not
vmErr_NOTCONNECTED VM_E_NOTCONNECTED An operation was attempted on a disconnected
virtual machine. Connect the virtual machine before
performing this operation.
vmErr_NOTSUPPORTED VM_E_NOTSUPPORTED The attempted operation is not supported by your
version of VMware server.
vmErr_PROXYFAIL VM_E_PROXYFAIL The Scripting API could not connect to the server
because of a proxy failure. You see this error only if
you have configured your remote workstation to use
a Web proxy. For more information on using a Web
proxy, see
vmErr_TIMEOUT VM_E_TIMEOUT There is no response to the request (the operation
timed out).
vmErr_UNSPECIFIED VM_E_UNSPECIFIED An unspecified error has occurred.
vmErr_VMBUSY VM_E_VMBUSY You attempted to connect to a virtual machine that is
under the control of a local console running on the
vmErr_VMEXISTS VM_E_VMEXISTS You attempted to register a virtual machine that is
already registered.
vmErr_VMINITFAILED VM_E_VMINITFAILED The virtual machine process could not be started on
the server.

Event Logging
If you are running GSX Server on a Windows machine, you can use Event Viewer to view the following
types of events for virtual machines:
• Power transitions
By default, Event Viewer logs an event whenever the virtual machine changes power state (on,
off, or suspended).
• Messages

Error Codes and Event Logging

Messages occur whenever an error condition exists in a virtual machine. The Event Viewer logs a
message with its type (hint, warning, error, or question), the text of the message, and the
choices to acknowledge a message.
• Message answers
When a message is acknowledged, the answer is logged with the message that is answered and
the choice that was selected as the answer for that message.
By default, the Event Viewer logs all three types of events. However, you may turn off logging for one
or more of these event types by editing the config.ini file.
1. Change directories to the VMware GSX Server program directory. The default location is
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware GSX Server.
2. Edit the config.ini file with a text editor of your choice. Add one or more of the following
configuration variables. Each configuration variable turns off event logging for that event type. = "FALSE" = "FALSE" = "FALSE"

Using the Event Viewer

1. Open the Event Viewer application. This application is typically in the Administrative Tools
folder. Refer to your operating system’s documentation for additional information on this
2. Open the Application Log file.
The Event Viewer is displayed as shown in the following image.

You can use the filtering feature in Event Viewer to see selected events on a virtual machine. All
virtual machine events are stored in the “Virtual Machines” category. By contrast, all serverd and
authd events are stored in the default “None” category. 81
Error Codes and Event Logging

Each event type has an event ID. For example, all virtual machine power transition events share the
event ID 1100. You may use this event ID to filter virtual machine events. The event IDs for virtual
machines are listed in the following table.

Event ID Event Type

1100 Power transition events
1101 Message events
1102 Message answer events

Right-click on a single event log and select Properties. The Event Properties window is displayed with
additional details about the event as shown in the following image.

Reading the Event Log

Each event always begins with a string that describes what happened to the virtual machine.

Power Transitions
The Event Viewer logs virtual machine power transitions as Windows information type events
(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE). Each power transition event log begins with a simple string
indicating the new power state of the virtual machine. Power transition event log strings follow. In
these examples, D:\foo.vmx is the path to the configuration file for the virtual machine.
Virtual machine powered on (was powered off): D:\foo.vmx.
Virtual machine powered off (was powered on): D:\foo.vmx.
Virtual machine suspended (was powered on): D:\foo.vmx.

Error Codes and Event Logging

The Event Viewer logs messages with a severity appropriate for the message:
• VMware hints have an “info” type and are logged as a Windows information type event
• VMware warnings have a “warning” type and are logged as a Windows warning type event
• VMware errors have a “error” type and are logged as a Windows error type event
• VMware questions have a “question” type and are logged as a Windows information type event
Each message event log begins with a simple string indicating that a message was received. The
message event log includes the type of message and the message text. Example message event log
strings follow.
This first example is for a message hint.
Virtual machine received hint: D:\foo.vmx.
Don't forget to install VMware Tools inside this virtual machine.
Wait until your guest operating system finishes booting, then choose
'VMware Tools Install...' from the Settings menu in VMware GSX
Server. Then follow the instructions that are provided.
This second example is for an error message.
Virtual machine received error: D:\foo.vmx
Failed to resume disk ide0:0. The disk was modified since the virtual
machine was suspended.
Error encountered while trying to restore ide0:0 state from file
This third example is for a question.
Virtual machine received question: D:\foo.vmdk.
Select an action for the redo log of undoable disk D:\foo.vmdk.
[Commit, Discard, Keep]

Message Answers
The Event Viewer logs message answers as Windows information type events
(EVENTLOG_INFORMATION_TYPE). Each message answer event log begins with a simple string 83
Error Codes and Event Logging

indicating that an answer to a message was received. The message answer event log includes the
type of message, the message text, and the answer.
An example message answer event log string follows.
Virtual machine received answer "Discard": D:\foo.vmdk.
Select an action for the redo log of undoable disk D:\foo.vmdk.

Appendix A: vmware-cmd Utility
Appendix A: vmware-cmd Utility

Using the vmware-cmd Utility

You can use the vmware-cmd utility to perform various operations on a virtual machine, including
registering a virtual machine (on the local server), getting the power state of a virtual machine,
setting configuration variables, and so on.
The previous vmware-control utility is deprecated. If you are using scripts with the
vmware-control utility, update your scripts with the new vmware-cmd utility or they will not
work with GSX Server 2.x.
By default, the vmware-cmd utility is installed in the /usr/bin directory (Linux operating system)
or in C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API (Windows
operating system).

The vmware-cmd utility takes the following options.

Option Description
-H Specifies an alternate host other than the local host. If the -H option is used, then the -U
and -P options must also be specified.
-O Specifies an alternative port. The default port number is 902.
-U Specifies the username.
-P Specifies the user’s password.
-h Prints a help message, listing the options for this utility.
-q Turns on the quiet option with minimal output. The specified operation and arguments
are not specified in the output.
-v Turns on the verbose option.

vmware-cmd Operations on a Server

The syntax for this utility on a server is:
vmware-cmd -s <options> <server-operation> <arguments>
The vmware-cmd utility performs the following operations on a VMware server.

Appendix A: vmware-cmd Utility

Server Operation Description

vmware-cmd -l Lists the virtual machines on the local server. Unlike the other
server operations, this option does not require the -s option.
vmware-cmd -s register <vm-cfg-path> Registers a virtual machine specified by <vm-cfg-path> on the
vmware-cmd -s unregister <vm-cfg-path> Unregisters a virtual machine specified by <vm-cfg-path> on
the server.

vmware-cmd Operations on a Virtual Machine

The syntax for this utility on a virtual machine is:
vmware-cmd <options> <vm-cfg-path> <vm-operation> <arguments>
The vmware-cmd utility performs the following operations on a virtual machine, where
<vm-cfg-path> represents the complete path to the virtual machine’s configuration file.

Virtual Machine Operation Description

vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> getstate Retrieves the execution state of a virtual machine: on, off,
suspended, stuck (requires user input) or unknown.
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> start Powers on a previously powered-off virtual machine or
<powerop_mode> resumes a suspended virtual machine. Hard, soft or trysoft
specifies the behavior of the power operation
<powerop_mode>. If <powerop_mode> is not specified, the
default behavior is soft. For more information, see
<powerop_mode> Values on page 89.
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> stop Shuts down and powers off a virtual machine. Hard, soft or
<powerop_mode> trysoft specifies the behavior of the power operation
<powerop_mode>. If <powerop_mode> is not specified, the
default behavior is soft. For more information, see
<powerop_mode> Values on page 89.
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> reset Shuts down, then reboots a virtual machine. Hard, soft or
<powerop_mode> trysoft specifies the behavior of the power operation
<powerop_mode>. If <powerop_mode> is not specified, the
default behavior is soft. For more information, see
<powerop_mode> Values on page 89.
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> suspend Suspends a virtual machine. Hard, soft or trysoft specifies the
<powerop_mode> behavior of the power operation <powerop_mode>. If
<powerop_mode> is not specified, the default behavior is soft.
For more information, see <powerop_mode> Values on
page 89. 87
Appendix A: vmware-cmd Utility

Virtual Machine Operation Description

vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> setconfig <variable> Sets a configuration variable for the virtual machine connected
<value> to the remote console.
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> getconfig <variable> Retrieves the value for a configuration variable for the virtual
machine connected to the remote console.
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> setguestinfo Writes a GuestInfo variable into memory. The variable is
<variable> <value> discarded when the virtual machine process terminates.
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> getguestinfo Retrieves the value for a GuestInfo variable.
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> getproductinfo Returns information about the product, where <prodinfo> is
<prodinfo> product, platform, build, majorversion (product’s major version
number), minorversion (product’s minor version number) or
If product is specified, the return value is one of the following:
ws (VMware Workstation), gsx (VMware GSX Server) esx
(VMware ESX Server) or unknown (unknown product type).
If platform is specified, the return value is one of the following:
windows (Microsoft Windows), linux (Linux operating system)
or unknown (unknown platform type).
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> connectdevice Connects the specified virtual device to a virtual machine.
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> disconnectdevice Disconnects the specified virtual device from the virtual
<device_name> machine.
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> getconfigfile Returns a string containing the configuration file name for the
virtual machine. This method fails if the virtual machine is not
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> getheartbeat Returns the current heartbeat count generated by the VMware
Tools service running in the guest operating system. The count
is initialized to zero when the virtual machine is powered on.
The heartbeat count is typically incremented at least once per
second when the VMware Tools service is running under light
load conditions. The count stays constant if this service is not
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> gettoolslastactive Returns an integer indicating how much time has passed, in
seconds, since the last heartbeat was detected from the
VMware Tools service.
This value is initialized to zero when the virtual machine
powers on. It stays at zero until the first heartbeat is detected,
after which the value is always greater than zero until the
virtual machine is power-cycled again.
vmware-cmd <vm-cfg-path> answer Prompts the user to answer a question for a virtual machine
waiting for user input.

Appendix A: vmware-cmd Utility

<powerop_mode> Values
The following table describes hard, soft and trysoft power operations.

Powerop_mode Values Description

soft Start when a virtual machine is suspended — After resuming the virtual
To succeed, soft power operations machine, the operation attempts to run a script in the guest operating
require the current version of Vmware system. The Start operation always succeeds. However, if VMware Tools is
Tools to be installed and running in the not present or is malfunctioning, the running of the script may fail.
guest operating system. Start when virtual machine is powered off — After powering on the virtual
machine, it attempts to run a script in the guest operating system when
the VMware Tools service becomes active. The default script does nothing
during this operation as there is no DHCP lease to renew. The Start
operation always succeeds. However, if VMware Tools is not present or is
malfunctioning, the running of the script may fail.
Stop — Attempts to shut down the guest operating system and then
powers off the virtual machine.
Reset — Attempts to shut down the guest operating system, then reboots
the virtual machine.
Suspend — Attempts to run a script in the guest operating system before
suspending the virtual machine.
hard Start — Starts or resumes a virtual machine without running any scripts; a
standard power on or resume.
Stop, reset or suspend — Immediately and unconditionally powers off,
resets, or suspends the virtual machine.
trysoft First attempts to perform the soft power transition operation. If this fails,
the hard power operation is performed.

vmware-cmd Utility Examples

This section includes examples of using the vmware-cmd utility on a virtual machine.

Retrieving the State of a Virtual Machine

The following examples illustrate retrieving the execution state of a virtual machine.
Change directories to the directory (folder) containing the vmware-cmd utility or include the full
path to the utility when typing the following on a command line. Note that you must use double
quotes when specifying a path with spaces; for example,
"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\vmware-cmd".
In a Linux guest operating system:
vmware-cmd /home/vmware/win2000.cfg getstate
where /home/vmware/win2000.cfg is the path to the virtual machine’s configuration file. 89
Appendix A: vmware-cmd Utility

In a Windows guest operating system:

vmware-cmd C:\home\vmware\win2000.vmx getstate
where C:\home\vmware\win2000.vmx is the path to the virtual machine’s configuration file.

Performing a Power Operation

The following examples illustrate performing a power operation. The first example illustrates
powering on a virtual machine and the second example illustrates performing a hard reset.
Change directories to the directory (folder) containing the vmware-cmd utility or include the full
path to the utility when typing the following on a command line. Note that you must use double
quotes when specifying a path with spaces; for example,
"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\vmware-cmd".
In a Linux guest operating system:
vmware-cmd -v /home/vmware/win2000.cfg start
where -v indicates the verbose option, /home/vmware/win2000.cfg is the path to the virtual
machine’s configuration file and start is the power operation. Since a <powerop_mode> is not
specified, the default soft behavior is performed.
Similarly, in a Windows guest operating system:
vmware-cmd -q C:\home\vmware\win2000.vmx reset hard
where -q indicates the quiet option (only the results of the operation are printed),
C:\home\vmware\win2000.vmx is the path to the virtual machine’s configuration file and reset
is the power operation. This example specifies a hard reset so the virtual machine is immediately and
unconditionally reset.

Setting a Configuration Variable

The following example illustrates setting a configuration variable in a Linux guest operating system.
Change directories to the directory (folder) containing the vmware-cmd utility or include the full
path to the utility when typing the following on a command line.
vmware-cmd foo.cfg setconfig ide1:0.file /tmp/cdimages/foo.iso
where foo.cfg is the virtual machine’s configuration file, ide1:0.file is the variable and its
value is /tmp/cdimages/foo.iso.

Connecting a Device
The following example illustrates connecting a virtual IDE device in a Windows guest operating
Change directories to the directory (folder) containing the vmware-cmd utility or include the full
path to the utility when typing the following on a command line. Note that you must use double

Appendix A: vmware-cmd Utility

quotes when specifying a path with spaces; for example,

"C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware VmPerl Scripting API\vmware-cmd".
vmware-cmd D:\foo.vmx connectdevice ide1:0
where D:\foo.vmx is the virtual machine’s configuration file and ide1:0 is the device name. 91
Symbols to a device 21, 51, 92 vmErr_NETFAIL 83
$choice 50 to a server 14, 16, 20, 44, 46, vmErr_NOACCESS 84
47 vmErr_NOMEM 84
$connectparams 44, 46, 47
to a virtual machine 20, 47, vmErr_NOPROPERTY 84
$dev_name 50, 51 84 vmErr_NOTCONNECTED 82,
$infotype 50, 54 connection parameters 14, 15, 84
$key_name 49, 56–57 16, 20, 46, 47 vmErr_NOTSUPPORTED 84
$mode 48 vmErr_PROXYFAIL 84
connection security 15, 45
vmErr_TIMEOUT 84
$question 50 connections, total number of
$vm_name 47 simultaneous 16, 20, 46, 47 vmErr_VMBUSY 84
A Count property 17 vmErr_VMEXISTS 84
answer_question() method 50 cscript 32, 37 vmErr_VMINITFAILED 84
answering a question 22, 44, D error, VmPerl 83–84
50, 52, 70–73, 85, 87–88, 92 device, connecting to 21, 51, VM_E_BADSTATE 51, 83
AnswerQuestion() method 21, 92 VM_E_BADVERSION 83
device, disconnecting from 21,
API incompatible with server 83 51, 92
authd 85 device_is_connected() method VM_E_INVALIDARGS 83
choice 21 DeviceIsConnected property 18 VM_E_NEEDINPUT 83
devName 21 VM_E_NETFAIL 83
Choices property 17, 21, 22
DHCP lease 23, 53 VM_E_NOACCESS 84
collection object 14 VM_E_NOMEM 84
command, cscript 32, 37 disconnect_device() method
VmCOM 14 DisconnectDevice() method 21 VM_E_NOTSUPPORTED 84
VmPerl 44 disconnected virtual machine VM_E_PROXYFAIL 84
Config property 18, 21 84 VM_E_TIMEOUT 84
disconnecting from a device 21, VM_E_UNSPECIFIED 84
config.ini file 85
51, 92 VM_E_VMBUSY 84
ConfigFileName property 18
configuration file for virtual VM_E_VMINITFAILED 84
machine 14, 16, 18, 20, 44, 46, error condition requiring user
event ID 86
47, 49, 83, 92 input 22, 44, 50, 52, 85, 87–88
Event Viewer 84–88
configuration variable 18, 49, error handling 82
ExecutionState property 17
75–77, 77–79, 92 error, VmCOM 83–84
Connect() method 14, 15, 16, vmErr_BADSTATE 21, 83 G
20, 82, 83 vmErr_BADVERSION 83 get_choices() method 50, 52
vmErr_DISCONNECT 82, 83 get_config() method 49
connect() method 44, 46, 47,
connect_device() method 51 method 49
ConnectDevice() method 21 vmErr_INVALIDVM 83 get_execution_state() method
connecting vmErr_NEEDINPUT 82, 83 49 97

get_guest_info() method 49, ISupportErrorInfo 82 get_password() 45

57 Item property 17 get_pending_question() 50
get_heartbeat() method 50 get_port() 45
get_hostname() method 45 get_product_info() 50, 54
JScript 32, 32–34 get_text() 52
get_id() method 52
K get_tools_last_active() 50,
get_last_error() method 46, 47, 51
keyName 17, 26–27
50, 82–83 get_username() 45
get_password() method 45 is_connected() 46, 47
limits 16, 20, 46, 47, 83 register_vm() 46
method 50 Linux operating system registered_vm_names() 44,
installing VmPerl on 11 46
get_port() method 45
list of virtual machines 14, 32– reset() 48
get_product_info() method 50, set_config() 49, 51
34, 34–37, 37–41, 44, 61–63,
63–65, 91 set_guest_info() 49, 56
get_text() method 52 start() 48
get_tools_last_active() method stop() 48
memory 21, 49, 84
50, 51 suspend() 49
get_username() method 45 memory size 18, 49 unregister_vm() 46
guest operating system 19, 25– memory, values stored in 18, 49 MiniMUI Visual Basic project 10,
27, 51, 55–57 messages 85 31
GuestInfo property 17 method, VmCOM N
AnswerQuestion() 21, 22, 82 network failure 83
GuestInfo variable 25–27, 55–
Connect() 14, 15, 16, 20, 82,
57, 92 network port 45
H ConnectDevice() 21 no response 84
hard power transition 23, 53, 93 DisconnectDevice() 21 not enough memory 84
heartbeat 18, 50, 67–70, 92 RegisterVm() 16 P
Heartbeat property 18 Reset() 20
passing information between
Start() 20
host platform 24, 54, 92 script and guest operating sys-
Stop() 20 tem 25–27, 55–57
hostname 15, 45 Suspend() 21
password 15, 45
I UnregisterVm() 16
PendingQuestion property 17,
Id property 22 method, VmPerl
21, 22, 82
index 50 answer_question() 50
connect() 44, 46, 47, 83 permission 84
infoType 18
connect_device() 51 platform 24, 54, 92
input, requiring 21, 22, 44, 50,
device_is_connected() 50 platform information 24
52, 70–73, 85, 87–88, 92 disconnect_device() 51
port 15, 45, 90
installation get_choices() 50, 52
VmCOM 10 power status of a virtual
get_config() 49
VmPerl 10, 11 get_config_file_name() 49 machine 17, 49, 65–67, 91
instsrv 37 get_execution_state() 49 power transition 23, 53, 84, 86
get_guest_info() 49, 57 hard 23, 53, 93
insufficient memory 84
get_heartbeat() 50 invalid 83
insufficient resources 16, 20, 46,
get_hostname() 45 soft 23, 53, 93
47, 83 trysoft 23, 54, 93
get_id() 52
invalid power transition 83 get_last_error() 46, 47, 50, powering off a virtual machine
is_connected() method 46, 47 82–83 20, 23, 48, 53, 91, 93


powering on a virtual machine S start() method 48

20, 23, 48, 53, 91, 93 sample scripts, VmCOM 10, 30– starting a virtual machine 20,
product information 18, 24, 50, 41 23, 48, 53, 91, 93
54, 92 connecting to server and state of virtual machine 17, 49,
ProductInfo property 18 listing virtual machines 32– 91
34, 34–37
property Stop() method 20
listing and starting virtual
Choices 17, 21, 22 stop() method 48
Config 18, 21 machines 37–41
stopping a virtual machine 20,
ConfigFileName 18 sample scripts, VmPerl 60–79
answering question for stuck 23, 48, 53, 91, 93
Count 17
DeviceIsConnected 18 virtual machine 70–73 string
determining power status $key_name 49
ExecutionState 17
65–67 keyName 17
GuestInfo 17
Heartbeat 18 listing and starting virtual Suspend() method 21
Id 22 machines 63–65 suspend() method 49
Item 17 listing virtual machines 61–
suspended machine, resuming
PendingQuestion 17, 21, 22, 63
20, 48, 91, 93
82 monitoring virtual machine
suspending a virtual machine
ProductInfo 18 heartbeat 67–70
retrieving a configuration 21, 23, 49, 53, 74–75, 91, 93
RegisteredVmNames 16
Text 22 variable 77–79 T
ToolsLastActive 18, 19 setting a configuration vari- TCP port 15, 45
able 75–77 Text property 22
proxy 84
suspending a virtual
proxy failure 84 time out 84
machine 74–75
Q time out during suspension 21,
sample scripts. VmPerl 11
question 44, 50, 52, 70–73, 85, script 25–27, 55–57
87–88, 92 ToolsLastActive property 18, 19
security 15, 45, 84
R trysoft power transition 23, 54,
server 93
reconnect to a virtual machine connecting to 14, 16, 20,
20 U
32–34, 34–37, 44, 46, 47
redo log 34 incompatible with API 83 undoable disk 34
register_vm() method 46 security 15, 45 uninstalling VmPerl 11
virtual machines on 14 unregister_vm() method 46
method 44, 46 VmServerCtl 14, 16, 82 UnregisterVm() method 16
VMware::VmPerl::Server 44,
RegisteredVmNames property user input 21, 22, 44, 50, 52,
16 70–73, 85, 87–88, 92
serverd 85
registering virtual machine 46, user name 15, 45, 90
set_config() method 49, 51
84, 91 V
set_guest_info() method 49, 56
RegisterVm() method 16 variable 18, 25–27, 49, 55–57,
shared variables 25–27, 55–57
Reset() method 20 92
simultaneous connections 16,
reset() method 48 VBScript 32, 34–37, 37–41
20, 46, 47
resetting a virtual machine 20, virtual device 18, 21, 50, 51, 92
23, 48, 53, 91, 93 soft power transition 23, 53, 93
virtual machine 44, 47–51, 55
resuming a suspended machine srvany 37
configuration file 14, 16, 18,
20, 48, 91, 93 Start() method 20 20, 44, 46, 47, 49, 83, 92 99

connecting to 20, 47, 84 VM_E_UNSPECIFIED 84 vmErr_BADSTATE 21, 83

disconnected 84 VM_E_VMBUSY 84 vmErr_BADVERSION 83
event logging 84–88
execution state 22, 52
heartbeat 18, 50, 67–70, 92 VM_E_VMINITFAILED 84 vmErr_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURC
list of 14, 32–34, 34–37, 37–
41, 44, 61–63, 63–65, 91 52 vmErr_INVALIDARGS 83
memory size 18, 49 VM_POWEROP_MODE_<XXX> vmErr_INVALIDVM 83
network failure 83 48–49, 53 vmErr_NEEDINPUT 82, 83
no response 84 VM_PRODINFO_PLATFORM_<X vmErr_NETFAIL 83
power operations 20–21, 23, XX> 54 vmErr_NOACCESS 84
48–49, 53, 84, 86
power state 17, 49, 65–67, XX> 54
91 vmErr_NOPROPERTY 84
VmCollection 14, 16–17
reconnect 20 vmErr_NOTCONNECTED 82, 84
registering 46, 84, 91 VmCOM
resetting 20, 23, 48, 53, 91, AnswerQuestion() method
21, 22, 82 vmErr_PROXYFAIL 84
security 15, 45 concepts 14 vmErr_TIMEOUT 84
starting 20, 23, 37–41, 48, Connect() method 14, 15, vmErr_UNSPECIFIED 84
53, 63–65, 91, 93 16, 20, 82, 83
vmErr_VMBUSY 84
stopping 20, 23, 48, 53, 91, ConnectDevice() method 21
DisconnectDevice() method vmErr_VMEXISTS 84
suspending 21, 23, 49, 53, 21 vmErr_VMINITFAILED 84
74–75, 91, 93 error handling 82 VmExecutionState 22
VmCtl 14, 17–21, 25, 82 RegisterVm() method 16 vmName 20
waiting for input 21, 22, 50, Reset() method 20
82 sample scripts 10, 30–41 answer_question() method
Start() method 20
Visual Basic 31, 82 50
Stop() method 20
vm.See virtual machine. concepts 44
Suspend() method 21 connect() method 44, 46,
VM_E_BADSTATE 51, 83 UnregisterVm() method 16
47, 83
VM_E_BADVERSION 83 use with Windows operat-
connect_device() method
VM_E_DISCONNECT 83 ing system 8 51
VM_E_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURC VmConnectParams 14, 15, 16, device_is_connected()
ES 46, 47, 83 20 method 50
VM_E_INVALIDARGS 83 VmCtl 14, 17–21, 25, 82 disconnect_device() method
VmCtl.AnswerQuestion 21, 22, 51
82 error handling 82–83
VM_E_NEEDINPUT 83 get_choices() method 50, 52
VmCtl.Connect 15, 20
VM_E_NETFAIL 83 get_config() method 49
VmCtl.ConnectDevice 21
VM_E_NOACCESS 84 get_config_file_name()
VmCtl.DisconnectDevice 21 method 49
VmCtl.PendingQuestion 21, 22, get_execution_state()
82 method 49
VM_E_NOTCONNECTED 84 get_guest_info() method 49,
VmCtl.Reset 20
VmCtl.Stop 20
VM_E_PROXYFAIL 84 get_heartbeat() method 50
VmCtl.Suspend 21 get_hostname() method 45


get_id() method 52 Params 44, 45

get_last_error() method 46, VMware::VmPerl::Question 44,
47, 50, 82–83 50, 52
get_password() method 45 VMware::VmPerl::Server 44, 46
VMware::VmPerl::VM 44, 47–51,
method 50
get_port() method 45
get_product_info() method vmware-cmd
50, 54 options 90
get_text() method 52 server operations 90–91
get_tools_last_active() virtual machine operations
method 50, 51 91–92
get_username() method 45 vmware-control 90
is_connected() method 46, W
waiting for user input 21, 22,
register_vm() method 46
34–37, 44, 50, 52, 70–73, 85,
87–88, 92
method 44, 46
reset() method 48 Web proxy 84
sample scripts 11, 60–79 Windows operating system
set_config() method 49, 51 installing Scripting APIs on
set_guest_info() method 49, 10
56 Windows Script File 32, 34, 37,
start() method 48 41
stop() method 48
suspend() method 49
unregister_vm() method 46
use with Linux operating sys-
tem 8
use with Windows operat-
ing system 8
VmPlatform 24
VmPowerOpMode 20–21, 23
vmProdInfo_Platform 24
vmProdInfo_Product 24
VmProdInfoType 18, 24
VmProduct 24
VmQuestion 21, 22, 82
VmQuestion.Choices 17
VmServerCtl 14, 16, 82
VmServerCtl.Connect() 15, 16,
Names 17
VMware Tools 18, 19, 25–27,
50, 51, 55–57, 92
VMware::VmPerl::Connect- 101


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