Agora: Bringing Our Voting Systems Into The 21st Century

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Bringing our voting systems

into the 21st century

Version 0.2
The attached whitepaper is meant to describe the currently anticipated plans of Agora and
its affiliates (together, “Agora”) for developing a new blockchain token mechanism (“Token”)
that will be used on the network sponsored by Agora (“Network”). Nothing in this document
should be treated or read as a guarantee or promise of how Agora’s business, the Network, or
the Tokens will develop or of the utility or value of the Network or the Tokens. This whitepaper
outlines Agora’s current plans, which could change at its discretion, and the success of which
will depend on many factors outside Agora’s control, including market-based factors and factors
within the voting and cryptocurrency industries, among others. Any statements about future
events are based solely on Agora’s analysis of the issues described in this document. That anal-
ysis may prove to be incorrect.

This document does not constitute an offer or sale of the Tokens or any other mechanism for
purchasing the Tokens (such as, without limitation, a fund holding the Tokens or a simple agree-
ment for future tokens related to the Tokens). Any offer or sale of the Tokens or any related in-
strument will occur only based on definitive offering documents for the Tokens or the applicable

Purchasing the Tokens or any related instrument is subject to many potential risks. Some of
these risks will be described in the offering documents. These documents, along with additional
information about Agora and the Network, are available on our website at
Purchasers of Tokens and related instruments could lose all or some of the value of the funds
used for their purchases.

Formed in 2015, Agora is a Swiss-based voting technology company that has developed an
end-to-end verifiable voting solution for governments and institutions. Today’s voting systems
are slow, costly and exposed to many vulnerabilities that can inhibit free and fair elections. Our
team of skilled cryptographers and security scientists has built a blockchain-based solution to
provide our partners with a modern, provably secure and cost-effective manner of engaging
voters. Elections on Agora’s network are tamper-proof throughout the entire voting process
and offer full transparency to voters, third-party auditors and the general public.

Our team is passionate about spreading fair and transparent elections around the world, and
we believe Agora has the potential to offer great value for global human rights. Agora was
born from the combined work of Bryan Ford, who served as the Director of the Swiss Federal
Institute of Technology Lausanne’s (EPFL) Decentralized and Distributed System Lab (DEDIS)
alongside his team of engineers and researchers, and Leonardo Gammar, an accomplished en-
trepreneur passionate about blockchain, who grew up in diplomatic circles.

Our team of cryptographers has already implemented several large-scale blockchain projects
and has many years of experience in providing digital solutions for electoral systems. Of particu-
lar relevance, our team previously developed several centralized e-voting frameworks for Swiss
Post and the State of Geneva before beginning work on Agora.

Agora stands out as the first blockchain voting solution that is architected to meet the perfor-
mance needs of a mission critical election. Our technology runs on a custom blockchain that our
team has been developing since 2015. In this whitepaper, we present three technological inno-
vations developed by our team: Skipchain, Cotena and Valeda. Skipchain provides a consensus
mechanism with high throughput and efficient transaction validation. Cotena then provides a
method for storing cryptographic Skipchain proofs onto the Bitcoin blockchain. Finally, Valeda
performs cryptographic proofs validating Skipchain and Cotena data. Our architecture provides
end-to-end verifiability with a high level of security.

At the core, our company and technology strive to meet the evolving needs of modern voters.
Not only do voters demand greater transparency in their elections, but they also demand more
convenient methods of participating. Over the long run, we seek to enable any authorized voter
to participate in an election through their own digital device, all while guaranteeing the security
and transparency of the electoral procedure.

To understand how Agora’s approach to blockchain voting succeeds where traditional systems
have struggled, we have developed a template of characteristics that are necessary for election
results to be trusted. A free and fair election must minimally satisfy the following requirements:


Each step of the election process should The choices that each voter makes should
be easily understood and open to scru- remain private both during and after the
tiny by all stakeholders (voters, political election.
parties, outside observers and others). All
results should be independently verifiable
and auditable.


Only eligible voters should be allowed to The election process must be affordable
vote, and those votes must be protected to governments and its citizens in order to
from any alteration or exclusion. maintain sovereignty.


All eligible voters, regardless of location,

group membership or disability, should
have reasonable and equal opportunity
to cast their ballot.


Agora endeavors to spread fair and transparent elections around the world with end-to-end
verifiable blockchain voting technology. To realize this mission, we have spent the past two-
and-a-half years assembling, what is in our view, a highly capable team and technology that
can meet the evolving needs of voting administrators. Agora’s voting solution satisfies all of the
requirements that we believe are necessary to ensure a free and fair election, including trans-
parency, privacy, integrity, affordability and accessibility.

Blockchain is the key technology that unlocks this mission. Blockchain provides a trustless,
digital and decentralized method of generating cryptographically secure records, which also
preserve the anonymity of participants while remaining open to public inspection. Applied to
voting, blockchain ensures that votes are recorded accurately, transparently, permanently and


Agora’s voting solution offers full transparency and public verifiability over the entire voting
process, including to third party observers. This is achieved through Agora’s public blockchain,
called the Bulletin Board, where data is stored throughout the election process. Any party can
verify the validity of an election as well as all intermediate steps of the voting process.

In addition to permitting outside analysis, Agora enables each voter to verify that his or her
vote was accurately recorded and that it remained unaltered. In this way voters play a key role
in ensuring a fair election and can place their trust in the electoral procedures. Election results
are also publicly available to all stakeholders on our blockchain along with cryptographic proofs
of their validity.

1.1.2. PRIVACY

Agora’s platform protects voter privacy through verifiable ballot encryption and anonymization.
The cryptographic methods that we use to ensure privacy come from widely researched and
accepted models, including threshold ElGamal for ballot encryption and Neff shuffling for ballot

Equally as important, Agora does not have access to user data, including the content of voter
ballots. All ballots are encrypted on each individual’s voting device using open source encryp-
tion algorithms before being transmitted to Agora’s network. Once ballots are on our network,
they are anonymized to detach votes that will be tallied from the credentials of any given voter.


The central strength of any blockchain solution is cryptographic security. Maintaining the in-
tegrity of the elections that occur on our network is of the utmost importance to our company,
and our technology has been built to transparently ensure this. Ballots and final election results
cannot be altered by any third party, including Agora, at any point throughout the voting pro-
cess. Blockchain is the key component of our architecture that protects against intervention
from governments, institutions, third parties and others who may seek to subvert the election

Agora’s blockchain, which is maintained by a distributed network of independent witness serv-

ers called the Cothority, requires consensus from a defined threshold of Consensus Nodes and
keeps a verifiable record of all voting data, including encrypted individual ballots and proofs to
verify that data from each step of the voting process remains unaltered. Our blockchain pro-
vides public, cryptographic proof that results have not been manipulated in any way.


The efficiencies generated through a blockchain voting system can be radical. Cost reductions
begin from the digitization of paper and manual processes, and they can be further driven
through the cryptographic auditing capabilities that a well-architected blockchain platform pro-
vides. When digital means of voting are used in a way that does not require substantial manual
auditing, election costs go down while producing enhanced reliability in the results. In the long
run, when digital voting can be achieved from an individual’s own home, the costs associated
with maintaining and securing physical polling stations will largely disappear as well.

The operational and security costs of administering an election can be staggering. For jurisdic-
tions with limited economic means and strong political tensions, the issue of financing elections
can have a wide impact, even limiting a nation’s sovereignty. Agora seeks to provide a path to
such states so they may avoid going into debt in order to organize elections, which would oth-
erwise increase their dependence on external influences. We believe that Agora’s technology

can reduce some nations’ dependence on foreign aid as well as the risk of outside interference
in their internal affairs, thereby strengthening their sovereignty.


Agora’s solution can enable secure and remote voting from digital devices, including personal
computers and mobile phones. Our ultimate goal is for voters to be able to vote from anywhere
using our technology, removing the need to physically travel to polling stations in order to par-
ticipate in an election. A mobile solution such as this better fits the lifestyle of modern voters,
who are presently required to use outdated voting techniques.

The importance of accessibility goes beyond simple convenience and creates new ways of en-
suring election fairness. There have been numerous recorded incidents globally in which valid
voters have been prevented from participating in an election because of the actions of an im-
posing force, such as a political party or armed faction. The ability to vote from a personal device
outside of an election facility can mitigate the impact these groups may have on an election.


Agora provides governments and institutions with the resources they need to run credible
elections, whether in-person or on their citizens’ own devices. The solution is highly scalable,
capable of running elections at any jurisdiction level from cities to sovereign nations. Howev-
er, our technology is not confined solely to nations. Any organizations with wide-scale voting
needs, such as public companies, will also benefit from holding their votes and elections on the


We believe that our platform adds meaningful value to governments over the existing voting
platforms on the market today, which are not currently based on blockchain technology and
do not possess comparable capabilities. These systems have been consistently shown to be
vulnerable to hacks and outside manipulation, as was recently demonstrated at the DEF CON
security conference, where a voting machine presently used in U.S. elections was hacked within
90 minutes.


Agora’s technology has the potential to create new efficiencies that provide cost savings for
governments. Based on our estimates, we believe that use of Agora may be able to provide
election administration cost savings between 50% and 80% versus other options.


It can be challenging to implement complex voting technology that serves an entire nation’s
population. Furthermore, with a diverse array of laws, election rules and voting frameworks
between governments, our customers have unique needs that must be met in order for Agora
to be recognized as the right voting technology provider. Agora’s team will therefore oversee
all integrations and proper functioning of systems before and during elections to ensure that
adopting our technology is successful.

Our custom solutions will be developed on top of Agora’s core platform presented in this white-
paper and will offer each voting administrator the ability to integrate our technology into its
own electoral procedures.


Political stability and fair elections directly impact the trust given to governments by the inter-
national community and investors. Foreign investors have consistently rewarded countries that
support a rule of law, protection of human rights and policies that prevent high-level corruption.
Earning trust from the international community and foreign investors is therefore a high priority
for most nations.

Taking a lead on this societal push is our local partners. The official and unofficial partners who
support Agora within their countries become public leaders for voting transparency and fair-
ness. Advocates of Agora’s verifiable voting technology demonstrate a commitment to a trans-
parent election process that we believe every company should make. By supporting this global
issue locally, our partners have an opportunity to stand out in their respective nations. Agora’s
team will work to establish a dialogue and supportive relationship with each of our partners by
providing tangible evidence of their efforts to prevent corruption, which is a major factor in the
disruption of healthy economic relations abroad.

Agora is not politically affiliated. We are a neutral organisation that will never interfere in elec-
tions in any way.


The voting systems used in most countries today are inefficient and outdated. In most cases, cit-
izens must still personally visit polling stations and complete a ballot using manual, error-prone
processes. Many eligible voters ultimately decide to forego participation in elections due to the
challenges and frustrations presented by antiquated voting systems.

Even when voters participate, there are often questions concerning the integrity of the elec-
tion process that may cause the final outcome to be questioned. Without a cryptographically
secure architecture that allows voters to confirm that their own vote has been accurately re-
corded, current voting systems fail to satisfy their primary objective of relaying people’s voices
accurately. The problems faced by traditional solutions are pervasive and well-documented, as
outlined in the following sections.


Around 31 countries worldwide have experimented with non-remote Electronic Voting Ma-
chines (EVMs) as a whole or part of their election system. Currently only 20 countries actively
employ them. [1] Concerns about their security and transparency have led to these programs
being discontinued throughout much of Europe, including France, Germany, the Netherlands
and Ireland. These systems also present issues around affordability. While EVMs can mitigate
some of the costs associated with paper ballots, such as human tabulation and ballot printing,
they impose a host of new costs, including buying, updating, storing and servicing the machines.


Black Box Architecture

Direct Record Electronic (DRE) systems, particularly those without a Voter-Verified Paper Au-
dit Trail (VVPAT), are intrinsically opaque since a vote is only recorded in the DRE computer’s
memory. Results produced by DRE systems without a VVPAT cannot be audited, since there is

no audit mechanism to compare against the machine’s memory. Even with a VVPAT, the integ-
rity of these black box systems is not guaranteed, as it is possible to compromise the software
interfacing between the machine and the VVPAT, thereby altering both results. [2] Most voters
fail to detect errors in VVPAT record after they have finished their ballot, which diminishes its
ability to act as a failsafe against hacks and other vulnerabilities. [3]

No Open Source Code

Another transparency issue that beleaguers many EVMs is the proprietary nature of their source
code. Without open source code, the election is effectively at the mercy of third-party provid-
ers. This is not just an issue of potential misconduct by these providers—errors in their code
could result in changes in the election outcome that would be very difficult to detect.


Security Vulnerabilities

DREs have been consistently shown to be vulnerable to a variety of cybersecurity attacks, in-
cluding the insertion of malicious code which then propagates through links in the electronic
voting system’s network. [4] In the Netherlands, critics were able to expose these vulnerabili-
ties, the existence of which were denied by the machine suppliers, by reprogramming one of the
voting machines to play chess. [5] While machines that are connected to the internet or phone
systems are the most vulnerable to security issues, these are not the only vectors through
which hostile code could be inserted. If the DRE employs a voting card for identification, the
cards can be altered to upload malicious code upon insertion. This form of attack, known as an
“air-gap attack,” has been successfully demonstrated by security researchers. [6] These are just
a few of the many security vulnerabilities that have plagued EVMs.

Outsourcing Vulnerabilities

Another issue is that hangs over the use of EVMs is the challenge of their implementation.
As official election staff may lack the proper training and IT skills needed to manage machines
themselves, the machines’ on-site servicing and management is often outsourced to the EVM
supplier. [5] This effectively outsources the integrity of the election to the EVM supplier as well.
The supplier’s special knowledge allows it to act without effective supervision, and consequent-
ly, if even one or a few individuals are subverted, they could easily alter an election by inserting
malicious code.

Central Tabulator Vulnerabilities

Systems that rely on centralized vote counting machines increase the ways in which an elec-
tion’s results can be subverted. Central tabulators have been shown to be vulnerable to attacks,
just as voting machines themselves. For example, the GEMS central tabulator, which integrates
with Diebold machines, can be effectively taken over by entering a 2-digit code in a hidden
location. Anyone with physical access to the machine would then have complete control of
election results. [7]


Although EVMs avoid some of the associated printing costs of paper ballots, they are quite ex-
pensive in their own right. EVMs cost between US$3,000 to $5,000 each, and approximately
one DRE machine is needed per 180 voters. [8] However, the upfront cost of purchasing ma-
chines is only a fraction of the total cost of operating these systems. The cost of programming
voting machines can range between US$250 to $1,500 per machine every election. [8] Main-
tenance costs another US$100 to $250 per machine every election. [8] Software must also be
re-licensed each year, and the machines must be stored in secure and air-conditioned locations.
In sum, the cost of running an election with EVMs can be striking.

Machine Lifespan

Perhaps the highest cost associated with EVMs is machine lifespan. The estimated lifespan for
most DRE systems is only about 10 to 20 years, after which time they must be replaced. [9] For
the US, which was one of the early adopters of EVMs, a staggering US$1 Billion is presently
required to replace its aging fleet of machines. It is critical that these machines be replaced as
soon as possible. Not only do machine breakdown cause delays on election day, but older EVMs
are far more likely to be subverted by hackers. For example, the U.S. state of Virginia’s recently
decommissioned WinVote machines were vulnerable to a security breach because the wireless
cards that they employed used outdated Wi-Fi encryption standards. [9] Accuracy is another
issue associated with older voting machines. The AccuVote TSX machine was shown to register
incorrect votes when it aged due to a slippage of the touch screen as the glue holding it in place
degraded. [9]

Polling Stations

Machines and equipment are only part of the cost associated with non-remote EVMs. Just as
in paper ballot systems, polling stations must be established, outfitted, staffed and secured. In
fact, these stations often incur greater costs than paper ballot systems.


Most of the world currently uses some form of paper ballot as their primary voting system. Pa-
per ballot systems have a number of advantages. Since paper ballots are relatively easy to mark
secretly and track if the right protocols are in place, they generally satisfy requirements for both
transparency and secrecy. They can, however, run afoul of a number of problems with regards
to cost, integrity and accessibility.


There are substantial expenses that make traditional paper ballots voting a costly endeavor for
governments, and ultimately their citizens.

Paper and Materials

Sealing envelopes and transporting election materials alone accounted for 40% of the cost of
the 2012 French presidential and legislative elections. [10] From ballot papers and information
leaflets to electoral cards, each item must be printed and routed physically to voters or polling
stations. These costs are further increased in the case of legislative elections, where there are
more candidates requiring more materials to be produced. Colombia, for example, had to print
102 million ballot papers during its 2014 parliamentary elections, even though the country only
had 32 million voters. [11] This reliance on costly materials discourages administrations from
considering alternative electoral procedures, such as proportional voting, which would require
even more printed materials and create additional costs. The structure of an entire electoral
system can be determined strictly by financial constraints.

Polling Stations

Establishing a network of polling stations across an entire nation can be both complex and
exorbitantly expensive. Voting administrators must first find suitable locations within the com-
munity, which must be purchased or leased if they are not public property. These stations must
then be furnished with equipment, including voting booths, ballot boxes and other adminis-
trative machinery. Voting equipment itself can be quite pricey too. For example, the optical
analysis machine deployed at each central counting office in the United States runs between
US$70,000 and $100,000. [12]


From personnel manning polling stations to those in charge of mailing and registering voters,
election administrators must hire and train many employees to assist them. The labor costs as-
sociated with administering an election are high and not reduced by economies of scale. In the
2017 UK general election, £22 million (15%) of the £140 million election budget was spent on
employee engagement and training. [13]

Voting administrators must also ensure the protection of voters, particularly those who are
exposed to potential security threats triggered by extreme partisanship. In Kenya, where the
incidence of election-related violence is high, approximately 600 people were reportedly killed
following disputes over the results of its 2007 presidential elections. [14] In 2017, election-re-
lated violence remained the primary source of concern for a majority of Kenyans. [15] This issue
also translated into substantial costs for the Kenyan government, who were forced to dedicate
upwards of US$53 million for security alone in its 2017 general election.


Corruption Vulnerabilities

For any election system that is centrally governed, the integrity of the system depends directly
on the trustworthiness of its administrators, who often have a vested interest in the election re-
sults. Multi-party democratic elections have become standard globally, but up to sixty regimes
can be classified as “electoral authoritarians”—places where elections are held to stave off in-
ternational and domestic criticism but whose results are manipulated by the ruling faction. [16]

Vulnerabilities exist throughout the voting process from start to end. The quantity, location and
security of polling stations provide a ready handle to manipulate results, which can be used
as a deterrent for voters who wish to avoid all-day lines or risks to their physical safety. Paper
ballots can be directly manipulated too. In Nigeria’s 2003 election, ballot boxes were stuffed in
full view of independent observers. [16] In Egypt’s 2005 presidential election, entire ballot box-
es were discarded enroute to the counting facility. [16] Even if all of the ballots counted were
produced by legitimate voters, methods further down the election process can alter outcomes
too. Since tabulators have discretion over which votes to validate or invalidate when a ballot
has an irregularity, corrupt officials can skew results by only invalidating only the ballots of the

Human Error Vulnerabilities

Fraud and corruption are not the only way in which paper ballots can stumble; they are also
vulnerable to human error. Ballots can be lost or misrecorded by accident. Physical errors on a
ballot may force tabulators to guess the intentions of the voter or discard the vote altogether.
Physical counting processes, which can be completed by machine or by hand, are often inac-
curate. In an experimental audit, researchers revealed that different groups of auditors reach
different tallies close to 40% of the time, and that the average error percentage for any given
candidates count was 1.4%, enough to swing any close election. [17]


Impact of Locations

Paper ballots demand the selection of polling locations throughout a country in order to guar-
antee privacy and integrity. Depending on how many stations are established and where, travel
can be a barrier to voter participation. Some rural voters live hours away from their nearest
polling station, and even in major cities, visiting a station often takes substantial time. Further-
more, minor changes in the location of polling stations can have a meaningful impact on overall
turnout and can be used to sway who decides to participate in an election.

Travelling to the polling site is only half the battle. Once the voter arrives, waiting times can also
be high enough to discourage voters. In a recent US election, some voters experienced a wait
time of six to seven hours. [18]

Voters with Disabilities

Some segments of the population are particularly vulnerable to being excluded from current
electoral system. Voters with disabilities, such as those with impaired vision, are the most af-
fected by systems that require them to physically travel to polling stations. These stations are
often not equipped to receive them and can fail to provide ballots that cater to their needs.
While alternatives such as voting by mail or proxy voting exist in some countries, they are not
a widespread option globally.


It can take substantial time and resources to administer an election using current voting systems.
These efficiencies are largely due to logistical issues in deploying physical election resources,
excessively long tally processes and more. The 2014 India parliamentary elections are one of
the most striking recent examples of the difficulties inherent in deploying a network of physical
polling stations. Due to the country’s immense geographical size, its elections were divided into
nine rounds spread out over an entire month, as security forces needed time to move from one
area of ​​the country to another.

The tallying of ballots can also generate inefficiencies and long delays. Constrained by unwieldy
counting procedures and a slow manual recount, the final results of Ukraine’s 2014 parliamen-
tary election were not available until 15 days after the election took place. [19]

Agora has built a multi-layer architecture that is based on blockchain technology, which includes
several innovations that have been developed by our team. Agora’s blockchain, called the Bulle-
tin Board, is a distributed permission ledger based on the Skipchain architecture, which we have
been developing since 2015. Data on our Bulletin Board is cryptographically tied to the Bitcoin
blockchain through our Cotena layer, which provides a high level of immutability and decentral-
ization of our data. The system we have architected provides high throughput capabilities and
low overhead, which enables Agora to be run on low bandwidth devices.

Agora is composed of five technology layers: the Bulletin Board blockchain, Cotena, the Bitcoin
blockchain, the Valeda network and Votapp. These layers communicate with each other at var-
ious instances throughout the election process to provide a cryptographically secure voting
environment with auditable proofs. A visualization of our technology layers is provided below.


The Bulletin Board is the permissioned blockchain of the Agora network, which consists of
write-permissioned nodes operated by Agora and recognized third-party witnesses (Consensus
Nodes) as well as read-only nodes (Citizen Auditor Nodes) that can be operated by anyone in
the world. This blockchain network provides an immutable record of all data throughout the
election process and acts as the central communication channel, memory and permanent data
store of our system. The Bulletin Board is a distributed append-only database to which any
party, given the right authentication, can post signed messages and statements. This process
of sending cryptographically signed and authenticated data to the blockchain keeps the entire
election process on Agora’s platform secure, private and auditable.

Skipchain Architecture

The Bulletin Board layer is based on Skipchain [52] architecture, which provides a proactive
Byzantine consensus mechanism with high throughput and efficient transaction validation. The
Skipchain data structure was first introduced by our team at Usenix Security 2017 in our Chain-
iac paper. [52]

Skipchains enable software clients to efficiently navigate arbitrarily long blockchain timelines
both forward and backward, providing proof of transaction validity without the need for a
full record of the blockchain. Back-pointers in Skipchains are cryptographic hashes, while for-
ward-pointers are collective signatures by a group of witnesses. Skipchains are a useful cryp-
tographic blockchain structure loosely inspired by skip lists. [20] The fundamental concept of a
skip list is to augment a conventional singly-linked or doubly-linked list with additional long-dis-
tance links, which are structurally redundant but allow much more efficient traversal and search
across arbitrary distances along the timeline in a logarithmic, rather than linear, number of steps.
We adapted the skip list idea to blockchains by adding long-distance links both forward and
backward in time, as illustrated below.

In this way, our software can validate a referenced block by using cryptographically validat-
ed markers that represent a large group of adjacent blocks. The end result is that even re-
source-constrained clients, such as those on mobile phones, can obtain and efficiently validate
binary updates using a hard-coded initial software version as a trust anchor. Such clients do not
need to continuously track a release chain, like a Bitcoin full-node does, but can privately ex-
change data and independently validate blocks on-demand due to the Skipchains forward and
backward links being offline verifiable.

Each block in the Skipchain consists of the following data elements:

● Root hash of the Merkle tree containing all transactions in the current block;

● Root hash of the Merkle tree representing the entire Skipchain’s current state;

● Hash of the current block, which acts as a unique identifier for the current block;

● Hash backward link pointing to the previous block;

● List of forward and backward links pointing to different blocks in the Skipchain
for quick navigation within the chain;

● List of Cothority nodes responsible for handling that block.


The nodes that secure the Bulletin Board consist of a permissioned collective authority (“Co-
thority”) that confirms transactions. As is standard with other blockchains, each node in the
network maintains a copy of all transactions and approves new transactions into blocks as part
of the network’s consensus mechanism. Nodes independently monitor each other to ensure
that the system’s data record remains unaltered.

The Cothority on our platform consists of a set of Consensus Nodes that collectively confirm
transactions onto the Bulletin Board. Transactions can consist of various data elements used on
Agora, including ballots, the configuration file and consensus proof. From the set of Consensus
Nodes, one of the nodes is designated to be an ‘oracle node’ on a rotating basis. The rotating
oracle node receives ballots and other data from the Consensus Nodes, proposes new blocks to
the network and writes confirmed blocks to the Cotena log, which is discussed later. The oracle
and Consensus Nodes on Agora’s network are operated in distinct physical locations by Agora
and independent third parties.

Consensus Nodes in the Cothority serve the following purposes:

1. Maintain a copy of our blockchain, the Bulletin Board.

2. Receive encrypted ballots from voters and authenticate their data,

ensuring that ballots were sent by an authorized voter.

3. Confirm blocks proposed by the oracle server.

4. Decrypt anonymized ballots once the election has ended, creating

plaintext ballots that can be tallied.

5. Maintain a copy of the Cotena log and monitor its correctness.

The oracle server, which is selected randomly from one of the Consensus Nodes on a rotating
basis, serves the following purposes:

1. The oracle adds the configuration file to the Bulletin Board.

2. The oracle creates blocks from authenticated ballots received by Consensus

Nodes and proposes them to the network for confirmation.

3. The oracle adds confirmed blocks to the log and pushes them to the Bitcoin

The Bulletin Board architecture offers a scalable blockchain infrastructure that that can handle
the specific data needs of elections administered on Agora.

3.1.2. COTENA

The permissioned Bulletin Board interacts with our second layer, Cotena, which is based on the
Catena schema [58]. Catena is a tamper-resistant logging mechanism built on top of the Bit-
coin blockchain. This layer links the Bulletin Board and supporting cryptographic proofs to the
Bitcoin blockchain, which provides decentralized immutability to our permissioned layer’s data.

In the Cotena layer, the Cothority manages an append-only log that is formed from a chain of
select Bitcoin transactions, where application-specific statements are made via the OP_RE-
TURN opcode. Because of this design, clients running Agora software need only to download
Bitcoin block headers and small Merkle proofs under some of those headers. After all block
headers are downloaded, the network bandwidth required decreases to less than 1 KB of data
every 10 minutes. Since modifying data in the Cotena log would require one to double-spend
on the Bitcoin blockchain, the schema achieves the immutability of Bitcoin without its overhead.

The high costs and data inefficiencies of the Bitcoin blockchain, which has surpassed 150 GB in
size, make it no longer practical for full nodes to operate on every device. Cotena was created
to leverage the data security of the Bitcoin blockchain while introducing a design that has min-
imal data storage requirements and reduced Bitcoin transaction costs.

Cotena Log

The Cotena log is a list of Bulletin Board snapshots taken periodically over time. A copy of each
log update is saved both by the Cothority nodes and on the Bitcoin blockchain.

To create a Cotena log, the Cothority generates a new collective Bitcoin address, then signs and
broadcasts a Cotena ‘genesis’ transaction tx0 to the Bitcoin network. This transaction includes
the Cothority’s public key as the statement s0 and pays an initial amount of bitcoin b0 to the
newly generated address. To extend the log, the Cothority broadcasts a Bitcoin transaction txi
with a statement si such that txi credits an amount of bitcoin bi-1 from the output of txi-1 back
to the Cothority’s address, less transaction fees. This procedure produces a transaction chain

that builds a tamper-resistant log of statements s0 , s1, …, si that is as difficult-to-fork as the
Bitcoin blockchain itself.

The Cotena log can be extended until it runs out of funds. To add more funds to the log, Cotena
transactions can have additional inputs that lock extra funds into that transaction’s continuation
output. These inputs can only be used to add extra funds and cannot be used to maliciously
join two different logs, since Cotena only uses their first input to spend previous Cotena trans-
actions. Nodes running Agora clients can easily detect if a Cotena transaction tries to point to
two distinct previous Cotena transactions from the additional inputs.

A predefined threshold (e.g. two-thirds) of Consensus Nodes in the Cothority must approve
any extension of the log that is to be made. For a statement to be sent to Cotena, it must be
approved in a signed transaction by the Cothority. In this process, Consensus Nodes can ensure
that each transaction txi fulfils certain conditions before it is added to the Bitcoin blockchain.

This includes checks such as:

• The transaction txi has the correct data format to prevent a compromised member of the
Cothority from ending the log with a malformed transaction.

• The statement si included in txi is compliant with the application and does not corrupt the
application state.

• The transaction txi uses the first input to spend the output of txi-1 to avoid a malicious
merge of two distinct logs.

• The transaction txi credits the log’s address and not a different address controlled by an
attacker or malicious authority that wishes to censor client messages.

At the initialization of this second layer, Cotena includes not only details about its collective
public key in the genesis transaction tx0 but also a hash of the Bulletin Board’s first Skipblock.
Using that information, a client can verify that its Cotena log is recording Skipblocks from the
correct Skipchain.

Once a Cotena log is initiated through a genesis transaction, its maximum log update frequency
is bound to the block time of the underlying cryptocurrency. When deployed on top of Bitcoin,
as is the case with Agora, Cotena can at most issue one log update every ~10 minutes. To solve
this, transactions are recorded first to the Bulletin Board, and then a snapshot of its latest Skip-
block is sent to Cotena by the current oracle node. The interval over which the Bulletin Board
sends data to Cotena is called an epoch.

During an election, every ballot and other updates are recorded to the Bulletin Board, which
can happen very frequently (e.g., once a minute). In less frequent intervals (e.g., once a day) the
Cothority updates the Cotena transaction log with a hash of the latest Skipblock from the most
recent epoch. This log update is then pushed to the Bitcoin blockchain for decentralized immu-
tability and transparency. This approach enables Agora to scalably add ballots to a decentralized
blockchain while attaining low costs and latency.


In order for interested parties to verify that the log updates on the Bitcoin blockchain are cor-
rect representations of the Bulletin Board and vice versa, cryptographic proofs provide a defini-
tive validation that data remains correct.

Together, the Bulletin Board and Cotena provide a permissioned-and-permissionless hybrid

blockchain configuration that achieve tamper-proof decentralization with low cost and high
data throughput (qualities not associated with Bitcoin as a standalone blockchain).

They are the foundation of our system with no single points of failure, a configurable update
frequency and offline verifiability.


The Bitcoin blockchain is a digital, decentralized ledger that keeps a record of all transactions
that take place across Bitcoin’s peer-to-peer network. One major innovation of this technology
is that it allows participants to store and transfer data across the Internet without the need for a
centralized third party. Data stored on a decentralized blockchain is immutable to changes, mak-
ing the blockchain a trustworthy source of data. The Bitcoin network is maintained by a decen-
tralized network of miners who are rewarded in bitcoin, the most widely known cryptocurrency.

Agora uses the Bitcoin blockchain as a part of its broader architecture to store certain data that
our system requires to be fully decentralized. The Bitcoin network is currently one of the the
largest decentralized networks of computers in the world, and its blockchain is consequently
considered to be highly secure and offer high immutability of data. Cotena periodically stores a
hash of the most recent Skipblock in a Bitcoin transaction OP_RETURN opcode, which enables
anyone to verify that the Cotena log and Bulletin Board remain unaltered.


The Valeda layer of Agora is a global decentralized network of trustless nodes that validate
election results on the Bulletin Board. This layer serves to provide final public evidence that
the Cothority has maintained the authenticity of Bulletin Board data and that election results
are valid. The Valeda network consists of Citizen Auditor Nodes whose software computes
cryptographic proofs pertaining to various processes of our platform including ballot recording,
anonymization, decryption, tallying and more.

Once an election period has ended and ballots have been computed by the Cothority, all Citi-
zen Auditor Nodes in the Valeda network will run validations on the results.

Citizen Auditor Nodes are run by staking tokenholders who choose to enter a dedicated con-
tract with Agora and conduct KYC. Under the terms of the contract they stake their tokens and
audit remotely the elections at the end of which they receive payment tokens for the services they
have rendered. The function of Citizen Auditor Nodes is explained in our Tokenomics section.

3.1.5. VOTAPP

Votapp is the application layer of the Agora network. Anyone can write applications on top of
Agora to make interactions with the Bulletin Board user-friendly. Primary applications that will
exist in the Votapp layer include Voting Booth, Audit and Node.

Voting Booth

The Voting Booth application allows authorized voters to participate in an election on Agora’s
network. This application downloads information from the election event’s configuration file
and displays relevant information, such as candidates and choices, to the voter. The voter is
then able to select candidates and choices within their ballot, which is encrypted before being
sent to the Bulletin Board. Finally, the Voting Booth application allows voters to ensure that the
encryption mechanism on their device is working properly as well as confirm that their casted
ballot has been added to the total tally.


End-to-end verifiability is a core feature of Agora’s voting technology, and the Audit application
provides an accessible toolset for auditing an election at all points throughout the election pro-
cess. Auditing can also be performed on each layer of Agora’s architecture as well.

While we will provide a toolset to facilitate auditing through Valeda, anyone can audit Agora’s
technology or an election using their own custom code.


Anyone can run a full Node on Agora’s network, which maintains a full history of our Bulletin
Board and Cotena logs. A full node can reply to any client’s request to query the Bulletin Board
but is not able to actively participate in the network by acting as a Consensus Node. In order
for a node to operate as a Consensus Node, it must be evaluated as a partner of Agora to be
authenticated on the network.

Elections on Agora’s network are administered through a methodical yet customizable voting
process. The process we have designed for use in our system ensures that several technological
requirements important to maintaining a valid election are fulfilled, including end-to-end verifi-
ability, privacy, decentralization and scalability. Agora’s technology is built to support these re-
quirements, which enable governments and organization to hold elections on a fully-verifiable
digital voting platform.

In this section, we discuss how elections work on Agora’s platform throughout the various
stages of the voting process. While this section is intended to be a non-technical overview,
we will also reference how the actions carried out in each stage interact with Agora’s various
technology layers.


Agora’s voting process consists of six distinct steps, which together provide for a cryptograph-
ically verifiable voting solution that merits the confidence of voters and the wider public. Elec-
tions on Agora’s platform proceed according the following steps:

1. Configuration: Election administrators create a new election event.

2. Casting: Voters cast their encrypted ballots to Agora’s network.

3. Anonymization: Agora’s network anonymizes all voter ballots.

4. Decryption: Agora’s network decrypts the anonymized ballots.

5. Tallying: All votes are counted.

6. Auditing: Auditors and observers post reviews confirming validity of election


A high-level overview of the voting process is pictured below, which displays how each step of
the voting process is related to different participants within our ecosystem.


Prior to administering an election, the administrators begin an election event by creating a

configuration file, which includes event-specific parameters, such as the identities of the re-
sponsible officials, the eligible voters, the anonymization nodes, the start and end times of the
casting phase, the election type, the list of available candidates and more. The full set of param-
eters include:

• List of Election Officials. These values include the names and public keys (identifiers) of the
election officials. To increase resilience against failures, decentralize trust and keep the over-
head of signing and verifying statements minimal, a single shared public key generated through
a distributed key generation (DKG) protocol can be used.

• Election Type. This value determines the concrete voting mechanism, such as majority vot-
ing or single transferable voting (STV), and its parameters, e.g., how many options a voter can
select in an STV.

• Election Start/End Times. These values specify the time frame in which eligible voters are
allowed to cast their ballots. The compliance with this time frame is enforced by the Agora
nodes as accurately as possible.

• List of Voters. This list contains all eligible voters for the given election. Depending on the
scenario, the list may be open, i.e., the voters’ identities are known, or protected, by anonymi-
zation techniques or by posting a condensed version of the list with Merkle trees, for example.

• List of Candidates and Choices. This list outlines the individual subjects on which voters
must decide. Note that we use the word candidate as a generic term for all types of voting

• List of Observers (Optional). For some election events (e.g., nationwide governmental elec-
tions), the election officials may designate official observers whose responsibilities include the
verification of the election event and mediation of disputes that might occur during the elec-
tion. If observers are specified, their identifiers and associated public keys should be included.

• Custom Parameters (Optional). Other parameters may be added by election administrators

based on an election’s specific needs.

Once the election parameters are entered into the configuration file, officials generate a unique
cryptographic identifier for the configuration file through a cryptographic hash function that
can act as an ID representation of the election event. The officials also sign the configuration
file with the identifier to prove that they are indeed the organizers of the election event. Once
signed, the configuration file is stored on Agora’s Bulletin Board.

Once the configuration file is posted on the Bulletin Board, it is available for public scrutiny. If
the configuration file is accepted by the public and other interested parties, the system is ready
for voters to proceed by casting votes.


Once the casting phase has begun, each eligible voter (we will use female pronouns throughout
this section) can begin submitting her vote in the election. A voter can access her “virtual” vot-
ing booth through a designated voting device, which allows her to fill out, review, seal (encrypt)
and submit a ballot.

Agora allows voters to participate by using either their personal device, such as a smartphone
or computer, or by using a voting machine at a traditional voting center operated by election
officials. Regardless of which device the voter utilizes, its voting software fetches the election
parameters from the Bulletin Board and enables the voter to complete a ballot. The voter then
votes by selecting choices presented to her from the Bulletin Board. Once these selections have
been made, the voter is ready to cast her ballot.

When the voter casts her ballot, it is encrypted by the voting software with the collective public
key of the Cothority, which are the distributed Consensus Nodes of the Agora network. Agora’s
software utilizes the threshold ElGamal cryptosystem for encryption. To verify that an encrypted
ballot still reflects the voter’s choices, the software allows the voter to perform a Cast-as-In-
tended validation. There are two well-studied methods Agora intends to use that are primarily
used to carry out Cast-as-Intended validations. [31, 61, 44, 22, 32]

Cast-or-Challenge Validation

The concept of Cast-or-Challenge validation was introduced by Benaloh in 2006. [23] In this
method, voters can test their voting device to ensure that it is encrypting data correctly. After
sealing a ballot, the voter transmits her ballot to the Bulletin Board without her identity attached.
Proof of proper encryption can be verified on a separate device called a voting assistant, [38]
which reveals the relayed plaintext ballot. If the voting device’s encryption is working property,
the ballot will appear correctly on the voting assistant as well. Once encryption has been audit-
ed, a real ballot can then be cast. If Cast-or-Challenge validation is performed by a sufficiently
large number of voters and auditors, the integrity of the vote casting step is ensured with high

Code Voting Validation

Code Voting was first introduced by Chaum in 1991. [31] In Code Voting, election officials se-
curely distribute a list of codes to the voters through a separate communication channel, usually
via postal mail. Using the codes sent to them, voters can verify that the voting device correctly
encrypted their choices by confirming that the codes displayed on the device match the codes
received via postal mail. Since a malicious device would not know the mailed codes, this method
makes it easy to determine whether a device is compromised.

Agora will utilize Cast-or-Challenge validation in our present implementation due to its simplicity
(e.g., it does not require any action on the part of election administrators). However, since Code
Voting validation provides stronger security guarantees, which is especially important in high-
stakes elections, we intend to implement this method in the future as well. We will also evaluate
the applicability of new techniques, such as Challenge-and-Cast validation, [39] which relies on
zero-knowledge proofs.

Once the voting device’s encryption is confirmed to be working properly, the voter casts her
encrypted ballot by posting it to the Bulletin Board and signing the transaction with her digital
identity credentials. The encrypted ballot is then received by one of the nodes in the Cothority
and authenticated. Authenticated ballots are included in the Bulletin Board’s next Skipblock.


Every election system must guarantee the privacy of its voters. For Agora in particular, our sys-
tem must ensure that votes cannot be linked to individual voters when votes are decrypted for
tallying. In that respect, once the voting period ends, Agora’s network runs all ballots through a
mixing network to anonymize the encrypted ballots cast on the Bulletin Board.

A mixing network [33, 51] is a set of servers that sequentially re-encrypt a given dataset mul-
tiple times, where the correctness of each re-encryption is attested by zero-knowledge proofs.
These correctness proofs are published to the Bulletin Board to enable auditability of this pro-
cess. Only a single node in the network is required to behave honestly to ensure the protocol’s
correctness. Mixing networks’ application to anonymous communication and digital voting have
been studied extensively in the last decade, resulting in significant improvements in terms of
security and performance. [33, 43, 51, 47, 34]

Agora intends to implement a Neff-shuffle-based [51] mixing network. We also plan to explore
other encryption methods that are emerging, including Atom’s butterfly mixing network [47]
and bulletproofs, [28] a new mechanism for short zero-knowledge proofs that do not require

When ballots are sent through the mixing network, each mixing node processes the entire list
of encrypted ballots and outputs a new list of anonymized ballots alongside zero knowledge
proofs of proper shuffling to the Bulletin Board.


In order to perform the tallying process, the Cothority nodes will collectively decrypt the an-
onymized ballots and publish them with decryption correctness proofs onto the Bulletin Board.

To begin this process, Cothority nodes check that the zero-knowledge proofs from the anonymi-
zation phase are correct, and if so, the nodes begin to collectively decrypt the anonymized
ballots. In this process, each Cothority node partially-decrypts each of the anonymized votes
and generates a zero knowledge proof for each decryption, attesting to the correctness of the
partial decryption. Once finished, all Cothority nodes publish their results to the Bulletin Board.

Election administrators can then check that the zero-knowledge proofs of the partially-de-
crypted ballots are correct. Provided that a sufficiently high threshold of them are valid, admin-
istrators can use the properly partially-decrypted ballots to recover the anonymized original
plaintext ballots. The plaintext ballots are posted to the Bulletin Board, where they can be tallied.


After the decryption phase, Agora nodes tally votes across all valid decrypted ballots and pub-
lish the final results on the Bulletin Board.

Agora, election administrators or any third party overseeing the election can tally votes from the
plaintext ballots posted on the Bulletin Board during the last phase. The party officially respon-
sible for tallying votes posts the signed results to the Bulletin Board, at which point auditors can
check the validity of the outcome before it is deemed to be final. When permitted, Agora will
conduct an automated tally of votes, as well.

While the election administrator decides what party will be responsible for the official tally, an-
yone can tally votes in an election.


The ability to audit ballots and election results at every stage is one of the prime benefits to
using Agora’s platform. Our blockchain-based Bulletin Board, Cotena log and Valeda network
are important elements of our system that enable enhanced auditing capabilities. Our auditing
capabilities can be used by observers to validate Bulletin Board data.

Citizen Auditor Nodes can be election administrators, voters themselves or any third party.
Once the election is tallied, the election’s officially designated observers attest to the validity
of an election by posting a signed statement on the Bulletin Board. Furthermore, anyone in the
world can observe an election by running a Citizen Auditor Node. Auditor Nodes, which col-
lectively form the Valeda network, validate cryptographic proofs to provide a decentralized and
unbiased confirmation of election results. Agora provides many ways for people and organiza-
tions to act as an observer to elections on our platform, adding to its transparency.

To enable end-to-end verifiability for observers, all intermediate steps of the election process
are third-party verifiable and are posted to the Bulletin Board. Specifically, an auditor or observ-
er can run the following consistency checks:

• Configuration: Citizen Auditor Nodes confirm that election parameters are correct. Some
observers may additionally have special rights granted by an election administrator that per-
mits them to verify the relationship between the private credentials of voters and the public
information posted on the Bulletin Board. Such officially-assigned observers can dramatically
increase the transparency of an election.

• Casting: Citizen Auditor Nodes confirm that each encrypted ballot posted to the Bulletin
Board is correctly tied to one of the authenticated voters specified in the configuration list. De-
pending on the validation mechanism, observers can also verify that ballot encryption worked
properly and that it is in the proper format.

• Anonymization: Citizen Auditor Nodes confirm that all of the encrypted ballots on the Bul-
letin Board have been shuffled and anonymized properly. This includes checking all of the ze-
ro-knowledge proofs associated to every re-encryption step of the mix network.

• Decryption: Citizen Auditor Nodes ensure that all the partially-decrypted ballots are correct
with respect to the corresponding zero-knowledge decryption proofs, and that the plaintext
votes are correctly reconstructed from the partially-decrypted ballots.

• Tallying: Citizen Auditor Nodes confirm that the final election results are correctly computed
from the plaintext votes.

If the election process is successfully verified according to the official observer, a final attes-
tation is signed with the observer’s private key. It is unforgeable under general cryptographic
assumptions and provides additional public proof that can be verified by anyone. This final sig-
nature can be especially powerful when the official observer is a widely-recognized trusted and
unbiased party.

All voters and third-party observers will be able to audit the election process through Agora’s
software, which will act as an Agora blockchain explorer with audit tools. A selection of Citizen
Auditor Nodes will record the output of their proofs on the Bulletin Board.

A challenge in any election event revolves around the validation of voter identities and voting
eligibility. Even in traditional paper-based voting systems, it can be difficult to identify that
voters are who they claim to be. For example, some ineligible voters have been allowed to cast
votes remotely by registering under the names of deceased individuals [60]. In the digital con-
text, the verification of a voter is fundamentally more challenging due to ongoing limitations
around securely binding physical and digital identities.

In that respect, Agora relies on voting administrators to select an identity management system
and provide a mechanism to authenticate voters. At the same time, Agora intends to work with
digital identity providers to provide governments and institutions with digital identity solutions
compatible with Agora’s voting system. We will place an emphasis on investigating solutions
compatible with the latest advances in digital identity technology, notably decentralized and
sovereign identity solutions such as uPort [48] and Civic. [57]


While we endeavor to automate as much of the election process as possible, many things can
go wrong. For example, an eligible voter in the identity management system may not be not
registered on the configuration list. In cases such as this where no algorithmic, deterministic
decision is satisfactory, human intervention is required.


Election administrators are advised to designate official auditors to mediate issues that arise.
Countries such as Cambodia and Libera have solicited the presence of the U.N. [35] and the
Carter Center [30] to be observers of their elections, testifying to the validity of the election
process and mitigating conflicts. On Agora’s platform, these official auditors are listed in the
configuration file parameters. These auditors can be called upon in case of conflicts or issues
during the event to act as third party mitigators.

Organizations that would be viewed as likely auditors include non-governmental organizations

advocating for civil and political rights, intergovernmental organizations, independent institu-
tions dedicated to education or research (such as universities and foundations) and recognized
auditing firms. All selected organizations will be expected to be sufficiently knowledgeable in
digital and blockchain voting observation.


Auditors, voters or other third parties may detect issues during an election. Agora intends to
build mechanisms to report anomalies to the auditors as well as Agora in a user-friendly and
secure way. For each report made, a proof of report will be provided to confirm that the issue
has been submitted to the auditors and Agora. As with traditional voting systems, conflicts will
be resolved in accordance to each jurisdiction’s individual election rules and laws.

If auditors are to be the mediators in an election, several solutions exist. The simplest way to
mediate disputes is to grant power to one auditor or organization. However, more sophisticated
solutions can be used to create a more credible dispute resolution mechanisms. For example,
several auditors may be authorized to vote on disputes, and the outcome will depend on wheth-
er a pre-defined threshold of the auditors agree on a resolution. Agora intends to introduce new
dispute resolution mechanisms over time for the jurisdictions we serve.


When auditors resolve a dispute, their resolution should be published to the Bulletin Board
and signed with their private key. In the case of an eligible voter that needs to be added to the
configuration file, the auditor can report the identity of the new voter to be added in a signed
message to Agora, which our platform can then use to automatically add the individual as a valid
voter in the Bulletin Board.

In many elections, governments may require that traditional judicial measures be taken. Agora
and the auditors in the election will act in accordance with the laws of our election jurisdictions.
Agora will also strive to follow best practices on election dispute resolutions set forth by the
international community whenever possible (U.N., Carter Center, etc.). [29, 21, 55]


Agora’s technology also provides ways to cast absentee ballots, which are utilized for voting
when an individual is outside of her voting jurisdiction or is unable to visit a prescribed in-per-
son voting location.

There are various requirements we set out to fulfill in the architecture of Agora’s blockchain-based
platform. We believe these items are important to the creation of a fair and transparent voting
system. Our goals include end-to-end verifiability, voter privacy and more, which are explained
in the sections below.


In order to ensure full transparency, interested parties must be able to audit both our technolo-
gy and all aspects of the elections held on Agora’s technology. The following properties ensure
that any interested party, be it a voter, election official or auditor, is able to verify the validity of
the voting process:

• Validation. Voters can verify that their ballot is encrypted properly and that their votes are
being cast as intended. Cast-or-Challenge and Cast-as-Intended are two types of validation
that can be utilized to ensure votes are correctly recorded by the system.

• Collected-as-Cast Validation. Voters can independently verify that their vote has been
correctly recorded.

• Tallied-as-Collected Validation. Anyone can verify that every collected vote is correctly
included in the complete election tally.

• Voter Eligibility Validation. Anyone can review the list of eligible voters.


Ensuring that an individual’s vote is kept private is crucially important to maintaining a fair elec-
tion process. When voters feel coerced to vote differently from their true preferences, election
results cannot be said to reflect the legitimate will of the voters. Agora maintains voter privacy
in the following ways:

• Voter Anonymity. It is not possible to determine which of the eligible voters cast any par-
ticular vote, except with negligible probability.

• Vote Secrecy. It is not possible to determine the vote any given voter has cast, except with
negligible probability.

• Receipt Freedom. Voters cannot prove to any third parties how they voted.


We have mandated that Agora’s technology fulfill several other requirements. These additional
requirements include:

• No Single Points of Failure. The system is decentralized and able to function correctly even
in the presence of a limited number of Byzantine faults.

• Availability. The probability that the system is non-operational at any given time is negligi-

• Usability. Any non-technical voter must be able to cast and verify his or her vote with a
negligible error rate.

• Offline Verifiability. To verify voting information and audit the election on any individual de-
vice, no active communication is necessary after the election data has been downloaded from
the Bulletin Board.

• Regulatory Adaptability. The system must be adaptable to given jurisdictional requirements.

We have implemented these goals into our blockchain-based technology in order to offer ful-
ly-transparent and fair elections.

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