Escape The Room - Clue Cards Answers
Escape The Room - Clue Cards Answers
Escape The Room - Clue Cards Answers
How many of these words can be used with the Make each of these singular nouns plural. How
word snow to form a real compound word? many of the plural words use the suffix –es?
Some of these words are missing an apostrophe The following story is missing some commas.
to show that letters are missing. How many Add in the commas and count the
words are missing an apostrophe? number that were missing.
Read the clue and write the answer with one Read the sentences below and decide what tense
letter in each box. Spell the answers correctly to they are written in. How many of them are
reveal the hidden number in the yellow squares. written in the present tense?
–ful and –less are both one of these. I am stuck in the classroom.
s u f f i x
I came back into school on my own.
I didn’t tell anyone what I was doing.
Long and sad are both one of these. Now I’m alone and feeling scared.
Some of these root words can be given the There are lots of capital letters missing from
opposite meaning by adding the prefix the story below. Add them in and count
un- to them. How many? how many were missing.
load fair lock Palace and perhaps even see The Queen! Betty