Shri R. Kondalarao Technical Advisor, PR, RD & RWS &S Departments of Govt. of A.P. O/o Commissioner,
Rural Development, Room No.302, 3rd Floor, Hermitage Office Complex, Adarshnagar, Hyderabad.
Shri H. Kurma Rao Centre Head, Centre for Natural Resources Management (CNRM), AMR-AP Academy of
Rural Development (APARD), Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad.
Dr V. Suresh Babu Associate Prof., CWEP, NIRD and PR, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad, Telangana.
Shri Narendra Patel Samaj Pragati Sahayog, Bagli, Madhya Pradesh, Behind High school, Udainagar,
Dewas, Madhya Pradesh.
Shri K. Durga Prasad Dy. Executive Engineer, O/o CRD Telangana State, Hyderabad.
Ms. T. Satya Kumari Dy. Executive Engineer ,O/o The Commissioner, Rural Development, Andhra Pradesh,
Hermilage office Colony, Adarsh Nagar, Hyderabad.
Shri Haridas Eeranna Deputy Executive Engineer, Panchayati Raj Engineering Department, Kurnool, AP.
Ms. M. Mythily Assistant Engineer, O/o The ENC, PRED, TS, SRTGN Bhawan, Erramanzil, Hyderabad.
Shri Abed Abdul Wadood Khan Engineering Consultant, MGNREGS, Telangana State.
Communications Strategist: Shri S Ajai Kumar, Communications and Advocacy Officer, UNDP, (GOALS Project, MoRD) New Delhi
1 2
Introduction UNDER MGNREGA
1.3 Impotant instructions 13
2.3 Water Budgeting and
issued on mgnrega planning in watershed
works from the Ministry development
15 2.4.1 Interventions in
non-arable/ridge area
21 2.4.2 Interventions in
on-farm /arable area
48 2.4.3 Interventions in
drainage line
6.2 All – weather rural
157 5.2 Infrastructure for road connectivity
promotion of fisheries
188 6.3 Construction of
5.3 Infrastructure for play fields
promoting agricultural
productivity 189 6.4 Disaster preparedness
6.5.2 Appropriate
6.6 Construction of food grain
storage structures
6.7 Production of building
3 4
3.3.6 Execution of
7 8
8.3 Convergence Guidelines
issued so far, MGNREGS
& Schemes of line
8.4 Non Negotiable in
8.5 Steps in implementation
of convergence
8.6 Typical Exercise for
planning convergence
It gives me immense pleasure to know that the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Division of the Ministry is
imparting training on technical aspects to the technical personnel working at the grass roots level.
Such an initiative will surely result in the creation of durable assets.
I expect that the States will create District Resource Teams and Block Resource Teams with the help
of their State Resource Teams within a definite timeframe. ‘Samarthya (MGNREGA)’ will be useful for
practitioners cutting across States.
I congratulate the MGNREGA team in the Ministry for having prepared this manual.
(Birender Singh)
J.K. Mohapatra
Secretary (RD)
I am glad to learn that the Programme Division, MGNREGA is imparting technical training to the
key personnel executing projects under this programme at the field level. A major focus area of the
programme is to improve the quality and social utility of the assets created. This will be possible only
with adequate capacity building of our technical personnel. They ought to know the do’s and dont’s
pertaining to the execution of works.
‘Samarthya’ - the technical training manual - is the outcome of collective experience gained over
almost a decade of the implementation of this flagship programme.
I do hope that the capacity building exercise with the help of this manual will contribute substantially
towards enhancing the capacity and skill sets of our technical personnel in delivering ‘Value for Money’
under MGNREGA.
J.K Mohapatra
List of
Figures, Images &
180 Image 6-2: Renovated ponds, Village Issewal Block Ludhiana II District
Ludhiana (Punjab)-2
183 Image 6-3: Trailer mounted Water browser
183 Image 6-4: Static smooth wheeled roller
208 Image 6-5: Roof ceiling with filler slab
208 Image 6-6: Construction of filler slab
211 Image 6-7: Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks
227 Table 7-1: Typical units of expected economy, outcome/ productivity and
durability of MGNREGA asset
1.1.2. As per the Para 3 of Schedule-I, MGNREGA, The core objectives of the Schemes are:
i) Providing not less than one hundred days of unskilled manual work as a guaranteed employment in a
financial year to every household in rural areas as per demand, resulting in creation of productive assets
of prescribed quality and durability;
i) Water conservation and water harvesting structures to augment and improve groundwater like
underground dykes, earthen dams, stop dams, check dams with special focus on recharging ground
water including drinking water sources;
ii) Watershed management works such as contour trenches, terracing, contour bunds, boulder checks,
gabion structures and spring shed development resulting in a comprehensive treatment of a watershed;
iii) Micro and minor irrigation works and creation, renovation and maintenance of irrigation canals and
iv) Renovation of traditional water bodies including desilting of irrigation tanks and other water bodies;
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
v) Afforestation, tree plantation and horticulture in common and forest lands, road margins, canal bunds,
tank foreshores and coastal belts duly providing right to usufruct to the households covered in Paragraph
5; and
II. Category B: Community assets or individual assets for vulnerable sections (only for households in
paragraph 5):
ii) Improving livelihoods through horticulture, sericulture, plantation, and farm forestry;
iii) Development of fallow or waste lands of households defined in Paragraph 5 to bring it under cultivation;
iv) Unskilled wage component in construction of houses sanctioned under the Indira Awas Yojana or such
other State or Central Government Scheme;
v) Creating infrastructure for promotion of livestock such as, poultry shelter, goat shelter, piggery shelter,
cattle shelter and fodder troughs for cattle; and
vi) Creating infrastructure for promotion of fisheries such as, fish drying yards, storage facilities, and
promotion of fisheries in seasonal water bodies on public land;
III. Category C: common infrastructure including for NRLM compliant self-help groups:
i) Works for promoting agricultural productivity by creating durable infrastructure required for bio-
fertilizers and post-harvest facilities including pucca storage facilities for agricultural produce;
i) Rural sanitation related works, such as, individual household latrines, school toilet units, Anganwadi
toilets either independently or in convergence with schemes of other Government Departments to
achieve ‘open defecation free’ status. and solid and liquid waste management as per prescribed norms.
ii) Providing all-weather rural road connectivity to unconnected villages and to connect identified rural
production centers to the existing pucca road network; and construction of pucca internal roads or
streets including side drains and culverts within a village;
iv) Works for improving disaster preparedness or restoration of roads or restoration of other essential
public infrastructure including flood control and protection works, providing drainage in water
logged areas, deepening and repairing of flood channels, chaur renovation, construction of storm water
drains for coastal protection;
v) Construction of buildings for Gram Panchayats, women self-help groups’ federations, cyclone shelters,
Anganwadi centers, village haats and crematoria at the village or block level.
vi) Construction of Food Grain Storage Structures for implementing the provisions of The National Food
Security Act 2013 (20 of 2013);
vii) Production of building material required for construction works under the Act as a part of the estimate
of such construction works.
4. (2) The order of priority of works shall be determined by each Gram Panchayat in the meeting of the
Gram Sabha keeping in view potential of the local area, its needs, local resources and in accordance with the
provisions of Paragraph 9, provided that the District Programme Coordinator shall ensure that at least 60%
of works to be taken up in a district in terms of cost shall be for creation of productive assets directly linked
to agriculture and allied activities through development of land, water & trees.
4. (3) Works which are non-tangible, not measurable, repetitive such as, removing grass, pebbles,
agricultural operations, shall not be taken up.
5. Works creating individual assets shall be prioritised on land or homestead owned by households belonging
to the:
a) Scheduled Castes
b) Scheduled Tribes
c) nomadic tribes
d) de-notified tribes
f) women-headed households
j) beneficiaries under the Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest
Rights) Act, 2006 (2 of 2007), and
k) after exhausting the eligible beneficiaries under the above categories, on lands of the small or marginal
farmers as defined in the Agriculture Debt Waiver and Debt Relief Scheme, 2008 subject to the condition
that such households shall have a job card with at least one member willing to work on the project
undertaken on their land or homestead.
6. The State Government shall take concrete steps to achieve effective inter-departmental convergence
till the last mile implementation level of the works under the Scheme with other Government Schemes/
programmes so as to improve the quality and productivity of assets, and bring in synergy to holistically
address the multiple dimensions of poverty in a sustainable manner.
7. There shall be a systematic, participatory planning exercise at each tier of Panchayat, conducted between
August to December month of every year, as per a detailed methodology laid down by the State Government.
All works to be executed by the Gram Panchayats shall be identified and placed before the Gram Sabha and
such works which are to be executed by the intermediate Panchayats or other implementing agencies shall
be placed before the intermediate or District Panchayats, along with the expected outcomes.
9. (1) Adequate shelf of works shall be maintained by every Gram Panchayat to meet the expected
demand for work in such a way that at least one labour intensive public work with at least
one work which is suitable for Particularly Vulnerable Groups especially the aged and the disabled which
shall be kept open at all times to provide work as per demand.
(2) The details of the said work(s) shall be prominently displayed through writings on the
walls of the village.
10. While opening works in the public works category, it shall be ensured that the ongoing or incomplete
works should be completed first.
11. Work shall be provided within fifteen days, from the date of registration of the demand for work or the
date from which work has been demanded in case of advance applications, whichever is later.
12. (1) In case work could not be provided as per demand within the specified time limit,
unemployment allowance shall be paid, as calculated automatically by the computer system
or the Management Information System and as provided under the Act. The programme
officer can reject the unemployment allowance only on grounds of force majeure.
(2) In cases where unemployment allowance is paid, or due to be paid, the Programme Officer
shall inform the concerned District Programme Coordinator in writing the reasons for not
providing employment to the applicants.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
(3) The District Programme Coordinator shall, in his Annual Report to the State Council explain
as to why employment could not provide in cases where payment of unemployment
allowances is involved
13. Every work under the Scheme shall have a technical estimate duly sanctioned by an authority authorised
by the State Government. While sanctioning the estimates, the following are required to be considered:
a) For all works involving construction, cost effective, labour intensive technologies and usage of local
materials shall be employed as far as possible;
b) The Bill of quantities (used in the estimate) is stated in common terminology for easy understanding
of all stakeholders;
c) Each work shall have a summary of the estimate, design and a technical note that indicate the expected
outcomes from implementing the work.
14. The works finalised at the Gram Panchayat level and consolidated at the Block or District level shall be
given Block-wise administrative or financial sanction by the competent authority within thirty days from the
date of finalisation of the works at the Gram Panchayat level only after confirming that the shelf of works in
any Gram Panchayat is not less than two times the labour budget approved for that Gram Panchayat.
16. Payment shall only be made based on the measurements taken at the worksite by the authorised personnel
within three days of closure of the muster roll. The State Government shall ensure that adequate technical
personnel are deployed to complete this work within the stipulated period. Suitable persons from the families
of workers may be trained or skilled and deployed as barefoot engineers with appropriate delegation of
technical powers and paid wages as skilled workers.
17. The State Government shall link the wages, without any gender bias, with the quantity of work done and
it shall be paid according to the rural schedule of rates fixed after time and motion studies for different types
of work and different seasons and revised periodically.
18. A separate Schedule of rates shall be finalised for women, the elderly, people with disabilities and people
with debilitating ailments so to improve their participation through productive work.
19. (a) The schedule of rates of wages for various unskilled labourers shall be fixed up so that an adult person
worked for eight hours which include an hour of rest will earn a wage which is equal to the stipulated
wage rate;
(b) The working hours of an adult worker shall be flexible but shall not spread over more than twelve hours
on any day.
20. For all works taken up by the Gram Panchayats, the cost of the material component including the wages
of the skilled and semi-skilled workers shall not exceed forty per cent at the Gram Panchayat level. For
works taken up by the implementing agencies other than Gram Panchayats, the overall material component
including the wages of the skilled and semi-skilled workers shall not exceed forty percent at the District level.
21. The works executed shall be done without engaging any contractor. Implementing agencies under the
Scheme shall execute the works in conformity with the processes specified under the Act and after complying
with the mandatory proactive disclosures and social audit.
22. As far as practicable, works executed by the programme implementation agencies shall be performed by
using manual labour and no labour displacing machines shall be used.
23. All material required for the works shall be procured by the Gram Panchayat or the implementing agency
using a transparent tender process as specified by the State Government.
24. Out of the administrative costs allowed under the Scheme, at least one third (1/3rd) shall be utilised at
the Gram Panchayat level to employ and pay the Gram Rozgar Sahayak ,other technical personnel as per the
work done and for other administrative expenses.
To clarify on MGNREGA works, directly linked to agriculture and allied activities through development
of land, water and trees, the clarification vide Ministry letter No. J-11017/41/2012-MGNREGA (UN) (Pt-II),
dated 17th September, 2014 has been issued that all works of category A, all works of category B &C,
except one type of work in each category and work at Para (vi) of category D are directly linked to
agriculture and allied activities through development of land, water and trees.
ii) The Paragraph 22 of Schedule 1 MGNREGA lays down that “As far as practicable, works executed by
the programme implementation agencies shall be performed by using manual labour and no labour
displacing machines shall be used”.
With this, there was confusion that machines cannot be used. In this regard, vide Ministry letter No.
J-11011/09/2014-RE-I, dated 25th August, 2014 clarification & a suggestive list of such task and type of
machines which can be used under MGNREGA have been issued.
iii) Vide Notification dated 3rd January 2014, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India has
expanded the scope of works listed in Schedule 1, Para 4 (i) of MGNREGA and included number of
material intensive works such as construction of rural buildings, infrastructure for promotion of Livestock
& agriculture productivity etc., whereas, as per Para 20 of Schedule I, of MGNREGA, the 60:40 ratio for
wage and material costs is required to be maintained at GP level for all works to be taken up by GP and
for works to be taken up by all other agencies it has to be maintained at the District level.
To increase labour component in construction of buildings & other infrastructures, production of building
material required in execution of MGNREGA works, as one of the activities under MGNREGA has been
included in schedule-1, MGNREGA at Para 4.(1) (iv) (vii). In pursuant to this, the guidelines for production
of building material has been issued vide Ministry letter No. J-11017/26/2008-MGNREGA (UN) dated 13th
January, 2014.
iv) Para 13. Of Schedule-1, MGNREGA, 2005 provides that each work proposed to be taken up under
MGNREGA shall have a summary of the estimate, design and a technical note that indicate the
expected outcomes from implementing the work. Therefore, in this regard Ministry has further
issued instructions on outcome orientation in works under MGNREGA vide Ministry letter
No. J-11011/02/2010-MGNREGA (Policy) (10093), dated 5th August, 2014.
v) Many other important instructions issued on MGNREGA works, time to time from the ministry have been
referred in respective chapters of this manual.
i) Activities which are to be carried out under different type of works permitted under MGNREGA for:
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
ii) The basic input required in selection of work site, surveying, designing, planning, layout, execution and
maintenance of works
iv) How convergence of MGNREGS with other ongoing schemes in rain fed areas and command areas can
be done for gap filling and value addition
The list of relevant Circulars on MGNREGA works issued by the Ministry and are effective have been annexed,
at Annexure-XXI.
There is a need for the adoption of watershed development approach for planning and implementation of
MGNREGS in rain fed area to ensure larger and sustainable impact in the area. This will address the need for
generating unskilled jobs, as well as, will create durable assets which will generate livelihood and will help in
restoring ecological balance.
The top of a watershed from where the slopes start is called the
ridge, because it is the dividing line that partitions one watershed
from another. In a watershed, the slopes falling from the ridge to
the beginning of the plain/ arable, area called the ridge area. The
channels which carry the rainwater in to the drains are called drainage
lines. Gullies, streams and rivers are all drainage lines. The size of a
watershed may vary from a few hectares to thousands of square
kilometers. Figure 2-1: Water shed
Table 2-1 provides a system of classifying watersheds at different levels of aggregation.
Regions 6 25,000-100,000
Basins 35 3,000-25,000
Catchments 112 1,000-3,000
Sub-Catchments 500 200-1,000
Watersheds 3,237 50-200
Sub-watersheds 12,000 10-50
Milli-watersheds 72,000 1-10
Micro-watersheds 400,000 0.5-1
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
2.2.2. It has been recommended by various technical Committees and established by implementation of
different Watershed Management Programmes, that for integrated development of rain fed area and drought
proofing; area treatment from ridge to valley on watershed approach is the only solution. This will lead
to natural resource conservation, increasing the productivity of the land, bringing additional area under
agriculture, employment generation and social upliftment of community living in the rural area. Therefore, to
achieve the objective of the scheme and optimum utilization of MGNREGA funds in rain fed area, the projects
are to be prepared on watershed approach with ridge to valley concept.
2.2.3. While planning for rain fed area, the sub/ micro watershed area covering a Gram Panchayat or a village
can be a unit for planning. For planning of works the revenue map of the village should be superimposed
on the G.T. Sheet or Watershed Atlas of the area by enlarging or reducing the scale of the maps to bring
on similar scale for superimposition. Watershed should be delineated/ marked on this superimposed map.
Thereafter planning of works on watershed approach with ridge to valley concept and water budgeting
should be made. Once, the planning is completed the execution of works should start from ridge to valley.
2.2.4. Convergence of MGNREGS with other ongoing schemes in rain fed area:
i) As per Operational Guidelines of MGNREGA, an annual plan and a District Perspective Plan to facilitate
advance planning and to provide a development perspective for the district is to be prepared. These
plans in the district are to be coordinated by the District Programme Coordinator i.e. the Collector. The
District Planning Committee, whose chairman is District Collector, has also to approve the perspective
and annual action plan relating to Watershed projects in the district. Therefore, at the stage of
preparing/ approving perspective and annual action plan relating to MGNREGS and IWMP, the District
Collector should coordinate in such a way that with the convergence of ongoing schemes in the area a
comprehensive project of village / watershed, incorporating/ integrating all the works/ activities required
for the integrated development of the village on watershed approach is prepared.
In this regard Ministry has recently issued Joint Convergence Guidelines MGNREGS & IWMP vide letter
No. 11017/17/2008-NREGA (UN), dated 11th August, 2014, which is available on MGNREGA web site.
ii) For integrated development of rain fed area on watershed approach, it is necessary that the project/
perspective plan of a village is prepared with a Watershed approach integrating all the activities into
a whole project. In this project, the works permitted under MGNREGA is planned / covered under
MGNREGA and works not permitted under MGNREGA is covered under ongoing IWMP of DoLR (MoRD).
Identify all the works/ activities to be covered under MGNREGS and under ongoing IWMP, separately
with size of area/ work, estimated cost and the year in which proposed.
Vide Ministry Circular No. 11017/17/2008-NREGA (UN), dated 11th August, 2014 guidelines have
also been issued to take up watershed management works independently under MGNREGA, that:
Watershed management works can be taken up independently under MGNREGA where there is no IWMP
project sanctioned. These works shall be subject to the following guidelines:
a) Watershed management works can be taken up only after a comprehensive assessment of the entire
watershed in the GP and shall address all issues of soil erosion, rainwater retention and afforestation.
b) Standalone works in the above category without a comprehensive watershed plan shall not be permitted.
c) In order to treat the entire watershed, the entire land shall be treated, without limiting to the lands of
small/marginal farmers.
d) The comprehensive watershed plan shall be prepared in accordance with the concepts of ridge –to-
valley treatment; and after proper verification of land utilization and capabilities through a participatory
approach. It is recommended to use the satellite imagery for this planning work.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
a) Calculation of total annual volume of runoff with respect to catchment area, rainfall, runoff co efficient
c) Water requirement by human life including agriculture purposes, livestock and to maintain ecology
keeping 20 yrs. projection in mind (C )
e) Generally, maximum 75 % of balance available run-off (E)= 0.75x(D) is to be harvested and rest 25 %
runoff water allowed to flow in the drainage line
f) Check whether (E ) => (C ), if not then make alternative plans like reducing water demand, mobilizing
from neighboring water sufficient area etc.
To calculate the annual volume of surface runoff water available in an area, we will need to multiply the annual
rainfall with the area on which it falls and the coefficient of run off for that area.
Qt = annual volume or quantum of surface run-off (in cubic meters)
Land Use & Slope Sandy Loams Clay/Silty Loams Silty Clay
Cultivated Land
Pasture Land
Forest Land
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Watershed development plan should be prepared with active participation of villagers through IPPE (Intensive
Participatory Planning Exercise), so that their problems and priorities are addressed while addressing the
issues of natural resources.
• Size & selection of watershed: Watershed boundaries are already defined naturally, but to make it a
workable size around 500-1000 hectare area is preferred. One may refer to the watershed Atlas available
with states.
• Basic resource Survey: Base line/bench mark surveys like climate, type of soils and its fertility status,
rainfall pattern and runoff volume, present land use and problems, vegetation coverage and its quality.
This will not only help us in planning but also in measuring the outcome of the programme.
• Community Organization & People Institution: Active participation of people is very crucial for planning
& implementation of watershed development programme, so that it becomes community driven and
community managed/owned. Government, NGOs and other stakeholders’ roles are just to facilitate the
process and to provide required resources like socio-technical and financial. The community must be
aware about the concept of watershed and prepare their own watershed management plan through
village level meetings, where representatives from SHGs, landless, ST & SC families, small and marginalized
farmers participate.
• Land Capability Classification: Land capability classification (LCC) for management of land based
ecological factors such as soil texture, soil depth, slope, water availability, erosion etc., are required for
watershed development planning.
• Preparation of Micro level Plan: Micro level planning is prepared through the following steps:
- Village wise social map, Resource map, present land use and problem maps are prepared through
PRA exercise.
- Different possible options/ solutions are discussed and finalized through village meetings. Through
these processes, treatment plan is prepared for fallow/ non-arable & arable lands including drainage
lines and infrastructural development. Emphasis should be given to rain water harvesting and massive
plantation on community land/ along roads as well as private lands.
• Convergence Approach: The watershed development programme aims at holistic development of the
area encompassing different types of activities. This requires convergence of resources and support from
different departments to meet out financial, technical and other support services.
• PRA as an important methodology of planning process: Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) is the
combination of different tools (Like Social mapping, Resource mapping, seasonal mapping, transact walk
etc.) and techniques (focus group discussion etc.) which enables community to articulate and analyze
their own situation, generating options and finalizing their plan based on their needs and priorities. This
ensures identification of cost effective and appropriate interventions with greater ownership, sustainable
use and management by the community.
One may refer to IPPE manual issued from the Ministry for details of conducting PRA exercise in the
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
Non-arable lands are those lands which are generally unsuitable for cultivation of agricultural crops. In the
ridge area the problems are mostly high slope, soil erosion, rocky nature, shallow soil depth etc. Manmade
activities like road construction and mining on steep hill slopes have rendered large areas denuded. Quite
often, establishment of vegetation on these highly degraded lands is difficult due to high runoff/debris
movement, lack of moisture and absence of fertile soils. Structural measures are, therefore, often needed
before undertaking re-vegetation programme to stabilize the slopes and create conditions conducive for
plant growth by arresting fertile soil and improving moisture regime.
Excessive runoff water entering into an area from upstream / ridge area is often a cause of high soil erosion
and land degradation of arable area. Diversion drains, made across the slope at the end of non-arable area
or rolling topography can be used in such a situation to divert runoff water away in order to protect the
downstream/ arable area and discharge it safely into a protected waterway.
Diversion drains are suitable at places where runoff from the ridge area situated above is damaging or
likely to damage the arable area lying on the downstream side.
b) The gradient of diversion drain should preferably be kept within 0.5 percent.
c) A narrow and deep drain does not get silted up as rapidly as a broad and shallow drain of the same
cross-sectional area and is, therefore, self-maintaining.
Note: For designing diversion drain may refer to grassed waterway design at chapter no.
i) Contour trenching is a widely used practice for moisture conservation in plantations and grassland
development. It is a practice of excavating trenches along a uniform level across the slope of the land.
Bunds are formed along the trenches on the downstream side with soil taken out of them. The expected
service life of a trench is about 3 to 4 years during which time the vegetation is supposed to perform/
take over the conservation function.
ii) Contour trenches break the velocity of runoff and store whole or a part of runoff. Trenches should be
designed to store 60-70 pe rcent of runoff from 6hrs. Storm with 5 years return period in coarse textured
soils. In fine textured soils about 50 percent of the runoff water may be stored. The intercepted runoff
percolates through the soil slowly and is made available moisture to the plants planted towards down
stream side. Contour trenches may be of two type’s namely continuous contour trenches and staggered
contour trenches.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
a) Continuous Trenches: The trenches are called continuous when there is no break in length and can be
10 to 20 m long across the slope depending upon width of the area. Generally, trenches are dug with a
cross-section varying from 30cm x 30cm to 45cm x 45cm with side slope 1:1 to 1.5:1.
b) Staggered Trenches: The staggered contour trenches are laid scattered with inter space between them.
In staggered trenching, the trenches are located directly below one another in alternate rows and in a
staggered fashion. Staggered trenches may be made to a length of 2-3 m and spacing between the rows
may vary from 3m-5m.
a) Contour-trenches are normally constructed in the upper portion/ ridge area of the watershed for
plantation of forestry/horticultural plants.
b) Continuous contour trenches are generally used in low-rainfall areas for moisture conservation.
c) In high rainfall areas, staggered contour trenches are generally adopted. There is a potential danger of
overflow and breach in case of continuous trenches in such areas.
d) Fodder grass should be planted on the bund and horticultural/fuel fodder trees may be planted just
downstream of the trench or in the trench itself in gravel soils.
e) On steep and irregular sloping lands, staggered trenches are more suitable.
f) The trenches can be suitably arranged under different field situations as shown in Fig 2-3 & 2-4.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
Calculation of runoff for the watershed having coarse soil, where 70% water will be stored:-
Qt = C x Rx A .... (2.2)
C = runoff coefficient,
R = 6hrs maximum rainfall of 5 years recurrance interval.
A = the area from which runoff is received in sqm.
As we required 70% of the runoff than Qt= 70 x Q/100 Cum. = 0.7Q Cum.
The Total Length of the Trench in meters (L) = Qt/ (At x f) in meters,
There after we can calculate the Horizontal Spacing between the two successive contour trench
HI = A / L in m.
To decide the number of rows of contour trenches, we divide the longest length of the ridge area (Lr)
by the HI
Nos of row of the trenches (N) = Lr / HI
Example: Design a continuous trench in an area of 50 ha. The runoff co-efficient of the area is 0.5. The 6hrs
maximum rainfall of 5 years returned period is 80mm and 70% runoff is to be stored in the trench, the trench
gets 2 refills in a day and the longest length of the ridge area is 5000m. On same parameters also design
staggered contour trenches if distance between two trenches in a row is 3m.
As we have to design for 70% of total runoff so Q1= 20000 x 0.7 = 14000Cum.
Trapezoidal Section Top width= 1.05m., Bottom = 0.35m., Depth= 0.35m. side slop =1:1
= (1.05+0.35)/2 x 0.35
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Now the distance between successive rows (HI) = A/L = 500000/28571 = 17.50m. …. (2.3)
So the Number of row of CCT (N) = Lr/HI = 5000/ 17.50 =286 Nos
HI of CCT = 17.50m.
Q1 = 14000 cum.
Total length of Contour trench (L)= 5714 x (5m.+ 3m.) = 45712m. . .... (2.4)
HI of SCT = 11m.
a) Do not make trenches on slopes higher than 25%. Instead adopt vegetative measures.
c) Do not make trenches on slopes less than 10%. Instead construct contour bunds.
e) Do not excavate if roots of a tree are encountered Do not excavate trenches across large streams or
drainage lines.
f) Do not start the lay-out of trenches from the shorter section. Always begin from the longest section
within the largest area of uniform slope trend.
Loose Boulders Bunding (LBB) also known as dry stone walls can be constructed across the hill slopes at
pre-determined spacing for developing land for cultivation, if stones are readily available in the locality. LBB
can be constructed on contour or at minor gradient depending upon the need.
b) It helps in retaining soil and subsequent formation of a bench terrace as well as drainage of the excess
c) LBBs are widely adopted in the hilly areas of Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
The spacing of VI of contour stonewalls is not rigid and suitable spacing can be adopted as per site conditions/
suitability. The following formulae are used in southern region of India.
VI = S/10 +1.5(for areas receiving rainfall more than 1500mm per annum)
The most commonly adopted cross section for the contour stone wall is a trapezoidal section with 60cm top
width and 80cm bottom width. The height above the ground level is about 50cm.
Table 2-3: Vertical interval in (m) and Length (m) of contour Stone Wall per ha. for different land slopes
(per cent) & rainfall zones
In the North East mountainous region, the springs used to be full of water earlier even during the dry season,
but now they have become seasonal. The spring discharge depends on rainfall. While most of the rainwater
is lost as surface runoff, a part of it percolates into underground and gets stored in the fine pores and cracks
of the rocks. The more percolation & natural recharge, leads to more availability of water in the spring. Dense
vegetation reduces the speed of surface runoff thereby resulting in higher infiltration. It also helps in filtering
the water and improving the water quality. Deforestation, hill cutting, landslides etc. drastically reduce the
quantum of natural ground water recharge. This results in the springs drying up during the dry season.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
The objective of the Dhara Vikas initiative under MGNREGA in Sikkim is to increase the dry season spring
discharge by enhancing the recharge of the springs during the monsoons. It is a climate change adaptation
initiative that helps in enhancing rural water security.
i) Solution: Springs are fed by ground water. Ground water is the rain water that has percolated underground.
To recharge a spring we need to increase the infiltration to ground water in its recharge area. This can
be done by trapping the surface runoff during the monsoons and making it percolate inside the ground.
Dugout trenches and ponds help to catch the surface runoff and increase the infiltration to supplement
ground water.
Figure 2-6: Model of spring shed development Figure 2-7: Dug out pond in depression
ii) Strategy for recharging springs: It is very important to identify the recharging area of different types of
springs. Three types of springs are commonly found in the region and can be identified through proper
geo- hydrological study of the area. These are as follows:
a) Depression springs: These springs occur where there is a sharp change in slope. The water table cuts the
surface due to this sudden change in topography. The spring originates from the point where the water
table cuts the surface. Recharge area for this type of spring will be just above the spring.
b) Fracture springs: Fracture springs originate along a fracture which cuts across an aquifer forming rock.
The fracture acts as a channel for groundwater to move out of the aquifer forming a spring. A series of
springs often emerge down slope along the fracture. Thumb rule for the identification of recharge area
in fracture springs are:
c) Contact springs: A series of springs emerging at the contact of two different rock types are termed
as contact springs. The rocks above the springs and below the springs will differ in nature. Rocks
which are below the springs basically will be impermeable rock and above the springs will be
permeable rocks. So the spring emerges from the contact point of these two rocks. Thumb rule for
the identification of recharge area in contact springs is as follows:
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
• In the dip slope of the rocks above the springs or escarpment slope of the rocks above the springs.
ii) Hydrologic design i.e. annual runoff available for storage & peak discharge should be worked out with
respect to catchment area, topography and rainfall, as stated above at Para 2.3 under water budgeting.
The size of village pond should be based on annual runoff available for storage.
iii) Pucca inlet and outlet should be constructed simultaneously with Hydraulic design to work out the size
of inlet and outlet, as stated at para under the head surplus arrangement/ waste weir.
iv) Advisory on construction of inlet with silt trap and outlet has been issued from the Ministry vide letter
No. J-11017/40/2011-MGNREGA (UN), dated 23rd November, 2011, as follows:
a) Inlet: The inlet should be designed as chute spillway for conducting the runoff in to the pond in a
controlled manner. The entry section can be designed as a rectangular broad crested weir. Since the
velocity of runoff is accelerated along the side slope of the pond the width is contracted at 1m below the
top level of the pond and continued at the same width thereafter.
b) Outlet: The outlet is constructed as rectangular or square channel. This outlet position will be little lower
(15 -20 cm) than the elevation of the inlet to avoid back flow of water. The discharge capacity of outlet
can be assumed to be half as that of the inlet capacity as peak rate of runoff.
c) Silt trap: A silt trap of suitable dimension should be created in the watercourse just near the entrance of
the inlet to check the silt load entering the pond. The length of such silt trap can be slightly greater than
the width of the water course and the depth may be about 0.6 to 0.75m.
d) Cleaning silt trap: The silt accumulated in the silt trap should be removed periodically and preferably as
and when it gets filled up after a few runoff events.
In order to check the soil erosion and also conserve moistures for crop growth, Structural measures are
adopted like Contour Bunds, Graded Bunds, Bench Terraces etc., basically these measures constitute a series
of bunds across the slope to break the length of slope/ run to dissipate the energy of flowing water. The
important principles to be kept in view while planning these bunds are:
i) Increasing the time of concentration of runoff and thereby allowing more time to be absorbed in the soil.
ii) Intercepting a long slope into several short ones so as to check erosive velocity of the runoff water and
check soil erosion
iii) Protection against damage due to excess runoff by providing spillway for safe disposal of excess runoff
The selection and the suitability of engineering control measures to be adopted at different locations depend
on soil type, soil depth, rainfall, land slope and crops to be raised. Structural measures like bunding, terracing
etc. are adopted in arable lands on relative moderate to steep slopes.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA) BUNDING:
Bunding, adopted on mild sloping lands, may be defined as construction of small embankments or bunds
across the slope of the land. Bunds decrease the length of slope and help in intercepting the runoff flowing
down the slope, thereby conserving moisture and reducing soil erosion. Bunds may be of different types such
as Contour Bund, side bunds, lateral bunds, supplementary bunds, Graded bunds etc.
Side Bunds: The bunds constructed at extreme corners of contour bund, running along the slope are called
side bunds. They help in retaining specified depth of water in up stream side of the contour bund.
Lateral Bunds: Bunds constructed along the slope in between two side bunds in order to prevent flow of
water along one side and to break the length of contour bund into convenient lengths are called lateral bunds.
Supplemental Bunds: Bunds constructed between two contour bunds so as to limit a horizontal spacing to a
maximum value are called supplemental bunds.
The bunds are referred to as contour bunds when they are constructed on the points of equal elevation.
Contour bunding is suitable for lands having slope up to 10 per cent, for areas with low rainfall (annual rainfall
less than 800mm) and permeable soils. The practice of contour bunding is found to increase crop yield by
about 15 to 20 per cent. However, because of small and scattered land holdings, farmers at places find it
difficult to adopt bunds strictly on contours. Instead, field bunding, compartmental bunding near contour
lines is commonly practiced under such conditions.
- Spacing of bunds
- Deviation freedom to go higher or lower than the contour bund elevation for better alignment on
undulating lands.
- Waste weir
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
• Spacing of bunds: Spacing of bunds is usually expressed by vertical interval (VI) between the two
consecutive bunds. The main criterion for spacing of bunds is to intercept the water before it attains the
erosive velocity. The spacing of bunds depends on factors such as slope, soil, rainfall, cropping pattern
and conservation practices etc.
Ramser’s Formula: Ramser’s formula for computing the spacing of bunds is as follows:
VI = Vertical interval between consecutive bunds (m)
S = Land slope (percent), and
a = Constants specific to a particular region.
b= 2 (Constants).
Calculation for Vertical Interval and Horizontal Interval with Length per Hac. of Bund.
% Slope V.I.= 0.3(S/a +2) = in M. Roundup H.I.= 100xV.I./S =In Meter Length per Ha.
in Meter = 100x S/V.I.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
• Cross-section: A trapezoidal cross-section (shape) is usually adopted for the bund. The design of cross-
section of the bund involves (i) height (ii) top width (iii) side slope and (iv) bottom width of the bund.
o Height: The height of the bund depends upon the slope of the land, type of soil and the rainfall expected in
24 hours period for 10 years frequency in a given area. Once the height is determined other dimensions of the
bund viz: bottom width, top width and side slopes can be worked out depending upon the type of the soil.
- With 30 cm depth of impounding which is a usual practice in many states, and the 30 cm is provided as
depth of flow over the crest of the waste weir and 20 cm is provided as free board. This makes the overall
height of the bund as 80 cm, top width of 0.50 m and bottom width of 2.1 m, side slope as 1:1 and cross-
section of 1.04 sqm.
- The design of bund for 30 cm depth of impounding is an arbitrary design. The height of bund to impound
runoff from 24 hours rain storm can be calculated by the following formula:
h = Height of Bund for 30cm impounding
Re = 24 hour rainfall excess, cm and
VI = Vertical interval, m
- To the theoretical height of bund so calculated 20% extra height or a minimum of 15 cm as free board
(f.b) is added and another 15 to 20% extra height towards settlement due to consolidation.
o Top width: A minimum of 0.3 m to 0.6 m width is kept to facilitate plating of grasses on the top of the bund.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
o Side slopes: Side slopes of the bund are dependent upon the angle of repose of the soil. Side slopes of
bunds may vary from 1:1 (clayey soil) to 2:1 (sandy soil), (refer table 2.4 for side slope of different type of soils).
o Base width: Base width of the bund depends upon the hydraulic gradient of water in the soil. A general
value of 4:1 assumed for the hydraulic gradient (refer table 2.10). The base should be sufficiently wide so that
the seepage line not appears above the toe of the bund on the downstream side.
o Size of the bund: The size of the bund is expressed in terms of its cross-section (C/S) area. Contour bunds
are usually of trapezoidal shape and the cross-sectional area of the bund is worked out by the following
T = top width of bund m
B = Bottom width of bund m and
D = Height of bund, m
In general, the cross-section of bund depends on the soil type and rainfall and it varies widely between
0.50 to 1.0 sq. m in different regions. Recommended contour bund specifications for different soil depths are
given in table below:
Table 2-4: Recommended cross-section of contour bund for different soil depths (including free board and
settlement etc.)
Sl. Soil type Top Bottom Height Side slopes Area of cross
No. width (m) width (m) (m) section (m2)
o For Estimate Purpose we can calculate the E/W of Lateral/Side bunds as follow:
Where, d = the elevation difference between end point of side bund/ lateral bund and contour bund.
Cross section of side bund and lateral bund= 2/3rd of cross section of contour bund
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
o Earth Work:
Volume of earth work/ha (m3/ha) = Cross section area of bund (m2) x bunding intensity (m/ha).
This is obtained by multiplying the length of bunding per hectare by the bottom width (B) of the bund.
To avoid excessive curvature in the bunds which makes agricultural operations difficult the following deviations
from strict contour are permitted:
- Not more than 15 cm deviation from strict contour while cutting across a narrow ridge;
- Not more than 30 cm deviation from strict contour in case of crossing a gully or depression;
The following precautions may be taken while constructing a bund on the ground:
• The construction should start from ridge of the watershed and proceed downwards
• If the upper portion of the watershed is under a different land use and is not to be bunded, then diversion
drains just at the top of the arable or rolling topography area to be provided to divert the runoff from
causing overflow damages.
• Soil for construction of the bunds is taken from borrows pits of suitably chosen size and numbers. Borrow
pit should not be continuous but interrupted with a gap of 0.6m.
• Berm of 30 to 50cm in between borrow pit and foot of the bund should be maintained.
• Ramps are provided for the free passage of cattle, agricultural implements and bullock-carts.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
c) Example:
A piece of land measuring 1350 meters along the slope and 250 meters across the slope has a uniform slope
of 2%. The maximum 24 hour rainfall for 10 years recurrence interval is 200 mm. The soils are sandy loam in
texture and having a good infiltration rate. Design the cross section of the main bund if the top width of the
bund is 0.5m. The side bunds are to be taken up to the slope of 0.5 m above the main bund line. Find the
earth work of bund.
Actual height of bund after adding a free board = 0.57+0.10 = 0.67 m or 0.70m
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
4. X- Sectional area of the bund, given top width is 0.50 m, & side slope is 1.5:1 for sandy loam& Height
of bund is 0.70m. Then base width of bund = 2x1.5x0.70 + 0.5= 2.60 m.
Total length of the bund for the area to be bunded = (250 x 1350) x250
= 8437.50 m
Volume of earth work for the main bund = length x cross sectional area
= 8437.50x1.085=9154.69 or
= 9155m3
Cross sectional area of side bund is usually taken as 2/3rd of the main bund
= 1.085 x 2/3=0.7233 m2
= 1229.61m3 or 1230 m3
Total volume of earth work for the main and side bunds
= 9155+1230 =10385 m3
(Note: When length of contour bunds exceed 300 m lateral bund along the slope are provide and taken up to 0.30 to 0.50 m above the main
contour bund for uniform spreading of rain water. Lateral bunds are similar to side bunds and are provided in between two side bunds. Cross
sectional area of the lateral side bunds are usually taken as 2/3rd of the main bund.)
• DOs:
- Spillway for the safe disposal of runoff water must be provided, simultaneously.
• DONTs:
- Do not start the lay-out of bunds from the shorter section. Always begin from the longest section within
the largest area of uniform slope
- On low slopes do not make bunds farther than 60 m. Do not make bunds on slopes higher than 10%. For
higher slopes adopt vegetative measures or bench terracing as per the situation
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
Graded bunds are laid along a predetermined longitudinal grade instead of along the contour for safe disposal
of excess runoff.
a) Suitability:
Graded bunding is recommended in situations where the rain water is not readily absorbed either due to
high rainfall or low intake rates of the soils. It is adopted in medium to high rainfall areas where annual rainfall
exceeds 800 mm in low permeable soils and particularly in clayey soils (infiltration rate <8mm/hr.) even with
lesser rainfall.
The design of the graded bund involves the selection of the vertical interval and the provision of grades and
suitable cross-section for the bund and channel. A typical bund and channel section is shown in Figure 2.12.
By and large graded bunds of 0.3 to 0.50 m2 cross section are constructed.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
• Vertical Interval:
Graded bunds are spaced at the same vertical interval as that of contour bunds. The following vertical intervals
have been arrived at by using an arbitrarily fixed formula.
VI = (S/6+2)*0.3 for the area where rain fall is > 800 mm.
• Grade:
In general a grade of 0.20 to 0.40% is provided depending upon the soil type. In permeable soils the grade
may vary from 0% at the upper end to 0.5% at the outer end. In case of impervious soils, it may start with 0.2%
at the upper end and increase to 0.4% at the outlet.
• Channel cross-section:
- The main requirements of satisfactory channel cross-section are adequate channel capacity to discharge
the flow and the channel side slopes flat enough to permit farming operations without causing damage
to cross-section.
- Usually the channel depth of a settled terrace from bottom of terrace to the top of ridge should be at
least 0.45 m. usually, a minimum cross-section of 1 sq. m is provided to the channel.
- The capacity of the channel of terraces depends on cross-section and velocity. The velocity should be
non-erosive. The permissible velocity in different type of soil is as follows:-
- The channel is designed for handling a peak discharge of 10 year frequency for the inter-bunded area
using rational formula while manning’s formula is used for deciding the cross-sectional area and flow
velocity. The channel side slopes are kept as 5:1 or flatter to facilitate cultivation. Generally the shape and
size of the channel remain same throughout the length while the gradient may be varied to take care of
the increasing quantity of runoff as the length of bund increases.
- The availability of channel with good vegetation for disposing off the excess water from the graded
bunds is essential.
Q = Design peak rate of runoff, m3/s,
C = Runoff coefficient,
I = Intensity of rainfall, mm/hr for the duration equal to time of concentration (Tc) of watershed and
design RI, and
A = Area of the watershed, ha.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
V = velocity of flow in the channel (m/sec),
R = hydraulic radius (m)’
S = hydraulic Slope (M/m) and
n = the manning’s roughness coefficient.
c) Construction:
Starting from the ridge, the site of the first bund is located at desired/designed vertical interval aligned
along the predetermined grade avoiding sharp bends through the permissible deviations mentioned under
the contour bund. A channel of suitable width is marked leaving 1.2 m from the inner edge of the bund on
the upstream side. Bund and channel are trapezoidal in shape with channel size depending on the size of
the bund as the bund has to be formed from the soil excavated for making the channel. The waterways
are to be protected with stone/vegetative checks and drops at suitable interval for providing stability. The
channels and the channel grade need to be maintained once in 2 to 3 years for their effective functioning
since cropping is done in the channel portion also.
d) Example:
H = Difference in elevation between the most remote point and the outlet (m)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
The wetted perimeter for the section will be 7.57 m and hydraulic radius will be 0.075 m the longitudinal
grade of bund is 0.4%
V = Velocity m/sec
R = Hydraulic radius, m
S = Slope, m/m
n = Manning’s coefficient
V = (0.075)2/3 x (0.004)1/2 = 0.28 m/sec
E/W Estimate:
i) In black soils with their characteristic of low infiltration rates, excessive swelling and shrinkage properties,
contour bunding suffers from two main drawbacks viz; lack of drainage for the crops in the water stagnated
area on the upstream side of the bund and consequently, crop damage and frequent breaching of the
bunds. On the other hand, graded bunds have the disadvantage that they drain out, though safely, the
precious water out of the reach of a small farmer. As an alternative to contour bunding, and graded bunding,
the possibility of using contour ditches has been explored. Conceptually contour ditching works on the
principle that when suitably designed, it stores most of the runoff from a design rain storm and hence cuts
off a vital portion of the runoff from causing erosion downstream of the ditch. In addition, the water stored
in the ditch could also be utilized for life saving/supplemental water application during intervening drought
periods. Thus, conservation ditching serves the dual purpose of a terrace and a storage structure at the
individual field level.
In construction, the conservation ditch is essentially an inverted form of a contour bund (sunken into the
ground) with flatter upstream side provided safety against scouring by the incoming runoff. Contour ditches,
spaced at 75 m interval with dimensions of 30 m length, cross sectional area of 1.583m2 (base width 0.61 m ;
side slope upstream 5:1 downstream 1.5:1 and depth 0.61m) have been evaluated for storing 20% of a 10-year
frequency and 24 hour rainfall. Along with the runoff, most of the eroded soil could also be stored in the
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
Bench terracing has been a widely practiced measure to use the hill slopes for crop production on sustainable
basis. It comprises, transforming original steep lands into a series of level or nearly level strips or steps
running across the slope supported by risers. It has been a common practice to cultivate hill slopes over the
ages. It breaks length of slope and reduces degree of slope as well thereby conserving moisture and soil for
better crop production. Bench terraces are also necessary for proper irrigation water management.
The slope limit for bench terracing in hilly areas is generally recommended not to exceed 33%. However,
looking into the topographical and socio-economic conditions in the Himalayan region bench terracing is
being practiced up to 50% land slope. Bench terraces may be:-
b) Inward sloping.
c) Outward sloping
The suitability of these types is governed by the factors like crops to be grown, rainfall, soil properties and
management practices etc.
a) Table top bench terraces are suitable for areas receiving medium rainfall and having highly permeable
and deep soils and it is the best practice for paddy cultivation.
b) Inward sloping bench terraces are more effective in high rainfall areas and for the crops like potato
(which is susceptible to water logging). It helps in quick but safe disposal of runoff through a drain
which is provided on inner side of the terrace these are widely used in different hilly regions of the
c) Outward sloping bench terraces are effective only in low rainfall areas with permeable soils of medium
to shallow depth and generally from an intermediate step towards construction of table top or inward
sloping terraces.
In the middle Himalayan region bench terraces are constructed on steep slopes beyond the recommended
limit of 33% to the growing food requirements. A survey revealed that about 70% of the bench terraces were
constructed between land slope of 50-70% with average outward and longitudinal slope of 10% and 8%
respectively. This resulted in high soil and nutrient losses which need to be minimized by providing suitable
earthen/ stone-cum-earthen shoulder bunds.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
The area is surveyed and working plans prepared as per the procedure explained below:
a) Draw the contour map by selecting a suitable scale. The contour interval may be kept as 0.5 to 1.0m.
c) Find out the depth of soil by auguring or visualizing the profile in any vertical open cut.
f) Select and locate the position of outlets as per the existing topography making best use of natural
depression lines.
Condition of soil depth, slope, rainfall, farming practices etc. should be taken into account while designing the
bench terraces. The design of bench terraces involves determination of the following parameters:
a) Terrace spacing
b) Terrace grade and length
c) Terrace cross- section
a) Terrace spacing: Terrace spacing is expressed in terms of the vertical interval (VI) i.e. the elevation
difference between the two succeeding terraces. The VI can be computed as follows
Step 1. Find out the maximum depth of productive soil range (T) this a very important factor as lesser the
cutting made the greater will be the depth of productive soil available for cultivation.
Step 2. Having the above consideration in view find out the maximum admissible cutting (d), for the desired
land slope (S) and crop to be grown. This cutting at the same time should enable construction of terraces
with convenient widths.
Step 3. Having fixed depth of cutting, the width of terrace (W) can be computed for a given slope (S) by the
formula given below.
W = 200d …. (2.12)
Figure 2-15: Cross-section of a bench terrace showing width and depth of cut
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
Step 4. Determine vertical interval (D) between the consecutive benches by the formula
VI = Vertical interval m
W = Net width of the bench m
S = Slope % and
n= Batter of the riser
VI = 2W x S / (200 – S) …. (2.15)
(After cutting the soil, at least 15 cm of productive soil depth should be left)
As a general rule a longitudinal grade of about 1 per cent is given for the drainage of excess water in the
bench terraces. In case of inward sloping benches an inward grade of 2.5% is provided along with a toe drain.
The length of terrace is generally limited to 100 m for operational efficiency preventing erosion and reducing
cost. In level paddy benches a shoulder bund along the outer edge of bench terraces is provided for irrigation
water management. The excess runoff from the bench terrace system should be safely carried through a
grassed waterway/ natural vegetated gully.
c) Terrace cross-section:
The construction of bench terrace is such that the earth excavated from the upper half is deposited over the
lower half slope. A minimum bench width of 3-5 m is necessary for farming operations. The terrace riser
should not be too high for its safety and may be limited to 1.5-2m. The depth of cut can be estimated roughly
by dividing the height of riser by 2. For earthen risers a batter (slops) of 1:1 may be provided whereas stone
riser may be constructed almost vertical (1:4-1:5batter). The earthen risers are protected with permanent
L = Total length of terrace/ha;
K = critical length of terrace, which is generally taken as 100 m; and
n = batter of the riser
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
In an area of one ha laying in a hilly region bench terracing has been proposed to bring the land under
cultivation. The land has a general slope of 30%. The average depth of soil as observed by an auger is about
0.9m. the crops to be grown after bench terracing require at least soil depth of 0.25m. Risers are to be laid on
1:1 gradient and will be planted with local varieties of grasses. The critical length of terrace is approximately
equal to 100 m. work out (i) Volume of Earth work in cum (ii) compute the number of outlets and the
Quantum of earth excavation for the vertical drains; (iii) Length of grass plantation on the risers.
(1) Terracing
= 10000/6 = 1666 m
I = N x HI
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
Table 2-5: Width of bench terracing for various VI (m), slope (percent), and n (1 and 0.50)
30 1.70 2.27 2.83 3.40 3.97 4.50 5.10 5.67
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Table 2-7: Earth work (m3) in B.T. per ha for various VI (m), Slopes (percent) and n (1 & 0.50)
With reference to the contour lines the alignment of terraces as per designed vertical interval and width is
staked out. The alignment may be done in such a way that minimum convenient width of terraces is always
available for cultivation. All sharp and pointed curves should be conveniently smoothened out by deviating,
if necessary, from the contour.
Construction of terraces should normally start from the first terrace on the top of the field however for
preserving the top soil the terraces may be built from down slope up or top soil collected at one place before
cutting the terrace and spread afterwards.
• After staking the line on the ground, the line is adjusted to give smooth alignments, avoid depressions,
sharp turns and field boundaries etc. the maximum permissible limit of deviation is 0.30m while crossing
• Excavate the earth from approximately upper half portion of the slope and push the excavated earth
towards the lower portion of the slope until the desired level is obtained.
• Compact the fill portion of the terrace properly and check the levels.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
• Construction of shoulder bund to the required size and trimming of side slopes to be done by manual
This is an alternative to contour bunding found suitable to high rainfall areas and easier for villagers to
construct. This model was tried in District Purulia (West Bengal) and found very successfull.
The 30 x 40 model is a method of in-situ soil and water conservation, which involves dividing uplands into
small plots of 30 X 40 ft. (30 ft. along the slope and 40 ft. across the slope), digging pits at the lowest point
in each plot, and bunding the plot using the soil dug out of the pits.
Length of the plot = 40 ft., Width of the plot = 30 ft.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Sl. Items Nos. Length Width Depth Quantity Unit Rate Amount in
No. (ft.) (ft.) (in cum) per cum. (Rs.)
Earth work in
cutting and making
bund from the
excavated soil
(as per 10.1.6
of SoR)
Total 30,299
Say 30,000
a) Divide and mark the selected area into 30 X 40 ft., starting from the ridgeline, with the help of measuring
tape, rope, and lime. The size of the plots may be altered up to + 10% to fit to the boundary and ownership.
c) Dig a 3 ft. deep pit that is 7 X 7 ft. at the top. The pit should have a sloping wall such that the bottom of
the pit is 5 X 5ft.
d) Bund the plot with the excavated soil from the pit. The bund across the slope should be 1 ft. high with a
top width of 1 ft. and bottom width of 2 ft.
e) Use the rest of the excavated earth to construct the field bund at the side, along the slope.
If the land is fallow, this work can be started in the month of August so that after the rain the soil becomes
loose enough to be excavated. If the plot is under kharif crop, the work can be started in October or just after
harvesting of the kharif crop. The work should be completed before the soil gets too hard in the summer
i) Introduction:
Farm pond (also traditionally known as Dabri is some parts of India and Hapa in West Bengal) is a structure
constructed on a farmer’s land to harvest rainwater, which would otherwise have flowed out of the farm. On
flatter land in the village, streams are not very deep, nor do they have high embankments. Thus it becomes
difficult to build water harvesting structures like earthen dams. In such flat lands, Farm Ponds are the most
effective water harvesting Solution. The main objective of such structures is to provide protective irrigation
to the kharif crop. In addition, in West Bengal, Assam, Chhattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand and Orissa, Farm ponds
are being used to irrigate the rabi crops and also for fish Farming.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
a) Farm pond can be made on any and every crop field. It should be
made in the farming area, so that protective irrigation can easily
be given and the site should be relatively flat. Farm ponds should
be constructed in a cluster basis, so that the overall soil moisture
regime of the area will be enhanced and water will be available for
longer period of time. The catchment area of the site should not be
more than 2 ha. In case there is a well on the farm, the pond should
be made upstream of it so that the well may benefit from recharge
from the pond. The size of the pond needs to be calculated on the
availability of runoff water and volume of water requirement.
b) If we want to provide 10 cm of protective irrigation to the crop over 1 hectare, we need 1000 cum of
water. Volume of water required = Area to be irrigated x depth of irrigation = 1 hectare x 10 cm. = 10,000
sq.m. x 0.1m. = 1000 cum. Pond whose dimension is 25m x 20 m x 2.5 m will yield this amount of water. It
will occupy 25m. x 20m. = 500 sq.m. in 1 hectare, i.e., 5% of the area to be irrigated (500/10,000 = 5%).
Generally the area of the pond varies 5 % to 10% area of command area as per the water requirement. Farm
ponds should generally be made only where there are no appropriate sites for construction of other water
harvesting structures such as earthen dams. This is because its storage of water is only in the excavated
portion and not against an embankment as in an earthen dam.
Say plot area is 0.2 hectare. So area of the 5% model pond = (0.2 x 10,000)* 5 % = 100 Sq. mt. considering the
size of the farm pond 14mx7.5mx3.6m
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v) How it is constructed?:
b) Make the layout for the excavation of the farm pond at the
chosen site
This model not only saves the crop in the plot but also increases percolation to augment water availability
in the downstream. Additionally, this treatment increases the farmer’s access to water as there is a storage
structure in each of his plots. So the farmer can exercise individual choice to best utilize it.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
vii) Precautions:
a) Proper calculation of water requirement and availability of runoff water to be done while designing the
pond. The area of pond generally varies from 5% to 10% of command area.
b) Proper catchment area treatment should be done in the upstream of the farm pond to reduce the rate
of siltation
c) For a given storage capacity, deeper ponds are better than shallower ones since they occupy less of the
farmer’s land and less prone to evaporation losses. Generally the depth varies from 2.5m to 3.75m
d) Proper inlet with the provision of silt trap should be made to ensure that maximum silt free runoff water
is harvested
e) The outlet should be pitched properly with stones to avoid soil erosion when the water flows out of the
f) Creation of such Farm ponds in cluster ( 6-8 no in 2Ha of farming patch) instead of one or two in
Figure 2-18: Location of Farm pond in a field Figure 2-19: Location of Farm ponds in
cluster of fields TANKA:
i) It is covered underground tank locally called Tanka for storage of surface run off. It is the most common
rainwater harvesting system in the Indian arid zone. It is very popular in arid and semi-arid (ASA) regions
of India and almost every household, school and religious centers in the rural areas constructs Tanka for
meeting the drinking water demands.
ii) The Tanka is constructed by digging a circular hole of around 4m diameter and around 6m deep with
stone masonry walls, plastering the base and sides with 20 mm thick cement mortar. The top is covered
with stone patties / RCC slab. The catchment of Tanka is made artificially by leveling the field and by
constructing sedimentation tanks.
Consideration- 50 % of annual average rainfall would be available for harvesting and average annual rainfall
in the area is 900mm.
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Ht. = 3.60
Capacity of Tanka = π /4 x 3x3 x3.6 cum = 25.434 cum= 25.434 x 1000= 25434 lit
Hence rainfall on catchment area can fill up the Tanka by runoff water
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA KHADIN:
Khadin is an innovative traditional system of growing crops on harvested and stored water by constructing
an earthen bund across the gentle slope of the farm in the valley bottom. Khandins are generally practiced is
areas receiving less than 100 mm average annual rainfall like Jaisalmer district in the extreme western desert
tract of India, many large rocky areas, rugged hillocks and plateau form the runoff producing catchment for
the adjoining flat valley bottoms which are main cultivable lands in the region. Water accumulated to a depth
of 60 to 90cm, gradually seeps into the ground and recharges the adjoining wells. If the accumulated water
persists longer, it is drained out through the sluice valve before sowing of the kharif/rabi crops. The soil of
khadins is very fertile due to deposition of finer sediments over a period of times.
Ahars and Bundhies are similar to Khadins and are widely practiced in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. The basic
principle is to allow runoff water to collect behind an earthen bund usually 3 meters in height.
i) Introduction:
Diversion drains are placed at the top of the arable area to intercept the water running from the above slope/
ridge area and divert it across the slope to a grassed waterway. Grassed waterways are used as outlets to
safely convey runoff from field surface and sub- surface drainage systems and serve as emergency spillways
for farm ponds or other structures. Grassed waterways therefore run down slope and safely dispose the
surplus water into natural drainage courses. Though the functional aspects and alignments etc. are different
for field channels diversions and grassed waterways their design principles are the same.
ii) Suitability:
a) Diversion drains are provided across the slope on slight gradient. Their capacity is designed for a 10 year
recurrence interval storm. Side slopes of 4:1 are provide.
b) Grassed waterways are located in natural depressions wherever possible but occasionally natural channels
are reshaped to serve as outlets
c) It may be noted that while grassed waterways are provided along the prevailing slope diversion drains
are provided across the slope on a slight gradient.
The design determines the shape, size and grade of the waterway. The design steps are as follows:
Step 1: Determine the watershed area draining into waterway from the map
Step 2: Estimate peak rate of runoff Q for a 10 years recurrence interval for the area using rational formula
360 …. (2.22)
Step 3: Decide the permissible velocity for particular soil type using the following criteria
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Step 4: Shape: Usually the shape of waterway may be trapezoidal or parabolic. The parabolic shape is
structurally more stable hydro logically more efficient and easy to construct.
Step 5: Calculate the approximate cross section area of flow (A) by using the formula Q=AV.
Step 6: Work out the dimensions of the waterway (for proposed shape)by assuming either width or depth of
the waterway and find out the other dimensions from the respective formula of cross sectional area equating
the area (A) equal to the area obtained in step5, as mentioned in fig below.
Where, V is the velocity of flow in the channel (m/sec) R is hydraulic radius (m) S is hydraulic Slope (M/m)
and n is the manning’s roughness coefficient.
Step 8: Check whether computed velocity of flow is within permissible velocity as obtained in step 3. If yes,
the design dimensions of waterway are correct. If not adjust channel dimensions to bring velocity of flow
within the permissible limit.
Step 9: compute discharge through waterway Q= AV and check it with estimated discharge as obtained in
step 2.
Step 10: Add a suitable free board of 20% as extra depth or minimum 15 cm to the design depth of waterway
as obtained above to take care of any higher flood of greater recurrence interval (than the designed one).
iv) Estimation:
Cost of constructing grassed waterway need the length of waterway and the cross-sectional area
For detailed design may refer Para 3.3.2 of chapter 3 of this manual
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
When waterways are located in natural depressions having little gully, these are converted into the required
shape easily by smoothening the land. However, when proper natural depressions are not available, waterways
of triangular or trapezoidal sections are artificially constructed preferably along the hedge rows or fence line
to avoid inconvenience to farm operations. Before establishing grasses, the waterway are shaped to proper
designed dimensions and aligned. It is advantageous to construct the grassed waterway at least one or two
seasons ahead of channel terrace construction so that by the time the water is turned into it, the vegetation’s
gets established in the waterways. Depending upon the soil and climatic conditions, the mixtures of quick
growing grasses for temporary control and hardy perennial grasses for permanent control are selected for
establishment of vegetation in the waterway. The establishment of vegetation is done by seeding or planting
techniques. Grass species of local variety may be used as perennial vegetation. For promoting the vegetation,
manures and fertilizers are applied as per local recommendations to improve the fertility.
Maintenance of waterways is important for their proper functioning. Removal of weeds filing of the patches
with grass and proper cutting of grass are common maintenance operations.
In order to protect the contour bunds from breaching and also for avoiding damage to the dry land crops due
to water stagnation, outlet structures are constructed to drain away the excess water safely. These structures
are usually constructed slightly above the lowest point in a holding, where due to the deviation of the contour
bund to conform to field boundary, water stagnation occurs, which has to be drained out safely
i) MASONRY WASTE WEIR: Where the area that drains into a proposed waste- weir exceeds 3.5-4.0 ha
construction of a masonry weir in the bund may be preferred.
The minimum length of outlet required should be calculated by the formula used for a rectangular weir:-
b) Example:-
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The length of waste weir for a depth of flow of 0.3m (as given) is as under
Q=1.711 x L x (h3/2)
A pipe outlet comprises a pipe discharging surplus water, the design consists of a hume pipe of required
diameter with one well on the upstream side A 15 cm diameter pipe is suitable for 4 ha catchment, 22.5 cm
pipe up to 6 ha and 30 cm pipe can work up to 10 ha. A well consists of 0.45 m and 30 cm outlets. The well
top is kept 0.30 m above the contour level.
When, there is no approach track for the farmer fields, Ramp-cum waste weirs are constructed. These are of
a temporary nature. A ramp-cum waste weir consists simply of an earthen bund pitched with stone Kharanja
with its top 22.5 cm above the contour level and having a slope of (H:V) 5:1 like a ramp both on the upstream
and on the downstream side. The sides are also covered by stone Kharanja they will be situated at the side
of bund.
Drainage lines are essential features of a watershed which carry runoff and sediment flow. They may have
different forms such as drainage channels, gullies, natural/artificial waterways, streams, rivers or torrents.
Network of these drainage lines, quite often suffers from degradation due to uncontrolled runoff and may
go on extending and render adjoining lands degraded. The adjoining lands along the drainage lines are
generally heavily cultivated due to better moisture regime and higher nutrient status. Drainage line treatment
(DLT), therefore, assumes a special significance in the integrated watershed treatment plan. Some of the DLT
objectives are as follows:
iii) Depending upon their location and objectives, the measures for drainage line
treatment may be mainly grouped as:
A detailed drainage line survey is needed for the planning and design of drainage line treatment measures.
It is carried out in order to prepare longitudinal section (L-Section), plan and cross-section (at every 30 mt.).
From the L-Section, channel gradient (or bed slope) and points of sudden drop (or fall) can be located to plan
the location of treatment measures and their types. Plan of a drainage line depicts its configuration. Cross-
section will provide width of the drainage line and its depth for planning and designing treatment measures.
From the L-Section, drainage line can be divided into the (a) upper, (b) middle, and (c) lower reaches depending
upon the slope ranges or variations. This helps in planning different types of drainage line treatment measures.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
Figure 2-23: Longitudinal section and cross section of a typical drainage line/gully.
If the channel gradient is such that the flow velocities attain erosive velocity, it needs to be reduced so as
to bring the runoff velocities within permissible limits. Series of check dams can be used to transform the
longitudinal gradient from a steep slope to a succession of flat steps with low drops. These checks help in
storing water and silt on their upstream. Suitable type of check dams can be selected depending upon the
size of drainage line, its slope, catchment area, land use, peak runoff, availability of local material and severity
of the problem.
By the L-Section of the Gully or Nallah the LBC in series should be placed in such a way that the top of the
downstream check dam should be at level with the bottom of the one upstream of it (as shown in the figure
2-24). The horizontal distance between the check dams can be exactly determined. For Estimation purpose
we can calculate the numbers of LBC as given below:
Example, in the micro-watershed, if there is a stream 1500m long, with a slope of 10%, then how many 1m high
loose boulder checks can be made?
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Basically we have to divide up the length of the stream into portions that will be occupied by units of loose
boulder checks and the water stored behind them.
We know that: Slope S = 10%, Length of the Stream L = 1, 500 m, Height of the Boulder Check VI = 1 m.
How far will the water stored behind the boulder check go?
Also, the base of the boulder check itself will occupy 5m. Therefore the effective width of a boulder check,
w = 10 m + 5 m = 15 m
Similarly, loose boulder checks can be planned for every micro-watershed. After a comprehensive survey
in the field with surveying equipment, we can arrive at the actual number of loose boulder checks required
as compared to the number we had estimated. By measuring the width of the stream during this survey, we
should categorize the different sizes of boulder checks required, which will enable us to know how many
8m long, or 10m long or 13m long boulder checks there will be.
Figure 2-25: In the construction of a boulder check, bigger boulders are placed outside smaller
ones inside. On the outside, the biggest boulders are placed on the downstream side.
Through years of experience in watershed development, the maximum height generally accepted for loose
boulder checks is 1m. The design height of 1m means that the top of the check in the middle of the stream
is 1m above ground level. The top width of the boulder check is usually as 0.4m. As the material used in the
check has a high angle of repose, the upstream slope of the check should be fixed at 1:1 in general, to be
varied only in exceptional cases where the structure has to handle very high volume of runoff of high velocity.
The downstream slope of the boulder check can vary from 2:1 to 4:1 depending on the volume and velocity
of runoff. The higher the volume and velocity of runoff, the flatter the slope. Since the boulder check is
composed of highly porous material it is not expected to hold water for a long period.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
• It is advisable to direct the maximum overflows through the middle of the structure
• If no dip is given in a boulder check in the middle, and its sides are not embedded in the embankments,
water will tend to cut through the embankments on either side, thus eroding them
• With a dip in the middle and sides embedded on either embankment, water flows over the dip safely
without endangering the bund
c) Downstream Slope:
Unlike in earthen structures, the downstream slope of the structure is not made to handle seepage problems.
The downstream slope is given for two reasons:
• to absorb the impact of water which enters the structure at a high velocity; and
• to drain out water from the structure and make it trickle through at a non-scouring velocity.
Check on either side should not exceed the height of the embankment or 1.5m whichever is lower. The check
should be embedded 0.5m into both the embankments. This is to prevent erosion of the embankment where
the check joins it. If the bed of the drainage line has only boulders, the boulder check can be constructed
without any foundation digging. If there is mud or sand in the bed, this must be excavated up to a maximum
depth of 0.25m to secure an adequate foundation for the boulder check.
a) Draw a line running through the center of the proposed site for the boulder check till it reaches the points
on either side which are 1.5m above the bed of the stream. Naturally, if the embankments are less than
1.5m high, this line will only reach till the top of the embankment. From this central line, mark 25cm on the
upstream and downstream sides and draw parallel lines from embankment to embankment. These lines
mark the boundaries of the crest. Suppose the required slope is 1:1 upstream and 3:1 downstream. From
the center of the upstream crest line, mark a point at a distance of 1.25m, along the perpendicular to this
line. From the center of the downstream crest line, mark a point at a distance of 3.25m, again along the
perpendicular to this line. These points mark the upstream and downstream ends of the boulder check
respectively. Draw lines connecting each of these points to the end of the crest lines on both sides. The
trench in a boulder check is not usually dug in the bed of the stream. But if there is sand or mud at the
base of the check, a foundation should be dug to a depth of 0.25m. Generally, digging the trench is
only required for embedding the check into the embankment. Along the center line after it enters the
embankments, dig a trench which is half a meter wide and half a meter deep. The trench must extend half
a meter beyond the point where the crest of the check meets the embankment on both sides. Now the
filling begins. The check should be raised in horizontal layers. The largest of the boulders must be placed
on the outer sides especially on the downstream face.
Figure 2-27: The largest boulders must be kept on the outer side as shown in the fig. above. Otherwise,
smaller boulders will be displaced by the force of water and the boulder check will break
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
b) The trenches cut into the embankments on either side of the check and must also be filled up with
boulders. As successive layers are laid out, care must be taken that the downstream and upstream slopes
are maintained as per design. When one reaches the crest of the check one must ensure that the top
layer slopes down away from the embankments dipping towards the center of the check, thus providing
a channel for the safe exit of excess runoff.
a) The larger boulders must be placed on the downstream face of the check. The outermost edge of the
downstream side must be dug up to a depth of 0.25m and the largest boulders available must be placed
at the lower most edge of the check on the downstream and anchored to the ground.
c) The use of boulders with a diameter of less than 15cm (or weight less than 1 kg) must be avoided.
d) The use of angular stones gives greater stability to the check than the use of rounded boulders.
e) Shale, limestone, mudstone or any loosely cemented rock must not be used, because they disintegrate
when in touch with water.
For estimation of LBC average height of center and side of structure at different places of cross section of
LBC should be worked out to arrive at the quantity of LBC.
• Locate the check only where the height of the stream embankment is greater than or equal to the sum
of the peak depth of flow in the drainage line and design height of the structure.
• The top of the check should be lowest in the middle of the stream and highest at either embankment.
• The height of the check in the middle of the stream should be 1m above ground level.
• Upstream slope of the check should be 1:1 while the downstream slope can vary from 2:1 to 4:1.
• The bed of the stream at the base of the check should be cleared of mud/sand up to 0.25m depth.
• The top of the check should extend into either embankment by cutting a trench and filling it with boulders.
• No checks should be constructed where boulders are not adequately available within a radius of 50m.
• Do not use boulders dug up or picked up from the neighborhood, such use would increase soil erosion
in the area from where the boulders are picked up.
• Do not use boulders of diameter less than 0.15 m at any point which comes into contact with flowing
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
d) Increasing the duration of flow in the drainage line. Therefore, the capacity of the water harvesting
structures created downstream on the drainage line is utilized more fully as they get many more refills.
e) Because of wire mesh, the biomass & debris flowing with the runoff water of first rain of rainy season is
arrested in the wire mess & chock the water passing through the stones, resulting storage of water in the
upstream side of the gabion.
Figure 2-28: Gabion structures should be made where the embankments of the drainage
line are high as shown above
Figure 2-29: Gabion structures should be made where the bed slope is flatter
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a) The minimum independent catchment area for a gabion structure is 5 ha. For a catchment area smaller
than this even a loose boulder check may suffice.
• Stability of the embankments is the primary consideration. The less stable and more erodable the
material on the embankments, the weaker the structure is likely to be. In such a situation, making the
structure stronger would render it too expensive.
• The height of side embankments from the bed of the stream must be at least equal to the sum of the
depth of peak flow in the stream and the designed height of the structure. For example, if the height
of the embankments is 6m and the depth of peak flow is 4 meters, then the height of the gabion must
not exceed 2 meters. Otherwise water will jump over the sides. Hence, observation of the peak flows
is imperative before a gabion structure is planned.
• For maximizing storage in the structure, the bed slope of the upstream portion should be low.
The flatter the upstream slope, the more will be the storage.
• The bed of the upstream of the structure should not be completely impermeable, so that there is
temporary storage followed by groundwater recharge.
iii) Design:
There are two ways of reinforcing a loose boulder structure with wire mesh:
a) To make the structure as per the dimensions of the design and wrap it with wire mesh on all sides.
b) To cage the boulders in rectangular boxes. The structure would be made up of several such boxes tied
together. In such a structure the wire mesh not only provides a covering shell, it also gives horizontal and
vertical reinforcements within the structure.
c) The second method is far superior to the first in terms of strength although more wire mesh is used than
in the first method. In this chapter, we concentrate on the second method.
The rectangular, box type gabion structure has the following sections
a) Foundation: The foundation should be dug up to a depth of 0.6 m across the bed of the drainage line for
the entire length and width of the Headwall of the structure. Where the stream bed has a thick layer of
sand or silt the foundation will have to be dug deeper till a more stable layer is encountered.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
b) Headwall: The headwall is built across the width of the stream from embankment to embankment.
In most cases the top of the structure across the entire stream can be level. The entire length of the
headwall serves as a spillway for the stream. Where it is required that most of the flows be directed
towards the center of the stream, that part of the headwall is lowered. For a height of up to 2m, the width
of the headwall can be restricted to 1m. For heights beyond 2m, it is advisable to design it as a step-like
structure, where the downstream face is constructed as a series of steps. For every 2m fall, a step should
be provided of 1m width.
c) Sidewalls: Sidewalls are built to protect the embankments downstream from erosion by the stream
spilling over the Headwall. On either end of the headwall, where the natural embankments begin, a
block of the Sidewall is laid. The height of the sidewall above the top of the headwall is determined by
the depth of peak flow in the stream. From here the Sidewall descends in a series of steps along the
embankments to the bed of the stream.
d) Headwall Extension or Wing Walls: The headwall is extended into both the embankments in order to
anchor the structure and secure it against sagging on account of the pressure of water. From the same
height as the top of the sidewall, the headwall extends into the embankments.
e) Apron: During peak discharge, the stream spills over the headwall and falls on the stream bed with
considerable force that can causes severe erosion. Hence, some way has to be found to neutralize the
force of falling water. For this we dig the stream-bed to a depth of 0.6m. for a distance of 3 to 6m from
the Headwall downstream of the structure. This trench is filled with boulders and enclosed in a wire
mesh. This is called an apron. The length of the apron depends upon the radius of the arc made by
the water spilling over the headwall, which is in turn determined by the depth of peak flow in the nala.
Therefore, the higher the depth of flow, the longer the apron should be.
v) Material:
a) Wire Mesh: Good quality galvanized wire of gauge 12-14 (chain link) must be used for constructing
gabion structures. Ready-made mesh with a single twist is commercially available. In these meshes the
gap should not be more than 7.5cm x 7.5cm.
b) Binding Wire: The wire used for tying the wire mesh sections must be of the same strength as the wire
used in the wire mesh. It could either be of the same gauge or of a thinner gauge plied and twisted
c) Boulders: The minimum size of the boulders is dictated by the gap size in the wire mesh. The boulders
should be hard and should not deteriorate under water. Angular boulders are to be preferred to round
boulders. Arrange smaller sized boulders in such a way that they fill the gap left by larger sized boulders.
Besides rendering the structure less permeable, this minimizes the damage to the structure on account
of settling and sagging.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
d) There are two types of pressures operating on a gabion structure: static pressure of standing water;
and the pressure of moving water. If small boulders are used in the structure, they could get shifted and
dislocated on account of these pressures and the structure would tend to sag. The same problem will
occur if the wire mesh is not drawn tight over the boulders.
Find the cost of a Gabion Structure (GS) with the following parameters:
Length = 12 m (see figure above)
Height of head wall = 2.0m
Depth of foundation at all points = 0.6m
Length of headwall extension = 2m
Height of sidewalls over headwall = 1m
Width of apron = 5m.
Step 1 : Excavation:
= 12 x (5 + 1) x 0.60
= 43.2 cum
= 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 16 cum
= 12 x (5 + 1) x 0.6
= 43.2 cum
As we know the gabion is made with GI wire mesh cubical boxes of 1.0 m. filled
with the boulders. For making one cubical box of 1 cum capacity:
Quantity of wire mesh required = 5.00 sqm....................... (As out of the six faces of cube two Faces will remain
common for joining the two boxes)
For estimating the quantity of GS, we have to count the number of boxes in each part of the structure:
• Total boxes for main wall = Number of boxes in the main wall c/s x Length of
GS = 2 x 12 = 24 boxes
• Total boxes for both sidewalls = Number of boxes in the side wall c/s x 2 = 6 x 2 = 12 boxes
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
• Total boxes for both side head wall extensions = No. of boxes in the head wall
extensions x 2 = 4 x 2 = 8 boxes
• Total quantity of wire mesh required for main wall + sidewall + extension wall =
(Note: Rates of items will vary from state to state. Calculation of wire mesh becomes more complicated as the Gabion Structure’s length and
height go up. Since the headwall is made in the form of steps, many more boxes will have common faces and hence the average number of
faces per box, depending on the length and height of the structure, could go down to 4.)
vii) Construction:
a) First of all boulders must be collected on the location site. For the Headwall, a 1m wide and 0.6m deep
trench should be dug across the stream bed from embankment to embankment. Foundation of similar
depth should also be dug for the area demarcated for the apron and the sidewalls. For the headwall
extension the embankments are cut to the appropriate depth.
b) Before the foundation trench is filled, lengths of wire mesh are placed vertically at three places:
c) At all three places the wire mesh runs along the entire length of the structure. Everywhere, 0.15m of the
wire mesh is folded along the bed of the trench so that the mesh can be embedded under the boulders.
After that the trench is filled with boulders up to ground level. Then, the wire mesh is laid over the entire
surface and tied to the mesh which has been embedded under the boulders. The headwall as well as the
sidewalls should be constructed as boxes of 1 to 2m length and 1m height.
d) First the four vertical faces of these boxes are erected with wire mesh which is tied to the wire mesh in
the section below as well as the section alongside. Then the boxes are filled with boulders and covered
at the top with wire mesh. This wire mesh is tied to each of the vertical faces on all four sides. Such boxes
are filled up in succession till the structure is complete.
e) To increase impermeability of the structure, a reverse filter should be constructed on its upstream face.
This device is made by placing layers of small boulders, gravel, sand and mud against the structure.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
However, the order of placement of these materials is exactly the opposite of the arrangement in a
normal filter. The boulders are placed closest to the structure, with gravel, sand and mud being placed
successively away from it. The reason for the reverse order is that we want the finest material to come into
contact with water first. Following the normal filter scheme would have allowed water to pass unchecked
through the boulders and coarser material on the outer surface. One can even try to place used cement
or fertilizer bags filled with fine sand against the structure in several layers.
a) Do not build a gabion structure where the embankment is highly erodable or is of insufficient height.
b) Do not build a gabion structure at a point on the stream, below which the stream drops sharply.
a) Locate the gabion structure where the nala width is relatively low.
b) Locate the structure where the bed-slope of the nala upstream of the structure is low.
c) Care must be taken that the boulders are placed compactly against each other so that they do not slide
or move under the impact of water.
d) Smaller boulders must be placed in the interior part of these boxes while the larger ones must be placed
on the outside.
e) Even the smallest boulder should be bigger than the gap in the wire mesh.
f) The wire mesh must be stretched taut so that there is no bulging or sagging.
g) The wire used for tying the wire mesh sections must be of the same strength as the wire used in the wire
mesh. It could either be of the same gauge or of a thinner gauge plied and twisted together.
h) For height above 2m, the Headwall must be made as a series of steps sloping on the downstream side to
impart stability to the structure.
An earthen gully plug, constructed of local soil across the gully at a suitable site, can also be used for gully
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
a) In the upper catchment areas where there is scope for water storage.
b) Suitable soil for the embankment is available.
c) The depth of gully is less than 2 m.
d) Gully bed slope is less than 10%
e) The site is having facility for side spillway
After clearance the site, the bed of the gully is excavated up to about 0.3 m uniform depth. Foundation trench
is filled with compacted earth and earthen embankment is constructed by using local soil. Side spillway is
also provided. Pitching of local stones on the upstream side of the bund is provided up to the full supply level
whereas grass planting is done on downstream side and top portion.
Permanent soil conservation structures such as drop spillway, drop inlet, chute spillways & earthen dams are
used in watershed development for gully stabilization and as water harvesting structures.
Their use becomes necessary when runoff from the catchments is too large to be handled with vegetative
measures/temporary structures or where high degree of safety is warranted against the loss of life and
property. However, it should be ensured that the benefits from such structures are justifiable over the cost of
Drop spillways are used for gully stabilization or as water storage structures where the drop is low. Drop inlet
structures are used at appropriate locations in the gully for storage of water/ sediment. Chute spillways are
used at higher gully heads to convey the water safely to the gully bed.
The hydraulic structures consist of three major components i.e. the inlet, conduit and outlet. Water enters
the structure through the inlet, is conveyed through the conduit and leaves through the outlet which is
responsible for the energy dissipation to prevent erosion.
Permanent structures in soil conservation are normally designed for a recurrence interval (RI) of frequency
of 10-50 years which means that they are supposed to discharge the maximum runoff expected during the
design frequency or recurrence interval (RI) safely. The structure should be strong enough to withstand the
forces exerted by water/earth. A structure should, therefore, be designed with the following considerations:
a) Hydrologic design: It involves computation of the peak discharge at the point of watershed where the
structure is to be constructed. Generally, Rational method is employed for this purpose.
b) Hydraulic design: It involves calculation of the dimensions of the spillway which is able to carry the
above peak discharge safely.
c) Structural design: It involves calculation of the dimensions of each component of the structure which
ensures its safety against water/earth forces, the structure is likely to withstand.
Drop spillway is a weir structure. Flow passes through the weir opening, drops to an approximately level
apron or stilling basin and then passes into the downstream channel. The different components (fig. 2.34) of
the drop spillway are : (1) head wall and head wall extension, (2) side walls, (3) wing walls, (4) apron, and (5)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
ii) Adaptability:
The drop spillway is an efficient structure for controlling low heads, normally up to 3 meters.
a) Hydrologic design: The peak rate of runoff expected during the designed recurrence interval (RI) from the
watershed can be computed using Rational formula as given below:
Q = CIA …. (2.25)
Q = Design peak rate of runoff, m3/s,
C = Runoff coefficient,
I = Intensity of rainfall, mm/hr for the duration equal to time of concentration (Tc) of watershed and
design RI, and
A = Area of the watershed, ha.
b) Hydraulic design: The discharge through a broad crested rectangular spillway is governed by the following
Taking into account the free board (f.b.) to be provided for the wave action, the above formula is modified as:
Q = Maximum discharge capacity of weir (including f.b.), m3/s,
L = Crest length of weir, m,
H = Depth of flow over weir crest, m
h = Height of weir (including f.b.), m, and
F = Net drop from top of transverse sill to crest, m.
The peak discharge (Q) in Eq. 2.27 can be taken as the one calculated from Eq. 2.25. The net fall, F, is known
from the survey of the site where the structure is to be located. Still Eq. 2.27 consists of two unknown variables
L and h, hence the equation cannot be solved as such and requires hit and trial solution. To start with, one of
the unknown values of L or h can be assumed based on nala/ gully cross section and computations are done
as follows:
- Assume a suitable value of h such that h/F<0.5 (as h/F ratio increases, the tendency to scour increases,
this ratio should in no case exceed 0.75).
- Put this assumed value of ‘h’ in Eq. 2.27 and compute of ‘L’.
- Check if L/h > 2. If not, assume another lower value of ‘h’ and compute corresponding value of L as in
step 2, till this condition is satisfied.
- See that the computed value of ‘L’ is appropriate with respect to width of the gully.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
c) Structural design: After L, h and F have been decided by the hydraulic requirements, the dimensions of the
components of the structure can be computed from the following empirical relations (Fig. 2.32):
LB = Length of apron, m
d) Foundation design: Cutoff and toe walls are constructed below the ground level in foundation. Cutoff wall
is constructed below the head wall to prevent seepage below the structure. Whereas, toe wall is extended
below the front of apron to prevent undercutting. Scour formulae are adopted for the design of cutoff and
toe walls as below:
The height of the cut-off and toe walls may be taken equal to MSD in Eq. 2.37.
e) Apron thickness: Thickness of the apron in plain concrete may be kept from 20 to 30 cm for over fall height
(F) varying from 0.5 to 3.0 m. For masonry and gabion constructions, the same may be increased by 1.5 and
2 times, respectively.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
f) Wall thickness: Top widths and minimum base widths of headwall, side wall, wing wall and headwall
extension for different wall heights for different constructions can be determined using the formulae
presented in Table.2.8
Table 2-8: Formulae for determination of base widths of different walls of a drop spillway in different
Masonry 0.45 (head wall) 0.67 (F-0.67) + 0.45 0.55 (F-0.55) + 0.30
Table 2-9: Thickness of walls (m) of a drop spillway constructed in stone or brick masonry
Design a drop spillway to be constructed in a gully having width of 5 m and the outlet of a watershed having
an area of 58 ha. The net drop is 2.0 m. Take the rainfall intensity for duration equal to time of concentration of
the watershed and design return period of 25 years as 120 mm/hr. The coefficient of runoff for the watershed
is 0.3.
1. Hydrologic design
The design peak runoff rate (m3/s) for the watershed from Rational formula is given as (Eq. 2.25):
Q = CIA/360 … (2.25)
2. Hydraulic design
The maximum discharge capacity of the rectangular weir is given by (Eq. 2.27):
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
iii) Test: L/h = 4.0/1.0 = 4.0 > 2 (O.K.), h/F = 1.0/2.0 = 0.5 < 0.5 (O.K.)
3. Structural design
The dimensions of the components of the structure (Fig. 2.35) are determined as below
(using Eqs. 2.28 -2.37):
Hence, E = 3.6 m
J = 2h or [F + h + s – (LB + 0.10)/2]
= 2.0 or 1.62
Adopt J = 2.0 m
(taking f = 1.2)
Apron thickness: For an over fall of 2.0 m, the apron thickness in concrete construction is 0.30 m. If the
structure is constructed in masonry or gabion, the same may be increased by 1.5 and 2.0 times, respectively.
Wall thickness: The thickness of different walls of the structure (masonry construction) is given below:
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
i) Objectives:
a) Irrigation Dam: Such dams can be constructed to meet two different kinds of Demands of:
• Storing water during the rainy season to be used for irrigation in the Post-monsoon period.
• Providing protective irrigation during dry spells within the rainy season. Most parts of India
typically receive rainfall between June and September, very intensively within a few hours and a
few days. The number of rainy days does not average more than 40-50. Therefore we may need
structure for providing protective irrigation for kharif season.
b) Percolation Dam: Percolation dams are constructed for recharging groundwater. Such structures are
usually made on the upper part of the catchment area. Water stored here percolates to wells and tube
wells located in the lower part of the catchment. Such dams can also be made in the immediate upstream
portion of wells and tube wells. Depending on the capacity of the dam and duration of water storage,
the dam can have secondary benefits (such as pisciculture) that are vital for the livelihood security of
marginal farmers and landless labourers.
Deciding how to locate an earthen dam requires balancing many considerations and arriving at the best
possible solution.
a) Balance between Catchment Area and Storage Capacity: The first is to create the best possible match
between the storage capacity of the dam and its catchment area.
b) Side banks of the Drainage Line: We must also try to ensure that where the dam is located the drainage
line should have well-defined embankments so that we can anchor the dam into them.
c) Slope of the Drainage Line: Ideally, upstream of this site, the drainage line should be relatively flat (bed
slope not more than 5%). This helps maximize storage capacity.
d) Upstream Width of the Drainage Line: As we move upstream of the dam site, it would be good if the
width of the drainage line increases, so as to contain maximum storage within its banks.
e) Geology: In an irrigation dam, the water spread area and the natural embankments should be impermeable.
In a percolation structure, the natural embankments should be impermeable but the water spread area
should comprise relatively more permeable material.
f) Availability of Materials: Even with all other factors favoring a site, we may be compelled to abandon it
if the requisite materials (earth, boulders, water etc.) are not easily available. This could make costs of
transporting material prohibitively high.
g) Waste weir: It is very important to be able to find a proper location for the surplus weir at the dam
site. We know that if water flows over the top of an earthen dam it will break. Hence, the surplus weir is
required to channelize excess runoff safely out of the structure.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
iii) Design:
It is neither desirable nor possible to capture the entire surface water run-off within the watershed. In any
case, no single earthen dam can do this. A thumb rule we have devised to make an earthen dam cost-effective
is that it should aim to capture no more than 40% to 70%1 of the season’s total surface water run-off.
Figure 2-34: The design of an earthen dam and its main parts
The FRL indicates the maximum level up to which water will rise when the structure is full. The FRL is
determined bearing in mind the total runoff in relation to the effective storage potential of the site, which in
turn depends on the shape of the side embankments, the upstream bed slope and geology of the drainage
line and its width. The precise method of determining the storage potential of the site is provided in the
Appendix to this chapter. Once we know the storage potential, how high we keep the FRL is determined
by specific conditions at the site, such as height of the embankments, upstream bed slope, width of the
drainage line and maximum permissible submergence. The submergence permissible in any such structure
would depend upon the nature of the catchment: in particular, whether it is inhabited, forested or whether it
includes fertile agricultural land. The permission of those whose lands may be getting submerged would also
need to be obtained prior to fixing the FRL. They should be actively involved in the planning and design of
such structures from beginning to end. In case they suffer a loss due to the structure, they must be adequately
compensated, possibly through sharing the benefits from the structure with them.
The MFL is the maximum level up to which water is allowed to rise in a structure after an intense spell of rain.
This provision takes care of extraordinarily high floods, which might damage the structure because it takes
time for flood water to move out of the surplus weir. This may happen especially when there are temporary
obstructions in the surplus weir due to accumulation of fallen tree trunks, leaves etc. This is particularly
important after the first rains.
c) The Freeboard:
Over and above the MFL, we provide an extra height to the dam, which is called the freeboard. Freeboard is
the difference in height between the top of the bund and the maximum level up to which floodwater rises in
a dam. Normally, the freeboard should be at least double the difference between FRL and MFL. It has been
found through years of experience that for earthen structures with height less than 5m, a freeboard of 1m
would be adequate.
We know that rain in most parts of India falls in spells within a 4-month monsoon period. An examination of data on intensity of rainfall from all over the country suggests that any one spell is unlikely
to yield more than 40% of the season’s total run-off. Our small dams should not, therefore, be designed to capture more than this. As Tideman says “In engineering design it is uneconomical to design
structures to cope with extreme events. A designer takes a calculated risk and designs a structure that will accommodate the largest rain storm that can be expected during a particular time interval” 65
(Tideman, 1996).
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MFL + freeboard = TBL. The TBL refers to the top level of the dam. If water flows over the top of the bund in
an earthen dam, the dam will break. Hence, unlike in masonry or boulder structures, the excess water cannot
be directed over the top of an earthen structure. Therefore, the TBL in all earthen structures has to be kept
higher than the FRL/MFL.
e) Top Width:
Top width of dams varies with the height and purpose of the dam. For earthen dams in the range of 3 to 6
meters height, top width is kept in the range of 1 to 2 meters. If the top is to serve as a road, the top width will
need to be more than 2m. The top width may be determined by the empirical formula,
f) Hydraulic Gradient:
Saturation Gradient; Percolation Gradient: Line of saturation or Seepage and percolation line are all
synonymous terms. It is a line inside an embankment marking the boundary between wet earth and damp or
dry earth.
In the case of earthen embankments which hold up a depth of water against one face, the bank becomes
gradually saturated by percolation up to certain level constituting a gradient or an inclined line falling from
the point where the water touches the embankments on the upstream side. This inclined line is called the
Hydraulic Gradient or Seepage Line for that soil and below which the embankment portion is saturated. This
is due to the pressure of water, and the more the soil is porous the less is the resistance to percolation, and
the flatter the hydraulic gradient.
The plane of the surface of percolation is called the plane of saturation or percolation and if this cuts the
outer face of the bank, visible flow will appear along and below the line of intersection. The hydraulic grade
line must fall within the toe of the bank and be covered by at least 100 cm of soil and which should be much
more in the case of Core walls of puddle-clay etc. reduce the seepage line and prevent the flow lines from
cutting the downstream face of the embankment. Sometimes filler materials are placed on the downstream
toe to provide free drainage, which will force the seepage line down. Filter materials can be placed in several
layers, each layer coarser than the last.
The upstream slope of the dam is subject to erosion by the sloughing action of waves and by receding water.
The downstream slope of the bund is subject to erosion by intense rainfall and the scouring action of flowing
water. In order to protect the dam from such erosive action, the slopes of the dams must be very carefully
determined. The precise upstream and downstream slopes of the bund depend on the angle of repose and
erodability of the materials used in the outermost face. However, it is necessary to provide a lower slope on
the upstream side than the downstream side to counter the sloughing action. Through experience it has been
found that for a stable earthen structure, the upstream slope should range from 2.5:1 to 4:1. The downstream
slope should range from 2:1 to 3:1.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
h) Settlement Allowance:
The soil used on an earthen dam is usually compacted to a certain degree. Even the, this artificial compaction
can never match the state of natural compaction in which the materials are found on earth’s surface. Hence, a
certain allowance has to be made for natural process of compaction due to the weight of the dam, movement
of its materials towards their natural angle of repose, the increased moisture caused by water storage and the
direct impact of rainfall. This allowance to be provided for this settlement depends on the type of fill material
and the method of compaction used. Thus, the earthen dam must be made convex shaped with the middle
portion being higher than the sides.
i) Waste weir:
Water in excess of the FRL is drained out by the waste weir. The base of the waste weir is at the FRL. Spells
of rain can vary greatly in intensity. There may be a sudden storm and dangerous amounts of water may have
to be dealt with. A safety valve is required that lets some of the runoff go as soon as the dam is filled up to
the designed FRL.
The dimensions of the surplus weir are determined by taking into consideration the peak runoff from the
catchment. The surplus weir must have the capacity to drain out safely the peak runoff when the water is at
FRL of the dam. Peak runoff from a watershed is estimated as per the Rational Formula:
Q = peak runoff in cubic meters per second
C = coefficient of runoff
I = intensity of rainfall in millimeters per hour
A = catchment area of the structure in hectares
The discharge capacity of the surplus weir has to be equal to the peak run-off. The surplus weir is given by
the Crested Weir formula:
L = Length of the Weir (m)
H = Depth of flow through the weir (the height to which we would allow water to rise inside a surplus weir)
a) Trial Pits:
At three or four places in the proposed dam site, experimental pits of 1m. x 1m. should be dug. Fill water in
these pits to get an idea of the percolation rate of the proposed site. The site should be abandoned if the
percolation rate is too high. Trial pits also help us determine the depth of the cut-off trench along the base of
the dam. A third purpose of the trial pit is to assess the strength of the strata underlying the dam.
b) Site Clearance:
Remove all vegetation at the proposed site. Scrape the location to 10 -20cm depth. All tree roots as well
as sand; stones etc., at the site should be removed. “Toothing” should be provided at the proposed site by
making the base of the dam uneven. This helps better grip of the structure on the ground.
c) Layout:
Draw a line along the center of the proposed bund from embankment to embankment (center line). Determine
the FRL and TBL of the structure. At 4 meter intervals on the center line, use the dumpy level to mark a series
of points where the dam will be raised to TBL. Settlement allowance must be added to this height at each
point. On the basis of the slope parameters decided, indicate distances on the upstream and downstream
side at each point and draw lines through these points. Care must be taken to provide the required top
width exactly in the middle of the bund. For instance, if the maximum dam height is 5m, top width 2m and
upstream and downstream slopes 2.5:1 and 2:1 respectively, the upstream edge of the dam must be marked
at (5x2.5)+1=13.5m distance and the downstream edge at (5x2)+1=11m distance.
Only where the stream bed is made of impervious material, a cut-off trench may not be necessary
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
d) Cut-off Trench:
We need to prevent the water from leakage and seepage we have stored in an earthen dam. For this we dig
a cut-off trench and fill it with puddled clay the purpose of the cut-off trench is not to provide a foundation
but to control excessive seepage below the dam wall.
Dig a 1m wide trench of required depth along the center line of the proposed dam. In earthen dams, the depth
of the cut-off trench is usually fixed as 25% of the TBL or till impervious strata is reached, whichever comes
earlier. After excavation, the base of the cut-off trench should be rammed thoroughly by watering. Fill the
trench with 30-35 cm thick layers of puddled clay. Each layer should be properly watered and rammed into
the layer below. Ramming inside the trench is usually done by labourers walking on the puddled clay.
Figure 2-35: The seepage line and rock toe - Horizontal Sand Filter/Rock Toe Drain
Even in a relatively impervious structure, some amount of water stored in a reservoir percolates from the
upstream side to the downstream through the body of the dam, thus forming a seepage line. If this line
emerges above the base of the dam, it would slowly cut into the downstream side and gradually erode it.
This would pose a serious threat to the stability of the structure. In order to drag the seepage line downwards
so that the water is drained within the base of the dam, 30 to 50 cm thick sand layers are placed inside the
dam, at the base of the downstream portion, forming a horizontal sand filter. On the outermost side of the
downstream portion, boulders are placed to drag the seepage line down, which forms the rock toe drain. The
rock toe is usually constructed in the design of a reverse filter with each subsequent layer increasingly coarser
than the previous layer. The filter material must be more pervious than the bund material so that the seeping
water can be rapidly removed.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
Depending on the construction materials used, earthen dams can be classified into three types:
• Dams of Homogeneous Material: In places with an impervious foundation where availability of clay is
virtually nil, dams can be made from relatively more pervious material by increasing the cross-section
area of the dam. Watering and ramming should be carefully done in such dams. The cross section of this
type of dam should be made broader by providing lower slopes on the upstream and downstream, as
well as by increasing the top width.
Where both pervious and impervious materials are available, the dam wall can be partitioned between
these according to their relative abundance. Where the availability of impervious clayey soil is limited, we
can choose to economies on clay by watering and kneading by human labour (puddling). In the core wall
type dam, there is a narrow, impermeable, puddled clay barrier, extending from side to side. The clay is
soaked, kneaded and rammed to make a thin impermeable wall. This forms the core wall of the dam. The
cut-off trench is filled with puddled clay till ground level is reached. This is a labour intensive method but
it maximizes impermeability of clay. To support and protect this, the outer flanks of the dam are made of
rammed coarser soils, which are arranged by grade. The finest particles are placed inside, graduating to
the coarsest material on the outer face of the dam. The final shelter is provided by stone pitching, which
involves placing a layer of boulders on the upstream face of the dam.
Where clay is available easily and in large quantities, it is possible to construct the heart of the dam with
wetted and rammed clay, and provide a casing of coarser soils to protect it. Here, a thicker wall of clay
is raised by laying, wetting and ramming (see Figure 2-36). The inner clay wall will also have side slopes,
unlike the core wall, which is vertical. After the cut-off trench has been filled, the dam wall is raised in
horizontal layers. Even in situations where pure clay is not available, it is possible to make an earthen dam
using finer soils for the heart of the dam and coarser soils for casing.
In all three types of dams, care must be taken to raise all sections of the dam together. In a core wall type,
the puddle core wall and the shell must be simultaneously raised. Core wall needs to be on structred only
till the FRL is reached. In the hearting and casing type, both the hearting and the casing must be done
together. The layers should be 6 to 8 inches on either side which are laid, wetted and rammed. While
laying, it should be kept in mind that the finer soils should be laid inside, i.e., closer to the clay core, the
coarser soils should graduate outwards. As layer after layer gets compacted, the width of the casing is
reduced to create the slopes of the upstream and downstream sides of the dam till the desired height is
arrived at.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
f) Slope Maintenance:
Upstream and downstream slopes of the dam must be carefully maintained. For this, it is advisable that
side slopes are made as a series of steps. These steps are necessary for the laborers to walk up to throw the
material. Even more importantly, they allow us to make mid-term corrections in case the slopes go a little off
the mark. Towards the end of the construction, the steps should be broken and a continuous slope provided.
As mentioned already, the outer faces of the dam are subject to erosion by water. To protect the upstream
face from the sloughing action of waves, stone pitching is done by using boulders of size 15-30 cm width. Use
stones which are flat on one side and angular on the other. The area of stone pitching depends on the FRL of
the dam and its upstream slope. Where boulders are not easily available, the freeboard zone on the upstream
face and all of the downstream face can be protected by planting grass (grass turfing). The grass roots form a
protective web that binds the soil together. The grass blades also cushion the force of raindrops making them
less erosive. Grass turfing should be done before the monsoon begins on the down streamside of the dam.
After the construction of the main dam is over, surplus weir must be constructed3 the site for surplus weir
should be chosen in such a way that it minimizes excavation. As far as possible, the surplus weir should be
connected to some natural drainage channel flowing nearby so that the excess runoff does not cause further
In extraordinary circumstances where the monsoon is rapidly approaching and completing the dam before it appears difficult, we may also make the surplus weir first, in order to protect the work already
70 done on the dam
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
The following points also should be kept in mind while constructing surplus weirs:
• In some cases, it may be difficult to provide a surplus weir on the side of the dam due to adverse
topography or geology. In such cases, a stone or cement masonry weir must be provided in the main
body of the dam itself.
• All types of surplus weirs should have adequate protection of their sides and bed through stone pitching
or stone/cement masonry.
• The surplus weir should not be very steep or have sharp curves. High slopes and sharp curves would both
increase the danger of soil erosion.
To estimate the storage capacity of a dam, it is necessary to conduct a detailed contour survey of the proposed
dam site. Multiplying the average of the area at two successive contours with the contour interval (CI) gives
us the volume of water stored between two successive contour lines (see figure 2.36).
Effective storage capacity = Storage Capacity +Volume of water percolating from it during a season.
The cost of an Earthen Dam 20 meters in length and a maximum height of 5 meters. The upstream and
downstream slopes are 1:3 and 1:2 respectively. Top width of the dam is 2.5 meters; depth and width of the
cutoff trench are 2.5m and 1m respectively. Freeboard = 1m. Height of the dam at different points along the
dam is given below:
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Point A B C D E
Height 0 2 5 3 0
Distance 0 5m 5m 5m 5m
= 20 x 1 x 2.5 = 50 cum
Volume of embankment is calculated by multiplying the cross section area with length. Cross section area at
each point on the structure is calculated by the following formula for a trapezium:
Area of Cross Section = 1/2 x (S x H2) + (TW x H) where, S = S1 + S2, (sum of upstream and downstream
slopes), H = Height of the structure at any point, TW = Top width of structure = 2.5m
S1 = 3 and S2 = 2
Using the above formula, we calculate the area of cross section at each point. Multiplying the average cross
section area between two points with the distance between the two points, we get the volume of the section.
Cross section area of core wall = Width of core wall x Height of core wall
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
We know that S2 = 2
Volume of excavation for waste weir = Length x Width x Height = 10m x 4m x 1.5m = 60 cum
Total Cost
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
fOther Rainwater Harvesting Techniques being followed in different parts of India by adopting similar
technique as earthen dam.
• The effective storage capacity of the dam should not be either too large or too small in relation to runoff.
• At the dam site, the drainage line must have well-defined embankments into which the dam can be
• The upstream slope of the dam should be lower than the downstream slope
• The surplus weir must be properly designed to drain out the peak runoff safely when the water is at FRL.
• The bed of the drainage line upstream the dam site should not have a high slope.
• Do not use highly erodible material like clay on the outer faces.
• Do not raise the core wall over the FRL of the dam.
• The surplus weir should not be very steep or have sharp curves. NADI:
Nadis are small excavated or embankment type village ponds for harvesting meagre precipitation to mitigate
the security of drinking water in desert regions like kutchh, Nagpur, Barmer, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer. Nadies
normally provide water for periods from two months to year after rain, depending upon the catchment and
rainfall characteristics. A nadi should be located at the lowest elevation to have the benefit of natural drainage
and minimum excavation of earth. BANDHARA:
Bandhara is the Marathi term for weir with vents as these are practiced in Maharashtra State. The vents have
removable shutters held in groves in piers. The vents are kept open during floods to carry away heavy silt. The
Bandharas catch the base flow of streams and utilize it to provide irrigation to crops (mainly sugarcane). In
many cases, the water is pumped out of the Bandharas and conveyed to higher elevations.
Hill torrents and stream cause extensive damage to adjoining lands, life and property as a result of the
frequent changes in their course and associated flash flows during monsoon. Spurs, retards and retaining
walls etc. are used at such downstream reaches for training the torrent flow. SPURS:
Spurs are the commonly used structures for torrent and stream training. These structures are constructed
transverse to river flow extending from one of the banks at an angle to the flow (Fig-2.37) According to the
function served, spurs may be of three types (i) attracting type (pointing downstream at an angle of 30- 45°),
(ii) deflecting type (at 90°) and (iii) repelling type (pointing upstream, 5-20° normal to flow)
a) Protection of river banks (including land, road, buildings and other structures along them)
b) Reclamation of land along torrent beds, in excess of that required for the flow discharge.
Watersheed development for rain fed areas under MGNREGA
Construction of spurs for river training is quite expensive. Hence they are to be judiciously planned and
executed optimally at the most crucial reaches along a river course. Some of the important factors that
determine the design parameters of spurs are:
a) River characteristics: Factors like river geometry (width, flow depth, bank heights) flow velocity, flow
pattern, bed slope, sediment-debris boulder movement, river meandering and curvature etc. are
important parameters that may determine the design specifications of structures.
b) Spur geometry: The length of spur, its alignment to flow shape and permeability are important design
c) Spur Length: Construction of spur causes constriction of river flow which should be limited so as not to
affect the river regime adversely. This is represented by a ‘blockage ratio’ b/B, where b is the projected
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
length of spur and B is the river width. The blockage ratio should not exceed 0.3 i.e. the projected length
of the spur should not exceed 1/3rd of the width of river.
d) Alignment of spur: The spur alignment is defined by the angle θ the spur makes with the flow direction
as measured from the downstream. As the angle of the inclination of the spur along the flow direction
increases, its sedimentation capacity increases but stability decreases due to greater scour. Attracting
(downstream pointing) spurs with an angle of 30° – 45° are normally used for flow diversion whereas
short and closely spaced right angled deflecting spurs are recommended for quick sedimentation along
e) Shape of spur: In oblique faced spurs, such as with trapezoidal cross section the scour depth is lesser
because of energy dissipation of incoming flow on the sloping wall. Simple rounding of corners and
edges of spurs reduce the scour considerably. The upstream nose of the spur is only affected by scour.
f) Permeability of spur: Permeable spurs such as gabion and vegetative spurs are more efficient, less
expensive and can be made by locally available material. Their stability is better than the solid ones due
to lesser scour around them.
g) Spacing of spur: A spur protects only a certain length of the bank. It is usual, therefore to use spurs in
series, spaced so as to give a continuous effect. The recommended optimum spacing of spurs is 3-4
times the projected spur length. A larger spacing can be adopted for convex bank and a smaller one for
concave bank i.e. 2 to 2.5 times the length of spurs.
h) Vegetative reinforcement of spurs: In the vicinity of the spur and particularly at its nose, suitable shrubs
and grasses may be planted to prevent scour. Arundo donax (Narkul or Nada), Vitex negundo, Ipomoea
carnea (Besharam) etc. have been found useful for vegetative reinforcement of the structures.
Gabion retaining/ toe walls are constructed along the vulnerable torrents banks to prevent bank cutting and
erosion. They may be used singly or in combination with spurs. Generally the height of wall is restricted to 3m.
The top width is kept 1m and base width can be taken 2/3rd of the height of the wall.
These measures directly cover the stream bank/slope to protect it from erosion. Commonly used measures
for stabilization and protection of slopes/ banks are as below: REVETMENTS:
Revetments are used where the protection by plantation is not possible and valuable properties extend right
up to the edge of the stream bank. They are provided to cover the slope of the stream bank, preferably after
easing out the slopes. The side slopes for these measures should not be steeper than 1.5:1 or flatter. Both
vegetative (brush mat revetment) and/or mechanical measures (rock riprap) are used in this method to cover
the stream banks depending upon the site conditions. Gabion revetments, about 0.5 m thick laid on 1.5:1 or
flatter slope can also be used.
After Independence the Government of India launched a countrywide programme of multipurpose river
valley projects to make use of unharnessed water resources in the country. The purpose of the scheme was
to generate hydroelectric power and to supply water for irrigation. The culturable area which can be irrigated
by a particular command may be defined as the culturable command area (CCA). The total area covering
home state area, roads, houses, barren land, and uplands coming under that command area adjacent to the
CCA is known as Gross Command Area (GCA). In rural development the construction and maintenance of
CAD works can be given top priority because the area on one side will provide employment to the needy
rural masses and on the other hand it will provide better irrigation and drainage facilities which will improve
the socio economic conditions of the farmers and generate livelihood.
i) Minimization of water losses through lining of canals, increasing canal capacity, installation of control
structures, improved techniques for more efficient water use and field applications, etc.
ii) The maximization production of grains from water use through on farm development works, the
construction of an improved and wider road network, improved agriculture techniques brought by
adaptive research and agriculture extension etc.
iii) The equitable distribution of water throughout the command area and greater control over canal system
as a whole.
The works permitted under MGNREGA at Para No.4 (I) (iii), (VI) & II (i) are such that the command area can
be developed to bring the command area under better production and increase the livelihood generation.
If the irrigation & drainage development in command areas is given priority, the productivity of land will
increase. Under MGNREGA the demand for employment may be met by irrigation and drainage works in
irrigated command area.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA) There is a gap between the irrigation potential created and that utilized. Many of the irrigation projects
in the country have also been under operation below their designed potential due to inadequate maintenance,
which is one of the important factors for reduced irrigation efficiency at project level. This has resulted in the
problem of low efficiency of water use and low productivity. Increasing trend of water logging, salinity and
alkalinity is offsetting the advantages of irrigation projects by rendering the affected areas unproductive or
under-productive. The process of reclamation is lagged behind by an additional area becoming water logged
and saline/alkaline. Therefore, for integrated development of command area, the convergence of MGNREGS
with schemes of Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) and schemes of MOA for gap filling and value addition
should be made. Convergence between MGNREGA and Programmes of MoWR is mutually beneficial. There are several programmes of MoWR being implemented in the country with works similar or
complementary to MGNREGA works. In this regard Ministry has issued Joint Convergence guidelines for
MGNREGS & Scheme of MoWR vide letter dated 18th Feb 2009. For integrated development of irrigated area, it is necessary that the project of a village is prepared
on Command Area Development approach, integrating all the activities required with a project. In this project,
the activities permitted and to be covered under MGNREGS and those to be covered under schemes of
MoWR may be clearly indicated in terms of the size of area / work, estimated cost, so as to ensure that all the
required works / activities have been proposed and there is no duplicity.
The Command Area Development (CAD) Programme was Initiated In 1974 with the objective to bridge a gap
between irrigation potential created and utilized. Therefore there is an immense need for successful micro
level infrastructure development and efficient farm water management to enhance agriculture production
and productivity and to improve socio-economic condition of farmers. The most important aspect of these
works are to save the most valuable irrigation water and to improve irrigation efficiency of the system. Our
ultimate aim is to increase optimum crop production per unit of water and per unit of area.
i) Main Canal
iii) Distributaries
iv) Minors
vi) Watercourses
In most of the commands the surface drainage system have been constructed
i) Field drains
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
v) Main drains
In this system perforated PVC pipes along with filter are laid in the sub surface as lateral drains, their collector
subsurface drains are constructed. Then the outfall of the collector subsurface drain is given in the surface
main drains of the surface drainage system.
Levelling is also an important item of work for efficient irrigation which can benefit the rural farmers. Therefore
it should be done on priority under MGNREGA.
i) Construction of Minors
iv) Construction of farm roads on the both sides of field drains, etc.
v) Construction of Hydraulic structures such as falls, culverts, tail escapes, inlet to drains turnouts etc.
The Water Conveyance System in any command area mainly comprises a reservoir, where the water is stored
for irrigation in a dam. Thereafter, water goes to the field of a farmer through Main canal, Branch canal,
Distributary canal, Minor and Watercourse.
Design criteria: In command area generally watercourses should be designed for 1 cusec. Capacity i.e. 28.31
LPs but may vary between 20 LPs to 40 LPs capacity depending on the area to be irrigated & topography.
Similarly bed slope in the watercourse should generally be 1:1000 but may vary from 1:500 to 1:2500
depending upon the natural topography, soil type & availability of working head in the canal etc. Since canal
water is being diverted from the reservoir, there is no likelihood of silting in the watercourse in view of meager
discharge in watercourse but no eroding velocity should be allowed. The maximum allowable velocities in
channels for different soil textures is given in table 3-10.
Non silting & non eroding velocity (Vo) may be worked out by:
Vo = 0.3092 y0.5
In case of flatter slopes more than 1:3000, lining will have to be provided in the watercourses.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
In case of maintenance of watercourse if it is destroyed or silted up more than 60-70% then the complete
levee should be constructed & then proper section as per design should be cut, as per designed L-section &
X-section of the watercourse.
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Figure 3-3: Typical Cross Section of Earthen Watercourse before section cutting
Figure 3-4: Typical Cross Section of Earthen Watercourse after section cutting
For convenience Table (Annexure-II) is given showing velocity & discharges at different depths & slopes for
watercourse at a given bed width (0.3 cm.), side slope (1.5: 1), and roughness coefficient (0.03).
Table 3-1: Detailed Cost Estimate for Construction of 1000 m watercourse levee by shifting soil manually
from reverse grade, higher patches etc.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Add 3% contingencies
Grand Total
Table 3-2: Detailed Cost Estimate of section cutting & dressing of a watercourse
L – 1000 meter
S. Item L Top Bed Quantity Rate Amount
No. Width Width
Add 3% contingencies
Grand Total
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Figure 3-5: Typical Cross Section of Earthen watercourse showing details of dressing surface
Wherever required the Pucca/Lined Watercourse can also be constructed under MGNREGA. The design
discharge will be 1 cusec only. Following types of lining is mostly provided in rural areas in India.
i) P.C.C. Watercourse
Typical drawings and estimates have been given here for ready reference, however if required lining
by R.C.C. or pre-cast slabs or precast sections or semicircular R.C.C. pipe watercourses can also be
constructed. In such a case the pre-cast fabrication should also be done by the MGNREGA labour / mason
to provide rural employment. For production of building material detailed guidelines have been issued
vide Ministry letter No.J-11017/26/2008-MGNREGA(UN) dated 13th Jan, 2014, which can be
followed for this purpose also.
These drawings and estimates are suggestive. These can be changed keeping in view local conditions.
The figures given in this chapter are not to scale.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Table 3-3: Detailed Cost Estimate of Lined Watercourse – Cement Concrete (Discharge = 1Cusec)
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Wire Mesh 1.00 Rmt
Inner 1.00
Outer 1.00
Total sqm
Add Contingency 3 %
Grand Total
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Table 3-4: Detailed Cost Estimate of Lined Watercourse with Stone Masonry (Discharge = 1Cusec)
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Inner 1.00
Outer 1.00
Total sqm
Contingency Charges 3%
Grand Total
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Table3-5: Detailed Cost Estimate of Brick Lined Watercourse - Brick (Discharge = 1Cusec)
Brick Masonry 1.00 Cum
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Contingency Charges 3%
The surface drainage is equally important and essential to remove excess water from soil so as to allow good
root zone aeration for better and higher crop production. On farm field drains collect excess water from
individual holdings & disposes the excess water to the river or nallas through the collector & main drains.
i) In rural areas whenever there is more rainfall and the removal of surface water is up to 40 hrs. or more,
the crop production suffers adversely. In various villages the inundation of water for a longer period
also adversely affects the lives of livelihoods and therefore in such areas the surface drains are to be
excavated. In most of the command areas the surface drainage system has been executed and there main
drains and carrier drains fall in to natural rivers or bigger nallas. If these drains are silted then the desilting
up to the designed cross-section may be done through MGNREGA workers. However, there may be need
of construction of new drains which can also be done under MGNREGA. These drains are constructed in
the natural valleys or depressions.
ii) The main drains usually form the back bone of a farm drainage system. The main advantages of the
drainage system:
iii) The drainage system of a particular irrigated command area starts from the donstream side ie; river:
a) River
b) Main drain
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
i) The first step in surface drainage system design is to calculate the catchment area and the peak run off
of rain water that might occur. The volume of water that must be removed by surface drainage channel
is dependent upon a number of variable conditions. The most important of these variables are:
a) Intensity of rainfall
b) Soil characteristics of catchment
c) Size and topography of the catchment area
d) Vegetative cover and land use in the catchment
e) Cropping pattern showing the tolerance of crops regarding flooding in the area to be protected.
ii) The following commonly design conditions are assumed as per technical paper No.7 of Department of
Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture, GoI for smaller catchments. In Chambal Command, Kota, Rajasthan
for calculating the runoff, the Rational Method is used.
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
The calculation of run off can be made by Rational Method with following assumtions:
b) Average rainfall of the district being representative for the catchment area (120-140 mm as average 24
maximum rainfall)
c) The crops for which surface drainage is to be provided are either ordinary crops or kharif paddy or
combination of both.
d) Drainage removal time of 40 hrs. for ordinary crops 45% area & 72 hrs. kharif paddy & sugarcane crops
24% area & fallow land 31% area.
iii) As per CWPC recommendation the empirically designed discharge of 0.55 lps per ha. Is too low. The
rational method gives design runoff rate of 2.35 lps per ha. But for economic reasons it may be reduced
to 1.1. lps per ha. However the design of structures should be based upon 2.35 lps/ha. These design rates
are used to define the capacity of the drainage system strictly with respect to erosion and over
topping concerns.
140mm 120mm
(Source: Design manual of Chambal Command Area Development, Kota, Rajasthan, April, 1998)
HSG-C: Hydrologic Soil Group-C – indicates the soil having slow infiltration rates when thoroughly wetted and
consisting chiefly of moderately deep to deep, moderately well to well drained soils with moderately fine to
moderately coarse textured. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission.
HSG-D: Hydrologic Soil Group-D – soils having very slow infiltration rates with high swelling potentials. Soils
with a permanent high water table, soil with a clay pan, clay layer at or near the surface and shallow soils
cover nearly impervious material.
For the estimation of peak flow rate in India for other commands mainly Rational Method is used. Rational
Method is used to predict flows from small urban and rural catchments up to 500 ha. but it can work up to
1300 ha. However the rainfall intensity used should be uniform over the entire watershed.
The peak runoff rate occurs when the entire catchment is contributing runoff. All the water bodies in the
catchment should be filled in and soil becomes complete saturated, under that condition entire catchment is
contributing the runoff.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
In rural areas under MGNREGA generally the development unit is a village or few villages only therefore, only
this method can be considered for the calculation of peak runoff. This method is expressed as
Q = 0.0028 C i A
Q = peak runoff rate, cum/sec.
C = runoff coefficient (as given in table below)
i = intensity of rainfall, in mm/hr, for the design period and for a
duration equal to the time of concentration of the catchment area.
A = catchment area, in hectare
Topography and vegetation Open Sandy Loam Clay and Silt Loam Tight Clay
(Source: Participatory Integrated Watershed Management – A field manual by VN Sharda, et al, 2006)
For watersheds with more than one type of topography or vegetation the following equation may be used to
provide runoff coefficient with weighted average.
∑ C1 A1 + C2 A2 + ……………….
C = ------------------------------------------
∑ A1 + A2 +……………..
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
A1 C1 + A2 C2 + A3 C3
C = ----------------------------
A1 + A2 + A3
C = 0.449
Rainfall intensity is obtained using the storm duration and a selected rainfall frequency. The storm dura-
tion for this method is equal to the time of concentration (Tc). Time of concentration (Tc) of a watershed is
the time required for water to flow from the most remote point of the area to the outlet, once the soil has
become saturated and minor depressions filled up. Tc can be estimated from Table 3.8 or from the following
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
100 13 10 5 4 2 2
200 21 16 9 7 5 4
300 29 23 12 9 7 5
400 37 28 15 12 9 6
500 44 33 18 14 11 7
1000 74 57 31 23 18 13
1500 102 78 42 32 25 17
2000 127 97 52 40 31 22
From the estimated storm duration (Tc) and a selected rainfall frequency, the design rainfall intensity (i)
is obtained. Agricultural drainage systems are normally designed for a rainfall frequency of 5 to 10 years
return period. In MGNREGA, 10 years recurrence interval may be considered.
Table 3-9: Peak discharge (cumec) from catchments of 10 to 100 ha for different intensity (I, mm/hr) and
runoff coefficient values (using rational formula)
(ha) I = 40 I = 60 I = 80 I = 120 I = 140 I = 160 I = 180
C= C= C= C= C= C= C= C= C= C= C= C= C = C=
0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.4 0.6
10 0.44 0.67 0.67 1.00 0.89 1.33 1.33 2.00 1.56 2.33 1.78 2.67 2.00 3.00
20 0.89 1.33 1.33 2.00 1.78 2.67 2.67 4.00 3.11 4.67 3.56 5.33 4.00 6.00
30 1.33 2.00 2.00 3.00 2.67 4.00 4.00 6.00 4.67 7.00 5.33 8.00 6.00 9.00
40 1.78 2.67 2.67 4.00 3.56 5.33 5.33 8.00 6.22 9.33 7.11 10.67 8.00 12.00
50 2.22 3.33 3.33 5.00 4.44 6.67 6.67 10.00 7.78 11.67 8.89 13.33 10.00 15.00
60 2.67 4.00 4.00 6.00 5.33 8.00 8.00 12.00 9.33 14.00 10.67 16.00 12.00 18.00
70 3.11 4.67 4.67 7.00 6.22 9.33 9.33 14.00 10.89 16.33 12.44 18.67 14.00 21.00
80 3.56 5.33 5.33 8.00 7.11 10.67 10.67 16.00 12.44 18.67 14.22 21.33 16.00 24.00
90 4.00 6.00 6.00 9.00 8.00 12.00 12.00 18.00 14.00 21.00 16.00 24.00 18.00 27.00
100 4.44 6.67 6.67 10.00 8.89 13.33 13.33 20.00 15.56 23.33 17.78 26.67 20.00 30.00
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Table 3-10: Maximum allowable velocities in channels for different soil textures
• Side slopes
The side slopes of the drains in general are recommended as given below:
• Roughness Coefficient
Values of roughness coefficient ‘n’ in the Manning equation for earthen channels can be selected from
These values increases with poor maintenance of drain and weeds growth. In newly dug channels, the value
of ‘n’ is lower and velocities higher than design values.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Figure 3-12: One hour rainfall intensity for different frequencies in India
(Source: Participatory Integrated Watershed Management – A field manual by VN Sharda, et al, 2006)
Figure 3-13: Relation of one hour rainfall intensity with intensities at other durations
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Estimate the peak rate of runoff expected to occur once in 25 years from 50 ha watershed located at 76E
longitude and 25N latitude with sandy loam soil. The land use comprises of 20 ha of agricultural land, 15 ha
of grassland and 15 ha of forest land. The difference in elevation between the highest and outlet points is
20m and maximum length of run is 1200 m. The average land slope is 3%.
C = --------------------------------------- = 0.18
Step-2: Time of concentration from Fig.3.6 for vertical fall (H) of 20m and maximum length
run / flow (L) 1200m is 22 minutes (Tc).
Step-3: For longitude of 76E and latitude of 25N, 1 hour rainfall intensity for 25 years frequency is
120 mm/hr (Fig.3.7).
Step-4: From Fig.3.8, rainfall intensity for duration equal to time of concentration (0.4 hr) is 190 mm/hr.
Step-5: Refer Fig.3.9 for watershed area of 50 ha, rainfall intensity of 190 mm/hr and runoff coefficient
of 0.18, the peak rate of runoff Q works out to be 4.75 cumec.
In the command area we can also calculate the run off by Strange’s table.
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Table 3-12 Estimated runoff and yield per ha from catchment areas – Strange’s table
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Figure 3-15: Typical cross section of the seepage drain, also showing canal Cross-Section
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Table 3-13: Detailed Cost Estimate of Construction of Carrier/ Collector/ Intermediate Drain
Grand Total
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Grand Total
3-18: Typical Cross-section of field drain having both sides farm roads
The calculation of velocity and discharge of a drain having bed width of 0.6m, slide slope (1.1) and roughness
coefficient (0.04) can also be done by the Annexure-III.
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA INTRODUCTION:
Land levelling or grading is the process of preparing or modifying (i.e. reshaping) the land surface to a
planned grade to provide a suitable field surface for controlling flow of water, check soil erosion, provide
better surface drainage flow, moisture and ensure uniform application and distribution of water.
In MGNREGA the work of land levelling and land shaping in the field of individual farmers under land
development can be done. The main objective of land shaping and land levelling is to get the well graded
shaped smooth surface to help the irrigator to achieve uniform application of water throughout the field. It
provides better and optimum crop production. Uniform grading ensures uniform and efficient application of
irrigation water and also removal of excess water if any without erosion. It conserves water and increases the
production per unit of water. About 20% water is saved in field application.
i) First of all the work is to be done in a particular field. If the field is big, then it has to be divided into
boarders of width of about 20-30 m to minimize the earth works. It should be done along with adjusted
contours and slanting for minimisation of earth work.
ii) Fix a temporary bench mark, located on a nearby pucca structure. Do the topographical survey by
dividing the field by grids of 5 x 5, 15 x 15, 20 x 20 m grids, depending upon the surface relief of the area
& precision required in levelling.
iii) Fix wooden stakes usually of size 1 cm x 4 cm x 50 cm – 1 m at the grid points. Each grid point is at the
center of the grid square and represents nearly equal area.
iv) After all points have been staked, determine the ground elevation using a dumpy level at each stake and
record on the grid map.
v) After having the elevation of every grid point with respect to the bench mark considered for this purpose
draw contour lines at a suitable contour interval as given below:
vi) Land levelling design is usually done using plane method. In this method the average elevation of the
field is determined and this elevation is assigned to the centroid of the area.
vii) With the help of the contour map the land is divided into fields / boarder strips that can be graded and
irrigated individually to the best advantage.
i) In the profile of the boarder strip the average cut is 0.30 m and the width of the boarder is 30m and
length is 55m then the volume of EW will be 495 cubic meter.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Figure 3-19: L-Section of design border strip laid along adjusted contour
The following hydraulic structures may be constructed / repaired if needed under MGNREGA because they
are essential for better water management, to save water and avoid leakages, etc. Here the typical drawings
have been provided prevailing in command areas in India. If required the estimates, technical report can be
prepared by the technical staff as per the site and got approved from the competent authority.
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Figure 3-26: Typical drawing of field drain crossing (pipe type) i.e. culvert
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Before starting the work of watercourse either new construction or de-silting and repair of the watercourse,
the designed L-Section and Cross-Section is required. The existing L-Section and cross section of the
watercourse is to be taken essentially at site at every 30 m. length. The designed L-section and cross section
is already available that should be taken from the records and difference of both should be executed. The
survey should be done by the same Junior Engineer who will prepare the estimate and will get the execution
done. So that he is well aware about the field condition and his approach will be practical. However, the labour
from the MGNREGA can be used for survey.
ii) Take level of field on both the sides of alignment of the watercourse i.e. Normal Surface Level.
iii) Show off taking position, required value of FSL in watercourse, designed and available FSL in canal as
well as working head at off taking point.
iv) FSL line be drawn, in such a way that minimum 10 cm. head of water is available
a) Grade should not be changed from steeper to flatter. If it is necessary, then a fall should be proposed
before changing the grade. The grade can be changed from flatter to steeper by providing a grade
change structure.
b) Slope should never be provided steeper than 1:300. In case ground is very steep, fall structures should
be proposed.
c) After a fall structure, we can go in cutting up to 1 to 2 chain distance. If a field starts just after fall
structure then its outlet should be fixed at upstream of fall structure or at the time of execution
position of fall structure may be changed according to field condition.
v) Draw cross section of watercourse, at a particular chainage on sheet at suitable scale. A typical L-section
has been shown in Fig. (3.27).
i) Mark the points at every 30m interval on drain line in the field. Take levels of every point and draw the
Normal Surface Level.
ii) Draw the proposed bed level line keeping in mind that difference of NSL and bed level should not be
more than 1.5m, and less than 0.6m. On an average, difference should be 1.1 to 1.2m so that sufficient
quantity of soil is available for construction of service road along both sides of field drain.
iv) The bed line should be drawn in such a way that out fall is available at out fall point. Maximum it can
be flushed with the bed of carrier drain at outfall point but if there is main drain at outfall point then
a minimum of 30 cm. difference should be kept between bed level of the main drain and field drain at
junction point. Mark the out fall level in the L-Section itself.
v) If outfall is not available then a note of same should be given for deepening of carrier / main / sub main
drain and it should be executed compulsorily before rains.
vi) Bed slope of drain should normally be the same as ground slope. However it should not be flatter than
1:1500 and steeper than 1:500 as far as possible.
viii) A typical L-section & Cross-Section of a drain has been shown in fig 3.28.
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Command area development for irrigated areas under MGNREGA
iii) Scrape top 10 cm. soil from the watercourse alignment for proper bondage / removal of organic material.
iv) Mark the height up to which levee is to be constructed on cut stone pillars / arrows which have been
installed to mark the alignment of watercourse.
v) Construct well compacted levee in 15 cm. layer by labour from the soil taken from the higher patches.
vi) Take special care at the outlet point of the watercourse i.e. off taking from the parent canal / minor. Earth
in sufficient should be there to avoid seepage / leakage at the outlet point in future.
vii) Construct levee in 15 cm. layers and then do compaction by labour using sheep foot rollers.
viii) Get the section cutting properly and then mark the bed level and bank level and field level by labour
along with dressing.
ix) Check it with designed L-section and submit one copy to the S.E. /XEN.
x) The farm outlets / turn outs should be provided to each individual farmer.
xi) Get the watercourse connected properly to canal outlet. Must check the levels of outlet pipe and ensure
its correct installation.
xii) Run water into watercourse right up to its tail and irrigate the tail end field too.
xiii) Identify vulnerable reach for lining purpose, prepare estimates there off and get the lining done also.
xiv) If the work of repair of existing watercourse is to be done then do only those steps which are required.
In that case the difference between designed and existing watercourse will be measured. STEPS TO BE TAKEN FOR THE EXECUTION OF DRAINS
i) Arrange jungle clearance and typha cutting if needed on the alignment of drains.
ii) Carry out dag belling / layout.
iii) Arrange / supervise the excavation of drains to the given specifications, particularly for side bulging,
berm clearance and road formation.
iv) Check bed levels and must ensure their confirmation to the designed levels.
v) Construct drain crossing, if any.
vi) Ensure the outfalls, if not available then do the desilting of outfall drain first.
vii) Start the drainage work execution from the tail. STEPS TO BE TAKEN FOR LAND LEVELLING
i) Draw profile on graph sheet, mark formation level and do cut & fill accordingly by labour.
ii) The total area to be leveled should first be divided in small blocks or boarders so as to minimize the earth
iii) Mark the cut and fill point in the field as per the designed gird map.
iv) Do cut and fill properly
v) Take working levels and ensure proper level of the farm as per design
vi) Fill up the soil little bit extra (about 15 cm higher) on the filling points to take care of compaction or
settlement at the time of rains / irrigation.
vii) Do the work in the presence of farmer and take care of his suggestions if any.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
• For construction of the watercourse the work should be started from the head of the watercourse.
• The watercourse should not be constructed in 100% filling as far as possible. If done so ensure proper
compaction or lining of that reach.
• The earth used for the construction should not be saline, alkaline, pebble or concrete mixed to avoid
seepage. If so the lining of that reach be done after one year of irrigation if seepage is there.
• Turn outs (field inlets) should be provided at a proper naka point on every field to facilitate the proper
irrigation to the individual farm.
• If the junction of minor / distributary from where water will be taken in the watercourse should be
properly designed so that the water in proper quantity is available and there is no leakage.
• There should be proper gate so that whenever water supply is not needed the watercourse is closed
• For the drain we should ensure that the outfall level is available. Otherwise get the outfall level first
cleared then only do the excavation of desired drain.
• The work of drain should be started from the tail.
• After the excavation of the drain, bed levels should be marked on the working L-Section and ensure the
designed bed level.
• Proper berm as per the designed Cross-Section of the drain should be ensured to avoid back filling of the
loose soil in the drain.
• Grass sodding on the sides of the drain up to the level of the designed Full Supply Depth (FSD) should
be done.
• The proper dressing of the watercourse should be ensured.
• If existing watercourse is 60% to 70% damaged and require repair then it is better to go for new
construction at a proper ridge.
• The turnout should be given on proper point of watercourse. If there is a fall in the watercourse then at
least 30m-60m of the watercourse will be in cutting in such case take the outlet before the fall in the
• After new construction the testing of watercourse should be done properly. Even the tail end fields
should be provided proper irrigation to ensure the design and quality of watercourse.
• During the construction of watercourse and drains and land levelling, the cultivators should be taken
in confidence and should be consulted in design, alignment and construction. Their suggestions are
valuable and should be given due consideration. The user society should be constituted so that they
fallow participatory irrigation management ‘Barabandi’ etc.
• These R.D. works should be made peoples movement as Mahatma Gandhi’s freedom movement.
• The section of the drain may be made higher than the designed to provide earth for the roads on the
sides of the drain because that is also an essential item of development. In rural areas there are no
roads up to the field and the poor farmers face lot of difficulty in reaching to their fields. It affects the
production adversely. The poor farmers are on the mercy of the bigger land lords because there is no
proper access up to the field of the poor farmer. These roads may be made fair weather roads under
• The lining should be done by the local material only to minimize the cost.
• The lining of watercourse, earthen watercourse, and drains are the work of beneficiaries. Before starting
the construction it should be ensured that they take guarantee of not damaging these works. Because
experience says that the farmers take away the building material such as bricks, stones to their homes,
fill the drains, damages the watercourse by cutting at so many points and then not repairing.
• The land levelling should be done in such a way that minimum earth work is involved and lead is also not
much. To do the same the complete field may be divided in small benches, boarder strips or so.
• The filling portion should be filled at least 15 cm. higher than the designed level for settlement.
• The working profile should be prepared and the survey instrument should be used properly.
• These are micro engineering field works and cannot be done without the help of precision survey
instruments like dumpy level / total station etc. Therefore the survey instruments should be properly
maintained. It is seen that the survey instruments are mostly not used in the field.
4.1.1. One of the main objectives of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guaranteed Scheme
(MGNREGS) is to strengthen natural resource management through works that address causes of chronic
poverty (like drought), so as to encourage sustainable development. Accordingly, emphasis has been laid to
generate green / vegetative cover on marginal lands, degraded lands and waste lands to improve the natural
resource base at grass-roots level.
4.1.2. Tree planting is carried out basically for aesthetic value and shade but they do create several other
benefits. Raising of tree plantations is the need of the hour in the context of climate change which leads to
adverse impact on the on-set of monsoon, distribution of rainfall, etc. Tree cover has a vital role for maintaining
the earth’s ecological balance. Green cover is an integral component of the biosphere, essential for the
stabilization of the climate change, management of the land and water. Depletion of forest cover, biodiversity
and other natural resource, are leading to poverty and disturbance in hydrological cycle, which in turn affects
the cropping pattern and cropping intensity. Depleted natural resource base are to be restored through
effective conservation and harvesting of rainwater to rejuvenate forest cover, waterbodies and ground water
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
4.1.4. As per schedule 1, of MGNREGA, the works under Category – A includes public works related to natural
resource management especially listed in item (v) such as afforestation, tree plantation, and horticulture
in common and forest lands, road margins, canal bunds, tank foreshores and coastal belts duly providing
right to usufruct to the households covered in Para 5, of schedule-1, MGNREGA); Item (vi) includes Land
development works in common lands.
4.1.5. Works under Category – B emphasizes on Individual assets or community assets for vulnerable sections
(only for households in para 5)
In Item (i) for improving productivity of lands through land development and by providing suitable
infrastructure for irrigation including dug wells, farm ponds and other water harvesting structures;
Item (ii) for improving livelihoods through horticulture, sericulture, plantation, and farm forestry.
Item (iii) for Development of fallow/ waste lands to bring it under cultivation.
i) Waste lands,
iv) Problematic lands (degraded, marginalised, waterlogged, coastal sandy soils, lateritic soils, etc.),
v) Tank foreshore,
viii) Institutional lands such as school, Anganwadi, panchayat / government premises, temple land, burial
grounds, etc
x) Forest lands
4.2.3. After identification of suitable land, the livelihood pattern and needs of the people (especially the
vulnerable households) dwelling in the area concerned, must be identified for drawing up a suitable plan for
tree plantation like fuelwood, fodder, timber, fruit yielding etc.
4.2.4. The Paragraph 5 households (of schedule I), are eligible to enjoy the usufruct rights arising from
afforestation, tree plantation and horticulture carried out in common/forest lands. The action plan issued
by MoRD on roadside tree plantation defines the process for allotment of trees to the para 5 households
and also states, that by engaging these households in the maintenance activities, will not only provide them
with additional employment round the year, but will also enhance their livelihood opportunities, thereby
creating durable assets. Further the allotment of trees must be socially justified i.e. preference among the
needy households for each priority order (To know the descending priority order of the para 5 households,
Afforestation tree plantation & horticulture
mentioned in Schedule I, under MGNREGA, please do refer para 1.2 of this manual.) while descending, should
be given to the poorest of the poor especially landless and other households to avail the usufruct rights.
4.2.5. From the above exercise, for a Village/Gram Panchayat, the identified land, alongwith the number of
beneficiaries identified (to whom the trees will be allotted) can be drawn up for various types of plantation
as shown in Annexure- IV, through a group of resource persons from the concerned Village/Gram Panchayat
and technical resource persons from concerned line Departments at the Gram Panchayat/Block level. It is
suggested that the identification of location specific species, must be with the guidance of local wisdom and
technical support from the concerned line departments. To achieve this, the concerned line department to
prepare the list of forest/horticulture plant species, region-wise as suitable to the type of plantation and as per
agro-climatic condition (the list of plants species needs to be prepared before the start of the participatory
planning exercise in the village/GP). The prepared list of plants species will become an informed choice
for the identified beneficiaries of para 5 of schedule 1, who will in turn make his/her choice when asked by
the planning team for the selection of species for the conduct of plantation activity and for estimating the
number of plants required to be raised in the nursery or to be procured from outside nursery. (It is advised
that each State/UT prepare the list of forest/horticulture plant species, suitable to the type of plantation and
as per the agro-climatic condition, as shown in Annexure-V. The list of plants species if needed may be revised
4.2.6. As tree planting is a time bound activity, it should be taken up in a mission mode. It is therefore
necessary to prepare the month-wise schedule of activities for raising nursery (as shown in table 4.1) and the
month-wise schedule of activities for the conduct of tree plantation along with responsible stakeholders for
each financial year covering the entire maintenance period as shown in annexure VI, by the concerned line
Table 4-1: Indicative Month wise schedule of activities for preparation of nursery under MGNREGA
Aug Selection of SHGs or other groups/committees/beneficiaries, by the Gram Sabha, for taking up
nursery works. Training to the beneficiary group/Officials by concerned line department
Sept Selection of Nursery site considering essential parameters. Preparation of drainage system at
nursery, Making nursery sheds with thatch and bamboo, Purchase of nursery tools, FYM, Insecticides,
Collecting good soil, fencing, cleaning of site & preparation of mother beds, Collection, Treatment,
and sowing of seeds, and watering regularly
Oct Filling up poly bags with FYM (dust & screened) good soil (1:3), Weeding, maintenance and
watering regularly
Nov Pricking out seedling from Mother bed and planting in poly bags, Weeding/cleaning beds,
maintenance, watering & shade
Apr Shifting polybags, pruning roots coming out from polybags, Weeding, maintenance, watering &
Jun Shifting polybags, pruning roots coming out from polybags, Transportation of poly bags with
plants to plantation sites, Weeding/cleaning beds, maintenance, watering regularly
July Transportation of poly bags with plants to plantation sites, Weeding/cleaning beds, maintenance,
watering regularly
Aug Transportation of poly bags with plants to plantation sites, Weeding/cleaning beds, maintenance,
watering regularly
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
4.2.7. It is advised to the States/UTs to prepare a small booklet in vernacular language, by compiling information
gathered on Annexure number IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X and Table 4.1, 4.2, 4.3. with other necessary information,
as per local specific agro climatic condition. Also a small booklet with information in vernacular language, not
more than 10 pages to be prepared for – Recommended package of practices for the tree species selected by
the identified beneficiary and kept with him/her, so that the month wise notified task of activities for weeding,
manuring, watering etc can be accomplished in a scientific and systematic manner. The two booklets can be
prepared by a group of resource persons and technical resource persons from concerned line departments/
RD Department, coordinated by State Nodal Officers nominated for Afforestation/Horticulture for each State/
UT. Also these booklets to be made available to all concerned Engineers/technical staff at Gram Panchayat
and Block level before the start of nursery and tree plantation activity.
4.2.8. Monitoring: Monitoring of the on-going works need to be undertaken by the Gram Rozgar Sahayak
(GRS) and Village Monitoring Committee (VMC) set-up at Gram panchayat level. VMC need to monitor 100
per cent of works.
4.3.1 Linear Plantation: Trees are planted in a line or in linear strips. Linear plantation include Bund
Plantation, trees planted along the sidesof Roads, Canals , Railway tracks etc.
iii) It should not compete with the main agriculture crop for
nutrient and water
Under Avenue Plantation trees are planted along the road sides, to provide shade, beautification of the
landscape, prevention of soil erosion, prevention of dust and noise pollution and enhancement of livelihood.
It will not only create productive assets but will also check the deterioration of roads. For the conduct of
roadside tree plantation please do refer “Action Plan on Roadside Tree Plantation, under MGNREGA” issued
by MoRD, dated 31st July 2014, No. J-11017/17/2008 –NREGA (UN) (Part-II). While planning for roadside
Afforestation tree plantation & horticulture
For further details please do refer “Guidelines on Tree Plantation along rural roads IRC:SP:103-2014” published
by Indian Roads Congress, 2014, for conducting roadside tree plantation on rural roads, And “Guideline on
Landscaping and Tree Plantation IRC:SP:21-2009 published by Indian Roads Congress, 2009 for conducting
roadside tree plantation on State and National Highways.
Region wise list of tree species based on agro-climatic conditions recommended by Indian Roads Congress
(IRC) for different States is provided in Annexure VII. A model estimate for road side tree plantation has been
provided in Annexure VIII.
Planting of tree species on canal sides’ help in reducing the sliding of shoulders of the bunds. It also reduces
water evaporation losses due to shading of trees.
Planting trees along Railway tracks helps in checking soil erosion. Waterlogging can be checked by planting
Eucalyptus species.
It includes planting trees in the premises of public Institutions/places, such as Public Health Centre (PHC),
Schools, Anganwadi centres, Gram Panchayat building, Temple, other Government buildings, burial ground
etc. These plantations are expected to provide shade, aesthetic value and are carried out as per the nature of
the Institute, e.g. in the premises of School buildings planting fruit bearing tree species of their choice which
can supplement nutrition to school students, planting Drum Stick in Anganwadi’s, similarly planting different
flowering plants in hospital premises will give relaxation to the patients.
1 Timber Aam, Ailanthus, Akhrot, Angu, Anwala, Bahera, Bamboo, Banj, Chamkharik, Chir, Deodar,
Eucalyptus, Fir, Haldu, Harar, Jamun, Kafal, Khair, Maple, Neem, Poplar, Ringal, Sain, Sal, Salix,
Semul, Shisham, Siris, Spruce, Surai, Tejpat and Tun etc.
2 Fuel-wood Acacia, Banj, Haldu, Eucalyptus, Jamun, Kwiral, Kharsu, Moru, Sain, and Shisham etc.
3 Fodder Babul (Acacia nilotica),Subabul, Bakil, Bans, Bhimal, Banj, Dhauri, Kharsu, Kharik, Kwiral, Maple,
Moru,Neem, Phalyat, Robinia, Shahtoot, Siris and Timla etc.
4 Fruits Aam, Akhrot, Amrood, Anwla, Bahera, Ber, Harar, Imli, Jamun, Kafal, Malta,Mehal, Nimbu, Shahtoot
and Timla etc.
6 Oil Yielding Karanja, Simarouba, Mahua, Cheura, Kokum, Olive, Neem, Jatropha, Jajoba, Tung, Wild Aprikot etc.
7 Rejuvenation of Akhrot, Banj, Deodar, Maple, Phalyat, Ringal, Siris and Utis etc.
depleting water
(Source: Forest Works Manual and Schedule of Rates for Forestry related works in Uttarakhand, under MGNREGA, Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD),
Govt. of India)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
It is advised that each State/UT should list out category wise tree species, as per the agro-climatic condition,
as shown in Table 4.2
Farm forestry, promote commercial tree growing by farmers on their own land. The National Commission on
Agriculture (NCA), as per the report of social forestry, the concept of farm forestry has been restricted to
raising rows of trees on bunds or boundaries of fields and individual trees in the private agricultural land itself.
Forest Survey of India,under “Trees Outside Forests for rural areas 2002”, has categorized Farm Forestry as
Trees along field bunds and in small patches of up to 0.1 ha.
The major plantation method adopted by Forest Department is block plantations, wherein single/multiple
species are planted in a large or given area. This type of plantation method is adopted in forest land and
common lands to preserve the bio-diversity and enrich energy plantations. The common lands can be planted
with diverse fruit yielding tree species, and the usufruct rights can be allotted to groups/individuals following
MGNREGA processes.
Afforestation tree plantation & horticulture
It is one of the most important aspects for the establishment of a proper and quality nursery. One has to
consider not only the physical aspects for the selection of the site but also the end use of the seedlings.
Following points may be kept in mind while selecting a site for the nursery. LOCATION:
The site should be centrally located with easy access for transportation of seedlings. It should be close to the
area where seedlings are to be utilized. Sites used earlier for agriculture may be avoided. WATER:
Enough water should be available especially during the dry season. A natural source of water, located at a
higher elevation, if tapped by gravity will be cheaper. If no natural source of water is available, ground water
may be used with drip/sprinkler irrigation system. Use of Solar operated water pumps should be promoted.
It is estimated that the water requirement for a semi-arid area is minimum 2,000 litre per day during summer,
for every 1,00,000 seedlings. Requirement of water will be somewhat less for moist or cold areas.
The area should be almost flat with good drainage. This can be managed by providing gentle slope (5 degrees)
and channels should be dug to drain out excess water from the nursery. In the hills Northern aspect (aspect
is the direction in which a slope faces) is desirable up to 1,200 m elevation and beyond it, Western or South
Western aspect is best for moist areas and Northern for dry areas. Nursery site should not be selected close
to the edge of a high forest or in the middle of the grassland. Frost pool areas should be avoided. SOIL:
The ideal nursery should have sandy loam to loamy texture. Sandy soils may be given preference over heavy
soils. Soil should have pH 5.5 to 7.5, moderate fertility, with a minimum of 2.5% organic matter. The higher
the organic matter content of the nursery soil, the better it is. High organic matter content ensures good
retention of nutrients and water and may improve the working properties of the soil. The depth of soil should
not be less than 25 cm. It is not always possible to get good soil everywhere. Under such circumstances, one
has to get extra soil, sand as well as farm yard manure from outside; therefore, location of nursery should be
close to such areas.
As far as possible the nursery should be of a rectangular shape; so that it can be divided into smaller nursery
beds of rectangular shape, leaving space for roads, inspection paths, dumping of manure and space for
people working in the nursery to rest during rain or intervals.
The requirement of the total area for the nursery can be calculated by adding together the area required for
mother beds, polybags, entire plant/root shoot cuttings and beds required for rooted cuttings. Another 40%
area may be added for making the path. Area will also increase if seedlings are kept in the nursery for more
than one year, especially for raising tall plants. Area required for sheds, water tank, storage of seed, manure
etc. should also be kept in mind.
Polybags of size 18 x 5.5 cm need 1 m2 for keeping 772 bags and slightly larger bags 18 x 7.5 cm need 1 m2 for
keeping 400 polybags. Accordingly 1,00,000 polybags will require 250 m2 area plus 40% for paths. Thus for
raising 1,00,000 polybag seedlings, an area of 350 m2 may be sufficient.
The site should be cleared properly by removing all stumps, roots, lops and tops. Stones collected from the
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
site may be used for metalling the main nursery road. Thorough ploughing or hoeing to a depth of 30 cm
should be done, especially in places where plants are to be raised in the nursery beds. The soil should be
levelled to form an even slope or, if a site is flat, should be slightly domed. As far as possible, removing of top
soil must be avoided. Drainage channel should be dug as early as possible to avoid soil erosion. Drains should
be dug on both sides of the paths and connected to main drain. In plains, drain should be adequately sloped
and steps should be used in hills to check the flow of water. For design and planning of drainage system refer
para 3.3.2 of chapter 3 of this manual.
Beds are prepared to germinate seeds, keep polybags and transplant pricked out seedlings. In the plains,
beds of 10 x 1 m size and in the hills beds of 2 x 1 m are generally prepared. However, size can be changed
depending on the availability of the area. Width of beds should not be more than 1.2 m otherwise weeding/
watering of seedlings; especially in the middle part of the bed shall be a problem. The beds should be oriented
in East-West direction in the plains and should follow contours in the hills. In areas where lifting may be
restricted due to frozen ground, orienting beds in a North-South direction will facilitate early thawing by the
morning sun, and thereby lifting. Following types of beds are prepared in the nursery.
Sunken beds are made in dry season or in arid areas. The objective of sunken bed is to allow outside water to
the bed area. These beds are always 15 cm deeper than normal ground level.
These types of beds are generally made in high rainfall areas. The beds are raised 15 cm above the ground to
prevent waterlogging or increase drainage and promote warming of seedbed. Beds are given side supports
of bamboos, twigs, bricks or other locally available materials.
Level beds are made in normal rainfall areas. Surface dressing should be given so as to maintain proper
drainage in the bed. If the soil is heavy such drainage are made necessary.
The plot where seedbeds are to be prepared must be ploughed and levelled and sloped (1 to 3%), depending
upon the texture of soil (less slope for sandy soils). It should be ascertained that the soil in the seedbed is
light. If necessary, sand and soil (1:1) may be mixed so that the seedlings can break through when germinate,
and this will also be helpful when plants are lifted for pricking out. The seed beds should not be over filled in
with soil, so as to avoid the washing away of top soil and seed. The surface of the seedbed should be made
firm by sprinkling water and then using a wooden plank.
The procurement process should not deviate from the process specified in the Operational guidelines – 2013.
It is necessary to consider the points mentioned below while procuring the polybags, necessary equipment’s,
quality seeds, fertilizers, pesticides etc. required for raising nursery and plantations.
iii) Offers should be invited following a fair, transparent and reasonable procedure
iv) Implementing agency (IA) should be satisfied with the selected offer
v) IA should satisfy itself with the price offered is reasonable and consistent with the quality required.
vi) At each stage of procurement, the concerned implementing agency must be placed on record.
Afforestation tree plantation & horticulture
viii) Procurement details should be displayed on notice boards &information board of panchayats and posted
on MIS.
For proper germination and to obtain a healthy plant, good quality seeds need to be procured. The concerned
line departments should be consulted while procuring quality seeds for nursery raising. Some of the basic
information provided by concerned line department (as specified in Table-4.3), on selected seeds, must be
communicated to the individual/SHG/agency who are going to undertake nursery raising.
Table 4-3: Seed weight, collection time, viability and pre-sowing treatment of selected species
It is better to have a nursery journal or register with proper information maintained in the nursery.
Seeds contain tiny, fragile plants that live under the hard seed shell. They need water to germinate. Some
seeds have such a hard shell that water cannot easily enter the seed to help it sprout. Pre-sowing treatment
of seeds facilitate germination, therefore, all plants will be of the same size and will be ready for out planting
at the same time. Following methods can be used for the treatment of different seeds to enhance their
This method is generally used for the species which have a very hard coat e.g. Acacia and Prosopis. Water
is boiled in a pan and seeds are kept in the water only for 1 to 2 minutes. After 2 minutes, pour off the water
and replace it with the cold water. Let the seed soaked in cold water for 2 to 3 days or until the seed swells.
Seeds are sown immediately after the treatment.
This method is generally used for the species which have a hard shell e.g. Albizia, Cassia,Callindra, Leucaena,
Sesbania, Samanea, etc. Sufficient quantity of water is boiled in a container. Once it is boiled, water is taken
off the fire and allowed to cool for about 10 minutes. After that, the seeds are poured into the container and
kept as such for 2 days or until most of the seeds have swelled. The water of the container can be changed
everyday and seeds are sown immediately after the treatment.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Some seeds need lots of water to facilitate germination. Others may have chemicals inside the seed which
must be removed before the seed can germinate. Examples are Citrus, Gliricidia, Neem and Pinus. Seeds are
kept in sufficient water for 1 to 2 days. Water can be changed after every 12 hours and seeds that float on the
top must be discarded. Plant all swollen seeds immediately.
This method is generally used for teak seeds. Seeds are soaked in the cold water for one day. Next day, they
are spread in the sun to dry for at least 1 day. When dry, they are again soaked for overnight. The process is
repeated for about 20 to 30 days after that seeds are sown in a germination bed.
The method of seed treatment is generally used for the seeds which are contained within a nut. When the
shell is cracked, water enters the seed and they germinate immediately. The nuts are kept on a solid surface
and hit with a piece of wood or a small hammer. One has to be careful not to hit too hard to crush the seed
inside. Once the seed is cracked, sow it immediately.
This method is used for the seeds which have a very short viability e.g. Neem. Seeds are spread between
the pages of newspaper. Wet the paper and put them in the shade. Seeds start germinating and must be
transplanted immediately when the roots emerge.
Sowing can be done either by broadcasting/scattering, or in lines along the width of the bed. Broadcasting
method is used for minute seeds such as Eucalyptus. These are generally mixed with equal amount of fine
sand to facilitate uniform seed distribution. Better germination can be obtained if such seeds are sown in
small wooden boxes or other containers, which can be kept under controlled environment, so as to protect
seeds from excessive heat, rains etc. The small and medium sized seeds are sown in lines or drills 5 to 10 cm
apart, the seed is covered with sand or sieved soil and gently firmed.
Sowing depth is crucial for the production of a uniform bed of seedling. Best germination is obtained in the
case of small and medium sized seed, when they are sown as deep (0.3 to 0.6 cm) as necessary to cover
them. The general rule is that the upper surface of the seed should be at a depth equal to the diameter of
the seed.
Seed density and spacing also play an important role in germination. Too dense sowing may result in damping
off disease. Mulching by covering the seedbed with dry grass or paddy straw is helpful, as it helps retain
moisture, reduces weeds and improves germination. Seed beds sown with minute seeds should be well
shaded. After germination, the shade should be removed gradually in stages and the mulch should also be
removed. It has been found that different species have different germination potential. For example, seeds
of ‘Siris’, ‘Mango’ etc give 90-100 per cent germination whereas in case of ‘Pipal’, germination is only 1-5
per cent. Sometimes instead of seeds the whole fruit can be sown to obtain better results i.e. ‘Timla’ (Ficus
auriculata), ‘Pipal’(Ficus religiosa), ‘Bedu’(Ficus palmata) and ‘Banyan’(Ficus benghalensis), etc. D
Sometimes seeds are directly sown in the polythene bags viz. seeds of Gulmohar. In such cases the bags
should be completely filled with dry soil and left standing for few days, so that the soil settles. The bags
should be watered well the day before sowing. Two seeds should be sown per bag and then covered with
sand or with a mixture of sand and soil. Heavy soil should not be used for covering, as the germinating seeds
may not be able to break through this hard covering. Seeds directly sown into bags normally attain more
growth compared to pricked out seedlings and become ready for planting much earlier. After germination,
Afforestation tree plantation & horticulture
only one healthy seedling per bag should be retained and the other be pricked out into vacant bags. CUTTINGS:
Seedlings are generally raised from seeds but, in some cases where seed is difficult to get or germination is
poor due to small size of seed or infertility, plants are raised by vegetative methods. Cuttings of sections of
roots, stems, branches or twigs, which are taken from suitable mother trees. A light, loose rooting medium
should be used for this purpose. The soil should be dug 30 cm deep and sand and compost mixed with it.
Cuttings of 5–10 mm diameter and 15–20 cm length should be obtained from young vigorous trees. The leaves
should be stripped off the cuttings to reduce the transpiration. It is better to keep such cuttings for rooting
into small poly houses to maintain humidity and temperature. Some of the common species which are raised
through cuttings are Chullu, Mehal, Mulberry, Poplar, Siris, Subabul. The planting period of these species are
between February to march while the planting period for Cheura and Timla are between July to August.
Some species such as Shisham, Arjun, Kanji, Jamun, Aam, Neem and Imli grow slow. These species should be
grown in beds and should be taken out for planting as ball plants. GRAFTING:
Grafting is a method of asexual plant propagation widely used in agriculture and horticulture where the tissues
of one plant are encouraged to fuse with those of another. It is most commonly used for the propagation of
trees grown commercially. In most cases, one plant is selected for its roots, and this is called the rootstock.
The other plant is selected for its stems, leaves, flowers, or fruits and is called the scion. The scion contains
the desired genes to be multiplied in future production by the compound stock and scion combined plant.
Scion: Scion is the part of mother plant used in budding and grafting to develop the fruit tree. It is an upper
portion of the composite plant which forms the fruit bearing part of the tree.
Rootstock: It is the part of the original tree on which the scion is worked upon to produce the desirable tree.
The scion and rootstock from separate mother plants are considered for budding purpose.
In a nursery, technical hands are needed for the preparation of grafted seedling which also takes time. In the
absence of technical hands the Grafted seedlings can also be procured from nearby Horticulture Department
nurseries and other Government recognized nurseries.
There is an opportunity under MGNREGS, to identify the rural youth with Job Oriented Certification “JOC” in
Forestry or Horticulture or sustainable rural development. These identified youths can be trained at State level
as Master trainers on Composting methods, Nursery management, and propagation methods like grafting.
Services of such rural youth can be utilized for building capacities of SHG’s and rural youth at Block level to
work as para professionals in their respective Gram Panchayats. BUDDING:
It is the vegetative method of plant propagation and can be defined as an art or technique of inserting a
single matured bud taken from a desired tree in the rootstock, in such a way that the union takes place, bud
sprouts and the combination continues to grow. When scion part is small piece of bark containing single bud,
the operation is called as budding.
Methods of Budding:
1. T-Budding
2. Chip Budding LAYERING:
Layering is a method of vegetative propagation by which a good stem is induced to produce roots while it is
still attached to the parent plant. In this manner a new plant usually can be developed in a relatively short time
and with less trouble than other methods of propagation. It can be used successfully on many fruit yielding
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Types of layering:
a) Air Layering,
b) Tip Layering,
c) Trench Layering,
d) Mound Layering,
e) Serpentine Compound Layering.
Bulbs, corms, tubers, tuberous roots and stems, rhizomes and pseudobulbs are specialized vegetative
structures that function in storage of food. Plants possessing these modified plant parts are generally
herbaceous perennials in which the shoots die down at the end of a growing season and the plant survives
in the ground as dormant, fleshy organ that bears buds to produce new shoots in the next season. These
specialized organs are used in vegetative propagation.
Most of the tree species need shade in the early stage of germination while the seedlings are still tender.
Studies have shown that the shade is crucial before and after the monsoon, and had a great effect in increasing
the survival of seedlings. Dry grass, bamboo mat, palm leaves or wheat straw can be used as shading material
but tin sheets should be avoided. Shade should be slanting towards North-South to protect the seedbeds or
seedlings from the hot sun.
4.4.12. MULCHING:
Mulch refers to plant residues and other materials used as a covering for the soil to conserve moisture, reduce
run-off and erosion, check weed growth, protect from winter climate or improve the soil. Mulching materials
are usually cut grass, foliage, straw etc. Mulching is beneficial, before and after the monsoon, to protect the
surface of seedbeds against becoming hard, and thereby inhibiting seedlings in breaking through resulting in
delaying or leading to poor germination.
The potting mixture should be prepared with meticulous care and control. A fine mixture of soil, sand and
manure in the ratio of 6:1:3 should be prepared. Before mixing, the soil and sand should be sieved and pebbles
and other undesirable material separated. The manure should not be sieved but rubbed with hands to make
it fine and twigs and other impurities should be removed. Insecticides in the prescribed proportion should
be mixed in the mixture. The main characteristics of a good potting mixture are- a) It must be light in weight,
b) It must be well drained and not hold too much water, c) It must be free from insects, diseases and weed
seeds, d) It must not contain clay soil or large amount of ashes and e) All materials must be well decomposed.
The polythene bags should be punched with a sharp punching tool to make sufficient number of holes, to
enable drainage of excess water. By using a pincer like punch, twenty or thirty bags can be punched together.
A scoop can be used for filling the potting mixture into the polythene bags or it can be made from locally
available materials. After first fill, the bags should be struck on ground to let the soil settle in and firm in and
then the pot should be filled again. If loosely filled, soil will settle later and make polybags limp, resulting in
dislodgement of roots and heavy mortality of plants during handling. Atleast half to one inch from top of the
pot should be kept empty to avoid spillage. Filled polybags should be placed erect within the sunken beds
meant for the purpose.
Afforestation tree plantation & horticulture
Plants sown in germination beds have to be transplanted into polybags. Transplanting age and time vary, but
on an average, it has been seen that earlier transplants are more successful. Too big plants in germination
beds may have their roots entangled, and disentangling them may cause seedlings to die. As a general guide
to transplanting age, 20 to 30 days (excluding germination period) is adequate for most of the species. For
transplanting, a scoop may be used to lift a group of plants with soil. From this soil the individual plantlets
can be separated and inserted into holes made in the polybag soil by thrusting a sharp punch. The depth of
the hole should be equal to the length of the root of the seedling, so that the root does not bend while being
pushed into the hole. After inserting the plantlet roots, the hole is closed over up to the collar of the plantlet.
The transplanting work should be done in the afternoon so as to avoid mortality of plants in hot sun. The
bed of polybags is gently irrigated after all the polybags have been transplanted in. If transplanting is done
in hot weather, proper shade should be provided over the beds to prevent the tender seedlings from getting
scorched to death.
Young seedlings are vulnerable to many factors and major losses can occur if these are not taken care of.
Seedlings require after care till they are planted out in the field. This includes weeding, watering, manuring,
hardening, protection against adverse climate, diseases and insect pests.
4.4.17. WEEDING:
Weeds come with manure, clay or sand transported from outside. This operation should be carried out at the
earliest opportunity after the weeds have become visible. If two seedlings of the species sown have come up
in a polythene bag, one of these should be immediately pricked out and transplanted into another polybag. If
any clutter or muck fills up the bags, these should be cleaned. In the mother beds, it is also desirable to hoe
the soil periodically, apart from removing the weeds. These seemingly simple operations matter a great deal
in determining the growth of plants.
4.4.18. WATERING:
The soil surface of the seedlings should not be allowed to dry. Seedbeds and transplant beds should be
watered twice a day. Excess watering promotes the growth of fungi by decreasing the temperature and
increasing soil moisture. In the exposed surface of the nursery bed, soil surface temperatures can rapidly
rise to over 45oC on a warm sunny day. It can damage the root-collar area and kill the seedlings. To prevent
damage, the soil surface should be kept cool by proper watering. There are a number of methods of watering.
The one most commonly used is sprinkling water by a rose can or through hoses.
Periodical spray of insecticides and fungicides is essential to control insect and fungal diseases in the
nursery. Some of the common fungicides and insecticides are Captan, Zineb, Blitox, Cumin, Dithane M-45,
Thimet, Chloropyrophos etc. These should be used immediately when disease or insects appear as per the
Considerable damage is caused by white ants and rats in the nurseries. White ants colonies increase rapidly,
where vegetative waste is available. In order to control them, Chlorpyriphos 20 EC should be sprayed after
mixing 3 to 4 litres of this insecticide in 1000 litres of water. For the control of rats zinc phosphide or aluminum
phosphide should be used.
It is essential to provide adequate growing space in the beds for speeding up the growth of plants in the
nursery. Therefore, the surplus plants should be removed carefully and planted in new beds. The beds should
be irrigated before the shifting and grading operations. The ultimate spacing between the plants at the time
of final shifting should be 15x22 cm. While shifting, plants should be graded according to their heights and
put in the beds grade wise.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
While shifting the polythene bags, the roots of the plants protruding outside the bags should be cut with
sharp scissors. It is better to keep these bags over a polythene sheet to avoid roots penetrating the soil.
However, keeping such bags on mounted beds gives better result and avoids root coiling by facilitating air
pruning of roots.
4.4.21. PRUNING:
Some species grow very fast in the nursery. Sometimes tall seedlings do not have enough roots to support
the many leaves. When these seedlings are planted in the field, they may grow slowly or even die because
of roots cannot supply enough water to the leaves. In order to avoid this problem, cut off the tops of
seedlings that have grown too tall. Use a sharp knife to trim the tops of these species. For example Casuarina,
Eucalyptus, Leucaena, Gliricidia, Azadirachta (Neem), Sesbania etc. Root pruning is also essential to avoid
deep penetration of roots in the soil and in the process, the plant gets hardened. Pruning of roots helps in the
development of tertiary roots.
Life is easy for the plants in the nursery since they receive good care there. However, once planted in the field,
life is much harder for them. They may not have enough water or food to live very well. Therefore, seedlings
must be made tough to survive well in the field. This is called hardening off. It is achieved by gradually
reducing the frequency of watering before one month of planting. However, care must be taken that seedlings
are not burnt in the process.
Care should be taken to replace the dead or damaged plants immediately by sowing of fresh seed or replacing
the dead or damaged plants from the existing seedling beds.
Seedlings are very delicate and should be handled properly. The polybag seedlings should always be held by
the bag and never by the plant itself. Seedlings should be watered thoroughly before carrying them to the
field. Seedlings should be transported in the trays, boxes or baskets and not tied in bundles with strings or
grass. In case of stumps, they should be bundled, wrapped with a wet sack and transported to the field. The
plants should be kept in shade and plants not planted the same day should be sprinkled with water in the
morning and evening.
While transporting bare root seedlings, the nursery beds from which the plant is taken should be irrigated so
as to facilitate making of ball plants. After making ball plants, they should be graded according to their height
and put in shade. In order to keep the earthen balls around the roots intact, the balls should be wrapped in
grass and tied by sutli (Thick thread).
i) Bush clearance
vi) Construction of trenches (Continuous Contour Trench (CCT), Staggered Contour Trench (SCT), Cattle
Proof Trench (CPT), Trench cum Bund (TCB)
Afforestation tree plantation & horticulture
viii) Low cost boundary fencing to avoid grazing by stray cattle. For example: growing thorny species such
as agave or live fencing.
In areas wherein the boulders are in large number and size, and where work is not at all possible manually,
in such cases, use of tractor mounted compressor hammer for rocky strata and lifting device/chain pulley
(motorized) as prescribed in the circular issued by MoRD, can be allowed (refer to circular No. 11011/09/2014–
Re–I, issued by MGNREGA Division, MoRD, dated 25.08.2014. While conducting an operation through
machines it must be ensured that it does not lead to soil erosion, cutting of trees, water pollution etc.
The selection of site and selection of species are interdependent. The selection of site is however more
important, as the selection of species depends upon the selection of site. The site selected for planting should
be suitable for the growth of species desired to be planted. While executing planting, factors such as the
prevailing soil type, soil depth, local weather factors and advice of the local villagers should be considered.
In general, while selecting the species for planting the following points should be considered:
ii) Purpose of planting a species e.g. to control soil erosion and recharge of ground water,
iii) To meet immediate needs of the community (Fruit, fuelwood, fodder, timber etc.) living in the vicinity of
the area,
iv) Selection of species based on the type of plantation undertaken, like roads, canals, farm bunds, wastelands
It should be borne in mind that the growth behaviour of any plant is considerably influenced by availability
of sunlight, temperature and fertility of the soil. Some species have low moisture requirement such as Bakain,
Khair, Amaltas, Tungla etc. and can be grown on South facing slopes; as these slopes are comparatively drier
due to their exposure to direct sun. Contrary to this, North facing slopes are much humid. Here species like
Banj oak, Kafal, Anyar, Burans, Pangar and Maple etc. can be grown successfully.
Maintaining a Biodiversity register also helps to know the indigenous species existing/existed in the given
Gram Panchayat. Plant species that are in the endangered category need to be conserved and propagated,
to sustain ecological balance and livelihood opportunities of the community living in the vicinity.
Land development works such as clearance of planting site, soil and moisture conservation measures (like
construction of trenches, earthen bunds, boulder check dams on ‘nalas’) should be carried out before marking
of pits for planting of saplings.
In addition, demarcation of boundary wall or fencing should be carried out. In hilly areas, Lantana shrubs should
be cut at one inch height from the ground. These should not be uprooted to avoid soil erosion. Parthenium
and other invading shrubs should be uprooted and burnt before the onset of rains. While developing the
site for planting, care should be taken to retain all indigenous species of trees and shrubs that are naturally
growing in the area. They should not be cut and burnt along with weeds and thorny species. Preferably they
should be adopted in the plantation and also circular basin (thanwalas) should be made around each of these
plants for retention of moisture.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
After land development and before digging of pits, pit sites should be demarcated by using a measuring tape
or with graduated sticks to ensure the desired spacing. Pit size depends on the type of specie proposed to
be planted. Pits should be dug well in advance. Pits are dug to ensure that the roots of the plants do not curl
up once the planting material is placed in it. The soil dug from the pits should be dumped close to the pit.
While digging stones, roots of trees, grass or shrubs, if any, should be separated so that while filling the dug
up soil back in the pits, these are not mixed with the soil. In slope and hilly areas the pits should always be
dug along the contour lines. The planning and design of contour trenches is detailed at para of chapter
2 of this manual.
Appropriate fencing of plantation areas is essential to protect the seedlings from damage by the cattle. The
choice of fencing depends on the type of terrain, soil depth and nature of soil. Since most of the afforestation
programmes are employment oriented, a fence type with high labour input is preferred. Effective fencing is
another important criterion, to ensure better survival rate. Some of the common fencing types are discussed
A stonewall fence is the ideal choice in hilly areas where stones are generally available in abundance and local
people are able to make it themselves. Dry stone masonry wall of sufficient height and width is constructed to
keep cattle out. The cost of stone wall fence depends upon the availability of stones and the average distance
of their transportation. Sometimes stones may have to be quarried using the crowbar, in which case the cost
may go up. The stone wall does not last long because it is built dry therefore it should be fortified with live
fencing by planting agave or euphorbia species. For this purpose planting can be done at a spacing of 50 cm
along the outer periphery of the walls during the rainy season.
Cattle proof trench (CPT) along the boundary of a plantation checks cattle infiltration and trespassing. It not
only works as a fencing but also recharges ground water. CPT should be promoted in areas, which are facing
scarcity of water. In constructing CPT, the side slope in the trench and bund constructed inside the planting
area should be maintained as per the angle of repose of the type of soil as referred at para of this
manual. The CPT should not be continuous and there should be breaks of low height at an interval of 10-15
metres to check channelization of water.
Live fencing is more preferred in humid climatic conditions as it leads to generate biomass to enrich the
soils fertility, environment management, nutrition balance, employment generation and economic security.
Unpalatable plants are raised as live fence to avoid grazing and entry of stray cattle. It is a cost effective
Afforestation tree plantation & horticulture
fencing as compared to other fencings. Also refer advisory issued by MoRD on “Live fencing to protect crops
from wildlife depredation” vide No. J-I1017/4012011-MGNREGA (UN), dated 5th July, 2012.
In community areas and areas close to habitations, local villagers must be encouraged to resolve among
themselves by not sending their cattle in plantation areas and protect trees, grasses growing in the plantation
areas. Stall feeding to be promoted and the grasses so produced can be shared by the villagers as per a
mutual agreement.
Among tree guards, bamboo tree guards where bamboo is locally available, should be promoted (refer
advisory No. No. J-11017/ 40/2011-MGNREGA (UN), issued by MoRD, dated 11th January, 2012). In dry regions,
twigs of thorny species such as Prosopis juliflora acts, as protectors for the saplings. The twigs of the thorny
species are tied along the sapling which protects saplings from grazing by the stray cattle. The stem of
lantana camara and Jatropha can also be used to weave the tree guards.
The dug soil dumped near the pits should be filled back as per the schedule of activity for the plantation
say in the month of May or before a month of monsoon, so that the pit and the soil to be filled are exposed
to sunlight. Insecticides may also be mixed in the soil while filling back into the pit. The pit should be filled a
little above the ground level so that the soil gradually settles in the upper surface of the pit, comes to the level
of the ground thus avoiding any water logging. While filling the pits, the area surrounding the pit should be
scraped with spade to remove grasses or weeds. Top soil should be filled in the bottom of the pit and after
this, subsoil should be filled.
The plantation of sapling must be done in the first week of the month when monsoon rain has begun. Planting
of naked root plants should be completed as early as possible so as to take full advantage of the rain. The
planting work should be done either in the afternoon or during light rain or cloudy sky. The roots of the plants
should be kept straight and the plant put straight in vertical position. For this a hole should be made with the
help of a stick or small crow bar. The collar of the plant should be kept at the surface level of the pit. After
planting the sapling, the soil around it should be firmly pressed by hands and while doing so the plant should
be pulled about half inch to make sure that its roots are not bending. Species suitable for naked root planting
are Pangar, Akhrot, Angu, Utis, Deodar etc.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Afforestation tree plantation & horticulture
Bagged plants should be sprayed with water before planting. The polythene should be carefully removed so
that the plant is not damaged. The plant with the soil intact should then be placed in the pit in straight position,
the collar of the plant being in level with the ground. The soil around the plant should then be pressed firmly
by hands only. The planted saplings should be of suitable thickness and height. Just after planting, the plant
should be irrigated up to the extent that the water reaches up to the depth of pit excavated. Ideal planting
size of some species is given below in Table 4-4.
1 Fir 45 40
2 Chir 25 9
3 Deodar 40 26
4 Khair 25 4
5 Bakli 45 4
6 Neem 50 12
7 Shisham 45 12
8 Tun 25 12
9 Acacia 40 6
(Source:- Forest Works Manual and Schedule of Rates for Forestry related works in Uttarakhand, under MGNREGA, Ministry of Rural
Development (MoRD), Govt. of India.)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Species like Akhrot, Angu, Maple, Pangar, Poplar, Salix, Utis etc. are planted in winter months. Most of these
species remain leaf less during winter. These can be planted in January or beginning of February. By March
the buds sprout. If at the time of planting there is lack of moisture in the soil, it is advisable to irrigate the
plants once or twice after sprouting to ensure the success of the plantation.
Dead, dying or dry plants should be replaced within 15 days of completion of planting work. This operation
is called beating up.
Basin (Thanwalas) should be made around all the seedlings having inward slopes. For this purpose a
semicircular pit about 15 cm deep, 25-30 cm apart from the plant should be dug. The earth taken out from
the pit is put around the base of the plant. This has double advantages; firstly, there will be no water logging
at the base of the plant which may otherwise cause damage to the plant; secondly, the rain water collected
around the plant will help in retaining the moisture for the plant. Naturally growing species which have been
adopted at the time of site development should also be included in basin (Thanwala) making and weeding /
hoeing operations.
After the rains are over, capillary actions begin in the pits. This causes loss of moisture due to evaporation in
the hot sun. To check this, weeding and hoeing should be done in and around the pits. During this operation,
grasses and weeds should be removed and the earth clumps should not be broken.
As per MGNREGA guidelines under afforestation, tree plantation and horticulture, usufruct benefits will
be enjoyed by the para V households. If the trees are allotted to the beneficiaries then they will maintain/
safeguard the plants. They can do it individually or in groups after the planting work is over. The individual
beneficiary or self-help group to whom the trees are allotted, should do periodical watering, weeding, and
manuring following the schedule of activities prescribed by the concerned line department and which will
be monitored by the Gram Panchayat. For example amount of manure and water required etc. will all be
calculated for every individual tree species and presented in a tabular form for easy understanding of the
beneficiary. If necessary, training will also be imparted to the beneficiaries for effective management of the
plantation. They will also repair the tree guard/fencing whenever find necessary to protect the plantation
area from grazing and damage by stray cattle and trespassing. For plant nutrition, as per the nature of tree
species and availability FYM, Vermi-compost, Nadep compost, liquid bio- fertilizers should be promoted JEEVAMRUTHA:
It is a liquid bio fertilizer. For preparing 200 litres of Jeevamrutha, ten litres of cow urine, 10 kg cow dung, 2 kg
Jaggery, 2 kg powder of any pulse, and small quantity of soil of the respective area is needed. All are mixed
nicely by a stick. The prepared solution should be used within two to seven days period. The approximate
cost per litre comes to be Rs 0.90 (Cow urine per litre, Rs 5, Cow dung per kg, Rs 3, Jaggery per kg, Rs 30,
Pulse powder per kg, Rs 20).
The schedule of activities prescribed by the concerned line department and monitored by the Gram Panchayat
should be followed for the subsequent years also. Gap filling works should be carried out in the second and
third year. In this operation the dead plants are replaced by planting fresh saplings immediately at the onset
of monsoon rains. Under normal conditions not more than twenty per cent plants are required to be planted
during the gap filling operation in the second year, and ten percent in the third year. The reasons for mortality
should be ascertained. The dead plants should be replaced by the healthy saplings. Till the fifth year the
schedule of activities should be followed so as to get a healthy plantation.
There is a need to maintain a plantation journal recording the activities undertaken in each financial year.
Afforestation tree plantation & horticulture
MoRD has insisted on convergence for gap filling and value addition with the line departments such as
Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, Water resources, Irrigation, PMGSY, NRLM and other programmes to
facilitate in enhancing the quality and durability of the assets created under MGNREGS.
1. Central / State Finance Commission Grants Concerned line department and GPs
11. Action Plan for Roadside Tree Plantation MGNREGA/ PMGSY /National Highway
under MGNREGA Authority of India (NHAI)
14. Expansion of Area under Coconut (AEP) scheme Coconut Development Board
18. Schemes funded from State budget Concerned line department and GPs
(Convergence guidelines issued for S.No. 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17 can be referred in para 4.10)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
- Cartage of seedlings by head load from nursery should be in trays or baskets to planting site. Similarly
If planting site is far away, then from nursery to transport and from transport to planting site to avoid
- In drought prone areas and rain shadow regions planting of exotic species may be avoided.
- Raising of nursery should be done well in advance so as to get desired age of seedling/saplings before
a. Do not water at a fixed time each day, but do water when the plants need it.
b. All species do not require the same amount of water
c. Small seedlings don’t need much water as compared to large plants which need more water and more
d. Plants growing in the shade need less water as compared to plants growing in the sun which need
more water and more often.
e. Plant need more water, often on windy days.
- Do not place the freshly collected seeds in the sun to avoid loss of seed viability
4.10. L
ist of Advisory/Circulars/Guidelines issued by Ministry of
Rural Development related to Afforestation/ Horticulture are
at Annexure-XX.
UNDER MGNREGA Backyard poultry helps in supplementing income as well as for providing much needed nutritional
inputs for rural households. Poultry birds suffer from very poor shelter infrastructure available in villages
leading to their poor health and frequent illnesses. High mortality amongst bird’s results in high losses and
unpredictable low income. To protect the birds from predators and frequent illnesses, a pucca structure is
required to act both as a shelter and to provide protection to birds and eggs from predators. A shelter of 7.50 sqm (length 3.75 m and width 2 m) would be suitable for 100 birds. On the longer
sides, the shelter will have a 30 cm high and 20 cm thick brick masonry wall up to plinth level. From the
plinth to the top of the shelter there is a wire mesh supported by brick masonry pillars of size 30cmx30cm.
The shorter side will have a 20 cm thick brick masonry wall with an average height of 2.20m. The roof will be
supported by MS angles (wood/ bamboo). The roof will have galvanised iron corrugated sheets. The base
of the floor will be constructed by hard moorum filling. The floor will be built by using 2nd grade bricks with
masonry in 1:6 ratio of cement mortar.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Agriculture infrastructure under MGNREGA Most of the poor rural households, who depend on small ruminants, lack the resources to construct
and provide for an adequate and safe living space for their cattle. It is well known that for the tribals of Central
India, goats and poultry are often more important as a means of livelihood than even minor forest produce.
Lack of a safe living space leads to their poor health, frequent illnesses and to their maintaining a very low and
uneconomical herd size. In the integrated farming systems of tribal households, the “waste” from livestock
systems, such as goat litter and urine are important organic inputs into agricultural farms, increasing soil
fertility and raising crop output. Poor shelter infrastructure leads to low and inefficient collection of dung,
litter and urine, which is a waste of valuable and locally available organic inputs to farming. Thus, provision
of better shelter facilities for goats offers a win-win situation by which animal health and soil health can be
improved simultaneously, with very low initial investments. It is one of the most suitable and accepted means
of livelihood for the landless. A 7.5 sqm shelter (length 3.75 m and width 2 m) would be suitable for 10 goats. The 4 walls will be
raised to an average height of 2.20m. The walls will be of brick masonry using 1:6 cement mortar. The roof
will be supported by M.S. angles. The roof will have galvanised iron corrugated sheets. The floor will be of
hard moorum.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Agriculture infrastructure under MGNREGA
As an alternative to the above and to facilitate construction of a greater number of eco-friendly sheds at a
lower cost , Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India) (AKRSP(I)) designed a goat shelter with proactive
participation of the local community, using South Asia Pro Poor Livestock Policy Programme (SA PPLPP)
project funds for the purpose. The low cost alternative, which has a larger floor area, and an attached sky-
open enclosure, was completed at about 50% of the cost incurred under MGNREGS (for INR 19,110 only).
The model is cost effective, labour intensive and usage of local material & green technology, therefore vide
Ministry letter No. J-11017/40/2011-MGNREGA (UN), dated 3rd December, 2014, it has been advised to consider
adoption of the model if found suitable and wherever, such material is locally available.
• Freedom of movement inside and out side of the shelter, with the option of being in the open air enclosure
or so running as required.
• Moderation of temperature in winter and summer as the wood and mud plastering does not trap
heat/cold inside.
• Ease of construction and possibility of undertaking repairs without having to rely on skilled labour
• Higher acceptability among goat rearers, and probability of the shed being used for the purpose
designed (most families in poor, rain fed areas lack pucca houses for their habitation and chances of
a pucca goat shelter being used for housing the family are higher, leaving the goats without any
• Higher sense of ownership as labour and material sourcing is done by the owner.
• Better housing and management of goats overall, leading to reduced losses from morbidity and
mortality, effectively increased contribution of animal husbandry to the GDP.
Table 5-3: Analysis of material and labour costs involved in construction of goat shelter
1. Bricks - - - -
2. Cement - - - -
3. Aggregates - - - -
4. Sand - - - -
5. Door - - - -
6. Hole pass - - - -
7. Windows - - - -
8. Flag stone - - - -
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
14. Nails - No 50 50
Most of the poor rural households, who depend on small ruminants, lack the resources to construct and
provide for an adequate and safe living space for their pigs. It is well known that in many rural areas, piggery
is often important as a means of livelihood than even minor forest produce. Lack of a safe living space leads
to their poor health and frequent illnesses. Poor shelter infrastructure leads to low and inefficient collection
of dung, litter and urine, which is a waste of valuable and locally available organic inputs to farming. Thus,
provision of better shelter facilities for pigs offers a win-win situation by which animal health and soil health
can be improved simultaneously, with very low initial investments. It is one of the most suitable and accepted
means of livelihood for the landless.
Agriculture infrastructure under MGNREGA
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Agriculture infrastructure under MGNREGA Usually, cattle are kept in sheds with kuchha floor. The place where cattle rest often gets messy with
cow dung, cattle urine and water. In particular, during rainy seasons the kuchha floor becomes unhealthy and
causes several infectious diseases for the cattle. Also, cattle urine and cow dung are important resources
that could enhance soil fertility. If the floor of the cattle shed is constructed as pucca floors with cement
and stones/ bricks, this would enable better collection of dung and cattle urine as well as protect cattle
from infections. A tank constructed for urine collection could be used to make liquid manure to enhance soil
fertility. A fodder trough would facilitate proper feeding of cattle and minimise waste of fodder. The area of the cattle shed floor for 6 heads of cattle is 26.95 sqm (7.7mx3.5m). For constructing the
cattle shed floor in cement concrete, a 1 cum fodder trough (7.7mx 0.4m x0.65m) and a cattle urine collection
tank of 250 litres.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Agriculture infrastructure under MGNREGA
Table 5-5: Typical Cost Estimate for Cattle shed for 6 cattle
Sr. no. Detail No. Length Width Height/ Qty. Unit Rate Amount
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Sr. no. Detail No. Length Width Height/ Qty. Unit Rate Amoun
9 PCC in 1:2:4
Total Cost 96223
Note: Rates are taken from MP RES SOR applicable from 06 August 2012
Agriculture infrastructure under MGNREGA Fish drying yards in coastal areas are concrete surfaces constructed in connection with fish landing
centres and fishery harbours for hygienic drying of fish in a traditional way. For this purpose, a yard is
constructed on the seashore of 10m x 10m size with 15 cm thick plain cement concrete and brick protection
work of 20cm thickness. This yard is covered by a net for protection of fish. This is an activity that can be undertaken both on public land and private land. In the latter case, this
activity is only for those households eligible under MGNREGA for work on private land. Fisheries, as a livelihood activity for the poor, have immense scope. Many small reservoirs, tanks, water
harvesting ponds created under MGNREGA are ideally suited for fish production. In the flood plains of Bihar,
Uttar Pradesh and West Bengal, there are a large number of small water bodies with potential for fisheries
development. These water bodies are mainly fed by surface run-off rain water from local catchments. Varying
water spread area, pronounced seasonality of filling, high dependence on rainfall and competitive claims on
stored water for irrigation are some of the characteristics of these water bodies. There is a large gap in the potential and actual yields in these rain fed water bodies. There is scope
for enhancing the fish production by 3 to 5 times from the current productivity levels. Adopting culture based
fisheries with advanced fingerlings (100 mm and above) at stocking rates of 500-1000 fingerlings per ha can
substantially increase productivity in the water spread area in small reservoirs, estimated at 1.2 million ha in
the country. The activities involved include digging and landscaping of the bed of the water body to suit fish
production, ensuring year round dead-storage, protecting the spill-ways and provision of small fish nursery
ponds with assured water for rearing fingerlings. A 500 cum fish nursery pond and excavation of 15,000 cum
in an existing tank bed, along with a fish drying platform of 30 sqm
The common pool nature of these water bodies makes fish production in them a complex task. This will need
to be tackled through appropriate arrangements at the local level, which may require facilitation, especially
in the initial stag Typical drawing and estimate of Fish ding pond are given below:
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA) Revitalizing soil health holds the key to improving productivity of Indian agriculture. Composting
is a process of utilising and processing solid waste through which its organic component is biologically
decomposed to a humus-like state that can be used as fertiliser. Solid wastes usually contain the entire range
of micro-organisms in large numbers. Under appropriate conditions, the microbial population grows and in
doing so, degrades the organic portion of the waste. NADEP composting involves the construction of a 3.6mx1.5mx1.0m compost trough, which can
produce 1 tonne of composted manure in each cycle. This manure is sufficient to cover 0.25 hectare of
agricultural land. The NADEP pit is usually constructed with a lattice brick wall to ensure proper aeration.
Inside this trough a series of layers of agricultural waste, dung and soil are successively heaped upon each
other. About 100-110 kg of agricultural waste is first placed on the ground in a layer which is about 6 inches
high. 4 kg of dung mixed in 125-150 litres of water is applied on top of this layer (the quantity of water used
varies with the seasonal temperature, more water being necessary in the summer months). On top of the
second layer, cleaned and sifted soil (roughly half the weight of the agricultural waste used, i.e. 50-55 kg) free
of stones, glass etc. is spread, on which a little water is also sprinkled. In this manner successive layers are
heaped to a height of about 1.5 ft. above the top of the trough. After this the top of the pile is sealed with a 3
inch plastering of soil mixed with dung (400-500 kg). Within 2-3 months dark brown, friable, soft and moist
compost, free of all foul odour is ready. It has been generally estimated that by the NADEP method, one head
of cattle produces 80 tonnes of manure in a year. The nutrient status of this manure is Nitrogen 0.5-1.5%,
Phosphorous 0.5-0.9% and Potassium 1.2-1.4%. Typical drawing and estimate for NADEP compost pit are given below
Agriculture infrastructure under MGNREGA
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
1 Unskilled Labour Charges for 1x1 3.00 1.80 0.15 0.81 cum
earth work excavation to
compost pit brick work
Agriculture infrastructure under MGNREGA
1) Out of the compost pit 1x1 9.60 ….. 0.90 8.64 sqm
2) Inner side of the compost pit 1x1 7.80 …. 0.90 7.02 sqm
3) Top of the compost pit 1x1 3.00 0.225 …….. 1.35 sqm
4) Top of the short wall 1x1 1.35 0.225 ……. 0.60 sqm
5.3.2. VERMI-COMPOSTING: Vermi-composting uses earthworms to turn organic wastes into very high quality Compost. In ideal
conditions worms can produce at least their own weight of organic matter in a day. The micro-organisms in
the worm casts promote healthy plant growth. Usually, a twin pit model is used for vermi-composting, with
the pit size of 3.6m* 1.5m* 0.76 m and with a dividing wall in the middle. Vermi-composts are best suited for
intensive application in kitchen gardens and small vegetable plots. One vermi-compost pit produces 0.15
tonne of compost, which is sufficient for enhancing productivity of 0.25 hectare (2500 sq.m.). Typical drawing and estimate for Vermi Compost pit are given below:
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Sanjeevak is a liquid manure application based on cattle-urine. This low cost and effective method has
immense potential to improve plant nutrition. In a brick masonry pit of 1.0mx1.0mx1.0m, 50 kg of cow dung,
20 litres of cattle urine, 1 kg jaggery and 1 kg of chickpea flour is mixed with 1000 litres of water. This solution
is fermented for 5 to 7 days. This solution should be shaken regularly three times a day. After 7 days, the liquid
manure of 1000 litres is diluted and applied on the field. This liquid manure can be mixed with irrigation water
(fertigation) at the time when crops are irrigated. This ensures an even spread of the manure in the field. It
can also be used in vegetable plots and kitchen gardens. The pit can be filled again and within the next 15
days another round of Sanjeevak can be applied to the crop.
Wells classified according to the method of construction: Wells are classified into dug, driven and drilled wells
depending on the method of construction used in the making them. The method selected for constructing a
well depends largely on the depth to which it must be carried, the elevation of the ground water table, and
the nature of the material through which the hole is to dug. As per Para 4. II. (i) of Schedule-I, MGNREGA,
construction of Dug Wells are permitted under MGNREGS.
Agriculture infrastructure under MGNREGA
5.4.2.DUG WELLS:
Dug wells are dug down to the water bearing strata. The open excavation is usually circular in shape, the
diameter varying from 1.5 to 4.5 m (5 to 15ft.).The wells derive their water from unconfined aquifers. They
may be lined or unlined. They can yield relatively large quantities of water from shallow sources. Their large
diameters permit the storage of large quantities of water.
i) Dug wells are usually constructed by hand using pick axe and shovel. The earth at the bottom is
loosened and collected in buckets. The bucket when full is lifted up by means of rope and pulley.
ii) In unstable material considerable care must be exercised to prevent cave-ins, which may result in
serious or fatal injury. Large dug wells can be constructed rapidly with portable excavating equipment
such as clam-shell and orange-peel buckets.
iii) Dug wells must be deep enough to extend about 4 to 10m (15 to 35 ft.) below the water table in dry
i) Investigate the existing supplies in the neighborhood of the proposed site as regards depth of hole,
quality and quantity of water and pumping head & go with the advice of the local Ground Water
ii) Locate the well under sanitary surroundings. Drainage from barns, poultry shelters, toilets etc., should
be away from the well.
iv) If possible locate the well as near the point of use as possible.
v) The distance from the existing well in nearby should be more than the radius of influence of the soil
formation and texture.
i) The portion of the curb surrounded by the aquifer should be perforated or contain openings to permit
entry of water. The curb must be firmly seated at the bottom. The space between the curb and the
sides of the excavation should, if practically feasible be filled with clean sand and gravel up to the top
of the water-bearing stratum, the coarser material being at the bottom.
ii) Surface water will be prevented from moving down along the concrete casing if puddled clay or
concrete is used as backfill. The curb should be brought at least 30cm (1ft) above the ground. For
drinking water supplies when the water lifting device is a pump, the well should preferably be covered
by a concrete platform in which is cast a man-hole, pump base, and pump hole. The man-hole should
have a tight fitting iron or concrete cover.
iii) Quicksand is a frequent source of trouble in dug wells. While digging, the flow of quicksand can be
largely prevented by removing the material with a bucket or pump and keeping the excavation partially
full of water. This neutralizes the hydraulic pressure in the quicksand and renders it comparatively solid.
iv) The edge of the temporary or permanent curbing as the case may be should be driven 0.3 to 1.2 m
(1 to 4 ft.) below the bottom of the excavation, as the excavation proceeds. After excavation is
completed, further entry of quicksand at the bottom can be prevented by placing a thin layer of clean
coarse sand and weighting it with several layers of sand or gravel in increasing coarseness; thereby
creating a graded sand filter, each layer of which is held in position by the slightly coarser material
above it.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
i) Sometimes a confined aquifer may lie beneath a dug well. In such cases the yield of a well can be
appreciably increased by boring a hole through the impermeable bottom and reaching the artesian
aquifer. The bored hole may, if necessary be lined by a pipe. The pipe must be projected 30 to 60 cm (1
to 2 ft.) above the bottom of the well to avoid silting up the connecting pipe line.
ii) Studies conducted in Delhi region by the Geological Survey of India reveal that in many cases the yield
of the existing open wells can be increased adequately by driving short lateral tunnels along the fissures
in the rocks encountered in the wells below the water table or by sinking bore holes from the bottom
of open wells. These lateral or vertical borings in open wells can be done with indigenous boring tools
consisting of sharp pointed or twisted bits and extension pieces consisting of 2cm square rods in 1 to
1.5 m lengths with two bolt holes at each end for joining to the adjacent piece. While lateral tunnels are
being bored, the water level in the well is maintained below the level of the bore. Boring is done by the
twisting and reciprocating motions of the tool.
Radius of influence: When a well is pumped, water is removed from the aquifer surrounding the well and the
water table or the piezometric surface, depending upon the type of aquifer, is lowered. The vertical distance
to which the water column is lowered is referred to as drawdown. The water level in the well, during pumping,
after the drawdown is stabilized. The water table (or the piezometric surface) around the well assumes the
general form of an inverted cone. This cone in the aquifer which is devoid of water is called the cone of
depression. The distance from the center of the well (or radius) within which the original water table (or
piezometric surface) is lowered is known as radius of influence.
Agriculture infrastructure under MGNREGA
i. Fine sand layers with some silt and clay 30-90 100-300
ii. Fine to medium sand layers fairly clean and free 90-180 300-600
from silt and clay
iii. Coarse sand and fine gravel layers free 180-300 600-1000
from silt and clay
iv. Coarse sand and gravel without silt and clay 300-600 1000-2000
Rates at which water can penetrate through aquifer depend on the slopes of the water table (piezometric
surface) and the permeability of the materials constituting the aquifer. (Permeability is the facility with which
soil will transmit water. It may be defined as the hydraulic conductivity of saturated soil. It is usually measured
in centimeter or inches per hour or meters or feet per day). For optimum utilization of scare ground water resource, the distance of the proposed Dug Well
from the existing well in nearby should be more than the radius of influence of the soil formation and
texture existing in the area,as specified above in Table 5-10, to prevent an adverse effect on neighbor
Therefore, this information along with the information of availability of ground water i.e. area falling in
dark, grey zone etc. should be collected from the local Ground Water Department, before proposing/
sanctioning construction of Dug Well at a particular location.
MGNREGA As per Paragraph 4(1) of schedule- I of the MGNREGA, rural sanitation related works such as IHHL,
school toilet units, Anganwadi toilets either independently or in convergence with schemes of other
Government Departments to achieve ‘open defecation free’ status and solid and liquid waste management as
per prescribed norms were permitted under MGNREGA.
i) In order to give impetus to the programme and to achieve a clean India by 2019, the Swachh Bharat
Mission (SBM) has been launched. As per the revised instruction under SBM (G), construction of IHHL
through the convergence of MGNREGS & SBM (Gramin) of MDWS has been delinked and construction of
IHHL independently under MGNREGA in GP, other than covered under SBM (Gramin), are to be carried
out under MGNREGA alone. SLWM are to be carried under MGNREGS in convergence with SBM (Gramin).
The School toilet units & Anganwadi toilets are to be constructed by the concerned Ministries. Therefore, as a part of this programme, superseding earlier guidelines/ letters, revised guidelines for
construction of Individual House Hold Latrines (IHHLs) under MGNREGA have been issued by the Ministry in
consultation and with the concurrence of Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation vide ministry circular No.
J-11017/41/2011-MGNREGA (part), dated 25th November, 2014, as follows:
i) The construction of IHHL under convergence of MGNREGS and Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan (NBA), now
renamed as Swachh Bharat Mission -Gramin (SBM- Gramin) is discontinued. In respect of the sanctions
issued prior to October 2, 2014, the pre revised guidelines on convergence shall prevail.
ii) The implementation/ management of the scheme of IHHL under MGNREGS shall be done at District level
by the District Collector/ CEO, in consultation with District Officers in charge of MGNREGA (DPC) and
iii) The scheme of IHHL under MGNREGS shall be implemented separately from SBM (Gramin) implemented
by the MDWS, in different geographical areas, to avoid overlap and duplication. The unit for geographical
differentiation/ earmarking for construction of IHHL under MGNREGA shall not be below GP level.
iv) The unit cost of IHHL under MGNREGS will be ` 12,000/- as per the enhanced incentive of ` 12,000/- for
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
IHHL under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) by the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation. In respect
of the sanctions issued prior to October 2, 2014, the pre revised unit cost shall prevail.
v) The payment shall be based on the actual value of work done, subject to the MGNREGS funds limited to
` 12,000/- per IHHL including the wage and material cost. Any expenditure over and above this amount
shall be the beneficiary contribution.
vi) For all works taken up by the Gram Panchayats, including the IHHL works taken up based on the above
guidelines, the cost of the material component including the wages of the skilled and semi-skilled
workers shall not exceed forty percent at the Gram Panchayat level. All other MGNREGA processes and
non-negotiables shall be followed.
vii) The design of IHHL shall be as prescribed under Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) by Ministry of Drinking
Water and Sanitation and will have provision of water for hand wash & toilet cleaning.
viii) All preliminary activities like Inter Personnel Communication (IPC), Information, Education and
Communication (IEC), triggering activities for behaviour change and engaging of SwachataDoots and
providing other support, will also be covered by Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) in the MGNREGA areas
to achieve toilet usage and move towards achieving ODF GPs.
ix) All IHHLs constructed under the MGNREGA will be entered on the NREGA – MIS as well as on the NBA-
MIS as it is a comprehensive “All India Sanitation Database” for covering all rural households in India.
x) For effective Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms, every State concerned will set up a monitoring
team at the State level. The mobile based monitoring systems would be set up to provide real time
information on the progress of works. In continuation to these guidelines, Ministry in consultation & with the concurrence of MDWS vide
Ministry circular No. J-11017/ 41/ 2011-MGNREGA (part), dated 19th January, 2015 has also issued the
advisory on action plan for Swachh Bharat under MGNREGA, as follows:
a) Under this initiative, Gram Panchayats which are taking up labour intensive works and are in a position
to take up works with higher material component will be identified for taking up IHHLs on a saturation
mode so that the GP as a whole will achieve ODF status.
b) The selection of these GPs will be made at the district level under the Chairmanship of the District
Collector in consultation with the District authorities, Swachh Bharat Mission (Gramin) to avoid any
overlap with works taken up under SBM (G). The list of these GPs will be communicated by the District
Collector to the Additional DPC (MGNREGA) and through him/ her to all the POs at the Block level.
c) The PO (MGNREGA) shall hold a meeting of the concerned Gram Panchayats/ Village Water & Sanitation
Committees (VWSCs) to finalise the action plan at the GP level for implementing the programme and
appraise all the GPs about the preparatory phase activities.
a) Commitment of GP: Each GP will pass a resolution giving their commitment for attaining the ODF status
apart from completing construction of the IHHLs as per the Plan.
b) Environment building through Sanitary Mates: In order to bring in popular participation and attitudinal
change along with building infrastructure, in addition to the SwachhataDoots for overall sanitation in
the GP, ‘Sanitary Mates’ (SMs) shall be identified at one for every habitation in the selected GPs. The SM
shall be a woman MGNREGS worker who worked the highest number of days under MGNREGS in the
preceding year, provided she is literate and active. The SM will help in:
• Identification of households without toilets, working in conjunction with the Women Self Help
Groups, if any.
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
Each SM shall be considered as a semi-skilled worker and shall be paid for the days of work as any
other Mate in MGNREGA. It is essential that all the SMs are trained in various methods of sanitation
and in mobilisation.
• The identification of the beneficiaries will follow the principles of saturation, in such a way that no
eligible household is left out.
• However, only those households which have been reported as not having IHHLs in the SBM (G)
database are eligible for selection.
• Based on the above principles, the SMs shall identify the households, through a house-to-house
survey and after detailed discussion with the household.
• The list so prepared shall be placed before the Gram Sabha and Gram Panchayat for approval. After
approval, it shall be added to the shelf of works.
• All the beneficiaries identified shall be sanctioned the toilet under the MGNREGA within 15 days from
the date of shortlisting/ planning. The Programme Officer at the Block level shall be responsible for
ensuring this.
d) Technical design and estimates: The design of IHHL shall be as prescribed under Swachh Bharat Mission
(Gramin) by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation and will have provision of water storage for hand
wash & toilet cleaning. The estimate shall be as per standard estimate and technical sanction shall be
given at the Block level by the authorised engineer.
e) Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation, Governm,ent of India promoted the adoptoin of Ecosan/
Bio toilets/Biodigestors wherever feasible in place of conventional toilets, Annexure-XV illustrates the
detailed note on Ecosan Biotoilets with typical plan and sections.
f) The administrative/technical sanction shall be accorded in a GP or Block for all IHHLs by the competent
authorities under MGNREGA on or before 31st March each year.
g) Role of SHGs: National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) under the Ministry of Rural development is being
implemented across India through a network of SHGs, Village Organizations (VO) of SHGs in the village,
Block level and District level federations of SHGs for improving quality of life. Besides strengthening
livelihood options, this network of SHGs may be considered for active involvement in the IEC activities,
awareness generation and information dissemination, including demand generation, capacity building,
assistance in construction of IHHL& manufacturing construction material and ensuring sustained use of
IHHL facilities.
It is the responsibility of the PO at the Block level and the functionaries at the GP level to accord high priority
to execution of these works. The PO shall ensure that the muster-rolls for these works are issued as and when
the beneficiary is ready for execution. The progress of these works shall be monitored every week by the PO
and payments made every week for the work done, following the MGNREGA processes such as recording in
the M-Book. Further, to make the construction systematic, the following may be done:
a) The entire cost of the IHHL i.e. ` 12000/- would be met from the MGNREGA funds.
b) Although Gram Panchayat is the implementing agency, the work would be done by the beneficiary
c) GP shall produce/procure and deliver all the material for the construction of the toilets. Beneficiary
groups will be involved in this process to ensure quality of materials and reasonableness of the cost of
material. For the beneficiary, the material has to be made available free of cost by GP.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
d) Production material for construction: All walling (bricks/blocks) and flooring (tiles) material required for
construction of toilets in the village can be produced as a separate work under MGNREGS in accordance
with the guidelines issued for production of building materials for MGNREGA works , vide Ministry letter
No. J-11017/26/2008-MGNREGA (UN), dated 13th January, 2014. The material so produced is to be used
only for construction of the infrastructure under this initiative; and the cost of producing the building
material would be included within the unit cost of IHHL i.e. ` 12,000.
e) Production centers for production of alternative building material can be set up from the scheme cost in
the GP or in a cluster of GPs, so that good quality material can be made available at reasonable cost.
f) The muster roll will be maintained by the Sanitary Mates and after one week of working will besubmitted
to the concerned officer with measurement for payment.
g) The final measurement will be made by the Sanitary Mates and be submitted to the concerned TA/ JE for
recording in MB.
h) The payment shall be based on the actual value of work done, subject to the MGNREGS funds limited to
` 12,000/- per IHHL including the wage and material cost. Any expenditure over and above this amount
shall be beneficiary’s contribution.
a) All IHHLs constructed under MGNREGS will be entered on the SBM (G) database. MGNREGS authorities
in the district level i.e. DPC (MGNREGA) & PO (MGNREGA) will coordinate with the SBM (G) district
authorities for this work.
b) For effective Monitoring and Evaluation mechanisms, every State concerned will set up a monitoring
team at the State level. The mobile based monitoring systems would be set up to provide real time
information on the progress of works.
c) The MGNREGA processes and non-negotiables related to transparency, disclosure and Social Audit etc.
would continue to apply.
The following would be the tentative schedule for the programme for a financial year:
Table 6-1: Tentative schedule for the programme for a financial year
Identification of GPs for the financial year District Collector/ DPC/ 31st Jan
District authorities, SBM (G)
Preparation of action plan for each GP GPs & Mates 15th Feb
Completion of 25% IHHLs of annual target. GPs & Beneficiaries 30th Jun
Completion of 50% of IHHLs of annual target GPs & Beneficiaries 30th Sept
Completion of all IHHLs sanctioned for the year GPs & Beneficiaries 31st Dec CONTEXT:
i) “Any material or liquid that is left over after productive use or which is beyond any use in its current form
and is generally discarded as unwanted; it can also be defined as any material linked to human activity
in comparison to nature which has its own system of recycling waste such that it eventually becomes a
resource: for example, organic matter such as leaves, branches, and so on, decompose to form manure”.
(World Bank Water and Sanitation Programme (2012).
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
ii) Hence, Solid and liquid (storm water and sewerage) waste management are part of the essential
infrastructure in the rural area to be handled in a more technical approach.
iii) Objectives: a) to protect human health and improve quality of life among people living in rural areas.
b) To reduce environment pollution and make rural areas clean. c) To promote recycling and reuse of
both solid and liquid waste. d) To convert bio waste into energy for ensuring greater energy security at
village level. e) Accelerate sanitation coverage in rural areas by providing privacy and dignity to women.
iv) Effective management of SLWM includes management of biodegradable and non-biodegradable waste,
management of all grey water generated in the village and general cleanliness of the village. The activities
under SLWM include:
• System for collection, transportation, segregation and composting and disposal of remaining
garbage at earth fill.
v) Full technical details of the works in this section are available with the Ministry of Drinking Water Supply
and Sanitation, Government of India.
i) Guidelines for solid and liquid waste management have been issued by the Ministry of Drinking Water &
Sanitation (MDWS), implementing Swachh Bharat Mission-Gramin. To support the MDWS in accelerating
the sanitation coverage in the rural areas so as to comprehensively cover the rural community through
strategies and saturation approach, rural sanitation works (such as IHHLs, solid and liquid waste
treatment) are being carried out under MGNREGA.
ii) Guidelines for solid and liquid waste management issued by the MDWS are to be followed under
MGNREGA also. However, there are number of activities in SLWM which are of repetitive/ contractual/
replacing unskilled manual labour by machine nature, which are not permitted under MGNREGA.
Therefore, for solid and liquid waste management under MGNREGA in a GP should be made on saturation
mode i.e. starting from collection to land fill in convergence with SBM (Gramin). There are three key problems associated with improving the SLWM, i.e. lack of institutional capacity,
lack of financial resources and public attitude.
a) The data collected is to be analysed along with the representatives of the community.
b) The community should be informed about various technology options for SLWM both at household as
well as community level and accordingly technology options should be decided.
c) Based on the discussions with the community, SLWM action plan should be prepared.
a) Generation: It should focus on inter personal communication, focused group discussion, technology
demonstration and exposure visits to successful sites.
b) Technology options: Household and community level technological options with approximate cost
estimates should be worked out.
c) Operation and maintenance: Success of a technology depends upon properO&M (Operation and
Management) at the household and community level. This aspect should be discussed in detail during
planning process and incorporated in the action plan.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA) Solid and liquid waste management is a much larger issue which requires a range of options depending
on several factors in rural areas particularly density of population, standard of living and consumer habits,
availability of land and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to develop situation specific options and launch a
massive IEC and capacity building experience. The scale of operation for different types of waste management should be decided based on the
following factors:
iii) Technology
vii) Finance
Using administrative boundaries to define the area of service provision is a practical way to operationalize
solid waste services. Technology selection at each level of operation should be based on need, affordability,
quantity and type of waste generated.
Different type of solid and liquid waste to be managed in the rural areas are solid waste, septage, cattle waste,
biomedical waste, plastic waste, hazardous waste, E-waste and industrial solid and liquid (black water and
grey water etc.) waste.
c) Processing
d) Disposal
At household level, the best way to handle solid waste (Biodegradables and Non-Biodegradables) is to
segregate it at source and recover what is possible. E.g. dry waste as paper, plastic, glass, metal and wet
organic waste. The solid waste management system can be designed so that recovered dry waste is stored
at the household level and then at the GP level for a fixed number of days, after which it is collected by a
designated collector for transporting to a market place in the vicinity. From here trader either process the
waste or transport it further to a cycling facility.
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
In the case of wet/ compostable waste, primary storage has to be done at the household level and open
dumping should be strictly prohibited. The waste can be composted or converted into biogas (mixture of
methane and carbon-di-oxide). For transporting refuse (left over garbage after recovery and processing) a
different strategy for a group of villages/ GPs (depending on population and the quantity of left over refuse)
will have to be developed depending on the availability of landfill facilities in the area. In some cases the
closet facility may be municipal facility.
c) Processing:
For wet compostable waste, local processing (at household level, village level or GP level) is the best option.
If GPs are located in proximity to an existing facility or if there is a possibility to establish a large composting
facility collectively, it could be given preference during the planning phase providing that local community
concerns are considered Community, village or GP level biogas plants are also a possibility where there is
a willingness to adopt more advanced methods of waste disposal. The viability of any project can only be
determined after conducting an extensive feasibility study.
d) Disposal:
Final disposal of refuse which should not exceed 20%, however, with effective segregation, recovery and
processing, it can be brought down to less than 10 %, of the total garbage generated. Final disposal should be
done at an engineered sanitary landfill site, if available. If such a facility does not exist, efforts may be made
to coordinate with the biggest municipality nearby and development of regional engineered landfill site can
be advocated for at higher levels of government.
• Sanitary landfills (used for the disposal of non-biodegradable and non-recyclable inorganic solid
waste) are facilities for final disposal of rural area solid waste on land, designed and constructed with
the objective of minimizing impacts to the environment. The Municipal- Solid waste (Management and
Handling) Rules 2000 and draft revised Rules 2013 provide comprehensive regulations on the siting,
design and operation of sanitary landfills. Design of Sanitary landfill is given below:
(Source: Carla W. Montgomery, Environental Geology, 5th edition, 1998, Mc-Graw-Hill Companies)
Figure 6-1: Design of Sanitary landfill
- A modern landfill: complying with these requirements is a complex facility with various activities to
minimize environmental impacts. Sanitary land filling is necessary for the following types of waste:
o Waste that is by its nature or through pre-treatment non- biodegradable and inert
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
- Site selection for a landfill: A landfill operation with minimized environmental impacts starts w ith the
selection of an appropriate site. The MSWM Rules 2000 and draft revised rules 2013 stipulate that the
minimum distance that needs to be maintained from the habitation clusters, forest areas, airports, water
bodies, monuments, national parks, wetlands and places of cultural, historical and religious importance
and accordingly select an appropriate site. (Areas to be avoided such as Flood plain/wet land, fault,
seismic zones, landslide-prone areas)
- Preparation of the sanitary land-fill: All the waste that is not bio-degradable (called ‘rejects’) is to be
isolated from the other garbage from contaminating air, water and soil. After segregation of the rejects,
it should be sealed in a ‘land fill’, which a site is specially prepared. This involves digging up, putting clay
liner, compacting the rejects in thin layers and sealing it with a 1.5 mm HDPE liner or soil layer (including
drainage). The minimum size of sanitary land fill is to handle 250 ton of waste per day and approximately
cost Rs. 5 to 8 cr per year depending on the groundwater level and angle of repose.
Properly designed sanitary landfills shall (a) prevent water infiltration and leaching of toxic fluids (b)
Prevent water pollution (c) Reduce Vermin and pests (d) reduce smell, toxic gases and fire hazard.
Disadvantages: (a) requires space (b) Produce methane gas (c) Not a long term remedy
e) Since the core objective of the MGNREGS is that, “Providing not less than one hundred days of unskilled
manual work as a guaranteed employment in a financial year to every household in rural areas as per
demand, resulting in creation of productive assets of prescribed quality and durability”. Secondly, as
per Para 4. (3) of schedule -1, MGNREGA, “works which are non-tangible, not measurable, repetitive shall
not be taken up”. Therefore first two elements of solid waste management i.e. generation, segregation
& recovery and storage, collection and transportation of waste cannot be linked with MGNREGA. The
creation of infrastructure for processing and disposal of waste can be linked with MGNREGA.
a) Cattle waste (both dung and urine) is an important resource in rural areas and thus multiple values in
Indian culture. It has many uses including, as a soil conditioner, for biogas generation, as a source of fuel,
as a sanitizing cleanser, as a raw material for generating organic compost and as a construction material.
b) The biggest problem with cattle dung comes from its improper collection and storage rather than its use.
Improper collection and storage methods lead to the creation of unhygienic conditions in communities
and to environmental pollution. A special emphasis must be given to cattle waste management when
designing SLWM interventions. The primary responsibility for its management should rest with the
households which created it.
c) At Para 4(1) II. (v) of schedule-1, MGNREGA, “Creating infrastructure for promotion of livestock such as,
poultry shelter, goat shelter, piggery shelter, cattle shelter and fodder troughs for cattle” are permitted
under MGNREGA. Therefore, while constructing such shelters, provision of collection & storage of dung
and urine should be kept.
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
d) At Para 4(1) III. (i) of schedule-1, MGNREGA, “Works for promoting agricultural productivity by creating
durable infrastructure required for bio- fertilizers” are permitted under MGNREGA, therefore, infrastructure
for liquid bio-manure, and Farm Yard Manure can be constructed under MGNREGA.
a) The Plastic Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 2011. can be used as guiding rules for the
management of plastic waste in rural areas.
b) It is expected that establishing a processing centre at a GP will not be financially viable. Responsibility
related to segregation at source and temporary storage at home (or property) must rest with households
or property owners, whereas, collection and transportation may be carried out by a range of locally
based stakeholders including, local youth groups, entrepreneurs, CBOs, scrap dealers etc. A suitable
mechanism, for supporting the inclusion of these groups in the process should be developed during the
preparation of a GP SLWM plan under SBM-G.
Hazardous waste shall be handled in accordance with the Hazardous Wastes (Management & Handling)
Rules issued by the Ministry of Environment and Forest. Since the hazardous waste that may be generated at
village level is likely to be limited in quantity and difficult for the community to identify, emphasis should be
placed on educating stakeholders under SBM-G in how to identify such waste and where necessary how to
segregate such waste at source ready for the correct disposal. GPs should monitor the situation and create
the necessary awareness amongst stakeholders.
As per the E-waste (Management and Handling) Rule, 2011 every producer, consumer or bulk consumer
involved in the manufacture, sale, purchase and processing of electrical and electronic equipment and
components, collection centres, dismantlers and recyclers of e-waste shall comply with these rules locally.
The GP should monitor the implementation of the rule locally and create the necessary awareness amongst
stakeholders under SBM-G (NBA).
State Pollution Control Boards (SPCBs) are responsible for the implementation of the legislation relating to
the prevention and control of environmental pollution. As such the SPCBs will bear direct responsibility for
enforcing regulation on industries located in rural areas. Small and tiny industries engaged in and generating
waste should also be handled at the appropriate level as they are larger in numbers and quite often violators.
Experience has shown that industries should comply with regulation if proper SLWM is to be expected from
A particular technology may be perfect technically but unless it works for people socially, institutionally
and financially it may be useless. Who should make the decision on which technology to use in a particular
context! One of the principles of a participatory approach is that the community should make the decision.
The engineer’s role is to define the range of feasible technical options and explain them, their advantages
and disadvantages, so that the community can make its own choice to suit their circumstances. The external
agent should facilitate the process to help the community to define their selection criteria (recognising that
the diversity of people in the community) and how they will manage the service.
a) Organic solid waste: Composting, either naturally, through vermi-composting or through thermophilic
composting is the most effective way to manage organic solid waste. There are many different ways to
compost, some require initial infrastructure, and others just require space. Table at Annexure XII outlines
the options for composting in rural India. The most appropriate method for a given area is primarily
dependent on the type of waste being composted (e.g. does it include human waste or not) and the level
of operation and maintenance that people are willing to carry out.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
For every GP, if the garbage is assumed to be 50 ton per day, it will require 3 acre of land, which GP
has to identify. Once done, this site can be developed for production of bio-fertilizers under MGNREGA.
Approximately it will cost Rs. 3 crore for 1 year.
b) Processing of dry waste is not possible at village or GP level due to its economic viability. Instead, district
and regional authorities should devise a strategy to promote such facilities either at district level or use
the existing (if any) facilities within nearby cities and towns. It will be crucial to link the processing of dry
waste (and link GPs) with urban areas nearby, to achieve economies of scale.
a) Septage management: In case of liquid waste management, approaches for scaling up operations should
be decided based on the following factors:
3) Technology available
4) Finance
b) Under normal circumstances, designing and implementing the interventions should be done at village or
cluster of village/ GP level. The situation however, will differ for large and peri urban villages with more
urban characteristics. Considering that some GPs are large, treating multi-village liquid waste may not be
economically feasible. Table at Annexure-XI outlines the options for septage management in rural India
c) The 3 main types of wastewater are grey, black and septage. Each type contains different pathogens and
requires different types and levels of treatment to make it safe to return to the environment. The types of
technology required to collect and transport the wastewater depends on the type of wastewater in the
system. For example, for grey water only, open drains can be used but if grey water is mixed with black
water all the water has to be considered as black water and a closed system should be used.Annexure-
XIII and Annexure-XIVoutline different options for collecting and treating waste water at the household
level and at community level respectively.
d) The scale of operation may be decided based on suitability of technology in a given area e.g. soak pits,
leach pits, sullage stabilization ponds or duckweed treatment ponds take a lot of land but can serve
multiple villages in the vicinity, and such works can be taken up under MGNREGA. Ideally, household level
and a village or cluster of village level systems should be the primary consideration for the most effective
management of liquid waste.
e) Stabilization pond technology for liquid management in rural areas, (successfully implemented in
• Under this technology pond is emptied, de silted and divided in to 3 to 4 compartments by using earthen
• The grey water collected via drainage system is passed to large shallow basins or ponds excavated at
suitable land site and placed serially as a stabilization system in which grey water is stabilized.
• In this system, the collected grey water is stabilized by natural processes involving algae, bacteria and
natural oxidation processes. Hot climate is very suitable, solar radiation and light is good for efficient
functioning of this system.
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
1) Anaerobic cum Sedimentation pond : The depth of water in the pond is kept at 10 feet for the
sedimentation of suspended solids and decomposition of organic matter under anaerobic conditions to
reduce BOD /COD .The surface area of the tank shall be equal to approx. 15% area of the existing pond
area and having 5 days retention time.
2) Facultative Pond: In this tank over flow of anaerobic pond is being discharged and BOD/COD shall
reduce under aerobic conditions. Depth of water is kept at 1.5m. The outlet of this tank is fixed at 1.5m
from the bed of tank to ensure that water depth does not exceed 1.5m. Its area is 25% of the existing pond
3) Maturation / Polishing Pond: (2 numbers) in this tank over flow of Facultative pond is being discharged,
where pathogen load if any shall be reduced. Depth of water is kept at 1.5m. The out let of this tank is
fixed at 1.5m. from the bed of tank to ensure that water depth does not exceed 1.5m. Its area should be
25% of the existing pond area.
4) Outflow: Normally in addition to evaporation, treated water is absorbed in the pond. The treated water
is also used for irrigation purpose by the farmers.
- Preliminary survey was carried out, for each pond renovation area required was 2.50 acres. Total
funds required for this pond was approximately Rs. 7.50 Lakhs.
- Slope of the embankments is kept stable with slope of 1 vertical to 1.5 horizontal.
- Top surface of the embankments is around 2.5m due to big area of pond
- Grass is planted on the top of embankments and slopes to protect against erosion during rains or
- Pucca floor is provided below inlet pipe in all the ponds to avoid soil erosion in the pond.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
• Renovated Ponds:
- Extra storage capacity is created due to renovated pond harvest excess rain water which prevents
flooding of low lying areas of the village
- Waste stabilization pond technology is suitable to handle grey water in the village
i) To start with number of GPs will be identified as advised vide Ministry letter No. J-11017/41/ 2011-MGNREGA
(part), dated 19th January, 2015 to make these GPs open defection free and carry out solid and liquid
waste management. The work will be planned and carried out GP wise on project approach.
a) Total number of household, out of which how many are without IHHL and how many are proposed
to be covered under MGNREGS
b) On an average how much wet compostable solid waste is available for composting
d) Availability of land for composting and for group of GPs land fill
iii) The technical and financial norms for toilets specified by the Ministry of Drinking Water & Sanitation will
be followed.
iv) Different suitable options for creating infrastructure for treatment of solid and liquied waste at the
household level and at community level will be worked out from the different options mentioned at
Annexure XI to XIV. The costing of infrastructures will be worked out based on the specifications as per
the requirement of the area and resources available.
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
In this regard, vide circular No. J-11060/1/2011-MGNREGA -1, dated 18th October 2011; amendment in Para
6.1.1 (viii) of MGNREGA Operational Guidelines, related to rural connectivity, vide circular even No., dated
6th January 2012, use of cement concrete interlocking block for construction of village internal roads under
MGNREGA and vide circular even No., dated 24th April, 2012, width of village internal roads under MGNREGA;
has also been issued, so that the roads constructed are durable and usable in all weather. For good quality
and all- weather roads under MGNREGA following technical inputs should be given.
i) Roads that connect a village to another village or to a main road: Gravel road/
MittiMoorum road including culverts/ causeway for cross drainage.
ii) Internal roads (within the residential area of villages): As per local availability of material and
requirement of the area for construction of roads within the village (not roads connecting habitations)
stone kharanja or brick kharanja or cement concrete or cement concrete interlocking blocks may be
used, with proper drainage arrangement.
a) Project for Rural Connectivity to provide all weather access should be prepared Gram Panchayat wise
after conducting reconnaissance survey. In this project all the required/ possible proposal of rural
connectivity in G.P. should be included and after prioritization in the Gram Sabha should be included in
the MGNREGA perspective plan. If the perspective plan has been made then the AWP will be broadly
based on the perspective plan.
b) The roads selected under MGNREGA should be interconnected and all selected roads must connect one
or more important roads to take the products of the areas to the nearby market.
c) In preparing proposal/ estimate of a road, the required topographical survey for longitudinal section of
the land strip/ existing path, track/ kachcha-rasta, proposed for construction of road under MGNREGA
should be carried out, to work out the height of the road at every 30m length and design for the size and
bed slope of side drains.
d) While doing topographical survey of a road, demarcation on the land proposed for road should be
made with the help of the concerned Tehsildar/ Patwari/ Amin and boundary pillar fixed at 30-50m
e) Road should be planned and designed so as to have minimum number of curves and the total number of
curves in one kilometre should generally be less than 6.
f) Cross drainage with proper engineering design i.e. hydrological; hydraulic and structural design should
be the part of the estimate and constructed simultaneously for the durability and all weather access.
For more details, design and specification should follow the “Specifications for Rural Road” issued by
g) Looking to the availability of land, the formation width should be at least 6 meter with carriageway
3.75m with minimum 1.25m wide side shoulders/ berms.
h) Proper camber, gradient and requisite widening of the formation on the turning should be provided.
i) The height of road formation should be minimum 1.0m above the existing ground level and 0.6m
above the highest flood level.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
j) Proposal for Technical Sanction (TS) prepared by the concerned Junior Engineer/ Technical Assistant and
TS issued should carry- Technical note, survey sheet of the land strip i.e. longitudinal section of the land
strip where construction of road is proposed, drawing of cross section of road, details of specifications,
design and drawing of drainage structures i.e. Culverts/ Causeway etc. and arrangement of construction
materials with lead etc., with detailed estimate.
a) Soil: The only material that can be used for the sub-grade is natural soil. All soils are composed of sand,
silt and clay in varying proportions; the proportions of the material and their properties affect their
stability under load. An ideal road material is one in which all these are present in proper proportions so
as to obtain the maximum stability.
An intimate and compact mixture of the following will make a stabilized soil:
Sand 70 to 85%,
Silt 10 to 20%,
Clay 5 to 10%,
It will be usually sufficient to have 70% sand and 30% clay and silt.
b) Gravel: Gravel roads are a layer of compacted gravel (or crushed rock) graded from fines to pebbles,
containing binding stuff (clay) in the fines. Sandy and gravel material shpuld meet the grading requirement.
The size and grading of the gravels should vary from 50mm at the bottom to 12mm at the top. If grading
is not possible, the following proportions may be taken:
25 mm to 20 mm 15%
20 mm to 6mm 75%
Below 6 mm 10%
Washed gravel is devoid of the fines needed to bind the material, and will require the admixture of
pulverized clay, about 5 to 10% to act as a binder or alternatively, the proportion of fines passing a 75
micron mesh should be about 10 to 15 percent and sufficient to fill the voids in the gravels. The sand
content in the fines should be at least twice as great as the clay content.
c) Moorum: Moorum for road should be in crystal form, strong and hard. The soil content in it should be
negligible. The clods of moorum should not be more than 3cm.
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
a) Alignment:
• The alignment of road should be decided in such a way so that the distance is minimal, as far as
possible on higher elevation and the cutting of vegetation is minimal. It should be insured that there
is no hindrance to electricity, telephone and water lines.
• The existing alignment should also be examined and if it is convenient, technically fit and economical
than it should be used.
• The proper preparation of earthen embankment i.e. sub-grade for any road is of utmost importance
before the road structure (pavement) is laid over it. Unless the foundation is hard and firm and
properly shaped, the resulting road will be bad and will remain bad. Special attention must be given
to the compaction of the sub-grade and its drainage.
• The soil should be excavated from both the sides of the road, if land is available and suitable in such
a way, so that the pits after excavation of soil are linked with each other and side drains are formed.
The borrow pit should be at least 1.5m away from toe of the embankment and the depth of borrow
pit should not be more than 1.0m.
• All large clods should be broken up in the borrow pits and no clods larger than a man’s fist should
be brought on the embankment. Ramming is not enough for crushing the large clods completely,
which can be done effectively only by heavy rollers. Each layer should be rolled well until all clods
are flattened. Any roots, grass, jungle or other rubbish should not be buried in the embankment with
the earth.
• The organization of filling, spreading and rolling should be such that newly deposited fill is spread
and rolled smooth immediately in order to minimize the loss of moisture.
• Generally the depth of loose soil for compaction should not exceed 15 to 23 cm. If more material is
to be compacted it should be done in layers. Rolling should commence at the edges and progress
towards the center. Each pass of the roller should be uniformly overlapping not less than one-third
of the track made in the preceding pass.
• It has been observed that at some areas there is confusion on use of machine. In this regard the
Para 22 of schedule I, MGNREGA is referred herewith, that: “As far as practicable, works executed by
the programme implementation agencies shall be performed by using manual labour and no labour
displacing machines shall be used”. The required density of earthen embankment and gravel layer
is not possible without use of power roller; therefore, for compaction of earthen embankment to
achieve the required density, power roller should be used.
Also in this regard, vide Ministry letter No. J-11011/09/2014-RE-I, dated 25th August, 2014 clarification
& a suggestive list of such task and type of machines which can be used under MGNREGA have been
Image 6-3: Trailer Mounted Water Browser Image 6-4: Static Smooth Wheeled Roller
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
• Gravel roads are generally built in two courses, foundation course and surface course. A thickness
of about 15 cm after compaction is required for light traffic and about 30 cm after compaction is
required for heavy traffic.
• Moorum roads are generally built in one course and thickness of about 20 cm after compaction is
required for light traffic.
• Every 15 to 20 cm. thick moorum/ gravel layer should be compacted with static smooth-wheeled
roller of 8 to 20 ton weight for prescribed density at optimum moisture content by sprinkling water
with trailer mounted water browser.
• Camber: The road surface is normally shaped to fall away from the center line to either side. The
camber is necessary to shed rain water and reduce the risk of passing vehicles colliding. The slope
of the camber is called the cross fall. On sharp bends the road surface should fall directly from the
outside of the bend to the inside which is called ‘super elevation’.
• Camber (cross slope) is necessary so that rain water does not stagnate on the road, therefore in
gravel/ moorum road 3.5% camber in low rainfall area (Annual Rainfall less than 1000 mm) and 4%
camber in high rainfall area (Annual Rainfall more than 1000 mm) should be provided.
• Before the gravel road is opened to traffic, the surface should be lightly sanded with coarse sand/
quarry dust etc. so as to have a cover of 6 mm to 12 mm over the whole surface.
• Structures for cross drainage should be constructed simultaneously after giving proper layout for
the durability of the road and all weather access. Minimum earthen cushion over the pipe for its
safety should be ensured.
• On side walls of culvert/ causeway, plaster is not required, pointing is sufficient. On top of the side
walls, copping should be made for the durability of the culvert/ causeway.
• For more field details and live illustrations refer to page No. 73-84 of MGNREGA Works Field Manual,
issued by the Ministry and available on ‘’ web site.
a) The base under the Kharanja pavement must be properly levelled; hollow patches filled up and
consolidated with hard core, cambered and cross-falls or longitudinal slopes given. There should be no
soft spots present either in the base or the sub grade.
b) Looking to the drainage system and plinth area of houses on both the side of internal road, level of
Kharanja should be kept. The moorum should be compacted with DURMUT by adding water in the
c) After laying 1:6 cement mortar on the moorum layer, the 3 inch thick floor stones/ bricks in width i.e. 4.5
inch should be fixed in diamond shape and the joints should be filled up with 1:3 cement mortar.
d) Drain/ Nali at proper elevation with proper slope should also be constructed simultaneously.
a) The width of such internal roads taken up under MGNREGA should not be more than 3.0 meter.
b) The construction of drain (Nali) should be as per availability of land. If land is not available than the slope
should be given from outer boundary towards center of the road i.e. the camber is to be given towards
center of road.
c) The top level of the road should be decided looking to the plinth level of the houses and drainage of the
water from the houses.
d) It is very essential to have a good solid foundation of well consolidated and non-absorptive material
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
under a concrete road. The load carrying capacity of a concrete road structure lies mainly in the structural
rigidity of the slab and the uniformity of sub grade support. It is therefore necessary to prepare the base
in such a way that the concrete slabs are supported as uniformly as possible. The base of concrete
pavement should be made smooth before laying the concrete so as to reduce the co-efficient of friction
between the concrete slab and the base.
e) The base under the concrete pavement must be properly levelled; hollow patches filled up and
consolidated, cambered and cross-falls or longitudinal slopes given. There should be no soft spots
present either in the base or the sub grade.
f) The excavation for drain should also be carried out as per requirement.
g) Cement concrete by mixing in mechanical mixer should be laid on the surface of sub base after sprinkling
water on it and it should be compacted with vibrator or 20 mm diameter rod.
h) After every 4 m length of concrete slab, 5 mm wide and 70 mm deep Expansion & Contraction joint
should be given. This joint should be filled up with sand and bitumen.
i) As per requirement for cross drainage, PVC pipe of 100-150 mm diameter should be laid.
j) On both side of the concrete road, as per availability of land, 20 cm layer of moorum should be filled up.
i) Earthen roads become muddy in rainy season and dusty in summer. Such roads do not provide all weather
access, therefore, should not be constructed under MGNREGA.
ii) If the work is being executed without proper levelling, without breaking of clods, without sectioning, this
results in slipping of slopes, reducing of formation width and getting uneven riding surface.
iii) Power roller is a must for consolidation/ compaction of embankment and surfacing, whereas, in most
of the cases it is not being used in execution. This results in the damage of road in a short time besides
having uneven surface from the beginning affecting the durability of road.
6.2.3. TO DO:
i) Sectioning and breaking of clods must be made as a separate task after separating from earth work and
must be ensured in execution.
ii) Proper berms should be provided (minimum of 60cm or equal to height of formation) for the durability
and safety of shoulder of the roads.
iii) Slopes must be trimmed with designed side slope as per the type of soil and preferably covered with top
soil of the trench or borrow pit, which will have high percentage of vegetation.
iv) Compaction with power roller in layers at optimum moisture content should be done and monitored to
ensure that the desired density of soil and granular material for construction of embankment/sub grade
has been achieved.
i) For gap filling and value addition, ongoing schemes in the area like BRGF and State schemes on roads
etc. should be converged with MGNREGS as is being done in Madhya Pradesh State. Detailed additional
convergence guidelines MGNREGS and PMGSY in continuation of convergence guidelines issued vide
Ministry letter No. Dy. 178/ SRD/ 09-MGNREGA, dated 9th February, 2009, have also been issued vide
Ministry letter No. J-11060/1/2011-MGNREGA, dated 7th November, 2013.
ii) Under convergence with other schemes, activities to be carried out manually with material component,
can be carried out while maintaining material component of projects including the wages of the skilled
and semiskilled workers such that it does not exceed 40% of the total project costs at the level of each
Gram Panchayat. If GP is implementing agency and at the level of District if line Deptt is implementing
agency. Activities like clearing and grubbing road land including uprooting wild vegetation, dismantling
of existing structures, excavating, collecting, loading, transporting, unloading, spreading in uniform
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
layers, and compacting with smooth wheel roller to achieve the desired density of soil and granular
material for construction of embankment/sub grade, earthen shoulder and granular sub-base and road
side plantation can be carried out under MGNREGS.
iii) Activities like providing, laying, spreading and compacting stone aggregates of specific sizes to water
bound macadam specification, surfacing, cross- drainage works and road appurtenances etc. required
for completion of road can be carried out in the schemes to be converged with MGNREGS.
iv) Construction of road is a specialized job, which requires use of machines and testing instruments etc.,
therefore, all the activities carried out under MGNREGS and under the schemes should be carried out by
the agency implementing the scheme on roads to be converged with MGNREGS.
v) Improvement of features, like grade, curvature and widening of cross drainage works at a later date
under convergence can be very expensive and sometimes impossible in remote and hilly area. It is
therefore necessary that if roads proposed under MGNREGA falls under the selection criteria/ norms
of the scheme proposed for convergence than ultimate geometric requirement of rural road specified
under that scheme should be followed right from the beginning.
vi) The construction of road with convergence of other schemes and MGNREGS will be subject to all
MGNREGA processes and conditionalities.
The activities proposed under MGNREGS and the activities proposed under the scheme to be converged,
have to be incorporated in the estimate/ projects separately. However, with every project report, a
statement showing different activities proposed under different programmes i.e. MGNREGS and PMGSY/
BRGF/ State Scheme etc. should be enclosed so that there is no duplicity and no activity is left out.
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
Table 6-2: Typical Estimate for construction of 450 mm dia Pipe Culvert
a) For foundation of face work 1x2 2.9 1.05 0.9 5.481 cum
b) under pipes, below 150mm sill 1x1 5.7 0.45 0.15 0.385 cum
a) For foundation of face wall 1x2 2.9 1.05 0.3 0.913 cum
a) Face walls below sill 1x2 2.6 0.75 0.6 2.340 cum
b) Face walls above sill level 1x2 2.6 (0.75+0.45)/2 1.05 3.276 cum
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
15 Conveyance of 40 mm gauge
H.D. crushed material for all terms As per requirement sheet 4.221 cum
ii) The playground will be for the games/ sports, such as football, volleyball, hockey, kabbadi etc. and the
size of playground should be constructed accordingly.
iii) The playground will be fenced by constructing ditch cum bund with plantation on ditch/ bund.
i) The construction of play grounds will be subject to all MGNREGA processes and conditionalities, such as:
ii) Muster Rolls to be maintained on worksite, with copies in Gram Panchayat and to be electronically
maintained on,
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
i) Works for play grounds shall be approved by the Gram Sabha and the Gram Panchayat and shall also be
part of the annual shelf of projects identified under MGNREGS.
ii) The Administrative & Financial sanction for the play grounds to be constructed under MGNREGS will
follow the process defined for MGNREGA works.
i) After approval of works by the Gram Panchayat, the concerned Technical Assistant/ Junior Engineer
of the Gram Panchayat will prepare estimate of the work as per drawing/ design/ specification of the
playground and prevailing Schedule of Rates (SoR) for MGNREGA works in the area.
ii) In leveling of the playground the estimates will be prepared by working out cutting and filling, so that the
cutting is equal to filling. In estimate only the cutting will be charged if filling is within the maximum lead
permitted in the SOR, if filling is beyond the permitted lead only then lead extra will be charged.
iii) The TS for these works will be issued by the concerned as per norms/ power delegated for MGNREGA
ii) Every play ground constructed will be treated as independent work. The PO will issue muster roll to the
GP accordingly.
iii) Mate will be deployed only if the quantum of other works taken up in the Panchayat justifies their need.
iv) The measurement/ assessment of the work carried out will be made weekly and after the work is
completed, as per the task / activities specified in the estimate by the concerned J.E. /TA. The entries of
measurement with assessment of work will be entered in measurement book as well in the muster roll.
v) Maintenance of the playground and its proper use will be the responsibility of the Gram Panchayat.
In many flood-prone villages, drainages are in a state of disrepair or have become silted up or have been
encroached upon. These channels play a crucial role in directing flood waters out of the village. Both field
channels (connecting farms to the main channel) and the main channel(s) of the village need to be repaired
and deepened. The unskilled labour: material ratio is 100:0. The technical details on drainage has been given
in chapter-3 at Para 3.3.2 under the head Drainage System.
Waterlogged lowlands, known as chaurs in Bihar, are the natural, saucer-shaped, topographically low- lying
areas where rainwater accumulates. They can play a major role in flood mitigation because they act as natural
“sponges” for flood waters. The surface area of a chaur can be very large, covering portions of several villages.
Renovated chaurs could be used as multi-purpose farm ponds. The mud excavated from the chaur can be
raised on the side as embankments on which crops like banana, papaya, mango, pigeon pea and cashew nut
can be grown. The pond water can be used to irrigate the non-waterlogged, upland area. Experiments have
shown that in waterlogged areas, cultivation of water chestnut (Trapabispinosa) can be quite profitable.
To strengthen the building infrastructure at the Gram Panchayat and the block level, Ministry has expanded
the scope of building works under schedule 1, Para 4 (I) to include construction of different types of buildings,
they are:
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
c) Village Haats
d) Crematoria
f) Cyclone shelter
i) Houses sanctioned under the IAY (minimum built up area at least 20 sqm / 215 sft)
a) The Paragraph 13 (a) of Schedule I (as revised in Jan 2014) of Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment
Guarantee Act mandated use of labour intensive and cost effective technologies and local materials in
construction. A National Workshop was conducted between 19th to 21st Feb 2014 to operationalise this
b) The National Workshop has passed a resolution that it is possible to construct labour intensive, durable
and good quality buildings using the designs which are in tune with the local culture, and respect the
traditional practices of construction. It was concluded in the workshop that use of eco-friendly locally
available building materials in construction and reducing the use of cement, sand & steel, and recycling
of building materials is not only feasible but is also essential in the context of the climate change and
for environmental improvement. The workshop emphasized on the need for involving communities in
construction of buildings under MGNREGA and the need to upgrade their skills to take up construction
without dependence on contractors and to make them self-sustained.
c) Considering the above, and to improve the wage component in wage: material components ratio in the
MGNREGS works, the following directive under section 27 of MGNREGA have been issued vide Ministry
letter no. 1011/5/2006-NREGA (part-ii), dated 18th March, 2014 for implementation in all the MGNREGA
buildings and other construction works.
• The appropriate technologies for buildings under MGNREGA and IAY shall be in accordance with the
local building traditions, while keeping in view the durability.
• The use of cement, sand and steel in construction shall be substantially reduced through:
- Use of local material, local practices for stub foundations or arch foundations or under reamed piles,
with suitable design and specifications to address the needs of the relevant seismic zone.
- Avoiding the use of columns and beams wherever the span of construction is less than 4 meters and
where the soils permit by using alternate appropriate technologies.
- Use of rat-trap bond walls using bricks or blocks 250 mm X 120 mm X 85 mm or equivalent sizes as
locally adopted.
- Avoiding cement plastering to the extent possible on both sides of the wall.
- Use of filler slabs using tiles or local material to reduce the concrete.
- Avoiding RCC sunshades (chajjas) and replacing with stone/ ferro-cement or suitable materials
locally available.
- Use of local materials like stone or precast units etc., for door and window frames and minimise the
use of wood.
- (etc.)
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
• Suitable building materials shall be selected for each building (indicative list below) and produced at the
site of construction (using the MGNREGA workers i.e., job card holders) such that the labour component
in the building shall reach nearer to 40% of the total cost of the building in addition to the utilisation of
the local conventional materials: (Guidelines for field trials for production of building materials only for
MGNREGA works have been issued vide Ministry letter no. j-11017/26/2008-MGNREGA (UN), dated 13th
January, 2014)
- Mud block
- Compressed and stabilised earth blocks (after due treatment and curing)
- Filler blocks
- (etc.)
• The State Government may consider setting up of a centre for design, technology and training for eco-
friendly building technologies as part of SIRD. Government of India would consider supporting capacity
building of these centres by sourcing expertise available in alternate technologies for the following
- Training the communities, implementing personnel in using them and promoting artisans in producing
the material.
- Disseminating the technologies in the local communities and IEC material preparation.
d) With these directives, State Governments have been requested to develop draft design & estimates of
different buildings permitted under MGNREGA in combination of technologies as appropriate to different
locations in the State with following guidelines.
• Providing greater role to the Panchayats especially at the village level in the planning and implementation
of the building works;
• Materials and technologies approved by reputed organizations like HUDCO, BIS, BMPTC, IITs, Engineering
colleges and eminent NGOs in the field of building construction could be used;
• Roof top rain water harvesting system as appropriate locally should also be set up on every building with
Storage Structures;
• Land proposed for the buildings under MGNREGA, other than IAY, must be owned by the Gram Panchayat/
a) Typical proto-type designs of different buildings permitted under MGNREGA are enclosed herewith.
The prototype designs can be adapted to suite local conditions, subject to the basic functional spatial
concept of the prototype design. There would be local design variations depending upon the geo-
climatic conditions, preferred construction technology and the availability of construction material and
b) In areas prone to natural calamities, disaster resilient features should be built in.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
c) Natural factors such as rain fall, wind directions, sun movement, availability of local construction materials,
site topography, vegetation etc., should be factored in to building design.
a) The construction of buildings in so far as it is funded under MGNREGA, will be subject to all MGNREGA
processes, through job card holders and without the use of manpower replacing machinery and
b) Muster rolls will be maintained for public scrutiny on site. Clear record will be maintained on the
employment generated in the process of construction of buildings.
c) Material procurement will be through a transparent procurement process whose details will be uploaded
on MGNREGA MIS. Wage: Material component ratio of 60: 40, of all the works in a financials year will be
maintained at GP level, if GP is the PIA (Programme Implementing Agency) and at District level if line
department is PIA.
a) Construction of buildings with or without convergence when implemented by GP, the wage:material
component ratio will have to be within 60:40 in the overall estimated cost of the works taken up in the
G.P. to the extent of MGNREGA funds.
b) In respect of buildings taken up by the line departments in convergence with MGNREGS, the overall
wage: material component ratio will have to be within 60:40 of the district expenditure to the extent of
MGNREGA funds.
a) Engineers at Gram Panchayat/ Block level should supervise and inspect during course of construction of
buildings at every stage of construction like, marking lay out, laying of foundation, DPC, plinth level, lintel
level, roofing etc.
b) The State Government should put in place a system of quality monitoring to guide and assist the field
staff in achieving satisfactory quality in respect of the following:
• Site selection
• Selection of design and materials for construction, such that the negative environmental impacts are
c) States may put in place a system to assess environmental friendly buildings through a simple set of
indicators. This could be a measure against a baseline of a standard building utilizing conventional inputs
such as bricks and cement concrete, with flat roofs and typical construction design.
d) At the state level, state government will nominate Nodal Engineer/ Engineers preferably from the state
group, participated in National workshop on use of appropriate technologies in Kerala from 19th to
21stFeb 2014, These officers would be in charge and manage all building works under MGNREGA in the
state and will be link between State and Ministry.
Directives for the construction of 9 types of buildings, permitted under MGNREGA (mentioned in paragraph-
6.5.(i), are given bellow. Typical floor plans for all the 9 buildings and Sample specification report with
typical estimate for Gram Panchayat buildings have been provided, for reference.
i) For the construction of Gram Panchayat buildings, the instructions issued by the Ministry for construction
of ‘Bharat Nirman Rajiv Gandhi Sewa Kendra’ (BNRGSK) at the Gram Panchayat level vide letter no.
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
J-11013/2/2009- NREGA (PT.), dated 30th December, 2009 and subsequent amendments thereon shall
be followed.
ii) On a broad estimate the covered area for the building will be approximately 130 sqm (1400 sft), inclusive
of toilet.
iii) Typical plan and Sample specification report for Gram Panchayat building with rat trap masonry and stub
foundation are given below; Sample estimation for the same building is provided in Annexture-XVI.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
b) Sample Specification Report - Construction of Gram Panchayat building with, Stub Foundations- RR
Masonry for footings & for basement - Solid Brick wall @ room Corners & under beams 0.90m length -
Rat-trap brick masonry with 2nd class bricks-Bearing plastering 20mm thick-Ellis Pattern flooring.
VRCC M20 grade - Plinth beams, Roof beams, 125mm thick slab, lintels & sunshades
Plastering - a) for internal walls - plastering with 12mm thick in CM(1:4) single coat
b) ceiling plastering - plastering with 8mm thick in CM(1:4) single coat
Painting - a) External walls - with water proof cement paint in 2 coats over primer of exterior grade
one coat - total 3 coats
b) internal walls and ceiling - with white lime in 2 coats
Doors: a) D1 with seasoned salwood frame and shutters with door fixtures
b) D2 with seasoned salwood frame and flush shutters & door fixtures
RCC Ventilators
Impervious coat
LS Provision for unforeseen items, variation in depth of foundations, undulations in ground levels etc.
i) Anganwadi Centres under MGNREGA will be constructed to serve the objectives of pre-school, nutrition
centre, semi-formal public health unit, community centre located in the heart of settlements i.e., to serve,
first out post at the habitation level for nutrition, health, early childhood development and learning & to
provide crèche facility to MGNREGA workers.
ii) The designs/ specifications would adhere to instruction/guidelines issued by the Ministry of Women &
Child Development, GOI, from time to time.
iii) The Ministry of Women & Child Development has issued guidelines stating that AWCs should be child
friendly with all relevant infrastructures, separate sitting room for children/ women, separate kitchen,
store for storing food items, child-friendly pictorial compound walls and child friendly toilets and space
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
for playing of children (indoor and outdoor activities) with safe drinking water facilities and the space
should be at least 600 sft.
iv) For construction of Anganwadi Centres under MGNREGS, there may be two funding facilities as
mentioned in para 6.5 (v)
i) Rural artisans and farmers do not have resources to connect themselves to the market as they lack
adequate capacity, market intelligence and negotiation skills. Construction of buildings for village Haat
would help them to bridge these inadequacies. Permanent marketing Centres will help them to promote
marketing of their produce and will boost socio-economic development.
ii) Village Haats may be constructed at the existing place of marketing in the villages or blocks where weekly
haats already exist. The land for the proposed village haats must be owned by the Gram Panchayat/
iii) The basic structure/ facilities which may provide at these village haats are as under.
d) Drains
g) Office block
i) Boundary wall/ fence with two gates one for incoming and second for out going
j) Parking space CREMATORIA:
i) The location of Crematoria should be outside the village and easily approachable.
d) Drains
i) Waiting shed
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
i) Building for Women Self-Help Group’s (WSHG) federation is to serve the purpose of shelter for the
meetings and various activities of WSHGs.
ii) A typical plan of a building for Women Self Group’s federation is given at figure-6.10.
i) In the areas, where cyclone is common and recurring frequently, the cyclone shelters may be constructed
under MGNREGA.
ii) Location and alignment of the cyclone shelter should be such that it is easily approachable and with
respect to the wind direction and intensity of the cyclone occurring in the area.
iii) Typical plans of Cyclone shelters are given at Figures 6-11 and 6-12.
i) Women Self Help Group federation & Common work sheds for livelihood activities of Self Help Groups
serves the same purpose. Therefore a typical plan Figure-6.10 of a building for Women Self Help Group’s
federation may be referred for common work-sheds for livelihood activities of Self Help Groups.
i) Typical plan for post-harvest facilities including pucca storage facilities for agricultural produce is given
at Figure-6.13.
i) To take up unskilled wage component under MGNREGA in construction of houses sanctioned under IAY,
the guidelines on IAY last issued by Ministry, on June 2013 and subsequent amendments thereon, will be
ii) The plinth area of rural housing to be covered under MGNREGA will be as per the plinth area prescribed
under IAY i.e. Minimum built up area of at least 20sqm (215sft).
iii) The unit cost of an IAY house is Rs. 70,000/- for plain areas and Rs. 75,000/- for hilly states difficult areas
& IAP districts. Under MGNREGA 90 unskilled man days for plain area and 95 man days for hilly states
difficult areas & IAP districts, will be permitted under MGNREGA (for details refer Ministry circular No.
J-11017/40/2011-MGNREGA (UN) dated 30th June 2014). Remaining amount required in construction of
rural house will be the beneficiary contribution.
iv) Typical plans for IAY house are given at figure-6.14 and 6.15
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Figure 6-10: Typical plan of building for Women Self Help Groups’ federation
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
Figure 6-13: Typical plan for post-harvest facilities including pucca storage facilities for
agricultural produce
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA) RAT-TRAP:
The rat trap bond is a masonry technique, where the bricks are used in a way that
creates a cavity within the wall, while maintaining the same wall thickness as for a
conventional brick masonry wall. In a conventional English bond or Flemish bond,
bricks are laid flat where as, in a Rat trap bond, they are placed on edge forming the
inner and outer face of the wall, with cross bricks bridging the two faces.
a) The principal requirement for rat-trap brickwork is the availability of good quality bricks. The following
may be considered as a guiding principle for ensuring strength of bricks for Rat-trap brickwork:
Type of building construction – Span not exceeding Recommended compressive strength of brick
4.2 meters, Roof/ floor loads as per IS 875
Best Practice Minimum allowable
c) To prevent mortar from falling into the cavities a wooden strip may be used while laying mortar on
each course (Figure 6-21).
d) Rat-trap brickwork is modular in nature (Figure 6-22). Follow a modular design for length of walls and
sizes of door-window openings – the module size depends on the available bricks. If this is done, need
for half or quarter bricks in rat-trap masonry can be avoided.
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
Figure 6-21: Wooden strip while laying mortar Figure 6-22: Module of Rat Trap masonry
e) Always lay the first 2 courses of brickwork in a dry run (without mortar) to ensure the exact location and
size of openings as per the rat-trap module and to ensure that joints in the remaining courses will be
properly staggered with the first 2 courses.
f) A solid course of brickwork should be laid at plinth, door and window sill/lintel level and roof level.
g) In case of exposed brick masonry, pointing should be done, with the mortar joints finished with rich
cement mortar.
Data for 1.00 Cubic meter of rat-trap bonded brick masonry with wire cut bricks in 1:6 cement mortar.
Cement kg 36
Scaffolding cum 1
a) Economy in use of bricks- generally, as compared to 500 bricks per Cu meter of brick wall for English
bond masonry wall, 400 bricks are needed in Rat-trap bond masonry. This also results in saving in
quantity of cement and sand because lesser mortar is needed.
b) Provides better thermal comfort because of the air cavity in the brickwork - the building interior remains
cooler in summer and warmer in winter.
c) Compressive strength of the wall is similar to any other brick bond, even after reduction in number of the
d) Rat-trap brickwork with good pointing has an aesthetic appearance and should not be plastered – which
is further saving in cost.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
In simply supported RCC slab, Concrete above the neutral axis takes
care of compressive forces and Steel below the neutral axis takes care of
tensile forces. Concrete in the bottom half do not satisfy any structural
purpose, instead it increases dead load of the RCC slab. In a filler slab
this unnecessary concrete is replaced with a filler material which can be a
waste material to ensure economical advantage over an RCC slab.
a) The filler slab can be designed like a conventional RCC slab as per
IS456-2000 design guidelines, after taking into account the dead load
reduction due to the filler material and the spacing of reinforcement
as per the size of the filler material. There can be a conflict between
filler size and the minimum spacing of reinforcement as per the code,
which needs attention while selecting the filler material.
b) The thickness of filler material should not exceed the depth of the
neutral axis. Generally speaking, for a slab thickness of 125mm, the
filler material depth should not exceed 60mm.
c) The size and shape of the filler material are governed by factors
like code guidelines for slab thickness, local availability of the filler
material, desired ceiling finish, etc. and must be carefully selected.
d) Quantity of concrete in the tension zone (bottom half) of the slab that
can be replaced by a filler material depends on the shape of the filler
material available and the thickness of the solid slab.
S. No. Type of filler material Size of portion of slab using filler material
e) Once the filler material is identified, Shuttering for the filler slab is just like for a conventional RCC slab.
f) After erecting the shuttering, the designed reinforcement is laid with a minimum bottom cover of 15mm.
This forms a grid and the filler material is placed centrally in each space of the grid. Ensuring the linearity
of the tiles, fix the tiles in position using lumps of the concrete mix on all four sides.
g) No filler material is provided in bands of concrete along the edge of the slab. The width of this band
depends on the actual slab dimensions, thickness of slab and the edge conditions. The reinforcement
spacing in these bands will be closer than spacing around the filler materials depending upon the design.
h) After all the filler materials have been placed, any conduits, such as for concealed electrical work, should
be placed in the spaces between the filler material i.e., along grid line and not on top of filler material
i) After the filler material has been completely laid, concrete is laid to completely fill in the spaces between
filler materials and on top of the filler material to achieve the slab thickness.
j) In most cases, it is not advisable to use the concrete vibrator to compact the concrete in the bottom
portion of the slab which contains the filler material. This may disturb the placement of the filler materials.
Therefore, special care must be taken to compact this concrete manually with tamping rods. The concrete
on top of the filler materials is compacted with plate vibrator.
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
• Filler material – 2 Mangalore tiles placed one on top of another. Total thickness of tiles will be
considered as 65mm to 70mm. Size of each tile is considered as 16”x10”.
• However 20% reduction of concrete is taken into consideration for practical purpose
Data for Filler Slab of size 3.51 X 4.12 X0.10m (outer to outer and 3.05 X 3.66m inner dimensions) with
Mangalore tiles:
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Quantity: 1.446cum
Cement bags 8
12mm steel kg 31
10mm steel kg 29
• Depending up on tile size, the no. of tiles will vary and also reinforcement spacing will vary.
• Data for 1cum of concrete (Filler Slab) other than mangalore tiles:
- Cement – 6.6bags
a) It enhances the thermal comfort inside the building due to heat resistant qualities of the filler materials
used. In the case of waste roofing tiles as filler, the air gap in between the tiles makes it a good heat
b) Reduction (about 20%) in the use of concrete results in saving in the cost of cement and aggregate
compared to cost of tiles. Therefore it saves cost when compared to conventional slabs.
c) Ceiling of this slab can be given an attractive appearance with the filler material and therefore, a ceiling
plaster is not needed
d) Masons who are familiar with conventional RCC slab construction can easily adapt to filler slab construction
e) Filler slabs can be used wherever RCC is used, for example, as floor slabs for multi-storied buildings, for
sloping roofs, etc
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
a) Since vibrators cannot be used in spaces between the filler materials, therefore extra care is needed to
manually compact the concrete in this space. Inadequate manual compaction can lead to poor quality
b) It is feasible only in regions where suitable filler material is available which is cheaper than concrete.
Earth is one of the oldest and the most abundantly available building
material and there are many examples all over the world which prove the
durability of well-constructed earthen buildings. Stabilized Compressed
Earth Blocks (CSEB), are an improved version of earth based masonry
blocks. These masonry blocks are made by compressing earth/ soil mixed
with Suitable stabilizer (cement) at optimum moisture content by simple
mechanical means. IS code related to CSEB is IS 1725.
a) The first and the most critical step in CSEB technology is identification
of soil which is suitable for block production and will be available locally
in the required quantity. Recommended specification for suitable soil or
soil-sand mixture is as follows:
3 pH 6.5 – 8.5
b) Accordingly Site (i.e. borrow pit) for the source of raw material (soil) to be identified by specific field
tests and Laboratory tests.
c) Then soil to be sieved in a 4mm sieve to remove stones and lumps of clay.
d) Sand or quarry dust to be mixed to correct the clay sand percentage in the soil.
e) Suitable stabiliser to be added (cement or cement and lime) in appropriate proportions and mix
thoroughly in dry condition.
f) Moisture to be sprinkled on to the mixture and further mixed thoroughly till the mixture is homogenous.
Test for optimum moisture by trying to make a ball of soil in the hand. If a ball can be made without the
soil sticking to the hand the moisture content is right.
g) The correct quantity of moist soil to be weighed such that a fresh block density of 2.05 gm/cc can be
achieved. The weighed soil is to be poured in a soil compaction press, and moulded in a CSEB. Blocks are
then stacked in a five or six block high stack and cured for next 21 days to complete the block making
h) Blocks thus produced ready to be used for masonry with cement mortar 1:6, cement-lime-mortar 1:1:6,
cement-soil mortar 1:2:6 or 1:2:7 or mud mortar.
i) In case of exposed SCEB masonry, the joints should be pointed with 1:3 mortar or 1:1:2 (cement-soil-fine
sand) mortar to prevent water absorption/ leakage through the joints.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Data for producing 1000 numbers of Cement Stabilised Earth Blocks based on hand book of Vidyalayam
2. Cement 212 kg
Data for 1.00 cubic meter of CSEB masonry in 1:4:8 cement-soil mortar: 520 Nos. for size of brick 230mm X
108mm X76mm
a) Can be very cost effective, especially when the blocks are produced at the site
d) Provides good thermal comfort provides aesthetical wall finish, no plaster required
f) Can be made with locally available earth which makes it cost effective.
g) Thermally comfortable, aesthetically pleasing and one of the most environment friendly alternatives for
wall construction.
a) Requires a good understanding of the type of soil available for block production and how it can be
improved/ stabilized.
c) Needs careful design and detailing of the building to ensure that the walls are not damaged by rain.
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
I Site Selection :
• Site Investigation including properties of the • Preferably low lying, water logged areas shall
soil, type of soil strata, Safe Bearing Capacity be avoided.
of the soil shall be ensured before giving
• Do not mark layout without proper site
II Production/ procurement of
Building Materials :
• Assess locally available materials. Avoid procuring materials from faraway places.
• Test properties and justify its suitability for Avoid utilization without ensuring the suitability
construction purpose. of materials for construction.
III Design
• In case of BC soils are met with provide • Improper clear cover in RCC items will
Pile foundations. If conventional type of lead to exposure of steel and reduction of
foundations in BC soils adopted, sand strength of the member.
cushion of at least 0.60m to be provided
• Improper curing leads to low compressive
under the PCC levelling course.
strength, bonding in case of masonry
• If the SBC is less than 100kN/m2, and if foundation. It ultimately leads to unequal
filled up/ marshy soils are met with, proper settlements.
foundation design shall be done before
marking layout.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
• Mixing of concrete shall be on hard surface • Mixing of concrete shall not be done directly
prepared with lean concrete as concrete on earthen surface / loose surface.
• Basement top level shall be higher than the • Avoid Basement top level lower than the
road level to avoid flooding of buildings. road level.
• Provide Damp Proof course at top of the b) Basement height shall not be less than
basement (when two different materials are 0.90m.
used for basement and superstructure).
• Improper curing will reduce the strength of
• Provide band all around, if same material is the structure.
used for both basement and super structure
V Superstructure
• In conventional method RCC Bands are to • Without proper planning in case of Rat trap
be provided at sill & lintel level bond concealed conduiting is not feasible.
• Rat trap bond solid layers i.e., brick on • In case of Brick jollies (replacement of
edge/ solid layers to be provided at windows) improper brick bearings will leads
to diagonal cracks, collapse of bricks.
a) First layer above basement
c) lintel level
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
4 Door & Window Openings • Avoid unseasoned wood for door & window
• Seasoned wood shall be used for frames & frames and shutters.
shutters • If proper bearings are not provided it will
• Lintel length shall be length of opening plus lead to upward corner cracks.
230mm on either side
6 Flooring:
• Adopt local practices. • Avoid flooring directly over sand.
• Locally available natural stones shall be • Avoid improper levels.
adopted except for Food Grain Storage
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
7 Finishing
i) Plastering: a) use fine screened sand. • Don’t use coarse sand and sand with silt and
b) Surface shall be
maintained to plumb.
Specifications for some of the cost effective and environmentally sensitive appropriate construction
technologies are given below:
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
6.6.2. Under MGNREGA, scientific Food Grain Godowns for 250MT & 500MT capacities may be taken up.
Roofing will be either with truss roofing or with proflex sheet roofing.
6.6.3. While designing specifications, the “National or State warehouse manual for operationalising
warehousing (Development & Regulation) Act or guidelines issued either by GoI or States” with
subsequent amendments there on shall be followed.
i) For estimation, foundation depth is taken as 1.20m beneath ground level for ordinary soils and 1.50m for
BC soils. Sand filling is proposed in partially delta areas where there is a possibility of encountering of BC
soils below footings.
ii) For framed structure R.C.C. footings, pedestals, columns, plinth beams at basement level, tie beams
at 2.40m height above basement level, roof beams at 4.20m height and roof beam depth 0.3m are
proposed for 250MT & 500MT capacity godowns.
iii) Basement is proposed at 0.90m height from Ground level & Random Rubble masonry is proposed for
iv) Plinth protection of about 1m wide and 100mm thick is proposed all around the building at ground level.
v) Basement up to 0.47m is to be filled with available excavated earth, if excavated earth is useful for
refilling. Otherwise it should be filled with carted gravel or with sand whichever is available at low rate.
Top 0.23m depth of basement is filled exclusively with sand in order to avoid uneven settlements.
vi) Flooring: Base coat of 150mm thick with PCC (1:5:10) using 40mm size HBG metal, top coat of 50mm
thick with PCC(1:2:4) using 40mm & below HBG metal in order to with stand the loads.
vii) Super structure i.e., walls are proposed with the following options/ alternatives.
a) Brick Masonry in CM (1:6) using 2nd class bricks of 0.23m thick & plastering 20mm thick in single coat
in CM(1:4) on uneven surface and 12mm thick in single coat in CM (1:4) on even surface.
b) Flay ash brick masonry in CM (1:6) using fly ash bricks of 0.20m thick & plastering for this masonry
is done with 12mm thick in single coat in CM (1:4) on both the sides.
c) Mud Brick masonry of 0.23m thick in CM(1:6) using mud bricks manufactured at site & plastering to
this to be done with 20mm in two coats i.e., base coat of 16mm thick in CM(1:6) & top coat of 4mm
thick in CM(1:4).
viii) Sun shade is proposed over windows (box type shade all around the window), over rolling shutters at
tie beam level and continuous sun shade at roof beam level over ventilators to protect the building form
entry of rain water inside.
ix) Major openings i.e., doors – rolling shutters of size 1.80x2.40m is proposed as per act, windows
(0.62x0.62m), ventilators (1.00x0.45m) are proposed on each bay on both the sides of long walls except
on gable wall sides.
x) Roofing: Estimation is done for roofing with proflex sheeting and within that amount even truss roofing
Galvanised sheet can be executed.
xi) Painting: Internal walls with white lime in two coats (Suryacem or equivalent) and external walls with
Water proof cement paint (Snowcem) in two coats.
xii) Looking to the technical input required in construction of scientific food grain godowns it is advisable
that the implementing agency for this work should be Regular engineering department.
xiii) Typical plans for 250 MT & 500 MT capacity Godowns are given in figure 6.6.1 and 6.6.2. The estimated
cost will vary place to place based on local MGNREGA / State SoRs and lead for the supply of construction
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Vide Notification dated 3rd January 2014, Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India has expanded
the scope of works listed in Schedule 1, Para 4 (i) of MGNREG A and included a number of material intensive
works that promote livelihoods such as construction of rural buildings, infrastructure for promotion of
Livestock, fisheries & agriculture productivity etc.
6.7.2. As per Para 20 of Schedule I, of MGNREGA, the 60:40 ratio for wage and material costs is required to
be maintained at GP level for all works to be taken up by GP and at the District level for works to be taken up
by all other agencies.
6.7.3. Several states have represented that in a number of new works that are now allowed to be taken up
under MGNREGA, clay bricks; hollow bricks, tiles, metal (grit) etc., are used. While production of such building
material provides employment to unskilled labour, the entire cost of such building material including the cost
of unskilled labour, is counted towards material cost for the purpose of computing the labour-material ratio.
This creates an anomaly in terms of the labour-material ratio.
6.7.4. Taking into account, the factors listed above, production of building material required in execution
of MGNREGA works, as one of the activities under MGNREGA has been included in schedule-1, MGNREGA
at Para 4.(1) (vii). Pursuant to this, the guidelines for production of building material has been issued vide
Ministry letter No. J-11017/26/2008-MGNREGA (UN) dated 13th January, 2014 and are as follows:
6.7.5. Building Materials which can be taken up for field trials are mud blocks, reinforced mud blocks, clay
bricks, hollow bricks, cement inter locking tiles, metal (grit), pipes, etc., in production of which sufficient
number of unskilled labour is required and can be produced locally with locally available material.
Implementing Agency (as defined in Section 2 (g) of the Act) that is entrusted with the task of executing
MGNREGA works, may take up, production of building material as a part of construction of the work in a
labour intensive manner, following these guidelines. But such production shall not be a standalone activity.
i) From the annual development plan of the GP, works for field trials should be carried out and the total
requirement of building materials for MGNREGA works to be used should be ascertained. The production
of building materials should be spread in such a manner that building materials are not allowed to be
stored for long period and this would affect the quality and lead to breakage/ wastage.
ii) The location where building material will be produced shall be selected based on the availability of water
and the required quality of material/ soil etc.
iii) For unskilled labour required in production of building material, workers that hold job cards only will be
engaged. The un-skilled tasks under different activities in production of building material to be carried
out by an un-skilled labour should be worked out by the State, quickly.
iv) Self Help Groups of MGNREGA workers, interested in building material production will be formed in the
Block. The DPC will arrange required training on building material production to these Self Help Groups,
through the concerned agencies, before the building material production is taken up and such SHGs will
be engaged, whenever building material production is taken up in the Block.
v) Some existing willing building material manufacturers may be identified as non-commercial ‘resource
persons’ who can work as ‘mates’ for the programme. These identified mates may select the places and
train the wage seekers in basic processes before starting the production of building material.
vi) All processes and non-negotiable required under MGNREGA will be followed in engaging MGNREGA
workers for building material production under these guidelines.
It is necessary to ensure that prescribed quality standards are adhered to. If the building material production
is not of the quality required, not only should the field trial be discontinued, such building material should
Rural infrastructure under MGNREGA
not be used for construction at all. Sizes, strength required and tests to be performed as per Indian Standard
States must deploy all required inspection/monitoring processes so as to ensure that building material
produced are of acceptable quality. COSTING:
In building material production cost, un-skilled labour component (shall not be less than 33%) and skilled/
semi-skilled/ material component, will be worked out by the State, based on actual costs of inputs, wage
rates and work output.
Procurement of capital items should be avoided. If it is absolutely necessary to procure small items, then the
same can be procured following procurement procedures laid down by the State Government. However, it is
advised that a decision for procuring capital items shall not be a level below that of DPC.
On every building material production site all accountability arrangements as prescribed under MGNREGA
will be followed. Material at site (MAS) register with details of raw material and produced material will be
maintained in the format as detailed at Format-1 & Format -2 respectively.
All other conditions such as compliance with Rules / Regulations including those relating to Environmental
aspects should be strictly adhered to. All building material shall follow ‘green’ (environmental friendly)
technology and processes. MISCELLANEOUS:
It needs to be re-iterated here that building material production is not permitted as a “stand alone” activity
meaning thereby that building material production cannot be made under MGNREGA and used for works
other than the works taken up under MGNREGA or for sale in the open market.
The regular and systematic documentation of field trials on building material production at District level will
be made by the implementing agency under the guidance of DPC. The State will monitor the field trials taken
up for building material production and will ensure that the regular and systematic documentation is made
on field trials and will give regular feed back to the Ministry. After 4 months of starting field trial, reports may
be sent to MoRD, wherever possible teams from the Ministry will visit the building material production sites to
study and assess the possibility of up scaling the activity. A final decision on up scaling would be taken after
assessment of performance.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
Optimum utilization of scarce available resources in creating durable & productive assets under MGNREGA
and optimizing outcome of MGNREGA work will be possible only when required quality management of
MGNREGA works is carried out in a timely manner and systematically, so that the MGNREGA works are
economical, durable, and productive/ giving optimum outcomes after completion. To achieve it, following
parameters are to be kept in mind and steps/ activities are to be carried out in selecting work, feasible site,
survey, planning, designing, layout, execution, monitoring and follow up.
To carry out a work there may be different alternative sites, from where we can get better output per unit
expenditure. For illustration, while locating water harvesting structure (WHS) there may be different available
sites where different storage capacities are available, therefore among these alternate sites we have to select
a site, where the size of WHS i.e; length and height required to be constructed is minimal and water storage
capacity is optimum. This can be quantified by working out construction cost per cubic meter of water
storage. The site where the construction cost per cubic meter of water storage is minimal will be selected.
7.1.2. DURABLE:
The assets will be durable ie; usable and productive till its estimated life or more, only when the work site is
properly selected, required survey, design & planning has been carried out/ made, proper layout has been
given and all required norms have been followed in execution of work etc. While selecting a work and the site, the outcome/ utility of the work have to be spelled out and
quantified. For illustration if a WHS is proposed to be constructed, how many open/ bore wells will be
benefited or how much area will come under irrigation etc. Whether it will lead in expansion of crop area and
change in cropping pattern- which may fetch more income, should also be spelt out while selecting a work
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
site for WHS. If plantation is proposed in an area, than in how many years, how much production / income it
will generate The ‘expected outcomes’ and ‘actual outcomes shall be quantifiable and measurable and shall be
arrived at in the following manner:
i) Individual asset: In case of a work for creating or upgrading an individual asset, the outcome shall
be defined in terms of the physical outcome/ benefit and expected additional income to the household
after execution of the work.
For illustration, if a proposal is to do contour bunding on a beneficiary field then how much, soil from
erosion will be checked, rain water will be conserved & percolate, increase in productivity and expected
additional income to the household will be there after execution of work.
ii) Community asset: In case of a work creating or upgrading a community asset, the outcome shall
be defined in terms of number of households it would benefit and the net additional income to the
community that is expected from execution of that work.
For illustration, if we are constructing a pond, then the outcome shall be that how many households would
benefit for bathing/ washing/ drinking water for cattle or fisheries, how many wells will be recharged/ how
much area will come under irrigation and net additional income to the community that is expected from
constructing pond.
The productivity/ outcome should be strictly monitored by measuring the ‘expected’ and ‘actual’ outcomes
from executing a work in the following manner:
i) Before any work is placed before the Gram Sabha for approval, there should be a statement quantifying
the expected outcomes from executing the work, as stated above at Para
ii) No work should be moved to the shelf of projects without quantifying the ‘expected outcomes’ from
that work; and no work should be closed without measuring the ‘actual outcomes’ from execution of the
iii) On conclusion of the work, the ‘actual outcomes’ achieved should be measured and quantified by the
Programme Officer or by a team deputed by him; and should be placed before the Gram Sabha.
iv) In case the ‘actual outcomes’ are below the ‘expected outcomes’, and that is attributed to negligence
either in design or in execution either by the social audit or in the quality inspections or in the verification
done by the Programme Officer, the personnel responsible should be proceeded against in the manner
as defined in the disciplinary rules governing their service.
v) Action taken on such personnel should be reported to the Gram Sabha in the next meeting and should
be monitored by the District Programme Coordinator.
vi) In this regard Ministry has also issued instructions vide letter No. J-11011/02/2010-MGNREGA (Policy)
(10093) dated 5th August, 2014.
Typical units of expected economy, durability, and outcome/ productivity of MGNREGA works are at table-7.1.
However, it may vary place to place depending on local agro-climatic and hydro-geological conditions.
As per the chapter on “Quality management of MGNREGA works” of the MGNREGA Operational Guidelines
2013, all these activities are to be carried out by the implementing agency through the internal quality
supervision team. The State Government will prescribe roles and responsibilities of the Technical Assistants
at GP level and the technical staff at Block/ District level to carry out these activities, supervise, provide
guidance and monitor whether activities are being performed at levels prescribed and specify norms for each
of the activities.
i) The authority issuing technical sanction has to examine the proposal and ensure that the proposal
received for technical sanction carry all the required details i.e. technical note with expected outcome/
increase in productivity, survey sheet, design, drawing and detailed estimate indicating the cost per unit
output and are in order.
Quality control & maintenance of works under MGNREGA
ii) Outcome orientation is important to ensure that unproductive works are not taken up for execution
and the quality of works is maintained as per standards. States will prepare a module to guide the
functionaries on the expected outcomes for each type of work and train the functionaries in using it.
iii) Programme Coordinators shall organize suitable training programmes to all the functionaries and
stakeholders in correctly estimating and measuring the outcomes as per the module developed by the
Under quality monitoring by external monitors, the SQMs of the district will visit and check 25% of the works
being carried out in the district at least once, based on structured (based on categories of works) random
sampling in life time of work execution.
i) Under follow up, on the inspection/ monitoring / social audit, if there is a shortfall in the activities to be
performed to make the asset economical, productive and durable and affecting adversely on the asset,
as identified by the inspecting officer/ SQMs or in the Social Audit, the concerned authority issuing
Technical Sanction or concerned official executing the work, who ever held responsible will be penalized
under section 27(2) of MGNREGA.
ii) To begin with, NREGA software has been modified to capture the expected outcomes in the technical
Table 7-1: Typical units of expected economy, outcome/ productivity and durability of MGNREGA asset
2 Afforestation & Cost per unit area/ Afforestation Benefit per tree till its
tree plantation plant till the tree is trees, 20-25 total age i.e. 20-25
grown up (3-4 years) years years.
4 a) Irrigation facility/ Cost per unit area a) 15-25 years Area covered under
horticulture/ brought under b) 10-15 years irrigation/plantation/
plantation/ irrigation/ plant till land development/
b) farm bunding/ it is productive/unit Increase in
land development area developed productivity in a year
by taking number of
crops in a year
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
6 Land development Cost per unit area 15-25 years Area developed/
developed increase in
productivity per
7 Flood control & Flood Cost per unit area 10-15 years Area developed/
protection works developed increase in
productivity per
8 Road connectivity Cost per Km. length (a) 10-15 years Number of villagers &
(a) CC roads of connectivity (b) 5-10 years villages benefitted
(b) Gravel/ WBM road
9 Building works Cost per unit covered 45-60 years Number of villagers &
area villages benefitted
10 Agriculture related Cost per unit capacity 5-10 years Capacity to produce
infrastructure works of producing manure kg. of compost/
at a time manure per annum
11 Livestock related works Cost per unit covered 10-15 years Number of poultry/
area goat/cattle benefitted
12 Fishery related works Cost per unit fish 5-10 years Quintals of fish
produced per annum produced per annum
13 Works in coastal areas a) Cost per unit covered a) 10-15 years a) Quintals of fish can
a) fish drying yards area be dried per annum
b) belt vegetation b) Cost per unit covered b) 15-25 years b) area benefitted
area/ number of plants
14 Rural drinking water Cost per unit cum water a) 3-5 years Area benefitted/
related works such recharged/ earth quantity of water
as soak pits, recharge excavated recharged
15 Rural sanitation related Cost per unit toilet/ a) 10-15 years Number of persons
works ton solid/litre liquid benefitted
waste management
a) Public assets: Assets created on common/public land are public assets. As per Para 4. (1) IV. (viii) Of
schedule-1, MGNREGA, “Maintenance of rural public assets created under the Act” are permitted under
the Act. Whereas, Para 7.3.7 of MGNREGA Operational Guidelines 2013 reveals that, “The maintenance
of assets should generally be undertaken only for those works and assets that have been created under
MGNREGA. In case MGNREGA funds are to be used to rehabilitate assets created from schemes other
Quality control & maintenance of works under MGNREGA
than MGNREGA, the full details of previous work done along with date, copy of estimate and measurement
book should be placed as part of the MGNREGA work record before administrative approval is granted.
It will be the duty of the agency that has executed these assets to provide all required details and
documents to the GP. PO will ensure that an entry to this effect is made against each such work in the
list of works placed before the Gram Sabha. She/he will ensure that copies of documents are also made
available to the DPC before administrative approval is accorded and details are made available to the
implementing agency along with the commencement letter/ work order.
b) Assets created on land or homestead owned by individual households (as per Para 4(1) of schedule
I, MGNREGA) are individual assets. The beneficiaries of the assets shall carry out the maintenance of
individual assets as per the schedule of maintenance worked out for different type of individual assets.
The beneficiary, while applying for MGNREGA work on his land or homestead will give an undertaking for
regular maintenance of asset as per schedule of maintenance. A typical format of an application by the
beneficiary for MGNREGA work on his land or homestead is at Annexure-XVII.
a) Maintenance of works has to follow a specific schedule for being retained in working condition. However,
release of funds for maintenance of works in State Governments is neither predictable nor adequate.
As a result, many assets get damaged wasting the investments made in creation of assets. Besides,
maintenance of assets also provides employment required to meet the demand for works.
b) During natural calamities, public assets get damaged and non-restoration of these in time dislocates the
normal life and livelihoods. Restoration after natural calamities requires substantial investments in short
periods, which State Governments do not always succeed in investing.
• There should be a schedule for maintenance of assets created under MGNREGA and asset once created
should necessarily be maintained as per the schedule.
• The maintenance of individual asset created under MGNREGA should be maintained by the concerned
beneficiary after completion, as per schedule for maintenance. Gram Panchayat should oversee this work
and enclose a report in each year’s labour budget on the maintenance of these assets.
• The maintenance of MGNREGA public works and public assets that have been created under MGNREGA
will be funded under MGNREGA. However, the maintenance work will be considered as a separate work
with pre- measurement and post-measurement, following all the norms under MGNREGA for new work
like labour: material ratio etc.
• The maintenance schedule for assets shall depend on the nature and category of asset.
iv) For this purpose, assets created under MGNREGA are classified into 5 categories:
a) Plantation works: Plantation works such as, horticulture, plantation and belt vegetation in coastal areas
on individual land and drought proofing including afforestation and tree plantation on common/ public
land should be maintained under MGNREGA as follows:
Category Period
Thereafter, the regular maintenance of plantation on individual land should be carried out by the
beneficiary and plantation on common land under MGNREGA by the Gram Panchayat.
b Earth works on public lands: Water conservation and water harvesting structures, irrigation works, land
development, flood channels, traditional water bodies on public/common land, gravel/ WBM road should
be maintained every year by the GP.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
c) Earth works on private lands: Dug out/ farm pond, land development on individual land, farm bunding,
water conservation and water harvesting structures on private lands benefiting individual farmers should
be maintained every year by the beneficiary.
d) Works with material component on individual lands: Works with material component on private lands
which are expected to have at least 5-15 years of life - such as, NADEP composting pit, Vermi composting
pit, liquid bio- manure pit, poultry shelter, goat shelter, cattle shed, fish drying yard, individual household
latrines on land or homestead owned by an individual (as per Para 5 of schedule I, MGNREGA) should be
maintained by the beneficiary after completion as per schedule for maintenance.
e) Works with material components on public lands: Works with material component on public lands
which are expected to have at least 15 -25 years of life / Check/ Stop dams, pucca works for rural
connectivity, AWC, BNRGSK buildings on common/ public land should be maintained once in every 3
years after completion by the Gram Panchayat.
7.2.2. The damages due to natural disaster on individual land should be repaired under MGNREGA funds,
after duly survey, justification and approval of DPC on area/ project approach.
7.2.3. A detailed typical schedule of maintenance is given at Annexure-XVIII, However, it will vary place to
place depending on local agro-climatic and hydro-geological conditions
i) Typical estimates for maintenance part of execution of work should be prepared by the respective
states for different type of works based on local agro- climatic, hydro-geological conditions and design
of works. The estimate for execution of MGNREGA new works should be in two parts, one part should
be estimate for execution of new works and second part should be for routine maintenance to be carried
out simultaneously/ in continuation of execution of works.
ii) Estimates for maintenance works other than routine maintenance (to be carried out simultaneously/ in
continuation as a part of execution of works), should be prepared after conducting inspection/ required
sample survey.
iii) Administrative & financial sanction for maintenance work other than routine maintenance (to be carried
out simultaneously/ in continuation as a part of execution of works) should be issued by the authority,
authorised for new MGNREGA works and technical sanction should be issued by the one higher authority,
authorised to issue technical sanction for new MGNREGA works.
iv) Measurement should be taken before maintenance (pre-measurement) and after maintenance and
should be recorded in the M/B and accordingly quantum of work carried out should be worked out and
payment should be made after due checking by the competent authority.
v) Task of different type of maintenance works to be carried out by MGNREGA worker should be worked
out by carrying out systematic time motion studies.
vi) Maintenance team of 4 Job Card holders households willing to carry out maintenance work for a group
of public assets should be formed, so that each of these 4 job card holder households can be assigned
maintenance work for 100 days in a year in rotation. This will help in continuity of availability of labour,
in fixing the responsibility of particular households and quality in maintenance.
vii) Asset maintenance registers the GP should maintain record of maintenance work carried on public
assets and individual assets in the public asset maintenance register and individual asset maintenance
register separately, in the format prescribed at Annexure-XIX and Annexure-XX respectively.
As per Para 6 of schedule-1, MGNREGA, effective inter-departmental convergence till the last milestone
implementation level of the works under the Scheme with other Government Schemes/ programmes has
to be made, so as to improve the quality and productivity of assets, and bring in synergy to holistically
address the multiple dimensions of poverty in a sustainable manner.
Filling the gap in creation of durable & productive asset by utilization of MGNREGS funds and funds from
other schemes.
For illustration
• Unskilled man- day’s requirement i.e. 90 man days in plain areas and 95 man days in hilly areas from
MGNREGA, to meet out the cost of constructing of an IAY house.
For illustration
• Plantation of host plants of Silkworms under MGNREGA in convergence with the Catalytic Development
Programme (CDP) of Central silk Board, Ministry of Textiles i.e. gap filling
• Cocoon processing for silk under the CDP scheme of Central Silk Board, Ministry of Textile i.e. value
iii) Follow physical, technical & financial norms of the scheme to be converged with
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
vi) Every house hold in rural area can have Job Card for unskilled work and can work under MGNREGA
ii) Only job Card holders employed for the unskilled part
v) Wage payments done only through banks/post office accounts, unless exempted by MoRD.
vii) All works to be approved by Gram Sabha, Block Sabha, and ZPP.
viii) The overall cost of material component of projects including the wages of the mate, skilled and semi-
skilled workers under the scheme not exceed forty percent at GP level, when GP is implementing agency
and at district level when line department is implementing agency, in a financial year.
ix) The individual household beneficiary shall be from a household eligible under MGNREGA
xi) The lands of SC/ST/BPL taken on priority. Once works on lands of SC/ST/BPL are saturated in a GP,
works on land of Small and Marginal Farmer (SF/MF) is considered
xii) Every work/ project/ cluster treated as a MGNREGA project for the purpose of:
xiv) MGNREGS funds will not be used as a substitute for departmental plan funds
8.5. ‘:
In operational terms, convergence of different programmes with MGNREGA will require coordination between
the converging programmes and MGNREGS at following steps of implementation:
i) Planning
8.5.1. PLANNING:
i) The concerned line department identify suitable land / eligible beneficiaries after assessing technical
feasibility & prepare project report
ii) Put up in Gram Sabha for approval & inclusion in annual plan & shelf of project
iv) Design & Specification adhere to the norms of the scheme converged with
v) AS& FS by DPC
Convergence MGNREGS with ongoing other schemes in the area for filling & value addition
vi) TS by the authorised technical personal for MGNREGS for MGNREGS part and authorised technical
personal of the line department, of the scheme being converged with.
vii) The convergence projects should be comprehensive enough to ensure time bound execution.
viii) Wage material ratio should be maintained as 60:40 at the GP level, when GP is implementing agency
and at District level when line Department is implementing agency.
ix) DPC/PO should share the list of works to be taken up with concerned department so that they can
indicate appropriate activities/technologies for each work for value addition during planning process
x) If the source of funding is more than one, other than MGNREGS then both departments will prepare
a composite statement clearly defining activities with source of funding which will be attached with
the project of each scheme so that there is no duplicity and no activity is left out ( a typical exercise is
attached herewith).
xi) The parent department of the converging programme should provide necessary technical expertise to
the Gram Panchayat in planning, preparation of DPR & execution, so that convergence takes place in a
complementary manner and the activities are dovetailed into a well-linked programme.
xii) The projects that are identified for convergence with MGNREGA should be discussed in the Gram
Sabha located in the project area.
xiii) Activities/structures/tasks identified for execution under MGNREGA should be included in the annual
shelf of works for MGNREGA and will be part of the labour budget.
xiv) The planning will be village based, holistic, diagnostic, outcome oriented, etc.
xv) In the planning process, identification of works will be identified by the IPPE and proposed in the Gram
Sabha. GP to consider the recommendations of Gram Sabha and Ward Sabha.
xvi) Estimates will be prepared by the staff of implementing agency and after due examination & the
technical feasibility the TS will be issued by the competent authorities.
xix) The status of a work proposed for convergence would be one of the following: completed or ongoing.
Convergence should be planned as per the status of the work
xx) At the district level, the overall head for the convergence project is the District collector/DDO/CEO ZP.
S/he oversees the planning and implementation of these projects
xxi) For effective implementation of convergence, it would be necessary to ensure that works to be taken
up from MGNREGS for convergence with other schemes, are given the required priority by the Gram
xxii) Planning for works and managing the convergence would require institutional arrangements for proper
coordination at District, Block and village level.
i) For MGNREGA part GP is the Implementing Agency, however, line department can also be the
Implementing Agencies
ii) For converged scheme part, line department is the Implementing Agency, however GP can also be the
Implementing Agency
iii) On request for M/R (Muster Roll) through GP, PO will issue M/R
v) Pay orders will be generated as per executed quantities recorded in the measurement book
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
iii) Quarterly progress review meeting by DPC & Nodal Officer of the scheme in the District
vi) All processes of MGNREGA such as Social Audit, Account Maintenance, MIS reporting applicable to
MGNREGA expenditure to be followed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
i) The State Convergence plan (SCP) has to be prepared district wise in the concerned state
ii) The line departments who are converging works with MGNREGS have to prepare district wise plans
indicating their share in the project amount which will be involved in the programme.
iii) These district plan are to be approved by the Chief Secretary of the State
A typical exercise to identify all the works/ activities to be covered under MGNREGS and under watershed
development programme / other similar programme, separately, with the size of area/ work, estimated
cost and the year in which proposed.
Name of Watershed: ------------, Area of Watershed: --- ha. --------- Name of Village: ----------------,
Name of Panchayat/Block/District: -------------------
Convergence MGNREGS with ongoing other schemes in the area for filling & value addition
A Watershed Management
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Convergence MGNREGS with ongoing other schemes in the area for filling & value addition
i) Resource Mapping
5. Location of Work
v. Estimated Cost
v. Estimated Cost
14. IEC & Capacity building under taken by DRG & BRG &
VRGfor stake holders including PRI functioneries and
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
a) Wage cost
b) Material cost
4 Calf 65 70 1660.75
6 Sheep 2 8 5.84
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Total 161.48
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Contour Trench
RM 0 6000 0 3000 0 30000 3
Contour Bund
RM 0 2500 0 3350 0 33500 3.35
Boulder Check
No. 0 50 0 500 0 7500 0.75
4 Farm Bunding RM 0 99820 0 133758.8 0 1337588
5 Stop Dam No. 0 3 0 30000 0 90000 9
Earthen Dam No. 0 8 0 84000 0 168000 16.8
Farm Pond No. 0 5 0 10000 0 30000 3
B Livestock 1.58
C Agriculture 161.48
So the water to be harvested as per the plan is able to meet up the requirement of village.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
(Source: Design manual of Chambal Command Area Development, Kota, Rajasthan, April, 1998)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
1 1 : 500 0.5159 0.3714 0.5374 0.4366 0.5581 0.5079 0.5784 0.5856 0.5981 0.6698 0.6173 0.7608
2 1 : 550 0.4919 0.3542 0.5123 0.4163 0.5322 0.4843 0.5514 0.5583 0.5702 0.6387 0.5886 0.7254
3 1 : 600 0.4709 0.3391 0.4905 0.3986 0.5095 0.4637 0.5280 0.5346 0.5460 0.6115 0.5635 0.6945
4 1 : 650 0.4525 0.3258 0.4713 0.3829 0.4895 0.4455 0.5073 0.5136 0.5245 0.5875 0.5414 0.6673
5 1 : 700 0.4360 0.3139 0.4541 0.3690 0.4717 0.4293 0.4888 0.4949 0.5055 0.5661 0.5217 0.6430
6 1 : 750 0.4212 0.3033 0.4387 0.3565 0.4557 0.4147 0.4722 0.4781 0.4883 0.5469 0.5040 0.6212
7 1 : 800 0.4079 0.2937 0.4248 0.3452 0.4413 0.4015 0.4572 0.4629 0.4728 0.5295 0.4880 0.6015
8 1 : 850 0.3957 0.2849 0.4121 0.3349 0.4281 0.3896 0.4436 0.4491 0.4587 0.5137 0.4734 0.5835
9 1 : 900 0.3845 0.2769 0.4005 0.3254 0.4160 0.3786 0.4311 0.4365 0.4458 0.4993 0.4601 0.5671
10 1 : 950 0.3743 0.2695 0.3898 0.3167 0.4049 0.3685 0.4196 0.4248 0.4339 0.4859 0.4478 0.5520
11 1 : 1000 0.3648 0.2627 0.3800 0.3087 0.3947 0.3591 0.4090 0.4141 0.4229 0.4736 0.4365 0.5380
12 1 : 1050 0.3560 0.2563 0.3708 0.3013 0.3852 0.3505 0.3991 0.4041 0.4127 0.4622 0.4260 0.5250
13 1 : 1100 0.3478 0.2504 0.3623 0.2944 0.3763 0.3424 0.3899 0.3948 0.4032 0.4516 0.4162 0.5129
14 1 : 1150 0.3402 0.2449 0.3543 0.2879 0.3680 0.3349 0.3814 0.3861 0.3943 0.4417 0.4070 0.5017
15 1 : 1200 0.3330 0.2398 0.3469 0.2818 0.3603 0.3279 0.3733 0.3780 0.3860 0.4324 0.3985 0.4911
16 1 : 1250 0.3263 0.2349 0.3399 0.2761 0.3530 0.3212 0.3658 0.3704 0.3782 0.4236 0.3904 0.4812
17 1 : 1300 0.3199 0.2304 0.3333 0.2708 0.3461 0.3150 0.3587 0.3632 0.3709 0.4154 0.3828 0.4718
18 1 : 1350 0.3140 0.2261 0.3270 0.2657 0.3397 0.3091 0.3520 0.3564 0.3640 0.4076 0.3757 0.4630
19 1 : 1400 0.3083 0.2220 0.3211 0.2609 0.3336 0.3035 0.3456 0.3500 0.3574 0.4003 0.3689 0.4547
20 1 : 1450 0.3029 0.2181 0.3155 0.2564 0.3278 0.2983 0.3396 0.3439 0.3512 0.3933 0.3625 0.4468
21 1 : 1500 0.2979 0.2145 0.3102 0.2521 0.3222 0.2932 0.3339 0.3381 0.3453 0.3867 0.3564 0.4393
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
1 1 : 500 0.6361 0.8588 0.6546 0.9639 0.6727 1.0763 0.6905 1.1962 0.7079 1.3239 0.7252 1.4594
2 1 : 550 0.6065 0.8188 0.6241 0.9190 0.6414 1.0262 0.6583 0.1405 0.6750 1.2623 0.6914 1.3915
3 1 : 600 0.5807 0.7839 0.5975 0.8799 0.6141 0.9825 0.6303 1.0920 0.6463 1.2085 0.6620 1.3322
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
4 1 : 650 0.5579 0.7532 0.5741 0.8454 0.5900 0.9440 0.6056 1.0492 0.6209 1.1611 0.6360 1.2800
5 1 : 700 0.5376 0.7258 0.5532 0.8146 0.5685 0.9096 0.5835 1.0110 0.5983 1.1189 0.6129 1.2334
6 1 : 750 0.5194 0.7012 0.5345 0.7870 0.5492 0.8788 0.5638 0.9767 0.5780 1.0809 0.5921 1.1916
7 1 : 800 0.5029 0.6789 0.5175 0.7620 0.5318 0.8509 0.5459 0.9457 0.5597 1.0466 0.5733 1.1536
8 1 : 850 0.4879 0.6586 0.5020 0.7392 0.5159 0.8255 0.5296 0.9175 0.5430 1.0154 0.5562 1.1193
9 1 : 900 0.4741 0.6401 0.4879 0.7184 0.5014 0.8022 0.5146 0.8916 0.5277 0.9867 0.5405 1.0878
10 1 : 950 0.4615 0.6230 0.4749 0.6993 0.4880 0.7808 0.5009 0.8678 0.5136 0.9604 0.5261 1.0588
11 1 : 1000 0.4498 0.6072 0.4629 0.6816 0.4757 0.7610 0.4882 0.8459 0.5006 0.9361 0.5128 1.0319
12 1 : 1050 0.4390 0.5926 0.4517 0.6651 0.4642 0.7427 0.4765 0.8255 0.4885 0.9136 0.5004 1.0071
13 1 : 1100 0.4289 0.5790 0.4413 0.6498 0.4535 0.7256 0.4655 0.8065 0.4773 0.8925 0.4889 0.9839
14 1 : 1150 0.4194 0.5663 0.4316 0.6355 0.4435 0.7097 0.4553 0.7888 0.4668 0.8729 0.4782 0.9623
15 1 : 1200 0.4106 0.5543 0.4225 0.6222 0.4342 0.6947 0.4457 0.7722 0.4570 0.8545 0.4681 0.9420
16 1 : 1250 0.4023 0.5431 0.4140 0.6096 0.4254 0.6807 0.4367 0.7566 0.4477 0.8373 0.4586 0.9230
17 1 : 1300 0.3945 0.5326 0.4059 0.5978 0.4172 0.6675 0.4282 0.7419 0.4391 0.8210 0.4497 0.9051
18 1 : 1350 0.3871 0.5226 0.3984 0.5866 0.4094 0.6550 0.4202 0.7280 0.4308 0.8057 0.4413 0.8882
19 1 : 1400 0.3802 0.5132 0.3912 0.5760 0.4020 0.6432 0.4126 0.7149 0.4231 0.7912 0.4334 0.8722
20 1 : 1450 0.3735 0.5043 0.3844 0.5660 0.3950 0.6320 0.4055 0.7024 0.4157 0.7774 0.4258 0.8570
21 1 : 1500 0.3673 0.4958 0.3779 0.5565 0.3884 0.6214 0.3986 0.6906 0.4087 0.7643 0.4187 0.8426
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
1 1 : 500 0.7421 1.6030 0.7588 1.7548 0.7753 1.9151 0.7079 1.3239 0.7252 1.4594
2 1 : 550 0.7076 1.5284 0.7235 1.6732 0.7393 1.8260 0.6750 1.2623 0.6914 1.3915
3 1 : 600 0.6775 1.4633 0.6927 1.6019 0.7078 1.7482 0.6463 1.2085 0.6620 1.3322
4 1 : 650 0.6509 1.4059 0.6656 1.5391 0.6800 1.6797 0.6209 1.1611 0.6360 1.2800
5 1 : 700 0.6272 1.3548 0.6413 1.4831 0.6553 1.6186 0.5983 1.1189 0.6129 1.2334
6 1 : 750 0.6059 1.3088 0.6196 1.4328 0.6331 1.5637 0.5780 1.0809 0.5921 1.1916
7 1 : 800 0.5867 1.2673 0.5999 1.3873 0.6130 1.5140 0.5597 1.0466 0.5733 1.1538
8 1 : 850 0.5692 1.2294 0.5820 1.3459 0.5947 1.4688 0.5430 1.0154 0.5562 1.1193
9 1 : 900 0.5531 1.1948 0.5656 1.3080 0.5779 1.4274 0.5277 0.9867 0.5405 1.0878
10 1 : 950 0.5384 1.1629 0.5505 1.2731 0.5625 1.3894 0.5136 0.9604 0.5261 1.0588
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)
11 1 : 1000 0.5248 1.1335 0.5366 1.2409 0.5483 1.3542 0.5006 0.9361 0.5128 1.0319
12 1 : 1050 0.5121 1.1062 0.5237 1.2110 0.5350 1.3216 0.4885 0.9136 0.5004 1.0071
13 1 : 1100 0.5003 1.0807 0.5116 1.1831 0.5227 1.2912 0.4773 0.8925 0.4889 0.9839
14 1 : 1150 0.4893 1.0570 0.5004 1.1571 0.5112 1.2628 0.4668 0.8729 0.4782 0.9623
15 1 : 1200 0.4790 1.0347 0.4898 1.1327 0.5005 1.2362 0.4570 0.8545 0.4681 0.9420
16 1 : 1250 0.4694 1.0138 0.4799 1.1099 0.4904 1.2112 0.4477 0.8373 0.4586 0.9230
17 1 : 1300 0.4602 0.9941 0.4706 1.0883 0.4809 1.1877 0.4391 0.8210 0.4497 0.9051
18 1 : 1350 0.4516 0.9755 0.4618 1.0680 0.4719 1.1655 0.4308 0.8057 0.4413 0.8882
19 1 : 1400 0.4435 0.9580 0.4535 1.0487 0.4634 1.1445 0.4231 0.7912 0.4334 0.8722
20 1 : 1450 0.4358 0.9413 0.4456 1.0305 0.4553 1.1246 0.4157 0.7774 0.4258 0.8570
21 1 : 1500 0.4285 0.9255 0.4381 1.0132 0.4476 1.1057 0.4087 0.7643 0.4187 0.8426
(Source: Design manual of Chambal Command Area Development, Kota, Rajasthan, April, 1998)
Bund Plantation
i) Forest land
i) Common land
i) Common land
Lac Culture
i. Common land
School Premises
Temple premises
Educational Institutions
Hospital premises
Individual lands
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Lac Culture
0 year April Training programmes for the Officials of implementing Officials of Rural
to agency/volunteers/Resource persons/beneficiaries, Development Department
July regarding MGNREGA operational guidelines/ planning (RDD), Elected
process, convergence guidelines/circulars/ to take up representatives/Officials
proper planning exercise for the preparation of work plan of concerned line
and labour budget. departments.
August Initiate Planning through Gram Sabha (IPPE), Identification Gram Panchayat elected
of suitable lands for conducting various types of plantations representatives and
like roadside, canal side, tank foreshore, Institutional lands, Officials of RDD, and
Waste lands, barren lands. Degraded lands etc. on Individual/ Officials of concerned line
Common/Forest lands. Identification of beneficiaries for Departments,
providing usufruct rights, Estimating demand of species from
beneficiaries (out of the recommended species as per agro-
climatic condition), Working out for nursery preparation etc.
Working out convergence possibilities with other schemes.
Sept. Ratification by Gram Sabha – preparation of estimate and Gram Panchayat elected
to Dec. obtaining technical and administrative sanctions. representatives and
Officials, PO, DPC
Feb Soil test of selected tree planting site. Land development – Beneficiary with the support
removal of boulders (if any), Construction of bunds, Digging of of GRS (Field Assistant) and
pits and trenches. wage seekers
March Digging of pits, Applying insecticides in the dug pit. Procurement Beneficiary with the support
of eco-friendly locally available material for fencing or live fencing of GRS (Field Assistant and
or opting for social fencing. wage seekers
April Purchase of Farm Yard Manure (FYM), Fertilizers Beneficiary with the support
of GRS
May Filling up of pits with FYM, and soil, onsite training to beneficiaries, Line Department/ Officials of
on how to do plantation. Rural Development
June Transportation of plants and planting of saplings and live fencing, Beneficiary with the support
Watering, weeding and hoeing of GRS (Field Assistant and
wage seekers
July Transportation of plants and planting of saplings and live fencing, Beneficiary with the support
Watering, weeding and hoeing of GRS (Field Assistant and
wage seekers
August Transportation of plants and planting of saplings and live fencing, Beneficiary with the support
Watering, maintenance of GRS (Field Assistant and
wage seekers
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Sept. Weeding, hoeing and watering 4 times Beneficiary with the support
of GRS (Field Assistant and
wage seekers
Oct. Weeding, hoeing and watering 4 times Beneficiary with the support
of GRS (Field Assistant and
wage seekers
Nov Weeding, hoeing and watering 4 times Beneficiary with the support
of GRS (Field Assistant and
wage seekers
Dec Maintenance
Feb Maintenance
(Source: A Plan of Action for Roadside Tree Plantation under MGNREGA, issued by Ministry of Rural Development,
(MGNREGA Division) dated 31st July 2014)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
3. Alstonia scholaris
4. Acacia auriculiformis
6. Bombax ceiba
Moist locality consists of areas where rainfall is high and of longer duration. The soil remains moist but not
necessarily waterlogged. High humidity pervades the atmosphere. Trees suitable for moist areas are:
1. Alstonia scholaris
2. A. macrophylla
3. Amherstia nobilis
4. Barringtonia acutangula
5. Barringtonia racemosa
6. Bauhinia variegata
7. Bauhinia pupurea
8. Brownea coccinea
9. B. ariza
18. L. thorelli
23. P. Pendula
Areas which remain waterlogged for a considerable period of the year come under this ecological environment.
Trees suitable for such areas are:
1. Barringtonia acutangula
2. Barringtonia racemosa
3. Eucalyptus rostrata
4. Hibiscus tilliaceus
5. Salix babylonica
6. S. tetrasperma
7. Tamarix articulata
Of the above species Eucalyptus rostrate can not only grow under marshy conditions, but has capacity to
draw up large quantities of water for transpiration. Sometimes this species is used for drying up marshy land.
Saline tract is present along the coastal areas where the tidal waves submerge the land periodically. Besides,
vast saline tracts are met within the country where water logging is a perennial problem. Here the accumulated
body of water finds release mainly into the atmosphere through evaporation leaving behind the salts on the
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
surface. This condition for decades, or even for centuries, has turned the soil very saline. Trees suitable for
such tracts are those that can stand drought as well as high concentration of salinity. The example of such
trees are:
1. Acacia auriculifomis
2. Butea monosperma
3. Casuarina equisetifolia
4. Cochlospermum religiosum
5. Eucalyptus Citriodora
6. Heritiera macrophylla
7. Inga dulcis
8. Perkinsonia aculeata
9. Pongamia pinnata
Truly speaking, this grouping of trees does not belong to the ecological classification. But this group is useful
where stray cattle are plenty and pose a problem for the protection of trees, particularly at the young age.
Selection of plants that are disliked by cattle will help toward off the menace from these animals. Some trees
under this group are:
1. Cassia fistula
2. C. nodosa
3. C. javanica
4. C. siamea
5. C. renigera
6. C. multijuga
7. C. marginata
8. C. moschata
9. Holarrhena antidysenterica
A. List of Trees suitable for Arid and Dry Regions of South Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat, Maharashtra and
Central Plateau
1. Acacia auriculoformis
2. Bombax ceiba
3. Callistemon citrinus
4. Ceiba pentandra
5. Cochlospermum religiosum
6. Erothrina variegatum
7. Heterophragma adenophyllum
8. Millingtonia hortensis
9. Plumeria spp
B. Trees suitable for temperate and sub-tropical areas of North-West India, J&K, Punjab, Himachal
Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Part of UP:
1. Barringtonia acutangula
6. Juglans regia
7. Michelia champaca
9. Pinus sp
C. Trees suitable for Indo Gangetic Plains of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Bihar and West Bengal
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
20. Putranjiva
D. List of Trees suitable for North Eastern States, North Bengal, Assam, etc.
4. Colvillea racemosa
8. Lagerstroemea thorelli
E. List of Trees suitable for Coastal Areas of Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra
Pradesh and Orissa, etc.
6 Palms
7 Pterospermum acerifolium
10 Swietenia macrophylla
11 Tabebuia spectabilis
12 Tabebuia rosea
(Source:- IRC:SP:103-2014, Guidelines on Tree Plantation along Rural Roads, Indian Roads Congress, 2014)
Estimate for 200 plants for five years
__________________________________(location) to _________________________________(location)
S. No. Description of work Unit No of Person days Rate (Rs) Amount (RS)
A Labour component
6.2 Maintenance (rest of the year as Payment based on survival of plant/task completed 15/plant/ 130000
semiskilled) per month for 200 plants, for five years month
@ 15 per plant
8.1 Ist year -once at an interval of 15 days 200X24 times =4800 0.9 4320
8.2 2nd Year - once at an interval of 30 days 200X12 times =2400 0.9 2160
8.3 3rd Year - once at an interval of 30 days 200X12 times =2400 0.9 2160
8.4 4th Year - once at an interval of 30 days 200X12 times =2400 0.9 2160
8.5 5th Year - once at an interval of 30 days 200X12 times =2400 0.9 2160
10 Cost of mud pots for irrigation 1 pot per plant = 260 50 13000
Wage rates are applicable as per the notified wage rates under MGNREGS
(Source:- A Plan of Action for Roadside Tree Plantation under MGNREGA, issued by Ministry of Rural Development,
(MGNREGA Division) dated 31st July 2014)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
2. __________________________
3. __________________________
Proposed Expenditure: First Year _______Second Year_______Third Year ______Fourth year ______
Fifth Year ______Total_______
S. Particulars/Activities Unit Qty. SoR for Labour component Material Total Source of fund
(Vol. the unskilled Component Amount
of work)/ cluster/ No. of Amount No. Amount MGN Other Ben
Number wage person No. (Rs.) (Rs.) REGS CSS/SSS ef.
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)
First Year
A. Labour Cost
1 Site Clearance – Bush
Clearance, Boulder
Removal etc. sqm
2 Soil & Moisture Conservation
works, etc. cum
3 Digging of pits ( of size
__X__X__ for __ Plants) cum
4 Pit filling with FYM, Neem cakes
(of size __X__X__ for __ Plants) cum
5 Planting of seedlings. No.
6 Providing staking/shade No.
7 Making basins around the plants
(of size __X__X__ for __ Plants) No.
8 Weeding, hoeing and mulching
(____ times in a year) No.
9 Irrigation to seedlings
(___ times in a year) No.
10 Application of fertilizers
(____ times in a year) No.
11 Application of Plant protection
chemicals (---- times in a year) No.
12 Drainage and other
miscellaneous works
13 Boundary protection –
Live fencing/CPT/CPW) Rmt.
Sub total (A)
B. Material Cost
1 Charges for soil sampling and
testing Ha.
2 Cost of ___ No. of Seedlings
(@ of Rs ___ per seedling/
sapling) No.
3 FYM (___ kg per Seedling for
___No. of seedlings @ of
Rs ___per kg) Kg.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
4 Application of FYM/fertilizers
(__ times in a year) to ___
seedlings No.
5 Application of Plant protection
chemicals (---- times in a year) No.
6 Drainage and other
miscellaneous works
Sub total (E)
F. Material Cost
1 Cost of ___ No. of seedlings for
Gap filling 10 % (@ of Rs ___
per seedling) No.
2 FYM (___ kg per Seedling for
___No. of seedlings
@ of Rs ___per kg) Kg.
3 Neem Cake (___ kg per seedling
for ___ seedlings
@ Rs ___ per kg) Kg.
4 Cost of fertilizers (___ times in
a year to ___ No. of seedlings
@ Rs ___ per kg)
( Dosage ___kg per year for
___ No. of seedlings) Kg
5 Cost of plant protection
chemicals (___ times in a year Kg/
@ Rs ___ per round) Litre
6 Inputs for intercrops i.e. seeds, (from (Benf.
fertilizers and PPC other Contri.)
@ RS ____ per year) lump CSS
sum SSS)
Sub total (F)
Total (E +F)
Fourth Year
G. Labour Cost
1 Weeding, hoeing and mulching
in ___ pits of size __X__X__
(__ times in a year) No.
2 Irrigation to ____ seedlings No.
(____ times in a year)
3 Application of FYM/fertilizers
(__ times in a year) to ___
seedlings No.
4 Application of Plant protection
chemicals (---- times in a year) No.
5 Drainage and other
miscellaneous works
Sub total (G)
H. Material Cost
1 FYM (___ kg per Seedling for
___No. of seedlings
@ of Rs ___per kg) Kg.
2 Neem Cake (___ kg per seedling
for ___ seedlings
@ Rs ___ per kg) Kg.
3 Cost of fertilizers (___ times in a
year to ___ No. of seedlings
@ Rs ___ per kg) ( Dosage
___kg per year for ___ No. of
seedlings) Kg
4 Cost of plant Protection
chemicals (___ times in a year Kg/
@ Rs ___ per round) Litre
5 Inputs for intercrops i.e. seeds, (from (Benf.)
fertilizers and PPC other Contri.)
@ RS ____ per year) lump CSS/
sum SSS )
Sub total (H)
Total (G +H)
Fifth Year
I. Labour Cost
1 Weeding, hoeing and mulching
in ___ pits of size __X__X__
(__ times in a year) No.
2 Irrigation to ____ seedlings No.
(____ times in a year)
3 Application of FYM/fertilizers
(__ times in a year) to ___
seedlings No.
4 Application of Plant
chemicals (---- times in a year) No.
5 Drainage and other
miscellaneous works
Sub total (I)
J. Material Cost
1 FYM (___ kg per Seedling for
___No. of seedlings
@ of Rs ___per kg) Kg.
2 Neem Cake (___ kg per seedling
for ___ seedlings
@ Rs ___ per kg) Kg.
3 Cost of fertilizers (___ times in a
year to ___ No. of seedlings
@ Rs ___ per kg) ( Dosage
___kg per year for ___
No. of seedlings) Kg
4 Cost of plant protection
chemicals (___ times in a year Kg/
@ Rs ___ per round) Litre
5 Inputs for intercrops i.e. seeds, (from (Benf.
fertilizers and PPC other Contri.)
@ RS ____ per year) lump CSS/
sum SSS )
Sub total (J)
Total (I +J)
Grand Total
A) Labour component
6 Digging, collection and cartage of soil, 100 poly 0.34 0.41 0.48
sand and manure in a ratio of 4:2:1 bags.
10 cm)
10 Sieving of soil, sand, removing twigs and 100 bags 0.27 0.34 0.41
green leaves etc. and rubbing the manure with
hands for filling in polythene bags
11 Filling of polythene bags with potting mixture 100 bags 0.34 0.41 0.48
and placing them in beds
22 Preparing root/shoot cuttings of teak, semal, 100 plants 0.41 0.41 0.41
shisham etc. including digging of plants, making
ball plants (complete work)
26 Making thatch covers for protection of plants bed 0.14 0.15 0.16
from heat/ frost including cost and cartage of 3mx1m
thatch grass and labour
1 Cost of seeds LS
Total Zone C -
Temperate 1500 -2400m
Grand Total
(*Source of persondays from Forest Works Manual for forestry related works in Uttarakhand, under MGNREGA, 2009. It may vary from
State to State. Wage rates are applicable as per the notified wage rates under MGNREGS.)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Individual facilities
Double pit This toilet consists of two pits, Twin pit latrines are designed Higher cost than simple pit
latrine each covered with a slab with to be emptied without the need latrine.
(Ref: www. a drop hole and a vent pipe to handle fresh excreta.
Needs more space to install. covered with a fly screen, and
Removal of dried sludge
sanitation_ one superstructure
from a pit that has been
health/ left undisturbed for two
hygieneom/ years should be relatively
linkingchap8.pdf straightforward as the material
will have decomposed
sufficiently and be relatively
safe to handle
Septic tank A septic tank is a watertight, Higher reduction in BOD and If the septic tank collects all
(Ref: www. on-site treatment system for pathogens. domestic wastewater then the domestic sewage, consisting total volume is much higher
Long-lasting facility.
subpages/ of two or more compartments, than for pit latrines.
in which the sanitary flow is High level of comfort for the
septic_defined. Sludge (septage) requires
detained to permit concurrent user (similar to sewerage)
cfm secondary treatment and
sedimentation and sludge
appropriate discharge.
Higher cost than any pit latrine.
Septage/Waste WSP systems comprise one or Natural process Capital cost Needs some technical inputs
stabilization more series of different types of is very low O&M cost is low
Needs large available land in
ponds (WSP) ponds. Usually the first pond in Can be managed by unskilled
GP. Flooding can occur during
Ref: Waste the series is an anaerobic pond, manpower
rainy season – needs special
Stabilization and the second is a facultative
management afterwards.
Ponds, A Viable pond. These may need to
Alternative for be followed by maturation
Small Community ponds, but this depends on the
Treatment required final effluent quality.
Composting Compost is defined as “the Can be used as a soil Exposure can occur during the
(Ref: as stabilization of organic material amendment to reclaim land composting process to workers
mentioned above through the process of aerobic, or used in landscaping or and to people living around the
for Solid Waste thermophilic decomposition. horticulture. composting site.
Technologies) The resulting humus-like
Agricultural use or use that may
material is suitable as a soil
include human contact requires
conditioner and source of
detailed laboratory analysis
nitrogen and phosphorus.
to confirm concentrations of
pathogens and heavy metals are
within safe limits.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Lime Lime stabilization is the process Kills pathogens present and Lime is expensive and difficult
stabilization by which hydrated lime (calcium stabilizes the waste thus to handle
(Ref: Lime hydroxide) is added to septage reducing odours.
Stabilization of to form a product that can be
Stabilized septage can be
Septage Waste, disposed of on land for use as
applied to the land at a rate
www.michigan. a fertilizer.
of 300,000 litres per hectare
gov) per year. It can also be used as
cover for sanitary landfills
Drying beds Drying beds are either planted Dried sludge can be used as Requires large land area
(Ref: or unplanted sealed shallow fertiliser (either directly in the
Requires treatment of percolate
ponds filled with several case of planted beds or after
drainage layers and designed composting in the case of Only applicable during dry
Unplanted Drying for the separation of the solid unplanted beds) seasons or needs a roof and
Beds www. from the liquid fraction of contour bund Easy to operate (no experts, but
(faecal) sludge. Sludge is dried Manual labour or specialised
trained community required)
naturally by a combination of equipment is required to
percolation and evaporation. High reduction of sludge
remove dried sludge from beds
volume can achieve pathogen
removal can be built with Can cause odour problems
locally available materials
(Source: Guidelines on solid and liquid waste management (SLWM) in Rural Area by Minsitry of Drinking water and
Pile Composting Composting is done in Easy to establish at the Requires frequent Composting works
(Ref: Composting systematic piles above household level and maintenance (adding better in higher
at Home, www2. ground. low cost. water and turning the temperatures. In Organic materials Good in areas with high pile after 2-3 weeks). colder climates piles
composting- are added in layers rainfall as pile needs Turning should not should be made
home) and covered in soil to frequent addition of be done in the rain to bigger. During the
protect it. water. prevent water-logging winter (especially
during snowfall)
After 8 weeks the Space is needed for
piles should be left
compost is ready for piles so method is
without turning until
use. unsuitable in densely
temperature rises.
populated areas
Strong winds and sun
have little effect on
larger piles but may
need more frequent
addition of water and
a wind breaker can be
used if desired.
NADEP method Composting takes Composting can be Tanks work in 3 month Tanks can be built in all
(Ref: NADEP place in a rectangular done on a larger scale rotations so at least conditions.
Manual brick tank with than using piles 2 are needed which The thatch roof
www.rcsdin. aeration holes. All nutrients are increases the cost. protects the tank from
org/NADEP%20 Organic material is retained in the tank so Large quantities of soil moisture. Tank should
tech%20 manual. added in layers resulting compost is and water are needed be monitored to check
pdf) Compost is ready in 3 more nutrient rich. which can be difficult for cracking of seal
months to transport in some which would allow
areas. moisture to escape.
The entire tank should Tanks require
be filled within a space and a lot of
maximum 48 hour initial material so a
period (24hrs is community approach
better). is better, using a
communal space for
the tank and agreeing
the date for bringing
material/ filling the
Bangalore Waste is composted Can accept municipal Cannot be used in wet Useful in areas where
method anaerobically in a pit. waste and night soil. areas as the pit may the use of piles is
(Ref: www. Compost is ready in Good for dry areas become waterlogged. limited by severe 6-8 months Gases produced can smell weather conditions
No O&M is needed
publicinfo/swm/ and the pit requires quite e.g. strong winds and
chapter14.pdf a large space. sun.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
space permits as no
O&M is required.
Very cheap compared
to tank methods as
no infrastructure is
Indore method Waste is cut into small No infrastructure is Nutrients are lost to Pit/heap is
(Ref: pieces and spread needed and process is the soil. unprotected so may
www.urbanindia. 10 -15cm thick above relatively quick Regular turning is need some protection ground or in a pit. needed (every 5 days). from animals/children
swm/chapter14. Compost is ready in 4 etc.
Cannot be used in wet
pdf months areas or areas with A windbreaker can be
heavy rainfall due to used to reduce effects
waterlogging of drying out.
Very cheap compared
to tank methods as
no infrastructure is
Vermi- Composting using a More efficient than Needs a vermi-tank or Worms optimal
composting specific species of normal composting vermin-bed and worms temperature range is
(Ref: www. worms to break down and produces richer need to be bought or 15- 35 degrees Celsius.
vermicompost. waste compost. grown which increases Lower temperatures
net) Compost is ready cost hamper reproduction
in 3-4 months but Needs more O&M than and higher
compost must be normal composting to temperatures kill the
removed in stages as keep the worms alive. worms or make them
the worms process it leave. Worms are very
sensitive to drought so
use in very dry areas
is not recommended
unless a reliable water
source is available.
Chinese high Materials are heaped in Can accept night soil, Handling of human Can be used in most
temperature alternating layers with urine, sewage, animal waste and sewage locations as heap
composting bamboo poles inserted dung and chopped requires special is protected from
(Ref: On-farm to make aeration holes. plant residues. protective equipment. weather conditions
Composting After 5 days the poles Turning is done once Additional waste such using mud plaster but
Methods, are removed and the after 2 weeks as ash cannot be water logging should holes are plastered. added. be avoided.
Compost is ready in 2
Thermophilic Composting is carried Composting is very Daily O&M required Can be used in areas
composting out in a specially quick compared to all (adding compressed with low temperatures
designed thermophilic other methods air to ensure aerobic or hilly terrain
plant conditions) unsuitable for digging.
Compost is ready in 2 Initial cost of Requires exogenous
weeks thermophilic plant is source of energy.
(Source: Guidelines on solid and liquid waste management (SLWM) in Rural Area by Minsitry of Drinking water and
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Soak pit Dug out pit filled with Lowest cost option for Water is lost to Pits should be at
(Ref: stones, preferably treating grey water environment least 1.5m above
places over burnt Uses very little space Not suitable for rocky ground water table
bricks. Porous walls terrain or areas difficult so approach is not
org/wiki/soak pit)
to allow water to to dig (e.g. clay soils) suitable for areas with
slowly soak into the a high water table.
Excess water
ground and prevent Suitable for use in
will overflow to
stagnation. most temperatures
surroundings and can
result in standing water but in areas where
the ground freezes
water can pool in the
surrounding area.
Leach pit Brick lined circular Can handle larger Some O&M required Pits should be at
(Ref: A Practical pit using honeycomb volumes of water than Not suitable for rocky least 1.5m above
Guide to masonry. Diameter a soak pit terrain or areas difficult ground water table
Leaching Pit, approx. 1m. Water Prevents water to dig (e.g. clay soils) so approach is not percolates into the stagnation suitable for areas with
Water is lost to
ground. Pit should a high water table.
Prevents vector environment rather
have a proper insect Suitable for use in
breeding than being reused
proof cover with water most temperatures
Excess water will
let in using a water seal but in areas where
overflow into
trap to avoid mosquito the ground freezes
surroundings and can
breeding. water can pool in the
result in standing water
surrounding area.
Kitchen garden Grey water is passed Simple and cost Requires some O&M A kitchen garden can
(Ref: through a silt and effective technology More expensive than a be scaled up according
www. grease trap to Prevents water pit solution to the space available.
greywateraction. remove debris and stagnation Produce to grow
Use of strong
org) into a simple surface should be chosen
Prevents vector detergents/cleaning
irrigation system or according to the
breeding agents in the home
into a piped root zone success of different
Supports growth could lead to killing
water system. The root crops in the given
of produce for plants in garden
system has the added location.
consumption or sale
feature of a filter bed
around the PVC pipes
which further filters
the water before it
reaches the plants.
Three tank Grey water passes Most effective form of Higher cost compared Tank system can be
filtration through a 3 part waste water treatment. to other options used in any climatic
(Ref: www. structure – 1st is a Water can be safely Regular O&M required conditions but building filtration grease trap, stored for periods of including de-sludging the tank and storage
2nd is a treatment drought. and washing of sand tank requires a large
/wiki/grey water
chamber filled with and gravel. area to be available.
gravel, 3rd is a Difficult digging
Open/surface System of drains Relatively simple and Requires a master Needs a lot of public
grey water connected to each easy to operate offsite plan and technical support to keep drains
drainage house and collecting system. O&M costs are knowledge to free from waste
waste water for low once the system construct If pollutants enter the
transportation to has been constructed Requires regular O&M enter the water or the
a treatment site All households can be drainage system they
or release into the connected will be released into
environment the environment
Closed drains Households are Lower in cost than Requires a master Unaffected by differing
(small bore connected via PVC conventional sewerage plan and technical climatic conditions.
system) pipes to a series of Can accept black water knowledge to User education is
intercepting tanks construct vitally important
Useful in high density
which lead onto a main High investment to control what is
line which transport cost compared to flushed and prevent
Comparable in cost to
the waste water to the household level blockages.
open surface drain
treatment site solutions
Free from other waste/
(Source: Guidelines on solid and liquid waste management (SLWM) in Rural Area by Minsitry of Drinking water and
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Sullage Grey water from the Natural process Needs some technical Needs large area of
stabilisation drainage system is Capital cost is very low inputs land to be available
pond passed through large Flooding can occur
O&M cost is low
(Ref: Book - shallow basins or during rainy season
ponds placed in series Can be managed by
Encyclopaedia – needs special
unskilled manpower
of Environmental m a n a g e m e n t
Pollution, afterwards.
Agriculture & In hot climates scum
Health Hazards accumulation rates
by A. K. can be higher which
Shrivastava) needs more O&M to
remove it
Duckweed Duckweed grows Duckweed can be used Requires daily Climatic conditions will
treatment in naturally in India in fishponds maintenance to keep affect the viability of
connection to and has high bio- Treated water is well duckweed under plant and fish growth
aquaculture accumulation rates for below required limits control otherwise in outdoor ponds;
(fisheries) dissolved nutrients, for re-use in agri./ blooms could lead to some species are more
(Ref: www. particles and even aquaculture eutrophication of the tolerant of higher or
documents. heavy metals (to some water lower temperatures
No additional materials extent). When the than others. A viable
or equipment is
duckweed is harvested market for the fish
Duckweed required
it removes the should also be
undesirable elements. available.
(Guidelines for
Duckweed Based
Root zone The process uses the Technically simple Requires some O&M Can be used in any
treatment natural biological Ecologically Requires a large space climatic conditions
system or process of the reeds sustainable but in areas prone to
Can become
Constructed and soil to clean the freezing process will
Water can be re-used overloaded with
wetland water be less efficient
in plantations organic matter without
(Ref: www. careful pre-screening.
Can handle a large
variety of pollutants
Root Zone
Aerobic Grey and black water Quality of effluent Maintaining air flow Can be used in any
treatment (can is passed through a is higher than the requires continuous climatic conditions
be decentralized 2 tank sedimentation anaerobic version electricity (not but maintaining an air
– DEWATS) and filtration system Process is quicker than available in all areas). flow requires a reliable
(Ref: www. with a continuous air the anaerobic version Expensive compared electricity supply - flow (15-16 hours per to stabilization ponds
Anaerobic Grey and black water Water can be safely Expensive compared Pumping can be
treatment (can is passed through a stored and used when to stabilisation ponds required in some areas
be decentralized multi-tank (3 or more) needed Frequent O&M can be so a reliable electricity
– DEWATS) sedimentation and required – removal and supply is needed
(Ref: www. filtration system cleaning of filtration - medium which
DEWATS increases O&M costs
Rotating Fixed bed reactors, Compact system so Requires skilled staff Must be protected
biological partially submerged can be used in more for construction and against sunlight, wind
contactors/ and rotated as densely populated O&M and rain and cannot
filters wastewater flows areas Requires a constant be allowed to freeze in
(Ref: www. through them. Can be used to treat electricity supply. cold climates. black and grey water or Collected sludge
Rotating industrial wastewater requires further
Biological treatment and is
Contactors not high in nutrients
so is not useful for
High initial cost of
infrastructure and
ongoing maintenance
(Source: Guidelines on solid and liquid waste management (SLWM) in Rural Area by Minsitry of Drinking water and
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
• The design of IHHL shall be as prescribed under SBM(G) by Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation.
• IHHL ie., the individual sanitary latrine as per SBM (G) is with two leach pit model.
• In this model, the Bio digestion of effluents will be in the Leach pits.
• The construction of leach pits is below the ground level with a cover on the top.
• Leaching of liquid effluents into the ground through perforations or vents left in the brick masonry or
concrete lining of the Leach pits.
• The decomposition of organic matter takes place by two processes Aerobic digestion & Anaerobic
a) Aerobic digestion:
• Aerobic digestion of waste is the natural biological degradation and purification process in which bacteria
that thrive in oxygen-rich environments break down and digest the waste.
• During oxidation process, pollutants are broken down into carbon dioxide (CO2), water (H2O), Nitrates,
Sulphates and biomass (microorganisms). By operating the oxygen supply with aerators, the process can
be significantly accelerated.
• Aerobic bacteria demand oxygen to decompose dissolved pollutants. Large amounts of pollutants
require large quantities of bacteria; therefore the demand for oxygen will be high.
Aerobic bacteria are very efficient in breaking down waste products. The result of this is; aerobic treatment
usually yields better effluent quality than that obtained in anaerobic processes. The aerobic pathway also
releases a substantial amount of energy. A portion is used by the microorganisms for synthesis and growth
of new microorganisms.
b) Anaerobic digestion:
• Anaerobic digestion is a complex biochemical reaction carried out in a number of steps by several
types of microorganisms that require little or no oxygen to live. During this process, a gas that is mainly
composed of methane and carbon dioxide, also referred to as biogas, is produced. The amount of gas
produced varies with the amount of organic waste fed to the digester and temperature influences the
rate of decomposition and gas production.
- Hydrolysis: Complex organic matter is decomposed into simple soluble organic molecules using water
to split the chemical bonds between the substances.
- Acetogenesis: The fermentation products are converted into acetate, hydrogen and carbon dioxide by
what are known as acetogenic bacteria.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Wastewater pollutants are transformed into methane, carbon dioxide and smaller amount of bio-solids. The
biomass growth is much lower compared to those in the aerobic processes. They are also much more compact
than the aerobic bio-solids.
• Incomplete bacterial fermentation of the waste as the process is neither completely aerobic nor
completely anaerobic.
• To enable proper biodegradation in the prevailing field conditions and environments such as hilly terrains,
bedrock areas, water logged areas and high groundwater table areas.
• The GoI promoted the adoption of Ecosan / Biotoilets / Bio Digesters wherever feasible in place of
conventional toilets.
Salient features :
• The structure is a box like model with columns at the 4 corners with two compartments one over the
• The first compartment ie., Eco Sanitation Chamber is located above ground level with a height of about
60 cm and covered by a 50 mm thick RCC prefabricated slab.
- The volume and shape of the compartment be designed based on the type of bio digestion either
aerobic or anaerobic depending upon the location and geographical conditions.
• Below this compartment , ie., below Ground Level, a filter bed having four layers of 40 to 60 cm thick is
provided to drain off the liquid into the ground after filtration.
- The surface of the top layer (i.e. porous cement blocks) is about 3” below the ground level.
- The filter takes care of any solid waste and pathogens entering into surrounding soil and doesn’t allow
contamination or pollution.
- The Eco Sanitation Chamber has vent pipe located in the top half of its wall, to act as a ventilation pipe
for foul gases.
• The washroom and toilet are located above this floor and can be accessed by the user through stepped
• The second compartment ie., Super structure directly located on the top of Eco sanitation Chamber to
accommodate the latrine and bath with door to ensure privacy.
- The walling can be with conventional brick Masonry or with prefabricated wall panels.
- A prefabricated roof over the 2nd compartment for protection from rain and sun.
- The fecal matter deposited into the WC is routed through a P-trap (100mm dia) with water seal directly
into the Eco Sanitation Chamber below.
- The Water from Bath area is separated to see that Night soil solids are dried up quickly.
- Proposals are under way to separate urine from Night soil solids.
- The most common treatment options include aerobic digestion, anaerobic digestion and composting.
- In the eco-san system, the fecal materials gets dried up easily as after every use it is proposed to add
either saw dust, ash, lime or some fine earth which increases the rate of bio-digestion and it is converted
as compost.
- An innovative idea developed where, earthworms are introduced into the bio-digestion chamber to
ensure effective drying of effluents and for initiating aerobic digestion.
- In the eco-san system, the fecal materials gets dried up easily as after every use it is proposed to add
either saw dust, ash, lime or some fine earth which increases the rate of bio-digestion and it is converted
as compost.
- An innovative idea developed where, earthworms are introduced into the bio-digestion chamber to
ensure effective drying of effluents and for initiating aerobic digestion.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
• Digested effluents are converted as compost and hence not affecting the Ground water
• System is largely dry and does not breed mosquitoes. No odour or insects problem
• Designed for cleanliness. Rapid separation of liquid and solids occurs at all times
• No sludge buildup.
• Suitable for all soil conditions and coastal regions in particular where ground water table at higher level.
As the digester and effluent pipes are always installed above the ground water table, water contamination
is completely eliminated.
• The compost generated is a good soil conditioner (humus) and can fix nitrogen in the soil effectively.
• It ensures availability of treated and safe organic solid and liquid manure for gardening/raising crops for
production of organic foods.
• Due to the filter media, the liquid is coming out in a non-hazardous form and this will not pollute the
ground water
• If prefabricated walling is used, easy assembling when compared with that of conventional system with
stone or brick masonry.
• The system is cost effective, requires less space to that of conventional toilet.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Sample Estimate - Construction of Gram Panchayat building with, Stub Foundations- RR Masonry for footings
& for basement - Solid Brick wall @ room Corners & under beams 0.90m length - Rat-trap brick masonry
with 2nd class bricks-Bearing plastering 20mm thick-Ellis Pattern flooring.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
To, To,
Sarpanch The Programme Officer,
Gram Panchayat _____________, Block _____________ District
Block _____________,
District _____________,
I hereby submit my application for work under section 5(1) and Paragraph 9 of Schedule-II of MGNREGA.
The details of my request and the period for which work is required are:
S.No. Name of the applicant Address Job Card Period(s) from Requirement
with Father’s / Number which of Creche
Husband’s name employment is (Yes/No)
From To
I am willing to work for at least 14 continuous days in the work allotted to me. Under section 4(3) and
Paragraph 5 of Schedule-I of MGNREGA, I also want to get Land Development/ Irrigation Facility/ Horticulture/
Plantation/ NADEP composting pit/ Vermi composting pit/ liquid bio- manure pit/ poultry shelter/ goat
shelter/ cattle shed/ fish drying yard/ work to be carried out on my land/ homestead. The photo copy of
khasra map of my land/ homestead is enclosed herewith. The other required details are as follows-
1. Total land holding, Area (khasra No.) : _________ Hectare (Khasra No. _____)
2. Land holding, Area (Khasra No.) on which work is to be carried out: ____ Hectare (Khasra No. ____)
3. My Job Card No. is ________________
4. Declaration that the maintenance of asset created under MGNREGA on my land/ homestead, as per
the prescribed schedule of maintenance by the State will be my responsibility.
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
2. Kachha work (a) 1st year after completion (c) Because of flood, cloud
of work and after 1st rain i.e. burst, typhoon etc., based
repairing rills & gullies, ruts & on inspection/ survey and
potholes, backfills, clearing estimation.
drainage system, clearing
and cutting weeds, repairing
designed slopes as a part of
execution of works.
3. Pucca work (a) In case of water harvesting (c) Because of flood, cloud
structures and building burst, typhoon etc., based
repairing after 1st rainy season on inspection/ survey and
as per need based on survey, estimation.
like repairing leakages/
dampness, earthen refill etc. as
a part of execution of works.
Post plantation/construction
maintenance work
S. Name of Year of Entered in Post AS & FS carried out Amount Present
No. asset creation/ asset plantation/ No./ in spent status/
completion register at construction TS No. (month/year) condition
page maintenance of the
number due on asset
Post plantation/construction
maintenance work
S. Name of Year of Name of Entered Post carried out Amount Present
No. asset creation beneficiary/ in asset plantation/ in spent status/
Job Card register construction (month/year) condition
No. at page maintenance of the
number due on asset
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
9. Guidelines on construction
water courses J-11017/41/2012-MGNREGA (UN) 18th Sep.2012
Technical Training Manual (MGNREGA)
A Plan of Action for Roadside Tree Plantation under MGNREGA, issued by Ministry of
Rural Development, (MGNREGA Division) dated 31st July 2014
A.M. Michael, T.P. Ojha (1966) Principles of Agricultural Engineering (Volume-II)
Aggarwal, M.C. and A.C. Goel, Effect of Land Leveling on Irrigation efficiency & crop yield,
Agriculture Water Management 4, 457-404, 1987.
Andhra Pradesh Academy of Rural Development (APARD), Govt. of AP., Booklet on SRT
training on Horticulture and IndirammaPachhaToranam(IPT), programme in NREGS and IWMP,
Asian Development Bank (July 2014) MODWS, GOI. Guidelines on Solid and Liquid Waste
Management (SLWM) in Rural Areas.
Auroville Earth Institute, Earth based technologies: Compressed Stabilised Earth Blocks,
BIS, IS code 1725:2013
Booklet on SRT training on Horticulture and IndirammaPachhaToranam (IPT), programme in
NREGS and IWMP, published by Andhra Pradesh Academy of Rural Development (APARD),
Govt. of AP.
Building Materials and Technology Promotion Council (BMTPC), Standards and Specification
for Cost- Effective Innovative Building Materials and Technique, 2009
C.A.D. & W.U. Department, Kota, GOR (1998). Design Manual of Chambal Command Area.
Chambal command area, Kota (Raj),1998, Design Mannal for on form development works,
Department of Forestry and Wildlife, 2003, Cambodia., Farmers Tree Planting Manual,
A practical Guide from Seed to Tree.
Farmers Tree Planting Manual, A practical Guide from Seed to Tree, Department of Forestry
and Wildlife, 2003, Cambodia.
Forest Research Institute, Dehradun (Uttarakhand). Forest Works Manual and Schedule of Rates
for Forestry Related Works in Uttarakhand under the Mahatma Gandhi NREGA.
Forest Works Manual and Schedule of Rates for Forestry related works in Uttarakhand,
under MGNREGA, Ministry of Rural Development (MoRD), Govt. of India.
Govt. of India, New Delhi 1970., National Commission on Agriculture.
ICAR, New Delhi. Resource book on Horticulture Nursery Management developed under
National Agricultural Innovation Project.
IRC: SP: 103-2014, Guidelines on Tree Plantation along Rural Roads, Indian Roads Congress, 2014
IRC: SP: 21-2009, Guidelines on Landscaping and Tree Plantation, Indian Roads Congress, 2009.
IRC: SP: 103-2014, Guidelines on Tree Plantation along Rural Roads, Indian Roads Congress, 2014
Irrigation department Government of Maharashtra, Technical paper No. 56.
K.S. Jagdish, B.V. Venkatrama Reddy, K.S. Nanjunda Rao, Alternative building Materials and
Technologies, New Age international publishers, 2013.
K.S. Jagdish, Building with Stabilized mud, I.K. International Publishing House, 2007
Khanna L.S., Principles and Practice of Silviculture
Khanna P.N. (1986). Indian Practical Civil Engineers ‘Handbook.
Michael A.M. 1978 Irrigation, Theory & Practice. Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
Ministry of Rural Development, Rural Housing Knowledge Network (RHKN),
Ministry of Water Resources, Government of India.,Water Management Manual, 1983.
MORD (2013) Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, 2005,Operational
Guidelines, 2013, 4th Edition.
NRAA, Planning Commission, GOI, Common Guidelines for Watershed Development
Projects-2008, Revised Edition-2011.
Participatory Integrated Water Shed Management. A field manual by V N Sharda, et. al. 2006.
Professional Assistance for Development Action (PRADAN). Implementing Integrated Natural
Resource Management Projects under the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act 2005,
A Resource Book.
Resource book on Horticulture Nursery Management, developed under National Agricultural
Innovation Project, ICAR, New Delhi.
SamajPragatiSahayog(2007). National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, Watershed Works
Schwab, G.O. etc. Al., Soil and water Conservation Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
New Yark, 1981.
Self-Reliant Initiatives through Joint Action (srijan).User’s Manual Building Sustainable
Livelihoods of the Poor through MGNREGA.
Sharma G.N. (2011). Mahatma Gandhi NREGA Works Field Manual.
Singh Shamsher, 1975., Guide lines for drainage for Chambal command, Kota.
Technical Report No. 5, Hand Book for drainage of irrigated areas in India. Irrigation
Management and Training Programme 1988.
Technical series No.7, Water Management Division, MOA New Delhi., Design curves for
agricultural drainage channels, 1972.
US Bureau of Reclamation, 1978., drainage Manual Washington, DC, US Govt. printing office.
US Soil Conservation Service (SCS), drainage of Agricultural Lands. Section 16, National
Engineering Hand Book. Washington D.C.
USBR, 1984, drainage manual.
V.N. Sharda, A.K. Sikka& G.P. Juyal(2006). Participatory Integrated Watershed Management,
A Field Manual, CSWRTI, Dehradun.
Back Cover