A Project Report: Smart Resto-A Smarter Way of Dining
A Project Report: Smart Resto-A Smarter Way of Dining
A Project Report: Smart Resto-A Smarter Way of Dining
Smart Resto- A smarter way of dining
Submitted in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the degree of
Submitted By
I/We hereby certify that the work which is being presented in the project, entitled “Smart
Resto-A smarter way of dining” in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of
ENGINEERING submitted in the School of Computing Science and Engineering of
Galgotias University, Greater Noida, is an original work carried out during the period of
JULY-2021 to DECEMBER-2021, under the supervision of Mr. SREENARAYANAN
NM, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering of School
of Computing Science and Engineering, Galgotias University, Greater Noida
The matter presented in the project has not been submitted by me/us for the award of any
This is to certify that the above statement made by the candidates is correct to the best
of my knowledge.
We would like to thanks our supervisor, Mr. Sreenarayanan NM for providing
continuous: mentoring, general support and helpful advice throughout the project. He
has inspired the us in continuous learning and self-improvement during the preparation
of this paper.
We also want to express gratitude to the School of Computer Science for providing rich
academic resources to support the learning process. We also feel graceful for receiving
support of English language improvement from the University.
Finally, the we would also like to thank family and friends for their unwavering support
and continuous encouragement.
Table of Contents
• 5.4.2-Updating Order Status 66
• 5.4.3-Processing Payment 66
• 5.5-Concluding Remarks 66
Chapter 6- Testing 67-71
• 6.1-Software Testing 67-68
• 6.2-Test Automation 68
• 6.3-Regression Testing 68-69
• 6.4-Integration Testing 69
• 6.5-System Testing 69-70
• 6.6-Security Testing 70
• 6.7-Performance Testing 70-71
• 6.8-Concluding Remarks 71
Chapter 7- Conclusion 72-74
• 7.1-Project Achievement 72-73
• 7.2-Future Improvement 73
• 7.3-Concluding Remarks 73-74
References 75
List of Tables
Table 2.1: Comparison among Software Process Model. .............................................. 24-25
Table 3.1: Stakeholder and Roles in Restaurant Operation ........................................... 28-29
Table 3.2: Requirements Grouping for SRS ....................................................................... 30
Table 3.3: Features List of SRS ........................................................................................... 31
Table 4.1: Comparison of Behavior Modelling types .......................................................... 41
Table 4.2: Type of Data in SRS ........................................................................................... 43
List of Figures
Figure 2.1: Overview of the waterfall model ...................................................................... 21
Figure 2.2: Overview of the V-model ................................................................................. 22
Figure 2.3: Overview of the spiral model ............................................................................ 23
Figure 2.4: Overview of the Extreme Programming (XP) process ..................................... 24
Figure 3.1: Shareholder Analysis of SRS............................................................................. 27
Figure 3.2: Context Diagram for SRS .................................................................................. 33
Figure 4.1: UML Diagram Overview ................................................................................... 40
Figure 4.2: HTA Diagram for submit order ......................................................................... 47
Figure 4.3: Layout changed when viewing on smaller screen ............................................. 48
Figure 4.4: Flexible grid system........................................................................................... 48
Figure 5.1: Overview of TFS Features ................................................................................ 55
Figure 5.2: Overview of SRS implementation ..................................................................... 57
Figure 5.3: An overview of presentation separation patterns. ............................................. 59
Figure 5.4: MVC pattern at presentation layer ..................................................................... 60
Figure 5.5: MVVM pattern at presentation layer. ................................................................ 62
List of Abbreviations
Abbreviation Description
SRS Smart-Resto System
UI User Interface
HTML Hyper Text Mark-up Language
CSS Cascading Style Sheet
OO Object-oriented
XP Extreme Programming
HTA Hierarchical Task Analysis
CRUD Create-Read-Update-Delete
DAL Data Access Layer
BLL Business Logic Layer
PL Presentation Layer
ORM Object Relational Mapping
VS Microsoft Visual Studio
CI Continuous Integration
TFS Microsoft Team Foundation Services
EF Entity Framework
MVC Model-View-Controller pattern
MVVM Model-View-ViewModel pattern
Ajax Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
Managing restaurant operations is more challenging than it appears. A restaurant generally relies
on paper-based system for manual information flow. However, such system soon meets its
limitations. This is mainly because individuals in the restaurant have limited capability to handle
massive information flow when the restaurant is at peak capacity. Consequently, many
restaurants have adopted computerized restaurant systems to allow efficient operation
This project seeks to research, develop and experimentally implement and validate a
computerized restaurant system to replace error prone and monotonous paper-based systems. The
project proposed a Smart-Resto System (SRS), to handle restaurant operations such as order
handling, payment processing and inventory control. The two main research sub-domains
investigated during the project are Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Software
Engineering (SE); as well as the history behind restaurant management and information systems.
The project demonstrated SE methodologies from the initial requirement gathering phase to the
software testing and validation phase. Some noteworthy practices include establishing software
architecture that could promote separation of concern and reusability, designing essential data
structures and algorithms forrestaurant data processing, applying presentation separation patterns
such as Model-View- Controller and Model-View-View Model to decouple software components,
and adopting web technology for real-time communication. The project also created intuitive
and mobilefriendly user interfaces by utilizing Hierarchical Task Analysis (for user interface and
task- modelling) and adopting Responsive Web Design (for dynamic content presentation), both
of which are directly aligned to the HCI methodologies.
Literature Survey
Various wireless applications for restaurant ordering have been developed, analyzed and implemented
in restaurants. These have been implemented using PDA’s (Personal Digital Assistant), Windows
Mobiles or Android Mobiles. Also many wireless technologies are available today. The PDA
technology has been developed specifically for medium and large-scale restaurants which uses Wi-Fi
(Wireless Fidelity) systems.
Captain Pad, a web-based ordering system, is a wireless technology which was being used for
automating the ordering system in hotels and restaurants. Using Captain Pad, orders can be sent
directly by the customer to the kitchen, this ensures that the customer will be served faster.
Chapter 1. Introduction
This chapter will provide an overview of the project and report. It first introduces to the project
context and identifies the associated problems of managing a restaurant’s operations. It then
discusses the motivations that drove the project to conduct the researches and implement a
software solution. Following this, it outlines the objectives that the project intended to achieve.
Finally, it describes an overview of the report and the writing styles used in authoring the report.
This project sets to design, build and test a Smart-Resto System. Generally, a computerized
restaurant system aims to solve restaurant problems with Information Technology (IT). A
computerized restaurant system may be familiar to the reader considering that most
restaurants are equipped with a basic cash drawer to process payment. In fact, the terminal
used to process payment in restaurant is the origin of such system. This dates back to 1974,
when William Brobeck and Associates built microprocessor-controlled cash register
systems for McDonald's Restaurants. In this system, tapping on associated item keys and
numeric keys would place orders for a customer, it would then continue to calculate the bill
when the operator by pressed the total button. This was followed by the invention of the
first graphical point-of-sale (POS) system with touch screen support by Gene Mosher in
1978. "We've eliminated the need for keys," he said and stated that menu can be changed
frequently without programming. Over decades, the computerized restaurant system had
evolved to cover more operational aspects in a restaurant. Some systems provide full
coverage in supporting operations such as: inventory control, customer relationship
management, table reservation and staff shift planning.
One of the driving forces behind the innovation of such a system is the attempt to replace
the error prone and monotonous paper-based system. Commonly, the workflow of the
system would start from waiters gathering orders from the customer on an order sheet, then
passing this to kitchen chefs for meal preparation and finally collecting payment from the
customer. This process can promote certain risks however, especially during peak period,
they are not limited to the loss of order sheet, incorrect sequence of meal preparation, and
added cost due to mistaken orders. Eventually, they may lead to low productivity
andcustomer dissatisfaction. Realizing these problems can affect business performance, so
the restaurant owner quickly seeks a remedy by adopting IT into their business model.
IT has become important tools to support business operations. Especially in the restaurant
business, IT is playing increasingly important roles in resources administration, managing
services, and assisting strategic decision making. Several analysis and research works have
also suggested that competitive use of IT in a restaurant has significant advantages. In term
of operational benefits, it can improve process efficiency, reduce possible human errors,
and maximize use of resources. Additionally, it also supports long term business goals,
including achieving cost-effectiveness, maximizing profits, and the potential to penetrate
wider markets.
Motivated by the IT benefits, the project intended to utilize IT further to improve restaurant
operation. To achieve this, the project will investigate the principles and techniques of the
Computer Science (CS) domain, particularly Software Engineering (SE) and Human-
Computer Interaction (HCI), to build a prototype of computerized restaurant system. The
prototype are intended to be deployed as web application to support collaboration of various
users, thus it will be referred to as a Smart-Resto System (WRCS) subsequently in this
The general goal of this project is to develop and experimentally validate a Smart-Resto
System. This is supported by researching sufficient knowledge in the SE and HCI domains,
and then applying this to the development of the system. To achieve this, the project will
be underpinned by various stakeholder requirements – which link to the requirement
engineering research domain in SE. The project also investigates practical software design
methods (a sub-domain of SE) in order to build a high quality system. In addition, it also
investigates the possibility of build a real-time information system to allow effective
communication – again linking to the previous research domain ofweb development. Lastly,
the project will also explore hierarchy task analysis and responsive web design to specify,
model, and develop appropriate graphical user interface (UI) behaviours – these are
embedded in the HCI research domain.
The following objectives are defined in order to accomplish the project goal:
real time communication should occur to allow effective collaboration among staff.
Besides, data transfer for cross layer communication could also affect system
performance and should be addressed by an optimized solution.
iii) Designing a simple and intuitive user interface
In any system, users will need to perform several tasks to achieve a high-level goal.
A user interface should guide user through the tasks and help them to attain final goal.
Since operations in a restaurant involve numerous tasks, extensive analysis should
be performed into designing a UI that is simple and intuitive and addresses the users’
goals (functional requirements) effectively.
iv) Developing an efficient mobile friendly user interface
The system should be easily accessed by different type of devices; so that it is
portable and reusable. Considering that each mobile device may have a different
screen resolution and size, the UI of the system should provide a responsive
mechanism to offset these limitations with a dynamic UI layout and content resizing.
v) Ensuring quality of the system through adequate software testing
A significant amount of testing should be in-place to ensure that the prototype system
is free from errors and bugs. In addition, the prototype’s performance should be
evaluated to analyse the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.
Chapter 2. Background
This chapter describes the background of the system and looks at the project’s nature in a
wider context. It begins by understanding the characteristics of computerized restaurant
system and looking at early attempts at such a system. The chapter then discusses how web
technology fits into the development of such system. Next, the chapter investigates software
process models that best meet the interests of the project. The last section explores the UI
design techniques that could enhance user experience and accessibility of mobile devices.
The term, computerized restaurant system, which is utilised throughout this project could be
obscure to the reader. The general concept for this term is an integrated IT system that
supervises, manages and facilitates the planning operations in restaurant. It is not odd that
such a system is often associated with a point-of-sales (POS) system, a terminal that is use
to process sales transactions – e.g. when the meal bill is paid. As stated in §1.1, this was
derived from a simple electronic cash drawer which was utilised to collect payments, then it
evolved to the basic POS system to the assist order phase and payment process. During 1990s,
much investment in IT development focussed on integrating POS with back-office systems
such as accounting and payroll systems. Technology advances have allowed POS system,
which previously use multiple software packages for different operational purposes, to
evolve to fully integrated solution that automate restaurant operations. The all-in-one
system, including front-desk service control to back-office planning, is actually a
computerized restaurant system. Some drivers behind such evolution, highlighted by are:
2.1.1 Early Attempts at Computerized Restaurant Systems
Early attempts at computerized restaurant systems aimed to improve the workflow of food
ordering and kitchen preparation, and proposed a Process Management System (PMR) that
expand POS system to share order information in real-time. The system addressed the
customer order management with timely tracking and validation. It demonstrated potential
to reduce fraudulent orders and improve meal preparation efficiency. In addition, there are
several research studies that focus on encouraging user interaction in a restaurant system,
such as Multi-touchable E-Restaurant Management System] and Mojo iCuisine. The
proposed solutions allow self-ordering of food items by interacting with touch-screen
interfaces. Both solutions consist of a touchable digital menu, which can be dynamically
updated. Besides enhancing the dining experience, this approach also features flexibility
over menu engineering and real time customer feedback.
Finally, adopting mobile devices as part of the restaurant system has gained much attention
lately. As noted by, mobile services are “available at any time and any place.”. They
demonstrate the great potential of more portable and accessible functions in a restaurant
system. This is aligned to mobile solutions for food ordering in restaurant. The main
technologies used to realize their solution are web and wireless connectivity. Web
technology provides loosely coupled and platform-independent ways of accessing
application services while wireless technology lifted the restrictions of close range
operations. This approach is still applicable despite the recent evolution of mobile devices,
from the personal digital assistant (PDA) to the smart phone.
World Wide Web (WWW) application, or web application, is any software application that
is executed on the web. Originally, the web functioning as an information medium and
most of its content remained static. Web application evolved though, from statistic textual
content with limited interactivity, to rich interfaces with dynamic content and responsive
interaction, known as Web 2.0. The role of the web has transformed from simple
information publication to distributed enterprise-scale workflow systems.
Web application has proven that web technology could help in software development. Three
basic elements of WWW that are found useful to software application development are
highlighted by as the following:
The concerns of designing and developing web application are generally similar from a SE
perspective as specified by. The user will interact with the user interface, often a browser,
to view and manipulate with the data managed at the server. The tight coupling between
web page logics and contents result in poor maintainability and reusability. This is until the
developer realized that Model-View-Controller (MVC) pattern, a well-known software
pattern applied in SE, could be applied just as well to many web applications. Models are
classes containing data and business logics, the Views are web pages with formatting
instructions of data, and the Controllers will facilitate communication between Views and
Models for data presentation and manipulation. This approach achieves the SE principle,
separation of concerns, by decoupling presentation logic from business logic. The MVC
framework has recently become the dominant development framework and some object-
oriented (OO) programming languages (e.g. J2EE 2 and .NET Framework3) would have
their own MVC frameworks.
The general approach used to develop web-based application is mainly ad hoc. It involves
continuing patching of documents on a running web server. Such unmanaged development
process lacks quality control and maintainability. This has leads to research of more
disciplined approaches, which involve employing Software Development Process
discussed in the next section.
1) Intellectual and creative processes rely on people’s decisions and judgement; and
2) The environment may vary hence producing rapidly changing software requirements
or strictly defined criteria.
Consequently, careful planning of development activities is required and this results in the
adoption of software development process model. A software process model is an abstract
representation of interrelated activities in software development. It describes the general
approaches in structuring activities and some techniques to produce deliverables. Selecting
a suitable model for WRCS would cut down the development time and increase the quality
of the output. Following sections describes several widely applied software process model
in the software industry.
The Waterfall model often receives criticism on its inability to accommodate changes
because the project freezes system specification upon deliverables sign-off. In a dynamic
business environment, it is often difficult for user to state all requirements explicitly. The
waterfall model lacks the ability to accommodate natural uncertainty and the changing need
of users.
Another serious disadvantage of the waterfall model is that testing is often left to the end of
the project. Errors and feedbacks obtained in later stages will require additional effort to
resolve. Eventually, this will lead to a software product that not fit for user need. An
enhanced variant of the waterfall model known as the V-model has improved to this issue.
Figure 2.2 illustrates the quality assurance actions associated with deliverables of earlier
phases in the V-model. Verification and validation approaches applied to earlier engineering
work could significantly reduce errors found in later stages. However, the V-model does not
explicitly describe actions taken in order to deal with errors found during testing.
Nevertheless, waterfall model does show its strength when used in project where
requirements are well understood and stable during development. Documents produced
during each phase provide traceability to address safety and legal issues when such concerns
are critical to the user.
Figure 2.2: Overview of the V-model.
• Throwaway prototypes aim to gather information and generate ideas on how system
should be built. Commonly during project start up, the user may not fully understand
their need and the developer may not share understanding on certain features. To
clarify these uncertainties, a design prototype which contain just enough details is
built for evaluation. Once issues have been clarified, developers could then move on
to an actual design and implementation.
Agile development processes have emerged to be the dominant software process model in
recent years. Agile processes focuses on people, communication, working software, and
responding to change as opposed to plan-driven models that have high process bureaucracy.
These are best explained with Agile Manifesto4. Design and implementation are the central
activities in agile development processes. It would also be possible to incorporate
requirements elicitation and testing into these activities, for instance, applying test-driven
development (TDD). In TDD, the developer first writes test cases before writing actual
implementations. This serves as the preliminary steps to clarify requirements and
understanding for problem domains. Developers then code the actual implementations and
execute tests to verify the implementations.
Extreme programming (XP) has been widely known approach since the introduction of agile
development concept. Figure 2.4 shows the XP processes and its practise during each phase.
XP captures requirements in the form of customer stories or scenarios to determine the
features required. In XP, continuous customer engagement in development is important for
feedback and acceptance testing. XP favors small and frequent releases of software version
like any other agile methods. Thus, design should only meet the current needs and expect
refactoring when future improvement is required. XP recommended pair programming
among developers because it can enable real time problem solving and quality assurance on
solution applied. XP is a lightweight process and fits well for small size projects. However,
in a large-scale project where physical interaction among team members is difficult, it
could be challenging for XP principles.
Comparison of the three models discussed above based on several concerns that may affect
WRCS development activities. These concerns, together with their explanations, are listed
• Change management, reflects how changes will be handled throughout project;
• Validation, explains when testing will be done during project;
• Delivery discuss how quickly and often the software features will be delivered; and
• Design modelling covers the depth of design processes during modelling activity.
Based on the comparison, agile development clearly exhibited features that meet SRS
needs. SRS will require segregation of user tasks and roles to model intuitive UI.
Apparently, user stories of agile development fit better with these requirements. In addition,
agile development has factored change management in the model. Its ability to cope with
changes reduces the risk of delivering products that does not meet the objectives. The earlier
the system is tested, the less effort will be spent on the error that may arise in end of the
project. TDD of agile practise embraces this idea and encourages testing done before
development. Connected to this, frequent delivery also implies that new enhancement have
actually been verified in smaller scale. It reduces complexity by testing only parts that have
been changed. Upfront design often leads to “design paralysis5” when the developer tries
to adopt concerns and considerations that may not be materialized in the future of project.
This is why agile development prefers modelling just enough detail to support current
need and refactor as required. Finally, lightweight agile process such as XP fits well into
small-scale development, as in WRCS, which involves only single developer.
This chapter has covered the background of the research domain and cast it in a wider context.
It considered sub-topics that align to the project interest. By covering these topics, the reader
should able to understand better the concepts and terminologies that will be used in later
sections. However, these topics introduce their concepts from high-level viewpoint. The
project will further investigate some of their subdomains, including techniques and tools, in
other chapters.
The next chapter documents requirement gathering and project management techniques,
marking the start of software development life cycle.
Chapter 3. Requirement
This chapter investigates the necessary requirements of the project based on an
understanding and analysis of the needs of system users. It first introduces the process of
Requirement Engineering in SRS. The techniques utilized to gather and analyze
requirements are discussed which then leads to documents on functional and non-functional
The first step of the project is to understand user (and indeed stakeholders) requirements for
building SRS. Requirements of a system can be defined as descriptions of what services it
could provide and the constraints on its operation . These requirements directly address user
needs in term of using the system to achieve their business operation – or process. In SRS,
business operations are rather obvious to those in the restaurant business.
Requirement elicitation are concerns with identifying problems to be solved, what the user
(or stakeholders) are trying to accomplish with the system, and how the system addresses
the business need. The process begins by understanding and analysing the restaurant
business problems. Business analysis often reviews that people within an organization
would have different needs (or opinions) and views concerned with the overallrequirements
of the system. They are stakeholders who either directly interact with or are indirectly
affected by the system requirements. Hence, the focuses of requirement elicitation in SRS
are to analyse the stakeholders’ roles and how the operations that they performing
– affects the system; and hence must be specified in the requirements.
Stakeholders are of primary importance to any project due to enormous project resource that
has been invested to know exactly what the user wants. If stakeholders are approached
earlier in the project, it is easier to communicate their requirement and work out their high
priority concerns. The initial step to discover stakeholders’ requirements would be via
Stakeholder Analysis. Stakeholder Analysis views a system as “a complex set of interacting
elements which working together to satisfy needs or objectives”. The idea is to discover
how, when and where stakeholders are involved in the process. As for SRS, the different
levels of stakeholders’ involvement in the system can be viewed from a stakeholder
(pay for
(serving Web Client
customer) ( “the application“ )
purchase ingredients
( fulfil order)
After the initial analysis of stakeholders as shown in Figure 3.1, the next step is to understand
the responsibilities of stakeholders. Table 3.1 depicts an overview of stakeholder involved
in the restaurants operations. It states the responsibilities and operations of each stakeholder.
Although it shows clear segregation of Waiter, Cashier and Host roles, their positions often
overlap in reality and can be referred to merely Waiter in general. However, precisely
identify the operations involved in each distinct roles is a prerequisite for detailed task
analysis in design phases. This table will serve as foundation for consideration of required
system features to support stakeholder responsibility. The functions that support their
operations usually are requirements of the system, except Customer and Supplier who do
not directly interact with the system – they are considered external actors.
It is important to gain insight in to what kind of system should be implemented and the
level of change that may affect organization before determining which requirements are
appropriate for a given system. Hence, the steps taken after gathering the initial
requirement involve performing an analysis on information obtained. Some of the basic
techniques that could be applied during this process as discussed by and are described in
the following:
The result of grouping requirements based on system functions. Each grouping is given a
module naming. Additionally, it relates the operators (stakeholders) operation goals
specified in Table 3.1 to system functions. The last concern in the table is the
dependencies of each module, serving as important criteria when prioritizing the
requirements in the next section.
30 Prioritizing Requirement
Important Features
• Creation and management of recipe collection;
• Creation and management of menu;
• Submission and management of order;
• Mean to interact with pending orders in kitchen;
• Order processing and notification order status on cooking completion;
• Payment computation for order;
• Generation of bill and associated VAT;
• Mean to collect and store payment transaction details;
• Material inventory level monitoring;
• Recording and maintaining employee information;
• Employee login and privileges level control; and
• Reporting of sales and orders
Optional Features
• Mean to attach and store recipe photo;
• Creation of composite menu item;
• Adjustment of Menu available time;
• Mean to attach remark to order;
• Mechanism for cancelation and changing order;
• Processing order for dine-in and take away order;
• Mean to view and search order history;
• Reporting on materials usage;
• Creation and management of reservation; and
• Materials resupply planning.
3.1.3 Requirement Specification
Requirement specification aims to define requirements in clear and unambiguous language based
on requirement identified during requirement elicitation and requirement analysis. The
requirements are evolved over time and become more accurately reflect the needs of the
Following on from this, the next steps are looking at two major categories of requirements:
functional requirements and non-functional requirements.
In order to understand the system to be built, developers create model(s) to identify important
ideas and decisions. There are two types of models that could be created during the software
engineering process:
The following sections will cover requirement models for SRS while design models are
Table status
Order status
Bill info
Manager Supplier
Context Diagram (CD) which depicts overview of system working environment is one of
the techniques utilised to model the system context. It shows system interaction with
external entities and is used to identify information and control flows among these
interactions. The two fundamental components in CD are actor and message. Actor
represents the external entities with which the system interacts. It refers to a particular user’s
role who uses the system to perform task or external systems that are required by system to
provide functionalities. Message encapsulates information flow and controls as part of
connection between system and actors. Each connection is labelled with information or
particular functions that flow between actors and system. These connections provide insight
into possible events that the system must response if the message is a particular type of
command. For instance, the system will send notification to kitchen when Waiter submitted
order information. A typical message will contain two essential properties: data content and
arrival pattern. Data content depicts the information that the message carry while arrival
pattern describes the nature of message occurrence (e.g. periodically or asynchronous) and
possible events that trigger its occurrence.
Figure 3.2 shows the CD for SRS. The list of actors is identical to the stakeholders
described – as they are the primary operators of the system. The CD also included external
actors that the system was interacting with, such as Database. The message flows show
typical information used in a restaurant environment. An example detailed description of
the message is listed in Table 3.4.
Use case modelling is one of the commonly applied modelling techniques in requirement
modelling. Its primary use is to capture interactions between users with the system.
Interactions that occur within a system could be user interactions such as input gesture,
communication with external systems, or collaboration between components of the system
. Knowing users’ preferred ways to interact with the system also allows developers to
capture precise requirements and build a more usable system.
Use cases are simple descriptions of system features from the point of view of users. Use
cases also capture scenarios of what the user could perform with the system and the expected
response from system. Nevertheless, a use case is often used to capture functional
requirements of the system and generally are inappropriate for non-functional requirement
.Use case modelling involves two major artefacts: use case diagram and use case
Use case diagram is a simple representation of what functions the system allows actors to
perform. It provides a high-level view of the relationship between actors and functionalities.
Figure 3.3 illustrated the use case diagram for SRS. Each use case is represented as an
oval shape and each actor is represented as stick figure. An actor could provide input and
receive output from associated use cases and these associations are depicted by line. The
diagram shows all the actors that interact directly with the system features. Managing
Software Development Activities
Based on the requirements discussed in previous sections, the project needs to formulate a
project plan or sets of development activities derived from software engineering
methodologies. As discussed, the XP process (agile method) will be adopted as the software
process model for the project. The important concern of adopting software process model is
not strictly follow every principles and steps – but to use it as guiding principles. This
section intended to cover some methods that could be used to improve traceability of
project activities to requirements. It involves structuring tasks to be performed (i.e. software
process model) and consideration of significant milestones.
The development activities could be easily organized based on the system modules and
features. Each modules depicts a major release of the software features that are then verified
against a sub-set of the requirements. It is important to note there are various dependencies
between these modules; some lightweight tasks such as defining interfaces forother modules
took precedence to enable development smoothness. At the end of each iteration, there are
possible chances to re-evaluate requirements and adjust the plans – once each is: evaluated,
tested, and validated against requirements. Each version of release prototype will be
traceable to a FR or NFR . This ensures high priority works are focused on first.
A Gantt chart presents a series of tasks and their associated period in multiple bars spawning
across the entire lifecycle of the project. Each task should have a clear timeframe and due
dates as well as proper indications of its dependency. The chart includes a list of significant
milestones. A milestone is defined as a “significant event in the course of a project that is
used to give visibility of progress in terms of achievement of predefined milestone goals” .
It is used to measure and access the project success in meeting the deadline of original
This chapter covered requirement: theory, understanding and software development methods
that could be used to manage requirements – and as stated some were utilised. Based on the
identified requirements, the author can estimate the scope of the system and formulate an
expectation of the final product. The requirements once analysed show that the system
required considerable effort and time to be a fully functional artefact and to meet all
requirements. Thus, the high priority requirements were given focus and designed,
implemented and tested first whereas low priority requirement – those that were not fulfilled
due to time constraint will be discussed in the conclusion chapter. Following this, the chapter
also discussed the theory behind managing software development activities and project
planning which are key considerations to enable requirements to be compiled and then built.
Usage of effective methods has helped the developer to achieve maximum output from the
development activities.
The next chapter covers the design concepts and techniques of the project. It describes the
process of solving requirements with logical and rational thoughts.
Chapter 4. Design
Once the requirements of the project are established, the design phase will be followed. The
design phase is intended to transform the requirements into conceptual solutions that could
set a baseline for software implementation. This chapter intends to identify the design needs,
investigate the relevant techniques and propose design solutions. It starts by identifying the
design principles of agile development and taking them into heart of design activity. The
project will then establish a high-level vision of the developing system through architectural
design. It moves on to system modelling to create design models to understand
characteristics and constraints of the system. Finally, the appropriate user interface design
techniques are discussed.
Further, gives another view that describes the design space as focused on attaining the
stakeholders goals by adapting inner environments (means) to the outer environments (tasks).
The outer environments refers to requirements, goals and need; while inner requirements is
the set of software, languages, components and tools used to build software (see Figure 4.1).
Software design may have broad spectrum of meanings and objectives based definitions
above. Nevertheless, the primary goal of the design process in SRS is to develop concepts
and ideas that could answers our research questions while satisfying project requirements.
There are four key considerations when performing design activities:
4.1.1 Design Process in Agile Development
Design process in traditional software development follows a series of planned design
activities or steps, or phases which produces design models that become guidelines to the
developers – for the implementation phase. However, this can conflict with agile methods,
as if considering an interesting fact:
Evolutionary design means the design for a particular system grows as the system is being
developed. However, evolutionary design is a disaster in common usages because:
• Aggregate of ad-hoc tactical decisions lead to code base that hard to change;
• It leads to poor design when ability to make changes deteriorates; and
• Bugs become exponentially expensive to fix.
It acts as the important entry point to the design process in software development.
described this step as “architecture envisioning” and considers it particularly important in
scaling software development as it gradually become large and complex. As the project
4.3 System Modelling
System modelling is a process to construct abstracts representations of a system in several
models, with each models encapsulate different views and analysis perspectives towards the
system. In fact, it primarily focuses on creating design models as discussed. It works
closely with requirement modelling by transforming requirement analysis result to design
representation for building software. These models encapsulated requirement
understanding such as specification of software operational characteristics; software
interface with other system elements; and constraints that software must meet. Often,these
design models could easily translated from functional and non-functional requirements and
via versa. They are used throughout development process and they are commonly used for:
Each model could employ several possible modelling techniques and artefacts to represent
its perspectives. The project goal does not exhaustively produce every artefacts of these
models. It is rather to investigate how some modelling techniques could be applied to achieve
the design objectives. The models also may not include every fine-grained level of details,
yet these initial models will continue grow as developer refactors the design of the system.
additions, stated that structural model is to create a vocabulary that can be used by the
analyst and the users. Things, ideas, or concepts discovered in the problem domain are
represented as given object types in structural model, including relationships among such
objects . In fact, this process is also known as domain modelling in OO development. Class
responsibility-collaborator (CRC) cards and Class Diagram are the two focuses of the
SRS structural modelling techniques.
Figure 4.1: UML Diagram Overview.
Sequence Diagram is one of the UML diagram to model behaviour and interaction between
objects, including actors. It demonstrates a sequence of interaction activities during a system
flow. The interaction activities could be a reflection of an explicit sequence of messages that
have passed between objects. All the objects will be arranged in a parallel line and a
vertical dotted line indicates its active timeline. Specified that not every detailed should be
included in a Sequence Diagram unless it is used for code generation. The reason being it
may lead to a lot of premature implementation design. Eventually, it could easily fall into
entropy of “big design upfront”.
storage strategy needs to be investigated and carefully selected to accompany the data
processing need within the system.
The author has explained the characteristics and content of data that flow through the system
in different sections in this paper. This issue was initially addressed in Context Diagram .
The Context Diagram let us: the designer (and/or the developer), realise a view of input
and output data. The views are further developed into more concrete ideas regarding inner
content of data, through structural models. This section develops the concepts related to the
explicit data structure concern in this project.
The first issue, if data structure is concerned and related to this project, that needs to be
addressed is: persistent or non-persistent. Once the decision of persistent or non-persistent
has been made, the next issue is whether this data is going to be stored externally or internally
to the application. This implies an external data store that will need to be selected, designed
and implemented. In fact, it involves designing different types of data structure. If different
types of data structures need to be designed, we need to think about different type of physical
files that need to be processed. Hence, the next decision would be the type of files: whether
they are simple or complex. If the file is going to be processed implicitly, it could be a text
file, or comma-separated values (CSV) file. However, if the file required more processing
and involves complex read-write operation, it will be more appropriate to select a formal
mark-up file as the data store. This could be a data structure of relational model or hierarchy
model (e.g. Extensible Mark-up Language).
It shows the type of data that will be required by the SRS. The table explain these data
descriptions, their persistent requirement and processing nature. Application Setting is the
top-level setting that affects the entire behavior of the system. For instance, the tax rate
setting will affect every payment received by the system. It hardly changes but often read by
application for decision-making and computational purpose; hence, it should be persisted
and allowing user to change it. Next, the Business Entity refers to the object that holds crucial
information representing a real-life entity, e.g., order. This serves as the foundation
building blocks to construct system functions. It needs to be stored and often involves
heavy CRUD operations throughout application runtime. Finally, View Data is a model
constructed to carry relevant information to UI for display purposes. It is often reconstructed
using Business Entity objects and does not need to be recorded. Once we understood the
necessarycharacteristics, the next step would be investigating a data store that could enable
effective processing of them.
Table 4.2: Type of Data in SRS.
Data storage is the container resource for data objects. The data structures that will be
persisted in the system need to be stored with one or more data storage methods. This section
investigates two main options of data storage and describes the chosen methods for SRS.
RDBMS is data-processing software that employs relational model as its fundamental data
structures. Describes the relational model as following:
“In the relational model, all data is logically structured within relations (tables). Each
relation has a name and is made up of named attributes (columns) of data. Each tuple
(row) contains one value per attribute,” .
It presents the data in tabular form identical to spreadsheet format. The standard language
used for data manipulation in RDBMS is Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL consists
of two major components: Data Definition Language (DDL) for defining the data structure
and controlling access to data; and Data Manipulation Language (DML) for retrieving and
updating data. SQL can be very powerful depending on the usage. Some applications
leverage its capability to transfer part of the system computation logic to RDBMS through
writing stored procedures with SQL .
RDBMS has become the dominant data storage methods for most software systems today,
particularly web applications. There are many existing RDBMS solutions; all share similar
sets of essential data processing functions varying slightly in the provided features. There
are several mature commercial solutions such as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle
Database. Conversely, there are also free open-source solutions such as MySQL. These
have been widely adopted by industry, particularly in small and medium business. The
advantages of RDBMS are:
XML is a meta-language that allows designers to define their own customized tags in a
document. As a type of semi-structured data, XML is designed to be self-descriptive,
readable by both humans and machines. It has a loose restriction of schema, thus allowing it
to handle data structure that changes rapidly and unpredictably. This is especially true for
information on the Web, where it requires certain degree of flexibility to accommodate ever-
changing HTML design. The software industry today uses XML as the de facto standard for
data communication. It has evolved to be the primary medium of data exchange with
external systems and among businesses.
Many technologies have built upon XML by a predefined structured format for XML with
XML Schemas. These schemas lead to standardization of XML format when adopted widely
by the industry. SOAP and RSS are some of examples of spin-off technologies based on
XML. XML also has become popular thanks to a wide range of query languages available,
including XPath and XQuery. These languages allow manipulation and retrieval of data to
become relatively simple. XML could be considered as the data storage if following
advantages can be utilized:
• Modelling hierarchy data structure effectively;
• Minimum data conversion if data is used directly from source; and
• Support for multiple platforms.
The storage method chosen for both persistent files (Application Setting and Business Entity)
is the RDBMS. The main rationale was the Business Entity – primary data structure of
SRS, required extensive cross-referencing. For instance, an order needs to know which
recipes been selected and the recipes need to know what are the materials that need to be
consumed. Putting this data into hierarchical models will result into redundant data
everywhere. RDBMS is also has strong security measures (e.g. access control) and they are
important for Application Setting, which contains critical data that would affect entire system
In addition to that, another key factor that leads to this decision is the existence of Object
Relational Mapping (ORM) solutions. ORM solution mainly help in converting the
relational model into interconnected object graph, coined as the “Object-relational
Impedance Mismatch” problem. This significantly reduces the complexity of retrieval
relational data into OO environment because complex SQL queries could be simplified into
normal OO method calls.
Conversely, using XML as data storage could be relatively complex and verbose. The
processes to retrieve the data in documents, map them to object and primitive data type in
programming language, is difficult. Because the data type constraint is not enforced within
XML, the designer will need to handle various kinds of data processing issues such as null
value and format mismatch.
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is widely used data model to represent relational data
model of database. It is “a picture which shows the information that is created, stored, and
used by a business system” . There are three major concepts in ERD. First, each data object
in ERD is a named entity, often mapped to a table in RDBMS. Second, information
with an entity is represented by a set of attributes – which capture the data segment (e.g.
recipe title) of a data object (e.g. recipe). Finally, association among entities, also known as
relationships, depicts high level business rules of a system. The ERD for SRS is illustrated.
This model is reflecting actual implementation in the database fordata persistence.
0. Submit Order
5. Confirm submission
4. Submit order sent
1. Select new order 2. Select table 3. Specify order items
Figure 4.3: Layout changed when viewing on smaller screen.
One of the common issues in UI design is mismatched layout of content on different screen
orientations. Landscape layout is wider and its content can exploit the width to present
information horizontally. In contrast, portrait layout would have presentation issues with
content that with a large width. Particularly on smaller devices, the user needs to browse the
content with a horizontal scroll or zoomed out. This could significantly degrade the user
experience. To bring this into context, Figure 4.15 presents the common layout of a web
page. It usually contains header, main navigation, sidebar navigation, main content container
and footer.
Another issue of UI design is the navigation menus that are often span across the header
section. A low-resolution screen could not accommodate many menu items in its header.
However, these menu items are important navigation concerns and could affect usability of
the system. Thus, the system needs a solution to present the menu items while not explicitly
occupying spaces in the header section when they are needed. A good solution of would be
temporary hiding the menu items from the header section and presenting a button to toggleits
visibility as shown in Figure 4.17. This allows users to access the navigation menu
whenever they need.
In addition, presenting tabular data on the mobile could be challenging due to table row
spanning horizontally. The column that has more text if shrunk down will result in the text
wrapping together and making the table look untidy. The solution would be hiding less
important columns when viewing at smaller solution as shown in Figure 4.18. The hidden
information can be accessed through the “details” button, which bring users to a more
detailed page for the selected row.
Most data entry in web applications involves form. Users will need to go through every field
as in filling out a paper form in real life. On a wider screen, the form could be arranged with
its field labels staying side by side with its input element. This again is a problem for the
smaller screen because the input elements will span out of view. This introduces the risk of
unfilled fields due to poor visibility. The solution would be stacking up the labels and inputs
vertically as shown in Figure 4.19. Users could browse every field by scrolling vertically;
hence, it less likely to miss a field.
While it is not possible and realistic to include every model that has been produced, the
design process has proven that it has carefully considered requirements and constraints that
must be met – and indeed were met. The design models are guidelines but not intended to
set implementation details in stone. Thus, it is quite possible that more good practises
adopted during implementation have not been explicitly specified.
The next chapter specifies the actual implementation process. It explains how the software
that has been implemented, based on the design ideas that are developed in this chapter.
Chapter 5. Implementation
This chapter will cover the theory behind software implementation and complex features;
that had to be researched and then implemented. It will mainly discuss the development
details of the previously discussed design ideas (§4.3 and §4.4) while addressing project
requirements. It first explains the implementation technologies – which are required for
web application development. Then, it describes the server-side implementation and client-
side implement of the system. The server-side implementation will mainly broken down by
architecture layers (see § which also includes the algorithm of data processing.
Client-side development is concerned with the UI implementation. Finally, this chapter
presents a series of walkthroughs that depicts the actualusage of the implemented system.
C# has been selected as the programming language for this project due to the author’s
familiarity with the language and the fact that many code samples in .NET community are
published in C#. Other interesting features of .NET that heavily exploited in the project are
LINQ and Lambda Expression. LINQ stands for Language-Integrated Query and is
particularly useful to perform query and operation against data. Lambda Expression is a
style of anonymous function that could be passed as arguments to another function call. A
combination of both features allow the developer to define efficient queries against the data
source such as entity class of ORM or enumerable object collection. Client-Side
Development Language
The client-side of the web application refers to the web browser. Regardless of whichever
technology is employed to construct the UI, the web browser will only process the received
view as HTML. Hence, the client-side UI of SRS is mainly written in HTML5. HTML5 is
the new standard of HTML and currently supported by a wide range of web browsers. Some
HTML5 characteristics desired by the project are :
• Adding new functionality is purely based on HTML, CSS, Document Object Model
(DOM), and JavaScript. This avoids unnecessary installation of external software
plugins to the user device; and
• HTML5 prefers more mark-up to replace scripting. Many common features (e.g.
validation, UI elements) are included in the standard of HTML5, hence the project
can avoid reinventing the wheel.
However, HTML is static and its presentation unlikely to change once rendered by the web
browser. Therefore, the project also utilizes JavaScript to introduce dynamic behaviours to
the HTML pages; e.g. responding to user inputs, changing content structure and styles.
JavaScript has become the dominant client side of scripting technology in recent years. It is
open platform and has numerous libraries that enable the streamlining of modern web
development. Most web browsers today support JavaScript execution, thus allowing more
interactive and responsive experiences built into web applications. ASP.NET comes with
several helpful built-in JavaScript libraries. The most notable JavaScript library is JQuery
and its validation plugin. JQuery provides API for HTML document traversal and
manipulation, event handling, animation, and Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (Ajax). It
allows the developer to create rich and dynamic UIs at the client side. Besides, the validation
plugin contains the common validation functionality for HTML input such as textbox. This
could significantly reduce data entry error and improve data integrity
Plain HTML is not appealing to users and is likely to provide a poor user experience. Hence,
HTML often uses CSS to define its look and feel. Aligned to the concept of RWD discussed
in §4.4.2, the project needs a CSS framework to provide the responsive features and to enable
the views scale properly across different resolution devices. Besides, it may also save
significant development time when customizing the layout. Hence, the project utilizes
Bootstrap as the main CSS framework. Bootstrap is a
and functionality of RDBMS is more demanding when the system is deployed into the actual
Managing the software builds is another scenario where CI software was found to be useful.
In XP development, tests should be passed before committing new changes to the code base.
However, building and testing all the software packages of the system for small changes
could be time consuming. Build management software addresses this issue by automating
the build process when new changes are committed. The built software then verifies these
changes by a series of automated tests. This helps to identify compiling error and run-time
errors and thus provide meaningful indications if the new changes work.
SRS employs Team Foundation Service (TFS) as its CI software. TFS is a cloud- based
solution for Team Foundation Server – which provides full support for application life cycle
The implementation of the SRS is best explained using the architecture layer design
methodology established. The software architecture is broken down to three major layers:
Presentation Layer (PL), Business Logic Layer (BAL) and Data Access Layer (DAL). Each
layer involves using different technology to solve their issues. In order to manage these
layers, the software packages are structured identically. However, the domain entity classes
of BLL, which will be used across all layers, are placed in another package.
The development and implementation of a specific requirement will involves all three layers.
For instance, developing and implementing the manage recipes feature involves defining the
Recipe entity class. This is then followed by configuring the ORM class to accept this entity.
All the operational logics that is related to Recipe such as CRUD operations will be specified
in the RecipeServices class. When the backend logic is ready to perform its function, the
controller class and relevant view will be implemented to support user interaction. The view
implementation is divided into client side and server side implementation. The server side
implementations construct the relevant HTML views and send them to the client’s web
browser. At client side, JavaScript will be written if it requires dynamic functionalities or
behaviours. The entire process is abstracted.
The next sections will explain the implementation details of each layer. In these sections,
some of their implementation details will be depicted in the form of actual code snippet or
algorithmic abstraction. Variables will be preceded by a $ symbol when abstraction form is
“an object-relational mapper (ORM) that enables .NET developers to work with
relational data using domain-specific objects. It eliminates the need for most of the
data-access code that developers usually need to write,”.
Figure 5.2: Overview of SRS implementation.
57 Domain Services
Generally, implementing domain services in SRS is about defining set of operations. The
operations needed by the services are often reflected by the client who depends on it. In other
words, they exposed the necessary business functions to the PL that interacting with these
services. In any data-oriented application, most of the business operations will involve
CRUD operations. However, in a more complex scenario, this will need sophisticated data
processing logic. This section will concentrate on several important algorithmic of the
business operations.
Most of the data processing regarding the CRUD operations involves integrating the
business rules. Business rules are often aligned to domain problems and usually involve
checking multiple domain entities at the same time. For example, it is meaningless to create
redundant recipe category with same name. It depicts the algorithm required to process
(and check for) the redundant name in the recipe category. The algorithm is applicable to
creation of Table and Staff entity. The different being identifier of Table and username of
Staff is checked instead.
Handling order submission is a complex operation that requires intensive data processing on
multiple entity. When the system receives an order submission, it must evaluate whether the
current material stock level can handle this order request. If the current stock level is unable
to fulfil the order request, the system will return the cook-able quantity for each recipe to
allow the waiter to informs the customer. If the order is submitted successfully, the system
will then update the table status to busy, deduct the material quantity and send a notification
to kitchen.
To answer this question, the focus areas of both patterns are explained in the following
Since Trygve Reenskaug introduced MVC pattern for Smalltalk application in late 1970, it
has become one of the major practices in software engineering history pattern addresses
the responsibilities of three major components in UI construction, they are as below:
I. Model refers to data and behavior of the application. It is responsible for providing
the current state of its data and handle instructions for states change according the
client requests;
II. View is the user interface that presents the state of data and manages the way they
are presented; and
III. Controller captures the user inputs from user interface and manages the flows to
update the model state and view information.
The clear segregation of their responsibilities results in several benefits :
• The logics of presentation (view), input (controller) and business process (model)
could be changed and allowed to evolve independently, hence achieving
separation of concerns;
• The view is decoupled from the model allowing multiple ways to present the
same data that accommodate user concerns; and
• Loose coupling between the view and the controller also enhance the testability
of the application.
Web Page
User input/
Fetch model data
View Controller
View Selection (Application Interface)
(Razor Scripts)
Services result
(domain entities)
The request URL follows “http://domain/{controller}/{action}/{parameters}” pattern
In summary, the implementation of SRS can accommodate changes easily by adopting the
MVC pattern. The clean separation of concerns also allows individual part to be tested
easily hence simplify the debugging experience. However, MVC pattern may address the
problem of view creation on the server side but not at the client side. As specified once the
view is served to the client side. JavaScript is used to introduce behaviours to the view.
The JavaScript often needs to target a particular HTML element in the view and changes to
view structure will easily break existing implementation. The problem of tight coupling
between presentation and application behaviour still exits if they are mixed together at the
client side. Hence, the second design pattern, MVVM pattern is used to address this issue.
MVVM general goal and concepts similar to MVC are to enforce better separation of
concerns among UI components and allows them to change easily. John Grossman first
introduces MVVM for building WPF17 applications in his blog. Its name implies that they
are similar to MVC but different in the sense that presentation logic and data is
encapsulated in View Model (VM) rather than Controller. At client side of PL, they all also
has different semantic compared to MVC. It shows an overview of MVVM pattern and
description of its component are listed as below:
I. Model refers to JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) that mirrors the domain entity
of server side;
II. View is the generated by HTML through the view engine of the server; and
III. View Model, written in JavaScript, is an abstraction of view that consists of
View’sstate and behavior. It exposes the model’s properties, commands and
additional states to the view.
One of the important differences between the MVC and the MVVM is that ViewModel does
not directly reference the View as managed by the Controller. Instead, it leverages the data
binding technology to bind the view to properties and functions of ViewModel. The
properties often consist of the data contained in the model and other states specific to the
view. When the properties change, the View that binds to the properties is updated. The
functions of ViewModel are a set of commands that reflect application behaviour, for
instance, adding a new order item to the order. In short, the state synchronization and
command between the View and ViewModel are handled automatically by the data binding
technology. Hence, it is a key enabler of this pattern.
It shows how the KitchenViewModel leverages Knockout.js to update UI dynamically
based on the status of the Order. It contains two main properties: a list orders and their total
count. In addition, the ViewModel exposes the Change Status function to update the order
status. The ViewModel retrieves the orders data from the server throughAjax. These data
are exactly one to one mapping with the domain entity from BLL (including their hierarchy).
Hence, the order data is are actually the Model in this pattern. When the ViewModel
receives the data, it converts the necessary properties to observable to update them
On the View side, these properties are bound to the relevant HTML elements through the
“data-bind” attribute as shown in. The binding could be directly presenting the value of the
observable property such as “text” or “css”. It is also possible to introduce control flow
such as “foreach”. The “foreach” binding is a powerful binding that loops every element of
observable array and creates the appropriate HTML elements for the property in the array.
When the item is removed from the array, so are the HTML elements. The “click”
binding deals with the click event on the HTML element and maps to the corresponding
command (e.g. Change order status).
With this kind of binding, the ViewModel does not need to know about the structure of the
View. The way of presenting the View could be changed any time and new behaviours can
be added to ViewModel easily. It simplifies the development process without writing
boilerplate code to synchronize the view. In addition, the application is capable of providing
an interactive and richer user experience.
One of the important considerations at the client side processing is getting data for the view
and sending data back to the server. In most cases, they are done through initializing a RPC
with the web server. RPC is process of sending a request with parameters over the network
to another environment where the required procedure will executed, the result is then
returned to the caller. While the caller process is waiting the result, other processes can
continue to execute. RPC is necessary in SRS because it is constantly committing data to
the server based on user inputs.
The RPC is often use as pull model – which the request is initiated by the client (web
browser). In order to obtain the latest data from the server, the client constantly needs to start
a new request to pool server data. As the number of clients increase, significant resources of
the server will be consumed. To address this issue, the Server Push approach is adopted.
Server Push is a technology that allow the server to push data without required to start a new
connection. It mainly operates around the publish-subscribe model to deliver data to
interested clients. In combining both RPC and Server Push approach, the system could
achieve real time communication among the connected clients. This is particularly useful for
order notification among waiters and chefs. In SRS, these approaches are achieved by Ajax
and SignalR respectively.
The order notification in SRS heavily relies on SignalR to push the new order notice and
status change notification to the waiter and chef. It starts by defining the order received
functions at the client side. At the server side, an OrderHub class that handles client
subscription is defined. When a new order is received at the
OrderController, the OrderController will access the Hub class and invoke the services
defined at client side .
Both Ajax and SignalR use the same data structure, JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), to
carry the data back and forth between client and server in SRS. JSON is a format for data-
interchange that takes forms in name values pairs. JSON formatted data has a smaller data
payload compared with XML, thus making it a good option for data transfer. Particularly
in modern web application, JSON is increasingly popular as the communication
medium. Sending data from the client side to the server side involves serializing the
JavaScript object into JSON string. At server side, the received string is then de-serialized
and parsed to a compatible form that is usable to the system. In ASP.NET, the conversions
of JSON string into domain entity object are automatically handled by model binding of the
framework. On the other hand, converting the domain entity into JSON string involves
serializing the class’s public properties. The framework also handles this conversion. Security
The project involves multiple users and their details are stored within the system. The data
may be access and tampered with by an external party if security is not ensured. Hence, the
implementation of the system needs to take precautions when considering security issues
which could be detrimental to the user.
The project mainly controls the user access through role-based authentication. The
Controller is aware of the viable (allowed) roles that have access to the system data. When
the user tries to submit a request to the Controller, his or her role will be verified. If the user
does not incorporate the specified roles, the system will route the user back to the login
screen and inform them that the request is not authorized.
Utilizing ORM for the database access also shield the system from SQL Injection. SQL
Injection is essentially passing malicious code in the string of SQL code as parameters,
which in turn is executed at the server and yields destructive results. The SQL queries
generated by ORM framework is parameterized queries. This helps to escape the malicious
code from the request parameter string before it is passed to the server. The system also
encrypts sensitive data such as password and credit card details before storing to the database.
The encryption solution is provided by ASP.NET hence it is tested and trustable.
5.4 Walkthrough
In order to demonstrate the usage of the system, a series of walkthroughs will be presented.
This section will cover the important process of restaurant operations, starting from food
order, kitchen preparation and payment made.
As shown, the user identity is automatically associated with the order. The waiter will first
select a table for the new order. The waiter can then browse the menu recipesby selecting the
Browse Menu Recipes tab. The tab shows all the menu recipes that are currently available
for order. It also allows the waiter to filter the list by using Browse by Menu dropdown
box. The waiter then can select the Add link to order that recipe. The selected recipe will
remove from the available menu list and bring the waiterback to order details tab. The waiter
can then specify the quantity and comment on each item.
5.4.2 Updating Order Status
The Kitchen view, as shown in, presents the order information side by side. When the chef
want to prepare the meal for the order, the chef first updates the order status to Preparing .
This will change the colour of the order across all clients viewing kitchen views in real
time. This is to prevent the same order being attended to by multiple chef.
When the order has been prepared, the chef will then select the Completed button. The
selected order will be removed from the kitchen view, as shown in. These changes also
synchronize across all connected kitchen views. In addition, the system will send a
notification to the waiter to inform them that the order is ready to be served.
The next chapter discusses testing process of the system. It describes how the functionalities
of the system could be verified and tested.
Chapter 6. Testing
This chapter describes the software testing concerns of the project. It covers different testing
approaches that adopted in the project and some of the techniques applied to realize this
process. The chapter first provides an overview of software testing. Then, the processes of
each adopted testing approaches are discussed in depth.
• To ensure that the implementation is as intended and the requirements haves been
met; and
• To uncover system defects, including those incorrect, undesirable or inconsistent to
requirement behaviours.
Software testing could also be viewed as a key contributor to software quality. A high
quality software simply means a product that has high user satisfaction while maintaining a
low defects rate. Software that has gone through rigorous testing will be likely to yield a
better quality product.
Testing was often left to the last phase of development in traditional software development
methods. If however this is a complex software artefact, testing is required at the start; as it
requires significant effort to fix the bugs at the end of the project. The complexity of bugs is
greater when they are accumulated across the different parts of the system, resulting in more
time being required to analyse and investigate how they occurred – and then find a solution.
In SRS, testing is done before or in parallel with the actual implementation to ensure that
the features are worked as intended – this could be viewed as design for testability. This
approach adheres to the test first principle of XP where the sooner the testing concerns are
addressed, the better, as the developer will have a clearer understanding of what is to be
expected and integrated into the test cases
Testing can be viewed from two broad perspective: functional testing and structural testing.
Functional testing, sometimes referred to black box testing, is testing on the functionality of
the system based on the specified requirement. The test itself has little knowledge about the
testing target’s internal structure. In contrast, structural testing, also known as white-box
testing, involves examining the internal implementation. It tests the design used by the
implementation to verify it correctness
While plenty of unit testing frameworks are available for VS, this project uses the default
unit testing framework of VS, known as MS Test. MS Test creates templates for typical unit
testing flow. It allows the developer to define the initialization code at class level or
method level. When initialization of the code is undertaken at class level, it executes once
the class is instantiated. At method level, the code will be executed for each test method
within the class. This helps to avoid redundant boilerplate code for initializing the data
required for testing.
The conducted test cases are an excellent medium to document existing system behaviours.
They encapsulate previous assumptions and concepts regarding the system. If they fail after
new changes, it means that the system behaviour has deviated from previous intention. This
is an excellent time to revise the requirements before proceeding further. In addition, the
testing may failed because of implementation errors or poor design. This provides additional
chances to improve the system design rather than let it perform poorly when shipped to the
Regression testing is naturally a part of the testing process in the project. It can be executed
at a different level depending on the purpose. Rerunning unit tests and integration tests are
the most common scenarios when the developer is implementing a feature. When the
development reaches a stable stage and is ready for release, it often involves full scale
regression testing. In SRS, full scale regression testing is especially important at the end of
each prototype version.
interaction and ensures that they are in correct sequence. In the context of SRS,
integration testing has two main objectives:
behaviours when all the components are working together. It also checks if the system
conforms to the requirements and expectations. In addition, it also helps to understand the
limit of the system and ensures that the system is reliable. At this stage, unit testing and
integration testing have addressed most of the functionality concerns. Hence, system testing
in SRS focuses on the non-functional aspects of the system.
The security testing ultimately is concerned with the user authentication and authorization.
It first tests the login process of the system and ensures that proper credentials are required
to access the system. Both valid and invalid login credentials are tested and their login results
are compared. As discussed, the system utilizes role-based authentication to restrict the
accesses of users. It will present only the navigation link for particular functions if the user
has a role associated with their account. This feature is tested by assigning roles to the user
account and verifying if the access is granted correctly. Then, the roles are removed from
the user account and tested if access is denied.
Since the prototype system is targeting restaurant environment, the estimated amount of
concurrent user access is lower compared than ordinary Internet applications. However,
understanding the limits of the system is essential because it should not fail when it is needed
most, especially during peak time. Hence, this project utilized the Web Performance Testing
and Load Testing tools provided by VS to execute performance testing.
The testing environment is one of the crucial factors in performance testing because a high
performance hardware will definitely give a better result. In this project, the testing
environment is same as the development environment. The test machine is considered to be
excellent for data processing due it’s quad-core processor. Having 8GB of memory is
sufficient in handling load for small to medium restaurant, though, the system will prefer a
higher memory capacity in a large restaurant.
After the configuration is completed, the Load testing is ready to be executed. It shows the
load testing is executing on the test machine. The load testing tools provide informative
graphs and statistics regarding the current system performance. As for web application, the
page load time is the most relevant statistic because it tells the developer which page need
to be optimized for performance. When the execution completed, a report of the testing
result will be presented to the tester, as shown in. The report’s TestResults section indicates
that the system survived the load testing, as it shows none of the order submission flows
have failed. It also shows the slowest pages that need developer attentions.
While rigorous testing processes have covered (tested) many aspects of the system, the
testing activities are likely to carry on throughout the system life cycle. This is aligned to the
popular software engineering mantra by Dijkstra,
There will be errors that not have yet been discovered by testing and will only emerge during
user usage. Nevertheless, the project is structured in a way that will enable changes and fixes
to be easily undertaken, hence their risks have been mitigated.
The next chapter is the final chapter of the report. It concludes the report of the project and
evaluates approaches taken to complete the project.
Chapter 7. Conclusion
This chapter concludes the overall process of the project. It looks back at the work
completed and evaluates the research and approaches taken. Finally, it marked the end of the
report by a summary.
Employing the agile development method also proved useful in managing the software
development process. The software prototype was constantly evolving thanks to the
incremental and iterative development cycle. It was tested at every iteration, hence most
defects were addressed early on in the project. Besides, it reduces the scope of
implementation and allows the author to manage the development activities effectively. The
project management techniques are discussed in §3.3 which also demonstrates their values
for time and workload management. The project plan was constantly revised to reflect the
progress and capability of the author based on these techniques.
The project was ambitious and time-consuming, implementing as many features as possible
within the very limited timeframe. It has successfully satisfied the Functional Requirements
(FR) from FR1 to FR14 and all Non-functional Requirements (NFR) of the system. These
requirements have top priority and reflect the most needed features required by stakeholders.
FR 15 through 19 are not implemented due to time constraints. However, they are the lower
priority features that are pleasant – but not paramount. Their absence would not result in
major operational issues in restaurant order processing. As the system was designed to be
easily extendable, these features could be implemented in the future. At the bottom line, the
system is useable in term of the stakeholder’s need and operational concerns. It satisfied the
basic goal of replacing the paper-based system in the restaurant operations.
Another interesting possibility is to host the entire system on Cloud-based services. If the
restaurant business model expanded to multiple outlets, the restaurant manager could access
the data of different restaurants to view their performance reports or order materials from
makings processes. If future extensions of the system are undertaken, the report will be
helpful in assisting the completion of the remaining requirements and future improvements
that might be involved. In summary, the project has satisfied its objectives and fulfilled its
purpose to assist restaurant operations.
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