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Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department The Problem and Its Scope

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Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 1

Chapter 1



Education is now universally recognized to be the prime key of moral, cultural,

political and socio-economic development of a nation. The nations wich have taken major

initiatives in education made revolutionary advances in the last two decades. Nowadays

most people are competing against eah other in order to succed in their respective

academic field, however there are some factors which can influence the academic

performance such as self efficacy. Self-efficacy is an individuals belief in their innate

ability to achieve their goals. Self-efficacy beliefs vary between individuals and fluctuate

under different circumstances, it can even change over time. Besides, it also contributes

to the performance either in the academic or job field and many more. In fact the

connections between self-efficacy and academic are especially of interest to educators.

According to Klassen et. Al. 1977, Self-efficacy for self regulation reflects an individuals

beliefs in his or her capabilities to use a variety of learning strategies, resist distractions,

complete schoolwork and participate in class learning and has been found to influence

academic achievement.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 2

Discussion of Concepts and variables

Independent Variable DependentVariable

Dependent Variable

Mastery Experience
Vicarious Experience Academic Performance
Verbal Persuasion Self-Efficacy
Physiological Arousal

Figure 1. The schematic diagram

Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to find out as to what are the factors that affects self-efficacy and
has a significant impact towards academic perfomance. . Specifically, this study seeks to
answer the following questions:
1.What is the relationship between self-efficacy and academic performance?

2.What is the relationship between self-efficacy and Mastery experiences?

3.What is the relationship between self-efficacy and Vicarious experiences?

4.What is the relationship between self-efficacy and Verbal persuasion?

5.What is the relationship between self-efficacy and Physiological arousal?


The factors affecting self-efficacy has no significant impact towards academic



The factors affecting self-efficacy has significant impact towards academic performance.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 3

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

This study focuses on the selected Grade 11 students in Liceo de Cagayan University

RNP campus. Also, the study is delimited in determining the factors that affects self efficacy

only and not self- confidence and self-regulation.

The Significance of the Study

The result of the study will be beneficial to the following:

Teachers and Educators. Teachers and educators can use this research as a reference on

how to approach their students.

Parents. Parents can also use this research as a reference on how to approach their children.

Future Researchers. Future researchers can use this as a reference towards future


Definition of Terms:

Academic Performance – The extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved

their short or long term educational goals.

Mastery Experience – In order for students to prosper, they must have experience that make

them more capable of handling various experience

Physiological Arousal – This term refers to the genital arousal experienced physically in

reaction to stimuli.

Self-efficacy – The belief in one’s capabilities to organize information and execute a course

of action to navigate a prospective situation.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 4

Verbal Persuasion – This term refers to the act to tell or convincing a person to perform a

task or action to change a behaviour or put into action a set of events to achieve an objective.

Vicarious Experience - This term refers to the knowledge or information about a skill or

behaviour derived from seeing the performance of others.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 5

Chapter 2


According to Schunk, self-efficacy will help the people to instill the ability to

successfully solve a task; choice of effort, persistence, tasks, and achievement. Therefore, in

order to ensure the students have a good self-eficacy the source of self-efficacy should

identify. Besides, according to Bandura, there were several factors that influenced self-

efficacy such as mastery experience, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion and

physiological arousal. Bandura introduced the construct of self-efficacy. In later years 1986,

1997, he situated it within a social cognitive theory and an agentive perspective [22]. In

social cognitive theory human functioning is viewed in a transactional way. Internal personal

factors in cognitive, affective and biological embodiment; behavior; and environmental

events all act as interacting determinants that affect one another in a reciprocal manner.

Human important role of intentionality in purposive behaviour. Within social cognitive

theory, great value is attached to self-reflection as a human capability.

Agency refers to an individual’s capacities to generate and direct actions for specific

purposes, emphasizing the important role of intentionality in purposive behavior. Within

social cognitive theory, great value attached to self-reflection as a human capability.

Bandura assumed that self-efficacy affects the choices people make, their ways of acting, the

effort they spend, their perseverance and elasticity. Apart from affecting human behavior,

self-efficacy beliefs also influence people’s thoughts and feelings. Individuals with a weak

notion of self-efficacy are inclined to think that tasks seem more difficult than they actually

are. These thoughts are a breeding ground for feelings of failure and depression, tension and
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 6

helplessness. A strong notion of self-efficacy, on the other hand, creates feelings of

tranquility and challenge in the face of difficult tasks. Bandura used these arguments to state

that self-efficacy plays a key role within human agency.

Factors influence self-efficacy:

Self- efficacy theory based on Bandura's Social Cognitive Learning Theory is consider with

regard to the teacher, it emphasizes the knowledge, skill and attitudes necessary for fulfilling

the responsibilities and tasks required for a teacher. However, it is not sufficient to explain

teacher efficacy only with efficiency. In other words, self-efficacy is not a passive ability

about the self, it is an active ability where the self-regulation mechanisms and motives

are intertwined with. Bandura suggested that four categories of experience are use in the

development of self-efficacy: mastery experience, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion,

and physiological arousal. Mastery experience is interpreted result of one’s previous

performance. Students engage in tasks and activities, interpret the results of their actions, use

these interpretations to develop beliefs about their capability to engage in subsequent tasks

or activities, and act in concert with the beliefs created. Other than that, vicarious

experience, or modeling, refers to the positive influences to efficacy beliefs of observing

how other people succeed. According to empirically tested these propositions with middle

school students and reported significant correlations between mastery experiences, vicarious

experiences, verbal persuasions, physiological arousal, and self-efficacy, providing support

for the validity of self-efficacy theory.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 7

Bandura proposed that when a person possesses the requisite skills for a task, high

self-efficacy would promote improved utilization of existing cognitive resources than

otherwise. People with high self-efficacy are more focused on task requirements and less

distracted by performance anxiety and off-task cognitions. Greater task focus should enable

individuals with high self-efficacy to accurately interpret information. In contrast,

individuals with low self-efficacy may doubt their ability to accurately interpret

information and feedback. Furthermore, academic self-efficacy moderates the relationship

between students‟ information seeking and academic performance such that the relationship

is stronger when self-efficacy is high than when self-efficacy is low.

Moreover, Bandura posited that self-efficacy is form by how people interpret

information from four sources. The most powerful source is the interpreted result of one's

past performance, or mastery experience. As individuals engage in tasks and activities, they

interpret the results from these experiences and form conceptions about how capable they are

in engaging in subsequent related tasks and activities. Students who view their

accomplishments in a positive light are likely to experience a boost in their self-efficacy.

Experiences viewed as unsuccessful are likely to have the opposite effect. Self-efficacy also

influenced by the observation of others' activities. These vicarious experiences thought to be

most influential when individuals are uncertain of the standards by which proficiency in an

activity measured. Social models, particularly those individuals perceived as similar such as

classmates, often act as a point of comparison as students form conceptions of their own

academic capability. A third source of self-efficacy comes from the verbal and social

persuasions that individuals receive from influential others such as teachers, parents, and
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 8

peers. Encouraging feedback and judgments bolster students' self-efficacy to perform a task,

whereas deflating messages undermine it. Bandura argued that these deflating messages

might actually be more effective in lowering self-efficacy than encouraging messages

are at raising it. The fourth hypothesized source comes from individuals' physiological and

affective states such as anxiety, stress, and fatigue. Interpretations of these states often serve

as indicators of students' competence. Other than that, Bandura hypothesizes that people take

risks and challenge themselves because they believe themselves capable of coping with the

situation, and have feelings of self-efficacy. Self-efficacy refers effort, and persists in the

face of adversity for longer. Furthermore, self-efficacy beliefs are formulated by processing

information derived from direct domain-specific engagement (enactive mastery

experiences), and to a lesser degree verbal persuasion, vicarious experiences, and

physiological states . Hence, sports participants high in self-efficacy may be less likely to

fear failure, and more likely to set themselves difficult goals and take calculated, as opposed

to reckless risks examined the relationships between self-efficacy, sensation seeking and risk

taking among male high risk sports participants including skiers, rock climbers, kayakers

and stunt flyers. Participants were categorized into extreme and high risk taking groups

depending upon their sport -specific behaviors.

Meanwhile, the concept of self-efficacy with theoretical and practical implications for

organizational behavior and human resource management is influenced by individual

differences. It arises from the gradual acquisition of complex cognitive, social, linguistic,

and/or physical skills through experience. Individuals appear to evaluate information about

their capabilities and then regulate their choices and efforts accordingly. Individuals may
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 9

judge their capabilities in comparison with others. Bandura suggests that expectations of

personal efficacy derive from four sources of information which are performance

accomplishments, vicarious experience, verbal persuasion, and emotional arousal. On the

other hand, Self-efficacy is assumed to have three components which are consists of

magnitude (the levels of task difficulty that people believe they can attain), strength (the

conviction regarding magnitude), and generality (the degree to which the expectation is

generalized across situations). In assessing these components, the purpose is to discover the

type of questions that will best changes over time as new information and experiences are

acquired. It has been found that perceived task ability significantly affects performance even

after controlling for other variables. Self-efficacy is also purported to improve skills.

Individuals with moderate to high self-efficacy tend to engage more frequently in task-related

activities and persist longer in coping efforts. This leads to more mastery experiences, which

in turn enhance self-efficacy.

Mastery experience:

The most influential is mastery experience, or interpreted result of one’s previous

performance. Students engage in tasks and activities, interpret the results of their actions, use

these interpretations to develop beliefs about their capability to engage in subsequent tasks or

activities, and act in concert with the beliefs created. It is the single greatest contributor to

students' confidence. If students have been successful at a particular skill in the past, they

will probably believe that they will be successful at the skill in the future. The old adage,

“Nothing breeds success like success” certainly is true when it comes to developing self-

efficacy. Students bring a wide variety of experiences with them when they enter your
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 10

classroom. Some of those experiences have been positive others have not. How students

interpret their past successes and failures can have a dramatic impact on their self-efficacy.

If students believe their success in a particular area is the result of the skills they developed

(their ability), they are much more likely to be confident about future success in that area. On

the other hand, if students attribute their success solely to hard work, they may not

necessarily expect future success, since they may not choose or even want to work equally

hard on future assignments. On the other hand, they may believe they do not have the

necessary skills to succeed in the future, regardless of how hard they work. Although we, as

teachers, know how much effort one puts into a task has a direct effect on the quality of the

completed task, students often do not see the relationship. As late as eighth grade, students

report that the amount of effort they put into a subject is less important than their ability. Our

highest achieving students may also believe that if they must work hard at something, they

may not have high ability or be skillful in that area. A pattern often exists for students who

do not do well. Students who explain their poor performance as a lack of effort demonstrate

higher self-efficacy than those who explain it as low ability. Students who have not done

well, but believe that all they must do to succeed is work harder may still be very confident

about their

skills. Enactive mastery experiences are authentic successes in dealing with a particular

situation. These mastery experiences are the most powerful source of creating a strong sense

of efficacy because they provide students authentic evidence that they have the capability to

succeed at the task. Students interpret the results of their activities and use these

interpretations to develop beliefs about their capability to perform in subsequent tasks or

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 11

activities. These interpreted results of one’s own performances create a sense of self-efficacy.

In general, successes built a strong sense of self-efficacy and failures lower it, especially

when failures occur before a robust sense of efficacy is developed. This robust sense of self-

efficacy is not create by easy success; it requires experience in overcoming obstacles and

difficult situations through maintained effort and persistence.

Vicarious Experiences:

The second source of creating self-efficacy is through observational experiences

provided by social models, the so-called vicarious experiences. Students obtain information

about their own capabilities by observing others, especially peers who offer suitable

possibilities for comparison. An increase of self-efficacy through observational experiences

can easily enfeeble by following failures. However, this vicarious source of information has a

weaker effect than does performance-based information, people with little mastery

experience or those who are uncertain about their capacities, are more sensitive to it. When a

student sees another student accomplish a task, the vicarious experience of observing a model

can also have a strong influence on self-efficacy. By observing, others like themselves

perform tasks; individuals make judgments about their own capabilities. If a student sees a

friend publish a poem, he might believe he can also have one published. A third grader

observing other third graders learn multiplication tables is likely to believe that he can also

learn them. The more students relate to the model being observed, the more likely the

model's performance will have an impact on them. Unlike the self-efficacy beliefs derived

from past experience, self-efficacy information gleaned through observation is less stable.
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 12

Once strong self-efficacy is developed from one's own personal successes, an occasional

failure may not have negative effects; however, self-efficacy based on observing others

succeed will diminish rapidly if observers subsequently have unsuccessful experiences

of their own. Self-modeling, where students observe themselves succeed, is also a

powerful influence. Watching video tapes of successful performances or viewing

photographs of past accomplishments can increase student confidence.

Verbal Persuasion:

This social persuasion is the third source that helps students developing beliefs of

self-efficacy. Persuasive communication and evaluative feedback is most effective when

people who provide this information are viewed by students as knowledgeable and

reliable, and the information is realistic. Positive precursory feedback heightens self-

efficacy, but verbal persuasion alone is limited in its power to create a strong and abiding

sense of self-efficacy. Although verbal persuasion such as this can be important, it does not

contribute as much as an individual's own experiences or vicarious experiences. The short-

term effects of persuasion need to be couple with actual successes.

Physiological Arousal:

There is a fourth source of efficacy information that people draw from their

physiological, emotional and mood states. Symptoms and feelings such as anxiety, stress

reactions, tension and excitement can interpret as signals of failure and debility. A positive

mood state strengthens someone’s self-efficacy, a dejected mood state enfeebles it. People

rely in part on these states in assessing their capacities by perceiving and interpreting
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 13

this information. As people have the capacity to modify their own thinking and feeling,

students with a high sense of self-efficacy can view a state of tension as energizing in the

face of a performance; whereas those who have self-doubts interpret their tension as

weakness. Self-efficacy information that arises from these four sources does not influence

self-efficacy directly, for it is cognitively appraise. The final sources upon which self-

efficacy beliefs are based on physiological arousal. Sweaty hands or a dry mouth are

often interpreted as signs of nervousness. Students may feel that such signs indicate

they are not capable of succeeding at a particular task. Conversely, students may be aware

of feeling relaxed before confronting a new situation and develop a higher sense of efficacy

toward the task they face.

Academic achievement:

Self-efficacy is best conceived as a differentiated set of self-beliefs specific to

different areas of functioning (e.g., social self-efficacy, academic self-efficacy); and is

therefore considered a domain specific concept as no person can feel competent at all tasks.

The concept of self-efficacy as domain- or task-specific has been proven to be a better

predictor of actual behavior than a general self-efficacy concept. Across these different

domains of functioning, self-efficacy beliefs influence the courses of action people choose to

pursue, how much effort they put into given endeavors, how long they will persevere in

the face of obstacles and failures, their resilience to adversity, whether their thought patterns

are self-hindering or self-aiding, how much stress and depression they experience in

coping with taxing environmental demands, and the level of accomplishments they
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 14

realize. Academic self-efficacy has been defined „„as personal judgments of one’s

capabilities to organize and execute courses of action to attain designated types of

educational performance. Academic self-efficacy has been reported to promote academic

achievement directly and also indirectly by increasing academic aspirations and

prosaically behaviorr. Besides, academic achievement has been variously defined: as level of

proficiency attained in academic work or as formally acquired knowledge in school subjects

which is often represented by percentage of marks obtained by students in examinations.

Researches have shown that besides being the criteria of promotion into the next class,

academic achievement is an index of all future success in life. Superior achievers in the

academic world generally tend to maintain their level, of achievement in the occupational

field also. Moreover, Reis et al. reported that academic achievement also has a significant

effect on self-evaluation of learners. To reach the goal of excellence in the academic sphere,

and to optimize academic achievement to a maximum, a review of correlates of academic

achievement and its implications for educationists and policy makers would be meaningful.

There is an overwhelming evidence establishing intelligence as the most significant predictor

of academic achievement.

Academic performance:

Academic performance refers to standardized test scores, grades, and overall

academic ability and performance outcomes. Besides, it is an index of all future success in

life. Superior achievers in the academic world generally tend to maintain their level, of

achievement in the occupational field also. Academic performance is influence by a

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 15

multitude of factors. For example, attitude leads to achievement and aptitude is needed for

successful performance. Academic performance is a result of intellectual capability and

motivation as well. Based on replicable findings from several studies Witt-Rose [30] states

that gender and attitude influence academic performance to some extent through their

mediating effects on an individual’s self -efficacy beliefs. Furthermore, the relationship

between gender and self-efficacy also influence the academic performance. Through the

previous study, that boys and men tend to be more confident than girls and women in

academic areas related to mathematics, science, and technology despite the fact that

achievement differences in these areas either are diminishing or have disappeared.

Conversely, in areas related to language arts, male and female students exhibit similar

confidence despite the fact that the achievement of girls typically is higher. Moreover,

academic variables, such as study hours, study skills, and absenteeism, were the only

statistically significant contributors to performance. Finally, this section focuses on the past

literature on the self-efficacy and academic performance that relate with this study. Many

researches has been done in the past to regarding all those elements. Different researchers

will come out with their own understanding, however the key point of those particular

elements still the same. From that literature review, we can see numerous types point of

view. In terms of self-efficacy, we can summarize that this study focus on the power of self-

efficacy and the factors influenced the self-efficacy such as mastery experience, vicarious

experience, verbal persuasion and psychology arousal.

Chapter 3


Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 16


Research Setting

The researchers will conduct the study at Liceo de Cagayan University located at

Rodolfo N. Pelaez Hall. Carmen, Cagayan de Oro City.

Research Design

The study will use descriptive design. This research design is appropriate in this study

since the main purpose of this study is to know the factors affecting self- efficacy of the


Respondents and Sampling Procedure

The collecting of data will be conducted inside a classroom in Liceo de Cagayan

University RNP campus. Grade 11 RNP students are the respondents for the study. Random

Sampling Procedure is being adopted since the researchers selected their respondents

randomly and each was given an equal chance to be chosen.

Research Instruments

(The reseacher will provide a survey questionnaire which is answerable by their own

opinion or thoughts since every individuals has their own perception or experiences. The

questionnaire contains questions that is related to the factors that affects ones self- efficacy

and their academic performance.

Validity and Reliability of the Instruments

Research Protocol
Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 17

To ensure the quality and reliability of research findings, the Senior high School

student researchers shall observe the following University Research Protocol:

1. The researchers will seek approval from the adviser after careful assessment and

review of the research paper/investigatory project manuscript.

2. The Grade School/High School Principal will approve the schedule for the defense of

the research proposal/investigatory project proposal after thorough assessment and review of

the final manuscript.

3. After the proposal defense, the researchers will accomplish the Research Ethics

Application Form and submit it to the Office of the Vice President for Research,

Publication, and Extension together with the approved research proposal

4. The Associate Director of the Research and Publication Office reviews the proposal

and Research Ethics Form for completeness and for compliance with the University format

and guidelines. The research ethics form shall be forwarded to the Vice President for

Research, Publication, and Extension for further review and approval of the Research Ethics


5. The researchers will write letters to secure permission from the College Dean/

Principal/ Department Chairman/ Director or Head of the office where the researchers plan to

conduct the study.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 18

6. The researchers will secure the respondents’ consent to participate in the study.

Moreover, the respondents will be assured that all their responses would be treated with

utmost confidentiality.

7. Provision of the final manuscript. The researchers will provide the adviser the copy or

the manuscript for assessment and review of the quality and relevance of the paper prior to

the scheduling of the final research presentation.

8. Once the paper is approved by the adviser, it will be forwarded to the Research

Coordinator for further review of the completeness of the paper. The Coordinator then meets

with the Principal for the scheduling of the paper presentation.

9. After the final paper presentation, the researchers shall incorporate all the corrections

and suggestions of the Research Panel. It will be reviewed by the adviser and the panel


10. After the paper is approved by the panel, it will be submitted to the Office of the Vice

President for Research, Publication, and Extension for Plagiarism and Grammarly Tests.

11. The researchers will forward the final paper to their assigned editor. After

incorporating all the corrections, the researchers shall submit the final paper to the adviser

and Research Panel for signature and approval for binding.

Liceo de Cagayan University Senior High School Department 19

12. The researchers shall submit the soft bound copies and electronic copy of their final

paper to the Research Teacher/Adviser. The Research Teacher/Adviser shall endorse the

copies to the Research Coordinator.

Data Gathering Procedure

Statistical Technique

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