Revision Guide: HL & SL (Higher & Standard Level) End of Term-2
Revision Guide: HL & SL (Higher & Standard Level) End of Term-2
Revision Guide: HL & SL (Higher & Standard Level) End of Term-2
1. Research Method in using the (biological approach to understanding human behaviour, brain and behaviour,
hormones and pheromones, genetics and behaviour)
2. Ethical consideration relevant to studying biological approach to understanding human behaviour, the brain
and behaviour, hormones or pheromones and behaviour, genetics and behaviour.
1. Schema theory
2. Models of memory: Multi-store memory model; Working memory model
3. Thinking and Decision making: Dual Processing model; Theory of Reasoned action and planned
4. Reliability of cognitive process: Memory (Theory of reconstructive nature of memory)
5. Reliability of cognitive process: Decision making (Biases)
6. Emotion and cognition: Flashbulb memory
studying behaviour.
1. Social Identity Theory- processes of social categorization, social identification, social comparison and
positive distinctiveness
1. Cultural dimensions
3. Enculturation
4. Acculturation
Research methodology and Ethical considerations (Content that must be learnt and applied to the above-
mentioned topics):
1. Quantitative Research: Experiments
2. Qualitative Research: Case studies, Observations
3. Experiments:
a. True experiment – Laboratory experiment & Field experiment
b. Quasi experiment
c. Natural experiment
4. Sampling in experiment
5. Sample
6. Target population
7. Representativeness
8. Independent variable
9. Dependent Variable
10. Confounding variable
11. Control variables
12. Counter-balancing
13. Participant characteristics
14. Demand characteristics
15. Sampling Techniques in Quantitative research:
a. Random Sampling
b. Stratified Sampling
c. Convenience /Opportunity sampling
d. Self-selected sampling
16. Experimental designs: Independent measures design, Repeated measures design and matched pair
17. Credibility and Generalizability on experiments:
a. Construct Validity
b. Internal Validity
c. External Validity /Generalizability: Ecological Validity & Population Validity
18. Ethical considerations in conducting the study:
a. Informed consent
b. Protection from harm
c. Anonymity and confidentiality
d. Withdrawal from participation
e. Deception
f. Debriefing
g. Cost-benefit analysis in ambiguous cases
Max Marks: 40 Time: 1hr 45 mins
SECTION A (All questions compulsory)
Question 1) SAQ – Cognitive Approach
Question 2) SAQ- Sociocultural Approach
Section B
Answer all questions
(Time: 45 mins)